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Satan And Lilith Head God and Goddess Of Japan

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Satan And Lilith Head God and Goddess Of Japan And The Far East

In the ancient Hindu texts of the east, Sanat Kumara who is Soten Kurama also spelled Sonten Kurama in Japan, states His name is AUM. This is the mantra name of Soten Kurama in Japan as well who is a pre Buddhist deity. Soten carries the trident which is the symbol of the AUM mantra in the east. The symbol of the Japanese culture which is called Kami-No-Michi, which means "The Way Of The Gods" in Japanese is the symbol of the sacred gate.

This gateway is shown originally always with two dogs on either side in Japanese culture and these are symbols of the gateway and the two sacred dogs on either side spells the mantra "AUN" in Japanese the AUM mantra is spelled AUN its also spelled as AUN in some of the Hindu tantra's. AUN or AUM is the name of Sanat Kumara or Soten Kurama. The symbol of Japanese culture is the symbol of the name of Soten Kurama. AUM is always the mantra name of the highest God in the east. Which is Satan.

This means that Soten Kurama is the head God of Japan. Sanat is also spelled Satan in Sanskrit the sacred language of Japan which all the sacred texts are wrote with. Sanat and Satan both mean the same word "Eternal" and Soten is also Satan this is from Sanskrit as all Japanese deity names are. Satanama is the name of the highest God in Sanskrit and it means "Hail Satan" its the five element mantra the Shabda mantra which comes out of the AUM mantra this shows that Satan is the original God of Gentile humanity and is still the highest God in the Far East where the original teachings of Satan and our Gods survived.

In the Temple of Soten Kurama are the symbols of the Goddess Kannon. Who is the Goddess Lilith the wife of Satan.

The Goddess Kannon also known as Kuan Yin in Japan is a well known pre Buddhist deity and is the most important Goddess in Japan. Kannon is the Goddess of healing and eternal life in Japan. The Saigoku Kannon Junrei is the Japanese sacred path which goes through western Japan this sacred travel path contains all thirty three Temples of the Goddess Kannon in the Kansi area. The Bando sacred travel also has 33 sacred sites in the Kanto area to Kannon and 33 temples of Kannon in the Kamakura area and 34 sites of the Chichibu sacred travel in the Saitama valley. There are over one hundred sacred sites to the Goddess Kannon in Japan. The Goddess Kannon is sacred to the Hijiri the Japanese Yogi's who lived in the mountains and were known to possess the Siddhi powers. They are famous as healers in Japanese culture. The 33 temples of Kannon of the Saigoku Kannon Junrei the most important of the sacred travel paths were built for the Hijiri and by them to facilitate the teaching of Kundalini Yoga what is called the Siddha Marga in India which is the Magnum Opus this path when completed in Hinduism generates the Kumara body which is the immortal and enlightened being. In Japan the Kumarabhuta or Monju relates to this practice the archetypical form of the perfected soul the term Kumarabhuta or Monju means "Eternal Youth" in Japan which is what Sanat Kumara means in India where Sanat Kumara is the God of Kundalini Yoga the Siddha Marga. The spiritual texts of Japan state that eternal life and physical immortality is the goal of Japanese spiritual practice. Kannon means Serpent Goddess the number 33 is the number of spinal vertebrae the Kundalini serpent must pass through to the crown chakra. Kannon is stated to take ones consciousness from the root chakra to the crown chakra and enlightenment in Japanese tradition.

Kannon is also called by the title of Chintamanichakra which is the Chintamani Jewel in Japan and the Goddess Kannon rules the thousand petal lotus of the crown chakra. Kannon's mantra is shown inscribed upon the image of the Chintamani in Japan its Hrih this mantra is wrote in Siddham which is the ancient form of the Sanskrit Brahmi script which the sacred writings in Japan are wrote with including mantra's. Kannon worship is stated to have come from India originally. The Chintamani is the drop of dew from the heavens which heals and grants all wishes in Japan and the Far East. This is the activated crown chakra the crown chakra connects to and activates the pineal gland in the east. Its considered part of the crown chakra. The Hrih mantra is the name of Kannon as Her mantra and thus the energy form of the Goddess. In India this mantra is Hrim which is the Suddha Shakti the purifying power and the mantra name of the Hindu Goddess Lalitha who is the Mahadevi the head Goddess of India and rules the crown chakra. Lalitha is Lilith.

