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Things We Know And Things We Dont - Russia/Ukraine Situation [March 8th - UPDATED - BIOLABS?]

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:

This kike was legitimately doing skiing a few days and celebrating as if he knew this was going to happen, just a few days ago. The thing he did was issue provocations to Russia and then go skiing as if nothing was happening. From reports, there doesn't seem to have been any real defensive plan in place, despite of him doing provocations all the time.

That can either be two things: extreme incompetence, or it is all planned out.

Of course, Western Media and Jewish Media will tell everyone how good and brave he is. I believe upwards to 50% of the damage could have been avoided through earlier negotiation, and if this kike even cared 1% about anything.

Apparently they didn't.

The filthy reptile zelensky is using the shelters as a military base,an their being bombed,the reptile zelensky is practically using them as a human shields,or in the reptilian jews words(human sacrifices)Filthy reptilian jews
I don't mean to sound negative but one thing I've considered lately is the possibility of some kind of war on the west (cyber attacks and/or a possible 3rd world war). Either way the globalists are trying to crash the economy and they need an excuse to do it, which is firstly Russia and secondly China.

With all the sanctions on Russia and the rising fuel prices in the west, it seems like the USA and Canada are just destroying themselves. I think these problems could be solved if there was less globalism and more nationalism.

Canada's largest trade partner is USA, USA's largest trade partner is China and Russia's largest trade partner is China. Whatever we do in terms of sanctions will have little impact on Russia and great impact on us. Russia imports a lot of crude/refined oil, grain and timber, plus they are the world's largest meat producer, producing around 77.5 million metric tons.

China produces tons of crude/refined oil and needs a lot meat and grain as they have little agriculture. Both countries are major producers of metals and coal.

If China decides to increase trading costs to countries supporting Russia sanctions this will put unbelievable strain on the economy.

I don't know what will happen but overall this explains why countries can afford to roll back mandates. We don't need COVID to crash the economy anymore, we have the bogeyman Putin.
Fanboy said:
I wouldn't be so sure about this. Videos exist on FB that clearly show suburbs, hospitals and apartment buildings under heavy rocket fire or destroyed in explosions.
There are also videos shot by ukrainian troops of captured russian boysoldiers saying on camera that they were ordered/railroaded into doing this what was supposed to be an excercise. Young boys with no previous combat experience. Is it some sort of gambit to weaken/drain the ukrainian forces?
At the same time, nato forces are fortified in all other member countries close by. It may well be that russian schlomos together with schwab have planned to start armed conflicts under the pretext of muh oppressed russian populace. From there on, they may use nato armed forces to enter phase 2 of immunization (ie. finalizing it).
Am I delusional?

...Finally reading the comments. This is an excellent point and you're anything but delusional.
I've heard that Ukrainian military have turned places like hospitals and schools into their bases. When Russia bombs these 'bases' Ukraine screams to the media "See! They're attacking our citizens."
This is clearly a tactic to get NATO countries involved. Still, it doesn't seem to be working. Even Biden said something in a press conference that was the only semi-intelligent thing I've ever heard him say. He stated (in so many words): "We are not going to get involved in Ukraine's war but we will continue to place sanctions on Russia." The latter part in my mind is counter-productive but that's my opinion anyway.
On top of this you have Ukrainian citizens getting handed weapons and told to defend their country. These civilians (scared out of their wits) can't tell the enemy from their own and frequently end up killing each other. Ukraine is destroying itself because of that Jewish cunt Zelenskyy. I wish I knew the answer but if I were a citizen living in that life/death scenario I'd probably concede to the Russians. Right now Russia would be much safer to live in than Ukraine, though they did shut down internet and are run under complete communism. They're (right now) a lesser of two evils, but both evil nonetheless. Those poor people.

The way Russia has acted has been very precise and coordinated. They seem to be invading Ukraine. If they wanted to destroy it the country would be completely levelled by now. This is another cold war more than anything.
Interestingly, I've seen videos where Ukrainian and Russian soldiers were acting friendly to each other. It's hard to know the validity of such videos but it seems possible that parts of the military are secretly co-opted and jointly working for certain ends. I'm open to any ideas at this point. The entire world is delusional but that's how the Jewtrix operates. Satanism is the only way out and we're (collectively) doing better than 99.99% of society.

