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Witajcie. :)
Chciałam podzielić się z Wami doświadczeniem z medytacjami mocy. W czasie niespełna miesiąca nie piję alkoholu żeby łatwiej było przetrwać dzień, skończyłam z narkotykami i papierosami. Miałam depresję lekooporną, stąd wzięły się używki, już jej nie ma. Na początku trudno było wejść w rutynę, by robić je codziennie, ale warto i nie wolno się poddawać. Aktualnie w trakcie oczyszczania aury i czakr mam zawroty głowy i gorąco mi wtedy, bardzo gorąco i bardzo się cieszę, że są te nowe doświadczenia. :)
Chwała Szatanowi!

Hello. :)
I wanted to share with you my experience with power meditations. In less than a month, I don't drink alcohol to make it easier to get through the day, I'm done with drugs and cigarettes. I had drug-resistant depression, hence the stimulants, she is no longer there. At first it was hard to get into the routine of doing them every day, but it's worth it and you shouldn't give up. Currently, in the process of purifying the aura and chakras, I feel dizzy and feel hot, very hot, and very happy that there are these new experiences. :)
Glory to Satan!
Aleksandre said:
How to call father satan. ??? With a preyer "el nomine de nostri..."???
Generally you can do the same as you would have done with your GD, focus on his sigil and respectfully ask Him what you want.

The prayer you are referring to, Invocation to Satan, is advised to be done before you do the RTRs because by doing it you are actually asking the Gods to help you with them.
Has anyone experienced a change? I don't mean in our country, I mean the energy in the atmosphere.

I can feel the enemy's power growing weaker.

I can feel the difference.

I have been feeling it since for awhile when I joined Satanism years ago and then I found this place.

I will destroy Jehova further. :lol:

He is so weak and pathetic!

Like a mewling child who is maimed in the darkest night, crying out in sickly wails of horror as he comes to a ruinous end once and for all!


Anyone else think Blessing rituals is good idea after demonic authority, Specifically Azazel's?

Just curious if anyone else was doing this.
in the ritual, Terminating Jewish Financial Control, the first part reverses deuteronomy 29/8
which part from new testament does the second one reverse

we perfom both straight the second after the first part or is ok for the second part a few minutes after
Aleksandre said:
can u teach me how to call my guardian demon ???

Before you can call upon your guardian, you must first have open astral senses to be able to see and hear her/him. And, in order to open your astral senses you must clean your aura, protect yourself, do yoga, empower your chakras, spin your chakras, breath in energy (pranayama), etc. I suggest following HP Cobra's guide for beginners: https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf.
Witajcie. :)

Czy dobrze rozumiem, że Rytuał Demonicznej Władzy i Rytuał odwrócenia tory (cz.1 i 2) mają zostać wykonane po 10x pod rząd, by zakończyć rytuał jak należy?

Walczmy dla Szatana na chwałę!

Hello. :)

Do I understand correctly that the Ritual of Demonic Authority and the Ritual of Reversing the Torah (parts 1 and 2) are to be performed 10 times in a row to complete the ritual as it should?

Let us fight for Satan for glory!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=388584 time=1663324624 user_id=21286]

What do you mean just do aum instead of the affirmation? Do the rituals as designed, then clean yourself after. If your heart chakra feels weird, then do alternate nose breathing.Feeling strange after your literal first time doing the RTR is expected if a large amount of curses are being released. Again, clean yourself.

I did the ritual, Terminating Jewish Financial Control, in the morning and it was like an earthquake, what is this? after a while I fell asleep and before a while I woke up

it's the second time, the first time it was again like a very big earthquake, thought for seconds indeed one was happening for real, but with a very strong echo, as it was coming from the depths of the earth.
A666 said:
Witajcie. :)
Chciałam podzielić się z Wami doświadczeniem z medytacjami mocy. W czasie niespełna miesiąca nie piję alkoholu żeby łatwiej było przetrwać dzień, skończyłam z narkotykami i papierosami. Miałam depresję lekooporną, stąd wzięły się używki, już jej nie ma. Na początku trudno było wejść w rutynę, by robić je codziennie, ale warto i nie wolno się poddawać. Aktualnie w trakcie oczyszczania aury i czakr mam zawroty głowy i gorąco mi wtedy, bardzo gorąco i bardzo się cieszę, że są te nowe doświadczenia. :)
Chwała Szatanowi!

