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Spiritual Satanism Is The Truth - Personal Development Under Satan And The Gods


Active member
Oct 27, 2021
In Spiritual Satanism, people are very different because we are dealing with our souls, and that's what makes the whole phenomenon special, unlike Christianity where the goal is to make all people the same, which is the closest thing to slavery.

Man can be attacked many times, but we are here to overcome them. Yet we often get upset with ourselves because we are not aware of many things at the beginning. This can often happen to beginners, but it can also extend to more advanced members.

You are here to grow and learn about yourselves so that you can build on this later.

Satanists get a lot of destructive "blessings" from society because of the weight of the enemy and the brilliant deceptions that are passed on to people, and that is why people look down on Satanists for example, because the enemy deliberately associates us with "evil".

This is reflected in human morality and mentality, but we should not be ashamed.

Being a Satanist is a huge task, and not a fairy tale show on the Disney channel. Everyone who has been here for any length of time has figured that out. Spiritually we are at war with a monumentally destructive, hostile energy force that is infiltrating all of human society. The web woven by jewry.

Because we have been indoctrinated with Christian dogmas and norms, these kinds of negative energies remain within us, even as we begin this Path.

Those who expect Satanism to enrich them or satisfy their desires are mistaken, and they will find that out very soon. "Sell my soul to the devil, get money in return" is bullshit that subconsciously makes Satan look "evil", but what do we expect.

Satanism is present in people's mentality as evil, and it is the greatest force that keeps people away from their Original Gods and Truth.

Yet there are surreal things we do as Spiritual Satanists, especially in the beginning. Our path holds treasures that we must learn to appreciate and understand, for each treasure we receive brings us closer to understanding and then beyond strength to Perfection.

We make many mistakes, one of which is "Am I a Jew?" - a completely unnecessary and meaningless statement and assertion, because if we have to ask ourselves or worry about it, we can be almost certain that we are not. Jews are not about progress and helping, but about harm and all forms of harm.

Most of their are proud to be Jewish, though they often do not express it openly. When you see a Jew feeling sorry for himself, or even being nice to journalists, it's all a front - a front to deceive the masses. In practice, they all play a role here to gain people's empathy.

In the background they are systematically trying to destroy us and that is the reason they still exist - ignorance. Because people's minds are infused with judeo-christian ideas and mentality, change is very difficult in most cases. This destructive energy does not leave easily in most cases.

The Soul, the Mind and the Spiritual Strength are all that an SS must or should work on. All essential things can only begin when one is pure in spirit and mind. There is a reason why meditations are divided into categories.

Here, everyone must start from the beginning, and anyone who does not will fail without a real and constructive mastery and knowledge of the basics. It is useless to do Telekinesis or Levitation if you cannot spin your Chakras or deal with the Aura. These are all the basics.

I used to make this mistake myself.

It was all completely new to me, although from a very young age I had a particular interest in Hitler and the Third Reich, I was interested in the occult and ghosts, I loved Ancient Greece and Egypt, and I first encountered the names of Zeus, Hermes, Aphrodite, Bastet and Anubis at a very young age.

I always thought Anubis was special and I loved Anubis in a special way.

If a Satanic Soul is meditating or doing RTR consistently, it is easy to spot where they belong. If you've been here for weeks, and have been systematically meditating and doing RTR during that time, and you feel constructive, then that should be an answer to you not being a jew, but a Satanic Soul.

Beginners often overthink this, but it's completely irrelevant to the deeper point.

This may be a subliminal message, as the JoS contains material, information and knowledge in which Jews are often prominent. Jews are corrupters of humanity and Truth, which is true, but a beginner might think JoS is too good, so what if it doesn't belong?

Often we can talk ourselves into such phenomena when in fact there is no need. If you are attracted to Satanism, the occult or Demons, or even Ancient Egypt, then you are on the right path and your Path is Spiritual Satanism, where you can unfold your personality.

The Gods and Satan lead us here for a reason.

Everything happens in its own time and everything happens for a reason. Everyone comes to JoS when they need it. Satan leads us here and leads us to Perfection without books and doctrines where we can gain monumental powers. Satan is also our God, our Teacher, our Family and our Friend.

Gods care a lot about people, we can experience this in our daily lives. They especially care more about those who are willing and able to step out of ignorance and develop their own souls, not to mention taking their part in the Spiritual Warfare, which now has a quintessential meaning.

People often talk about something that should be done. The problem is that in many cases it is always just a statement of thought with no power or real intention.

Therefore, the next section - "Are Satan and the Gods good? Do they really exist? Isn't it all fiction?" - we need to break away from hostile dogmas and norms, as these questions are born out of hostile manipulation and fiction. Experience, don't wait for reports, experience is worth more.

It is worth more if you experience for yourself the reality and veracity of this Path. If someone tells you to smoke because it is good for you, do you believe them? If someone tells you to do Yoga because it is healthy, restorative and enjoyable, do you believe them?

The question is do you want to believe it or do you want to experience it?

If someone doesn't succeed in their first contact with a God, don't be discouraged. Spiritual Satanism leads us to Knowledge and Power through self-affirmation, and then to progress. Just do what you have to do. The High Priest, myself, or even the JoS Guardians did not start where they are now.

Everyone has their own story on this Path, but you know what the High Priest and the JoS Guardians have in common - they have all evolved a lot and are still learning today, because life is a long learning process. There are a number of higher level members here, but everyone has to learn because that is what keeps you moving forward.

