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Sexuality and the Metaphysical

we live in reality, and in reality nature is the boss, not your hurt feelings, strong smart attractive and powerful are always better than dumb ugly short and ignorant.
if you think it should be the other way around then 10/10 times you are dumb ugly short stupid or ignorant.
if you think physical traits arent good qualities to observe and assess in a mate, then fuck off and die, because thats exactly what would happen to a race of YOU.
deformed people deserve to procreate too, retards deserve to procreate too, migets jews and pshychopaths all deserve the chance to raise a family too!!!!!!
it doesn't matter how people conceive their notions of what a man should be, people are naturally attracted to healthy handsome people so that we can stay healthy and beautiful as a race, thats why gentiles think jews are ugly, its a natural survival instinct.
a man should be as perfect as they can get, thats why we are here, MAGNUM OPUS we are only trying to get better and better as a race and thats only going to happen when people start looking on the outide and the inside, and pick good role models instead of wanting to be like people who are "beautiful on the inside"
but dont worry people are judged on action too, only you're not winning any brownie points there either

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I'm a trans SS, this is a great sermon that explains why power meditation is the answer, not medical transition. It's important all trans SS see this it explains a lot, thank u <3
Thx for this explanation , im TS myself and was wondering how much Transition directly effects the soul , all good news if I understood correctly that Trans people can still reach GodHood and Immortality!
Thanks for this sermon. Now I understand why I attracted a strong earth Person cause I lack that element. This stuff is good to know. I need a spiritual psychic partner who can connect with me deeper someday I hope I don't have to wait till Satan comes back or the world is changed Jews took this from me I always longed for that even before I was Satanic. Anyways what makes one third sex how do they know. I am bisexual with a tendency towards women but I can be equally attracted to a guy if they are the right person.
This post is two years...But I wanna ask a question..
What is that spiritual cause that makes a person homosexual if not the imbalances of Ida and pingala energies? How can I balance these two in me?

On Wed, 7 Jun 2017 at 7:19 pm, hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   https://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic19715.html

<h2>Sexuality and the Metaphysical
I considered writing this post for a few reasons. Over the years myself, I had to think about this matter a lot and went into more than one conclusions; In the end what I clearly understood is what I will relate to this post. Which I found to be the only fundamental fact when it comes to such things.

As HP Don has mentioned before, and as it's known, all people have the Ida and the Pigala- polarities.. Any gender and any person can have more of either polarity in their soul.. The main issue people do not get, is that if this will manifest sexually or not, is a whole different aspect in itself. Every person spiritually is both male and female. The soul has both aspects.

Now there is a serious misconception here, that ties sexual choices with spiritual advancement. From this came rise to forceful theories such as the jewish madness which says people should be killed or made to 'repent' for their sexual choices, and many other negative things.

Like in the J(N)ew Age community where people are told that "Drugs help them" advance and so forth, and that they must at least 'try them' or whatever, the same is done about sexuality. People are sometimes forced to 'repent' their sexuality, or think that in order to advance spiritually, they have to become gay, bi, or just be celibate.

This has went in both directions, to where now the enemy is forcing the latter end, even towards pedophillia and other insanity and mental diseases. This came from mass sexual repression, insanity about sex, and at the same time over-sexualization of even children. Which bleeds all together, from all sides, into a mass insanity.

There is only ONE mistake in sexuality down to it all. To not leave your sperm and sexual energy go to waste and be unprogrammed. This is the wasting of the 'seed', not masturbation or sex. Over the centuries due to spiritual ignorance, a lot of insanity has been created around sexuality, either through deprivation, or basically mainly due to Judaism. In short, this energy needs to be used for your spiritual elevation, goals and so forth. But that is the ONLY real and worrisome 'mistake'.

If we have a person who is spiritually of an Ida (feminine) dominant nature, that will not necessarily make them a homosexual. They may be of the more nurturing type, and more after aggressive and dominant women. On the other hand, a woman who has a very high Pigala element, may be into dominating men very much, acting with more masculinity so to say.

Now, how these manifest, can range. The man in the first example may be extremely feminine in their love affairs, quite the contrary in their general life. In other words, sexuality and behavior do not always relate, but most of the time, they do.

Sexuality in general is the striving for what one does not have. In other words, gay passive men may be after overly masculine, male men, for example. Women who are lesbians of the pigala type, may actually be after feminine women of the same type. This is a way to look at things when people have a more spiritual nature. When they do not, and that is NOT bad/and/or "UNETHICAL", this may range, change or whatever.

Gaps left at the soul and internal needs that are not met, have to be 'replaced'. One example is drugs. People who are too lazy or don't even know about meditation, can get into hallucinogenics, in pursuit of spiritual experience. In the same way, people who lack particular elements, MAY or MAY NOT try to find these in partners.

