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SATAN: The Prince of Darkness


Active member
Oct 30, 2019
Welcome, Dear Brothers and Sisters, and fellow souls seeking freedom, knowledge, and enlightenment. Hope no more, for the time has come.

I dedicate this topic with all of my heart and soul to Father Satan, Blessed be His name and existence forever, for He is the embodiment of perfection itself— divine providence and the ultimate, flawless perfection that can be found anywhere, at any time, now and always.

Since English is not my native language, I will use a tool to translate into words that are as simple and understandable as possible for people of all kinds and backgrounds. Over time, everything you read, including this topic, will make more sense, because with evolution comes a stronger and more developed perception and awareness, and in turn, everything will make more sense than it does now. Additionally, I will use various pieces of information I know, as well as from other sources, and will put them here, making connections and references to Father Satan.

I will also use numerology and astrology; however, what I want to emphasize is that it is somewhat impossible to describe something so divine and perfect, especially when we talk about the most perfect form itself—Him . Unfortunately, we live in very dark times, and things like free expression come at a high cost, which shouldn’t be the case at all. Our God is a God of peace, freedom, and enlightenment, even though these are the times we face now. Thankfully, we have Gods who love us and have not given up on us. They not only see everything that happens, but they are also here for us; they not only watch over us but also help us. This darkness and fog will disappear from our world over time. This is the perfect place and time[Aquarius Age] to spread what I am about to write, giving me full rights to express myself and to use the truth in all its splendor—the pure and real truth, the truth about Him.

There is already a lot of information about why X is our Creator and the absolute God. What I will do is organize some things, explain them, and present them for better understanding, bringing everything together so that it is easier for everyone to understand who He is and what He is, and even more than that.

Over time, Satan has had many names such as: EA,Enki,Lucifer,Poseidon,Odin,Zamolxis ,Shiva and many others. If you search for all these names of these various entities, you will find a resonance and similarities among them leading to one single entity. Myths are not merely real occurrences but rather hidden messages, teachings, and knowledge from which we can learn and evolve, as well as a greater understanding and connection with the God's and overall the Divine itself.

The Prince Of Darkness


Among all ranks for the Gods, the Prince rank is the highest. Now that we’re talking about Satan, we are literally dealing with the Prince of Darkness himself. People have a misguided perception of darkness and this aspect of existence. Light can be used to do harm, and darkness can do good; they themselves have nothing to do with the concept of good and evil—they simply are what they are. Without darkness, we wouldn't see the stars. Is that inherently a bad thing? No, and it wouldn’t matter, as one cannot exist without the other. When people hear about darkness, the first thing that comes to mind is something "EVIL," but within darkness, we can find many things. That’s why others try to spread falsehoods about what darkness truly means, so that we never find the real truth, knowledge, and power.

If I were to describe Satan as briefly as possible, it would be this: Only those who have embraced the shadows truly understand the strength it bestows. Darkness is not to be feared but harnessed, for within it lies the power to rise above all, to triumph where others falter in the light.

We know what we know, but as far as I understand, He, too, had a creator. We can’t know too much about Satan's relationship with the rest of his family, but what I can say is my personal opinion: He has gone through much darkness and suffering, and he has become who He is today because he had the strength, courage, and many other qualities. He fought and continues to fight to be the strongest. He is the one who uncovered the mysteries of the universe and has learned to harness them, becoming what he is now—perfect. Instead of allowing darkness to dominate him, he became one with it; he became EVERYTHING.

The Gods have mysterious forms through which they manifest, reveal themselves, and work, but among them all, Satan is the most enigmatic. Often, we know, and often we don’t, when he is present and the cause of certain events in our lives. He can communicate with you at any time and in any form; you will simply know, especially when it comes to him.
Satan said " I guide my beloved and chosen ones well by unseen means. " - This also has to do with the fact that Satan is represented by planet Neptun[Poseidon] which rules the unseen , secrets , mystery and the spiritually.

Satan's directions are South and East.

Solar energy, the Sun, the color red, the magic wand and the fire element are all associated with the south. It is the square of will, directing and channeling psychic energy and the forces of nature. South flowing water has long been known to have magical properties and was a well known ingredient that medieval sorcerers used in their spells. South represents intellect, knowledge and achievement, as the Sun peaks in the southern sky (for those in the northern hemisphere).

The East is the square of enlightenment, the mystical and the eternal. It belongs to the element air, the dagger, the color silver and the Morning Star - which is the star of Lucifer. In most traditions, the altar is aligned with the east. Usually when a circle is drawn for a Covan, the High Priest/ Priestess positions the gate through which all others join the group, to the northeast.

I know it's not good to change or edit God's sigils but this time it's just for educational purposes to explain why He is GOD.
Below is Father Satan Sigil , the second one as he has two that we know about.
EA is Satan. It is likely that E-A is the Sumerian short form for "Lord of Water", as Enki is a god of water. Ab in Abzu also means water. [Poseidon - Neptune reference] and then we have Aquarius the Water Bearer which is Satan on a Neptunian Spiritual point of view and also Aquarius Enlighten the one who cares the Knowledge and the most higher intelligence and awakening.

Satan is the most spiritual Being in Existence. Not only that we were created by Him but we also live trough him it's just that some are less aware due to the enemy influence upon this world , at least for now.

