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RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule 19th Feb to 1st of March - And An Address

friðr said:
I feel like this has been covered already but my memory fails me.

In the Blood RTR in the first affirmation where it reads
"...has become toxic to enemy..." the correct affirmation is in fact "...have become toxic to the enemy..."

Since in the second paragraph it is worded that way.
Right? :?:
That's how I worded it because it didn't seem right without "the" added in. HoodedCobra would have to tell you for sure though.
StraitShot47 said:
Probably time to make sure we have emails for everyone so we can still coordinate RTR schedules.

As another backup, I keep the RTR schedule up-to-date on the Tor site. :D
friðr said:
I feel like this has been covered already but my memory fails me.

In the Blood RTR in the first affirmation where it reads
"...has become toxic to enemy..." the correct affirmation is in fact "...have become toxic to the enemy..."

Since in the second paragraph it is worded that way.
Right? :?:

Both are speaking of present tense, as in Has Become (meant now but also linking to their shit raised in the past) which is implied. It contains a conclusion, present and past in it.

Everything would fit instead of things pointing out or focusing only on the past.

What is your language? There can be gaps in understanding present, and present perfect. In many cases present perfect is important to magick.
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Probably time to make sure we have emails for everyone so we can still coordinate RTR schedules.

Backup plans incoming soon. Do not worry as they cannot take it down permaently or anything.

Just take a screenshot of the rtr schedule as soon as you see it. I did that so I have back up to refer back to if I can't access this one what we are doing on what days. Easy to find the rtrs on the page or back up those too just in case.

The forums are presently safeguarded, and at no risk of arbitary purging as they have been before.

Downtimes is the worst that can theoretically happen. Before they were subject to total extermination. But we managed in time.

We will also operate the Tor site and as a last measure update everyone there. None of the other sites were affected during the downtime.

Overall this is getting better. We'll see a mailing list solution for application on top of this. So far the test of this has been of medium promise so until it is entirely reliable it cannot be counted upon.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Stormblood said:
I recall the first times during the 72 reversal. There was always some kind of resistance to me doing it before and during. Now, it's so easy to start and finish, and it does not feel as long and annoying as it used to feel. Those energies that were causing those feelings have been dissolved thanks to the Tetragrammaton reversal.

I still get some resistance on the 42 letters.

We've come a long way but the enemy and the enemy is in rabid.

We have to conclude the schedule fully.

The first time I did the 72 (I always did these rituals first with HPS Maxine or was the first person to review them after these were made in which I did them), I cannot begin to explain the drawbacks and reactions of the enemy. It was heavy.

After we managed to blunt the sword, we made these public on approval of the Demons which reassured safety of members.

Now it is a walk in the park since the Tetragrammaton. There can still be resistence in a few, but I will never forget the first times I did them.

We've come a long way since.
homeraee said:
6Catawampusly6Satanic6 said:
This seems like a silly question but I was wondering do we need to do another Aura cleansing immediately after the rituals like the F-RTR/Tetra? Or can it wait till my bedtime cleansing/protection?
You’d better do cleaning immediately after finishing your warfare. It is stated in the FRTR that ‘ It is strongly recommended that you clean your aura afterward.‘
Yeah I know that, I worded my question wrong as I usually do when I'm up later than I should be. I do the F-RTR and then I cleanse as recommended. But then I was wondering do I need to do a second cleansing after these extra rituals that we're doing. I have been anyways just because it feels right and since there's no such thing as too much cleansing and protecting but just wondered if it was completely necessary.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Stormblood said:
I recall the first times during the 72 reversal. There was always some kind of resistance to me doing it before and during. Now, it's so easy to start and finish, and it does not feel as long and annoying as it used to feel. Those energies that were causing those feelings have been dissolved thanks to the Tetragrammaton reversal.

I still get some resistance on the 42 letters.

We've come a long way but the enemy and the enemy is in rabid.

We have to conclude the schedule fully.

The first time I did the 72 (I always did these rituals first with HPS Maxine or was the first person to review them after these were made in which I did them), I cannot begin to explain the drawbacks and reactions of the enemy. It was heavy.