In the Brahmanda Purana, Lalitha the Goddess Lilith states to Shiva upon their wedding:
"Remember that whatever I say or do is according to my own will alone. Whoever accepts me as his wife must also accept my complete independence."

The Goddess Lilith was the wife of the Sumerian Enki:

"Lilutu- whence derived the names of Lilith , Luluwa and others associated with the lily or lotus flower."[1]

"Lilith who became another young consort of Enki, known to the Hebrews as Samael -from Sama-EL: Lord of Sama in northern Mesopotamia."[2]

Samael is the name of Satan in Hebrew. This is where Samael and His wife Lilith in the Hebrew texts was stolen and corrupted from, Enki and Lilutu.

The Jewish texts also admit something:

Lilith states to the Jewish Elijah:

"Lilith stated: These are my names Lilith.....Kali..." [3]

Kali is the Hindu Goddess who is the consort of Shiva.

In Hinduism the Goddess who rules the Sri Yantra the most important yantra in Kundalini Yoga and represents the cosmic axis of Meru, is the Goddess Lalita who is Lilith further west. In Sanskrit the vowels are interchangeable the LLT can be Lalita, Lilutu or Lilith. Both rule the crown chakra. Lilith means lily or lotus the thousand crown lotus. Lalita rules the crown chakra in Hinduism. Lalita's consort is Shiva and the Sri Yantra is the union of both principals into the transformed soul.

[1][2]Realm of the Ring Lords, Laurence Gardner
[3]Tree Of Souls The Mythology Of Judaism, Schwartz
Shakti The Realm Of The Divine Mother, Vana Mali
Foundations Of Reiki Ryoho, Nicholas Pearson
The Serpent The Eagle The Lion And The Disk, Brannon Parker
The Truth Behind The Christ Myth, Mark Amaru Pinkham
While The Gods Play, Alain Danielou
The Chakras, Yogi Bhajan
Ayurveda And Marma Therapy, Dr. David Frawley, Dr. Subhash Ranade and Dr. Avinash Lele
Merging With Shiva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
In the Far East, Guan Yin is known as 'The One who Perceives the Sounds of the World' and 'The Lord who Gazes down on the World'. To the uninitiated, these titles have been corrupted with themes related to Guan Yin being a compassion goddess. This actually relates to the power of mantra. The 'Sounds' refer to words of power with the 'World' being the individual. The 'Gaze' relates to the focus that mantra requires to direct the spiritual fire.
Great!! Congratulations!

And Amaterasu?
SdD said:
Great!! Congratulations!

And Amaterasu?

Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi are about the Solar and Lunar channels, and they deal with the Ida, the Pigala, and the planetary bodies on the heavens on the linear world. Internally they represent the Solar and Lunar energies. In Japanese lore they get married to show the union of the two forces in one conjoined force.
SdD said:
Oooh TnX!! HP Hc666

And Athena? Please!!…

Athena really would take a whole post, Athena is the most heavily charged and important of the ancient allegories, as thus she was called "The Virgin", from which bullshit like the Virgin Mary was stolen from. In general, Athena has to do with the Throat Chakra and the Thymus, while Mercury has to do with the Mercury or the alchemical mercury, the moving energy itself.
High Priest Lucius Oria said:
In the Far East, Guan Yin is known as 'The One who Perceives the Sounds of the World' and 'The Lord who Gazes down on the World'. To the uninitiated, these titles have been corrupted with themes related to Guan Yin being a compassion goddess. This actually relates to the power of mantra. The 'Sounds' refer to words of power with the 'World' being the individual. The 'Gaze' relates to the focus that mantra requires to direct the spiritual fire.

Do you have any information on the concept of time? I'd want to elaborate but this may get really confusing. Is there a particular Eastern word about Time? I ask because in Ancient Greek, Saturn and Chronos, both are related to time, and I am going to make a post, so as to see, I need to have a little evaluation on the Eastern Concept of time, if you have any input.

Thank you.
When you think there's way to love Japan even more my HPs(S) say other wise.

This info is way more helpful than can be explained or expressed.