Satan said in Al Jilwah " I have allowed the creation of four substances, four times, and four directions; for they are things necessary to creation. " - Here you can say that the Akasha is the spiritual element as per below number 5, adding the entire perfection for us to exist and for our world to live and continue.

In Satanic Numerology
Number 4 Stands for: Order, justice, the four directions of the physical, the "limit", four elements without ether, sub-base for the material world
Number 5 Stands for : The five elements, union, connection, eros, form, beauty, splendor, splendor, balance, harmony - You can see the 4 elements and Akasha making the 5th
Number 6 stands for: Material and spiritual, connection, life, life, stability, habit, karmic, marriage, macrocosmic/microcosmic.

Now, if you think about it, there are 3 beings, who rule the entire Universe: Poseidon[Satan],Zeus [Beelzebul], and Hades. The number 3 stands for Spirit, divinity, the trinity force—a perfect number, the first union. EA,Enlil,Anu , the trinity of the worlds. These three have something of the number 6's properties, It’s difficult to explain in words, but just imagine the number 6 as the entire Universe each of those three God's having their part to play in it and ruling various things of the mysterious 6 [Universe]

Now, knowing that each possesses something of this 6 and there are three of them, that forms 6 6 6—the literal three Godheads who rule the ENTIRE Universe. 666 has more meaning then just that. It has to do with Satan mostly.

Satan's number are 2; 11 (1+1=2) Satan + Beelzebub
number 2 In Satanic Numerology : Duality, separation, discord, relation, creation, destruction, imperfection, positive-negative, first division, separation.
And then we have God Hades which are the 3 Deities ruling the whole Universe but with Satan and Beelzebub you could say that everything was founded by and with and trough Satan but GOD Satan is doing his thing as Beelzebub is doing His the perfect duality and then the divine number 3.

Satan's planets are Uranus and Venus.
Venus rules over 2th house and Uranus over the 11th house.
But that's not the only reason of why Satan having those two numbers as top , there's more then that.

HP Cobra Said:
"Satan is, if we could say, one step "Out and Above" than this; while Beelzebub rules all the known universe in all it's boundaries, dimensions and forms, representing a more "Mystical" form. Father Satan on the other hand, is the Ultimate of the Ultimate, which rules the level "Before Creation". As such, it must be understood that these two most Great and beyond comprehension entities, represent both a unified form (One God) and a Duality, but together they further they form the unified power of the Universe [Known and Unknown, Visible and Invisible]."

What was said is correct, but I wanted to create this topic and add more things, giving me the perfect opportunity to write about Satan. Indeed, both Gods are ancient, and by that, I don’t necessarily refer to how long they’ve existed in time, but to their knowledge and power. I’ve always perceived Satan exactly as HP Cobra mentioned. Satan is linked to the planet Neptune, which rules over spirituality itself and many other things—the unseen, the subtle world. Indeed, Satan has one foot outside the universe, and to avoid confusion, Satan and Beelzebub are two completely different entities, not one and the same. However, people might say that because of their connection with each other and their influence over the universe.

The three are very different: Beelzebub rules over the entire visible universe, Hades governs the invisible, the subtle world, and the realm beyond, while Satan has one foot outside the universe. This doesn’t mean Satan lacks a body or doesn’t exist—he exists everywhere, all the time. It’s admittedly difficult to explain, but now it makes more sense why Satan manifests in the forms he does. If you know anything about Neptune, you’ll understand more about Satan himself, as that’s his domain and Rule. Hades, often associated with Pluto, is Satan's son, and as you've noticed, there’s not much information about Hades on the forums—and that’s for a reason. Hades rules over the invisible, the subtle, the afterlife, and the other realms, while Satan is much farther away—so far away that he is literally outside the universe, yet at the same time, he is always present. He’s a very busy God, and the Gods help us with everything because that is Satan's will as well and God's are very happy and willing to do this for ourselves as we are a Family.

He is not loved, appreciated, respected, or followed because he rules through hate, destruction, and chaos. Rather, he is revered as the one who liberates, who brings enlightenment. He is the most benevolent deity—understanding, gentle, generous, kind, wise, and so much more. People follow him for his goodness, not out of fear. However, he is also feared because he is the Prince of Darkness, possessing the absolute power to destroy more than anyone else. Research more about Shiva, who is essentially the same, and you will gain a deeper understanding without needing to elaborate too much on this topic, as I would like to share some more information.

Satan zodiacal sings are Capricorn [Saturn-ORDER] and Aquarius[Chaos] and this is understandable why makes him the Perfect God. Order and Chaos are probably the most biggest thin in the entire Universe.

Neptune[Poseidon #Satan] is the planet that holds the greatest secrets, especially regarding spirituality. Hades[Pluto] is the one who can see through Neptune, and this also applies to Zeus-Beelzebub[Jupiter].
Together, these three work harmoniously through their energies and attributes, leading to perfect perfection. Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto are the transcendental planets for a reason, and their equivalents as characters would be these three deities. However, they are so much more than that; these are just examples of what they represent and embody.

Satan is the Master of EVERYTHING.