Hello. :)
I wanted to share with you my experience with power meditations. In less than a month, I don't drink alcohol to make it easier to get through the day, I'm done with drugs and cigarettes. I had drug-resistant depression, hence the stimulants, she is no longer there. At first it was hard to get into the routine of doing them every day, but it's worth it and you shouldn't give up. Currently, in the process of purifying the aura and chakras, I feel dizzy and feel hot, very hot, and very happy that there are these new experiences. :)
Glory to Satan!

You will experience many things with meditation, which will be both very good for you, and also deter you from the use of these things. Very happy for you and how you managed to also solve depression. Go into Yoga too, this will really bring you to a higher level of life.

My friend is confused HP on the Demonic Authority ritual. He thought it took much longer than it was, when he read "The above is ONE TURN and must be done 10 times for MAXIMUM effeciveness".

He thought he had to to do AUM once, SATANAS/Affirmations/SATANAS x10, and then AUM once... and do that all ten times, totaling saying AUM 20 times, and the affirmations 100 times.
When it comes to the Demonic Authority ritual, it states at the end of the affirmations that "The above is one turn, and must be done 10 times for maximum effectiveness."

Since it's referring to all of the above, does that mean that part of the ritual goes "Aum x1 - 10x(Satanas- Affirmation- Satanas) - Aum x1" 10 times, or is it "Aum x1 - 10x(Satanas- Affirmation- Satanas) - Aum x1" only?
So today I woke up with the enthusiasm to participate in warfare,same as the previous day. this fire is born out of the understanding of love, I praise Astarte for this.
Yes I have reasons to hate the Jews,for one is that they are nature hating things. They just want to kill our habitat, our home, where we could be comfortable to grow and commune with our Gods. They don't want the green to flourish, they want people to lament, but for the longitivity of peace, I join to say NO.
Today, the understanding of love in war has become motivation, I must dwell and grow here while it's my time, for the love of nature , me and you, I choose to fight these hateful creatures.
I am driven by love .

This blessed understanding couldn't have come without the Gods especially Astarte for I have been thriving to get close to her. I love you so much Our Queen Astarte.
SatanicWorshiper666 said:

@A666, you won't get anything good if you do the meditations that are promoted here.

.... blah blah blah

we will be where ever we desire
everything is right here

personally do not want the links you gave, they are Jewish

for what reason I'll have to force myself not to hate the Jews, and what to do with my feelings, not a single person in the whole planet wants them

I personally don't want them the least

politicians can be controlled by you the jew
you will never control my feelings
and the way I will think
While vibrating SATANAS during the Demonic Authority Ritual, a silver-white looking smoke drifted out of my mouth. Only on the S part. It seemed like gaseous light. It seemed energized and it felt like never before while vibrating it. It felt great.
Was this ectoplasm?
CaspianTheDreamer said:
balo666 said:
How do i pronounce V /W--AH--V/W • V/W--AH--V/W • V/W--AH--V/W :?:


V/w is something between V and W, as its written.

Perfect ! :)

Is that the correct order for the Demonic Authority Ritual ?

x1 AUM

affirmation (1)

affirmation (2)

affirmation (3)

affirmation (4)

affirmation (5)

affirmation (6)

affirmation (7)

affirmation (8)

affirmation (9)

affirmation (10)

x1 AUM

For Terminating Jewish Financial Control, part 2 is this the correct order lets say for 3 times?

affirmation (1)

affirmation (2)

affirmation (3)

We vibrate Satan everytime that way?

Do you have a link for AUM ?

Thanks :D
on the Demon Authority Ritual. The words are in bunches (1. 2. 3. 4.). Do we vibrate bunch number 1. 10x times, then vibrate bunch number 2. 10 times, etc? Or do we vibrate from bunch 1. to 4. in one continuous go, then repeat that 10 times. thx
Leicester riots: Hindu and Muslim leaders urge 'inciters of hatred' to end 'violence'


SleepingWolf said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
The voice in the MP3s for the Greek words is soooo beastly

I believe that is HPCobra and it is quite divinely deep yes :lol:

Haha I thought so, not to be theatrical but it changed my entire day
in the ritual satanic authority

im pronouncing the 1 part 10 times, then 2 part 10 times then 3 and 4, it is okay? or should i pronounce all of them together? there is not specific information about it so im not sure
SleepingWolf said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
The voice in the MP3s for the Greek words is soooo beastly

I believe that is HPCobra and it is quite divinely deep yes :lol:

Ive heard from someone that the man in those mp3s is a user called JoSArchives or something like that.
I may be wrong.
blueFlame666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
balo666 said:
How do i pronounce V /W--AH--V/W • V/W--AH--V/W • V/W--AH--V/W :?:


V/w is something between V and W, as its written.