Thank you, Hail Satan, and Hail Our Demons and Demonesses!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do you have any information on the concept of time? I'd want to elaborate but this may get really confusing. Is there a particular Eastern word about Time? I ask because in Ancient Greek, Saturn and Chronos, both are related to time, and I am going to make a post, so as to see, I need to have a little evaluation on the Eastern Concept of time, if you have any input.

Thank you.
If you are going to make a post about Saturn and Time this might be useful:http://www.myhoroscope.gr/%CE%BF-%CE%BA%CF%81%CF%8C%CE%BD%CE%BF%CF%82-%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CE%BF-%CF%87%CF%81%CF%8C%CE%BD%CE%BF%CF%82-%CE%B1%CF%83%CF%84%CF%81%CE%BF%CE%BB%CE%BF%CE%B3%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%AD%CF%82-%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%B9/
(I hope I posted the link correctly)
The first part seems to have a lot corruption in my opinion so I am going to translate the second part that speaks about time and space (in case you don't have time):

Astrologically, Saturn signifies concepts and facts about human life that are significantly related to the concept of Time. Seriousness, responsibility, introspection, rigor, in-depth approach, experience, separation from the past, death and dissolution are concepts and processes that have been identified in our minds with aging or at least with aging. very mature.
Time(Chronos) as another Saturn(Kronos) ,eats his children, that is, humans, as it inevitably leads them to death, with no hope of escape. The only one who can "fool" him is the sly Jupiter, who takes various animal forms and "hides" his father to appear later to overthrow him. Behind this presence of Jupiter, according to some scholars, lies the death of nature by embracing new life within the fruit or semen hidden in the soil and cold until the coming of spring and the spring of new life. .
In other studies and articles we see reports that as the god Saturn tried to avoid the prophecy of his inevitable overthrow by swallowing his children, but he failed, so no matter how much we try to avoid the inevitable, it is certain that in a turn we will find life in front of us. Time reveals everything and Saturn as an astrological planet teaches us not to blind ourselves to the problem.
For other scholars not necessarily astrologers, the Pantheon of the Olympian Gods conceals within it many symbolic links to cosmology and the birth of the Universe. Saturn as another Time is born when Uranus and Earth are born, that is, when Space is created. Time cannot exist without Space, as Time is the motion of Space, but also the motion of Space is interpreted in terms of time (speed, acceleration).
Jupiter is the male fertilizer's masquerading energy to deceive the Virgo Era (Ηρα), who tries to avoid Conception, but does not always succeed. They are both hidden and swallowed by the irregular Saturn = Time that swallows cultures, planets, and all of Creation.
Saturn also has positive effects on humans. A human distances himself from events, makes quiet decisions, lands, matures, reconciles with reality, learns to work and build. For people who are mature, Saturn brings rewards, promotions, recognition. For immature people, however, it brings fear, avoidance of responsibility, and a tendency not to recognize the problem (here's a reference to the contrast between Saturn and the Sun that some astrologers in the horoscope of Greece make us a nation to avoid problems and consider that others are to blame).
This is why it has been ''mostly'' a culture of beauty such as there anime, and classic art. A unique variation. Everything inspired to be. Its why its naturally treasured by those off good taste in a personalized contextual way, based on there nature, and who they are. Why others seek to corrupt its aesthetic output that has always been pleasing. They want to destroy any beauty one could turn to to save there mind, and ability to discriminate/be inspired.
Shani I have heard is the word for time in the east its the name of Saturn.
So in addition to Maum, we have the Hrim mantra to open up the crown chakra. Thank you for this information, HPmageson.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SdD said:
Great!! Congratulations!

And Amaterasu?

Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi are about the Solar and Lunar channels, and they deal with the Ida, the Pigala, and the planetary bodies on the heavens on the linear world. Internally they represent the Solar and Lunar energies. In Japanese lore they get married to show the union of the two forces in one conjoined force.
I first heard about Amaterasu and Tsukyomi when I was watching Naruto Shippuden years ago. There, Uchiha Itachi revealed how awakening both powers of the Mangekyo Sharingan (Kaleidoscopic eye) gave rise to a third power called Susanoo.


