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The Greek Sacred Vowels


May 3, 2022
Good morning to all of my brothers ans sisters in Satan.
My Guardian Demon wanted me to write this small thread about something that I integretad in my practice some years ago, long before my dedication, as She said: "It doesn't get enough recognition".
I'm speaking of the use of the Seven Sacred Greek Vowels in magick.
Ancient greek is one of the most powerful and spiritual languages. It is a language so perfect that it is said it was invented by the Gods themselves and then brought to man as a gift.
In the greek magical tradition (also attested in the PGM-Greek Magical Papyri), there is a large use of the Seven Sacred Vowels during goetic practices (real Goetia originated in Greece, and not in the salmonic tradition, where it was actually corrupted as a practice), ceremonial magick and group/private spells. The Greek Initiates of the Mysteries were taught that each of the vowels corresponded to an Heaven (planet) and were to be chanted, before or a after a magical practice, to facilitate the invocation of the Gods and call in power, or separately for a specific purpose aligned with the Heaven (planet) it corrisponded to. Coming from an old occult tradition, we SS know that the Seven Heavens also correspond to the Seven Chakras.


Here are the planetary correspondences and correct pronounce for each vowel :

A (alpha), pronounced as in "cat" or "chat": First Heaven. Corresponding to the Moon

E (epsilon), pronounced as in "leg" or "jet": Second Heaven. Corresponding to Mercury.

H (eta) pronounced "ay" as in "day" or "bay": Third Heaven. Corresponding to Venus.

I (iota) pronounced "ee" as "free" or "bee": Fourth Heaven. Corresponding to the Sun.

O (omicron) pronounced as a short "o" sound: Fifth Heaven. Corresponding to Mars.

Y (upsilon) pronounced "you" as in "universe": Sixth Heaven. Corresponding to Jupiter.

Ω (omega) pronounced as a long "o" sound: Seventh Heaven. Corresponding to Saturn


As it's narrated in Plato's Philebus, the Egyptian God Thoth, mentioned as "Theuth", came to the human kind, teaching them the language and dividing the letters in mutes, semi-vowels and vowels. The vowels are seven. For the Phytagoreans, seven was the number of harmony, divinity and perfection. When the seven vowels are chanted, vibrated or used as mantras, they create a perfect harmony which ascends as a praise to the Gods.
Later in time, amulets with the seven vowels inscribed began popular for purposes of protection (similar amulet were produced with the "abracadabra" inscription). In the most recent esoteric texts (largely corrupted) these vowels are reported as mere letters to inscribe in an amulet for protection. Basically, their entire spiritual meaning has been uprooted and their use misinterpreted. The same exact thing happened with the planetar squares, which in the recent corrupted esoteric tradition are just used as amulets, without any vibration or chanting, an thus made useless.


For further research, I recommend the study of these articles and this book:

"The mystery of the seven vowels, in theory and practice" by Joscelyn Godwin.

As for any other modern-days text, you may find corruption. I trust in every SS capacity for discernment between lies and occult truth. Happy Venus day and blessed be everyone. ☽◯☾
Good morning to all of my brothers ans sisters in Satan.
My Guardian Demon wanted me to write this small thread about something that I integretad in my practice some years ago, long before my dedication, as She said: "It doesn't get enough recognition".
I'm speaking of the use of the Seven Sacred Greek Vowels in magick.
Ancient greek is one of the most powerful and spiritual languages. It is a language so perfect that it is said it was invented by the Gods themselves and then brought to man as a gift.
In the greek magical tradition (also attested in the PGM-Greek Magical Papyri), there is a large use of the Seven Sacred Vowels during goetic practices (real Goetia originated in Greece, and not in the salmonic tradition, where it was actually corrupted as a practice), ceremonial magick and group/private spells. The Greek Initiates of the Mysteries were taught that each of the vowels corresponded to an Heaven (planet) and were to be chanted, before or a after a magical practice, to facilitate the invocation of the Gods and call in power, or separately for a specific purpose aligned with the Heaven (planet) it corrisponded to. Coming from an old occult tradition, we SS know that the Seven Heavens also correspond to the Seven Chakras.

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Here are the planetary correspondences and correct pronounce for each vowel :

A (alpha), pronounced as in "cat" or "chat": First Heaven. Corresponding to the Moon

E (epsilon), pronounced as in "leg" or "jet": Second Heaven. Corresponding to Mercury.

H (eta) pronounced "ay" as in "day" or "bay": Third Heaven. Corresponding to Venus.

I (iota) pronounced "ee" as "free" or "bee": Fourth Heaven. Corresponding to the Sun.

O (omicron) pronounced as a short "o" sound: Fifth Heaven. Corresponding to Mars.