The Essence that we receive from our Father is like a treasure, and in the treasure is a key. With this key we enter the door of Truth. The Gods and Satan are not always present, as they are busy, they have their own agenda, but we have been chosen to represent their will and act on this wonderful Earth. They work there, we work here.

The Essence - We are a Family.

Nice article, thank you.

In the East they focus more on experience, whereas in the West they focus more on theory. Especially on spiritual things, in which they are stuck and totally limited. For example the mind, they only study it externally and consequently understand and discover little about it.

From what I have read, in order to make scientific and other discoveries easier and faster, one has to go beyond logic, that is, also use intuition.
Sunny said:
Nice article, thank you.

In the East they focus more on experience, whereas in the West they focus more on theory. Especially on spiritual things, in which they are stuck and totally limited. For example the mind, they only study it externally and consequently understand and discover little about it.

From what I have read, in order to make scientific and other discoveries easier and faster, one has to go beyond logic, that is, also use intuition.

The jews are a very great hindrance and degrading influence on science, and this is reflected in the scientific standards of today. Although we have advanced technologies, we would be much further ahead if the jews did not exist. These parasites bore in where they can and chew it up from the inside.

They used to know this, but then Knowledge became null and void. Today the jews are seen by the deluded goyim as the "chosen ones" while they destroy the economy, politics, farming and inflation on a global scale before their very eyes.

For one to have great experiences and make great discoveries in the sciences, one must in many ways rely on Spirituality to create something of a higher order. Almost everything in the world is Spiritual, almost everything vibrates on Spiritual foundations, but unfortunately they have been twisted in the wrong direction.

Every age has its own creators and discoverers, but the great inventions are monumentally facilitated by the recourse to Spirituality.
BrightSpace666 said:
In Spiritual Satanism, people are very different because we are dealing with our souls, and that's what makes the whole phenomenon special, unlike Christianity where the goal is to make all people the same, which is the closest thing to slavery.

Man can be attacked many times, but we are here to overcome them. Yet we often get upset with ourselves because we are not aware of many things at the beginning. This can often happen to beginners, but it can also extend to more advanced members.

You are here to grow and learn about yourselves so that you can build on this later.

Satanists get a lot of destructive "blessings" from society because of the weight of the enemy and the brilliant deceptions that are passed on to people, and that is why people look down on Satanists for example, because the enemy deliberately associates us with "evil".

This is reflected in human morality and mentality, but we should not be ashamed.

Being a Satanist is a huge task, and not a fairy tale show on the Disney channel. Everyone who has been here for any length of time has figured that out. Spiritually we are at war with a monumentally destructive, hostile energy force that is infiltrating all of human society. The web woven by jewry.

Because we have been indoctrinated with Christian dogmas and norms, these kinds of negative energies remain within us, even as we begin this Path.

Those who expect Satanism to enrich them or satisfy their desires are mistaken, and they will find that out very soon. "Sell my soul to the devil, get money in return" is bullshit that subconsciously makes Satan look "evil", but what do we expect.

Satanism is present in people's mentality as evil, and it is the greatest force that keeps people away from their Original Gods and Truth.

Yet there are surreal things we do as Spiritual Satanists, especially in the beginning. Our path holds treasures that we must learn to appreciate and understand, for each treasure we receive brings us closer to understanding and then beyond strength to Perfection.

We make many mistakes, one of which is "Am I a Jew?" - a completely unnecessary and meaningless statement and assertion, because if we have to ask ourselves or worry about it, we can be almost certain that we are not. Jews are not about progress and helping, but about harm and all forms of harm.

Most of their are proud to be Jewish, though they often do not express it openly. When you see a Jew feeling sorry for himself, or even being nice to journalists, it's all a front - a front to deceive the masses. In practice, they all play a role here to gain people's empathy.

In the background they are systematically trying to destroy us and that is the reason they still exist - ignorance. Because people's minds are infused with judeo-christian ideas and mentality, change is very difficult in most cases. This destructive energy does not leave easily in most cases.

The Soul, the Mind and the Spiritual Strength are all that an SS must or should work on. All essential things can only begin when one is pure in spirit and mind. There is a reason why meditations are divided into categories.

Here, everyone must start from the beginning, and anyone who does not will fail without a real and constructive mastery and knowledge of the basics. It is useless to do Telekinesis or Levitation if you cannot spin your Chakras or deal with the Aura. These are all the basics.

I used to make this mistake myself.

It was all completely new to me, although from a very young age I had a particular interest in Hitler and the Third Reich, I was interested in the occult and ghosts, I loved Ancient Greece and Egypt, and I first encountered the names of Zeus, Hermes, Aphrodite, Bastet and Anubis at a very young age.

I always thought Anubis was special and I loved Anubis in a special way.

If a Satanic Soul is meditating or doing RTR consistently, it is easy to spot where they belong. If you've been here for weeks, and have been systematically meditating and doing RTR during that time, and you feel constructive, then that should be an answer to you not being a jew, but a Satanic Soul.

Beginners often overthink this, but it's completely irrelevant to the deeper point.

This may be a subliminal message, as the JoS contains material, information and knowledge in which Jews are often prominent. Jews are corrupters of humanity and Truth, which is true, but a beginner might think JoS is too good, so what if it doesn't belong?

Often we can talk ourselves into such phenomena when in fact there is no need. If you are attracted to Satanism, the occult or Demons, or even Ancient Egypt, then you are on the right path and your Path is Spiritual Satanism, where you can unfold your personality.