The uniting of the ida and paigala, giving rise to a new energy. That anime is so chock full of allegories, its pretty based. For example the one who attains both the Ashura and Indra chakras can awaken the Rinnegan of The Sage of the Six Paths(symbolic of the crown chakra opening). The seventh path of the Sage called the Samsara of Heavenly Life can resurrect a deceased soul similar to the Rainbow body transformation Mageson was talking about


Further there is the Ten Tails husk which is devoid of chakra which must be filled up with the nine tailed beasts (7chakras + 2 hip extensions ?) , after the ten Tails is formed, one who becomes its jinchuriki ,attains immortality. He can also cast the infinite Tsukyomi which is an illusion upon the entire world.

The Uchiha clan also have to go through 3 transformations in their eye in their quest for power. The Sharingan, The Mangekyo Sharingan and the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. And after attaining the Ashura Chakra ,they attain the Rinnegan.



Mangekyo Sharingan


Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan

The entire story also revolves around a battle between the gods and how the Rabbit Goddess Kaguya wanted to enslave humanity and absorb all of their chakra through the ten Tails Tree to form a chakra fruit so that she could extend her life (similar to how the enemy aliens plan on doing. )

Kaguya Otsuki

She was defeated by her son ,the Sage of the Six Paths who further births two sons Ashura and Indra who undergo a dispute over ascension in the Sages creed and fight over several lifetimes by reincarnating before eventually reconciling as Naruto and Sasuke.

Sage of the Six Paths with his two sons, Ashura and Indra

Uchiha Madara ,is resurrected by Uchiha Obito who has formed a Communist A anarchist organization called Akatasuki and has started a war to seize the tailed beasts.





Six paths madara

Uchiha Madara had earlier attained the Rinnegan in a fight against Hashirama Senju,the reincarnation of Ashura in their lifetime,but died due to old age and uses Obito to perform the Samsara of Heavenly life resurrecting him.

He attains both Rinnegan and becomes the ten Tails jinchuriki and casts theinfiniteTsukyomi by reflecting his eyes off the moon.

Madara Casts the Infinite Tsukyomi

His aim is to make all of humanity Trapped in a dream world which he thinks will rid humanity of suffering and hatred. Bit unknown to him, the ten Tails tree is actually sucking the humans life force as it shows them these dreams in an illusionary world.



The ancient enemy Alien Kaguya gets resurrected and fights Naruto and Sasuke and us eventually sealed again with the Sage of the Six paths instructions (how we are being instructed by the Gods in Spiritual Warfare.)

Kaguya Vs Naruto and Sasuke

I could go on and on. There are simply too many allegories to talk about. You have to see the Anime to know what I'm talking about. You could torrent it on 1337x.to and theres an AnimeRG batch download.
Shani is the name for time in the east the name of Saturn.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
High Priest Lucius Oria said:
In the Far East, Guan Yin is known as 'The One who Perceives the Sounds of the World' and 'The Lord who Gazes down on the World'. To the uninitiated, these titles have been corrupted with themes related to Guan Yin being a compassion goddess. This actually relates to the power of mantra. The 'Sounds' refer to words of power with the 'World' being the individual. The 'Gaze' relates to the focus that mantra requires to direct the spiritual fire.

Do you have any information on the concept of time? I'd want to elaborate but this may get really confusing. Is there a particular Eastern word about Time? I ask because in Ancient Greek, Saturn and Chronos, both are related to time, and I am going to make a post, so as to see, I need to have a little evaluation on the Eastern Concept of time, if you have any input.

Thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
High Priest Lucius Oria said:
In the Far East, Guan Yin is known as 'The One who Perceives the Sounds of the World' and 'The Lord who Gazes down on the World'. To the uninitiated, these titles have been corrupted with themes related to Guan Yin being a compassion goddess. This actually relates to the power of mantra. The 'Sounds' refer to words of power with the 'World' being the individual. The 'Gaze' relates to the focus that mantra requires to direct the spiritual fire.

Do you have any information on the concept of time? I'd want to elaborate but this may get really confusing. Is there a particular Eastern word about Time? I ask because in Ancient Greek, Saturn and Chronos, both are related to time, and I am going to make a post, so as to see, I need to have a little evaluation on the Eastern Concept of time, if you have any input.

Thank you.