Y (upsilon) pronounced "you" as in "universe": Sixth Heaven. Corresponding to Jupiter.

Ω (omega) pronounced as a long "o" sound: Seventh Heaven. Corresponding to Saturn

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As it's narrated in Plato's Philebus, the Egyptian God Thoth, mentioned as "Theuth", came to the human kind, teaching them the language and dividing the letters in mutes, semi-vowels and vowels. The vowels are seven. For the Phytagoreans, seven was the number of harmony, divinity and perfection. When the seven vowels are chanted, vibrated or used as mantras, they create a perfect harmony which ascends as a praise to the Gods.
Later in time, amulets with the seven vowels inscribed began popular for purposes of protection (similar amulet were produced with the "abracadabra" inscription). In the most recent esoteric texts (largely corrupted) these vowels are reported as mere letters to inscribe in an amulet for protection. Basically, their entire spiritual meaning has been uprooted and their use misinterpreted. The same exact thing happened with the planetar squares, which in the recent corrupted esoteric tradition are just used as amulets, without any vibration or chanting, an thus made useless.

View attachment 4155

For further research, I recommend the study of these articles and this book:

"The mystery of the seven vowels, in theory and practice" by Joscelyn Godwin.

As for any other modern-days text, you may find corruption. I trust in every SS capacity for discernment between lies and occult truth. Happy Venus day and blessed be everyone. ☽◯☾

Here a personal note:
Take the Octahedron, put IAEO or IOEA at the 4 corners, put Ω down and Y up (1st - 7th chakra), then put H at center as Venus connects everything as the 4th chakra connect the other chakras (ruled by Venus).

The Octahedron is related to the human soul and the Merkaba, also related to Goddess Astarte, related to Venus and number 8.

You might look at the Eptagram, it might have more secrets, even related to metals. Eptagram has 21 lines and 42 points.

About your work:
That is also the Triangular number 7, and adds up to 28, perfect number and 7×4. The sum in isopsephy is equal to 8425 (1+10+24+40+350+2400+5600) tot. of 28 letters (4×7).
The sum in isopsephy by using the full name of the letters is 22936 (532+1730+927+4444+1800+7560+5943).
tot. of 147 letters (21×7).

If you know more about these numbers, please share.
A (alpha), pronounced as in "cat" or "chat": First Heaven. Corresponding to the Moon

E (epsilon), pronounced as in "leg" or "jet": Second Heaven. Corresponding to Mercury.

Alpha is pronounced as "alternator, AUM ..." not as in cat or chat, because that is the same as epsilon, leg, jet. "a" and "e" in cat, chat, leg, jet is pronounced the same way.

Y (upsilon) pronounced "you" as in "universe": Sixth Heaven. Corresponding to Jupiter.

This is debatable and I don't really know which version is better. They say that upsilon was pronounced as you say in pre-classical era, but in the classical era and Hellenistic era, it was pronounced as Ü, the German umlaut. But I don't know much about this currently.


Also what do you think about the the existence of dialects? There is much depths in ancient Greek Isopsephy, but how this comes together with the fact that different dialects wrote words differently, so one given words had different values in different dialects... @Virael_
Alpha is pronounced as "alternator, AUM ..." not as in cat or chat, because that is the same as epsilon, leg, jet. "a" and "e" in cat, chat, leg, jet is pronounced the same way.

This is debatable and I don't really know which version is better. They say that upsilon was pronounced as you say in pre-classical era, but in the classical era and Hellenistic era, it was pronounced as Ü, the German umlaut. But I don't know much about this currently.


Also what do you think about the the existence of dialects? There is much depths in ancient Greek Isopsephy, but how this comes together with the fact that different dialects wrote words differently, so one given words had different values in different dialects... @Virael_
Chat and cat are not pronounced like leg or jet in the UK. Maybe you're american.

I study IX a.C -VI d.C sec ancient greek at university. The majority of scholars agree that this is the most attested pronounce for upsilon. However you can't be certain about the pronounciation of the letter in lesser known dialects, cause there were too much and the pronounce may vary depending on the poleis dialect.

Regarding the dialects, around 300 a.C they became a real problem in Greek cultural society. There were simply too many, and this was resolved later in time with the diffusion of the κοινὴ διάλεκτος. I didn't understand correctly the answer about dialects words though, are you referring to a numerical value of the words, as in Isopsephy, or semantic?
I find this very fascinating and I am going to have to look into this further in the future.

