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The Real Truth About Satan and Living Blood Sacrifice

Tree of Souls can be downloaded here absolutely for free
For everyone who is new here, if you read this, remember, you have to have both experience with meditation and occult knowledge. You can't just read it or you won't see the real meaning. For example the many references to light... This is astral light. And so forth. One of their biggest fears is our Pagan Gods.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Jack The GOOD guy
Re: The Real Truth About Satan and Living Blood Sacrifice
PostFri Oct 06, 2017 8:57 am

Tree of Souls can be downloaded here absolutely for free
http://libgen.io/book/index.php?md5=607 ... 8D1186DD2E
Hail Zepar!!!Hail Horus!!!Hail Satan and the empire of Orion!!!Deus Vult!!!For Satan!!!
Thank you so much High Priestess Maxine Dietrich!
The Bishop Martinus Bracarensis mentions the contents of pagan sacrifices:
"To cast onto the fireplace pieces of fruit and an oblation of wine, throwing bread into a fountain, what could this be other than devil worship?"
Offering food into fire is analogous to the digestive function of the hot lower chakras.
I have been walking this path with Satan for 25 years. Never making contact or meeting anybody with the same believe system although JOS is my prefered read for the past 9 years. Please accept as English is not my first language therefore my tenses might be confusing. I experienced the blood drinking of the hoardes during their mass every Sunday as a child. The adults working themselves into a foam by dancing and jumping up and down trying to give me scripture. For why do you not understand that this Blood was for you. :roll: I was 7 years old you dumb fucks. I never understood their crying and taking the cup. I told my dad the the filthy Nazarene was a bastard born out of wedlock jusy like cousin Eddy. On him you spit. Why is this bastard Jesus beter than cousin Eddy? Then and there I decided to crusify cuz Ed! Did not go down well. Filthy bastard christians parents can realy confuse their children. I found the truth through hard learning. My family is still under the bastards curse. Hail Satan.
Llanata said:
I have been walking this path with Satan for 25 years. Never making contact or meeting anybody with the same believe system although JOS is my prefered read for the past 9 years. Please accept as English is not my first language therefore my tenses might be confusing. I experienced the blood drinking of the hoardes during their mass every Sunday as a child. The adults working themselves into a foam by dancing and jumping up and down trying to give me scripture. For why do you not understand that this Blood was for you. :roll: I was 7 years old you dumb fucks. I never understood their crying and taking the cup. I told my dad the the filthy Nazarene was a bastard born out of wedlock jusy like cousin Eddy. On him you spit. Why is this bastard Jesus beter than cousin Eddy? Then and there I decided to crusify cuz Ed! Did not go down well. Filthy bastard christians parents can realy confuse their children. I found the truth through hard learning. My family is still under the bastards curse. Hail Satan.

What do you mean you crucified cousin Eddy? :lol:
Does it mean when I empower my lower chakras then maybe my digestion will be turned on? I am just curious because this happens quite often when I am meditating.
Inferno said:
The Bishop Martinus Bracarensis mentions the contents of pagan sacrifices:
"To cast onto the fireplace pieces of fruit and an oblation of wine, throwing bread into a fountain, what could this be other than devil worship?"
Offering food into fire is analogous to the digestive function of the hot lower chakras.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
