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Spiritual Warfare Schedule: 25th of December / 3rd Of January

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Indeed, when Satan related the details of the Ritual [Beelzebub was responsible for the numerological appropriation of it - it took me a couple of years to have an understanding of numerology, Satan led to the information], I was a bit skeptical on the expectation, but honestly, these "xmas" it has been as if nothing hardly exists energetically from the enemy, it's like 80% and 90% less compared to last year.

One can only imagine in 6 months what positive outcomes it will have. Thank you for your feedback.

I may be jumping the gun a bit, but have you figured out the next best day for the destruction of the tetragramation? It probably wouldn't be effective if the planets aren't favorable or if one is doing this alone, however i found it to be very effective, which is why i ask.

Thank you for all your hard work and of course Maxine too.

Hail Satan !
luis said:

Like Cobra said do expect things to come. Both major HPs Maxine and HP Cobra have mentioned updates to the website on some point. Some information is pre-2002 when Black Rose group existed and even books and whatnot Maxine had studied to create the organization.

Also since your interested in numerology. HP.Cobra has been wanting to post said numerological updates as far back probably(maybe?) since the old ProPHP forums were shoad. So it's been a long time coming for the information update.

My only concern is that it's done correctly and coincides with the website outlook. I certainly like the old-school HTML design of our website.

Kinda like a friend of mines said "The old HTML1/2/3 websites had a lot more quality in their information than current modern HTML3/4/5 websites".

So yes do expect updates. Maybe sooner rather than later who knows. But another possibility is might be 2021's first Mercury Retrograde. Usually a good time to review information and alter information despite our warning we give members to expect weird shit to happen during Merc/Rx.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Uhm i have a question and please be honest, Comander sayed preventing the enemy from preparing,is He talking about me? Because this is the second time which i have sayed ok im done with the rtrs for now and then every time i say that,a rtr happens. Its asif they are working against me. I think the last time i sayed okay im going to fall in when the next rtr happens,after mentioning something about preparing then after that suddely a rtr is posted!? Im not complaining i think this is great,but its freaking me out a bit when it happenes like that. Guys please tell me,am i a enemy here ?? I doen't need to be made fun of im really tired of that happing to me.

I am sorry for this morning and my bad language i used.
I am awaked a lot more today because i read a shocking article about the jewish Kabbalah and how they use it!
And much MORE SHOCKING things!
Im sorry for doupting Hp Cobra..
I want to put the pdf on my signature but i cannot find it. I will go look again.
I have a pdf copy of it lucky.
I believe this is essential information for a SS to know. I only read two articles the last time and did not finish but now i did and its a game changer for me.

Hp i know im not on the level you want me to be and i noticed how you guys helped on the right track again. I want to apologize in advance if that happens again for i have so much much more to learn.
Thank you for your patience
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Uhm i have a question and please be honest, Comander sayed preventing the enemy from preparing,is He talking about me? Because this is the second time which i have sayed ok im done with the rtrs for now and then every time i say that,a rtr happens. Its asif they are working against me. I think the last time i sayed okay im going to fall in when the next rtr happens,after mentioning something about preparing then after that suddely a rtr is posted!? Im not complaining i think this is great,but its freaking me out a bit when it happenes like that. Guys please tell me,am i a enemy here ?? I doen't need to be made fun of im really tired of that happing to me.

Excuse me i mean Torah,how they use the Torah and how it links to the off world energy that has grown into a mass consciousness "THING"
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Uhm i have a question and please be honest, Comander sayed preventing the enemy from preparing,is He talking about me? Because this is the second time which i have sayed ok im done with the rtrs for now and then every time i say that,a rtr happens. Its asif they are working against me. I think the last time i sayed okay im going to fall in when the next rtr happens,after mentioning something about preparing then after that suddely a rtr is posted!? Im not complaining i think this is great,but its freaking me out a bit when it happenes like that. Guys please tell me,am i a enemy here ?? I doen't need to be made fun of im really tired of that happing to me.

Found it haha i was just looking in the wrong place. The book is there to download at the bottom of the page.
Seriously a must read for anybody who did not yet do so.

