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The Occult Path: "Closed Be The Doors To The Andrapoda"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Despite of the rather open and universal character of the Ancient Culture of the Gods, there are certain things to further expand on as far as this topic is concerned. Especially as of late, there are a lot of New Age claims about fake and false spirituality that is "for everyone" and how all of it must become very much universalized and so on.

Doors were open for everyone. But walking through the door did not come for free.

The above however, as good as it is on a claim level, is not really the functional way spirituality works. While in the Ancient World there have been open access to schools for learning spiritual knowledge, there were trials, curriculums and many layers for a person to advance through. Spirituality was like any other discipline, not an "open" topic. That's why it was called "Occult". Due to the nature of this, much knowledge has been "lost" and other was hidden in plain sight.

For one to become Initiated, the first door was readily available for all. But to reach the highest and most prominent levels in Spirituality, one had to enter deeper into the path of the Occult. One had to engage into the unseen. The power of Spirituality was never a power that was supposed to be seen. Psychic Shelley on Instagram is not real spirituality. Of all the circulating sources online, few or any of these are real higher level spirituality. Only the Joy of Satanas gives a lot of this openly, for humanity to read, something which should fill us all with a feeling of both pride and indebtedness.

As a result of falsehood when it comes to false spirituality, which is rife with delusion, false impressions that lead to egopathy, also meddle themselves in "Spirituality". These have zero evidence of happening in the Ancient World. If someone after 6 months of "praying to the Gods" or claiming whatever, went into the Great Temple of Memphis in Egypt and tried to claim knowledge or invade the hidden sanctums, they would be stoned or imprisoned. None of these false tendencies are part of the real spirituality of the Gods, nor do these false conceptions lead to any form of shedding of one's ignorance, weakness and delusion.

Even if there are so many things open and out there, still, the Gods internally and the Joy of Satan also, have far more things to show and to give to people who actually walk in the path and get in. The Gods teach cumulatively, the far further one is in, the more they grow. This is not something one gains just by coming out of the temple and waving, or entering the first chamber that is for guests and visitors. One can simply get some impressions by coming around. These internal impressions must be magnified and went deeper into, as one proceeds. This is where the power starts unlocking itself...

For real power that exceeds all expectations, one must walk into the deeper temples of the Gods. And in these temples, these concerns for egalitarianism are quickly replaced by another rule: The rule of personal development and proving the resilience to get to the higher levels.

If you sit outside the gym or go in to lift two dumbells, you would never say you have a "by default entitlement" to a powerful body. You would need to train and engage into the gym to reach the highest attainments that this process has to give you. Then you become transformed. One must walk the distance and devote themselves to a task. Anything that has to be developed in the realm of the supernal powers, requires a focus to make it happen, a striving to walk toward that end.

Albeit that is the case with everything in life, most people think spirituality is some sort of joke (which protects spirituality from violators - but also a lot of misleading information has led many to that conclusions). Satan writes in the Al Jilwah, that the Secrets are given to those who receive them from Him. That reception, is not based on empty and quick superstitions. It's based on actual adherence to spirituality, proof of character, and striving to achieve God-like powers. This is proven by one engaging and walking the path, and not because one has a vanity belief of "deserving" anything.

The inheritors of the secrets or ultimate powers of the Gods, will be those who maintain the path, proceed with it, accept the course of existence, and work with this. The path is the most rewarding that life can give. But many will not walk it, and therefore lead very empty lives. But the person who follows the spiritual inclination and does their duties to evolve themselves and their lives, will never fall into the void of emptiness, but in the source of wisdom of the Gods.

Lastly, there was also another situation in the Ancient Occult schools. People in there, who have walked the path, could understand the value of what they knew. As a result in the Eleusenian Mysteries of the Ancient Greeks, in a totally non egalitarian and New Age manner, they uttered: "Outside and begone from the gates, the Andrapoda!" and they closed the doors in a symbolic manner so the wise could convene in the temple, on unknown and occult matters.

This move was symbolic; those outside of the door were not in anyway entitled to what would be listened within, since the andrapod cannot listen to wisdom, in the same way a blind man cannot see the sun. And this was fitting and truthful. Do not mourn for those who cannot see or try to force them to see. Sit in the Temple, give them a map, and wait to see if they arrive. If not, they were maybe not meant to come in. And if they were not meant for this, they will not do the striving or trials necessary.

And if further that does not happens, this means that they are not ready for the Gods yet. Do not feel sad over this, that is the natural course of the evolutionary path of Spirituality. Others will see this now, others later. Some others, never.

Sworn andrapoda must not be mourned over. Some take the path of the animals in this life. Others have a soul and they will listen. The person of soul must not be equated with the andrapod.

Now Initiates or those to be early in the path, might wonder. So am I an andrapod? Well clearly, your interest is indicative of the contrary. But do you choose to be an Andrapod and an unspiritual person, or to take the first door and start going in? That interest by itself, proves that one is not in this category. One must expand on this greater destiny and develop themselves spiritually as well as materially in this life. The longing, will bring you in front of the path.

So one has to follow their own inclination instead, that to reach higher heights and follow this, allowing themselves to become different from the body of the Andrapod and go the opposite direction, toward Wisdom and Eternal Life rather than death.

We very happily close the door to any andrapoda who do not feel the longing to be with the JoS. These gifts are not for them, but for the elect who will actually follow the path. Let them not hear about the Divine Topics if they do not have the ears required for them. That's the flow of natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The longing, will bring you in front of the path.

So deep and true. There is an invisible law, for which longing is the cure to any obstacle. And this is beautiful.
Time ago you wrote something that I didn't understand in that moment. Now probably I am able to see what you meant. And I am so grateful. Sometimes we need to face the material reality, to understand our soul.
Thank you for nurturing the beautiful truth of the Gods.
I found jos in 2016 did my dedication in 2017 but before I came to Jos I was in Christianity and was with the Jehovah’s Witnesses starting in 2006 I had just started learning about the Bible then, so I was basically new to Christianity, in 2012 I found out that the Jehovah’s witnesses were a false religion so I decided to go to the church and learn Christianity there and still not sure about these teachings I was still in search for the truth, because my knowledge was very limited and I didn’t know much I stumbled a lot in searching true spirituality, even though I found jos 2016 dedicated 2017 I didn’t at that time read a lot of the jos site so I didn’t quite understand back then, so I did leave jos maybe I wasn’t ready to understand jos spirituality then and I was also distracted by family and friends I didn’t quite grasp the knowledge so I wandered off still in search going into many Christian denominations, but last year 2023 I came to the conclusion that the Abrahamic religions are false religions and the god of the Abrahamic religions is an evil God and, so I abandoned the Abrahamic religions and faith, there was another site which I won’t mention here but it was talking about EA Enki the creator of the human race and I found that to be more interesting but this site never got to the core source of why this world is in the condition it is in and who the ones that are responsible as in the Jews,
then I remembered jos because HPS also mentioned Enki as the creator God so I came back to jos this year in February 2024 started reading it again but this time because I had rejected the Abrahamic religions my mind was now more open to understanding the knowledge and teachings of jos, it took me a long time to get where I am now, but I am very thankful to Father Satan who never gave up on me even though I did leave in 2017 because I didn’t understand that well back then maybe I wasn’t ready and I had to still wander and be 100% sure which I am now, and very grateful to be here now with the forum because I was also in the e group yahoo groups back then, and like I said I didn’t understand back then the way I understand today,
I am also angry with myself for leaving jos in 2017 when I should have stayed and I would have advanced more if I did but unfortunately I left and I wasted 6 years of my life being all over the place, I kick myself for leaving then when I should have stayed and spiritually advanced myself.

I’m now more focused and dedicated to Father Satan and to jos because I’m spiritually awakened and now ready for spiritual advancement thanks to Father Satan and Jos.
I’m now doing my meditations and rituals and now aiming for higher levels

Thank you so much HP Hoodedcobra666 and HPS Lydia and jos family ❤️
It’s a blessing to be here with you all my family and may we all grow and achieve Godhead now and for eternity
May the Gods bless you HP HDCobra666
And all HP’s HPS’s Clergy and members and our spiritual Family ❤️

Hail Satanas ❤️
Despite of the rather open and universal character of the Ancient Culture of the Gods, there are certain things to further expand on as far as this topic is concerned. Especially as of late, there are a lot of New Age claims about fake and false spirituality that is "for everyone" and how all of it must become very much universalized and so on.

Doors were open for everyone. But walking through the door did not come for free.

The above however, as good as it is on a claim level, is not really the functional way spirituality works. While in the Ancient World there have been open access to schools for learning spiritual knowledge, there were trials, curriculums and many layers for a person to advance through. Spirituality was like any other discipline, not an "open" topic. That's why it was called "Occult". Due to the nature of this, much knowledge has been "lost" and other was hidden in plain sight.

For one to become Initiated, the first door was readily available for all. But to reach the highest and most prominent levels in Spirituality, one had to enter deeper into the path of the Occult. One had to engage into the unseen. The power of Spirituality was never a power that was supposed to be seen. Psychic Shelley on Instagram is not real spirituality. Of all the circulating sources online, few or any of these are real higher level spirituality. Only the Joy of Satanas gives a lot of this openly, for humanity to read, something which should fill us all with a feeling of both pride and indebtedness.