Many wonder if He and the others are so powerful, then why doesn’t everything end right now. Remember that when we were created, if He had wanted to snap his fingers and make us God's, He could have done so. But He didn’t because He understands the need for a natural course of existence that must be followed. There are steps, just as a woman carries a child for nine months—this is a natural process, not only biologically but also spiritually and metaphysically. Even now, many things can happen, but all in due time. What is clear and certain is that no matter how long it takes, it is irrelevant for an immortal deity of such power. Enemies know they will ultimately lose over time. I can hardly imagine how foolish they must be to challenge such a God or Gods and their forces. But every cause has an effect, and vice versa; their fate is sealed. Even if He is absolutely powerful, we must understand that He knows best what is happening and how to overcome everything, ensuring we become what He has always intended for us to be.

Now, considering that Satan is associated with Neptune, which represents Him, you can understand that even though the other two dominate spirituality, this is Neptune's natural house, and he embodies spirituality itself. This perspective can help you grasp the significance of the twelfth house, which holds great secrets and spirituality. It concludes that He, in essence, has been and continues to be an entity seeking knowledge about the realms of Neptune, which he has indeed explored, becoming what he is today but He is also associated with Uranus[Aquarius] which is the Ruler of as well and that has to do with technology and enlighten and the Higher Intelligence making him not perfect on the Spiritual level but also on the Mental level and the most intelligent Of All and then we have the Venus which is the beauty , harmony , peace and diplomacy.

Technology and Spiritually work hand in hand ,it's just that Us we do not YET posses the necessary technology in the current time to fully explain the spirituality and what is and how it works ,If we would had it then most of people will not only start believing in it but also understand that IS REAL , the technology in itself is controlled and watch by the enemies therefore the problems we got at the current time. Many of Us have been blessed to be fortunate enough to find the God's and many have been SS trough their past lives as me but that's irrelevant to you and you shall always progress to strive forward no matter what.

When HP Cobra said "Satan represents the Ultimate Consciousness, and Beelzebub represents the Ultimate Manifest Consciousness." you can think about this as that Satan is the spirituality in itself , the energy of Neptune which are controlled and manifested by God Beelzebub which is Satan's Brother, both of them are busy as Hell , literally doing their own thing in existence and universe as we do but them two are beyond being just a ordinary deity they are DIVINE and PERFECT and Much more then just Deities. Satan rules so many World's and things that's beyond our capacity to even comprehend what is going on in the Universe and how the Universe itself is working and what are ,where and how and so many questions about the other lives and worlds and so on so forth.

It is interesting and beautiful this brotherhood between the Two of Them, they don't argue who is more like who and more important and powerful instead they consider themselves as one and only entity and in a way they really are, very splendid and it makes you understand more about love and many other things that I don't want to go into details but it's fascinating, these wonderful perfect two God's.

Venus rules over the material beauty and the material in general , number 2 , Satan. Neptun is the superior octave of Venus and rules over exact same thing but on a spiritual and ethereal level and represents not only spirituality in itself but the most ethereal and most perfect beauty that there is. No wonder why Father Satan is so benevolent , kind , peacefully , patient and generous and many other things. Neptun also stands for this so called darkness which is nothing else then energies which are harder to be seen ,felt and understood by others.

Eternal Glory be Upon You Father Satan! Glory to the God's! Glory to Us! NOW AND FOREVER! AVE SATANAS!

May Father Satan Bless you all and Guide you towards your greatest journeys!
Welcome, Dear Brothers and Sisters, and fellow souls seeking freedom, knowledge, and enlightenment. Hope no more, for the time has come.

I dedicate this topic with all of my heart and soul to Father Satan, Blessed be His name and existence forever, for He is the embodiment of perfection itself— divine providence and the ultimate, flawless perfection that can be found anywhere, at any time, now and always.

Since English is not my native language, I will use a tool to translate into words that are as simple and understandable as possible for people of all kinds and backgrounds. Over time, everything you read, including this topic, will make more sense, because with evolution comes a stronger and more developed perception and awareness, and in turn, everything will make more sense than it does now. Additionally, I will use various pieces of information I know, as well as from other sources, and will put them here, making connections and references to Father Satan.

I will also use numerology and astrology; however, what I want to emphasize is that it is somewhat impossible to describe something so divine and perfect, especially when we talk about the most perfect form itself—Him . Unfortunately, we live in very dark times, and things like free expression come at a high cost, which shouldn’t be the case at all. Our God is a God of peace, freedom, and enlightenment, even though these are the times we face now. Thankfully, we have Gods who love us and have not given up on us. They not only see everything that happens, but they are also here for us; they not only watch over us but also help us. This darkness and fog will disappear from our world over time. This is the perfect place and time[Aquarius Age] to spread what I am about to write, giving me full rights to express myself and to use the truth in all its splendor—the pure and real truth, the truth about Him.

There is already a lot of information about why X is our Creator and the absolute God. What I will do is organize some things, explain them, and present them for better understanding, bringing everything together so that it is easier for everyone to understand who He is and what He is, and even more than that.

Over time, Satan has had many names such as: EA,Enki,Lucifer,Poseidon,Odin,Zamolxis ,Shiva and many others. If you search for all these names of these various entities, you will find a resonance and similarities among them leading to one single entity. Myths are not merely real occurrences but rather hidden messages, teachings, and knowledge from which we can learn and evolve, as well as a greater understanding and connection with the God's and overall the Divine itself.