One Wire Phenomenon said:

I am having a little trouble following what you are saying. You are not the enemy, and in HPHC needed to tell you something, he would do so directly. The entire warfare push is escalating, so ritual schedules will be more frequent. RTR's will be done every day anyway.

Don't entertain any thoughts that conclude with you being of the enemy, as they are not true. Just remember to keep up your protection and continue with everything else that keeps your healthy and safe.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and Comrades.

We are exiting a highly successful cycle of warfare against the enemy from the 11th to the 22nd. After a few days of rest [and intermediary fruitless planets], we are now going to start another short and to the point schedule. Now, headed in the New Year, it's time to bless up. So buckle up.

Due to the nature of affairs currently ongoing, these schedules will not be as long as to give the enemy a lot of time for preparation. This schedule we will be following is rather simple this time, and will consist of 3 Rituals done in total. These revolve around blessing our common gathering, so that people are benefiting during upcoming difficult times. Please refer to past made topics so that you are not alarmed, and keep meditating and stay strong.

From now on, the daily RTR, should also include the Tetragrammaton reversal/Veil removal. This only adds a few additional minutes if anything and is extremely strong, and should be thrown as napalm to the enemy. It also does too many positive things for our side to currently write [may elaborate even more in the future, as awareness is paramount]. Those of you who are psychic, you understand full well what these things may be.

All in all, this will drag down all the fake idols of the enemy, including xianity, which is basically a basic proponent of the hebrew veil itself. "Christianity" is nothing but a hebrew mental apparition on the minds of Gentiles, to bring them under control. It's an occult weapon of the enemy and it'll go down with the rest of the arsenal. It's going to die out very fast.

HPS Maxine has related to me earlier this year, the enemy is having major issues and is rather depleted. This is only far more real now. Now is the time to hit them so hard with the Final and Veil Removal.

I strongly believe that our members need frequent blessings, not only to avoid hardship, but also to receive rewards and assistance for fighting spiritually for Satan. This is mandatory for everyone's well-being. I hope Santa brings you lots of gifts next year. Worldwide, things will be hard next year. These will lessen the blow.

Every Ritual done henceforth will come at increased potency. This deals with increased power and less resistance by the enemy.

Happy New Year to everyone, and bless up.

Below the Ritual Schedule:

25. FRTR, Wealth for Satanists Ritual, Race Awakening Ritual
26. FRTR, Wealth for Satanists Ritual, Race Awakening Ritual
27. FRTR, Wealth for Satanists Ritual, Race Awakening Ritual
28. FRTR, Wealth for Satanists Ritual, Race Awakening Ritual
29. FRTR, Wealth for Satanists Ritual, Race Awakening Ritual
30. FRTR, Wealth for Satanists Ritual, Race Awakening Ritual
31. FRTR, Wealth for Satanists Ritual, Race Awakening Ritual
1. FRTR, Wealth for Satanists Ritual, Race Awakening Ritual
2. FRTR, Wealth for Satanists Ritual, Race Awakening Ritual
3. FRTR, Wealth for Satanists Ritual, Race Awakening Ritual

Below the Ritual Links:

Final RTR:

2 in 1 Paintable Ritual by Soaring Eagle - https://web.archive.org/web/20201212181746id_/https://eager-meninsky-9ce80b.netlify.app/

Tetragrammaton Wipeout:

The Webpage: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/SHITHEY.html
The Official Post: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=47794
Paintable Version: Refer above, the link contains both the Final AND the Tetragrammaton destruction ritual.

Race Awakening Ritual [Blacks And Whites]:

White Race Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/RaceRitual.html

Black Race Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/11-13-16_Ritual.pdf

Ritual of Protection, Wealth and Prosperity


Backup of the Prosperity Ritual in case it goes offline - https://web.archive.org/web/20190319061023/https://www.satanisgod.org/ProsperityRitual.html

A question i have, sorry if you had answered this before but how come there isn't any for the Asian race? I belong to the sub race of the Asian race, Im south asian so can i do any of the white or black race ritual if i want to?
Should I be concerned that the prosperity ritual explicitly states "Dedicated by blood" when I was unable to bleed for my dedication ritual?

