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Some questions about Hitler and the Nazis


New member
Nov 16, 2024
Hello everyone,

I know that Hitler was God and I have no doubts about it, but there are some things I can't figure out.

1. First of all, why was the war lost even though Hitler was a Superhuman close to a God? It's said in many places that there were spies, generals who were traitors, and so on, but couldn't Hitler have known all this? Couldn't he in some way see the future and act accordingly?

2. Did Hitler escape to South America or did he go out of the world to complete the Magnum Opus? And how?

3. Which of the Nazis were Spiritual Satanists and aware of the Truth?

4. It is said that homophobia is a bad thing, but several documents say that Hitler was homophobic, why is that?

Thank you in advance for answering my questions.
Magnum Opus does not mean omnipotent.
Hitler's situation is an Avatar, in which case many events are beyond our understanding.

The Nazi party was acting in accordance with principles of Spiritual Satanism, so you can consider them all Satanic.
But we know members of the Thule society knew that Wotan is Satan, so Hitler, Himmler and others were likely Dedicated.
Magnum Opus does not mean omnipotent.
Yes, but couldn't he still be aware of the traitors around him and change their positions, anticipating that his orders would not be carried out? Couldn't the Gods have said so?
Hello everyone,

I know that Hitler was God and I have no doubts about it, but there are some things I can't figure out.

1. First of all, why was the war lost even though Hitler was a Superhuman close to a God? It's said in many places that there were spies, generals who were traitors, and so on, but couldn't Hitler have known all this? Couldn't he in some way see the future and act accordingly?

2. Did Hitler escape to South America or did he go out of the world to complete the Magnum Opus? And how?

3. Which of the Nazis were Spiritual Satanists and aware of the Truth?

4. It is said that homophobia is a bad thing, but several documents say that Hitler was homophobic, why is that?

Thank you in advance for answering my questions.
I should state my answers are largely educated guesses.

1. I dont think he was, dont get me wrong he was clearly very advanced but from my understanding the Gods intervened directly in protecting Adolf Hitler, how this exactly manifested I do not know I have some theories but if it was meant to be known we would know and if it would mean the lionshare of his advancement likely happened after the war, but even before this he was a very accomplished spiritualist but close to a God would be a quite a stretch.

2. This has not been made public.

3. Most of the top ones certainly but their understanding of the truth was definitely divided by rank, the average Nazi knew very little of spirituality.

4. He was a great man but no mortal is perfect, and like all of us he was a product of the world he was born into, people can have biases or make mistakes, but he was undoubtly of the Gods and throughout his life steered as close to side of good and holiness that he could, of course anybody could be nitpicked but you can't expect him to have always had every correct answer to every difficult question and like all men of the Gods he improved and evolved with time, perhaps his attitude changed later in line.

And this is assuming the writing about homosexuality isn't forged which it could well be.
1. First of all, why was the war lost even though Hitler was a Superhuman close to a God? It's said in many places that there were spies, generals who were traitors, and so on, but couldn't Hitler have known all this? Couldn't he in some way see the future and act accordingly?
It was simply impossible to appoint every generals according to the Gods will. He had a lot of things to do, he couldn't just astral project to everyone and see their soul, or something. This is beyond the possibilities with such a high scale empire. Thousands of generals had to be appointed in these new countries, and so on, and these were managed not by Hitler.

It's easy to say anything but not easy to do them. You may not realize how hard was it for Hitler, most of us probably couldn't take one day of his.
Yes, but couldn't he still be aware of the traitors around him and change their positions, anticipating that his orders would not be carried out? Couldn't the Gods have said so?
The harder times get, the more weaks side with the ennemy. And times have become excruciatingly difficult for Germany.

Given the context, by homophobia we mean degeneracy, not specifically anti gay - I suppose.
Apart from that, politics & military arts don't mix well with gays. The latter are better placed in Venusian carrers.

Jewish porn, whorehouses, cabarets... made too people loose their minds - pedophilia, sadomasochism, transgenderism was becoming invasive in Germany.
France was also contaminated in an other way, Paris looked like a big whorehouse with alcoolohics everywhere and feminin standard was bitch style.

