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The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Slavic Fairy Tales. The Alien Blood.)


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2022
Großdeutscher Reichstag

Slavic Fairy Tales

The Alien Blood

First of all, what immediately caught Himmler's eye, and mine as well, was the acute theme of non-your-blood. Himmler drew attention to this in the fairy tale of Snow White, note the White Snow - the White Race, white as snow. All these tales of the White Race, it is no coincidence that they are all common among the peoples of Europe and Russia, affected by the Jewish disease most of all. And everywhere the theme of rejection of not one's own, alien, unrelated blood is acute. Alien blood is the only reason for the hatred of the stepmother to the stepdaughter, this is emphasized in the tales. The conflict is based on the difference in genes. The image of dissimulation, life under the yoke of a foreign nation. The helpless, outliving father who put his sexual lust above his parental duty and betrayed his daughter into the hands of a stranger is, well, the image of modern Europe.

But the most important thing in this tale is something else. Why a WOMAN... why a stepmother and not a stepfather... because in life there is no difference, but in fairy tales the tradition of female conflict is clearly observed. This is very important, even more important than all of the above, because it gives the key to solving the mystery, it gives the answer to what exactly is alien. Woman, female energy, Yin, in all legends, in all peoples, in all Mysteries, in alchemy... is a symbol of the SUBTLE WORLD, the SUBTLE MATTER, the SECRET. OF THE INVISIBLE UNREVEALED WORLD. Whereas man is a symbol of the manifested world. The Moon and Neptune, the female planets in astrology, rule the mystery, the invisible reality, the astral, emotions, psychics, the elements of water and ether, the unstable things which cannot be seen and touched. The two Signs they rule, Pisces and Cancer, being strong in the natal chart, give the most shy and secretive people with talents in the unrevealed reality: working with the astral, mediumism, astrology. The 6th and 7th chakras, ruled by these planets, connect us to the astral world.

This is the answer. The subtle invisible matter - what is it? It is spirituality, religion, magic, ideology, philosophy-anything that cannot be touched. IT'S THE ALIEN RELIGION!!! IT'S THE ALIEN GOD!!! God is the chakras, it's not a dude in the sky like retards think. It's something you can't see, touch, put on, but that rules the world, as Bezmenov said. This is JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY!!! Stepmother is the image of Judeo-Christianity - the religion (mystical "woman", subtle invisible matter) of an alien genetics (the Jews). This is what Himmler noted in Snow White.

The Jews have this symbol "shekinah" - "wife clothed in the sun," the church, "Christ's bride" - she is the church. The word "shekinah" is stolen from Shakti, of course, and in fact Shakti is - her Jewish version. Because Shakti is the mystical woman, it is our subconscious, our Moon, our senses. It is their only weapon working against us.

Hence the images of brides defeating their suitors in battle, going back to time immemorial. Hence all the proverbs that "the weak rule the strong" and "the soft rules the hard," preserved in particular in the book of the Tao Te Ching. Our ancestors tried to impart a wisdom that could save our lives now in the 21st century: no matter how many nuclear bombs, computers and space stations we have, our destiny still depends and will depend on such "ephemeral" things as our worldview, our opinions, our religion. Europe, the most developed region in the world, survived the plague, the inquisition, and two world wars, and recovered. But now it has only a few generations to live. No empire has ever died at this rate in any war, - because of ideas of tolerance, charity, intercultural exchange, etc.

All sorts of magical objects and characters helping the stepdaughter in her struggle are a hint that salvation lies in the subtle world. Only a return to our Pagan roots - to magic, to mysticism, to the occult - only a look into the astral world, can help us understand where the roots go. The roots of all phenomena go to the astral world. The root of man is his God. By spiritually destroying the Jewish "god"- their root - we will spiritually destroy the Jews themselves.

Author: Edward Lonsa
Translator: Edward Lonsa (translated from Russian into English by Edward Lonsa)
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Great post and an important point to emphasize.

One little note on the translation.

In this sentence:

"The word "shekinah" is stolen from Shakti, of course, and in fact Shakti is - her Jewish version."

I can guess how the original was more or less and the first part is ok but the second half "Shakti is - her jewish version" says the opposite of what it was meant to. If the second Shakti is replaced by "shekinah" than it would make more sense.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