As a result of falsehood when it comes to false spirituality, which is rife with delusion, false impressions that lead to egopathy, also meddle themselves in "Spirituality". These have zero evidence of happening in the Ancient World. If someone after 6 months of "praying to the Gods" or claiming whatever, went into the Great Temple of Memphis in Egypt and tried to claim knowledge or invade the hidden sanctums, they would be stoned or imprisoned. None of these false tendencies are part of the real spirituality of the Gods, nor do these false conceptions lead to any form of shedding of one's ignorance, weakness and delusion.

Even if there are so many things open and out there, still, the Gods internally and the Joy of Satan also, have far more things to show and to give to people who actually walk in the path and get in. The Gods teach cumulatively, the far further one is in, the more they grow. This is not something one gains just by coming out of the temple and waving, or entering the first chamber that is for guests and visitors. One can simply get some impressions by coming around. These internal impressions must be magnified and went deeper into, as one proceeds. This is where the power starts unlocking itself...

For real power that exceeds all expectations, one must walk into the deeper temples of the Gods. And in these temples, these concerns for egalitarianism are quickly replaced by another rule: The rule of personal development and proving the resilience to get to the higher levels.

If you sit outside the gym or go in to lift two dumbells, you would never say you have a "by default entitlement" to a powerful body. You would need to train and engage into the gym to reach the highest attainments that this process has to give you. Then you become transformed. One must walk the distance and devote themselves to a task. Anything that has to be developed in the realm of the supernal powers, requires a focus to make it happen, a striving to walk toward that end.

Albeit that is the case with everything in life, most people think spirituality is some sort of joke (which protects spirituality from violators - but also a lot of misleading information has led many to that conclusions). Satan writes in the Al Jilwah, that the Secrets are given to those who receive them from Him. That reception, is not based on empty and quick superstitions. It's based on actual adherence to spirituality, proof of character, and striving to achieve God-like powers. This is proven by one engaging and walking the path, and not because one has a vanity belief of "deserving" anything.

The inheritors of the secrets or ultimate powers of the Gods, will be those who maintain the path, proceed with it, accept the course of existence, and work with this. The path is the most rewarding that life can give. But many will not walk it, and therefore lead very empty lives. But the person who follows the spiritual inclination and does their duties to evolve themselves and their lives, will never fall into the void of emptiness, but in the source of wisdom of the Gods.

Lastly, there was also another situation in the Ancient Occult schools. People in there, who have walked the path, could understand the value of what they knew. As a result in the Eleusenian Mysteries of the Ancient Greeks, in a totally non egalitarian and New Age manner, they uttered: "Outside and begone from the gates, the Andrapoda!" and they closed the doors in a symbolic manner so the wise could convene in the temple, on unknown and occult matters.

This move was symbolic; those outside of the door were not in anyway entitled to what would be listened within, since the andrapod cannot listen to wisdom, in the same way a blind man cannot see the sun. And this was fitting and truthful. Do not mourn for those who cannot see or try to force them to see. Sit in the Temple, give them a map, and wait to see if they arrive. If not, they were maybe not meant to come in. And if they were not meant for this, they will not do the striving or trials necessary.

And if further that does not happens, this means that they are not ready for the Gods yet. Do not feel sad over this, that is the natural course of the evolutionary path of Spirituality. Others will see this now, others later. Some others, never.

Sworn andrapoda must not be mourned over. Some take the path of the animals in this life. Others have a soul and they will listen. The person of soul must not be equated with the andrapod.

Now Initiates or those to be early in the path, might wonder. So am I an andrapod? Well clearly, your interest is indicative of the contrary. But do you choose to be an Andrapod and an unspiritual person, or to take the first door and start going in? That interest by itself, proves that one is not in this category. One must expand on this greater destiny and develop themselves spiritually as well as materially in this life. The longing, will bring you in front of the path.

So one has to follow their own inclination instead, that to reach higher heights and follow this, allowing themselves to become different from the body of the Andrapod and go the opposite direction, toward Wisdom and Eternal Life rather than death.

We very happily close the door to any andrapoda who do not feel the longing to be with the JoS. These gifts are not for them, but for the elect who will actually follow the path. Let them not hear about the Divine Topics if they do not have the ears required for them. That's the flow of natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
We, do have a lot to be proud of here. And i am much happier being here. We're in the best hands here. The enemy and the Gentile lackeys, know they can't very far. They will be recognized, for there own, evil works. And we, az Individuals have plenty, to do on our own. And at least, we have our home and comforts here. ☕❤️ Hail Satan!
Despite of the rather open and universal character of the Ancient Culture of the Gods, there are certain things to further expand on as far as this topic is concerned. Especially as of late, there are a lot of New Age claims about fake and false spirituality that is "for everyone" and how all of it must become very much universalized and so on.

Doors were open for everyone. But walking through the door did not come for free.

The above however, as good as it is on a claim level, is not really the functional way spirituality works. While in the Ancient World there have been open access to schools for learning spiritual knowledge, there were trials, curriculums and many layers for a person to advance through. Spirituality was like any other discipline, not an "open" topic. That's why it was called "Occult". Due to the nature of this, much knowledge has been "lost" and other was hidden in plain sight.

For one to become Initiated, the first door was readily available for all. But to reach the highest and most prominent levels in Spirituality, one had to enter deeper into the path of the Occult. One had to engage into the unseen. The power of Spirituality was never a power that was supposed to be seen. Psychic Shelley on Instagram is not real spirituality. Of all the circulating sources online, few or any of these are real higher level spirituality. Only the Joy of Satanas gives a lot of this openly, for humanity to read, something which should fill us all with a feeling of both pride and indebtedness.

As a result of falsehood when it comes to false spirituality, which is rife with delusion, false impressions that lead to egopathy, also meddle themselves in "Spirituality". These have zero evidence of happening in the Ancient World. If someone after 6 months of "praying to the Gods" or claiming whatever, went into the Great Temple of Memphis in Egypt and tried to claim knowledge or invade the hidden sanctums, they would be stoned or imprisoned. None of these false tendencies are part of the real spirituality of the Gods, nor do these false conceptions lead to any form of shedding of one's ignorance, weakness and delusion.

Even if there are so many things open and out there, still, the Gods internally and the Joy of Satan also, have far more things to show and to give to people who actually walk in the path and get in. The Gods teach cumulatively, the far further one is in, the more they grow. This is not something one gains just by coming out of the temple and waving, or entering the first chamber that is for guests and visitors. One can simply get some impressions by coming around. These internal impressions must be magnified and went deeper into, as one proceeds. This is where the power starts unlocking itself...

For real power that exceeds all expectations, one must walk into the deeper temples of the Gods. And in these temples, these concerns for egalitarianism are quickly replaced by another rule: The rule of personal development and proving the resilience to get to the higher levels.

If you sit outside the gym or go in to lift two dumbells, you would never say you have a "by default entitlement" to a powerful body. You would need to train and engage into the gym to reach the highest attainments that this process has to give you. Then you become transformed. One must walk the distance and devote themselves to a task. Anything that has to be developed in the realm of the supernal powers, requires a focus to make it happen, a striving to walk toward that end.

Albeit that is the case with everything in life, most people think spirituality is some sort of joke (which protects spirituality from violators - but also a lot of misleading information has led many to that conclusions). Satan writes in the Al Jilwah, that the Secrets are given to those who receive them from Him. That reception, is not based on empty and quick superstitions. It's based on actual adherence to spirituality, proof of character, and striving to achieve God-like powers. This is proven by one engaging and walking the path, and not because one has a vanity belief of "deserving" anything.

The inheritors of the secrets or ultimate powers of the Gods, will be those who maintain the path, proceed with it, accept the course of existence, and work with this. The path is the most rewarding that life can give. But many will not walk it, and therefore lead very empty lives. But the person who follows the spiritual inclination and does their duties to evolve themselves and their lives, will never fall into the void of emptiness, but in the source of wisdom of the Gods.

Lastly, there was also another situation in the Ancient Occult schools. People in there, who have walked the path, could understand the value of what they knew. As a result in the Eleusenian Mysteries of the Ancient Greeks, in a totally non egalitarian and New Age manner, they uttered: "Outside and begone from the gates, the Andrapoda!" and they closed the doors in a symbolic manner so the wise could convene in the temple, on unknown and occult matters.

This move was symbolic; those outside of the door were not in anyway entitled to what would be listened within, since the andrapod cannot listen to wisdom, in the same way a blind man cannot see the sun. And this was fitting and truthful. Do not mourn for those who cannot see or try to force them to see. Sit in the Temple, give them a map, and wait to see if they arrive. If not, they were maybe not meant to come in. And if they were not meant for this, they will not do the striving or trials necessary.

And if further that does not happens, this means that they are not ready for the Gods yet. Do not feel sad over this, that is the natural course of the evolutionary path of Spirituality. Others will see this now, others later. Some others, never.

Sworn andrapoda must not be mourned over. Some take the path of the animals in this life. Others have a soul and they will listen. The person of soul must not be equated with the andrapod.

Now Initiates or those to be early in the path, might wonder. So am I an andrapod? Well clearly, your interest is indicative of the contrary. But do you choose to be an Andrapod and an unspiritual person, or to take the first door and start going in? That interest by itself, proves that one is not in this category. One must expand on this greater destiny and develop themselves spiritually as well as materially in this life. The longing, will bring you in front of the path.