After we managed to blunt the sword, we made these public on approval of the Demons which reassured safety of members.

Now it is a walk in the park since the Tetragrammaton. There can still be resistence in a few, but I will never forget the first times I did them.

We've come a long way since.
The first day of this schedule I felt some resistence in the Reversing Blood sacrifices Rtr. After I did it I felt 'heavy' and somewhat pain in my head. Did my cleaning and it helped a lot. It was definitely some type of curse against doing this Rtr.
6Catawampusly6Satanic6 said:
homeraee said:
6Catawampusly6Satanic6 said:
This seems like a silly question but I was wondering do we need to do another Aura cleansing immediately after the rituals like the F-RTR/Tetra? Or can it wait till my bedtime cleansing/protection?
You’d better do cleaning immediately after finishing your warfare. It is stated in the FRTR that ‘ It is strongly recommended that you clean your aura afterward.‘
Yeah I know that, I worded my question wrong as I usually do when I'm up later than I should be. I do the F-RTR and then I cleanse as recommended. But then I was wondering do I need to do a second cleansing after these extra rituals that we're doing. I have been anyways just because it feels right and since there's no such thing as too much cleansing and protecting but just wondered if it was completely necessary.
Right now I'm doing my cleaning/protection after the schedule not just after the F-Rtr and tetra. You could do it this way or add a small protection/cleaning spell right after the other Rtrs. The more protection/cleaning the better.
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Probably time to make sure we have emails for everyone so we can still coordinate RTR schedules.

Backup plans incoming soon. Do not worry as they cannot take it down permaently or anything.

Just take a screenshot of the rtr schedule as soon as you see it. I did that so I have back up to refer back to if I can't access this one what we are doing on what days. Easy to find the rtrs on the page or back up those too just in case.

I always backup everything i need to my Mega cloud. The latest schedule, rituals, etc.

Here is the current schedule organised nicely with mp3s for every ritual.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
friðr said:
I feel like this has been covered already but my memory fails me.

In the Blood RTR in the first affirmation where it reads
"...has become toxic to enemy..." the correct affirmation is in fact "...have become toxic to the enemy..."

Since in the second paragraph it is worded that way.
Right? :?:

Both are speaking of present tense, as in Has Become (meant now but also linking to their shit raised in the past) which is implied. It contains a conclusion, present and past in it.

Everything would fit instead of things pointing out or focusing only on the past.

What is your language? There can be gaps in understanding present, and present perfect. In many cases present perfect is important to magick.

First of all, thank you very much for the swift reply Commander!
My first language is French so maybe that's why there's a gap in my understanding.

I understand that everyone must use the same affirmation for the workings but I was just wondering if the one written in the ritual is the correct exact one.
(Sounds kinda stupid put like that.)

The first affirmation is:
"• The blood and lives of both human beings and animals has become toxic to enemy alien agenda and the Jews."

1st: "The blood and lives..." = They? They has?

2nd: "...toxic to ___ enemy alien agenda..."

Shouldn't it be "...toxic to the enemy alien agenda..."
"Determiners are required before a singular noun but are optional when it comes to introducing plural nouns."[size=1]https://grammar.yourdiction...ouns/what/what-is-a-determiner.html [/size]

Also, the second affirmation is worded this way:

"• The blood and lives of both human beings and animals have ceased to be effective and have lost all of their power for the enemy alien agenda and the Jews."[size=1]https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse195Ritual.html[/size]

At first I thought it was probably already addressed that these were just typos and not being able to remember made me doubtful.
I am a bit confused now and I really wanna make sure I use the correct affirmations. :eek:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I have one suggestion and one question:

1. A copy of the current schedule + times explanation added to the evilgoy timer site. (if the forum is down and timer is up, people still know the details)

