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Reptilian Rabbi's

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Reptilian Rabbi's

The Jewish leadership is the Rabbinical class. The top leadership of which are the ones who are selected from the Yeshiva's for training in the "Oral Torah" the occult teachings only passed down orally by adepts. This is done after they make years of study of the Torah, Kabbalah, Talmud and other related texts. They study up to ten hours a day in these Yeshiva's and the training starts early in their life. This is done on the highest level so they can then be initiated into the actual meaning of the texts if they qualify for such. The qualification is they show they are psychically open enough from the lower level practices they are given to receive the higher teachings. These candidates are then sent to special programs in specific locations many times in Israel and then given the higher teachings. To be the leadership of the Rabbinical class one has to be a Sadok meaning they have strong psychic, spiritual abilities and can demonstrate psychic powers at will.

The people on this level openly have stated something the Seraphim angels they contact thought the Merkava teachings which is based developing the mental abilities to be able to do such.

They state the Seraphim are literally around seven feet tall, covered in golden scales and have lizard like facial features they call them "reptilians" because they are. They communicate with these being astrally hence these being appear to them in their astral bodies but they are physical. These beings the Jewish leadership call the Teli meaning "masters" and they are also called the "Hidden Tzadikim" which are their hidden masters who influence the earth and direct the Jewish People in secret from behind the scenes. Not Tzadi...Kim" Kim means gold in the ancient language this is probably due to the appearance of these Reptilians in their astral bodies. Which from the Rabbi's description of them they appear like this:

These are the beings the Jewish leadership call their "god" collectively as they state they are one hive mind. And these are the beings they take orders from and these are the beings they state gave them the 22 letters and the Oral and Written Torah.

They also state in the teachings there is another group called the Nishaya whom are described as being literal Grey Aliens and some Rabbi's have open admitted that is what they are. Whom they also summon and appear in what the Rabbinical texts state their astral bodies to help them and take directions from the Jews also state these are physical beings as well. The Greys are a hive mind, slave race who work like cyborg's for their Reptilian masters. Masonic statements from the Mason's who use the Kabbalah as their system report these Greys appear many times in the ritual chambers in their astral forms when they summon the "angels of god". The Rabbi's state the high level Jews are the ones who deal directly with the Seraphim or Teli the "Masters" of the Jews. The Teli are also the masters of the Greys.

The Nishaya are stated in the Jewish texts as appearing as this:

The Reptilians are stated by Rabbi's to be collectively called "YHVH" by the Jewish leadership and they are referred to as "Yahweh" individually and collectively as a title. The Jewish religion states the Jews are a special race that came from "out there beyond this world" this is openly stated by Rabbi Laitman as well in this famous talk to the nation of Israel. The Jewish religion states the Jewish race was created by YHVH and has a special blood line from YHVH which only the Jews have. The Jewish racial gene is called the Cohen gene and has Reptilian DNA in it. The Rabbi's state the Jews share a special spiritual connection to these Reptilians to their collective racial consciousness for such reason. The Jewish leadership write on the fact they received their entire religion from these Reptilians this includes all the Kabbalah practices that form the whole of it. Its simply a criminal system of using the collective psychic power of the Gentiles mass mind and connecting into this to materialize the Global rule of the Jews and their "Masters".

The Jews state they are the only humans and the Gentiles are animals to serve them. When Jews especially the Rabbi's talk about "humanity| or "man" they are only talking about Jews. The Talmud which all Jews study and learn from birth, the Talmud's teachings is that for a Jew to have sex with a Gentile is bestiality and punished by death in religious law. Because Gentiles are animals:

The Jews are an alien program put here to take this planet over for their "god" as their Torah states. They are the method in which the Reptilians work to take over this world by conquering it from within and enslaving us as cattle which is the meaning of "Goyim" the word the Jews call non Jews. What do you do with cattle..... That is why they call us cattle.