The Prince Of Darkness
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Among all ranks for the Gods, the Prince rank is the highest. Now that we’re talking about Satan, we are literally dealing with the Prince of Darkness himself. People have a misguided perception of darkness and this aspect of existence. Light can be used to do harm, and darkness can do good; they themselves have nothing to do with the concept of good and evil—they simply are what they are. Without darkness, we wouldn't see the stars. Is that inherently a bad thing? No, and it wouldn’t matter, as one cannot exist without the other. When people hear about darkness, the first thing that comes to mind is something "EVIL," but within darkness, we can find many things. That’s why others try to spread falsehoods about what darkness truly means, so that we never find the real truth, knowledge, and power.

If I were to describe Satan as briefly as possible, it would be this: Only those who have embraced the shadows truly understand the strength it bestows. Darkness is not to be feared but harnessed, for within it lies the power to rise above all, to triumph where others falter in the light.

We know what we know, but as far as I understand, He, too, had a creator. We can’t know too much about Satan's relationship with the rest of his family, but what I can say is my personal opinion: He has gone through much darkness and suffering, and he has become who He is today because he had the strength, courage, and many other qualities. He fought and continues to fight to be the strongest. He is the one who uncovered the mysteries of the universe and has learned to harness them, becoming what he is now—perfect. Instead of allowing darkness to dominate him, he became one with it; he became EVERYTHING.

The Gods have mysterious forms through which they manifest, reveal themselves, and work, but among them all, Satan is the most enigmatic. Often, we know, and often we don’t, when he is present and the cause of certain events in our lives. He can communicate with you at any time and in any form; you will simply know, especially when it comes to him.
Satan said " I guide my beloved and chosen ones well by unseen means. " - This also has to do with the fact that Satan is represented by planet Neptun[Poseidon] which rules the unseen , secrets , mystery and the spiritually.

Satan's directions are South and East.

Solar energy, the Sun, the color red, the magic wand and the fire element are all associated with the south. It is the square of will, directing and channeling psychic energy and the forces of nature. South flowing water has long been known to have magical properties and was a well known ingredient that medieval sorcerers used in their spells. South represents intellect, knowledge and achievement, as the Sun peaks in the southern sky (for those in the northern hemisphere).

The East is the square of enlightenment, the mystical and the eternal. It belongs to the element air, the dagger, the color silver and the Morning Star - which is the star of Lucifer. In most traditions, the altar is aligned with the east. Usually when a circle is drawn for a Covan, the High Priest/ Priestess positions the gate through which all others join the group, to the northeast.

I know it's not good to change or edit God's sigils but this time it's just for educational purposes to explain why He is GOD.
Below is Father Satan Sigil , the second one as he has two that we know about.
View attachment 4103 EA is Satan. It is likely that E-A is the Sumerian short form for "Lord of Water", as Enki is a god of water. Ab in Abzu also means water. [Poseidon - Neptune reference] and then we have Aquarius the Water Bearer which is Satan on a Neptunian Spiritual point of view and also Aquarius Enlighten the one who cares the Knowledge and the most higher intelligence and awakening.

Satan is the most spiritual Being in Existence. Not only that we were created by Him but we also live trough him it's just that some are less aware due to the enemy influence upon this world , at least for now.

Satan said in Al Jilwah " I have allowed the creation of four substances, four times, and four directions; for they are things necessary to creation. " - Here you can say that the Akasha is the spiritual element as per below number 5, adding the entire perfection for us to exist and for our world to live and continue.

In Satanic Numerology
Number 4 Stands for: Order, justice, the four directions of the physical, the "limit", four elements without ether, sub-base for the material world
Number 5 Stands for : The five elements, union, connection, eros, form, beauty, splendor, splendor, balance, harmony - You can see the 4 elements and Akasha making the 5th
Number 6 stands for: Material and spiritual, connection, life, life, stability, habit, karmic, marriage, macrocosmic/microcosmic.

Now, if you think about it, there are 3 beings, who rule the entire Universe: Poseidon[Satan],Zeus [Beelzebul], and Hades. The number 3 stands for Spirit, divinity, the trinity force—a perfect number, the first union. EA,Enlil,Anu , the trinity of the worlds. These three have something of the number 6's properties, It’s difficult to explain in words, but just imagine the number 6 as the entire Universe each of those three God's having their part to play in it and ruling various things of the mysterious 6 [Universe]

Now, knowing that each possesses something of this 6 and there are three of them, that forms 6 6 6—the literal three Godheads who rule the ENTIRE Universe. 666 has more meaning then just that. It has to do with Satan mostly.

Satan's number are 2; 11 (1+1=2) Satan + Beelzebub
number 2 In Satanic Numerology : Duality, separation, discord, relation, creation, destruction, imperfection, positive-negative, first division, separation.
And then we have God Hades which are the 3 Deities ruling the whole Universe but with Satan and Beelzebub you could say that everything was founded by and with and trough Satan but GOD Satan is doing his thing as Beelzebub is doing His the perfect duality and then the divine number 3.

Satan's planets are Uranus and Venus.
Venus rules over 2th house and Uranus over the 11th house.
But that's not the only reason of why Satan having those two numbers as top , there's more then that.