The Gods and Satan lead us here for a reason.

Everything happens in its own time and everything happens for a reason. Everyone comes to JoS when they need it. Satan leads us here and leads us to Perfection without books and doctrines where we can gain monumental powers. Satan is also our God, our Teacher, our Family and our Friend.

Gods care a lot about people, we can experience this in our daily lives. They especially care more about those who are willing and able to step out of ignorance and develop their own souls, not to mention taking their part in the Spiritual Warfare, which now has a quintessential meaning.

People often talk about something that should be done. The problem is that in many cases it is always just a statement of thought with no power or real intention.

Therefore, the next section - "Are Satan and the Gods good? Do they really exist? Isn't it all fiction?" - we need to break away from hostile dogmas and norms, as these questions are born out of hostile manipulation and fiction. Experience, don't wait for reports, experience is worth more.

It is worth more if you experience for yourself the reality and veracity of this Path. If someone tells you to smoke because it is good for you, do you believe them? If someone tells you to do Yoga because it is healthy, restorative and enjoyable, do you believe them?

The question is do you want to believe it or do you want to experience it?

If someone doesn't succeed in their first contact with a God, don't be discouraged. Spiritual Satanism leads us to Knowledge and Power through self-affirmation, and then to progress. Just do what you have to do. The High Priest, myself, or even the JoS Guardians did not start where they are now.

Everyone has their own story on this Path, but you know what the High Priest and the JoS Guardians have in common - they have all evolved a lot and are still learning today, because life is a long learning process. There are a number of higher level members here, but everyone has to learn because that is what keeps you moving forward.

The Essence that we receive from our Father is like a treasure, and in the treasure is a key. With this key we enter the door of Truth. The Gods and Satan are not always present, as they are busy, they have their own agenda, but we have been chosen to represent their will and act on this wonderful Earth. They work there, we work here.

The Essence - We are a Family.


What a nice article :D

Truly indeed we need to quit the enemy dogmatic system that has a lot of abuses and putrid energies that circulate in it.

I remember that I saw a lot of my xian and still xian neighbours that in public they were behaving as the most oy vey muh charitable soul, and behind closed doors they were fuckz you shiet for, even if I, an *educated* individual told you that you should accept the rabbi, you as a guy *pardon, friend* decided to ignore my tip. How bad for you lil goy!

Those dogmatic systems as your posts and hundreds of experiences by others have a lot of vicious circles.

It is just like this; you get over an obstacle, cross the other two that look somehow the same as the previous one you firstly crossed, and then you realize you have to cross them all three again and again, those said obstacles being the same.

It is simply overlooking.

And, besides it, the worst thing that happens is that when you at least try to talk with a xian about the reality that is going around him, the jews destroying everything, the holohoax and everything, you are either talking with mirrors or walls, or you get some slurs and expletives like nigger, you shiet, scumbag etc.

This is the sad reality of the world we are living in.

Where you basically read to share a good tip about real events but in the end you just wasted valuable energy and the viable option for you is to continue your work under the shadows, in full anonymity, and see that, before a final countdown, everyone memetically believes in a so-evident lie, from xainity and other religious dogmas to the political aspects such as the team between ISIS and the jews or the relations that are between the fake pro-QAnon cureent and the jewish maffiotic empire of fake news.

Those are the dogmatically programmed individuals who tend to see NatSoc as a bad thing, but reality is exactly the opposite.

And, as the time passes, I know, I know and wait for it until every individual will finally know the stuff that is happening in the world.

I sincerely refuse to believe that no one will see the reality that is going around them.

Sure, it is a heavy work I decided to continue, the work of thousands of Proud Gentiles that fought for land and for me and the others to have a better living status, but, I then agree with me and the reality that I will be then eternally rewarded for my work.

I am even prepared to suffer psychological changes and physical changes as well from this fight, but, no matter how hard the road is, Satan called me for this mission, along with you, the more experienced members of this community that are in this mission for years.

Hail Satan and the Path of Truth

Expect me and the others to be here and destroy you, rabbi jebbo

Expect National Socialism and the sacred Swastika to rise again in the world.

Expect the Jewish world order to end, once and for all!!!!!

Hail Satan
BlueLake666 said:
BrightSpace666 said:
In Spiritual Satanism, people are very different because we are dealing with our souls, and that's what makes the whole phenomenon special, unlike Christianity where the goal is to make all people the same, which is the closest thing to slavery.

Man can be attacked many times, but we are here to overcome them. Yet we often get upset with ourselves because we are not aware of many things at the beginning. This can often happen to beginners, but it can also extend to more advanced members.

You are here to grow and learn about yourselves so that you can build on this later.

Satanists get a lot of destructive "blessings" from society because of the weight of the enemy and the brilliant deceptions that are passed on to people, and that is why people look down on Satanists for example, because the enemy deliberately associates us with "evil".

This is reflected in human morality and mentality, but we should not be ashamed.

Being a Satanist is a huge task, and not a fairy tale show on the Disney channel. Everyone who has been here for any length of time has figured that out. Spiritually we are at war with a monumentally destructive, hostile energy force that is infiltrating all of human society. The web woven by jewry.

Because we have been indoctrinated with Christian dogmas and norms, these kinds of negative energies remain within us, even as we begin this Path.

Those who expect Satanism to enrich them or satisfy their desires are mistaken, and they will find that out very soon. "Sell my soul to the devil, get money in return" is bullshit that subconsciously makes Satan look "evil", but what do we expect.