Shiva and Kali are the Chief Deities of Time in Vedic thought. Kāla is the Sanskrit word for Time of which Mahākāla and Mahākālī are manifestations as well. Shani is also the Hindu equivalent of Saturn As all other Asian Pagan religions are originally Vedic, their Deities of Time are ethnic variations of Shiva and Kali (Satan and Lilith). Take for example the Javanese people of Indonesia who believe in Batara Kala as the God of Time and Destruction. Batara Kala is known as the son of Batara Guru, the Javanese version of Shiva. Batara Guru is married to a Goddess known as Dewi Uma (Kali).

In terms of the Far East, the idea of time is understood as a sequence of events in nature that originate from the movement of the eternal Tao. The Tao being the impersonal force of the universe. There are no Gods of Time in Chinese thought. The cultivators of the Tao do so to become the embodiment of such, where Time no longer applies.
I remember also the post about Shani. I was aware of the more technical side of the Gods in that, but thanks for the elaboration, except of Batara Kala. Your answer was pertinent to the second paragraph.

This was very important here, that there were no Gods of time specifically, as in "The God of Time". In Ancient Greek or Norse mythology and so forth, this wasn't the case either in the linear form it is today. This was about a deeper inquiry as I was studying about Japan, and the Saturn/Time relationship which is around a lot. This was to put something from Beelzebub together.

However this also certifies that this has to be some serious flaw in Western translations and understanding about the very notion of time itself. Then, Kikestein also reinforced this wrong aspect about time.

High Priest Lucius Oria said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
High Priest Lucius Oria said:

Thank you.


In terms of the Far East, the idea of time is understood as a sequence of events in nature that originate from the movement of the eternal Tao. The Tao being the impersonal force of the universe. There are no Gods of Time in Chinese thought. The cultivators of the Tao do so to become the embodiment of such, where Time no longer applies.
HP Mageson666 said:
Shani I have heard is the word for time in the east its the name of Saturn.

Shani is a lot of close to Sano which means wheat (what the horses eat) in the Ancient Greek. The wheat was always symbolic of the passing of seasons, this is why Saturn holds the sickle for cutting the wheat.
The term Kala this is a title of Shiva but Shiva is the destroyer of time not time itself. Because Shiva liberates from the effects of time. Shiva is a title of Rudra and Rudra rules the magnum opus, Sanat Kumara is another title of Rudra and Rudra's mantra is Raum the spiritual fire that transforms the soul the RAUM is the mantra of the serpent in Egypt as well. Sanat Kumara or Soten Kurama is Shiva manifested in a physical form. This relates to the perfected being.

The Mundra symbol of the horns protects against the evil gaze in European folklore which is why Dio made this famous he was Italian America a lot of this is still around in the ethnic communities. The evil gaze is from Shani in the east the personification of Shani in the myths in India if Shani gazes at the individual they are cursed. This obviously is the effects of Saturn on the individual. The Horns Mundra activates kundalini in the mula chakra which works to cleanse the soul and strengthen the energy field to advert the negative effects of this planet. In India they are very strict on the fact that Shani has to be appeased this relates to practices to keep negative karma off the person to protection them Shani's negative influences. Shiva as the liberator frees one from Shani totality. Shiva mantra's are also used to advert the effects of Saturn transits in India.
HP Mageson666 said:
The term Kala this is a title of Shiva but Shiva is the destroyer of time not time itself. Because Shiva liberates from the effects of time. Shiva is a title of Rudra and Rudra rules the magnum opus, Sanat Kumara is another title of Rudra and Rudra's mantra is Raum the spiritual fire that transforms the soul the RAUM is the mantra of the serpent in Egypt as well. Sanat Kumara or Soten Kurama is Shiva manifested in a physical form. This relates to the perfected being.

The Mundra symbol of the horns protects against the evil gaze in European folklore which is why Dio made this famous he was Italian America a lot of this is still around in the ethnic communities. The evil gaze is from Shani in the east the personification of Shani in the myths in India if Shani gazes at the individual they are cursed. This obviously is the effects of Saturn on the individual. The Horns Mundra activates kundalini in the mula chakra which works to cleanse the soul and strengthen the energy field to advert the negative effects of this planet. In India they are very strict on the fact that Shani has to be appeased this relates to practices to keep negative karma off the person to protection them Shani's negative influences. Shiva as the liberator frees one from Shani totality. Shiva mantra's are also used to advert the effects of Saturn transits in India.

This is excellent thanks for the knowledge. It makes more sense with such.
Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SdD said:
Great!! Congratulations!