HP Cobra Said:
"Satan is, if we could say, one step "Out and Above" than this; while Beelzebub rules all the known universe in all it's boundaries, dimensions and forms, representing a more "Mystical" form. Father Satan on the other hand, is the Ultimate of the Ultimate, which rules the level "Before Creation". As such, it must be understood that these two most Great and beyond comprehension entities, represent both a unified form (One God) and a Duality, but together they further they form the unified power of the Universe [Known and Unknown, Visible and Invisible]."

What was said is correct, but I wanted to create this topic and add more things, giving me the perfect opportunity to write about Satan. Indeed, both Gods are ancient, and by that, I don’t necessarily refer to how long they’ve existed in time, but to their knowledge and power. I’ve always perceived Satan exactly as HP Cobra mentioned. Satan is linked to the planet Neptune, which rules over spirituality itself and many other things—the unseen, the subtle world. Indeed, Satan has one foot outside the universe, and to avoid confusion, Satan and Beelzebub are two completely different entities, not one and the same. However, people might say that because of their connection with each other and their influence over the universe.

The three are very different: Beelzebub rules over the entire visible universe, Hades governs the invisible, the subtle world, and the realm beyond, while Satan has one foot outside the universe. This doesn’t mean Satan lacks a body or doesn’t exist—he exists everywhere, all the time. It’s admittedly difficult to explain, but now it makes more sense why Satan manifests in the forms he does. If you know anything about Neptune, you’ll understand more about Satan himself, as that’s his domain and Rule. Hades, often associated with Pluto, is Satan's son, and as you've noticed, there’s not much information about Hades on the forums—and that’s for a reason. Hades rules over the invisible, the subtle, the afterlife, and the other realms, while Satan is much farther away—so far away that he is literally outside the universe, yet at the same time, he is always present. He’s a very busy God, and the Gods help us with everything because that is Satan's will as well and God's are very happy and willing to do this for ourselves as we are a Family.

He is not loved, appreciated, respected, or followed because he rules through hate, destruction, and chaos. Rather, he is revered as the one who liberates, who brings enlightenment. He is the most benevolent deity—understanding, gentle, generous, kind, wise, and so much more. People follow him for his goodness, not out of fear. However, he is also feared because he is the Prince of Darkness, possessing the absolute power to destroy more than anyone else. Research more about Shiva, who is essentially the same, and you will gain a deeper understanding without needing to elaborate too much on this topic, as I would like to share some more information.

Satan zodiacal sings are Capricorn [Saturn-ORDER] and Aquarius[Chaos] and this is understandable why makes him the Perfect God. Order and Chaos are probably the most biggest thin in the entire Universe.

Neptune[Poseidon #Satan] is the planet that holds the greatest secrets, especially regarding spirituality. Hades[Pluto] is the one who can see through Neptune, and this also applies to Zeus-Beelzebub[Jupiter].
Together, these three work harmoniously through their energies and attributes, leading to perfect perfection. Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto are the transcendental planets for a reason, and their equivalents as characters would be these three deities. However, they are so much more than that; these are just examples of what they represent and embody.

Satan is the Master of EVERYTHING.

Many wonder if He and the others are so powerful, then why doesn’t everything end right now. Remember that when we were created, if He had wanted to snap his fingers and make us God's, He could have done so. But He didn’t because He understands the need for a natural course of existence that must be followed. There are steps, just as a woman carries a child for nine months—this is a natural process, not only biologically but also spiritually and metaphysically. Even now, many things can happen, but all in due time. What is clear and certain is that no matter how long it takes, it is irrelevant for an immortal deity of such power. Enemies know they will ultimately lose over time. I can hardly imagine how foolish they must be to challenge such a God or Gods and their forces. But every cause has an effect, and vice versa; their fate is sealed. Even if He is absolutely powerful, we must understand that He knows best what is happening and how to overcome everything, ensuring we become what He has always intended for us to be.

Now, considering that Satan is associated with Neptune, which represents Him, you can understand that even though the other two dominate spirituality, this is Neptune's natural house, and he embodies spirituality itself. This perspective can help you grasp the significance of the twelfth house, which holds great secrets and spirituality. It concludes that He, in essence, has been and continues to be an entity seeking knowledge about the realms of Neptune, which he has indeed explored, becoming what he is today but He is also associated with Uranus[Aquarius] which is the Ruler of as well and that has to do with technology and enlighten and the Higher Intelligence making him not perfect on the Spiritual level but also on the Mental level and the most intelligent Of All and then we have the Venus which is the beauty , harmony , peace and diplomacy.

Technology and Spiritually work hand in hand ,it's just that Us we do not YET posses the necessary technology in the current time to fully explain the spirituality and what is and how it works ,If we would had it then most of people will not only start believing in it but also understand that IS REAL , the technology in itself is controlled and watch by the enemies therefore the problems we got at the current time. Many of Us have been blessed to be fortunate enough to find the God's and many have been SS trough their past lives as me but that's irrelevant to you and you shall always progress to strive forward no matter what.

When HP Cobra said "Satan represents the Ultimate Consciousness, and Beelzebub represents the Ultimate Manifest Consciousness." you can think about this as that Satan is the spirituality in itself , the energy of Neptune which are controlled and manifested by God Beelzebub which is Satan's Brother, both of them are busy as Hell , literally doing their own thing in existence and universe as we do but them two are beyond being just a ordinary deity they are DIVINE and PERFECT and Much more then just Deities. Satan rules so many World's and things that's beyond our capacity to even comprehend what is going on in the Universe and how the Universe itself is working and what are ,where and how and so many questions about the other lives and worlds and so on so forth.