I remember this being asked before in the old forum and the general answer being that one's intent was more important, so I moved on. The affirmation for this ritual is very clear though.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Uhm i have a question and please be honest, Comander sayed preventing the enemy from preparing,is He talking about me? Because this is the second time which i have sayed ok im done with the rtrs for now and then every time i say that,a rtr happens. Its asif they are working against me. I think the last time i sayed okay im going to fall in when the next rtr happens,after mentioning something about preparing then after that suddely a rtr is posted!? Im not complaining i think this is great,but its freaking me out a bit when it happenes like that. Guys please tell me,am i a enemy here ?? I doen't need to be made fun of im really tired of that happing to me.

I don't know WTF your talking about but RTR and Spiritual Warfare has been occurring pretty much since 2003 with our organization.

We've done various rituals and runic rituals throughout 2003-2014, mostly monthly or bi-monthly rituals. Some of these past rituals include anti-Grey rituals, anti-Vatican rituals, and even anti-Kosher food rituals as well as race awakening and other rituals.

In 2013, we performed the first 88/99 White/Black awakening rituals, which people back then performed sometime around September for 40 or 39 days depending on which date they checked and performed the rituals.

In 2014 we received the 42NoG RTR and we've been performing at least every single day barring probably 6 or 7 days worth of breaks in total. Spiritual warfare EVERYDAY!

It doesn't stop in reality Spiritual Warfare never really ends per say. On some level your always performing rituals on yourself or civilization. Some of our members expect us to be performing Spiritual Warfare until 2023-2025 area. I'd wager to state the enemies kabalistic support collapses sooner rather than later and we can move on to civilization magick and help our civilization with some sort of Runic or other rituals helping things kinda like our Amazon Rain forest ritual as we helped the Amazon a bit there is others which we can't be everywhere like Russia/Siberia fires, Australian fires, California fires etc.etc.

So all in all I don't know why you would label yourself an enemy or whatever. Did you even read the JoS and our organization's properties? I think you misunderstand how hardcore our organization is despite many probably saying do your best but don't burn yourself out.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Uhm i have a question and please be honest, Comander sayed preventing the enemy from preparing,is He talking about me? Because this is the second time which i have sayed ok im done with the rtrs for now and then every time i say that,a rtr happens. Its asif they are working against me. I think the last time i sayed okay im going to fall in when the next rtr happens,after mentioning something about preparing then after that suddely a rtr is posted!? Im not complaining i think this is great,but its freaking me out a bit when it happenes like that. Guys please tell me,am i a enemy here ?? I doen't need to be made fun of im really tired of that happing to me.
None of this has anything to do with you. You are not that special. If you look at past topics, we have always had schedules like this at the same or similar times throughout every year.
Our main focus on this should be as always the FRTR right? So if one has enough time should we spam harder the Frtr or focus on doing all the rituals on high amounts?
Νίκος said:
Our main focus on this should be as always the FRTR right? So if one has enough time should we spam harder the Frtr or focus on doing all the rituals on high amounts?

Main focus is FRTR, if you can do all 3 things, FRTR and the other two rituals then do it, if you wan to do more, you can do more FRTR after that. If you have time and want to you can up each of the other rituals with more vibrations as well. like with the wealth rituals you can do mulitples of 40.
ChaosBringer666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Indeed, when Satan related the details of the Ritual [Beelzebub was responsible for the numerological appropriation of it - it took me a couple of years to have an understanding of numerology, Satan led to the information], I was a bit skeptical on the expectation, but honestly, these "xmas" it has been as if nothing hardly exists energetically from the enemy, it's like 80% and 90% less compared to last year.

One can only imagine in 6 months what positive outcomes it will have. Thank you for your feedback.

I may be jumping the gun a bit, but have you figured out the next best day for the destruction of the tetragramation? It probably wouldn't be effective if the planets aren't favorable or if one is doing this alone, however i found it to be very effective, which is why i ask.

Thank you for all your hard work and of course Maxine too.

Hail Satan !

Everyday is fine. Of course yes when planets are positive for it it is more powerful but it was said to do this everyday anyways. Wouldn't know the next best time. Probably Spring Equinox and then the Lunar Eclipse in May after that is next best time. But we still can do this daily.
slyscorpion said:
that my dad would think the kind of things he said tonight (of course I dont say everything I believe) comments like China is taking over the USA and we cannot have a paradise world cause no matter what system we would create it would be messed up by humans and this one feels like it made me lose IQ points just listening to it.
Thank you for your reply.
You and HP HC basically said it all. In order to avoid getting infected with fake beliefs, for starters, the most important is to have an evolved and older Satanic soul I guess :lol:

Luckily I wasn't dragged into a church weekly, except once for baptism and a couple of times at yule.