And Amaterasu?

Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi are about the Solar and Lunar channels, and they deal with the Ida, the Pigala, and the planetary bodies on the heavens on the linear world. Internally they represent the Solar and Lunar energies. In Japanese lore they get married to show the union of the two forces in one conjoined force.
I first heard about Amaterasu and Tsukyomi when I was watching Naruto Shippuden years ago. There, Uchiha Itachi revealed how awakening both powers of the Mangekyo Sharingan (Kaleidoscopic eye) gave rise to a third power called Susanoo.


The uniting of the ida and paigala, giving rise to a new energy. That anime is so chock full of allegories, its pretty based. For example the one who attains both the Ashura and Indra chakras can awaken the Rinnegan of The Sage of the Six Paths(symbolic of the crown chakra opening). The seventh path of the Sage called the Samsara of Heavenly Life can resurrect a deceased soul similar to the Rainbow body transformation Mageson was talking about


Further there is the Ten Tails husk which is devoid of chakra which must be filled up with the nine tailed beasts (7chakras + 2 hip extensions ?) , after the ten Tails is formed, one who becomes its jinchuriki ,attains immortality. He can also cast the infinite Tsukyomi which is an illusion upon the entire world.

The Uchiha clan also have to go through 3 transformations in their eye in their quest for power. The Sharingan, The Mangekyo Sharingan and the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. And after attaining the Ashura Chakra ,they attain the Rinnegan.



Mangekyo Sharingan


Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan

The entire story also revolves around a battle between the gods and how the Rabbit Goddess Kaguya wanted to enslave humanity and absorb all of their chakra through the ten Tails Tree to form a chakra fruit so that she could extend her life (similar to how the enemy aliens plan on doing. )

Kaguya Otsuki

She was defeated by her son ,the Sage of the Six Paths who further births two sons Ashura and Indra who undergo a dispute over ascension in the Sages creed and fight over several lifetimes by reincarnating before eventually reconciling as Naruto and Sasuke.

Sage of the Six Paths with his two sons, Ashura and Indra

Uchiha Madara ,is resurrected by Uchiha Obito who has formed a Communist A anarchist organization called Akatasuki and has started a war to seize the tailed beasts.





Six paths madara

Uchiha Madara had earlier attained the Rinnegan in a fight against Hashirama Senju,the reincarnation of Ashura in their lifetime,but died due to old age and uses Obito to perform the Samsara of Heavenly life resurrecting him.

He attains both Rinnegan and becomes the ten Tails jinchuriki and casts theinfiniteTsukyomi by reflecting his eyes off the moon.

Madara Casts the Infinite Tsukyomi

His aim is to make all of humanity Trapped in a dream world which he thinks will rid humanity of suffering and hatred. Bit unknown to him, the ten Tails tree is actually sucking the humans life force as it shows them these dreams in an illusionary world.



The ancient enemy Alien Kaguya gets resurrected and fights Naruto and Sasuke and us eventually sealed again with the Sage of the Six paths instructions (how we are being instructed by the Gods in Spiritual Warfare.)

Kaguya Vs Naruto and Sasuke

I could go on and on. There are simply too many allegories to talk about. You have to see the Anime to know what I'm talking about. You could torrent it on 1337x.to and theres an AnimeRG batch download.

Kaguya and the Moon and Rabbit is also seen in the Mayan Moon Goddess IxChel, seen holding a rabbit.
I have reread this article many times since it was posted. I feel like I'm finally starting to understand.

Speaking of the goddess Lilith, I was focused on her nobility and strength as a woman, so I was disapprove of the idea that Kannon was her. However, when I tried to listen to the "sound" of the mind while focusing on the crown chakra, I definitely felt a "gentle gaze". This surprised me a lot.

Also, I knew that the guardian dogs in shrines showed "Aun", but I had never thought that they represented the beginning and the end, the world, and even Satan. Whenever I pass between the guardian dogs, I have a strange feeling as if I am being tested.

On around midnight of December 31st, "the New Year's Eve bell" are rung 108 times at all temples in Japan. The number 108 is said to correspond with that of worldly desires. Japanese people hear the bell-ringing, welcoming the new year. I realized that this tradition is also meant to cleans the inside with sounds.

For initiates who are able to understand these meaning, I think that Japan is truly Satan's country.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