Apprentice said:
True, chernobyl had its meltdown over almost 40 years ago. We know that even direct atom bomb attacks clear up the radiation in about 50 years naturally.

It's fair to assume the Ukrainians have made chernobyl into their area 51.

There was actually an awesome callofduty game about this. And some British SAS saved the world basically.

A Russian spy inside the chernobyl facility must have found some weapons of mass destruction and reported it back to putin. Also I feel like China is not only salivating but also calm and silent. I don't have any Chinese friends so I know nothing. The world is indeed scary right now.

Also who is Klaus? And what are his works? Oh Klaus schwab found it. Should we be reading this? Industrial revolution is something I can't do. I am not a slave or a machine. Does the book tell us how to avoid it?

Regarding Chernobyl, this is very interesting and I'll have to look into that further. I've heard a very unsubstantiated claim that they have servers beneath Chernobyl containing information from child trafficking to other NWO/globalist activities. This could explain the news reports on how Russia cut power to Chernobyl and how their forces have sieged the power plant. I personally don't buy the bio-lab narrative and believe it's yet another false flag. That said, the globalists are after something it seems and that could be it.

Considering how Hunter Biden earned multi-million dollar payments for making deals with a Ukrainian holding-firm in the energy sector called Burisma there definitely is something to be said about a potential connection to the nuclear cleanup at Chernobyl.

All we can do is speculate given the little information that's available. Very interesting times. I'm starting to think even the world leaders must only know so much and believe in things like borders. The people they work for (financial interests like WEF, banks, etc. i.e jews) are very much like puppet masters putting on a believable show. The only government I can think of who broke out of this was Hitler. Thank the Gods NPCs are finally getting it.

Hail Hitler! And of course...

Prototype1 said:
I’ve got a question about How is it Jews Exist https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/CREATION.html


Satan Created life dna we live because of his Power these are the sources That Explain. It he created life our dna and we exist because of satan. But what about the Jews? They are Aliens not even Human Which means satan didn’t Create them, which also means the Jews Have No Kundalini. So my next question is since Satan didn’t create the Jews how did the Jews Come To Have Life? Clearly They have DNA or they wouldn’t Exist in the physical.

That's all correct. The Jews were not created by Satan (belonging to the Nordic Gods of Orion), they were actually created by the Reptilians, hence their often Reptilian features.

The gentile races were created by Satan and the Gods, and white races are direct descendants of the Nordic Gods. Each race is prone to specific elemental energies.

Sorry to get a little off topic HP... The bottom line here is that Jews (the cancer of our world) are not human, neither in body or soul.

Understanding race really is a rabbit hole. Here's the results of searching races under "topic tiltes only" in "Advanced Search"
Also, here's an excellent book written by HP Maxine regarding Jews and the Torah:
(Link to PDF at bottom of website): https://kabbalahexposed.com/

In the future you should seek answers using the 'search' feature on the forums. You can also pose questions to the "Questions" thread:

A final alternative is to create a new topic. This isn't recommended though, not unless there aren't other topics pertaining to the same question.

Good luck on your search. :)
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There do not appear to be direct orders to attack and/or do aggression towards any civilian. So we are talking about crimes of war there done by personnel. I hope they are relieved of duty immediately and put to prison.
I'd hazard a guess that most western people can't even imagine how brutal and cruel russia can be. Human life is basically worthless, especially for those who serve in the special branches. They are programmed to be like that. Only reflexes, no empathy whatsoever. Regular army service over there can be brutal. First they break your soul to pieces, then they build you back up the way THEY want it. I think I can see the star of divad behind all this. Even the special police forces in my country get their training from learsi, possibly dassom instructors. The emphasis seems to be on speed and brutality.
My guess is that the most brutal russian maraudeurs will get full honors from their jewish establishment IF they manage to return.

On the background of all this mess, WHO is "negotiating" with EU to gain exclusive rights for dictating rules of pandemics response to individual member states.
This agreement, when accepted by member states, will supersede their constitutions if need be.


This is an interesting development, thanks for sharing. I believe this could tie into a recent incentive for an international treaty on pandemic preparedness and prevention from the European Council. Here's a link to their article:


It's crazy the number things going on... A UK report on the MSM says 90% of their deaths are fully jabbed. Then we have the Pfizer leaked document with 9 pages of adverse events "of concern" (no spaces, fine print).