The natures of such desires and how these will manifest, are affected by MANY, uncountable factors. Do drugs exist in a civilization? Does one have money to buy them? Are meditation books available? Is the person someone who is careless or careful about their life? And so forth.

Depending on if a person is suspectible to change, likes to experiment, and so forth, one may know or may now know exactly 'who they are' and 'what they like'. This can be the case of people who don't have enough self knowledge about things. As someone spiritually advances, this gap is sorted out. There are people who are more easily influenced, and some who can hardly be influenced at all. One example is how in the past, christians tried to push and 'cure' homosexual people, ultimately torturing them and worse.

Now, society is heading past the level of equality (thanks jews) who try to return us into the middle-ages by over-extension of their own sexual depravity, which masquarades as some sort of sexual prefference. In short, the humiliation over one's sexual type, and making one's self a worthless human being (either a hetero-savage-islamic) or an extremely effeminate traitor of one's race and so forth, both these are jewish creations.

These don't have to do with one's sexual choice. This has to do with the quality of a person as a person. Like all people eat, some eat in a civilized manner, some eat from the floor, and others like jews feast on feces pie. In short, to focus on the habit of eating or 'ban' it is useless and retarded. Only a xian would think of that.

I noticed the problem is that people aren't sexually accepted. This makes a lot of people feel at odds with themselves, fearful, and on the other hand, we have a pendulum thing going on in society.

Now spiritually speaking, we know there are three channels. In the female body, the left and right walls of the vagina, and the whole vagina, all connect to the Ida, Pigala and Shushumna accordingly. The same goes for the head of the phallus. The head of the Phallus is the gate to the shushumna, the sides of the Ida and Pigala accordingly.

In general, people are also polarized accordingly in the Soul, women, irrespective of sexual choices, are tentative to the feminine, and men are tentative to the masculine. The anus of both genders deals with the shushumna, the central channel. This is why for SPIRITUAL anal tantra, it's important people to understand how this works in order to advance them. For material purposes, different rules apply, so to say.

NOTE: On spiritual people. People who are just a material body, they work by "denser" laws. Natural psychics and mediums can feel the most sensible things in a space, so to say. Others are more resilient, others oblivious. In short it's not spiritually 'better' to have a particular way of sexuality, and another one is not worse. It all depends on the spiritual openness of the person, and how it affects them individually.

Then, we have astro transits. People are influenced by such, and they change by such, may want to experiment, or depending on the person, they may NOT want to do this.

Now many people are very confused when it comes to transsexuals and other people of the third sex. The third sex does not imply (unless someone is born like that from the womb) a necessary 'ida-pigala' spiritual balance.

This is the material body, which affects the soul only indirectly: it's not the CAUSE or the level of development always. It's secondarily connected to the Soul. Many people assume that if they change their body's biochemistry, they are doing a 'unity' at the soul. This is a misconception. This is not the case, but only indirectly, and from much of a distance if even that.

In other words, even if you inject yourself with testosterone, that doesn't necessarily make you more masculine at the soul, or if you inject estrogen, that doesn't make you more feminine in the soul, either. You are absorbing results here, not causes that come from the soul. You are covering at the symptoms so to say. This affects it from a far and indirect level, and the soul is only from a far distance affected by such actions. The above is why healing, balancing of the soul, has to happen on the inner light/the soul first, to have a permanent transformation effect.

In short and before some people are uselessly infuriated, what I am trying to say, is fairly simple: no matter the modifications you do on your body, no matter your sexual partners, or what you choose in that way, real unity and balance in the soul will ONLY come from meditation. This is what people should be after, and that is the aim.

All the anti-oxidants in the world, isn't going to give you an immortal soul or clean your aura, so to say. In the same way, all the sex or food in the world is equally irrelevant and not that big of a deal unless it's done with a spiritual insight to it. There are levels of sexuality, and it depends on the person. Some people are extremely psychic to the point even minor contact can create serious contacts with others, other people are extremely numb spiritually. That doesn't mean they are not affected, but it's not in the same level as other people.

The point of this post was to explain this: Everything that you see and experience has an internal sense and this has to be recognized. How it will manifest varies. This is why it's important people have self-knowledge before they do moves such as changing their genders and so forth. There needs to be insight into these things, or like with any body modification, people may regret it, or they may not regret it.

I also notice there is a lot of confusion and force by the jews to confuse everyone, no matter their sexual vocation. One example is how a lot of girls like 'adventure' guys, so the enemy tells them to go date criminals, and many times they wind up dead. Sorry, it wasn't hollywood. This is one example. This hiding of the spiritual aspect of our desires is created in such a way to blind people and make people waste their life chasing anything but spiritual advancement, which is what people should be after to become really content.