Satanism is present in people's mentality as evil, and it is the greatest force that keeps people away from their Original Gods and Truth.

Yet there are surreal things we do as Spiritual Satanists, especially in the beginning. Our path holds treasures that we must learn to appreciate and understand, for each treasure we receive brings us closer to understanding and then beyond strength to Perfection.

We make many mistakes, one of which is "Am I a Jew?" - a completely unnecessary and meaningless statement and assertion, because if we have to ask ourselves or worry about it, we can be almost certain that we are not. Jews are not about progress and helping, but about harm and all forms of harm.

Most of their are proud to be Jewish, though they often do not express it openly. When you see a Jew feeling sorry for himself, or even being nice to journalists, it's all a front - a front to deceive the masses. In practice, they all play a role here to gain people's empathy.

In the background they are systematically trying to destroy us and that is the reason they still exist - ignorance. Because people's minds are infused with judeo-christian ideas and mentality, change is very difficult in most cases. This destructive energy does not leave easily in most cases.

The Soul, the Mind and the Spiritual Strength are all that an SS must or should work on. All essential things can only begin when one is pure in spirit and mind. There is a reason why meditations are divided into categories.

Here, everyone must start from the beginning, and anyone who does not will fail without a real and constructive mastery and knowledge of the basics. It is useless to do Telekinesis or Levitation if you cannot spin your Chakras or deal with the Aura. These are all the basics.

I used to make this mistake myself.

It was all completely new to me, although from a very young age I had a particular interest in Hitler and the Third Reich, I was interested in the occult and ghosts, I loved Ancient Greece and Egypt, and I first encountered the names of Zeus, Hermes, Aphrodite, Bastet and Anubis at a very young age.

I always thought Anubis was special and I loved Anubis in a special way.

If a Satanic Soul is meditating or doing RTR consistently, it is easy to spot where they belong. If you've been here for weeks, and have been systematically meditating and doing RTR during that time, and you feel constructive, then that should be an answer to you not being a jew, but a Satanic Soul.

Beginners often overthink this, but it's completely irrelevant to the deeper point.

This may be a subliminal message, as the JoS contains material, information and knowledge in which Jews are often prominent. Jews are corrupters of humanity and Truth, which is true, but a beginner might think JoS is too good, so what if it doesn't belong?

Often we can talk ourselves into such phenomena when in fact there is no need. If you are attracted to Satanism, the occult or Demons, or even Ancient Egypt, then you are on the right path and your Path is Spiritual Satanism, where you can unfold your personality.

The Gods and Satan lead us here for a reason.

Everything happens in its own time and everything happens for a reason. Everyone comes to JoS when they need it. Satan leads us here and leads us to Perfection without books and doctrines where we can gain monumental powers. Satan is also our God, our Teacher, our Family and our Friend.

Gods care a lot about people, we can experience this in our daily lives. They especially care more about those who are willing and able to step out of ignorance and develop their own souls, not to mention taking their part in the Spiritual Warfare, which now has a quintessential meaning.

People often talk about something that should be done. The problem is that in many cases it is always just a statement of thought with no power or real intention.

Therefore, the next section - "Are Satan and the Gods good? Do they really exist? Isn't it all fiction?" - we need to break away from hostile dogmas and norms, as these questions are born out of hostile manipulation and fiction. Experience, don't wait for reports, experience is worth more.

It is worth more if you experience for yourself the reality and veracity of this Path. If someone tells you to smoke because it is good for you, do you believe them? If someone tells you to do Yoga because it is healthy, restorative and enjoyable, do you believe them?

The question is do you want to believe it or do you want to experience it?

If someone doesn't succeed in their first contact with a God, don't be discouraged. Spiritual Satanism leads us to Knowledge and Power through self-affirmation, and then to progress. Just do what you have to do. The High Priest, myself, or even the JoS Guardians did not start where they are now.

Everyone has their own story on this Path, but you know what the High Priest and the JoS Guardians have in common - they have all evolved a lot and are still learning today, because life is a long learning process. There are a number of higher level members here, but everyone has to learn because that is what keeps you moving forward.

The Essence that we receive from our Father is like a treasure, and in the treasure is a key. With this key we enter the door of Truth. The Gods and Satan are not always present, as they are busy, they have their own agenda, but we have been chosen to represent their will and act on this wonderful Earth. They work there, we work here.

The Essence - We are a Family.


What a nice article :D

Truly indeed we need to quit the enemy dogmatic system that has a lot of abuses and putrid energies that circulate in it.

I remember that I saw a lot of my xian and still xian neighbours that in public they were behaving as the most oy vey muh charitable soul, and behind closed doors they were fuckz you shiet for, even if I, an *educated* individual told you that you should accept the rabbi, you as a guy *pardon, friend* decided to ignore my tip. How bad for you lil goy!

Those dogmatic systems as your posts and hundreds of experiences by others have a lot of vicious circles.

It is just like this; you get over an obstacle, cross the other two that look somehow the same as the previous one you firstly crossed, and then you realize you have to cross them all three again and again, those said obstacles being the same.

It is simply overlooking.

And, besides it, the worst thing that happens is that when you at least try to talk with a xian about the reality that is going around him, the jews destroying everything, the holohoax and everything, you are either talking with mirrors or walls, or you get some slurs and expletives like nigger, you shiet, scumbag etc.

This is the sad reality of the world we are living in.

