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The friend , who's no longer a friend


New member
Nov 9, 2022
In 2011 I was introduced to JoS to a close friend of mine (At the time) who introduced me to this enlightened sight of wisdom and knowledge and I've been obsessed ever since .. I've done my Dedication Ritual in 2011 everything went great. Fast forward 2021 , I notice my "Friend" becoming more distant , Didn't want to be around me anymore , Everytime we see each other he'll leave. Then one day speaking briefly he said " What if your a Demon whose trying to manipulate me (Referred to himself as a Angel) ..... I was pissed , I told him he's a low down pig who has no integrity. He done the Dedication Ritual as well but he obviously didn't live up to his Oath.

Now , we are no longer friends. I believe he converted back into filth of the Xians...
Very good, detach and not care about these people. Also stay safe, people like these tend to want to prove their existence by hurting people like you. Stop being so loving of people who do not deserve this.
apperantly it is common to be intreduced to satanism by nut heads.. when i was a teen some full blown fake satanist occoultist came aggresevly into my life and "locked" on me. before i even knew, it was for a reason, because i started to search about these things and levai's satanism and then came to our real and true spirituality.
well satan aware of these usefull idiots.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