Perfect ! :)

Is that the correct order for the Demonic Authority Ritual ?

x1 AUM

affirmation (1)

affirmation (2)

affirmation (3)

affirmation (4)

affirmation (5)

affirmation (6)

affirmation (7)

affirmation (8)

affirmation (9)

affirmation (10)

x1 AUM

For Terminating Jewish Financial Control, part 2 is this the correct order lets say for 3 times?

affirmation (1)

affirmation (2)

affirmation (3)

We vibrate Satan everytime that way?

Do you have a link for AUM ?

Thanks :D

Yes for the demonic authority you are correct. But Aum and Satanas only one time at the start and one time after you're finished with all affirmation repetitions.

I'll put more audio in my signature.
Now Putin has introduced a "partial" mobilization and announced that another 300,000 Russians will be called up for a senseless massacre in Ukraine. It hurts me to watch such things, because I see it not on TV or via the Internet, but with my own eyes mostly. I am grateful to the Gods for protection and these rituals, because the closer you are to the epicenter, the more powerful the energies of death and all that come from daily suffering and destruction are felt. As for the SS from Russia, you should probably take care to avoid military service and conscription in the same way that the SS from Ukraine was worried about 6 months ago and until today. I cannot recommend committing corruption with "white tickets" and other things, as this can be interpreted as a violation of the law. However, in a situation of choosing a subgenus, it is better to play it safe. HAIL SATAN!!!
Vladimir Putin announces partial military mobilization to fight Ukraine war - BBC News
what do the vibratory words mean like "mahto ahk deem shee" is it an extraterrestrial language dictated to the high priest from a god? or how is it created what is it? why the words chosen? also what does the ba baa baae baaepe shen ring sigil mean for the valefor ritual?
IShatterFur said:
what do the vibratory words mean like "mahto ahk deem shee" is it an extraterrestrial language dictated to the high priest from a god? or how is it created what is it? why the words chosen? also what does the ba baa baae baaepe shen ring sigil mean for the valefor ritual?
You really need to read the joyofsatan.org site. What we do here is reverse the curses that the jews made in hebrew. These rituals are in reversed hebre to remove the specific curse. The God's rituals are done with the Runes, the shen ring is just a symbol of power and protection to focus on the God's.
How do you vibrate AUM?

CaspianTheDreamer said:
blueFlame666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:

Perfect ! :)

Is that the correct order for the Demonic Authority Ritual ?

Thanks :D

Yes for the demonic authority you are correct. But Aum and Satanas only one time at the start and one time after you're finished with all affirmation repetitions.

I'll put more audio in my signature.

Thank you ! :)
DisillusionedCitizen said:
How do you vibrate AUM?


Check the link in my bio
You will experience many things with meditation, which will be both very good for you, and also deter you from the use of these things. Very happy for you and how you managed to also solve depression. Go into Yoga too, this will really bring you to a higher level of life.

Dziękuję. :)
I have been doing the gods rituals before I do the demonic authority ritual I tend to find the rituals compliment each other quite nicely I usually do the four crowns the last two days I have done astaroth and baal rituals they have been a lot more powerful and easier to connect with and then pile on the demonic authority ritual after I just see them fly high during the ritual.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
How do you vibrate AUM?


Check the link in my bio

Would vibrating the "K" in Munka as in the regular "K" ruin the work?
I might be wrong but I feel like these rituals are helping the heavy mental stress I have been having lately. I have to deal with some heavy personal stuff like a loved one who is experiencing really bad mental problems who is willing to hurt their self on top of having other personal issues I've been tackling and since I don't live under a rock and pay attention to what's going on in the world constantly it all has taken a toll but today I'm feeling more at ease and have confidence that I can tackle everything I'm facing and do my part in other bigger topics.

An event happened yesterday as well that is making me believe things will be ok as long as I do what I have to do. I know this is vague but I think its best I keep most of all this private for obvious reasons.

I'm really looking forward to continuing this schedule.
Ποσειδών666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
How do you vibrate AUM?


Check the link in my bio

Would vibrating the "K" in Munka as in the regular "K" ruin the work?

Im not sure but its better to go by the Kabbalistic vibration and vibrate the K like the letter خ in Persian and Arabic.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
