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Should I forgive them?

Nov 6, 2022
[email protected]
I rarely post asking for help because I try to work things out for myself. But this is a situation that is a little bit complicated. I'm trying to look at this in an ethical manner and one that will free me up from emotional baggage. I want to be empowered and move past this so I can fully put it behind me.

I need to step back from myself and ask for opinions so I can reflect on this. So here it goes,

I have someone who was once close to me. This person emotionally manipulated me, took advantage of my kindness. They emotionally hurt me on several occasions, and it cut deep into my confidence for a long time. I've been healing from it for a long time now and I've nearly gotten over it all but, the question remains. Should I forgive them so I can move on? Is this necessary. And if I don't forgive them, does that bring me any negative emotional circumstances, such as the wound not fully healing?

Now this is a personal matter that can't exactly be given a definitive answer because of it's personal nature. Ultimately it's up to me how I handle this. I know this person is mentally ill, they are a product of a traumatic upbringing and unfortunate circumstances they had to endure. It's not an excuse for their narcissist and manipulative behavior, but it's a reason.

Ethically I'm trying to understand how I should look at this situation. Part of me wants to say fuck them, they deserve no mercy, I don't give a shit, and I'll never forgive them for what they did. But the other part of me knows this is completely unnecessary and a huge waste of mental energy to hold on to. I know now they did what they did, because they were damaged and just spreading the poison forward.

They did suffer a lot. Unfortunate circumstances were always happening to them, and had gotten even worse when I finally left from their life. It could be a manifestation of negative karma they brought on themselves from this life or maybe from past lives, or something else. But all in all they haven't had good luck. So I have a small bit of sympathy for them because I know that. Which is why I'm trying to determine if I should forgive them.

I want to let go of them completely from my life, I can't necessarily forget all that they've said or done. It briefly comes to memory from time to time. Not enough to really hurt me anymore, but it's still there. I know forgive and forget is such an enemy bullshit way of looking at things. I want to distance myself as far as possible from any enemy ways of looking at life. That's why I'm asking here, how have you guys dealt with situations like this? What is the best way from our perspective, from a SS mindset on how to correctly deal with this?

Thank you all!
I would just stay away from them. You don't owe them anything and you shouldn't have guilt over cutting them out just because they're suffering now.

You can also do the cutting all ties ritual and it'll just solve this. You don't have to forgive them, you just need to get your mind in a place where you realize they do these things because that's their nature, they ultimately lost out by treating you badly, it's their loss and that's just how it is.

Void will also help with this ultimately by steeling your mind and making you think on the now, not then. Trance can also help here.

Also, if you let them back in, they'd likely do the same thing again, regardless of their suffering.
SapphireDragon said:
I rarely post asking for help because I try to work things out for myself. But this is a situation that is a little bit complicated. I'm trying to look at this in an ethical manner and one that will free me up from emotional baggage. I want to be empowered and move past this so I can fully put it behind me.

I need to step back from myself and ask for opinions so I can reflect on this. So here it goes,

I have someone who was once close to me. This person emotionally manipulated me, took advantage of my kindness. They emotionally hurt me on several occasions, and it cut deep into my confidence for a long time. I've been healing from it for a long time now and I've nearly gotten over it all but, the question remains. Should I forgive them so I can move on? Is this necessary. And if I don't forgive them, does that bring me any negative emotional circumstances, such as the wound not fully healing?

Now this is a personal matter that can't exactly be given a definitive answer because of it's personal nature. Ultimately it's up to me how I handle this. I know this person is mentally ill, they are a product of a traumatic upbringing and unfortunate circumstances they had to endure. It's not an excuse for their narcissist and manipulative behavior, but it's a reason.

Ethically I'm trying to understand how I should look at this situation. Part of me wants to say fuck them, they deserve no mercy, I don't give a shit, and I'll never forgive them for what they did. But the other part of me knows this is completely unnecessary and a huge waste of mental energy to hold on to. I know now they did what they did, because they were damaged and just spreading the poison forward.

They did suffer a lot. Unfortunate circumstances were always happening to them, and had gotten even worse when I finally left from their life. It could be a manifestation of negative karma they brought on themselves from this life or maybe from past lives, or something else. But all in all they haven't had good luck. So I have a small bit of sympathy for them because I know that. Which is why I'm trying to determine if I should forgive them.