So one has to follow their own inclination instead, that to reach higher heights and follow this, allowing themselves to become different from the body of the Andrapod and go the opposite direction, toward Wisdom and Eternal Life rather than death.

We very happily close the door to any andrapoda who do not feel the longing to be with the JoS. These gifts are not for them, but for the elect who will actually follow the path. Let them not hear about the Divine Topics if they do not have the ears required for them. That's the flow of natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you HP HDCobra666
For another great sermon ❤️

I agree with you not everyone is going to hear or see or understand Spiritual Satanism because they are not meant to, this path is not for everyone it took me many years of studying and searching for truths never giving up on my search for our true Creator God I had to read lots of books religions go to many different denominations to see for myself and to understand it for myself and do my own research and with years of research and looking into spirituality I am here, people have to really want to know the truth or is in search for the true Gods to find it, you can’t force spirituality on people who are not looking or wanting to serve their creator, I was always one to love my creator God always wanting to Find my creator God because I’m not interested in a fake creator or God, he had to be real and true and a God who loves his creation not like the Abrahamic murderous God.
And unless people are really interested in their Creator God who they want to find and appreciate him and love Him Father Satan and to actually work for Him not just for their own selfish needs,
because I love my Father Satan God I’m here to work for him because I appreciate him, love him and I give my whole life to him dedicated to work for him now and for eternity, I have been looking for Father Satan all my life and I am so grateful I have found him and jos
Thank you HP HDCobra666

Thank you Father Satan my Creator my God my Father

Hail to Father Satan All Glory All Honour All Praises to you Father Satan in all the universes and worlds now and for eternity
Hail Satanas ❤️
So deep and true. There is an invisible law, for which longing is the cure to any obstacle. And this is beautiful.
Time ago you wrote something that I didn't understand in that moment. Now probably I am able to see what you meant. And I am so grateful. Sometimes we need to face the material reality, to understand our soul.
Thank you for nurturing the beautiful truth of the Gods.

Sometimes patience is required. There can be times where what is being said, is not immediately understood. Especially if it clashes a bit with how one sees certain things at a certain time. But as anyone advances, they will see that things conclude around this information shared. It has happened to me also many times, where I saw certain things years ago, and then went over them again, and here it was; clear in front of my own eyes.
It could only come from you, @Hp. Hoodedcobra666.
It's always an honor to read your statements, especially because of the strength that they will take seriously.
There is no one HERE who can reach your magnitude.
They should be grateful for any message being published so that their inferior minds can read and pretend to understand the divine project that is already circulating within you today.

May your spoils from the development of the war years blossom instantly into what you lay your hand upon in the fruitful times of Satan that are already at the door.
Despite of the rather open and universal character of the Ancient Culture of the Gods, there are certain things to further expand on as far as this topic is concerned. Especially as of late, there are a lot of New Age claims about fake and false spirituality that is "for everyone" and how all of it must become very much universalized and so on.

Doors were open for everyone. But walking through the door did not come for free.

The above however, as good as it is on a claim level, is not really the functional way spirituality works. While in the Ancient World there have been open access to schools for learning spiritual knowledge, there were trials, curriculums and many layers for a person to advance through. Spirituality was like any other discipline, not an "open" topic. That's why it was called "Occult". Due to the nature of this, much knowledge has been "lost" and other was hidden in plain sight.

For one to become Initiated, the first door was readily available for all. But to reach the highest and most prominent levels in Spirituality, one had to enter deeper into the path of the Occult. One had to engage into the unseen. The power of Spirituality was never a power that was supposed to be seen. Psychic Shelley on Instagram is not real spirituality. Of all the circulating sources online, few or any of these are real higher level spirituality. Only the Joy of Satanas gives a lot of this openly, for humanity to read, something which should fill us all with a feeling of both pride and indebtedness.

As a result of falsehood when it comes to false spirituality, which is rife with delusion, false impressions that lead to egopathy, also meddle themselves in "Spirituality". These have zero evidence of happening in the Ancient World. If someone after 6 months of "praying to the Gods" or claiming whatever, went into the Great Temple of Memphis in Egypt and tried to claim knowledge or invade the hidden sanctums, they would be stoned or imprisoned. None of these false tendencies are part of the real spirituality of the Gods, nor do these false conceptions lead to any form of shedding of one's ignorance, weakness and delusion.

Even if there are so many things open and out there, still, the Gods internally and the Joy of Satan also, have far more things to show and to give to people who actually walk in the path and get in. The Gods teach cumulatively, the far further one is in, the more they grow. This is not something one gains just by coming out of the temple and waving, or entering the first chamber that is for guests and visitors. One can simply get some impressions by coming around. These internal impressions must be magnified and went deeper into, as one proceeds. This is where the power starts unlocking itself...

For real power that exceeds all expectations, one must walk into the deeper temples of the Gods. And in these temples, these concerns for egalitarianism are quickly replaced by another rule: The rule of personal development and proving the resilience to get to the higher levels.

If you sit outside the gym or go in to lift two dumbells, you would never say you have a "by default entitlement" to a powerful body. You would need to train and engage into the gym to reach the highest attainments that this process has to give you. Then you become transformed. One must walk the distance and devote themselves to a task. Anything that has to be developed in the realm of the supernal powers, requires a focus to make it happen, a striving to walk toward that end.

Albeit that is the case with everything in life, most people think spirituality is some sort of joke (which protects spirituality from violators - but also a lot of misleading information has led many to that conclusions). Satan writes in the Al Jilwah, that the Secrets are given to those who receive them from Him. That reception, is not based on empty and quick superstitions. It's based on actual adherence to spirituality, proof of character, and striving to achieve God-like powers. This is proven by one engaging and walking the path, and not because one has a vanity belief of "deserving" anything.

The inheritors of the secrets or ultimate powers of the Gods, will be those who maintain the path, proceed with it, accept the course of existence, and work with this. The path is the most rewarding that life can give. But many will not walk it, and therefore lead very empty lives. But the person who follows the spiritual inclination and does their duties to evolve themselves and their lives, will never fall into the void of emptiness, but in the source of wisdom of the Gods.

Lastly, there was also another situation in the Ancient Occult schools. People in there, who have walked the path, could understand the value of what they knew. As a result in the Eleusenian Mysteries of the Ancient Greeks, in a totally non egalitarian and New Age manner, they uttered: "Outside and begone from the gates, the Andrapoda!" and they closed the doors in a symbolic manner so the wise could convene in the temple, on unknown and occult matters.

This move was symbolic; those outside of the door were not in anyway entitled to what would be listened within, since the andrapod cannot listen to wisdom, in the same way a blind man cannot see the sun. And this was fitting and truthful. Do not mourn for those who cannot see or try to force them to see. Sit in the Temple, give them a map, and wait to see if they arrive. If not, they were maybe not meant to come in. And if they were not meant for this, they will not do the striving or trials necessary.

And if further that does not happens, this means that they are not ready for the Gods yet. Do not feel sad over this, that is the natural course of the evolutionary path of Spirituality. Others will see this now, others later. Some others, never.

Sworn andrapoda must not be mourned over. Some take the path of the animals in this life. Others have a soul and they will listen. The person of soul must not be equated with the andrapod.

Now Initiates or those to be early in the path, might wonder. So am I an andrapod? Well clearly, your interest is indicative of the contrary. But do you choose to be an Andrapod and an unspiritual person, or to take the first door and start going in? That interest by itself, proves that one is not in this category. One must expand on this greater destiny and develop themselves spiritually as well as materially in this life. The longing, will bring you in front of the path.

So one has to follow their own inclination instead, that to reach higher heights and follow this, allowing themselves to become different from the body of the Andrapod and go the opposite direction, toward Wisdom and Eternal Life rather than death.

We very happily close the door to any andrapoda who do not feel the longing to be with the JoS. These gifts are not for them, but for the elect who will actually follow the path. Let them not hear about the Divine Topics if they do not have the ears required for them. That's the flow of natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for sharing this...an encouraging but also sobering message. I came out of Abrahamic religion about seven years ago now, but it was a long and complex journey with much to process and discard, sometimes very painful and difficult, but also a lot of liberation along the way. I did not actually come to Satan until 2021 and then found this site for which I am very grateful. However I still have much to learn and what you said in your article is so true...those who are meant to hear these truths, will do so and those who are not, that is for them to decide. Thank you again for sharing these gems of truth. :)
There is no one HERE who can reach your magnitude.
Everyone here will have to advance to the point HPHC is now, but in the long run, the hierarchy will probably be the same. When we will be Gods, he will be a Higher God than us.
His leadership is clearly not meant to be temporary. Same goes for HPS Maxine, even more so. Praise the Clergy and their great work!
Despite of the rather open and universal character of the Ancient Culture of the Gods, there are certain things to further expand on as far as this topic is concerned. Especially as of late, there are a lot of New Age claims about fake and false spirituality that is "for everyone" and how all of it must become very much universalized and so on.

Doors were open for everyone. But walking through the door did not come for free.

The above however, as good as it is on a claim level, is not really the functional way spirituality works. While in the Ancient World there have been open access to schools for learning spiritual knowledge, there were trials, curriculums and many layers for a person to advance through. Spirituality was like any other discipline, not an "open" topic. That's why it was called "Occult". Due to the nature of this, much knowledge has been "lost" and other was hidden in plain sight.