Where you basically read to share a good tip about real events but in the end you just wasted valuable energy and the viable option for you is to continue your work under the shadows, in full anonymity, and see that, before a final countdown, everyone memetically believes in a so-evident lie, from xainity and other religious dogmas to the political aspects such as the team between ISIS and the jews or the relations that are between the fake pro-QAnon cureent and the jewish maffiotic empire of fake news.

Those are the dogmatically programmed individuals who tend to see NatSoc as a bad thing, but reality is exactly the opposite.

And, as the time passes, I know, I know and wait for it until every individual will finally know the stuff that is happening in the world.

I sincerely refuse to believe that no one will see the reality that is going around them.

Sure, it is a heavy work I decided to continue, the work of thousands of Proud Gentiles that fought for land and for me and the others to have a better living status, but, I then agree with me and the reality that I will be then eternally rewarded for my work.

I am even prepared to suffer psychological changes and physical changes as well from this fight, but, no matter how hard the road is, Satan called me for this mission, along with you, the more experienced members of this community that are in this mission for years.

Hail Satan and the Path of Truth

Expect me and the others to be here and destroy you, rabbi jebbo

Expect National Socialism and the sacred Swastika to rise again in the world.

Expect the Jewish world order to end, once and for all!!!!!

Hail Satan

In fact, Christian influence (whether on the surface or subconsciously) has a monumental impact on life, both in the present and, if left unchanged, in the future.

JoS is global and means enlightenment on both a moral and Spiritual level. Of course a person tainted by Christian manipulation cannot understand this, but no one has been SS all their life. Change is always possible, it just takes will. I have a lot to change, I just have to assert my will.

Talking to Christian people or trying to have any kind of communication is like trying to water a plant without water. Kinship in this analogy means the same thing - life. Water means life to the plant, JoS means life to the soul.

Don't worry, as time goes on, people's understanding will unfold through us. Times are harder, but JoS Members and the Priesthood will always stay together.
BrightSpace666 said:
BlueLake666 said:
BrightSpace666 said:
In Spiritual Satanism, people are very different because we are dealing with our souls, and that's what makes the whole phenomenon special, unlike Christianity where the goal is to make all people the same, which is the closest thing to slavery.

Man can be attacked many times, but we are here to overcome them. Yet we often get upset with ourselves because we are not aware of many things at the beginning. This can often happen to beginners, but it can also extend to more advanced members.

You are here to grow and learn about yourselves so that you can build on this later.

Satanists get a lot of destructive "blessings" from society because of the weight of the enemy and the brilliant deceptions that are passed on to people, and that is why people look down on Satanists for example, because the enemy deliberately associates us with "evil".

This is reflected in human morality and mentality, but we should not be ashamed.

Being a Satanist is a huge task, and not a fairy tale show on the Disney channel. Everyone who has been here for any length of time has figured that out. Spiritually we are at war with a monumentally destructive, hostile energy force that is infiltrating all of human society. The web woven by jewry.

Because we have been indoctrinated with Christian dogmas and norms, these kinds of negative energies remain within us, even as we begin this Path.

Those who expect Satanism to enrich them or satisfy their desires are mistaken, and they will find that out very soon. "Sell my soul to the devil, get money in return" is bullshit that subconsciously makes Satan look "evil", but what do we expect.

Satanism is present in people's mentality as evil, and it is the greatest force that keeps people away from their Original Gods and Truth.

Yet there are surreal things we do as Spiritual Satanists, especially in the beginning. Our path holds treasures that we must learn to appreciate and understand, for each treasure we receive brings us closer to understanding and then beyond strength to Perfection.

We make many mistakes, one of which is "Am I a Jew?" - a completely unnecessary and meaningless statement and assertion, because if we have to ask ourselves or worry about it, we can be almost certain that we are not. Jews are not about progress and helping, but about harm and all forms of harm.

Most of their are proud to be Jewish, though they often do not express it openly. When you see a Jew feeling sorry for himself, or even being nice to journalists, it's all a front - a front to deceive the masses. In practice, they all play a role here to gain people's empathy.

In the background they are systematically trying to destroy us and that is the reason they still exist - ignorance. Because people's minds are infused with judeo-christian ideas and mentality, change is very difficult in most cases. This destructive energy does not leave easily in most cases.

The Soul, the Mind and the Spiritual Strength are all that an SS must or should work on. All essential things can only begin when one is pure in spirit and mind. There is a reason why meditations are divided into categories.

Here, everyone must start from the beginning, and anyone who does not will fail without a real and constructive mastery and knowledge of the basics. It is useless to do Telekinesis or Levitation if you cannot spin your Chakras or deal with the Aura. These are all the basics.

I used to make this mistake myself.

It was all completely new to me, although from a very young age I had a particular interest in Hitler and the Third Reich, I was interested in the occult and ghosts, I loved Ancient Greece and Egypt, and I first encountered the names of Zeus, Hermes, Aphrodite, Bastet and Anubis at a very young age.

I always thought Anubis was special and I loved Anubis in a special way.

If a Satanic Soul is meditating or doing RTR consistently, it is easy to spot where they belong. If you've been here for weeks, and have been systematically meditating and doing RTR during that time, and you feel constructive, then that should be an answer to you not being a jew, but a Satanic Soul.

Beginners often overthink this, but it's completely irrelevant to the deeper point.

This may be a subliminal message, as the JoS contains material, information and knowledge in which Jews are often prominent. Jews are corrupters of humanity and Truth, which is true, but a beginner might think JoS is too good, so what if it doesn't belong?

