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May 29, 2024
Why Tesla Is so famous here on forum?
Tesla was researching true nature of the universe which is electric. Your body is a creation of Father Satan and runs on electricity of impulses going trough your nerves. Kundalini is bio-electricity. Birds are using compass and Earth's electromagnetic field for navigation. Plants a reacting to EM fields also, look for photos of dying trees around 5g towers.
Tesla's patents were stolen and made secret, he was ruined by the jews because his research would explain how Egyptian pyramids work among many other things.
There is a theory that Tunguska "impact" was not a meteor but Tesla's experiment. His work is now used in projects like HAARP which bombards stratosphere with microwaves causing precisely targeted earthquakes and modification of the weather.
You can check this topic for current information on scientific research in this direction, which also explores ancient myths and legends about Gods and planets.
I don't claim its the only true revelation but its probably as close as one can get currently. I plan to write third post there which should be interesting, but it may take some time
Tesla stava ricercando la vera natura dell’universo che è elettrico. Il tuo corpo è una creazione di Padre Satana e funziona grazie all'elettricità degli impulsi che attraversano i tuoi nervi. Kundalini è bioelettricità. Gli uccelli utilizzano la bussola e il campo elettromagnetico terrestre per la navigazione. Anche le piante reagiscono ai campi EM, cerca foto di alberi morenti attorno alle torri da 5 g.
I brevetti di Tesla furono rubati e resi segreti, fu rovinato dagli ebrei perché le sue ricerche avrebbero spiegato come funzionano le piramidi egiziane tra molte altre cose.
C'è una teoria secondo cui l'"impatto" di Tunguska non fu una meteora ma l'esperimento di Tesla. Il suo lavoro è ora utilizzato in progetti come HAARP che bombarda la stratosfera con microonde provocando terremoti mirati e modificazioni del tempo.
Puoi controllare questo argomento per informazioni aggiornate sulla ricerca scientifica in questa direzione, che esplora anche antichi miti e leggende su divinità e pianeti.
Non sostengo che sia l'unica vera rivelazione, ma probabilmente è quanto di più vicino si possa ottenere attualmente. Ho intenzione di scrivere un terzo post lì che dovrebbe essere interessante, ma potrebbe volerci del tempo
Thanks for all these information. Hail Satan
"The early astrological traditions held that the cosmic thunderbolts was a stream of fire between planets"

This is spiritual allegory, and most of them are, that these scientist take as literal because they don't have spiritual knowledge.

Maybe they are up to something, but I doubt they would be much closer to the truth than modern science.
Thanks for all these information. Hail Satan
Since you asked about Tesla you may have seen this post by @DarkPagan666, if not check it out.

"The early astrological traditions held that the cosmic thunderbolts was a stream of fire between planets"

This is spiritual allegory, and most of them are, that these scientist take as literal because they don't have spiritual knowledge.

Maybe they are up to something, but I doubt they would be much closer to the truth than modern science.
This is only small aspect and indeed may be also an allegory from the myths which only adds credibility, but this fire is electric plasma discharges (real thunderbolts) jumping between + and - charged planets in the past when planets were changing orbits in solar system for some reason. The biggest thing they propose and present evidence for is that Sun works on electricity coming from deep space in the form of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birkeland_current and is not thermonuclear reactor. Thermonuclear reactions that are changing Helium into Hydrogen etc, indeed occur in the Sun but on its surface, not inside of it. This means all stars are electric not thermonuclear and ruins whole presently accepted model of evolution of the stars. Incoming Birkeland's current implies that whole mega-structure of universe, which looks like sponge if you look it up, is formed around gigantic electric currents spanning across whole 3d space and starts to look like a superbrain firing impulses between superclusters of galaxies, quazars and all the rest of forms and structures of physical matter. Now since Kundalini is also electricity, sending it trough meditation with intentions impacts physical matter and creates new forms from it with new relations between these forms.

I'm arguing that this is why this group of scientists is opposed as they got too close to the source which is electricity of Satan.
Wherefore, it is true that my knowledge encompasses the
Very truth of all that is
Knowledge which propagates trough (bio)electric means and received trough crown chakra.
There is no place in the universe that knows not my presence. I participate in all the affairs, which those who are without call evil because their nature is not such as they approve.
This is major revolution in astrophysics, probably bigger than this of Copernicus, which is being stubbornly ignored, opposed and destroyed as usual, because it most probably explains how universe works, and its not based on thermonuclear.
Since you asked about Tesla you may have seen this post by @DarkPagan666, if not check it out.

This is only small aspect and indeed may be also an allegory from the myths which only adds credibility, but this fire is electric plasma discharges (real thunderbolts) jumping between + and - charged planets in the past when planets were changing orbits in solar system for some reason. The biggest thing they propose and present evidence for is that Sun works on electricity coming from deep space in the form of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birkeland_current and is not thermonuclear reactor. Thermonuclear reactions that are changing Helium into Hydrogen etc, indeed occur in the Sun but on its surface, not inside of it. This means all stars are electric not thermonuclear and ruins whole presently accepted model of evolution of the stars. Incoming Birkeland's current implies that whole mega-structure of universe, which looks like sponge if you look it up, is formed around gigantic electric currents spanning across whole 3d space and starts to look like a superbrain firing impulses between superclusters of galaxies, quazars and all the rest of forms and structures of physical matter. Now since Kundalini is also electricity, sending it trough meditation with intentions impacts physical matter and creates new forms from it with new relations between these forms.