It is interesting and beautiful this brotherhood between the Two of Them, they don't argue who is more like who and more important and powerful instead they consider themselves as one and only entity and in a way they really are, very splendid and it makes you understand more about love and many other things that I don't want to go into details but it's fascinating, these wonderful perfect two God's.

Venus rules over the material beauty and the material in general , number 2 , Satan. Neptun is the superior octave of Venus and rules over exact same thing but on a spiritual and ethereal level and represents not only spirituality in itself but the most ethereal and most perfect beauty that there is. No wonder why Father Satan is so benevolent , kind , peacefully , patient and generous and many other things. Neptun also stands for this so called darkness which is nothing else then energies which are harder to be seen ,felt and understood by others.

Eternal Glory be Upon You Father Satan! Glory to the God's! Glory to Us! NOW AND FOREVER! AVE SATANAS!
View attachment 4108
May Father Satan Bless you all and Guide you towards your greatest journeys!
Viego Wow that was so wonderfully written.
thank you for taking the time to write such a wonderful writing and great knowledge and sharing this with us, I just loved reading this with so much aww
Fascinating to the max, I just don’t know how to put it into words,
Amazingly wonderful and the pictures are amazing too love it so much ❤️

Hail Father Satan ❤️
Hail God Beelzebul ❤️
Keep your good work Viego!
Thank you! Means a lot. Will do! Wish you well brother!
Viego Wow that was so wonderfully written.
thank you for taking the time to write such a wonderful writing and great knowledge and sharing this with us, I just loved reading this with so much aww
Fascinating to the max, I just don’t know how to put it into words,
Amazingly wonderful and the pictures are amazing too love it so much ❤️

Hail Father Satan ❤️
Hail God Beelzebul ❤️
Thank you for your kind words and I am very glad that you liked it. Thank you!

Welcome, Dear Brothers and Sisters, and fellow souls seeking freedom, knowledge, and enlightenment. Hope no more, for the time has come.

I dedicate this topic with all of my heart and soul to Father Satan, Blessed be His name and existence forever, for He is the embodiment of perfection itself— divine providence and the ultimate, flawless perfection that can be found anywhere, at any time, now and always.

Since English is not my native language, I will use a tool to translate into words that are as simple and understandable as possible for people of all kinds and backgrounds. Over time, everything you read, including this topic, will make more sense, because with evolution comes a stronger and more developed perception and awareness, and in turn, everything will make more sense than it does now. Additionally, I will use various pieces of information I know, as well as from other sources, and will put them here, making connections and references to Father Satan.

I will also use numerology and astrology; however, what I want to emphasize is that it is somewhat impossible to describe something so divine and perfect, especially when we talk about the most perfect form itself—Him . Unfortunately, we live in very dark times, and things like free expression come at a high cost, which shouldn’t be the case at all. Our God is a God of peace, freedom, and enlightenment, even though these are the times we face now. Thankfully, we have Gods who love us and have not given up on us. They not only see everything that happens, but they are also here for us; they not only watch over us but also help us. This darkness and fog will disappear from our world over time. This is the perfect place and time[Aquarius Age] to spread what I am about to write, giving me full rights to express myself and to use the truth in all its splendor—the pure and real truth, the truth about Him.

There is already a lot of information about why X is our Creator and the absolute God. What I will do is organize some things, explain them, and present them for better understanding, bringing everything together so that it is easier for everyone to understand who He is and what He is, and even more than that.

Over time, Satan has had many names such as: EA,Enki,Lucifer,Poseidon,Odin,Zamolxis ,Shiva and many others. If you search for all these names of these various entities, you will find a resonance and similarities among them leading to one single entity. Myths are not merely real occurrences but rather hidden messages, teachings, and knowledge from which we can learn and evolve, as well as a greater understanding and connection with the God's and overall the Divine itself.

The Prince Of Darkness
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Among all ranks for the Gods, the Prince rank is the highest. Now that we’re talking about Satan, we are literally dealing with the Prince of Darkness himself. People have a misguided perception of darkness and this aspect of existence. Light can be used to do harm, and darkness can do good; they themselves have nothing to do with the concept of good and evil—they simply are what they are. Without darkness, we wouldn't see the stars. Is that inherently a bad thing? No, and it wouldn’t matter, as one cannot exist without the other. When people hear about darkness, the first thing that comes to mind is something "EVIL," but within darkness, we can find many things. That’s why others try to spread falsehoods about what darkness truly means, so that we never find the real truth, knowledge, and power.

If I were to describe Satan as briefly as possible, it would be this: Only those who have embraced the shadows truly understand the strength it bestows. Darkness is not to be feared but harnessed, for within it lies the power to rise above all, to triumph where others falter in the light.

We know what we know, but as far as I understand, He, too, had a creator. We can’t know too much about Satan's relationship with the rest of his family, but what I can say is my personal opinion: He has gone through much darkness and suffering, and he has become who He is today because he had the strength, courage, and many other qualities. He fought and continues to fight to be the strongest. He is the one who uncovered the mysteries of the universe and has learned to harness them, becoming what he is now—perfect. Instead of allowing darkness to dominate him, he became one with it; he became EVERYTHING.