About parents and relatives. It can be actually painful to hear end see how delusional and brainwashed some of them are. Many of them are way past the point of no return. I really have no one to discuss important matters with outside JoS. For me, our forum here is of paramount importance.
archangelbodyarmor said:
How do I vibrate satanas
Can you spell it out or give me a link?

What up with your username and all the reverse xtian stuff you post in the past. Also we are not doing the reverse Shema right now.

You can either just vibrate it like regular SATANAS! One short word or you can vibrate it with each syllable into a differnt Chakra from base to top there are 7 syllables in that if your doing it right.

Btw Jehovah and Jesus and Angels and stuff are all thoughtforms they dont really exist. Angels also are not positive the reptilians and greys play them when its not the thoughtform your dealing with.

Each top rabbi has a system where when they invoke angels they can choose the thoughtform or a grey or a reptilian who presides over what that angel rules. None of this is positive. They do not protect us.
Meteor said:
I had problems with discipline for years, but the schedule from the 11th to the 22nd is the first time I didn't miss a single day. I'm off to a good start with this one as well. It feels great! I'm gonna keep it up.

These schedules if followed will increase your fortitude and your self knowledge as a person that you CAN adhere to some scheduled thing. Very important for your goals in life and general willpower. Congratulations.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Meteor said:
I had problems with discipline for years, but the schedule from the 11th to the 22nd is the first time I didn't miss a single day. I'm off to a good start with this one as well. It feels great! I'm gonna keep it up.

These schedules if followed will increase your fortitude and your self knowledge as a person that you CAN adhere to some scheduled thing. Very important for your goals in life and general willpower. Congratulations.

Sorry for butting in, but I wanted to add that I too had noticed positive change!
I feel more in tune with Father Satan and the Gods and I've discovered how to do things I previously thought I won't need to do and it is AMAZING!!

Thank you High Priest for everything that you do. I know it's hard on you, but never forget that you are the most AWESOME and the most WONDERFUL SS Brother EVER!!! I'm grateful to know you in this lifetime, High Priest!! THANK YOU!!

slyscorpion said:
archangelbodyarmor said:
How do I vibrate satanas
Can you spell it out or give me a link?

What up with your username and all the reverse xtian stuff you post in the past. Also we are not doing the reverse Shema right now.

You can either just vibrate it like regular SATANAS! One short word or you can vibrate it with each syllable into a differnt Chakra from base to top there are 7 syllables in that if your doing it right.

Btw Jehovah and Jesus and Angels and stuff are all thoughtforms they dont really exist. Angels also are not positive the reptilians and greys play them when its not the thoughtform your dealing with.

Each top rabbi has a system where when they invoke angels they can choose the thoughtform or a grey or a reptilian who presides over what that angel rules. None of this is positive. They do not protect us.
It is just some dumb methamphetamine addict with crazy hallucinations. You can ignore it.
Persus said:
Should I be concerned that the prosperity ritual explicitly states "Dedicated by blood" when I was unable to bleed for my dedication ritual?

I remember this being asked before in the old forum and the general answer being that one's intent was more important, so I moved on. The affirmation for this ritual is very clear though.

If you did not have any blood at all during the dedication ritual you will need to do it again. Cause that is what connects you into our energy vortex for lack of a better word. That is a required part.

I would use something like a pin or needle on the finger. If you had a tiny bit of blood on the paper it was fine but none at all? I would redo that so you can connect in with this and other things.
slyscorpion said:
archangelbodyarmor said:
How do I vibrate satanas
Can you spell it out or give me a link?

What up with your username and all the reverse xtian stuff you post in the past. Also we are not doing the reverse Shema right now.

You can either just vibrate it like regular SATANAS! One short word or you can vibrate it with each syllable into a differnt Chakra from base to top there are 7 syllables in that if your doing it right.