I'm arguing that this is why this group of scientists is opposed as they got too close to the source which is electricity of Satan.

Knowledge which propagates trough (bio)electric means and received trough crown chakra.

This is major revolution in astrophysics, probably bigger than this of Copernicus, which is being stubbornly ignored, opposed and destroyed as usual, because it most probably explains how universe works, and its not based on thermonuclear.

The craters and orbital change of the planets is probably because of the destruction of Phaeton. If that even really occurred.

Anyways I'm hoping something good will turn out from their research. I'm too ignorant yet to put any valuable thought to this. But I would love to learn physics more.

Off topic but, do you think it's worth to apply for a physic university when there is so much misunderstanding in physics? I would have to learn about black holes, big bang and all that bullshit.
The other choice would be Math.
Dato che hai chiesto informazioni su Tesla, potresti aver visto questo post di @DarkPagan666, altrimenti dai un'occhiata.

Questo è solo un piccolo aspetto e in effetti potrebbe essere anche un'allegoria dei miti che aggiunge solo credibilità, ma questo fuoco è costituito da scariche elettriche di plasma (veri fulmini) che saltano tra pianeti carichi + e - in passato, quando i pianeti cambiavano orbite nel sistema solare per qualche ragione. La cosa più importante che propongono e di cui presentano prove è che il Sole funziona con l’elettricità proveniente dallo spazio profondo sotto forma di https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birkeland_current e non è un reattore termonucleare. Le reazioni termonucleari che trasformano l'elio in idrogeno, ecc., si verificano effettivamente nel Sole ma sulla sua superficie, non al suo interno. Ciò significa che tutte le stelle sono elettriche e non termonucleari e rovina l’intero modello di evoluzione delle stelle attualmente accettato. La corrente di Birkeland in arrivo implica che l'intera megastruttura dell'universo, che assomiglia a una spugna se la guardi in alto, è formata attorno a gigantesche correnti elettriche che si estendono attraverso l'intero spazio 3D e inizia a sembrare un supercervello che spara impulsi tra superammassi di galassie, quazar e tutto il resto. il resto delle forme e delle strutture della materia fisica. Ora, poiché Kundalini è anche elettricità, inviarla attraverso la meditazione con intenzioni ha un impatto sulla materia fisica e crea da essa nuove forme con nuove relazioni tra queste forme.

Sto sostenendo che questo è il motivo per cui questo gruppo di scienziati si oppone poiché si sono avvicinati troppo alla fonte che è l'elettricità di Satana.

Conoscenza che si propaga attraverso mezzi (bio)elettrici e viene ricevuta attraverso il chakra della corona.

Questa è una grande rivoluzione nell'astrofisica, probabilmente più grande di quella di Copernico, che viene ostinatamente ignorato, contrastato e distrutto come al solito, perché molto probabilmente spiega come funziona l'universo, e non è basato sulla termonucleare.
Thank you you're so kind
Off topic but, do you think it's worth to apply for a physic university when there is so much misunderstanding in physics? I would have to learn about black holes, big bang and all that bullshit.
The other choice would be Math.
I'm absolutely in no position to suggest your career but if you were already thinking about math then it may be a great start and foundation. Math is language of physics, and learning physics will be probably like a walk in park after graduating from math. I took a list of main (astro)physicists like Roger Penrose (The Large, the Small and the Human Mind), Carl Sagan, Michio Kaku (Visions, Hyperspace, Theory of everything - 3 separate publiactions) and few others and started reading their popular books. They were explaining complex things in very approachable way and it was hell of a ride. After reading all this conclusion was that problem started with jew Einstein's relativity, then it was deepened with string theory, and these two things don't work together. This conclusion about relativity and string theory was quietly smuggled few times in few books. Michio Kaku is a (pseudo?)scientific schizopreniac. One time he says its all garbage, second time he is cheering about how relativity and the rest is reflected in Zohar and Kabbalah. Or is he trying to send message how fucked up it all is? (very unlikely). Jews funded this derailment of science based on their god (the one - ainsof) to push their communist equality, inclisivity and androgyny agenda (adam kadmon), after all if all comes from jewish god then jews are chosen and we are all equal brothers to everyone. Religious manipulation of the worldwiev of the masses like xianity.
The question is, will one be brainwashed and indoctrinated after graduation from astrophysics and math and lured enough with jewish grants of money to stay and contribute to this crap or will one walk away?

The two attached scans are from newspaper from thirties before WW2, the black-white clip is from "Der Ewige Jude", and a clip about relativity of jewish thought and Michio Kaku praising zohar/kabbalah


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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