The Gods have mysterious forms through which they manifest, reveal themselves, and work, but among them all, Satan is the most enigmatic. Often, we know, and often we don’t, when he is present and the cause of certain events in our lives. He can communicate with you at any time and in any form; you will simply know, especially when it comes to him.
Satan said " I guide my beloved and chosen ones well by unseen means. " - This also has to do with the fact that Satan is represented by planet Neptun[Poseidon] which rules the unseen , secrets , mystery and the spiritually.

Satan's directions are South and East.

Solar energy, the Sun, the color red, the magic wand and the fire element are all associated with the south. It is the square of will, directing and channeling psychic energy and the forces of nature. South flowing water has long been known to have magical properties and was a well known ingredient that medieval sorcerers used in their spells. South represents intellect, knowledge and achievement, as the Sun peaks in the southern sky (for those in the northern hemisphere).

The East is the square of enlightenment, the mystical and the eternal. It belongs to the element air, the dagger, the color silver and the Morning Star - which is the star of Lucifer. In most traditions, the altar is aligned with the east. Usually when a circle is drawn for a Covan, the High Priest/ Priestess positions the gate through which all others join the group, to the northeast.

I know it's not good to change or edit God's sigils but this time it's just for educational purposes to explain why He is GOD.
Below is Father Satan Sigil , the second one as he has two that we know about.
View attachment 4103 EA is Satan. It is likely that E-A is the Sumerian short form for "Lord of Water", as Enki is a god of water. Ab in Abzu also means water. [Poseidon - Neptune reference] and then we have Aquarius the Water Bearer which is Satan on a Neptunian Spiritual point of view and also Aquarius Enlighten the one who cares the Knowledge and the most higher intelligence and awakening.

Satan is the most spiritual Being in Existence. Not only that we were created by Him but we also live trough him it's just that some are less aware due to the enemy influence upon this world , at least for now.

Satan said in Al Jilwah " I have allowed the creation of four substances, four times, and four directions; for they are things necessary to creation. " - Here you can say that the Akasha is the spiritual element as per below number 5, adding the entire perfection for us to exist and for our world to live and continue.

In Satanic Numerology
Number 4 Stands for: Order, justice, the four directions of the physical, the "limit", four elements without ether, sub-base for the material world
Number 5 Stands for : The five elements, union, connection, eros, form, beauty, splendor, splendor, balance, harmony - You can see the 4 elements and Akasha making the 5th
Number 6 stands for: Material and spiritual, connection, life, life, stability, habit, karmic, marriage, macrocosmic/microcosmic.

Now, if you think about it, there are 3 beings, who rule the entire Universe: Poseidon[Satan],Zeus [Beelzebul], and Hades. The number 3 stands for Spirit, divinity, the trinity force—a perfect number, the first union. EA,Enlil,Anu , the trinity of the worlds. These three have something of the number 6's properties, It’s difficult to explain in words, but just imagine the number 6 as the entire Universe each of those three God's having their part to play in it and ruling various things of the mysterious 6 [Universe]

Now, knowing that each possesses something of this 6 and there are three of them, that forms 6 6 6—the literal three Godheads who rule the ENTIRE Universe. 666 has more meaning then just that. It has to do with Satan mostly.

Satan's number are 2; 11 (1+1=2) Satan + Beelzebub
number 2 In Satanic Numerology : Duality, separation, discord, relation, creation, destruction, imperfection, positive-negative, first division, separation.
And then we have God Hades which are the 3 Deities ruling the whole Universe but with Satan and Beelzebub you could say that everything was founded by and with and trough Satan but GOD Satan is doing his thing as Beelzebub is doing His the perfect duality and then the divine number 3.

Satan's planets are Uranus and Venus.
Venus rules over 2th house and Uranus over the 11th house.
But that's not the only reason of why Satan having those two numbers as top , there's more then that.

HP Cobra Said:
"Satan is, if we could say, one step "Out and Above" than this; while Beelzebub rules all the known universe in all it's boundaries, dimensions and forms, representing a more "Mystical" form. Father Satan on the other hand, is the Ultimate of the Ultimate, which rules the level "Before Creation". As such, it must be understood that these two most Great and beyond comprehension entities, represent both a unified form (One God) and a Duality, but together they further they form the unified power of the Universe [Known and Unknown, Visible and Invisible]."

What was said is correct, but I wanted to create this topic and add more things, giving me the perfect opportunity to write about Satan. Indeed, both Gods are ancient, and by that, I don’t necessarily refer to how long they’ve existed in time, but to their knowledge and power. I’ve always perceived Satan exactly as HP Cobra mentioned. Satan is linked to the planet Neptune, which rules over spirituality itself and many other things—the unseen, the subtle world. Indeed, Satan has one foot outside the universe, and to avoid confusion, Satan and Beelzebub are two completely different entities, not one and the same. However, people might say that because of their connection with each other and their influence over the universe.