2. Would it amplify the destruction of the 72,42, blood etc RTRs if we would include like in the Final RTR the hebrew letters and disolve them in the mind while chanting? (The ritual stays the same, we would just add the destruction potential of the visualization/ dissolving hebrew)
6Catawampusly6Satanic6 said:
homeraee said:
6Catawampusly6Satanic6 said:
This seems like a silly question but I was wondering do we need to do another Aura cleansing immediately after the rituals like the F-RTR/Tetra? Or can it wait till my bedtime cleansing/protection?
You’d better do cleaning immediately after finishing your warfare. It is stated in the FRTR that ‘ It is strongly recommended that you clean your aura afterward.‘
Yeah I know that, I worded my question wrong as I usually do when I'm up later than I should be. I do the F-RTR and then I cleanse as recommended. But then I was wondering do I need to do a second cleansing after these extra rituals that we're doing. I have been anyways just because it feels right and since there's no such thing as too much cleansing and protecting but just wondered if it was completely necessary.
It is necessary. "Staying Pure On Spiritual Warfare" is important.
6Catawampusly6Satanic6 said:

Cleaning is not protection
Protection is not cleaning
Despite the fact protection can clean further but...

In other words for protection after cleaning; twice a day. So beginning of your day, ending of your day.

Cleaning can be done AS many times as you want and or for as long as you want.

IF you over-protect your diluting the strength of your protection.

BUT...cleaning the act of using White-gold on your aura and chakras is not limited like protection.

With THAT said IF your cleaning with mantra Raum/Surya/other you may want to limit cleaning a bit. So mantra cleaning beginning of day, F-RTR cleaning, cleaning near end of day.

Why because the mantra cleaning releases more negativity and like HP.Cobra mentioned you need to give time for the negative energy to bubble up to the surface. So cleaning with mantra is limited in the sense that it sloughs off so much that more will come up later on.

Remember cleaning is the act of going back in time, present in time, and future time. It's a time travelers act, you clean to eliminate past life and present life before cleaning, you clean presently to remove what is on your aura/chakras, and finally you clean for the future to reduce and eliminate negativity.

Like taking a shower you remove past grime(ex: dirty hair or pores filled with crude), present grime(what is currently affecting you), and for the future your giving yourself a cleaner outlook to reduce grime and smell nice etc.etc.

So basically I suggest you clean as much as possible. The more you clean the merrier at least if you consider the fact it takes a good 1-3 years to perform a cleansing stage viginization of spiritual level. Might as well go ahead and clean as much as possible while there is over-protection there is no such thing as over-cleaning unless certain caveats are done like aforementioned mantra cleaning and even IF you mantra clean all the time, F-RTR cleaning should be done non-the less.

Remember depending on the negativity it can take a some time for it to start causing issues. So clean it while it's weakened and off your soul and cleanse yourself from F-RTR non-sense.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Invictus said:
These rituals feel so much easier. I used to feel extreme, all-of-a-sudden, laziness a year ago that would make me not want to do the rituals. Now, I do extra with ease.

Meanwhile, rabbis and their fellow wall headbangers are scared shitless. :lol:

They are definitely attacking us. The server also went down due to some still undefined direct attack. It seems to be OK now.

I felt extremely on edge and uncomfortable a couple of days ago. Whatever I did it wouldn't go away that easily. Do you think that this was a enemy attack? What are the symptoms off enemy attack? It's good to know.
Satanswarlord666 said:
I felt extremely on edge and uncomfortable a couple of days ago. Whatever I did it wouldn't go away that easily. Do you think that this was a enemy attack? What are the symptoms off enemy attack? It's good to know.

I felt that same thing a few days ago, at night. It felt like something was just watching me or something. I am pretty certain what you had, and what I had, was an enemy attack. Their attacks are just anything to disrupt you, so it could be a bad feeling, or a bad event, for example.

As far as feelings of anxiety or something: If you are balanced physically, and you are empowered and clean spiritually, then this is likely an enemy attack. If you had the physical reasons to be anxious, you would have felt this way at many other points in time, not just suddenly and randomly.
Satanswarlord666 said:
I felt extremely on edge and uncomfortable a couple of days ago. Whatever I did it wouldn't go away that easily. Do you think that this was a enemy attack? What are the symptoms off enemy attack? It's good to know.

No worries this always happens to me on the final week of a Mercury retrograde it might be that combined with ramped up attacks with this new schedule.
Blitzkreig said:
Satanswarlord666 said:
I felt extremely on edge and uncomfortable a couple of days ago. Whatever I did it wouldn't go away that easily. Do you think that this was a enemy attack? What are the symptoms off enemy attack? It's good to know.