I want to let go of them completely from my life, I can't necessarily forget all that they've said or done. It briefly comes to memory from time to time. Not enough to really hurt me anymore, but it's still there. I know forgive and forget is such an enemy bullshit way of looking at things. I want to distance myself as far as possible from any enemy ways of looking at life. That's why I'm asking here, how have you guys dealt with situations like this? What is the best way from our perspective, from a SS mindset on how to correctly deal with this?

Thank you all!
You should venture your soul... Spend time by yourself
... Find yourself after pain... Sometimes its ok being alone. You get to clear your mind. Think about life.... people will always hurt you.. question is is it worth it ? The pain... Allow yourself time to heal . And DON'T return to what broke you. EVER. It'll break you again.
SapphireDragon said:
I have someone who was once close to me. This person emotionally manipulated me, took advantage of my kindness. They emotionally hurt me on several occasions, and it cut deep into my confidence for a long time. I've been healing from it for a long time now and I've nearly gotten over it all but, the question remains. Should I forgive them so I can move on? Is this necessary. And if I don't forgive them, does that bring me any negative emotional circumstances, such as the wound not fully healing?
Don't forgive them. Forgiveness isn't a prerequisite to moving forward in life.
Cut them out. Apology not accepted. Goodbye.
Korpi said:
Don't forgive them. Forgiveness isn't a prerequisite to moving forward in life. Cut them out. Apology not accepted. Goodbye.

Thank you. I've been thinking it over a lot and this was the conclusion I was heading towards. I just wanted to make sure it was the right decision.

Karnonnos said:
I would just stay away from them. You don't owe them anything and you shouldn't have guilt over cutting them out just because they're suffering now.

You can also do the cutting all ties ritual and it'll just solve this. You don't have to forgive them, you just need to get your mind in a place where you realize they do these things because that's their nature, they ultimately lost out by treating you badly, it's their loss and that's just how it is.

Void will also help with this ultimately by steeling your mind and making you think on the now, not then. Trance can also help here.

Also, if you let them back in, they'd likely do the same thing again, regardless of their suffering.

Thank you. The hard part to let go was I did so much to help them and they threw it all away for self destructive behavior. It was a hard lesson I learned back then. The lesson that you can only help people who want to help themselves. Otherwise you're wasting time and energy.

They even became dependant upon me for trying to help them, instead of them trying to help themselves. It wasn't a good situation for me because I really genuinely cared for them at one point in time and I did so much for them.

I guess I hadn't fully moved on from it even though I thought I had. But I'm going to fix that now.

Again, thank you!
You can't forgive someone who isn't sorry.
Instead of forgiving them, what I would do would be to remove all ties and cut all contact with them and if is necessary do some work to heal traumas.

Remember it is about releasing and healing your soul, not turning the other cheek.
There is no forgiveness.
Forgiveness extinguishes the flame of life, forgiveness is injustice.

The advice I give you is to rid your soul of all related problems and then analyse the situation and be just.
There was a lesson my old math teacher gave us once in class. Something happened between two kids, and so she got one of the boys up in front of the whole class and told him: "Take this piece of paper and scrunch it up into a ball". So he did, and then she told him: "Now unfold it, smooth it out as much as you can while saying 'I'm sorry' over and over". Of course, the paper stayed wrinkled no matter how much he tried to smooth it out or how many times he said sorry.

At the end she said, "Imagine that piece of paper is someone you hurt. You can apologise, you can try to make it better, but that person will still be wrinkled."

We have the choice to forgive or not, to forget or not, to move on or not. But you have to decide if the wrinkles or even rips in the paper someone has caused you can be forgiven. Through magick we can heal properly, where the wrinkles and rips lessen a lot, even eventually patch up and smooth out again, but it is still something we have to live with happening to us.

Personally, don't forgive someone if they haven't even started trying to smooth out the wrinkles of the paper.
SapphireDragon said:
I rarely post asking for help because I try to work things out for myself. But this is a situation that is a little bit complicated. I'm trying to look at this in an ethical manner and one that will free me up from emotional baggage. I want to be empowered and move past this so I can fully put it behind me.

I need to step back from myself and ask for opinions so I can reflect on this. So here it goes,

I have someone who was once close to me. This person emotionally manipulated me, took advantage of my kindness. They emotionally hurt me on several occasions, and it cut deep into my confidence for a long time. I've been healing from it for a long time now and I've nearly gotten over it all but, the question remains. Should I forgive them so I can move on? Is this necessary. And if I don't forgive them, does that bring me any negative emotional circumstances, such as the wound not fully healing?