For one to become Initiated, the first door was readily available for all. But to reach the highest and most prominent levels in Spirituality, one had to enter deeper into the path of the Occult. One had to engage into the unseen. The power of Spirituality was never a power that was supposed to be seen. Psychic Shelley on Instagram is not real spirituality. Of all the circulating sources online, few or any of these are real higher level spirituality. Only the Joy of Satanas gives a lot of this openly, for humanity to read, something which should fill us all with a feeling of both pride and indebtedness.

As a result of falsehood when it comes to false spirituality, which is rife with delusion, false impressions that lead to egopathy, also meddle themselves in "Spirituality". These have zero evidence of happening in the Ancient World. If someone after 6 months of "praying to the Gods" or claiming whatever, went into the Great Temple of Memphis in Egypt and tried to claim knowledge or invade the hidden sanctums, they would be stoned or imprisoned. None of these false tendencies are part of the real spirituality of the Gods, nor do these false conceptions lead to any form of shedding of one's ignorance, weakness and delusion.

Even if there are so many things open and out there, still, the Gods internally and the Joy of Satan also, have far more things to show and to give to people who actually walk in the path and get in. The Gods teach cumulatively, the far further one is in, the more they grow. This is not something one gains just by coming out of the temple and waving, or entering the first chamber that is for guests and visitors. One can simply get some impressions by coming around. These internal impressions must be magnified and went deeper into, as one proceeds. This is where the power starts unlocking itself...

For real power that exceeds all expectations, one must walk into the deeper temples of the Gods. And in these temples, these concerns for egalitarianism are quickly replaced by another rule: The rule of personal development and proving the resilience to get to the higher levels.

If you sit outside the gym or go in to lift two dumbells, you would never say you have a "by default entitlement" to a powerful body. You would need to train and engage into the gym to reach the highest attainments that this process has to give you. Then you become transformed. One must walk the distance and devote themselves to a task. Anything that has to be developed in the realm of the supernal powers, requires a focus to make it happen, a striving to walk toward that end.

Albeit that is the case with everything in life, most people think spirituality is some sort of joke (which protects spirituality from violators - but also a lot of misleading information has led many to that conclusions). Satan writes in the Al Jilwah, that the Secrets are given to those who receive them from Him. That reception, is not based on empty and quick superstitions. It's based on actual adherence to spirituality, proof of character, and striving to achieve God-like powers. This is proven by one engaging and walking the path, and not because one has a vanity belief of "deserving" anything.

The inheritors of the secrets or ultimate powers of the Gods, will be those who maintain the path, proceed with it, accept the course of existence, and work with this. The path is the most rewarding that life can give. But many will not walk it, and therefore lead very empty lives. But the person who follows the spiritual inclination and does their duties to evolve themselves and their lives, will never fall into the void of emptiness, but in the source of wisdom of the Gods.

Lastly, there was also another situation in the Ancient Occult schools. People in there, who have walked the path, could understand the value of what they knew. As a result in the Eleusenian Mysteries of the Ancient Greeks, in a totally non egalitarian and New Age manner, they uttered: "Outside and begone from the gates, the Andrapoda!" and they closed the doors in a symbolic manner so the wise could convene in the temple, on unknown and occult matters.

This move was symbolic; those outside of the door were not in anyway entitled to what would be listened within, since the andrapod cannot listen to wisdom, in the same way a blind man cannot see the sun. And this was fitting and truthful. Do not mourn for those who cannot see or try to force them to see. Sit in the Temple, give them a map, and wait to see if they arrive. If not, they were maybe not meant to come in. And if they were not meant for this, they will not do the striving or trials necessary.

And if further that does not happens, this means that they are not ready for the Gods yet. Do not feel sad over this, that is the natural course of the evolutionary path of Spirituality. Others will see this now, others later. Some others, never.

Sworn andrapoda must not be mourned over. Some take the path of the animals in this life. Others have a soul and they will listen. The person of soul must not be equated with the andrapod.

Now Initiates or those to be early in the path, might wonder. So am I an andrapod? Well clearly, your interest is indicative of the contrary. But do you choose to be an Andrapod and an unspiritual person, or to take the first door and start going in? That interest by itself, proves that one is not in this category. One must expand on this greater destiny and develop themselves spiritually as well as materially in this life. The longing, will bring you in front of the path.

So one has to follow their own inclination instead, that to reach higher heights and follow this, allowing themselves to become different from the body of the Andrapod and go the opposite direction, toward Wisdom and Eternal Life rather than death.

We very happily close the door to any andrapoda who do not feel the longing to be with the JoS. These gifts are not for them, but for the elect who will actually follow the path. Let them not hear about the Divine Topics if they do not have the ears required for them. That's the flow of natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wonderful and very needed exactly now...
Thank you for this Sermon, High Priest!

I never felt at home with new-age "spirituality", even though I was drawn to the Occult since the time I could speak. I always had a deep love for it, and this searching led me at first to new-age and wicca in my early teens. It still felt empty and lacking to me, and their "spirituality" always seemed so shallow. Most of the people I ran into were either trying to scam people ("just buy my CD of binural beats, and all your Chakras will be opened in 20 minutes!") or they were narcissists looking for an ego boost by claiming to be these all mighty "light workers".

Thankfully I found the JoS a year later. Then, I felt at home and everything started making sense to me. We truly are lucky to have access to this knowledge.

Hail Satan!!
Despite of the rather open and universal character of the Ancient Culture of the Gods, there are certain things to further expand on as far as this topic is concerned. Especially as of late, there are a lot of New Age claims about fake and false spirituality that is "for everyone" and how all of it must become very much universalized and so on.

Doors were open for everyone. But walking through the door did not come for free.

The above however, as good as it is on a claim level, is not really the functional way spirituality works. While in the Ancient World there have been open access to schools for learning spiritual knowledge, there were trials, curriculums and many layers for a person to advance through. Spirituality was like any other discipline, not an "open" topic. That's why it was called "Occult". Due to the nature of this, much knowledge has been "lost" and other was hidden in plain sight.

For one to become Initiated, the first door was readily available for all. But to reach the highest and most prominent levels in Spirituality, one had to enter deeper into the path of the Occult. One had to engage into the unseen. The power of Spirituality was never a power that was supposed to be seen. Psychic Shelley on Instagram is not real spirituality. Of all the circulating sources online, few or any of these are real higher level spirituality. Only the Joy of Satanas gives a lot of this openly, for humanity to read, something which should fill us all with a feeling of both pride and indebtedness.

As a result of falsehood when it comes to false spirituality, which is rife with delusion, false impressions that lead to egopathy, also meddle themselves in "Spirituality". These have zero evidence of happening in the Ancient World. If someone after 6 months of "praying to the Gods" or claiming whatever, went into the Great Temple of Memphis in Egypt and tried to claim knowledge or invade the hidden sanctums, they would be stoned or imprisoned. None of these false tendencies are part of the real spirituality of the Gods, nor do these false conceptions lead to any form of shedding of one's ignorance, weakness and delusion.

Even if there are so many things open and out there, still, the Gods internally and the Joy of Satan also, have far more things to show and to give to people who actually walk in the path and get in. The Gods teach cumulatively, the far further one is in, the more they grow. This is not something one gains just by coming out of the temple and waving, or entering the first chamber that is for guests and visitors. One can simply get some impressions by coming around. These internal impressions must be magnified and went deeper into, as one proceeds. This is where the power starts unlocking itself...

For real power that exceeds all expectations, one must walk into the deeper temples of the Gods. And in these temples, these concerns for egalitarianism are quickly replaced by another rule: The rule of personal development and proving the resilience to get to the higher levels.

If you sit outside the gym or go in to lift two dumbells, you would never say you have a "by default entitlement" to a powerful body. You would need to train and engage into the gym to reach the highest attainments that this process has to give you. Then you become transformed. One must walk the distance and devote themselves to a task. Anything that has to be developed in the realm of the supernal powers, requires a focus to make it happen, a striving to walk toward that end.

Albeit that is the case with everything in life, most people think spirituality is some sort of joke (which protects spirituality from violators - but also a lot of misleading information has led many to that conclusions). Satan writes in the Al Jilwah, that the Secrets are given to those who receive them from Him. That reception, is not based on empty and quick superstitions. It's based on actual adherence to spirituality, proof of character, and striving to achieve God-like powers. This is proven by one engaging and walking the path, and not because one has a vanity belief of "deserving" anything.

The inheritors of the secrets or ultimate powers of the Gods, will be those who maintain the path, proceed with it, accept the course of existence, and work with this. The path is the most rewarding that life can give. But many will not walk it, and therefore lead very empty lives. But the person who follows the spiritual inclination and does their duties to evolve themselves and their lives, will never fall into the void of emptiness, but in the source of wisdom of the Gods.

Lastly, there was also another situation in the Ancient Occult schools. People in there, who have walked the path, could understand the value of what they knew. As a result in the Eleusenian Mysteries of the Ancient Greeks, in a totally non egalitarian and New Age manner, they uttered: "Outside and begone from the gates, the Andrapoda!" and they closed the doors in a symbolic manner so the wise could convene in the temple, on unknown and occult matters.

