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Satanic "Meetups" in the Physical World

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
<h2>Satanic "Meetups" in the Physical World : JoyofSatan666  

I have all these years received all these countless mails that ask questions, or complain about, situations that arose from people meeting offline with other "Satanists". I have received from "predictions" to how's this is supposed to happen.

To settle the issue as it needs to be settled, I tell you first of all that this right now simply cannot work in any fruitful way. Satan will and may bring certain people together for certain purposes. However, massive things at this point are at least retarded. I know in your hearts there is longing for love, companionship, mutual relations, friendships and everything else. This will come on its own time, but now, things are different. This is a different time, phase and circumstance. Do not let this act in a negative way. You can assosciate online, and do this carefully as well.

Your decisions and anything else are your own bussiness. I am not controlling your mailboxes, or your choices. What is in my control is the ability to WARN you of this. I also do not rule this out, but for the majority it can and will be a disaster. And you will be paying for this, so this is to explain some things. The few others who can and should, they will KNOW beyond any doubt- but bear no deceit on this, this is going to be different.

I will explain the rough facts as to why this is the case for the time being.

The first fact is the negative and murderous prescence of jews. They have spent centuries killing and burning and witches alive, putting spiritual inclined people who have lost control in asylums, destroyed and desecrated spirituality to the ground. They made Satan the most despised figure in the west. Also, then you have their Shabbos who would easily harm or damage anyone if only if they knew what these people are.

And many people are naive and totally incapable of handling any such situations, which is also understandable. The jews have worked tirelessly to siphon and manage all the information and knowledge on the Goyim, as to control them. Jewbook and everything goes into this. They HATE you with passion. While you may be mediocre, they don't have any ethic of stabbing a blade or putting a bullet through your head. All that keeps them is the results, the law, and other things. Its not their innate ethic as they have none.

The second fact is that many people have zero respect, and understanding, let alone the ability to work with others. This comes from their own lack of certain things, especially self-knowledge, which implies basically the same mode as to what every "Goyim" out there has. They don't have anything, but they somehow think they are entitled to the planet. This exact behavior is exploited by the jews to make them even more weak, poor, disabled and incapable.

Satan wants serious people. People with vices, those with the innate desire to poison others, reduce and harm and anything else, Satan knows this too. These weeds of the jews need to be weeded out from one's soul in order for a better communion to be formed.

There are people who have their issues to deal with so to say, personal life, karmic, and anything else. These do not imply ill will, but they imply other issues. Satan gives you the ability to deal with is for your own existence above all. Coming together with others is not going to improve your power in this case, but make issues that are already present larger. There are combinations of people who can just go down the drain, while others can just get to the top. This can create irrelevant rivalries, disrespect, and anything else from hangups from your own upbringing, hangups, confusion and anything else. Satan wants order, and he wants obedience. There is a maturing process that must be going on.

Those who do not obey, because its for their OWN good, they will not be able to work in unities and as thus increase their powers millionfold. They will remain alone like so many rebels without a cause. This is not jewish cattle-ization, but the realization that unity is strength. People build wonders by unity. Unity does not mean assimilation of ego or anything like this- this is what the jews intend of it, and this is not unity, its slavery.

We are living during a tactical war against an enemy of monstrous influence. Without order and obedience, and without intelligent rebellion where this is needed, this effort will go down the drain. Its not some fellow SS that made you jobless, or even homeless, or makes you not have the mates of your choice, or anything else. This is the enemy and rebellions should be focused on the sources. Satan wants individuals that can work together. If he wanted cattle, he would have made a faith similar to pisslam or xianity. Satan is unworthy of cattle saviors. He is God and God doesn't need cattle.

Those who do not obey will never be able to lead, because this is exactly from where one learns to be in the position of those who obey, whom they later lead. I have obeyed Satan all my life that from when I knew him, and I am proud of it. You obey things even if you don't really pay attention to it. Obeying the Gods is always to one's benefit as the Gods do not have to gain anything from anyone's failure, but lose. They are guides, honest and the most decent friends, and many rightfully so call them FAMILY and Satan is a FATHER. Only a perfect one- they will guide you, instruct you, and you will be able to grow in extreme ways that way. This is not evil, this is how nature works. I know there are others who want to call Satan a "friend", or even an "Equal". I would never do this as I know the Gods are not equals to humans in anyway. I am not an SJW and I need not confront myself by reducing the Gods down. The universe is aristocratic, and this is how this works.

Every person that grows can realize that there are other beings of terrible power, far more grown. The wisdom of the Gods is terrible and immense. Check the enemy and their rigid system of obedience. One spits at a legit rabbi and they die. Why is this the case? Because the Rabbis are literally the spiritual vanguard of their existence, and not even the politicians. They have taken over the world with these methods. The bible is chock filled with allegories and fake fables on how those who do evil against the enemy's soul group of Israel, even their own, will be obliterated. This is not to say we work in the same way as we don't, but it should give you an idea on how this is the case in general.

What's the result? Everyone enjoys luxury, power, and there is an infinite supply of anything they need. That simple. Life is easier and flows for them. Your egotism should go to your meditations and your rage to surpass your obstacles. The more obstacles you surpass, the more you can help others surpass. Everyone benefits. Those who don't want to help themselves and as thus others, are just weight and chains on a bird that attempts to fly and be set free.

