Welcome to our New Forums!

Our forums have been upgraded and expanded!


"Greetings and Welcome to our New Community Forums!

We have decided that one way to overcome any issues presenting themselves with the previous forums, was not only to solve them, but to fully upgrade our forums.

The JoS has now a new forum, better than ever before, that is beautiful, response and modern. Everyone is encouraged to login and begin posting and learning on the new forum.

Do not be afraid to experiment! Also, we are aware there have to be a lot of changes/improvements on the layout and everything that has to do with the forum. We are putting in the work to make it happen simultaneously as everyone accommodates.

-Posts, avatars, user accounts are as they were before.
-Your passwords are as they were before.
-Community is as before.
-Improved theme, light and dark theme as per your choice.

Stay tuned as we increase and improve everything that has to do with the forum experience. We know certain things need improvements.


1. Artists/Designers - Those with high art skills such as creating banners, backgrounds and so on, could message me at [email protected]
2. Programmers/Web Designers - We need more programmers and others who have valuable skills to join the designing efforts under the official group of JoS Coding. That will do wonders for the community.

I want to thank ApolloAbove [JG] for the fact that we worked together to get everything working and upgraded; but we have a lot more work to do. For troubleshooting logins on other problems, contact him at [email protected]"

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I am very grateful to the gods and everyone who has made the forums much better.

The new design, functions and features really make the forums more cozy and create an impressive atmosphere of comfort.

I really liked the dark theme (y)
Every user now also has the ability to have a profile; we are still learning the board around ourselves. Sort of like your own personal page/space.

On this profile, you can have elevated things as you grow in the JoS, like the ability to have this personal space to post news, or whatever else you want.

We are still examining everything. Chances are also that some SS who had posting privilege might have lost them over the transfer [We will restore all of this as we go].

Every user can also now petition to change their name, directly from the platform [a feature to not be used more than 2 times total]. When approved, this will be done.

I am also attaching a file here to show to everyone another feature, like the attaching file feature. This pic below was directly uploaded here, without the need for external services like imgur. Direct upload.

View attachment 3

We want to move more into the community aspect here, with everyone having a more vivid presence here.

Your personal space and preferences matter a lot, that's why we want this reflected in the platform.

More abilities and conveniences for each member as well, compared to before, will make forums more pleasant to be in, easier to use etc.

Without violating the character of the forums which are for learning, the stronger community element such as the ability to selectively send messages etc, is also very helpful.
It's just Great!

I have been waiting for this for a very long time and I am very happy that now it will be possible not to crop avatars and not edit images, it took me a lot of time.

I am grateful to Father Satan and High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 for the large number of new, good and positive changes in all respects that have occurred recently and continue to occur on our forums.
do you think it is safe to log into the forum using a normal browser now and not a vpn like Tor? because Tor is slower and writing messages and reacting to posts takes longer. Or are there faster vpns?
„Salutări și bun venit pe noile noastre forumuri ale comunității!

Am decis că o modalitate de a depăși orice probleme care s-au prezentat cu forumurile anterioare nu a fost doar să le rezolvăm, ci să ne actualizăm complet forumurile.

JoS are acum un nou forum, mai bun ca niciodată, care este frumos, de răspuns și modern. Toată lumea este încurajată să se autentifice și să înceapă să posteze și să învețe pe noul forum.

Nu vă fie frică să experimentați! De asemenea, suntem conștienți că trebuie să existe o mulțime de modificări/îmbunătățiri asupra aspectului și a tot ceea ce are de-a face cu forumul. Ne depunem eforturi pentru ca acest lucru să se întâmple simultan, pe măsură ce toată lumea se potrivește.

-Postările, avatarele, conturile de utilizator sunt ca înainte.
- Parolele tale sunt ca înainte.
-Comunitatea este ca înainte.
-Temă îmbunătățită, temă luminoasă și întunecată conform alegerii dvs.

Rămâneți pe fază pe măsură ce creștem și îmbunătățim tot ceea ce are de-a face cu experiența pe forum. Știm că anumite lucruri au nevoie de îmbunătățiri.