Often we can talk ourselves into such phenomena when in fact there is no need. If you are attracted to Satanism, the occult or Demons, or even Ancient Egypt, then you are on the right path and your Path is Spiritual Satanism, where you can unfold your personality.

The Gods and Satan lead us here for a reason.

Everything happens in its own time and everything happens for a reason. Everyone comes to JoS when they need it. Satan leads us here and leads us to Perfection without books and doctrines where we can gain monumental powers. Satan is also our God, our Teacher, our Family and our Friend.

Gods care a lot about people, we can experience this in our daily lives. They especially care more about those who are willing and able to step out of ignorance and develop their own souls, not to mention taking their part in the Spiritual Warfare, which now has a quintessential meaning.

People often talk about something that should be done. The problem is that in many cases it is always just a statement of thought with no power or real intention.

Therefore, the next section - "Are Satan and the Gods good? Do they really exist? Isn't it all fiction?" - we need to break away from hostile dogmas and norms, as these questions are born out of hostile manipulation and fiction. Experience, don't wait for reports, experience is worth more.

It is worth more if you experience for yourself the reality and veracity of this Path. If someone tells you to smoke because it is good for you, do you believe them? If someone tells you to do Yoga because it is healthy, restorative and enjoyable, do you believe them?

The question is do you want to believe it or do you want to experience it?

If someone doesn't succeed in their first contact with a God, don't be discouraged. Spiritual Satanism leads us to Knowledge and Power through self-affirmation, and then to progress. Just do what you have to do. The High Priest, myself, or even the JoS Guardians did not start where they are now.

Everyone has their own story on this Path, but you know what the High Priest and the JoS Guardians have in common - they have all evolved a lot and are still learning today, because life is a long learning process. There are a number of higher level members here, but everyone has to learn because that is what keeps you moving forward.

The Essence that we receive from our Father is like a treasure, and in the treasure is a key. With this key we enter the door of Truth. The Gods and Satan are not always present, as they are busy, they have their own agenda, but we have been chosen to represent their will and act on this wonderful Earth. They work there, we work here.

The Essence - We are a Family.


What a nice article :D

Truly indeed we need to quit the enemy dogmatic system that has a lot of abuses and putrid energies that circulate in it.

I remember that I saw a lot of my xian and still xian neighbours that in public they were behaving as the most oy vey muh charitable soul, and behind closed doors they were fuckz you shiet for, even if I, an *educated* individual told you that you should accept the rabbi, you as a guy *pardon, friend* decided to ignore my tip. How bad for you lil goy!

Those dogmatic systems as your posts and hundreds of experiences by others have a lot of vicious circles.

It is just like this; you get over an obstacle, cross the other two that look somehow the same as the previous one you firstly crossed, and then you realize you have to cross them all three again and again, those said obstacles being the same.

It is simply overlooking.

And, besides it, the worst thing that happens is that when you at least try to talk with a xian about the reality that is going around him, the jews destroying everything, the holohoax and everything, you are either talking with mirrors or walls, or you get some slurs and expletives like nigger, you shiet, scumbag etc.

This is the sad reality of the world we are living in.

Where you basically read to share a good tip about real events but in the end you just wasted valuable energy and the viable option for you is to continue your work under the shadows, in full anonymity, and see that, before a final countdown, everyone memetically believes in a so-evident lie, from xainity and other religious dogmas to the political aspects such as the team between ISIS and the jews or the relations that are between the fake pro-QAnon cureent and the jewish maffiotic empire of fake news.

Those are the dogmatically programmed individuals who tend to see NatSoc as a bad thing, but reality is exactly the opposite.

And, as the time passes, I know, I know and wait for it until every individual will finally know the stuff that is happening in the world.

I sincerely refuse to believe that no one will see the reality that is going around them.

Sure, it is a heavy work I decided to continue, the work of thousands of Proud Gentiles that fought for land and for me and the others to have a better living status, but, I then agree with me and the reality that I will be then eternally rewarded for my work.

I am even prepared to suffer psychological changes and physical changes as well from this fight, but, no matter how hard the road is, Satan called me for this mission, along with you, the more experienced members of this community that are in this mission for years.

Hail Satan and the Path of Truth

Expect me and the others to be here and destroy you, rabbi jebbo

Expect National Socialism and the sacred Swastika to rise again in the world.

Expect the Jewish world order to end, once and for all!!!!!

Hail Satan

In fact, Christian influence (whether on the surface or subconsciously) has a monumental impact on life, both in the present and, if left unchanged, in the future.

JoS is global and means enlightenment on both a moral and Spiritual level. Of course a person tainted by Christian manipulation cannot understand this, but no one has been SS all their life. Change is always possible, it just takes will. I have a lot to change, I just have to assert my will.

Talking to Christian people or trying to have any kind of communication is like trying to water a plant without water. Kinship in this analogy means the same thing - life. Water means life to the plant, JoS means life to the soul.

Don't worry, as time goes on, people's understanding will unfold through us. Times are harder, but JoS Members and the Priesthood will always stay together.


Thank you for your reply
BrightSpace666 said:
In Spiritual Satanism, people are very different because we are dealing with our souls, and that's what makes the whole phenomenon special, unlike Christianity where the goal is to make all people the same, which is the closest thing to slavery.

Man can be attacked many times, but we are here to overcome them. Yet we often get upset with ourselves because we are not aware of many things at the beginning. This can often happen to beginners, but it can also extend to more advanced members.

You are here to grow and learn about yourselves so that you can build on this later.