Btw Jehovah and Jesus and Angels and stuff are all thoughtforms they dont really exist. Angels also are not positive the reptilians and greys play them when its not the thoughtform your dealing with.

Each top rabbi has a system where when they invoke angels they can choose the thoughtform or a grey or a reptilian who presides over what that angel rules. None of this is positive. They do not protect us.
What is Shema?
I think Jehovah does exist because there are still millions if Christians giving that monster energy. That is how the jews plan to bring him into this reality,is it so?

The Alien greys do exist as real beings even without us having to believe in them. They are literal beings like Satan and our Nordic Demons,but the jews with their Torah can manifest them in this reality and their end goal is to bring Jewsus here on earth which is a conscious thoughtform already! and wants to devour all the souls of humanity.We Satanists are preventing it with the RtR's. The Reptilians most likely gave the torrah to the jews. Arn't you surpous to know this better than me??
If im wrong please do correct me.
I have been doing the non RTR rituals when the war room says 00.00 but I'm not sure that's correct.
Im shite at finding things; so sorry if it has been said already, but why is the Ansuz only 10 times on the wealth and protection? And what if you accidentally do Ansuz also 40 times like the others?
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Indeed, when Satan related the details of the Ritual [Beelzebub was responsible for the numerological appropriation of it - it took me a couple of years to have an understanding of numerology, Satan led to the information], I was a bit skeptical on the expectation, but honestly, these "xmas" it has been as if nothing hardly exists energetically from the enemy, it's like 80% and 90% less compared to last year.

One can only imagine in 6 months what positive outcomes it will have. Thank you for your feedback.

I haven't been heavily attacked in ages and I never even had energy drops since we started with the tetragrammaton annihilation. Can't feel much or any negative energy at all in my environment this year. It's like the future has been set in stone that we have won and only manifestation in the physical realm is missing but will gradually be happening, both on a collective and an individual level.

May Satan and the Gods be blessed and exalted for eternity!

Wow I am happy for you and I also respect you for that!

This means that you a strong.. in many ways, spiritually, mentally and also extremely strong in Satan!

Good job!

(And I really mean what I am saying here btw xD no sarcasm or anything)

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Norse 88 said:
That's excellent news, HP.

I had been hoping we would add the Tetragrammaton RTR to the mix. The effects are as you say.


Indeed, when Satan related the details of the Ritual [Beelzebub was responsible for the numerological appropriation of it - it took me a couple of years to have an understanding of numerology, Satan led to the information], I was a bit skeptical on the expectation, but honestly, these "xmas" it has been as if nothing hardly exists energetically from the enemy, it's like 80% and 90% less compared to last year.

One can only imagine in 6 months what positive outcomes it will have. Thank you for your feedback.

I am sure you are already aware of this, but to those who are not, part of the reason this ritual is so powerful is because of the connection that yhvh has to cubic energies. The gematria of yhvh(10,5,6,5) adds up to 26 and all the elements of the cube; 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 lines = 26.
I'm wondering if incorporating silence before the affirmations into the regular RTR would be worthwhile. Since we've been briefly meditating on the nothingness of the Tetragrammaton for its RTR, would focusing on the powerlessness and nonexistence of the Hebrew alphabet add any sort of decent kick?

I know our Final RTR is essentially optimized and powerful as is, though I'm just curious if this would be worth doing.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
slyscorpion said:
archangelbodyarmor said:
How do I vibrate satanas
Can you spell it out or give me a link?

What up with your username and all the reverse xtian stuff you post in the past. Also we are not doing the reverse Shema right now.

You can either just vibrate it like regular SATANAS! One short word or you can vibrate it with each syllable into a differnt Chakra from base to top there are 7 syllables in that if your doing it right.

Btw Jehovah and Jesus and Angels and stuff are all thoughtforms they dont really exist. Angels also are not positive the reptilians and greys play them when its not the thoughtform your dealing with.

Each top rabbi has a system where when they invoke angels they can choose the thoughtform or a grey or a reptilian who presides over what that angel rules. None of this is positive. They do not protect us.
It is just some dumb methamphetamine addict with crazy hallucinations. You can ignore it.