Între timp:

1. Artiști/Designeri - Cei cu abilități înalte de artă, cum ar fi crearea de bannere, fundaluri și așa mai departe, mi-ar putea trimite un mesaj la [email protected]
2. Programatori/Designeri web - Avem nevoie de mai mulți programatori și de alții care au abilități valoroase pentru a se alătura eforturilor de proiectare în cadrul grupului oficial JoS Coding. Asta va face minuni pentru comunitate.

Vreau să mulțumesc lui ApolloAbove [JG] pentru faptul că am lucrat împreună pentru ca totul să funcționeze și să fie actualizat; dar avem mult mai mult de lucru. Pentru depanarea autentificărilor pentru alte probleme, contactați-l la [email protected] "

-Marele Preot Cobra cu glugă 666
Hello ! Sorry to take up your time with my nonsense, but yesterday, May 23rd, the satanic calendar shows as a special lucky day for games, luck, luck, etc.
So I followed the advice of the calendar, but the 23rd of May was a black day for me, my brother was arrested innocently and I lost all my gambling money.
The course of the month lasted only an hour
at that time I slept

I have been dedicated for 4 years
all I managed to do was meditate by opening the chakras strongly.
and ritualizing against wretched enemies
I attack them every night, in addition to fighting poverty, I get paid 30 euros a day, work for about 10 hours, come home and then start the attack on our enemies.
what I want to ask you is what should I do so that the great satan and the demons throw me a slice of bread every now and then
I can't lie, I also felt quite strong and very pure energies, but in these 4 years I devoted my soul and time, but "my problems are still the same
Hello ! Sorry to take up your time with my nonsense, but yesterday, May 23rd, the satanic calendar shows as a special lucky day for games, luck, luck, etc.
So I followed the advice of the calendar, but the 23rd of May was a black day for me, my brother was arrested innocently and I lost all my gambling money.
The course of the month lasted only an hour
at that time I slept

I have been dedicated for 4 years
all I managed to do was meditate by opening the chakras strongly.
and ritualizing against wretched enemies
I attack them every night, in addition to fighting poverty, I get paid 30 euros a day, work for about 10 hours, come home and then start the attack on our enemies.
what I want to ask you is what should I do so that the great satan and the demons throw me a slice of bread every now and then
I can't lie, I also felt quite strong and very pure energies, but in these 4 years I devoted my soul and time, but "my problems are still the same
Brother, don't gamble. Ain't worth it and unless you have been under the guidance of a Daemon in any such regards , just avoid wasting your money and put them to better use in bitcoin or investing them in your personal development. You are responsible for your earthly existance, of course you'll always be protected to some extent as long as you work for Satan and work on your Aura Cleaning.
There are planetary squares you can do which will almost always help you fix any issues in your life, or personalized workings using the Runes or other Mantra system.
Satan always gives us Knowledge to Empower ourselves (we can do this without Divine intervention). If anything Satan does protect us in the circumstances where we are truly at risk. Don't put yourself in those situation for unworthy reasons. You are better than that.

(I'm also from RO just so you know)
Frate, nu juca de noroc . Nu merită și, cu excepția cazului în care ați fost sub îndrumarea unui Daemon în astfel de privințe, evitați doar să vă risipiti banii și folosiți-i mai bine în bitcoin sau investiți-i în dezvoltarea personală. Sunteți responsabil pentru existența voastră pământească, desigur că veți fi întotdeauna protejat într-o oarecare măsură atâta timp cât lucrați pentru Satan și lucrați la Curățarea Aurei.
Există pătrate planetare pe care le puteți face, care aproape întotdeauna vă vor ajuta să remediați orice probleme din viața dvs. sau lucrări personalizate folosind Rune sau alt sistem Mantra.
Satana ne oferă întotdeauna Cunoaștere pentru a ne împuternici (putem face acest lucru fără intervenția divină). Dacă ceva ne protejează Satana în circumstanțele în care suntem cu adevărat în pericol. Nu te pune în acea situație din motive nedemne. Ești mai bun decât atât.

(si eu sunt din RO ca sa stii)
One of the things I like about the forum is the profile messages. Opening a topic to share your thoughts can look different or your topic can be perceived as a mini sermon. In general there is less freedom and more expectation. The profile messages are quite enjoyable. You can chill out and share your thoughts with the beautiful community.

It's a bit reminds me of the old days of social media, which is why I think everyone has adapted and started using it so easily.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