Satanists get a lot of destructive "blessings" from society because of the weight of the enemy and the brilliant deceptions that are passed on to people, and that is why people look down on Satanists for example, because the enemy deliberately associates us with "evil".

This is reflected in human morality and mentality, but we should not be ashamed.

Being a Satanist is a huge task, and not a fairy tale show on the Disney channel. Everyone who has been here for any length of time has figured that out. Spiritually we are at war with a monumentally destructive, hostile energy force that is infiltrating all of human society. The web woven by jewry.

Because we have been indoctrinated with Christian dogmas and norms, these kinds of negative energies remain within us, even as we begin this Path.

Those who expect Satanism to enrich them or satisfy their desires are mistaken, and they will find that out very soon. "Sell my soul to the devil, get money in return" is bullshit that subconsciously makes Satan look "evil", but what do we expect.

Satanism is present in people's mentality as evil, and it is the greatest force that keeps people away from their Original Gods and Truth.

Yet there are surreal things we do as Spiritual Satanists, especially in the beginning. Our path holds treasures that we must learn to appreciate and understand, for each treasure we receive brings us closer to understanding and then beyond strength to Perfection.

We make many mistakes, one of which is "Am I a Jew?" - a completely unnecessary and meaningless statement and assertion, because if we have to ask ourselves or worry about it, we can be almost certain that we are not. Jews are not about progress and helping, but about harm and all forms of harm.

Most of their are proud to be Jewish, though they often do not express it openly. When you see a Jew feeling sorry for himself, or even being nice to journalists, it's all a front - a front to deceive the masses. In practice, they all play a role here to gain people's empathy.

In the background they are systematically trying to destroy us and that is the reason they still exist - ignorance. Because people's minds are infused with judeo-christian ideas and mentality, change is very difficult in most cases. This destructive energy does not leave easily in most cases.

The Soul, the Mind and the Spiritual Strength are all that an SS must or should work on. All essential things can only begin when one is pure in spirit and mind. There is a reason why meditations are divided into categories.

Here, everyone must start from the beginning, and anyone who does not will fail without a real and constructive mastery and knowledge of the basics. It is useless to do Telekinesis or Levitation if you cannot spin your Chakras or deal with the Aura. These are all the basics.

I used to make this mistake myself.

It was all completely new to me, although from a very young age I had a particular interest in Hitler and the Third Reich, I was interested in the occult and ghosts, I loved Ancient Greece and Egypt, and I first encountered the names of Zeus, Hermes, Aphrodite, Bastet and Anubis at a very young age.

I always thought Anubis was special and I loved Anubis in a special way.

If a Satanic Soul is meditating or doing RTR consistently, it is easy to spot where they belong. If you've been here for weeks, and have been systematically meditating and doing RTR during that time, and you feel constructive, then that should be an answer to you not being a jew, but a Satanic Soul.

Beginners often overthink this, but it's completely irrelevant to the deeper point.

This may be a subliminal message, as the JoS contains material, information and knowledge in which Jews are often prominent. Jews are corrupters of humanity and Truth, which is true, but a beginner might think JoS is too good, so what if it doesn't belong?

Often we can talk ourselves into such phenomena when in fact there is no need. If you are attracted to Satanism, the occult or Demons, or even Ancient Egypt, then you are on the right path and your Path is Spiritual Satanism, where you can unfold your personality.

The Gods and Satan lead us here for a reason.

Everything happens in its own time and everything happens for a reason. Everyone comes to JoS when they need it. Satan leads us here and leads us to Perfection without books and doctrines where we can gain monumental powers. Satan is also our God, our Teacher, our Family and our Friend.

Gods care a lot about people, we can experience this in our daily lives. They especially care more about those who are willing and able to step out of ignorance and develop their own souls, not to mention taking their part in the Spiritual Warfare, which now has a quintessential meaning.

People often talk about something that should be done. The problem is that in many cases it is always just a statement of thought with no power or real intention.

Therefore, the next section - "Are Satan and the Gods good? Do they really exist? Isn't it all fiction?" - we need to break away from hostile dogmas and norms, as these questions are born out of hostile manipulation and fiction. Experience, don't wait for reports, experience is worth more.

It is worth more if you experience for yourself the reality and veracity of this Path. If someone tells you to smoke because it is good for you, do you believe them? If someone tells you to do Yoga because it is healthy, restorative and enjoyable, do you believe them?

The question is do you want to believe it or do you want to experience it?

If someone doesn't succeed in their first contact with a God, don't be discouraged. Spiritual Satanism leads us to Knowledge and Power through self-affirmation, and then to progress. Just do what you have to do. The High Priest, myself, or even the JoS Guardians did not start where they are now.

Everyone has their own story on this Path, but you know what the High Priest and the JoS Guardians have in common - they have all evolved a lot and are still learning today, because life is a long learning process. There are a number of higher level members here, but everyone has to learn because that is what keeps you moving forward.

The Essence that we receive from our Father is like a treasure, and in the treasure is a key. With this key we enter the door of Truth. The Gods and Satan are not always present, as they are busy, they have their own agenda, but we have been chosen to represent their will and act on this wonderful Earth. They work there, we work here.

The Essence - We are a Family.


What's your method for levitation
IShatterFur said:
BrightSpace666 said:
In Spiritual Satanism, people are very different because we are dealing with our souls, and that's what makes the whole phenomenon special, unlike Christianity where the goal is to make all people the same, which is the closest thing to slavery.