This move was symbolic; those outside of the door were not in anyway entitled to what would be listened within, since the andrapod cannot listen to wisdom, in the same way a blind man cannot see the sun. And this was fitting and truthful. Do not mourn for those who cannot see or try to force them to see. Sit in the Temple, give them a map, and wait to see if they arrive. If not, they were maybe not meant to come in. And if they were not meant for this, they will not do the striving or trials necessary.

And if further that does not happens, this means that they are not ready for the Gods yet. Do not feel sad over this, that is the natural course of the evolutionary path of Spirituality. Others will see this now, others later. Some others, never.

Sworn andrapoda must not be mourned over. Some take the path of the animals in this life. Others have a soul and they will listen. The person of soul must not be equated with the andrapod.

Now Initiates or those to be early in the path, might wonder. So am I an andrapod? Well clearly, your interest is indicative of the contrary. But do you choose to be an Andrapod and an unspiritual person, or to take the first door and start going in? That interest by itself, proves that one is not in this category. One must expand on this greater destiny and develop themselves spiritually as well as materially in this life. The longing, will bring you in front of the path.

So one has to follow their own inclination instead, that to reach higher heights and follow this, allowing themselves to become different from the body of the Andrapod and go the opposite direction, toward Wisdom and Eternal Life rather than death.

We very happily close the door to any andrapoda who do not feel the longing to be with the JoS. These gifts are not for them, but for the elect who will actually follow the path. Let them not hear about the Divine Topics if they do not have the ears required for them. That's the flow of natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
alot of this stems from egotistical beliefs that bodes the question of can one’s possessions really be stolen? the simple answer to this is no and one should be wary of the fact that there are people out there who have worked for what they earned and has caused a person like myself to look up to these people. that is the harsh reality of the two sense i am dealing with and will try to continue to move forward.
Despite of the rather open and universal character of the Ancient Culture of the Gods, there are certain things to further expand on as far as this topic is concerned. Especially as of late, there are a lot of New Age claims about fake and false spirituality that is "for everyone" and how all of it must become very much universalized and so on.

Doors were open for everyone. But walking through the door did not come for free.

The above however, as good as it is on a claim level, is not really the functional way spirituality works. While in the Ancient World there have been open access to schools for learning spiritual knowledge, there were trials, curriculums and many layers for a person to advance through. Spirituality was like any other discipline, not an "open" topic. That's why it was called "Occult". Due to the nature of this, much knowledge has been "lost" and other was hidden in plain sight.

For one to become Initiated, the first door was readily available for all. But to reach the highest and most prominent levels in Spirituality, one had to enter deeper into the path of the Occult. One had to engage into the unseen. The power of Spirituality was never a power that was supposed to be seen. Psychic Shelley on Instagram is not real spirituality. Of all the circulating sources online, few or any of these are real higher level spirituality. Only the Joy of Satanas gives a lot of this openly, for humanity to read, something which should fill us all with a feeling of both pride and indebtedness.

As a result of falsehood when it comes to false spirituality, which is rife with delusion, false impressions that lead to egopathy, also meddle themselves in "Spirituality". These have zero evidence of happening in the Ancient World. If someone after 6 months of "praying to the Gods" or claiming whatever, went into the Great Temple of Memphis in Egypt and tried to claim knowledge or invade the hidden sanctums, they would be stoned or imprisoned. None of these false tendencies are part of the real spirituality of the Gods, nor do these false conceptions lead to any form of shedding of one's ignorance, weakness and delusion.

Even if there are so many things open and out there, still, the Gods internally and the Joy of Satan also, have far more things to show and to give to people who actually walk in the path and get in. The Gods teach cumulatively, the far further one is in, the more they grow. This is not something one gains just by coming out of the temple and waving, or entering the first chamber that is for guests and visitors. One can simply get some impressions by coming around. These internal impressions must be magnified and went deeper into, as one proceeds. This is where the power starts unlocking itself...

For real power that exceeds all expectations, one must walk into the deeper temples of the Gods. And in these temples, these concerns for egalitarianism are quickly replaced by another rule: The rule of personal development and proving the resilience to get to the higher levels.

If you sit outside the gym or go in to lift two dumbells, you would never say you have a "by default entitlement" to a powerful body. You would need to train and engage into the gym to reach the highest attainments that this process has to give you. Then you become transformed. One must walk the distance and devote themselves to a task. Anything that has to be developed in the realm of the supernal powers, requires a focus to make it happen, a striving to walk toward that end.

Albeit that is the case with everything in life, most people think spirituality is some sort of joke (which protects spirituality from violators - but also a lot of misleading information has led many to that conclusions). Satan writes in the Al Jilwah, that the Secrets are given to those who receive them from Him. That reception, is not based on empty and quick superstitions. It's based on actual adherence to spirituality, proof of character, and striving to achieve God-like powers. This is proven by one engaging and walking the path, and not because one has a vanity belief of "deserving" anything.

The inheritors of the secrets or ultimate powers of the Gods, will be those who maintain the path, proceed with it, accept the course of existence, and work with this. The path is the most rewarding that life can give. But many will not walk it, and therefore lead very empty lives. But the person who follows the spiritual inclination and does their duties to evolve themselves and their lives, will never fall into the void of emptiness, but in the source of wisdom of the Gods.

Lastly, there was also another situation in the Ancient Occult schools. People in there, who have walked the path, could understand the value of what they knew. As a result in the Eleusenian Mysteries of the Ancient Greeks, in a totally non egalitarian and New Age manner, they uttered: "Outside and begone from the gates, the Andrapoda!" and they closed the doors in a symbolic manner so the wise could convene in the temple, on unknown and occult matters.

This move was symbolic; those outside of the door were not in anyway entitled to what would be listened within, since the andrapod cannot listen to wisdom, in the same way a blind man cannot see the sun. And this was fitting and truthful. Do not mourn for those who cannot see or try to force them to see. Sit in the Temple, give them a map, and wait to see if they arrive. If not, they were maybe not meant to come in. And if they were not meant for this, they will not do the striving or trials necessary.

And if further that does not happens, this means that they are not ready for the Gods yet. Do not feel sad over this, that is the natural course of the evolutionary path of Spirituality. Others will see this now, others later. Some others, never.

Sworn andrapoda must not be mourned over. Some take the path of the animals in this life. Others have a soul and they will listen. The person of soul must not be equated with the andrapod.

Now Initiates or those to be early in the path, might wonder. So am I an andrapod? Well clearly, your interest is indicative of the contrary. But do you choose to be an Andrapod and an unspiritual person, or to take the first door and start going in? That interest by itself, proves that one is not in this category. One must expand on this greater destiny and develop themselves spiritually as well as materially in this life. The longing, will bring you in front of the path.

So one has to follow their own inclination instead, that to reach higher heights and follow this, allowing themselves to become different from the body of the Andrapod and go the opposite direction, toward Wisdom and Eternal Life rather than death.

We very happily close the door to any andrapoda who do not feel the longing to be with the JoS. These gifts are not for them, but for the elect who will actually follow the path. Let them not hear about the Divine Topics if they do not have the ears required for them. That's the flow of natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
once you find the truth you can only put it at the center of your life. My only mission is to make Jos grow and fight the enemy, who has made humanity naive and cowardly!
When you have the true vision of life and what is important you make it the only true purpose.

Thank you HPHC for all you do for us and for always guiding us towards the sacred light of the Gods.

Hail Satan
Despite of the rather open and universal character of the Ancient Culture of the Gods, there are certain things to further expand on as far as this topic is concerned. Especially as of late, there are a lot of New Age claims about fake and false spirituality that is "for everyone" and how all of it must become very much universalized and so on.

Doors were open for everyone. But walking through the door did not come for free.

The above however, as good as it is on a claim level, is not really the functional way spirituality works. While in the Ancient World there have been open access to schools for learning spiritual knowledge, there were trials, curriculums and many layers for a person to advance through. Spirituality was like any other discipline, not an "open" topic. That's why it was called "Occult". Due to the nature of this, much knowledge has been "lost" and other was hidden in plain sight.

For one to become Initiated, the first door was readily available for all. But to reach the highest and most prominent levels in Spirituality, one had to enter deeper into the path of the Occult. One had to engage into the unseen. The power of Spirituality was never a power that was supposed to be seen. Psychic Shelley on Instagram is not real spirituality. Of all the circulating sources online, few or any of these are real higher level spirituality. Only the Joy of Satanas gives a lot of this openly, for humanity to read, something which should fill us all with a feeling of both pride and indebtedness.

As a result of falsehood when it comes to false spirituality, which is rife with delusion, false impressions that lead to egopathy, also meddle themselves in "Spirituality". These have zero evidence of happening in the Ancient World. If someone after 6 months of "praying to the Gods" or claiming whatever, went into the Great Temple of Memphis in Egypt and tried to claim knowledge or invade the hidden sanctums, they would be stoned or imprisoned. None of these false tendencies are part of the real spirituality of the Gods, nor do these false conceptions lead to any form of shedding of one's ignorance, weakness and delusion.

Even if there are so many things open and out there, still, the Gods internally and the Joy of Satan also, have far more things to show and to give to people who actually walk in the path and get in. The Gods teach cumulatively, the far further one is in, the more they grow. This is not something one gains just by coming out of the temple and waving, or entering the first chamber that is for guests and visitors. One can simply get some impressions by coming around. These internal impressions must be magnified and went deeper into, as one proceeds. This is where the power starts unlocking itself...