Now this is a personal matter that can't exactly be given a definitive answer because of it's personal nature. Ultimately it's up to me how I handle this. I know this person is mentally ill, they are a product of a traumatic upbringing and unfortunate circumstances they had to endure. It's not an excuse for their narcissist and manipulative behavior, but it's a reason.

Ethically I'm trying to understand how I should look at this situation. Part of me wants to say fuck them, they deserve no mercy, I don't give a shit, and I'll never forgive them for what they did. But the other part of me knows this is completely unnecessary and a huge waste of mental energy to hold on to. I know now they did what they did, because they were damaged and just spreading the poison forward.

They did suffer a lot. Unfortunate circumstances were always happening to them, and had gotten even worse when I finally left from their life. It could be a manifestation of negative karma they brought on themselves from this life or maybe from past lives, or something else. But all in all they haven't had good luck. So I have a small bit of sympathy for them because I know that. Which is why I'm trying to determine if I should forgive them.

I want to let go of them completely from my life, I can't necessarily forget all that they've said or done. It briefly comes to memory from time to time. Not enough to really hurt me anymore, but it's still there. I know forgive and forget is such an enemy bullshit way of looking at things. I want to distance myself as far as possible from any enemy ways of looking at life. That's why I'm asking here, how have you guys dealt with situations like this? What is the best way from our perspective, from a SS mindset on how to correctly deal with this?

Thank you all!

If I were you, I'd personally hate that person with all of my might and never forgive them. It is unforgivable.

There are other people out there who went through terrible things, have mental illness, but do not cause others harm.
Only those who are selfish enough to cause others pain/harm to not feel alone are people that do not deserve forgiving.

Also, I'd suggest looking at the list of workings from other members, especially Lydia's emotional healing working and such, which, I believe, will greatly help you! https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=242350#p242350

Good luck, sister!!
Thank you everyone, I feel it was right of me to ask for some perspective. It's easy to come to the wrong conclusions when keeping things always to yourself. I know some things do need to be kept to yourself for privacy at times, but what I mean is having other perspectives can be good when your head is full of "what ifs" and maybe the judgement is clouded by things, as such.

I will keep all of this in mind as I go forward.

Hail Satan!
SapphireDragon said:
Thank you everyone, I feel it was right of me to ask for some perspective. It's easy to come to the wrong conclusions when keeping things always to yourself. I know some things do need to be kept to yourself for privacy at times, but what I mean is having other perspectives can be good when your head is full of "what ifs" and maybe the judgement is clouded by things, as such.

I will keep all of this in mind as I go forward.

Hail Satan!

You can do thus! I hope things get well for you!! :)
SapphireDragon said:

Instead of looking at it from a perspective of compassion versus no compassion, instead look at is a delay. Maybe this person will get help in a year from now, for example. In the mean time, you can continue to build yourself, as well as build the Satanic elements in our world that will help everyone.

Being strict with them, or even angry, when they act out is only a way of steering them back on track. It does not imply full hostility or anything.

I've been on both ends of this situation, where I was trying to help someone who did not want to be helped, or when I have done self-destructive behaviors. It is not a question of if you can help them, but when. Until then, be patient.

Once they realize what happened, then they will be able to repay you. Don't ever feel bad about telling them how you feel, because they need to hear the truth if you want a truly happy relationship.


You can heal anything with enough energy, but it would just take more effort without justice first being implemented. In the case where you cannot do this immediately, then don't worry about it.

There have been situations of my own that I have healed, like from a past life, where I felt like I wanted an apology, yet there was nobody to actually extract one from. Yet, the healing still occurred. Good luck with this!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=430963 time=1679058877 user_id=21286]

Thank you Blitz. :) I appreciate you.

Thank you tabby that's a beautiful story! A good lesson.

Thank you!

I appreciate all the helpful advice!
SapphireDragon said:
I rarely post asking for help because I try to work things out for myself. But this is a situation that is a little bit complicated. I'm trying to look at this in an ethical manner and one that will free me up from emotional baggage. I want to be empowered and move past this so I can fully put it behind me.

I need to step back from myself and ask for opinions so I can reflect on this. So here it goes,

I have someone who was once close to me. This person emotionally manipulated me, took advantage of my kindness. They emotionally hurt me on several occasions, and it cut deep into my confidence for a long time. I've been healing from it for a long time now and I've nearly gotten over it all but, the question remains. Should I forgive them so I can move on? Is this necessary. And if I don't forgive them, does that bring me any negative emotional circumstances, such as the wound not fully healing?