Thanks for posting this, Isisd.
are you referring to a numerical value of the words, as in Isopsephy

Yes the numerical value as in isopsephy, the same word has different numerical value in different dialects because it was written differently.
I don't know it just confuses me how this language is so holy if it differed so much among cities.
Yes the numerical value as in isopsephy, the same word has different numerical value in different dialects because it was written differently.
I don't know it just confuses me how this language is so holy if it differed so much among cities.
Oh I understand your question now. I don't know if you're american or not, but I'll assume you are to give you an example and explain better. In america you speak english, and the language is the same in every state, the accent may vary. In Italy and Greece the thing is more complex. We have a main language, the "demotic" (popular) language (Italian and modern greek) that we all understand. But you will see that in every region there is a specific dialect, often almost completely different from the main language (if you take the sardinian or sicilian dialect for example), that we speak fluently. In ancient greek there was a similar situation. So when talking about the holy greek language, the one that contains much spiritual power and reaches a level of substantial grammatical and numerical perfection, we are referring to the Classical ancient greek language (the one used by Homer to write the Iliad and the Odissey and became an example for the subsequent literary production ) which survived until 330 a.C and then got substituted by the Koine. Under the homeric there were the various dialects. However, even the extinct dialects came directly from a common matrix (the proto-greek).
So even if the same word can have different numerical values depending on the dialect, the spiritual origin of all of them is the same, and if we have to believe in the legends, this matrix came directly from the Gods.

Here a personal note:
Take the Octahedron, put IAEO or IOEA at the 4 corners, put Ω down and Y up (1st - 7th chakra), then put H at center as Venus connects everything as the 4th chakra connect the other chakras (ruled by Venus).

The Octahedron is related to the human soul and the Merkaba, also related to Goddess Astarte, related to Venus and number 8.

You might look at the Eptagram, it might have more secrets, even related to metals. Eptagram has 21 lines and 42 points.

About your work:
That is also the Triangular number 7, and adds up to 28, perfect number and 7×4. The sum in isopsephy is equal to 8425 (1+10+24+40+350+2400+5600) tot. of 28 letters (4×7).
The sum in isopsephy by using the full name of the letters is 22936 (532+1730+927+4444+1800+7560+5943).
tot. of 147 letters (21×7).

If you know more about these numbers, please share.
This is fascinating. I never got so much in the depths of isopsephy. I remember it was used by the phytagoreans as a divination method. I would like to go into detail and do some research. The link between isopsephy and sacred geometry really intrigues me. I never thought about it in that way.
Alpha is pronounced as "alternator, AUM ..." not as in cat or chat, because that is the same as epsilon, leg, jet. "a" and "e" in cat, chat, leg, jet is pronounced the same way.

This is debatable and I don't really know which version is better. They say that upsilon was pronounced as you say in pre-classical era, but in the classical era and Hellenistic era, it was pronounced as Ü, the German umlaut. But I don't know much about this currently.


Also what do you think about the the existence of dialects? There is much depths in ancient Greek Isopsephy, but how this comes together with the fact that different dialects wrote words differently, so one given words had different values in different dialects... @Virael_
Ideally it should exist only one dialect in greek and it should be forbiden to make any type of change to the language.

But for now I think that you can mix them or you can only use at the time and not mix them.

Try both if you have doubts.

I hope one day to see the white world using only the greek language, a final one with all the "forgotten letters" restored. Or a sort of koine for the masses and the final one for the initiates.
Good morning to all of my brothers ans sisters in Satan.
My Guardian Demon wanted me to write this small thread about something that I integretad in my practice some years ago, long before my dedication, as She said: "It doesn't get enough recognition".
I'm speaking of the use of the Seven Sacred Greek Vowels in magick.
Ancient greek is one of the most powerful and spiritual languages. It is a language so perfect that it is said it was invented by the Gods themselves and then brought to man as a gift.
In the greek magical tradition (also attested in the PGM-Greek Magical Papyri), there is a large use of the Seven Sacred Vowels during goetic practices (real Goetia originated in Greece, and not in the salmonic tradition, where it was actually corrupted as a practice), ceremonial magick and group/private spells. The Greek Initiates of the Mysteries were taught that each of the vowels corresponded to an Heaven (planet) and were to be chanted, before or a after a magical practice, to facilitate the invocation of the Gods and call in power, or separately for a specific purpose aligned with the Heaven (planet) it corrisponded to. Coming from an old occult tradition, we SS know that the Seven Heavens also correspond to the Seven Chakras.

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Here are the planetary correspondences and correct pronounce for each vowel :

A (alpha), pronounced as in "cat" or "chat": First Heaven. Corresponding to the Moon

E (epsilon), pronounced as in "leg" or "jet": Second Heaven. Corresponding to Mercury.

H (eta) pronounced "ay" as in "day" or "bay": Third Heaven. Corresponding to Venus.

I (iota) pronounced "ee" as "free" or "bee": Fourth Heaven. Corresponding to the Sun.