The three are very different: Beelzebub rules over the entire visible universe, Hades governs the invisible, the subtle world, and the realm beyond, while Satan has one foot outside the universe. This doesn’t mean Satan lacks a body or doesn’t exist—he exists everywhere, all the time. It’s admittedly difficult to explain, but now it makes more sense why Satan manifests in the forms he does. If you know anything about Neptune, you’ll understand more about Satan himself, as that’s his domain and Rule. Hades, often associated with Pluto, is Satan's son, and as you've noticed, there’s not much information about Hades on the forums—and that’s for a reason. Hades rules over the invisible, the subtle, the afterlife, and the other realms, while Satan is much farther away—so far away that he is literally outside the universe, yet at the same time, he is always present. He’s a very busy God, and the Gods help us with everything because that is Satan's will as well and God's are very happy and willing to do this for ourselves as we are a Family.

He is not loved, appreciated, respected, or followed because he rules through hate, destruction, and chaos. Rather, he is revered as the one who liberates, who brings enlightenment. He is the most benevolent deity—understanding, gentle, generous, kind, wise, and so much more. People follow him for his goodness, not out of fear. However, he is also feared because he is the Prince of Darkness, possessing the absolute power to destroy more than anyone else. Research more about Shiva, who is essentially the same, and you will gain a deeper understanding without needing to elaborate too much on this topic, as I would like to share some more information.

Satan zodiacal sings are Capricorn [Saturn-ORDER] and Aquarius[Chaos] and this is understandable why makes him the Perfect God. Order and Chaos are probably the most biggest thin in the entire Universe.

Neptune[Poseidon #Satan] is the planet that holds the greatest secrets, especially regarding spirituality. Hades[Pluto] is the one who can see through Neptune, and this also applies to Zeus-Beelzebub[Jupiter].
Together, these three work harmoniously through their energies and attributes, leading to perfect perfection. Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto are the transcendental planets for a reason, and their equivalents as characters would be these three deities. However, they are so much more than that; these are just examples of what they represent and embody.

Satan is the Master of EVERYTHING.

Many wonder if He and the others are so powerful, then why doesn’t everything end right now. Remember that when we were created, if He had wanted to snap his fingers and make us God's, He could have done so. But He didn’t because He understands the need for a natural course of existence that must be followed. There are steps, just as a woman carries a child for nine months—this is a natural process, not only biologically but also spiritually and metaphysically. Even now, many things can happen, but all in due time. What is clear and certain is that no matter how long it takes, it is irrelevant for an immortal deity of such power. Enemies know they will ultimately lose over time. I can hardly imagine how foolish they must be to challenge such a God or Gods and their forces. But every cause has an effect, and vice versa; their fate is sealed. Even if He is absolutely powerful, we must understand that He knows best what is happening and how to overcome everything, ensuring we become what He has always intended for us to be.

Now, considering that Satan is associated with Neptune, which represents Him, you can understand that even though the other two dominate spirituality, this is Neptune's natural house, and he embodies spirituality itself. This perspective can help you grasp the significance of the twelfth house, which holds great secrets and spirituality. It concludes that He, in essence, has been and continues to be an entity seeking knowledge about the realms of Neptune, which he has indeed explored, becoming what he is today but He is also associated with Uranus[Aquarius] which is the Ruler of as well and that has to do with technology and enlighten and the Higher Intelligence making him not perfect on the Spiritual level but also on the Mental level and the most intelligent Of All and then we have the Venus which is the beauty , harmony , peace and diplomacy.

Technology and Spiritually work hand in hand ,it's just that Us we do not YET posses the necessary technology in the current time to fully explain the spirituality and what is and how it works ,If we would had it then most of people will not only start believing in it but also understand that IS REAL , the technology in itself is controlled and watch by the enemies therefore the problems we got at the current time. Many of Us have been blessed to be fortunate enough to find the God's and many have been SS trough their past lives as me but that's irrelevant to you and you shall always progress to strive forward no matter what.

When HP Cobra said "Satan represents the Ultimate Consciousness, and Beelzebub represents the Ultimate Manifest Consciousness." you can think about this as that Satan is the spirituality in itself , the energy of Neptune which are controlled and manifested by God Beelzebub which is Satan's Brother, both of them are busy as Hell , literally doing their own thing in existence and universe as we do but them two are beyond being just a ordinary deity they are DIVINE and PERFECT and Much more then just Deities. Satan rules so many World's and things that's beyond our capacity to even comprehend what is going on in the Universe and how the Universe itself is working and what are ,where and how and so many questions about the other lives and worlds and so on so forth.

It is interesting and beautiful this brotherhood between the Two of Them, they don't argue who is more like who and more important and powerful instead they consider themselves as one and only entity and in a way they really are, very splendid and it makes you understand more about love and many other things that I don't want to go into details but it's fascinating, these wonderful perfect two God's.

Venus rules over the material beauty and the material in general , number 2 , Satan. Neptun is the superior octave of Venus and rules over exact same thing but on a spiritual and ethereal level and represents not only spirituality in itself but the most ethereal and most perfect beauty that there is. No wonder why Father Satan is so benevolent , kind , peacefully , patient and generous and many other things. Neptun also stands for this so called darkness which is nothing else then energies which are harder to be seen ,felt and understood by others.

Eternal Glory be Upon You Father Satan! Glory to the God's! Glory to Us! NOW AND FOREVER! AVE SATANAS!
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May Father Satan Bless you all and Guide you towards your greatest journeys!
Okay! This is BEAUTIFUL !!❤️🔥 I love your work here, and your illustrations are amazing. 🔥👹

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