Now this is a personal matter that can't exactly be given a definitive answer because of it's personal nature. Ultimately it's up to me how I handle this. I know this person is mentally ill, they are a product of a traumatic upbringing and unfortunate circumstances they had to endure. It's not an excuse for their narcissist and manipulative behavior, but it's a reason.

Ethically I'm trying to understand how I should look at this situation. Part of me wants to say fuck them, they deserve no mercy, I don't give a shit, and I'll never forgive them for what they did. But the other part of me knows this is completely unnecessary and a huge waste of mental energy to hold on to. I know now they did what they did, because they were damaged and just spreading the poison forward.

They did suffer a lot. Unfortunate circumstances were always happening to them, and had gotten even worse when I finally left from their life. It could be a manifestation of negative karma they brought on themselves from this life or maybe from past lives, or something else. But all in all they haven't had good luck. So I have a small bit of sympathy for them because I know that. Which is why I'm trying to determine if I should forgive them.

I want to let go of them completely from my life, I can't necessarily forget all that they've said or done. It briefly comes to memory from time to time. Not enough to really hurt me anymore, but it's still there. I know forgive and forget is such an enemy bullshit way of looking at things. I want to distance myself as far as possible from any enemy ways of looking at life. That's why I'm asking here, how have you guys dealt with situations like this? What is the best way from our perspective, from a SS mindset on how to correctly deal with this?

Thank you all!
It's hard to make a decision to be vindictive when you see that someone acts dysfunctionally because they themselves were once victimized.

But you have to look at it from the perspective of did they intend to do the harm they did? Are they remorseful, not verbally but by their actions? Do they care? If not then that makes it more clear cut. Most people like this don't care about others or trying to be better people and see the universe revolving around them.

I've been in similar spots. There are people who I will never forgive, and I wish ill upon them at every turn, and when I get powerful I will give them a double dose of what they did to me. Assuming these rats have any relevance to me by then. They're also pathological liars, thieves, manipulators and narcissists, and for me there is no place for beings like that in my world.

Then there are people who did similar things but not to the same extent, out of ignorance and spiritual disease, and drug abuse, associating with jews, etc. But the moral & emotional injury isn't deep enough for me to want to do anything to them, and I don't think they are pathological people, just damaged.

I'm content just to cut them out for good, unless they come back in my life as changed people(unlikely). I feel bad about this in a way because some may technically be "family", but they don't act like it. And it's not entirely their fault they are the way they are.

I feel that you can't force forgiveness, you need to feel like there is some sort of closure before you can let go. That could mean doing something about it. You don't have to curse them, you could pour your heart into a letter(and you don't have to send it) and then cut them out, and that could be that.

Or it could take using black magic before you feel the debt has been paid. It depends on how much of an injury you feel it was, and how pathological this person is. Ask yourself if it's worth it to continue spending time and energy on them.

If they are truly pathological then you can look at it from the perspective that it would be wrong not to lash back at them, because they will continue to victimize others and if there are no consequences for their actions then they will never learn. It could be a wake up call, if they know why it's happening to them and there is a conscience in there somewhere.

I guess I don't really have a point to make here, but I hope my perspective helps you.
You don't have to forgive them if you don't want.

Just let go of this situation and be understanding that they hurt you because they're fucked up themselves.

Just take some distance, let go, and never look back. Leave them in their hole and try to climb yours.
Vira_ said:
There is no forgiveness.
Forgiveness extinguishes the flame of life, forgiveness is injustice.

The advice I give you is to rid your soul of all related problems and then analyse the situation and be just.
Not really. Forgiveness has its place. It's a sign of wisdom and the Gods do forgive.

It just has to be done for the right reasons and people. Needs wisdom and maturity.
mercury_wisdom said:
Not really. Forgiveness has its place. It's a sign of wisdom and the Gods do forgive.

It just has to be done for the right reasons and people. Needs wisdom and maturity.
This forgiveness occurs because the person who has erred is in some way unaware or has had factors beyond his or her control that led him or her to err.

This mistake is unproductive for the person and pushes him/her down.

The course of justice is complete, the perpetrator has punished himself.
And since it is a minor crime under the given circumstances, it is pointless and incoherent to punish him.

Forgiveness can exist in certain very specific situations, and it can exist when the course of justice is complete by itself.