Man can be attacked many times, but we are here to overcome them. Yet we often get upset with ourselves because we are not aware of many things at the beginning. This can often happen to beginners, but it can also extend to more advanced members.

You are here to grow and learn about yourselves so that you can build on this later.

Satanists get a lot of destructive "blessings" from society because of the weight of the enemy and the brilliant deceptions that are passed on to people, and that is why people look down on Satanists for example, because the enemy deliberately associates us with "evil".

This is reflected in human morality and mentality, but we should not be ashamed.

Being a Satanist is a huge task, and not a fairy tale show on the Disney channel. Everyone who has been here for any length of time has figured that out. Spiritually we are at war with a monumentally destructive, hostile energy force that is infiltrating all of human society. The web woven by jewry.

Because we have been indoctrinated with Christian dogmas and norms, these kinds of negative energies remain within us, even as we begin this Path.

Those who expect Satanism to enrich them or satisfy their desires are mistaken, and they will find that out very soon. "Sell my soul to the devil, get money in return" is bullshit that subconsciously makes Satan look "evil", but what do we expect.

Satanism is present in people's mentality as evil, and it is the greatest force that keeps people away from their Original Gods and Truth.

Yet there are surreal things we do as Spiritual Satanists, especially in the beginning. Our path holds treasures that we must learn to appreciate and understand, for each treasure we receive brings us closer to understanding and then beyond strength to Perfection.

We make many mistakes, one of which is "Am I a Jew?" - a completely unnecessary and meaningless statement and assertion, because if we have to ask ourselves or worry about it, we can be almost certain that we are not. Jews are not about progress and helping, but about harm and all forms of harm.

Most of their are proud to be Jewish, though they often do not express it openly. When you see a Jew feeling sorry for himself, or even being nice to journalists, it's all a front - a front to deceive the masses. In practice, they all play a role here to gain people's empathy.

In the background they are systematically trying to destroy us and that is the reason they still exist - ignorance. Because people's minds are infused with judeo-christian ideas and mentality, change is very difficult in most cases. This destructive energy does not leave easily in most cases.

The Soul, the Mind and the Spiritual Strength are all that an SS must or should work on. All essential things can only begin when one is pure in spirit and mind. There is a reason why meditations are divided into categories.

Here, everyone must start from the beginning, and anyone who does not will fail without a real and constructive mastery and knowledge of the basics. It is useless to do Telekinesis or Levitation if you cannot spin your Chakras or deal with the Aura. These are all the basics.

I used to make this mistake myself.

It was all completely new to me, although from a very young age I had a particular interest in Hitler and the Third Reich, I was interested in the occult and ghosts, I loved Ancient Greece and Egypt, and I first encountered the names of Zeus, Hermes, Aphrodite, Bastet and Anubis at a very young age.

I always thought Anubis was special and I loved Anubis in a special way.

If a Satanic Soul is meditating or doing RTR consistently, it is easy to spot where they belong. If you've been here for weeks, and have been systematically meditating and doing RTR during that time, and you feel constructive, then that should be an answer to you not being a jew, but a Satanic Soul.

Beginners often overthink this, but it's completely irrelevant to the deeper point.

This may be a subliminal message, as the JoS contains material, information and knowledge in which Jews are often prominent. Jews are corrupters of humanity and Truth, which is true, but a beginner might think JoS is too good, so what if it doesn't belong?

Often we can talk ourselves into such phenomena when in fact there is no need. If you are attracted to Satanism, the occult or Demons, or even Ancient Egypt, then you are on the right path and your Path is Spiritual Satanism, where you can unfold your personality.

The Gods and Satan lead us here for a reason.

Everything happens in its own time and everything happens for a reason. Everyone comes to JoS when they need it. Satan leads us here and leads us to Perfection without books and doctrines where we can gain monumental powers. Satan is also our God, our Teacher, our Family and our Friend.

Gods care a lot about people, we can experience this in our daily lives. They especially care more about those who are willing and able to step out of ignorance and develop their own souls, not to mention taking their part in the Spiritual Warfare, which now has a quintessential meaning.

People often talk about something that should be done. The problem is that in many cases it is always just a statement of thought with no power or real intention.

Therefore, the next section - "Are Satan and the Gods good? Do they really exist? Isn't it all fiction?" - we need to break away from hostile dogmas and norms, as these questions are born out of hostile manipulation and fiction. Experience, don't wait for reports, experience is worth more.

It is worth more if you experience for yourself the reality and veracity of this Path. If someone tells you to smoke because it is good for you, do you believe them? If someone tells you to do Yoga because it is healthy, restorative and enjoyable, do you believe them?

The question is do you want to believe it or do you want to experience it?

If someone doesn't succeed in their first contact with a God, don't be discouraged. Spiritual Satanism leads us to Knowledge and Power through self-affirmation, and then to progress. Just do what you have to do. The High Priest, myself, or even the JoS Guardians did not start where they are now.

Everyone has their own story on this Path, but you know what the High Priest and the JoS Guardians have in common - they have all evolved a lot and are still learning today, because life is a long learning process. There are a number of higher level members here, but everyone has to learn because that is what keeps you moving forward.

The Essence that we receive from our Father is like a treasure, and in the treasure is a key. With this key we enter the door of Truth. The Gods and Satan are not always present, as they are busy, they have their own agenda, but we have been chosen to represent their will and act on this wonderful Earth. They work there, we work here.

The Essence - We are a Family.


What's your method for levitation


Read these to get a better understanding.



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