The former Rabbi, Leader of Chabad and proclaimed Messiah of the Jewish race. Chabad is the Jewish organization that is run by the Rothschild's behind the scenes. His statements on us Gentiles:

The Jewish global media praised this Rabbi to the Jewish heavens:

The Jewish Prime Minster of Israel stated in his speech to the Israel government in which he got a standing ovation:

That is why Palestine is in the situation its now in. The Palestinians are ruled totally by a predatory reptilian race that considers them nothing more then sub human cattle as non Jewish life. The entire planet will look like Palestine if the Jews are able to create their One World Government. Remember what the Jewish Talmud states about Gentiles:

Christos is the Jewish excremental personification and crown of the 22 letters.  By pretending to have nothing to do with Christ, the Christianity of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, or the "new covenant" between "God" and the Gentiles through faith in Christ, the Jews are fooling our people, and laughing at our stupidity in following the Jewish messiah, "Lord" Christos, the false "Lucifer" who was invented to replace Ptah-Osiris, who is the real and literal Satan-Lucifer.
If Christ were to incarnate in physical form and finally arrive on planet Earth, all of those allegedly "anti-Christian" Jews will be laughing at us for falling for their greatest trick -- their dramatic play of pretending to be "of the Devil," Christ-killers, and the enemies of the Christian "God."  Christ will gather and unite "his" chosen people [Jews], regardless of whether they actually follow Judaism or not, and "he" will organize them to kill all White people and take over planet Earth.
Any Gentile Christian who has ever prayed to Christ and has actually gotten an answer is actually dealing with the Greys and the Reptilians who control the thought-form of Christ that fools "his" followers into believing that "he" is an upstanding, light-haired, blue-eyed Nordic-Aryan Gentile, as a trap to turn White Patriots into Christians.   
The Judaeo/Christian/Muslim Reptilian "God" and "his" Reptilian-Grey subordinates are responsible for everything that is evil in the world and in the universe.  Everything that the White Aryan Nordic God, Satan, has ever been accused of is actually everything that the Reptilian Jews, their "God," and the thought-form of Christ, as well as that piece of shit "holy spirit" are guilty of.  
Satan-Lucifer is the Good God -- the Good Serpent -- but in the case of Satan, his serpentine nature is not physical, as it is based on the energy of the kundalini serpent that lies coiled and dormant in the base chakra of his White Aryan Chosen People, individually and collectively.  Satan's physical body is super-human, tall, with blonde hair and blue eyes.  He does not have dark, scaly skin, horns, or red eyes. Satan is only evil if a person is Jewish, or someone who betrays their White Aryan Race through race-mixing, AFTER they know the truth about the nature and reality of Satan's human bloodline needing to be preserved.
Satan and his Demons are flesh and blood entities, but like all other entities that literally exist, it is their spirits that astral project and appear spiritually.  This pisses a lot of people off who want to summon, bind, control, and manipulate spiritual beings who are just spirits and not actual extra-terrestrial Gods with physical, flesh and blood bodies.  
Satan invites his Chosen People -- the White Aryan Race -- to be restored to their original God/Goddess nature, of physical and spiritual perfection, which is the culmination of performing the Magnum Opus.  White people used to be Gods and Goddesses and Masters of the Earth until they "fell from grace" by having sexual relations and offspring with other races, and therefore, contaminating Satan's pure, Nordic-Aryan bloodline of fair-skinned White people who once had Satan's pure, undiluted blood coursing through their veins.  
The "Fall of Man" in the fabled "Garden of Eden," which was stolen from the Sumerian and Far Eastern Edin, wasn't about falling from grace for listening to the Serpent and eating from the tree of knowledge, but the error of race-mixing.
The Jews know this all too well.  It is their plan to kill off all White Aryans.  Then, with the White Man who is the one and only human obstacle that stands in the way of the Jewish people and the manifestation of Christ on Earth, the non-White Gentiles will be doomed to worship the Jews, the Christos, and wait on them, hand and foot.  If any of these non-White slaves step out of line and refuse to service the Jewish people or refuse to take orders from them, the Jewish people will kill them, too.
