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Jun 24, 2024

I have a question about Satanic symbolism. Is it appropriate to use traditional Satanic symbols (like bloody and dark ones)? Personally, I really like and want to use this type of symbolism and imagery, but I’m afraid it might be disrespectful to Satan and the gods.
Sounds like enemy corruption(for the most part, especially the violence). I've felt less and less "dark" since I've joined SS. Aura cleaning, invocation of the Gods and other practices will also help you get out of this liking of darkness and blood.
I have a question about Satanic symbolism. Is it appropriate to use traditional Satanic symbols (like bloody and dark ones)? Personally, I really like and want to use this type of symbolism and imagery, but I’m afraid it might be disrespectful to Satan and the gods.
RTRs will also help
I can only agree with "Seeker in the Dark". Since I have consecrated myself to Father Satan, I have only used the symbols that JoS provides for the rituals and have had very good experiences with them. I no longer need this dark stuff and anything to do with blood, which is mainly Jewish garbage. I do aura cleansing and soul cleansing daily. I also recommend you to do the Final RTRs (https://satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html) daily. They are not only directed against the Jewish attacks etc., but also help you personally in your spiritual development.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
Sounds like enemy corruption(for the most part, especially the violence). I've felt less and less "dark" since I've joined SS. Aura cleaning, invocation of the Gods and other practices will also help you get out of this liking of darkness and blood.

What is wrong with liking the dark? You cannot achieve higher statement of light without understanding about how darkness works, how inner deep looks like. Most people here are misguided - "Shine bright how much you can" but then small amount of darkness overwhelm their soul. The most important thing is to have light no matter how dark weather is.

I have a question about Satanic symbolism. Is it appropriate to use traditional Satanic symbols (like bloody and dark ones)? Personally, I really like and want to use this type of symbolism and imagery, but I’m afraid it might be disrespectful to Satan and the gods.

Soul development due training and hard work also researching how strong is your relation with Gods. Private relations with Them can be really strong, but also tested on many planes to assure you are unbreakable by enemy attacks. After long steps in relations, you can achieve some sort of "privileges" privately if They assure that you are worthy and immune to corruption.

In short - If you are asking here, not personally Father don't even try to use it.

The further you will be, the more you will understand how symbols works and how strong you need to be to completely overcome connected to symbols "values" - disrespect here.
I have a question about Satanic symbolism. Is it appropriate to use traditional Satanic symbols (like bloody and dark ones)? Personally, I really like and want to use this type of symbolism and imagery, but I’m afraid it might be disrespectful to Satan and the gods.

The traditional Satanic symbols are the same as those used in the JoS site. See the Satanic Symbols page on JoS:

In fact that page explains their meaning and clarifies that there's nothing "evil" about them. It even explains the concept of darkness and how it refers to the feminine side of the soul and nothing "evil".

There are no "bloody and dark ones", unless you confuse the symbols with artistic depictions of Satan and the Gods by fake Satanists, which are blasphemous and based on enemy propaganda.

The only blasphemous things in some of those symbols the fake Satanists use are circles and hebrew letters around the Baphomet, or anything Hebrew or jewish in general. We don't use those, as they are insulting and jews are Satan's enemies.
Soul development due training and hard work also researching how strong is your relation with Gods. Private relations with Them can be really strong, but also tested on many planes to assure you are unbreakable by enemy attacks. After long steps in relations, you can achieve some sort of "privileges" privately if They assure that you are worthy and immune to corruption.

In short - If you are asking here, not personally Father don't even try to use it.

The further you will be, the more you will understand how symbols works and how strong you need to be to completely overcome connected to symbols "values" - disrespect here.
The traditional Satanic symbols are the same as those used in the JoS site. See the Satanic Symbols page on JoS:

In fact that page explains their meaning and clarifies that there's nothing "evil" about them. It even explains the concept of darkness and how it refers to the feminine side of the soul and nothing "evil".

There are no "bloody and dark ones", unless you confuse the symbols with artistic depictions of Satan and the Gods by fake Satanists, which are blasphemous and based on enemy propaganda.

The only blasphemous things in some of those symbols the fake Satanists use are circles and hebrew letters around the Baphomet, or anything Hebrew or jewish in general. We don't use those, as they are insulting and jews are Satan's enemies.
What is wrong with liking the dark? You cannot achieve higher statement of light without understanding about how darkness works, how inner deep looks like. Most people here are misguided - "Shine bright how much you can" but then small amount of darkness overwhelm their soul. The most important thing is to have light no matter how dark weather is.

Goddess Kali is depicted as very violent and dark you could say, representing the wrath of the Gods against evil.

I guess a better response from me would be not to repress that aspect, but to know when it appropriate to use. 99% of the time it's better to be positive/light, dark/violence should only be used to fight back against attacks.

Also there's nothing wrong with a dark aesthetic, however this should be differentiated from a dark attitude(so wallowing in negativity, like fear, hate, anger, violent thoughts/emotions) which pollutes the aura. These feelings exist for specific scenarios and shouldn't be expressed inappropriately unless you've repressed them before and want to release them to get the energies working properly.