If this is not the case then he must receive punishment, justice must be maintained at all levels.
Vira_ said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Not really. Forgiveness has its place. It's a sign of wisdom and the Gods do forgive.

It just has to be done for the right reasons and people. Needs wisdom and maturity.
This forgiveness occurs because the person who has erred is in some way unaware or has had factors beyond his or her control that led him or her to err.

This mistake is unproductive for the person and pushes him/her down.

The course of justice is complete, the perpetrator has punished himself.
And since it is a minor crime under the given circumstances, it is pointless and incoherent to punish him.

Forgiveness can exist in certain very specific situations, and it can exist when the course of justice is complete by itself.

If this is not the case then he must receive punishment, justice must be maintained at all levels.
Most people are unaware. Having a serious low level of awareness. Like 90% of people.

Not all or most people deserve forgiveness either. But you should learn to let go anyway. Forgiven or not.

Forgiveness is not forced. It's a mental state from high level awareness, understanding and maturity.
Karnonnos said:
I would just stay away from them. You don't owe them anything and you shouldn't have guilt over cutting them out just because they're suffering now.

You can also do the cutting all ties ritual and it'll just solve this. You don't have to forgive them, you just need to get your mind in a place where you realize they do these things because that's their nature, they ultimately lost out by treating you badly, it's their loss and that's just how it is.

Void will also help with this ultimately by steeling your mind and making you think on the now, not then. Trance can also help here.

Also, if you let them back in, they'd likely do the same thing again, regardless of their suffering.

This ritual would help me with one or two people I have had bad past with; would you please give me the link?
Make them suffer.
In life I have often showed much mercy towards people who wronged me to a certain extent, if I saw they were trying to change and put forth effort.

This is very personal and individual, and what works for one in regards to this won't work for another, as some people don't care to change and will continue to be destructive, awful people.

What I'd have to say is definitely distance yourself from this person. Like Blitzkrieg has described in far better detail, they may later work on themselves and realise their own mistake and gradually change.

Most people I'd say have the capacity and maturity to change. It is a matter of when.

However Definitely stay away from this person as they are toxic at this point in time. They may never change either, that's something to keep in mind.

Personally. I'd say stick with your initial thought of staying away from them and removing them.

That is what's best in this situation for now.
EriktheRed said:
Karnonnos said:
I would just stay away from them. You don't owe them anything and you shouldn't have guilt over cutting them out just because they're suffering now.

You can also do the cutting all ties ritual and it'll just solve this. You don't have to forgive them, you just need to get your mind in a place where you realize they do these things because that's their nature, they ultimately lost out by treating you badly, it's their loss and that's just how it is.

Void will also help with this ultimately by steeling your mind and making you think on the now, not then. Trance can also help here.

Also, if you let them back in, they'd likely do the same thing again, regardless of their suffering.

This ritual would help me with one or two people I have had bad past with; would you please give me the link?

Here it is. Sorry I couldn't find the page before, that's why I took so long.
Hyperactive Melon said:
SapphireDragon said:
I rarely post asking for help because I try to work things out for myself. But this is a situation that is a little bit complicated. I'm trying to look at this in an ethical manner and one that will free me up from emotional baggage. I want to be empowered and move past this so I can fully put it behind me.

I need to step back from myself and ask for opinions so I can reflect on this. So here it goes,

I have someone who was once close to me. This person emotionally manipulated me, took advantage of my kindness. They emotionally hurt me on several occasions, and it cut deep into my confidence for a long time. I've been healing from it for a long time now and I've nearly gotten over it all but, the question remains. Should I forgive them so I can move on? Is this necessary. And if I don't forgive them, does that bring me any negative emotional circumstances, such as the wound not fully healing?

Now this is a personal matter that can't exactly be given a definitive answer because of it's personal nature. Ultimately it's up to me how I handle this. I know this person is mentally ill, they are a product of a traumatic upbringing and unfortunate circumstances they had to endure. It's not an excuse for their narcissist and manipulative behavior, but it's a reason.

Ethically I'm trying to understand how I should look at this situation. Part of me wants to say fuck them, they deserve no mercy, I don't give a shit, and I'll never forgive them for what they did. But the other part of me knows this is completely unnecessary and a huge waste of mental energy to hold on to. I know now they did what they did, because they were damaged and just spreading the poison forward.