I felt that same thing a few days ago, at night. It felt like something was just watching me or something. I am pretty certain what you had, and what I had, was an enemy attack. ....
I felt an attack just last night. It was familiar; They pulled the same attack that causes sudden extreme lethargy, and there was another attack that I won't mention here.

The only thing they managed to accomplish out of it was fueling a fire within me. I payed them back with plenty of rituals today.
The fact that we can shrug off their attacks should motivate us to curse them out of existence!!
Gear88 said:
6Catawampusly6Satanic6 said:

So basically I suggest you clean as much as possible. The more you clean the merrier at least if you consider the fact it takes a good 1-3 years to perform a cleansing stage viginization of spiritual level.
Thanks for the info. I didn't know you could protect too much since it mentioned that it gets stronger each time it's done. I use Surya for cleansing because I've lived a particularly dirty life and have a feeling a lot of my past lives have been the same. I also have a couple physical ailments as well and the cleansing page said if that's the case mantras are better and necessary in this case. I only do the mantra in the morning and sometimes night cleansing. What mantra do you recommend for protection? I like using mantras since I feel them better than just the normal meditations. Also, What did you mean by "1-3 years to perform a cleansing stage viginization of spiritual level." Did you mean virginization? If so can you clarify what you meant by this? I'm pretty sure I understand you if you meant to type virginization but an explanation would help shore up any confusion I'm having.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I've been doing the Final RTR and Tetragramatton twice daily and I have evidently noticed the heat flowing from my base up to my head, before that it was once and I would be feeling uncomfortable in my spine, a strong urge to move it, I find myself wanting to twist like a snake so I oblige and keep moving it till I feel comfortable, now it's both the heat and the uncomfortable moments. I added the kundalini yoga when I noticed the uncomfortable need to move my back, but the feeling hasn't stopped. Now I noticed the heat,. I stopped the SAMMAS meditation put by HP mageson [I used to feel the heat when I did eat, but not up to my crown and not from my base, I did this meditation for almost 80days,but I had to stop because of the mmm sound, I live among xians as parents and brothers] I really think the Tetragramatton has caused this heat I'm feeling every day I do it, and every time it's like a fresh heat. I only hear voices when I doze off, it's more now, sometimes I don't know what to make out of the words, other times I get a clear message by feeling but with words that really don't match, but I understand the messages passed to me and the are real messages when I understand them by feelings. And other times the words match the feelings. I'm putting down changes in my diary to understand what the Tetragramatton is doing to me. I think it's one way to learn. But I'll be waiting for your sermon on it. I have written to u before about how aware I'm becoming, like I can easily read through minds and emotions most of the time. Secondly so many events happen just by thinking it. I want to experience more of the powerful effects. I think this has a direct influence on my serpent and I want my serpent to rise.
Gear88 said:
IF you over-protect your diluting the strength of your protection.

That's false. There is no such things as over-protection. If anything, the more you protect yourself, the better. We are at war.

Whether you want to make 666+ layers of protection, or you want to just focus and thickening 1/2/3 layers, that is a personal choice and will not deter from the goal of protection.
That's a great poem to Satan, Hooded Cobra.

This schedule's 42 Names RTR is easily the strongest I've felt of it, there's no resistance. The TetraRTR is still bounding in power and success beyond anything I had predicted. Great strength.

The enemy is totally smashed apart for sure.

Stormblood said:
Gear88 said:
IF you over-protect your diluting the strength of your protection.

That's false. There is no such things as over-protection. If anything, the more you protect yourself, the better. We are at war.

Whether you want to make 666+ layers of protection, or you want to just focus and thickening 1/2/3 layers, that is a personal choice and will not deter from the goal of protection.
Over-cleaning, over-voiding and over-yoging should be added.

Only when these things are interrupting daily schedules such as work/school or when not focusing on ohter aspects of advancing it has been overdone, but otherwise being clean and grounded can not be overdone.
For everyone who doesn't already know everyone world wide is about the have a huge protests on march 21st this will make a great mockery of the jew UN harmony day if we all stand in harmony against this shit please everyone let's put in that little bit extra to help them swell the numbers

Good luck
May satan be with us all
Stormblood said:
Gear88 said:
IF you over-protect your diluting the strength of your protection.