For real power that exceeds all expectations, one must walk into the deeper temples of the Gods. And in these temples, these concerns for egalitarianism are quickly replaced by another rule: The rule of personal development and proving the resilience to get to the higher levels.

If you sit outside the gym or go in to lift two dumbells, you would never say you have a "by default entitlement" to a powerful body. You would need to train and engage into the gym to reach the highest attainments that this process has to give you. Then you become transformed. One must walk the distance and devote themselves to a task. Anything that has to be developed in the realm of the supernal powers, requires a focus to make it happen, a striving to walk toward that end.

Albeit that is the case with everything in life, most people think spirituality is some sort of joke (which protects spirituality from violators - but also a lot of misleading information has led many to that conclusions). Satan writes in the Al Jilwah, that the Secrets are given to those who receive them from Him. That reception, is not based on empty and quick superstitions. It's based on actual adherence to spirituality, proof of character, and striving to achieve God-like powers. This is proven by one engaging and walking the path, and not because one has a vanity belief of "deserving" anything.

The inheritors of the secrets or ultimate powers of the Gods, will be those who maintain the path, proceed with it, accept the course of existence, and work with this. The path is the most rewarding that life can give. But many will not walk it, and therefore lead very empty lives. But the person who follows the spiritual inclination and does their duties to evolve themselves and their lives, will never fall into the void of emptiness, but in the source of wisdom of the Gods.

Lastly, there was also another situation in the Ancient Occult schools. People in there, who have walked the path, could understand the value of what they knew. As a result in the Eleusenian Mysteries of the Ancient Greeks, in a totally non egalitarian and New Age manner, they uttered: "Outside and begone from the gates, the Andrapoda!" and they closed the doors in a symbolic manner so the wise could convene in the temple, on unknown and occult matters.

This move was symbolic; those outside of the door were not in anyway entitled to what would be listened within, since the andrapod cannot listen to wisdom, in the same way a blind man cannot see the sun. And this was fitting and truthful. Do not mourn for those who cannot see or try to force them to see. Sit in the Temple, give them a map, and wait to see if they arrive. If not, they were maybe not meant to come in. And if they were not meant for this, they will not do the striving or trials necessary.

And if further that does not happens, this means that they are not ready for the Gods yet. Do not feel sad over this, that is the natural course of the evolutionary path of Spirituality. Others will see this now, others later. Some others, never.

Sworn andrapoda must not be mourned over. Some take the path of the animals in this life. Others have a soul and they will listen. The person of soul must not be equated with the andrapod.

Now Initiates or those to be early in the path, might wonder. So am I an andrapod? Well clearly, your interest is indicative of the contrary. But do you choose to be an Andrapod and an unspiritual person, or to take the first door and start going in? That interest by itself, proves that one is not in this category. One must expand on this greater destiny and develop themselves spiritually as well as materially in this life. The longing, will bring you in front of the path.

So one has to follow their own inclination instead, that to reach higher heights and follow this, allowing themselves to become different from the body of the Andrapod and go the opposite direction, toward Wisdom and Eternal Life rather than death.

We very happily close the door to any andrapoda who do not feel the longing to be with the JoS. These gifts are not for them, but for the elect who will actually follow the path. Let them not hear about the Divine Topics if they do not have the ears required for them. That's the flow of natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Despite of the rather open and universal character of the Ancient Culture of the Gods, there are certain things to further expand on as far as this topic is concerned. Especially as of late, there are a lot of New Age claims about fake and false spirituality that is "for everyone" and how all of it must become very much universalized and so on.

Doors were open for everyone. But walking through the door did not come for free.

The above however, as good as it is on a claim level, is not really the functional way spirituality works. While in the Ancient World there have been open access to schools for learning spiritual knowledge, there were trials, curriculums and many layers for a person to advance through. Spirituality was like any other discipline, not an "open" topic. That's why it was called "Occult". Due to the nature of this, much knowledge has been "lost" and other was hidden in plain sight.

For one to become Initiated, the first door was readily available for all. But to reach the highest and most prominent levels in Spirituality, one had to enter deeper into the path of the Occult. One had to engage into the unseen. The power of Spirituality was never a power that was supposed to be seen. Psychic Shelley on Instagram is not real spirituality. Of all the circulating sources online, few or any of these are real higher level spirituality. Only the Joy of Satanas gives a lot of this openly, for humanity to read, something which should fill us all with a feeling of both pride and indebtedness.

As a result of falsehood when it comes to false spirituality, which is rife with delusion, false impressions that lead to egopathy, also meddle themselves in "Spirituality". These have zero evidence of happening in the Ancient World. If someone after 6 months of "praying to the Gods" or claiming whatever, went into the Great Temple of Memphis in Egypt and tried to claim knowledge or invade the hidden sanctums, they would be stoned or imprisoned. None of these false tendencies are part of the real spirituality of the Gods, nor do these false conceptions lead to any form of shedding of one's ignorance, weakness and delusion.

Even if there are so many things open and out there, still, the Gods internally and the Joy of Satan also, have far more things to show and to give to people who actually walk in the path and get in. The Gods teach cumulatively, the far further one is in, the more they grow. This is not something one gains just by coming out of the temple and waving, or entering the first chamber that is for guests and visitors. One can simply get some impressions by coming around. These internal impressions must be magnified and went deeper into, as one proceeds. This is where the power starts unlocking itself...

For real power that exceeds all expectations, one must walk into the deeper temples of the Gods. And in these temples, these concerns for egalitarianism are quickly replaced by another rule: The rule of personal development and proving the resilience to get to the higher levels.

If you sit outside the gym or go in to lift two dumbells, you would never say you have a "by default entitlement" to a powerful body. You would need to train and engage into the gym to reach the highest attainments that this process has to give you. Then you become transformed. One must walk the distance and devote themselves to a task. Anything that has to be developed in the realm of the supernal powers, requires a focus to make it happen, a striving to walk toward that end.

Albeit that is the case with everything in life, most people think spirituality is some sort of joke (which protects spirituality from violators - but also a lot of misleading information has led many to that conclusions). Satan writes in the Al Jilwah, that the Secrets are given to those who receive them from Him. That reception, is not based on empty and quick superstitions. It's based on actual adherence to spirituality, proof of character, and striving to achieve God-like powers. This is proven by one engaging and walking the path, and not because one has a vanity belief of "deserving" anything.

The inheritors of the secrets or ultimate powers of the Gods, will be those who maintain the path, proceed with it, accept the course of existence, and work with this. The path is the most rewarding that life can give. But many will not walk it, and therefore lead very empty lives. But the person who follows the spiritual inclination and does their duties to evolve themselves and their lives, will never fall into the void of emptiness, but in the source of wisdom of the Gods.

Lastly, there was also another situation in the Ancient Occult schools. People in there, who have walked the path, could understand the value of what they knew. As a result in the Eleusenian Mysteries of the Ancient Greeks, in a totally non egalitarian and New Age manner, they uttered: "Outside and begone from the gates, the Andrapoda!" and they closed the doors in a symbolic manner so the wise could convene in the temple, on unknown and occult matters.

This move was symbolic; those outside of the door were not in anyway entitled to what would be listened within, since the andrapod cannot listen to wisdom, in the same way a blind man cannot see the sun. And this was fitting and truthful. Do not mourn for those who cannot see or try to force them to see. Sit in the Temple, give them a map, and wait to see if they arrive. If not, they were maybe not meant to come in. And if they were not meant for this, they will not do the striving or trials necessary.

And if further that does not happens, this means that they are not ready for the Gods yet. Do not feel sad over this, that is the natural course of the evolutionary path of Spirituality. Others will see this now, others later. Some others, never.

Sworn andrapoda must not be mourned over. Some take the path of the animals in this life. Others have a soul and they will listen. The person of soul must not be equated with the andrapod.

Now Initiates or those to be early in the path, might wonder. So am I an andrapod? Well clearly, your interest is indicative of the contrary. But do you choose to be an Andrapod and an unspiritual person, or to take the first door and start going in? That interest by itself, proves that one is not in this category. One must expand on this greater destiny and develop themselves spiritually as well as materially in this life. The longing, will bring you in front of the path.

So one has to follow their own inclination instead, that to reach higher heights and follow this, allowing themselves to become different from the body of the Andrapod and go the opposite direction, toward Wisdom and Eternal Life rather than death.

We very happily close the door to any andrapoda who do not feel the longing to be with the JoS. These gifts are not for them, but for the elect who will actually follow the path. Let them not hear about the Divine Topics if they do not have the ears required for them. That's the flow of natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
What I've seen is that tells you there pagan
But not interested in talking to you
About it expecting you to have all the
Answer for everything so I never tell
Them nothing or have anything to tell them
And there some that thing that getting
Drunk or high is cool in the area of magick I just leave them to figure
Out their damn self they are best avoided!!! Good sermon Hooded cobra 666
HAIL The God's of Old!!!
You can tell an andrapod the Truth in just one sentence, and they'll either not understand, or actively choose not to. Being "understood" by the lowest layers of society (when it comes to spirituality), is not a concern of ours.
If any government official ever asks you if you understand, answer NO...... to understand is to stand under their power or authority, never "stand under" (understand) as it is much better to comprehend :cool:
Despite of the rather open and universal character of the Ancient Culture of the Gods, there are certain things to further expand on as far as this topic is concerned. Especially as of late, there are a lot of New Age claims about fake and false spirituality that is "for everyone" and how all of it must become very much universalized and so on.