All these vulgarity and degeneracy being too anti spiritual, it leads nations and cultures to their end. A clean up was necessary.

Today, the same program is put in place... Covid for spanish flu, lgbt...
Hello everyone,

I know that Hitler was God and I have no doubts about it, but there are some things I can't figure out.

1. First of all, why was the war lost even though Hitler was a Superhuman close to a God? It's said in many places that there were spies, generals who were traitors, and so on, but couldn't Hitler have known all this? Couldn't he in some way see the future and act accordingly?

2. Did Hitler escape to South America or did he go out of the world to complete the Magnum Opus? And how?

3. Which of the Nazis were Spiritual Satanists and aware of the Truth?

4. It is said that homophobia is a bad thing, but several documents say that Hitler was homophobic, why is that?

Thank you in advance for answering my questions.


And this is assuming the writing about homosexuality isn't forged which it could well be.
Borman describes Hitler's perspective on the subject in his diary. Maybe this was exaggerated a little because discipline and seriousness were required in the army, since there was no such repression against homosexuals in Germany, but it still seemed strange that it was exaggerated like this.

Given the context, by homophobia we mean degeneracy, not specifically anti gay - I suppose.
Apart from that, politics & military arts don't mix well with gays. The latter are better placed in Venusian carrers.
That was the answer that made the most sense to me.

It's easy to say anything but not easy to do them. You may not realize how hard was it for Hitler, most of us probably couldn't take one day of his.
Yes, but couldn't the Gods have looked into the future and told Hitler what "critical" changes he should make? The Jews were dealt a major blow, but couldn't they have been destroyed then?

Thank you for your answers, you are helping me to be informed on this issue.

Hail Satan!
Hail Hitler!
Yes, but couldn't the Gods have looked into the future and told Hitler what "critical" changes he should make? The Jews were dealt a major blow, but couldn't they have been destroyed then?
Can someone help me?
Can someone help me?
As far I understood, the war is on many levels in the cosmic sense of the term.

After the Gods - who are extraterrestrial civilization - have created the modern humanity and returned on their planets in the constellation of Orion, the reptilian group assisted by grays - another civilization attacked (cursed) them and introduce jews on Earth to sink us by means of lies and plots, drawing andrapods in their fold to build an army of their own against the braves - making us each other's enemies.

While the Gods work to expel reptilans we have to expel jews. Reptilians are little parasites for the Gods but are surely tenacious.
Greek mythology say they fought Titans long time ago... let's admit now it's reptiles.

All jewish maneuvers are psychologic/psychic hacking and seem led by grays. With such alien methods, the only way for humanity to stop that is simply to stop to listen their marxo-leftist bullshits which are calls to psychically fuel them. For this we have to be sufficiently mentally and psychically mature, evolved.
But only few percent of humanity reach this level before living other things that the human experience, it's complicate.

Surely Hitler was aware that the plan failed, but there is traitors in the right places since long on Earth, and they maintain the disinformation which permits to them to maintain their place.
Thanks to Hitler's intervention, the whole humanity has observed the power of suggestion of the jews, the flavor of their lies, their inconceivable wickedess and their destructive madness over one century now - the time to assimilate for the masses.

Why all failed ? it's long and difficult to create something but it's easy to destroy. Chaotic forces are strong.

The Gods are not magic genii like in fairy tails, they can help us but we must be able to "open them the door", and no many do.
If the whole humanity were close to the Gods, all of these would never have happened. Jews would be considered as the retard they are, and naturally expelled in their corner by every nations. In fact it's happened 109 times, but they could start again in the neighboring region.

You can also have a look on the karma of Whites during the middle age :
Catholics and Protestants were always fighting each others, torturing innocent pagans while muslims continuously invaded our nations and jews could quietly emasculated captured men for their slave business for centuries. Really smart !
So, it's possible Whites paid the karmic bill during XXth wars, and thoses who are not died in these times or born after could not be concerned by middle ages massacres.
In the other hand, jews have accumulated a huge amount of bad karma during this time.