I possibly figured that but i though it just may be one of those people who thing we are part of the "illuminati" or that Jewsus exists and we are fighting to destroy xtians or something so i wanted to correct it but wow lol :lol: looking at some of the past stuff he wrote your likely totally right.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
slyscorpion said:
archangelbodyarmor said:
How do I vibrate satanas
Can you spell it out or give me a link?

What up with your username and all the reverse xtian stuff you post in the past. Also we are not doing the reverse Shema right now.

You can either just vibrate it like regular SATANAS! One short word or you can vibrate it with each syllable into a differnt Chakra from base to top there are 7 syllables in that if your doing it right.

Btw Jehovah and Jesus and Angels and stuff are all thoughtforms they dont really exist. Angels also are not positive the reptilians and greys play them when its not the thoughtform your dealing with.

Each top rabbi has a system where when they invoke angels they can choose the thoughtform or a grey or a reptilian who presides over what that angel rules. None of this is positive. They do not protect us.
What is Shema?
I think Jehovah does exist because there are still millions if Christians giving that monster energy. That is how the jews plan to bring him into this reality,is it so?

The Alien greys do exist as real beings even without us having to believe in them. They are literal beings like Satan and our Nordic Demons,but the jews with their Torah can manifest them in this reality and their end goal is to bring Jewsus here on earth which is a conscious thoughtform already! and wants to devour all the souls of humanity.We Satanists are preventing it with the RtR's. The Reptilians most likely gave the torrah to the jews. Arn't you surpous to know this better than me??
If im wrong please do correct me.

The Shema is the prayer they recite to connect them into the thoughtform they keep it in a mezzuza at their door posts and some wear on their bodies in a tefillin or little cube they put on their bodies or head somehow. Jehovah or JHVH as Cobra calls it when talking about rituals btw doesn't really exist as any conscious being of any kind. It is a giant thoughtform that apparently encircled the earth and acted like a barrier of some kind (i dont fully understand all of this) but it is not a conscious being that has a will of its own. In the past when it was more powerful it was said it could be used to strike down multiple people but we are taking all the power away from it. Also this thoughtform is something controlled by the Jews and reptilians it is not a being with its own will.

I guess that was the plan from all I read. Somehow put the thoughtform of Jewsus into an actual body and incarnate it into this world with all the power from billions that it had. But that is not going to happen as the thoughtform itself is almost dead totally.

The reason there are millions of xtians left now is more out of brainwashing than any energy or thoughtform. That could not even exist anymore at all and you will still have xtians for awhile apparently. What it does mean is their program doesn't have any or much energy to back it up and doesn't have any kind of protection. So that means anything bad any of them did or does will be exposed and more and more people will leave.

In the end your going to still have some people praising Jewsus even when the Gods come back I presume. It was said in sermons before I remember that that would be the case. The plan was it would be outlawed and Hitler when he comes back or someone eventually is going to put them in Segregation and try to re-educate them but at least keep them from general society so we can advance without their nonsense at the very least.
Artanis said:
Im shite at finding things; so sorry if it has been said already, but why is the Ansuz only 10 times on the wealth and protection? And what if you accidentally do Ansuz also 40 times like the others?
Because it is only needed 10 times. Think of it like a catalyst or a key that allows the other runes to act. It is not providing all of the energy, it is just allowing the others to work. If you do it 10 times, or 40 times, or 100 times, it will work perfectly well either way.

I like doing all the other runes 100 times, and Ansuz 10 times. It takes more time, but it is worth it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Hi, HP HoodedCobra
I just want to ask about the SS calendar for next year..
Thank you.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
slyscorpion said:
What up with your username and all the reverse xtian stuff you post in the past. Also we are not doing the reverse Shema right now.

You can either just vibrate it like regular SATANAS! One short word or you can vibrate it with each syllable into a differnt Chakra from base to top there are 7 syllables in that if your doing it right.

Btw Jehovah and Jesus and Angels and stuff are all thoughtforms they dont really exist. Angels also are not positive the reptilians and greys play them when its not the thoughtform your dealing with.

Each top rabbi has a system where when they invoke angels they can choose the thoughtform or a grey or a reptilian who presides over what that angel rules. None of this is positive. They do not protect us.
What is Shema?
I think Jehovah does exist because there are still millions if Christians giving that monster energy. That is how the jews plan to bring him into this reality,is it so?