They did suffer a lot. Unfortunate circumstances were always happening to them, and had gotten even worse when I finally left from their life. It could be a manifestation of negative karma they brought on themselves from this life or maybe from past lives, or something else. But all in all they haven't had good luck. So I have a small bit of sympathy for them because I know that. Which is why I'm trying to determine if I should forgive them.

I want to let go of them completely from my life, I can't necessarily forget all that they've said or done. It briefly comes to memory from time to time. Not enough to really hurt me anymore, but it's still there. I know forgive and forget is such an enemy bullshit way of looking at things. I want to distance myself as far as possible from any enemy ways of looking at life. That's why I'm asking here, how have you guys dealt with situations like this? What is the best way from our perspective, from a SS mindset on how to correctly deal with this?

Thank you all!
You can take your time but one day you will have to forgive them all these satanists are saying not to they are deluded from the truth you need to understand that to truly free yourself from pity on them and sadness you need to give them a second chance too no need to talk to them just forgive them this will cut the ties you have with them let karma do it's job if you keep hatred with them that karma will accumulate and hurt you only people don't know the truth here we are here to love and be loved that's the divine will let god do justice he knows what's best he's too powerful company to all your revenhe spells he will do it let him
U are definitely NOT NOT a spiritual satanist at all.You are definitely a coward christian or its sister religion called "new age" who has just infiltrated into this forum .Plz get out of this Forum ,since what u are teaching is totally opposite of satanism ..U are preaching that three fold law BS ..U are a person walking in darkness thinking that u are in light.U have nothing to do with this forum
to the user SapphireDragon

-Should I forgive them so I can move on? Is this necessary.
my answer=no need to forgive, you can still move on with your life.
- if I don't forgive them, does that bring me any negative emotional circumstances, such as the wound not fully healing?
my answer=This can result in negative emotions, but can be controlled, and even eliminated by meditating.
-That's why I'm asking here, how have you guys dealt with situations like this?
my answer=try to stay calm and assume that in your eyes, the person is just a walking corpse.
-What is the best way from our perspective, from a SS mindset on how to correctly deal with this?
my answer=enough meditation to make it part of the power of life experience when it happens again to know what to do.
marduk1234 said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
SapphireDragon said:
I rarely post asking for help because I try to work things out for myself. But this is a situation that is a little bit complicated. I'm trying to look at this in an ethical manner and one that will free me up from emotional baggage. I want to be empowered and move past this so I can fully put it behind me.

I need to step back from myself and ask for opinions so I can reflect on this. So here it goes,

I have someone who was once close to me. This person emotionally manipulated me, took advantage of my kindness. They emotionally hurt me on several occasions, and it cut deep into my confidence for a long time. I've been healing from it for a long time now and I've nearly gotten over it all but, the question remains. Should I forgive them so I can move on? Is this necessary. And if I don't forgive them, does that bring me any negative emotional circumstances, such as the wound not fully healing?

Now this is a personal matter that can't exactly be given a definitive answer because of it's personal nature. Ultimately it's up to me how I handle this. I know this person is mentally ill, they are a product of a traumatic upbringing and unfortunate circumstances they had to endure. It's not an excuse for their narcissist and manipulative behavior, but it's a reason.

Ethically I'm trying to understand how I should look at this situation. Part of me wants to say fuck them, they deserve no mercy, I don't give a shit, and I'll never forgive them for what they did. But the other part of me knows this is completely unnecessary and a huge waste of mental energy to hold on to. I know now they did what they did, because they were damaged and just spreading the poison forward.

They did suffer a lot. Unfortunate circumstances were always happening to them, and had gotten even worse when I finally left from their life. It could be a manifestation of negative karma they brought on themselves from this life or maybe from past lives, or something else. But all in all they haven't had good luck. So I have a small bit of sympathy for them because I know that. Which is why I'm trying to determine if I should forgive them.

I want to let go of them completely from my life, I can't necessarily forget all that they've said or done. It briefly comes to memory from time to time. Not enough to really hurt me anymore, but it's still there. I know forgive and forget is such an enemy bullshit way of looking at things. I want to distance myself as far as possible from any enemy ways of looking at life. That's why I'm asking here, how have you guys dealt with situations like this? What is the best way from our perspective, from a SS mindset on how to correctly deal with this?