Technically, if Hitler lose the war is the allied fault and the weakness of too much people. Humanity was not ready, but this experience made her mature.
If you look further away, these wars are only battle, the war goes on and on for millenia.
In the eternity, if a few millenia are enough to establish a humanity, it's understandable that the start-up was tumultuous.
It's by making mistakes and learning to correct them that we learn to be perfect.
As far I understood, the war is on many levels in the cosmic sense of the term.

After the Gods - who are extraterrestrial civilization - have created the modern humanity and returned on their planets in the constellation of Orion, the reptilian group assisted by grays - another civilization attacked (cursed) them and introduce jews on Earth to sink us by means of lies and plots, drawing andrapods in their fold to build an army of their own against the braves - making us each other's enemies.

While the Gods work to expel reptilans we have to expel jews. Reptilians are little parasites for the Gods but are surely tenacious.
Greek mythology say they fought Titans long time ago... let's admit now it's reptiles.

All jewish maneuvers are psychologic/psychic hacking and seem led by grays. With such alien methods, the only way for humanity to stop that is simply to stop to listen their marxo-leftist bullshits which are calls to psychically fuel them. For this we have to be sufficiently mentally and psychically mature, evolved.
But only few percent of humanity reach this level before living other things that the human experience, it's complicate.

Surely Hitler was aware that the plan failed, but there is traitors in the right places since long on Earth, and they maintain the disinformation which permits to them to maintain their place.
Thanks to Hitler's intervention, the whole humanity has observed the power of suggestion of the jews, the flavor of their lies, their inconceivable wickedess and their destructive madness over one century now - the time to assimilate for the masses.

Why all failed ? it's long and difficult to create something but it's easy to destroy. Chaotic forces are strong.

The Gods are not magic genii like in fairy tails, they can help us but we must be able to "open them the door", and no many do.
If the whole humanity were close to the Gods, all of these would never have happened. Jews would be considered as the retard they are, and naturally expelled in their corner by every nations. In fact it's happened 109 times, but they could start again in the neighboring region.

You can also have a look on the karma of Whites during the middle age :
Catholics and Protestants were always fighting each others, torturing innocent pagans while muslims continuously invaded our nations and jews could quietly emasculated captured men for their slave business for centuries. Really smart !
So, it's possible Whites paid the karmic bill during XXth wars, and thoses who are not died in these times or born after could not be concerned by middle ages massacres.
In the other hand, jews have accumulated a huge amount of bad karma during this time.

Technically, if Hitler lose the war is the allied fault and the weakness of too much people. Humanity was not ready, but this experience made her mature.
If you look further away, these wars are only battle, the war goes on and on for millenia.
In the eternity, if a few millenia are enough to establish a humanity, it's understandable that the start-up was tumultuous.
It's by making mistakes and learning to correct them that we learn to be perfect.
Thank you!
Yes, but couldn't the Gods have looked into the future and told Hitler what "critical" changes he should make? The Jews were dealt a major blow, but couldn't they have been destroyed then?
HPS Maxine did something tremendous the details of which I myself am not privvy to, however what I do know is she essentialy unbound humanity from a very nasty binding, one that made communication with our Gods very unreliable, distorted and much much harder than it is now, even Hitler would seriously struggle to have gotten that level of information at the time.

Think of it like a telephone line, the Gods phone worked, Hitlers phone worked but the telephone wires had been cut so it was next to impossible for that level of detailed guidance to be given, furthermore Hitler did pretty much exactly what he had to, the jews were like inches away from near complete victory at the time, they had near complete control over the European powers, far more so than they do now as hard as that is to believe, Hitler almost pulled off the impossible but that wasn't really his task, his task was to save humanity from going past the point of no return which he did.

Also the Gods arent really in the habit of sorting all our problems for us, the jews are our obstacle to overcome, they help and guide us in this regard but it is a Rubicon that we have to cross, a bottleneck that we have to work our way through its part of our evolution.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