That's false. There is no such things as over-protection. If anything, the more you protect yourself, the better. We are at war.

Whether you want to make 666+ layers of protection, or you want to just focus and thickening 1/2/3 layers, that is a personal choice and will not deter from the goal of protection.
Extra protection rituals can only increase the strength of your protection. This is beneficial, but you receive diminishing returns, and it can take time away from other meditations. After a month of 666 ALGIZ vibrations per day, you would have a very strong aura of protection, but if you did only 108 ALGIZ per day, and the RAUM meditation to empower your soul, then at the end of that month your overall power would have increased so much that 108 ALGIZ is now as powerful 666 was!
Invictus said:
Blitzkreig said:
Satanswarlord666 said:
I felt extremely on edge and uncomfortable a couple of days ago. Whatever I did it wouldn't go away that easily. Do you think that this was a enemy attack? What are the symptoms off enemy attack? It's good to know.

I felt that same thing a few days ago, at night. It felt like something was just watching me or something. I am pretty certain what you had, and what I had, was an enemy attack. ....
I felt an attack just last night. It was familiar; They pulled the same attack that causes sudden extreme lethargy, and there was another attack that I won't mention here.

The only thing they managed to accomplish out of it was fueling a fire within me. I payed them back with plenty of rituals today.
The fact that we can shrug off their attacks should motivate us to curse them out of existence!!

A few days ago I felt very out of it as well. My mind was incredibly fatigued that it affected me physically but I do feel some of it was my fault due to unintentionally going over board with the RTRs again :/

I really hate that I have to limit myself here but maybe it also had to do with enemy attacks since many here have acknowledged the attacks. We just gotta make sure to stay clean and protected thru our meditations.
Taurus said:
?only 3,000 views? where are all the Satanist? there was like 150,000 accounts right? im sure a lot are bots and jews and whatnot but man, everything is on the line. i hope they all come through now.

I am also curious about this. There's no way only300 of us are standing a chance against years of curses and continual curses by pretty much the whole planet who feed religions and other enemy programs. Do the gods give these to others. Do any other satanic communities have this ritual?
Well shit... I hope HP HoodedCobra will weigh in on this. I respect all of your opinions but I trust him the most being our High commander and all. I'm not ever planning on spending hours on protection or anything but I do wonder now if there is such a thing as "too much".....
Low Priest said:
Taurus said:
?only 3,000 views? where are all the Satanist? there was like 150,000 accounts right? im sure a lot are bots and jews and whatnot but man, everything is on the line. i hope they all come through now.

I am also curious about this. There's no way only300 of us are standing a chance against years of curses and continual curses by pretty much the whole planet who feed religions and other enemy programs. Do the gods give these to others. Do any other satanic communities have this ritual?
Not everyone uses the same site, and many of us are doing this offline.

Numbers are in hundreds of thousands at this point.
Henu the Great said:
Low Priest said:
Taurus said:
?only 3,000 views? where are all the Satanist? there was like 150,000 accounts right? im sure a lot are bots and jews and whatnot but man, everything is on the line. i hope they all come through now.

I am also curious about this. There's no way only300 of us are standing a chance against years of curses and continual curses by pretty much the whole planet who feed religions and other enemy programs. Do the gods give these to others. Do any other satanic communities have this ritual?
Not everyone uses the same site, and many of us are doing this offline.

Numbers are in hundreds of thousands at this point.

There are many of us who can't can't check the forum regularly. When that happens to me, I just do the Final RTR as much as possible every day.

There are others who can only do one Final RTR per day, so there is no point in checking a schedule. The topics for new rituals get way more views.

We also have many members who don't speak English, so these schedules are translated into different languages and posted elsewhere:
- Italian (1,000 views): Programma dei rituali, dal 19 febbraio al 1° marzo - e un indirizzo email
- Portuguese (1,000 views): Agenda de 19/2 a 1/3 - e uma menção
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Stormblood said:
Gear88 said:
IF you over-protect your diluting the strength of your protection.