Doors were open for everyone. But walking through the door did not come for free.

The above however, as good as it is on a claim level, is not really the functional way spirituality works. While in the Ancient World there have been open access to schools for learning spiritual knowledge, there were trials, curriculums and many layers for a person to advance through. Spirituality was like any other discipline, not an "open" topic. That's why it was called "Occult". Due to the nature of this, much knowledge has been "lost" and other was hidden in plain sight.

For one to become Initiated, the first door was readily available for all. But to reach the highest and most prominent levels in Spirituality, one had to enter deeper into the path of the Occult. One had to engage into the unseen. The power of Spirituality was never a power that was supposed to be seen. Psychic Shelley on Instagram is not real spirituality. Of all the circulating sources online, few or any of these are real higher level spirituality. Only the Joy of Satanas gives a lot of this openly, for humanity to read, something which should fill us all with a feeling of both pride and indebtedness.

As a result of falsehood when it comes to false spirituality, which is rife with delusion, false impressions that lead to egopathy, also meddle themselves in "Spirituality". These have zero evidence of happening in the Ancient World. If someone after 6 months of "praying to the Gods" or claiming whatever, went into the Great Temple of Memphis in Egypt and tried to claim knowledge or invade the hidden sanctums, they would be stoned or imprisoned. None of these false tendencies are part of the real spirituality of the Gods, nor do these false conceptions lead to any form of shedding of one's ignorance, weakness and delusion.

Even if there are so many things open and out there, still, the Gods internally and the Joy of Satan also, have far more things to show and to give to people who actually walk in the path and get in. The Gods teach cumulatively, the far further one is in, the more they grow. This is not something one gains just by coming out of the temple and waving, or entering the first chamber that is for guests and visitors. One can simply get some impressions by coming around. These internal impressions must be magnified and went deeper into, as one proceeds. This is where the power starts unlocking itself...

For real power that exceeds all expectations, one must walk into the deeper temples of the Gods. And in these temples, these concerns for egalitarianism are quickly replaced by another rule: The rule of personal development and proving the resilience to get to the higher levels.

If you sit outside the gym or go in to lift two dumbells, you would never say you have a "by default entitlement" to a powerful body. You would need to train and engage into the gym to reach the highest attainments that this process has to give you. Then you become transformed. One must walk the distance and devote themselves to a task. Anything that has to be developed in the realm of the supernal powers, requires a focus to make it happen, a striving to walk toward that end.

Albeit that is the case with everything in life, most people think spirituality is some sort of joke (which protects spirituality from violators - but also a lot of misleading information has led many to that conclusions). Satan writes in the Al Jilwah, that the Secrets are given to those who receive them from Him. That reception, is not based on empty and quick superstitions. It's based on actual adherence to spirituality, proof of character, and striving to achieve God-like powers. This is proven by one engaging and walking the path, and not because one has a vanity belief of "deserving" anything.

The inheritors of the secrets or ultimate powers of the Gods, will be those who maintain the path, proceed with it, accept the course of existence, and work with this. The path is the most rewarding that life can give. But many will not walk it, and therefore lead very empty lives. But the person who follows the spiritual inclination and does their duties to evolve themselves and their lives, will never fall into the void of emptiness, but in the source of wisdom of the Gods.

Lastly, there was also another situation in the Ancient Occult schools. People in there, who have walked the path, could understand the value of what they knew. As a result in the Eleusenian Mysteries of the Ancient Greeks, in a totally non egalitarian and New Age manner, they uttered: "Outside and begone from the gates, the Andrapoda!" and they closed the doors in a symbolic manner so the wise could convene in the temple, on unknown and occult matters.

This move was symbolic; those outside of the door were not in anyway entitled to what would be listened within, since the andrapod cannot listen to wisdom, in the same way a blind man cannot see the sun. And this was fitting and truthful. Do not mourn for those who cannot see or try to force them to see. Sit in the Temple, give them a map, and wait to see if they arrive. If not, they were maybe not meant to come in. And if they were not meant for this, they will not do the striving or trials necessary.

And if further that does not happens, this means that they are not ready for the Gods yet. Do not feel sad over this, that is the natural course of the evolutionary path of Spirituality. Others will see this now, others later. Some others, never.

Sworn andrapoda must not be mourned over. Some take the path of the animals in this life. Others have a soul and they will listen. The person of soul must not be equated with the andrapod.

Now Initiates or those to be early in the path, might wonder. So am I an andrapod? Well clearly, your interest is indicative of the contrary. But do you choose to be an Andrapod and an unspiritual person, or to take the first door and start going in? That interest by itself, proves that one is not in this category. One must expand on this greater destiny and develop themselves spiritually as well as materially in this life. The longing, will bring you in front of the path.

So one has to follow their own inclination instead, that to reach higher heights and follow this, allowing themselves to become different from the body of the Andrapod and go the opposite direction, toward Wisdom and Eternal Life rather than death.

We very happily close the door to any andrapoda who do not feel the longing to be with the JoS. These gifts are not for them, but for the elect who will actually follow the path. Let them not hear about the Divine Topics if they do not have the ears required for them. That's the flow of natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra
It's amazing the gifts you can find by truly following the left hand path, and deciding to forge your own way. And not the way another deems fit for you to reach gifts or enlightenment. It's also amazing, what people decide when you decide to forge that own path, and you don't let them use you anymore for their purposes. I'm so glad I built a relationship with my Gods and Demons and all the things I work with, they bring me far more gifts, wisdom and help than a group ever had😌 for those who are extremely clairvoyant and clairaudient, what is spoken comes along in the wind, no matter how hard a door is tried to be closed. What needs to be known will reach them. And animals have a very amazing way of helping you get that information as well :) good luck with your group, it has some knowledge of things but truly following the left hand path and forging your own way, is far more rewarding. There will be trials either way, but having the power to do these things on your own, and a lot of groups really trying to get you to join
Despite of the rather open and universal character of the Ancient Culture of the Gods, there are certain things to further expand on as far as this topic is concerned. Especially as of late, there are a lot of New Age claims about fake and false spirituality that is "for everyone" and how all of it must become very much universalized and so on.

Doors were open for everyone. But walking through the door did not come for free.

The above however, as good as it is on a claim level, is not really the functional way spirituality works. While in the Ancient World there have been open access to schools for learning spiritual knowledge, there were trials, curriculums and many layers for a person to advance through. Spirituality was like any other discipline, not an "open" topic. That's why it was called "Occult". Due to the nature of this, much knowledge has been "lost" and other was hidden in plain sight.

For one to become Initiated, the first door was readily available for all. But to reach the highest and most prominent levels in Spirituality, one had to enter deeper into the path of the Occult. One had to engage into the unseen. The power of Spirituality was never a power that was supposed to be seen. Psychic Shelley on Instagram is not real spirituality. Of all the circulating sources online, few or any of these are real higher level spirituality. Only the Joy of Satanas gives a lot of this openly, for humanity to read, something which should fill us all with a feeling of both pride and indebtedness.

As a result of falsehood when it comes to false spirituality, which is rife with delusion, false impressions that lead to egopathy, also meddle themselves in "Spirituality". These have zero evidence of happening in the Ancient World. If someone after 6 months of "praying to the Gods" or claiming whatever, went into the Great Temple of Memphis in Egypt and tried to claim knowledge or invade the hidden sanctums, they would be stoned or imprisoned. None of these false tendencies are part of the real spirituality of the Gods, nor do these false conceptions lead to any form of shedding of one's ignorance, weakness and delusion.

Even if there are so many things open and out there, still, the Gods internally and the Joy of Satan also, have far more things to show and to give to people who actually walk in the path and get in. The Gods teach cumulatively, the far further one is in, the more they grow. This is not something one gains just by coming out of the temple and waving, or entering the first chamber that is for guests and visitors. One can simply get some impressions by coming around. These internal impressions must be magnified and went deeper into, as one proceeds. This is where the power starts unlocking itself...

For real power that exceeds all expectations, one must walk into the deeper temples of the Gods. And in these temples, these concerns for egalitarianism are quickly replaced by another rule: The rule of personal development and proving the resilience to get to the higher levels.

If you sit outside the gym or go in to lift two dumbells, you would never say you have a "by default entitlement" to a powerful body. You would need to train and engage into the gym to reach the highest attainments that this process has to give you. Then you become transformed. One must walk the distance and devote themselves to a task. Anything that has to be developed in the realm of the supernal powers, requires a focus to make it happen, a striving to walk toward that end.

Albeit that is the case with everything in life, most people think spirituality is some sort of joke (which protects spirituality from violators - but also a lot of misleading information has led many to that conclusions). Satan writes in the Al Jilwah, that the Secrets are given to those who receive them from Him. That reception, is not based on empty and quick superstitions. It's based on actual adherence to spirituality, proof of character, and striving to achieve God-like powers. This is proven by one engaging and walking the path, and not because one has a vanity belief of "deserving" anything.