Thank you all!
You can take your time but one day you will have to forgive them all these satanists are saying not to they are deluded from the truth you need to understand that to truly free yourself from pity on them and sadness you need to give them a second chance too no need to talk to them just forgive them this will cut the ties you have with them let karma do it's job if you keep hatred with them that karma will accumulate and hurt you only people don't know the truth here we are here to love and be loved that's the divine will let god do justice he knows what's best he's too powerful company to all your revenhe spells he will do it let him
U are definitely NOT NOT a spiritual satanist at all.You are definitely a coward christian or its sister religion called "new age" who has just infiltrated into this forum .Plz get out of this Forum ,since what u are teaching is totally opposite of satanism ..U are preaching that three fold law BS ..U are a person walking in darkness thinking that u are in light.U have nothing to do with this forum
Go fuck yourself dickhead
IF you feel like that its un-ended, you have to end it. If y'all ended it, you don't have to interact anymore.

What I mean is that talk, when y'all decide to not be together anymore, and you said all thats had to be said.

Again, if thats already happened you don't have to interact anymore. Don' forgive to someone who doesn't deserve it, it won't make them life better anyways.
Just because you forgive, their life won't be better and their negative karma won't fly away, either way, they don't deserve your help.

If you feel a bond even if y'all had the "end it all" conversation that I was talking about, do like a 7 days detach working, it should be enough I guess. Don't forget to time it.

As you do this work, delete everything that connects to them. physical objects or in your phone ect...
If they gave you some things that you need like a phone you don't have to get rid of it obviously.
SapphireDragon said:
I rarely post asking for help because I try to work things out for myself. But this is a situation that is a little bit complicated. I'm trying to look at this in an ethical manner and one that will free me up from emotional baggage. I want to be empowered and move past this so I can fully put it behind me.

I need to step back from myself and ask for opinions so I can reflect on this. So here it goes,

I have someone who was once close to me. This person emotionally manipulated me, took advantage of my kindness. They emotionally hurt me on several occasions, and it cut deep into my confidence for a long time. I've been healing from it for a long time now and I've nearly gotten over it all but, the question remains. Should I forgive them so I can move on? Is this necessary. And if I don't forgive them, does that bring me any negative emotional circumstances, such as the wound not fully healing?

Now this is a personal matter that can't exactly be given a definitive answer because of it's personal nature. Ultimately it's up to me how I handle this. I know this person is mentally ill, they are a product of a traumatic upbringing and unfortunate circumstances they had to endure. It's not an excuse for their narcissist and manipulative behavior, but it's a reason.

Ethically I'm trying to understand how I should look at this situation. Part of me wants to say fuck them, they deserve no mercy, I don't give a shit, and I'll never forgive them for what they did. But the other part of me knows this is completely unnecessary and a huge waste of mental energy to hold on to. I know now they did what they did, because they were damaged and just spreading the poison forward.

They did suffer a lot. Unfortunate circumstances were always happening to them, and had gotten even worse when I finally left from their life. It could be a manifestation of negative karma they brought on themselves from this life or maybe from past lives, or something else. But all in all they haven't had good luck. So I have a small bit of sympathy for them because I know that. Which is why I'm trying to determine if I should forgive them.

I want to let go of them completely from my life, I can't necessarily forget all that they've said or done. It briefly comes to memory from time to time. Not enough to really hurt me anymore, but it's still there. I know forgive and forget is such an enemy bullshit way of looking at things. I want to distance myself as far as possible from any enemy ways of looking at life. That's why I'm asking here, how have you guys dealt with situations like this? What is the best way from our perspective, from a SS mindset on how to correctly deal with this?

Thank you all!

sister please do black magic destructive workings ..People who use and manipulate others deserve to be given 100 fold for what they do ..Everyday just sitting 10 minutes to do destruction spell for them is more than enough ..Since they have already suffered..Make them suffer even more until they realize that they canNOT take suffering ANY MORE ..Somebody who has brought you pain and suffering should suffer many and many times for it ..Its NOT like they do NOT know what they are doing ..Many people suffer ..That does NOT mean they go harming others ..do NOT NOT BUY to this stockholm syndrome of "this person was brought so and suffered a lot ,so they did this to me" ..This is a dangerous christian toxic poisonous thing ..Your soul will NEVER be satisfied until it has recieved its deserved debt ...You do NOT have to ask anyone ..I know this is a 7 month post ..But PLEASE do NOT NOT forgive ..U can NEVER move on unless u get the righteous justice ..Yes should do that freeing the soul workings also ..But u can completely be happy and feel fully satisfied and joyful and complete ONLY after getting justice ..Plz do remember that

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