Those who consider obedience 'shame' have no insight in the power it can bring to someone. Obedience does not mean ridicule of those below, bullying, or anything evil- this is only what the psychopathic jews have taught to humanity. If your body goes without obedience, and your hands keep moving on their own and anything else, this is then called an epileptic seizure. Not a good thing apparently. This model is built upon Nature's will on how things should operate.

Unities far outweight the power of the "individuals" in many ways, especially if these are strong and based on mighty individuals. Humanity hasn't built states and communities for no purpose. Satan wants you to be strong and mighty. Not an isolated fool surrounded by jews that does DMT and thinks they are 'god' with a divine right to rule any other person in the planet. Does that even sound SATANIC? Satanism is about TRUTH. Not illusionary states induced by hebrew pills. Be strong and mighty and you will be able to build confidence, and all these states on your own.

As simple question. You have 1 million soldiers who go anywhere, are disorganized, do whatever luck brings, and you are going to lose against 1/10th of soldiers who are capable, severely intelligent, and in a formation. Who is going to win?

In closing the second point, you need to change your tune in a tune of increase, power, strength and get rid of as much damage and negativity as possible. You need to be in a position to build others and yourself up, not tear others down. The enemy does the same thing. If people consciously or not, or even by mistake, tear others down, its better they are not together and seperate. For those of you who don't have serious problems or issues- still, MORE POWER is required. In all levels.

The third fact is the most important. Satan wants Satanism to re-emerge as it was in the past and live eternally. You being not known and in the shadows helps, as many of you are. As High Priestress Maxine has mentioned one time, when the jews attempted to exterminate the Hindus they were not really able to do it like they did with other Satanic Pagans. Why? Because they were all over the place and worshipped privately. This ensured their survival.

At a point such as this, it would be suicide for any legitimate spiritual danger to the Jew World Order to "band together" in a physical place. Look what the enemy did to the National Socialists and learn. By the time Christianity was being abolished in National Socialist Germany, the reptilian and ilk company of aliens commanded their fellows to wage war on these Nordic people to exterminate them.

This has been repeated in the past and is a well known method of extermination by the jews. While this has extreme benefits, the losses can also be extreme if a solid basis is not formed. The jews have lasted so long because they have never had a physical location where they were. Only after circumstances matured and they have messacred their enemies, they attained one physical place to be. This is only normal and took thousands of years in their case.

Our power lies in that we are an international, organized, racially organized and respectful, entity. We are a family, within all families, with the same Satanic Soul. We can rival and destroy the enemy in this way. We are anywhere, and as we grow, we will be everywhere too. This way your peoples, nations, states, families and the individuals can all be saved. We have Gentiles and awakened people everywhere. This is our power and it should always be.

The fourth point for those who may be working physically together, is to avoid and obliterate as much as possible all the above issues and help each other surpass these. Work together in productive and useful ways, as to attain all the more for yourselves and Satan. As it has been said, in covens or anything like this, there must be no bad weeds. Weed thees out wherever you see them, and make sure to do what's possibly best. Work for a higher level.

When the Good will come along, it will be known.

To close this message I will quote the enemy bible. This is a story of extermination of Gentile Pagan people. What does this hebrew maniacal story tells us is self-evident.

Here is a kike king in this fable, and just read what it does to people from the supposed "land of Israel" (Claimed Palestine Area -there was never a land of Israel so we are obviously talking about Gentiles here). So they exterminated all the Pagan worshippers in the area. It should convey my points:

2 Kings 10:17-
17. When he came to Samaria, he killed all who remained to Ahab in Samaria, until he had destroyed him, according to the word of the LORD which He spoke to Elijah.
18. Then Jehu gathered all the people and said to them, "Ahab served Baal a little; Jehu will serve him much.
19. "Now, summon all the prophets of Baal, all his worshipers and all his priests; let no one be missing, for I have a great sacrifice for Baal; whoever is missing shall not live." But Jehu did it in cunning, so that he might destroy the worshipers of Baal.…
20. And Jehu said, "Sanctify a solemn assembly for Baal." And they proclaimed it.
21. Then Jehu sent throughout Israel and all the worshipers of Baal came, so that there was not a man left who did not come. And when they went into the house of Baal, the house of Baal was filled from one end to the other.…
22. He said to the one who was in charge of the wardrobe, "Bring out garments for all the worshipers of Baal." So he brought out garments for them.
23. Jehu went into the house of Baal with Jehonadab the son of Rechab; and he said to the worshipers of Baal, "Search and see that there is here with you none of the servants of the LORD, but only the worshipers of Baal."…
24. Then they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings. Now Jehu had stationed for himself eighty men outside, and he had said, "The one who permits any of the men whom I bring into your hands to escape shall give up his life in exchange."
25. Then it came about, as soon as he had finished offering the burnt offering, that Jehu said to the guard and to the royal officers, "Go in, kill them; let none come out." And they killed them with the edge of the sword; and the guard and the royal officers threw them out, and went to the inner room of the house of Baal.
26. They brought out the sacred pillars of the house of Baal and burned them.…
27. They also broke down the sacred pillar of Baal and broke down the house of Baal, and made it a latrine to this day.…
28. Thus Jehu eradicated Baal out of Israel.…


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