That being said, the Gods are mostly, if not entirely based on the light, even the "dark" ones( which energies were turned dark due to enemy curses) were mentioned by HPS Maxine as wanting to return to the light. Lilith told HPS Maxine that "Light is power".

Darkness is also light turned inside out according to Beelzebub so I guess the two polarities could be interpreted as two sides of the same coin.

I have a question about Satanic symbolism. Is it appropriate to use traditional Satanic symbols (like bloody and dark ones)? Personally, I really like and want to use this type of symbolism and imagery, but I’m afraid it might be disrespectful to Satan and the gods.
Premise: it's my opinion, it doesn't have to be the absolute truth, it's just a personal opinion.

Why out of all the positive and life-filled things that Satanism has, do you instead prefer to focus your attention on the blasphemous propaganda images that resemble the false monstrous appearance? It doesn't make sense. Also because focusing on something shifts the manifesting energy (Ki) onto that thing. And I don't think you want to connect to anything related to blood and ugliness...

Regardless of what the Gods might think, even for yourself you should be able to perceive the majesty of the high values and benevolent ideals of Satanism as a religion for the highest forms of life itself. You will truly feel MUCH better by embracing what Satanism really has to offer. Because they are positive things compared to what is gruesome and disgusting in itself.

However there is nothing disgusting precisely about darkness as a symbol, if you understand on a spiritual level what certain things represent and mean. For example, the psychic and occult side of the brain, etc. My point is more about avoiding associating the macabre with these spiritual concepts, macabre things like blood worship, unjustified violence and "ugly monsters" are not part of anything in Satanism.
An example of this is the skull with bones: it must not be associated with violence and murder, it only represents the Nigredo stage of the Magnum Opus where the soul is purified.

Furthermore, when you talk about "traditional symbols", please be careful because on the internet regarding traditional symbols (such as the pentacle with circles and Hebrew letters, etc.) there is a lot of stuff that is actually blasphemous and unusable. So pay attention.
Goddess Kali is depicted as very violent and dark you could say, representing the wrath of the Gods against evil.

I guess a better response from me would be not to repress that aspect, but to know when it appropriate to use. 99% of the time it's better to be positive/light, dark/violence should only be used to fight back against attacks.

Also there's nothing wrong with a dark aesthetic, however this should be differentiated from a dark attitude(so wallowing in negativity, like fear, hate, anger, violent thoughts/emotions) which pollutes the aura. These feelings exist for specific scenarios and shouldn't be expressed inappropriately unless you've repressed them before and want to release them to get the energies working properly.

That being said, the Gods are mostly, if not entirely based on the light, even the "dark" ones( which energies were turned dark due to enemy curses) were mentioned by HPS Maxine as wanting to return to the light. Lilith told HPS Maxine that "Light is power".

Darkness is also light turned inside out according to Beelzebub so I guess the two polarities could be interpreted as two sides of the same

Goddess Kali is depicted as very violent and dark you could say, representing the wrath of the Gods against evil.

I guess a better response from me would be not to repress that aspect, but to know when it appropriate to use. 99% of the time it's better to be positive/light, dark/violence should only be used to fight back against attacks.

Also there's nothing wrong with a dark aesthetic, however this should be differentiated from a dark attitude(so wallowing in negativity, like fear, hate, anger, violent thoughts/emotions) which pollutes the aura. These feelings exist for specific scenarios and shouldn't be expressed inappropriately unless you've repressed them before and want to release them to get the energies working properly.

That being said, the Gods are mostly, if not entirely based on the light, even the "dark" ones( which energies were turned dark due to enemy curses) were mentioned by HPS Maxine as wanting to return to the light. Lilith told HPS Maxine that "Light is power".

Darkness is also light turned inside out according to Beelzebub so I guess the two polarities could be interpreted as two sides of the same coin.

Even the entity with 1% of light easily can win with somebody 99% of it, if first one have deeper soul. Second character have more light, but it no matter if he can't see transparently soul of his enemy and light of first one is definitely stronger, which can be used to overcome enemy to achieve win. That's how astral fights looks like.
Quality > Quantity.
Light is power, that's true, but the most important is how strong it is. People mostly think that achieving a lot of but superficially light is enough for self fulfillment, the truth is that's first step, but digging it deeper is in most cases harder to earn.
Goddess Kali is depicted as very violent and dark you could say, representing the wrath of the Gods against evil.

I guess a better response from me would be not to repress that aspect, but to know when it appropriate to use. 99% of the time it's better to be positive/light, dark/violence should only be used to fight back against attacks.

There's a difference between the jewish propaganda against our Gods (i.e. what the OP said "dark and bloody") and between warrior Gods like Kali. Our Gods are warriors and fight our enemies. But the enemy propaganda says that our Gods harm their people for no reason. This doesn't happen.

Apparently many people, both fake Satanists and new agers think in extremes. They think if we don't believe our Gods are "evil" and can harm their people without reason it means we believe they are fuzzy bunny new age love and light beings. And the new agers and Wiccan believe if someone believes in a warrior God or practices black magick and not in fuzzy bunny love and light it means they harm people for no reason. They don't understand the concept of balance. Gods both love and protect their people and hate and attack their enemies, and do not confuse those two.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