That's false. There is no such things as over-protection. If anything, the more you protect yourself, the better. We are at war.

Whether you want to make 666+ layers of protection, or you want to just focus and thickening 1/2/3 layers, that is a personal choice and will not deter from the goal of protection.
Extra protection rituals can only increase the strength of your protection. This is beneficial, but you receive diminishing returns, and it can take time away from other meditations. After a month of 666 ALGIZ vibrations per day, you would have a very strong aura of protection, but if you did only 108 ALGIZ per day, and the RAUM meditation to empower your soul, then at the end of that month your overall power would have increased so much that 108 ALGIZ is now as powerful 666 was!

I agree. Nobody said you have to alter a standard schedule, just add on to it.
Invictus said:
Blitzkreig said:
Satanswarlord666 said:
I felt extremely on edge and uncomfortable a couple of days ago. Whatever I did it wouldn't go away that easily. Do you think that this was a enemy attack? What are the symptoms off enemy attack? It's good to know.

I felt that same thing a few days ago, at night. It felt like something was just watching me or something. I am pretty certain what you had, and what I had, was an enemy attack. ....
I felt an attack just last night. It was familiar; They pulled the same attack that causes sudden extreme lethargy, and there was another attack that I won't mention here.

The only thing they managed to accomplish out of it was fueling a fire within me. I payed them back with plenty of rituals today.
The fact that we can shrug off their attacks should motivate us to curse them out of existence!!

Yeah it's just harassment from the enemy. So it was a psychic attack after all. I keep my aop strong everyday and meditate. I felt indeed drained and tired plus irritated for no reason. But I do sense our rtr's are stopping the enemy big time! Many protests are coming, so also another motivation to keep the fight up. Oy vey the goyim know. Hail Satan!!!
hailourtruegod said:
Invictus said:
Blitzkreig said:
I felt that same thing a few days ago, at night. It felt like something was just watching me or something. I am pretty certain what you had, and what I had, was an enemy attack. ....
I felt an attack just last night. It was familiar; They pulled the same attack that causes sudden extreme lethargy, and there was another attack that I won't mention here.

The only thing they managed to accomplish out of it was fueling a fire within me. I payed them back with plenty of rituals today.
The fact that we can shrug off their attacks should motivate us to curse them out of existence!!

A few days ago I felt very out of it as well. My mind was incredibly fatigued that it affected me physically but I do feel some of it was my fault due to unintentionally going over board with the RTRs again :/

I really hate that I have to limit myself here but maybe it also had to do with enemy attacks since many here have acknowledged the attacks. We just gotta make sure to stay clean and protected thru our meditations.

Same here with the fatique. Just stay consistent and don't overwork yourself. We keep up the fight and win the war earlier than expected. I believe we can beat the odds. Hail Satan!!!
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Meteor said:
Isn't the Mercury retrograde already over though?
It did but it was more intense in those final days of it.

How would you differentiate between the mercury retrogade and enemy psychic attacks? I find it a very coincidence that I felt this way after the new schedule started.
As the enemy peels away there shit will also fall back on you as cobra says every action has a reaction so you go to war expect to get hit as well you need to build yourselves up a nice solid aura my personal hymns I have been doing is

All my chakras (main ones and above the head ones) are turning at the full speed of light forever do this often enough and they will stay spinning

Then I do
My Webway has a solid connection to my aura
I see the webway like the ancient Aztecs tree of life with a lot of interwoven connections between the chakras the organs and the aura

The webway will make your aura and your spiritual system very powerful but if you don't keep doing empowerment every day and you fall behind in this then your efficient system can be used against you

Another one I like to do I imagine 6 large glowing balls inside my brain placed like this
With the sixth chakra in the middle and say
My brain is 100% active and stimulated forever
This will allow you to slip in and out of deep thought with a click of your fingers I like to imagine an electrical storm being generated by these points to which positively and powerfully electrify my brain so its at more powerful level this also makes magic way way way easier like way easier anyway some tips for you all repetition and persistence is the key
I felt a lot of resistance since we started doing the curse israel ritual, before and while performing the ritual. I got hit in the form of physical and mental fatigue, bad memories/emotions re-surfacing, confusion/anxiety, my life long fears popping up and so on.
It was overwhelming and i knew straight away i was being targeted. I prayed to Father Satan, raised my energies and with strong determination and will power, i have been able to keep going, even stronger than before.