The Alien greys do exist as real beings even without us having to believe in them. They are literal beings like Satan and our Nordic Demons,but the jews with their Torah can manifest them in this reality and their end goal is to bring Jewsus here on earth which is a conscious thoughtform already! and wants to devour all the souls of humanity.We Satanists are preventing it with the RtR's. The Reptilians most likely gave the torrah to the jews. Arn't you surpous to know this better than me??
If im wrong please do correct me.

You should re-read what she wrote. She stated that:
• Jehovah is a thoughtform
• Jeboo is a thoughtform
• Angels are thoughtforms

She never stated that:
• Greys are thoughtofrms.
Don't want to be off topic but this comment on makow's website is accidentally correct

Its exactly the same kind of shit, that Hitler was trying to mindfuck, his Nazi dupes with.

There's a saying that goes, "those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad

Minus the 1st part OFC
Astralnaut said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Norse 88 said:
That's excellent news, HP.

I had been hoping we would add the Tetragrammaton RTR to the mix. The effects are as you say.


Indeed, when Satan related the details of the Ritual [Beelzebub was responsible for the numerological appropriation of it - it took me a couple of years to have an understanding of numerology, Satan led to the information], I was a bit skeptical on the expectation, but honestly, these "xmas" it has been as if nothing hardly exists energetically from the enemy, it's like 80% and 90% less compared to last year.

One can only imagine in 6 months what positive outcomes it will have. Thank you for your feedback.

I am sure you are already aware of this, but to those who are not, part of the reason this ritual is so powerful is because of the connection that yhvh has to cubic energies. The gematria of yhvh(10,5,6,5) adds up to 26 and all the elements of the cube; 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 lines = 26.

Perceptive, and yes, there is much more that has went into the thought of this ritual. Look also and contemplate the triangle, and the inverse of it, and so on.
Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Hi, HP HoodedCobra
I just want to ask about the SS calendar for next year..
Thank you.

My last update on this [I know how important this is] is that this will arrive in about January this year, due to some difficulties of our fellows involved in the project. But this is all I know as of current.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Hi, HP HoodedCobra
I just want to ask about the SS calendar for next year..
Thank you.

My last update on this [I know how important this is] is that this will arrive in about January this year, due to some difficulties of our fellows involved in the project. But this is all I know as of current.

Thank you HP for clearing that out.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Hi, HP HoodedCobra
I just want to ask about the SS calendar for next year..
Thank you.

My last update on this [I know how important this is] is that this will arrive in about January this year, due to some difficulties of our fellows involved in the project. But this is all I know as of current.
Honestly, I know the God's don't want spiritual informations behind a pay wall but I would pay for it or at least donate something. The job they are doing is Amazing, the God's must be proud. I use the calendar everyday.
Stormblood said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
slyscorpion said:
What up with your username and all the reverse xtian stuff you post in the past. Also we are not doing the reverse Shema right now.

You can either just vibrate it like regular SATANAS! One short word or you can vibrate it with each syllable into a differnt Chakra from base to top there are 7 syllables in that if your doing it right.

Btw Jehovah and Jesus and Angels and stuff are all thoughtforms they dont really exist. Angels also are not positive the reptilians and greys play them when its not the thoughtform your dealing with.

Each top rabbi has a system where when they invoke angels they can choose the thoughtform or a grey or a reptilian who presides over what that angel rules. None of this is positive. They do not protect us.
What is Shema?
I think Jehovah does exist because there are still millions if Christians giving that monster energy. That is how the jews plan to bring him into this reality,is it so?

The Alien greys do exist as real beings even without us having to believe in them. They are literal beings like Satan and our Nordic Demons,but the jews with their Torah can manifest them in this reality and their end goal is to bring Jewsus here on earth which is a conscious thoughtform already! and wants to devour all the souls of humanity.We Satanists are preventing it with the RtR's. The Reptilians most likely gave the torrah to the jews. Arn't you surpous to know this better than me??
If im wrong please do correct me.

You should re-read what she wrote. She stated that:
• Jehovah is a thoughtform
• Jeboo is a thoughtform
• Angels are thoughtforms

She never stated that:
• Greys are thoughtofrms.

Wait... i thought that greys are angels?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