O (omicron) pronounced as a short "o" sound: Fifth Heaven. Corresponding to Mars.

Y (upsilon) pronounced "you" as in "universe": Sixth Heaven. Corresponding to Jupiter.

Ω (omega) pronounced as a long "o" sound: Seventh Heaven. Corresponding to Saturn

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As it's narrated in Plato's Philebus, the Egyptian God Thoth, mentioned as "Theuth", came to the human kind, teaching them the language and dividing the letters in mutes, semi-vowels and vowels. The vowels are seven. For the Phytagoreans, seven was the number of harmony, divinity and perfection. When the seven vowels are chanted, vibrated or used as mantras, they create a perfect harmony which ascends as a praise to the Gods.
Later in time, amulets with the seven vowels inscribed began popular for purposes of protection (similar amulet were produced with the "abracadabra" inscription). In the most recent esoteric texts (largely corrupted) these vowels are reported as mere letters to inscribe in an amulet for protection. Basically, their entire spiritual meaning has been uprooted and their use misinterpreted. The same exact thing happened with the planetar squares, which in the recent corrupted esoteric tradition are just used as amulets, without any vibration or chanting, an thus made useless.

View attachment 4155

For further research, I recommend the study of these articles and this book:

"The mystery of the seven vowels, in theory and practice" by Joscelyn Godwin.

As for any other modern-days text, you may find corruption. I trust in every SS capacity for discernment between lies and occult truth. Happy Venus day and blessed be everyone. ☽◯☾
About the pronunciation:
Αα like fAther
Εε like Egg
Ηη like Heh in FRTR, H or He, or E of Egg, modern greek I of sin.
Ιι like sin
Οο like Over
Υυ like pUt or alternative V/W
Ωω like Over

Maybe the chant is:

Focus and visualize the planets while you chant the letters.
Then the Invocation to Satanas, then your work. This should work like an invocation of the planets from what I see.
This is fascinating. I never got so much in the depths of isopsephy. I remember it was used by the phytagoreans as a divination method. I would like to go into detail and do some research. The link between isopsephy and sacred geometry really intrigues me. I never thought about it in that way.

Virael shared this video that will amaze you also:

(sadly this guy is more engaged with abrahamic sources rather than pagan ones)

Εε like Egg
Ηη like Heh in FRTR, H or He, or E of Egg, modern greek I of sin.
E (epsilon), pronounced as in "leg" or "jet": Second Heaven. Corresponding to Mercury.

H (eta) pronounced "ay" as in "day" or "bay": Third Heaven. Corresponding to Venus.

It looks like epsilon was pronounced as say, may, hey: [e], and eta was pronounced as egg, help: [ε], in classical period, and earlier. Only later it switched in koine.


The problem is that we have no idea how these letters were vibrated or pronounced by initiates of the Gods in rituals, we have only have sources on how it was commonly pronounced and misspelled and this sort, but not how they were pronounced in "divine practices". We have no idea how these were pronounced in that (Greek tetragrammaton?) or whatever isisd shared.
and eta was pronounced as egg, help: [ε]

As a little plus, HPHC pronounces Ares in the grand rituals with e as in egg, and Ares is written with eta.
Virael shared this video that will amaze you also:

(sadly this guy is more engaged with abrahamic sources rather than pagan ones)

It looks like epsilon was pronounced as say, may, hey: [e], and eta was pronounced as egg, help: [ε], in classical period, and earlier. Only later it switched in koine.


The problem is that we have no idea how these letters were vibrated or pronounced by initiates of the Gods in rituals, we have only have sources on how it was commonly pronounced and misspelled and this sort, but not how they were pronounced in "divine practices". We have no idea how these were pronounced in that (Greek tetragrammaton?) or whatever isisd shared.
It's not the tetragrammaton, as it's not based on 4.

The original sound of Eta is H, note that capital Eta is an H.
The original sound of Eta is H, note that capital Eta is an H.

Yes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heta
And also, this 24 letter alphabet was only adopted in 400bc.

Pythagoras, Socrates, and many more likely used the old archaic alphabet and not this one.

The small letters was also invented in the byzantine empire, it's a shame that ancient books are printed with those letters.
Yes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heta
And also, this 24 letter alphabet was only adopted in 400bc.

Pythagoras, Socrates, and many more likely used the old archaic alphabet and not this one.

The small letters was also invented in the byzantine empire, it's a shame that ancient books are printed with those letters.
This is what bother me, the sistem can be incomplete with all of this. Maybe the koine is ok, as it were used in the xian bible, that essencially is a big collection of codes. In the future we will fix it.

But for us, it's still ok, as we can talk about more things in greek, because it's a spiritual language, even without isopsephy in this case.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