This is a hard battle, but i truly believe in my heart that we all have what it takes to take this to the finish line, crushing our enemy.

Ramses said:
As the enemy peels away there shit will also fall back on you as cobra says every action has a reaction so you go to war expect to get hit as well you need to build yourselves up a nice solid aura my personal hymns I have been doing is

All my chakras (main ones and above the head ones) are turning at the full speed of light forever do this often enough and they will stay spinning

Then I do
My Webway has a solid connection to my aura
I see the webway like the ancient Aztecs tree of life with a lot of interwoven connections between the chakras the organs and the aura

The webway will make your aura and your spiritual system very powerful but if you don't keep doing empowerment every day and you fall behind in this then your efficient system can be used against you

Another one I like to do I imagine 6 large glowing balls inside my brain placed like this
With the sixth chakra in the middle and say
My brain is 100% active and stimulated forever
This will allow you to slip in and out of deep thought with a click of your fingers I like to imagine an electrical storm being generated by these points to which positively and powerfully electrify my brain so its at more powerful level this also makes magic way way way easier like way easier anyway some tips for you all repetition and persistence is the key

My brain diagram didn't come out right its like a six pointed star but on its side
Ramses said:
As the enemy peels away there shit will also fall back on you as cobra says every action has a reaction so you go to war expect to get hit as well you need to build yourselves up a nice solid aura my personal hymns I have been doing is

All my chakras (main ones and above the head ones) are turning at the full speed of light forever do this often enough and they will stay spinning

Then I do
My Webway has a solid connection to my aura
I see the webway like the ancient Aztecs tree of life with a lot of interwoven connections between the chakras the organs and the aura

The webway will make your aura and your spiritual system very powerful but if you don't keep doing empowerment every day and you fall behind in this then your efficient system can be used against you

Another one I like to do I imagine 6 large glowing balls inside my brain placed like this
With the sixth chakra in the middle and say
My brain is 100% active and stimulated forever
This will allow you to slip in and out of deep thought with a click of your fingers I like to imagine an electrical storm being generated by these points to which positively and powerfully electrify my brain so its at more powerful level this also makes magic way way way easier like way easier anyway some tips for you all repetition and persistence is the key
That's cool. Yeah consistency is key.
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
I felt a lot of resistance since we started doing the curse israel ritual, before and while performing the ritual. I got hit in the form of physical and mental fatigue, bad memories/emotions re-surfacing, confusion/anxiety, my life long fears popping up and so on.
It was overwhelming and i knew straight away i was being targeted. I prayed to Father Satan, raised my energies and with strong determination and will power, i have been able to keep going, even stronger than before.

This is a hard battle, but i truly believe in my heart that we all have what it takes to take this to the finish line, crushing our enemy.
Great job brother!!
I was attacked with ugly and negative dreams. Didn't stop me from doing warfare though. They are getting erratic and desperate keep at it!

I'm pretty sure we just whooped their ass big time we are cursing them directly now all those what like 1900 or so years of them building up there precious black energy wall and their shitty alphabet and their manipulations all of it went down the drain in what 5 years of rtrs what a joke the Jews are gonna get slaughtered and the best irony will be when their own gobble down the vaccine like the sheep they are and then 90% of the gentile population refuses to take the vaccine at all what absolute idiots they have doomed themselves great job everyone you didn't just repel them you didn't just wing it and you absolutely fucking crashed this parasite I saw their dirty vortexs they tried to unleash upon us fall like domino's time and time again I watched their dirty wall of death become lighter and lighter till the point now we are directly hitting the fuckers and not just some wall awesome sorry about all the swearing just finished my last one for this battle so I'm a bit hyped still

But while this is a resounding result this is but one battle of a potentially gruesome war ahead id say the next battle will start around Easter prepare yourselves as best you can study hard on ways to make yourselves even more powerful we all need you too good luck and god's bless you all


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