So much of this war is a distraction and it's definitely serving various purposes. Anyway, there I go getting off-topic again. :lol:
NephilimPrince said:
Shadowcat said:


Through christianity the J's gained control and power but on there second attempt through islam it spiraled out of control creating a religion almost as dogmatic as there own. Where as christianity is more often preached or taken as a guide book. Islam is a way of life indoctrinated into the unaware infants as they take a pair of scissors to there less honorable parts.

Hopfully this evil twin they have created will come back to bite them in the ass.

The true face of xianity, as anyone awakened knows, is that of the Inquisition, the Crusades, priestly rape, priestly paedophilia, child sacrifice, etc. It is not any guidebook or preaching. Anyone from bishop level upward also knows this fully. It was also propagated through "convert or die" laws by international criminals and terrorists like Theodosius, Charlemagne and jewsuit psychos.
The Ukrainian refugees are giving me a deja vu from the Syrian rapefugee crisis.

I live in an Eastern European country, and there are Ukrainian refugees here already. So I was walking around a hotel, where apparently there are Ukrainian refugees (their stay there is paid by our government, and also they are getting social benefits that are higher than the average salary here). But the interesting thing, which surprised me, was that their cars (I know because of their Ukrainian registration numbers) were like these ones:



And I am not exaggerating... Around 30 percent of their cars were really expensive, like the ones above, and the rest were not so expensive, but still decent, like some 10 year old Audis and Volkswagens etc. Obviously, these people are not poor at all. Most likely, for the people who have money it's easier to leave Ukraine, also they could bribe their border patrol to let them out (Ukrainian men ages 18 to 60 have been banned from leaving the country, but obviously if you have enough money, that's not a problem). While the real refugees, are having a hard time to leave the country, and Ukraine is doing all they can to make it as difficult as possible for them to do so.

Another interesting thing I found online - This was found in a pre-school in the Ukraine liberated by Russian forces:

Fanboy said:
It doesn't fucking matter, the jews are trying to absorb another country for their Communist death machine. The locations and the name of the buildings, hospital, school, irrelevant.

The lives of fighting men are worth just as much if not more than women and children. If the men die the Russians will run through the women and children in caravan and deflower the girls and humiliate the boys. And the women will be forced to birth kike spawn.

There's no negotiation or confusion here.russia is not a humble pirate nation routinely doing an invasion. That would be excusable.

They are a jew nation and they pose a deadly threat to the very word civilization. "Russia" is the birthplace of white civilization in my opinion and the jews are shitting it up and they are not within their rights to breathe let alone conquer. Annihilate them we must, protecting white Russia is a top priority, but putins economic and military decisions are WRONG


Welcome the sequel
Holocaust 2

That's a very good point. Russia is very infiltrated and corrupt. Ukraine was a republic joint with the Soviet Union, however they gained independence in 1991. This seems like an usurping of power/resources, similar to Israel and Palestine. Except, Ukraine and Russia are both run by Jews and have many ties to each other. This is almost more like how Communist China took over Hong Kong.

These are very complicated and terrible times. The normies are crazy though. At my job the break room has been adorned with Ukrainian flags and decorations. Stupid NPCs...
Zelensky and his staff were able to calculate where the enemy's weight would shift. A comedian j*w managed to stop the army of another invading jew in front of Kyiv. There is no need for us to deny and tarnish our dignity. The Russian army has never been good at the city siege, history knows that. so they deliberately pulled the border guards back to the rear and included them in the residential area. This was a move that earned the Russian army minus points.
Stonesofwisdom said:
Zelensky and his staff were able to calculate where the enemy's weight would shift. A comedian j*w managed to stop the army of another invading jew in front of Kyiv. There is no need for us to deny and tarnish our dignity. The Russian army has never been good at the city siege, history knows that. so they deliberately pulled the border guards back to the rear and included them in the residential area. This was a move that earned the Russian army minus points.
Zelensky solves nothing, don't you get it yet? He's on drugs most of the time. He has lost control of the country.
The war is supported by the jews on the astral plane with the magic number 6 million:


"Humanitarian organization Save the Children says upwards of 6 million children are in imminent danger as a growing number of hospitals and schools come under attacks.

'Up to six million children in Ukraine remain in grave danger as the war in Ukraine nears the one-month mark,' the group's Ukraine director Pete Walsh said."/b]

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