The inheritors of the secrets or ultimate powers of the Gods, will be those who maintain the path, proceed with it, accept the course of existence, and work with this. The path is the most rewarding that life can give. But many will not walk it, and therefore lead very empty lives. But the person who follows the spiritual inclination and does their duties to evolve themselves and their lives, will never fall into the void of emptiness, but in the source of wisdom of the Gods.

Lastly, there was also another situation in the Ancient Occult schools. People in there, who have walked the path, could understand the value of what they knew. As a result in the Eleusenian Mysteries of the Ancient Greeks, in a totally non egalitarian and New Age manner, they uttered: "Outside and begone from the gates, the Andrapoda!" and they closed the doors in a symbolic manner so the wise could convene in the temple, on unknown and occult matters.

This move was symbolic; those outside of the door were not in anyway entitled to what would be listened within, since the andrapod cannot listen to wisdom, in the same way a blind man cannot see the sun. And this was fitting and truthful. Do not mourn for those who cannot see or try to force them to see. Sit in the Temple, give them a map, and wait to see if they arrive. If not, they were maybe not meant to come in. And if they were not meant for this, they will not do the striving or trials necessary.

And if further that does not happens, this means that they are not ready for the Gods yet. Do not feel sad over this, that is the natural course of the evolutionary path of Spirituality. Others will see this now, others later. Some others, never.

Sworn andrapoda must not be mourned over. Some take the path of the animals in this life. Others have a soul and they will listen. The person of soul must not be equated with the andrapod.

Now Initiates or those to be early in the path, might wonder. So am I an andrapod? Well clearly, your interest is indicative of the contrary. But do you choose to be an Andrapod and an unspiritual person, or to take the first door and start going in? That interest by itself, proves that one is not in this category. One must expand on this greater destiny and develop themselves spiritually as well as materially in this life. The longing, will bring you in front of the path.

So one has to follow their own inclination instead, that to reach higher heights and follow this, allowing themselves to become different from the body of the Andrapod and go the opposite direction, toward Wisdom and Eternal Life rather than death.

We very happily close the door to any andrapoda who do not feel the longing to be with the JoS. These gifts are not for them, but for the elect who will actually follow the path. Let them not hear about the Divine Topics if they do not have the ears required for them. That's the flow of natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank the Gods, finally left alone and peace with it 😌
The classical teaching of The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding. Truly, Satanism is an elitistic religion. Not because we force anyone to stay out, but we simply do not allow any random Tom, Dick and Harry to waltz in with no regard to respect, propriety, courtesy or gratitude. The riffraff can stay out until they learn to have some forethought. And then, the gates will open wide all by themselves.

If any government official ever asks you if you understand, answer NO...... to understand is to stand under their power or authority, never "stand under" (understand) as it is much better to comprehend :cool:
This reminds me of this (If I remember correctly, strongly RHP) guy who used to be somewhat popular among occult circles several years back. He emphasized the use of the word over-stand, for much the same reasons you are. 🤔
Despite of the rather open and universal character of the Ancient Culture of the Gods, there are certain things to further expand on as far as this topic is concerned. Especially as of late, there are a lot of New Age claims about fake and false spirituality that is "for everyone" and how all of it must become very much universalized and so on.

Doors were open for everyone. But walking through the door did not come for free.

The above however, as good as it is on a claim level, is not really the functional way spirituality works. While in the Ancient World there have been open access to schools for learning spiritual knowledge, there were trials, curriculums and many layers for a person to advance through. Spirituality was like any other discipline, not an "open" topic. That's why it was called "Occult". Due to the nature of this, much knowledge has been "lost" and other was hidden in plain sight.

For one to become Initiated, the first door was readily available for all. But to reach the highest and most prominent levels in Spirituality, one had to enter deeper into the path of the Occult. One had to engage into the unseen. The power of Spirituality was never a power that was supposed to be seen. Psychic Shelley on Instagram is not real spirituality. Of all the circulating sources online, few or any of these are real higher level spirituality. Only the Joy of Satanas gives a lot of this openly, for humanity to read, something which should fill us all with a feeling of both pride and indebtedness.

As a result of falsehood when it comes to false spirituality, which is rife with delusion, false impressions that lead to egopathy, also meddle themselves in "Spirituality". These have zero evidence of happening in the Ancient World. If someone after 6 months of "praying to the Gods" or claiming whatever, went into the Great Temple of Memphis in Egypt and tried to claim knowledge or invade the hidden sanctums, they would be stoned or imprisoned. None of these false tendencies are part of the real spirituality of the Gods, nor do these false conceptions lead to any form of shedding of one's ignorance, weakness and delusion.

Even if there are so many things open and out there, still, the Gods internally and the Joy of Satan also, have far more things to show and to give to people who actually walk in the path and get in. The Gods teach cumulatively, the far further one is in, the more they grow. This is not something one gains just by coming out of the temple and waving, or entering the first chamber that is for guests and visitors. One can simply get some impressions by coming around. These internal impressions must be magnified and went deeper into, as one proceeds. This is where the power starts unlocking itself...

For real power that exceeds all expectations, one must walk into the deeper temples of the Gods. And in these temples, these concerns for egalitarianism are quickly replaced by another rule: The rule of personal development and proving the resilience to get to the higher levels.

If you sit outside the gym or go in to lift two dumbells, you would never say you have a "by default entitlement" to a powerful body. You would need to train and engage into the gym to reach the highest attainments that this process has to give you. Then you become transformed. One must walk the distance and devote themselves to a task. Anything that has to be developed in the realm of the supernal powers, requires a focus to make it happen, a striving to walk toward that end.

Albeit that is the case with everything in life, most people think spirituality is some sort of joke (which protects spirituality from violators - but also a lot of misleading information has led many to that conclusions). Satan writes in the Al Jilwah, that the Secrets are given to those who receive them from Him. That reception, is not based on empty and quick superstitions. It's based on actual adherence to spirituality, proof of character, and striving to achieve God-like powers. This is proven by one engaging and walking the path, and not because one has a vanity belief of "deserving" anything.

The inheritors of the secrets or ultimate powers of the Gods, will be those who maintain the path, proceed with it, accept the course of existence, and work with this. The path is the most rewarding that life can give. But many will not walk it, and therefore lead very empty lives. But the person who follows the spiritual inclination and does their duties to evolve themselves and their lives, will never fall into the void of emptiness, but in the source of wisdom of the Gods.

Lastly, there was also another situation in the Ancient Occult schools. People in there, who have walked the path, could understand the value of what they knew. As a result in the Eleusenian Mysteries of the Ancient Greeks, in a totally non egalitarian and New Age manner, they uttered: "Outside and begone from the gates, the Andrapoda!" and they closed the doors in a symbolic manner so the wise could convene in the temple, on unknown and occult matters.

This move was symbolic; those outside of the door were not in anyway entitled to what would be listened within, since the andrapod cannot listen to wisdom, in the same way a blind man cannot see the sun. And this was fitting and truthful. Do not mourn for those who cannot see or try to force them to see. Sit in the Temple, give them a map, and wait to see if they arrive. If not, they were maybe not meant to come in. And if they were not meant for this, they will not do the striving or trials necessary.

And if further that does not happens, this means that they are not ready for the Gods yet. Do not feel sad over this, that is the natural course of the evolutionary path of Spirituality. Others will see this now, others later. Some others, never.

Sworn andrapoda must not be mourned over. Some take the path of the animals in this life. Others have a soul and they will listen. The person of soul must not be equated with the andrapod.

Now Initiates or those to be early in the path, might wonder. So am I an andrapod? Well clearly, your interest is indicative of the contrary. But do you choose to be an Andrapod and an unspiritual person, or to take the first door and start going in? That interest by itself, proves that one is not in this category. One must expand on this greater destiny and develop themselves spiritually as well as materially in this life. The longing, will bring you in front of the path.

So one has to follow their own inclination instead, that to reach higher heights and follow this, allowing themselves to become different from the body of the Andrapod and go the opposite direction, toward Wisdom and Eternal Life rather than death.

We very happily close the door to any andrapoda who do not feel the longing to be with the JoS. These gifts are not for them, but for the elect who will actually follow the path. Let them not hear about the Divine Topics if they do not have the ears required for them. That's the flow of natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
🕯️👁️🕯️Vielen Dank für das hier, für alles, für diese Schätze! Danke Joy of Satan und allen hier, die die Fackel all die Jahre lang getragen haben. HH!💚HAIL SATAN!
Thank you for this Sermon, High Priest!

I never felt at home with new-age "spirituality", even though I was drawn to the Occult since the time I could speak. I always had a deep love for it, and this searching led me at first to new-age and wicca in my early teens. It still felt empty and lacking to me, and their "spirituality" always seemed so shallow. Most of the people I ran into were either trying to scam people ("just buy my CD of binural beats, and all your Chakras will be opened in 20 minutes!") or they were narcissists looking for an ego boost by claiming to be these all mighty "light workers".

Thankfully I found the JoS a year later. Then, I felt at home and everything started making sense to me. We truly are lucky to have access to this knowledge.

Hail Satan!!
I've meditated for almost 2 years to open my chakras, i didnt listen to any of that bullshit
Especially as of late, even alot of fake satanic worshipping where they are now ... making Satan more easily acceptable through showing his kindness but yet keeping the parts of sacrifices being required and selling your soul to him.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