The point is that people seek completion through their sexuality in one way or another. This is evident in astrology. People who lack a particular element, can be attracted to people who have that element they are lacking, for example. This is perfectly normal as people look to complete themselves, so to say. Others stick with people of their own element, and that is good again.

The ultimate recipe is to be with people that make you better, advance you, and uplift you spiritually, so to say. The point is to become a better and more advanced person. The details are up to you, and responsibility to the responsible.

Socially speaking, as far as civilization is concerned, a civilization that only has strictly gay people and so forth, or solely lesbians, cannot procreate. Nature takes precautions of such and makes the majority of people with the necessary heterosexual tendency to reproduce. The enemy like all balances, they try to throw this one out in either way.

They don't really care which way, just enough so that balance is overthrown so they can destroy and take over things. This is a problem for every civilization, but so is retarded Abraham celibacy that leads to murder, people feeling emotionally destroyed and so forth.. Any civilization that does suppress women or feminine energy (Even expressed through women themselves, or gay people, or people with feminine polarity) does collapse, and is a civilization of savages.

On the other hand, a civilization that is too feminine, is extremely tolerant, extremely 'open' and cannot many any serious division between the members and so forth- chaos. In the middle ages we suffered from the abrahamic hyper-masculinity, now we suffer from abrahamic induced hyper-feminity. There will be no warrior spirit, no order, no defences, no cohesion, nothing.

Again, the above are not fixed "rules". Its just an explanation of some terms. You are in your own to see and know yourself. This may take more or less time, depending on the person, and that is great again. After all everyone is in the same self-knowledge trip.

Spirituality and inner empowerment and wisdom reveal what is what. But again, this is no problem, feel free to research in anyway you see fit and advance towards this.

The point is to be an advanced, upright, and decent individual. If one doesn't fill this criteria, then you can have sex with anyone you want and remain the same negative influence upon this world. Nothing can 'change' this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Someone who is non-heterosexual already has a unique balance of ida and pingala polarities within their soul, hence why they have no reason to try to become heterosexual.  Heterosexuals obviously don't need to become homo/bisexual, either, of course.
Physically, homo/bisexuality is caused by hormones and epigenics.
According to Satan and Astaroth, homosexuality is spiritually caused by what they called "the Third Sex MerKaBa."  I used to have a three-part sermon about this on my sermons' page, but I removed it temporarily because it does not explain the cause of bisexuality.  I will put the sermon back up when I can successfully explain bisexuality.
In the meantime, here are links to parts one, two, and three of the Third Sex MerKaBa sermon that needs to be updated when I find the necessary information on bisexuality:



All of this biased crap against homosexuality about the New Age Movement requiring people to become gay/bi in order to spiritually advance, as opposed to heterosexual is nothing more than Christianity and Christian Fundamentalist Superstition for Beginners.  
As a matter of fact, the New Age Movement actively promotes the lie that homo/bisexuality is a soul malady, brought on by what they call Reverse Kundalini Syndrome, or something like that.  The New Age Movement pushes only heterosexuality or celibacy as the norm, while discouraging homosexuality and teaching that homo/bisexuality is something that must be overcome in order to spiritually advance.  So much for the New Age Movement being "in favor" of gays/bis.
In Satanism, there is absolutely zero bias against homo/bisexuality any more so than heterosexuality, and for those who feel otherwise and cannot handle this truth, they have more Christian leftovers within their psyches than they realize, and/or more Christianity in their souls than they care to admit.
To each their own opinions about human sexual orientations, as long as they don't impose them to restrict homo/bisexuality or heterosexuality, but why keep certain elements of Christian Fundamentalism and Christian superstition flourishing in Satanism, which is Pagan and not Christian?
I'm not referring to anyone in particular, but just certain Christian Fundamentalist Retard SHIT that I have seen over the year, and I know how some people who still have certain traces of Christian superstition think.
The same applies to gays/bis who have Christian biases against heterosexuality, which means that this goes both ways and isn't only one-sided.
High Priest Jake Carlson
Yahoo! sucks.  Part of my reply didn't even show up, while only about 75% of it came through.  Whatever.
Anyways, it must also be stated that in Satanism, ALL consenting sex between adults of the same race are perfectly acceptable as long as they do not involve abominations such as race-mixing, pedophilia, bestiality, rape, incest, drug use, spreading diseases, and mentally-ill practices such as eating feces.  
However, as Gentiles, those forbidden sexual practices do not even come naturally to us in the first place, so any true Gentile will not feel restricted from having to steer clear of such anti-Gentile, anti-Satanic practices listed above.
I know I spoke against heterosexuals having Christian biases and superstitions against gays/bis, but this is a two-way street.  Gays are not to have Christian prejudices against heterosexuals, either.
High Priest Jake Carlson

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