Christian "Nazis," or any other "Christian Anti-Semite" are a joke to the Jewish people, no matter how much these Christians are onto the them.  As long as a Gentile ties into ANYTHING even remotely Christian, whether it be Jewish Christianity or Aryan "Christianity," the Jews can use them and abuse them by throwing death curses at them as they see fit, once these Christians have served their purpose.
The sole purpose of the Jews = KILL THE BEST GENTILES!
The Reptilian-Grey Jews and their creators are the source of the purest and most original forms of evil.  Satan is just the opposite, but Satan's Laws are Nature's aristocratic Laws, which are hierarchical.  For the Jews, and for subhuman Gentiles who don't deserve to be considered Gentiles, rank and file hierarchy is evil to them, because they want nihilism, anarchy, and equality, which are abominations against Nature, and therefore, Satan, Himself.
The Jewish communist Karl Marx is labeled as an atheist by many, but in reality, he was taking Christianity and the teachings of the Bible to their logical conclusion -- the annihilation of Satan and his White Aryan people, and the enslavement of all colored Gentiles.
High Priest Jake Carlson
Exactly.  Many liberal libtards think that just because a lot of Christian fundamentalists of the so-called "Christian Right" [another oxymoron] are hypocritically filled with so-called "hate," these liberal retards believe that by following the Marxist liberalism and feeling a secular humanist love for all mankind, regardless of where the different races exist on hierarchical Nature's food chain, are a "departure" from Christianity.
What such retarded people don't realize is that according to the Bible, the fundamentalists are rejecting the very basis of Christianity, which is love for those who are different from you, and the White Race is expected by "God" and Jewsus to love other races at the expense of our own.  
In Nazism, you look after your own kind and defend it against race-mixing and other aspects of White Race-Betrayal that will get the multiculturalist White Race-Traitors hanged in the New World Order of Satan.
The Jewish/Christian Bible and Christ COMMAND the White Gentiles to NOT hate ANYBODY, unless they are gay [with the exception of Christ's homosexual trysts with his beloved disciples], but ultimately, the ultimate sin against Christianity and the shit-bag "holy spirit" is White Racial Loyalty, Nazism, White Pride, and White Survival.  It is a sin against Christ to be a White Racialist, but, in the Bible, and of course the Talmud, the Jews are expected to keep their own bloodline pure, and to punish any Jew who race-mixes with non-Jews.  This is why they enforce race-mixing for Satan's White Gentiles, in order to destroy Satan's Pride and Joy -- His human offspring, while these Jews keep their own blood pure.
The truth is that the White Gentiles were not always merely human, but we were Demi-Gods and Demi-Goddesses when Satan and His Demons still walked the Earth.  The Fall of the White Man/Woman was not from eating the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, but it was from White Aryan Gentiles compromising their Whiteness, which originally had the Immortality Gene of the Nordic Race of Demons.  We must recover and restore this gene through the practice of institutionalized Nazism, Eugenics, and daily Spiritual Alchemical meditation that builds Satanic power back up in Satan's Chosen People.
When White Gentiles care for our own people, loving our own, instead of loving all mankind and those who are different from us, along with Nazism, is the ultimate sin against Christ and the ultimate rejection of his worthless "sacrifice" on the Cross, as Christ's death was for bringing all races together in equality and unity.  This is just how foreign and alien the Jewish soul is, and their anti-human agenda for their White Aryan enemies, and their #1 enemy -- Satan, Himself.
Satan's New World Order is going to punish all White Race-Traitors and eliminate the existence of the Jewish people on planet Earth.
When I emphasize Nazism for White Gentiles and admit that the White Gentiles are Satan's Chosen People, I am not advocating the hatred of other races, except for the Jews, but I am emphasizing that the Jewish people are trying to make us love other races, pamper them, and ensure their racial survival, while neglecting our own Racial Loyalty and Survival.  That is what I am bashing.
While Nazism is the absolute anti-thesis to Christianity, universal love, racial equality and brotherhood are the crown of Christ and his so-called "sacrifice" on the Cross to end the sin of White Racialism and White Pride.
In the Al-Jilwah, Satan warns His White Aryan People by saying that He doesn't allow friendly association with other people, in order to prevent race-mixing.
On the other hand, in the Gospel of John, Jewsus Christ says, "That they all may be one in us."
Liberalism and the belief in racial equality is the anti-thesis of Satanism, AND, THEY ARE A MENTAL ILLNESS!
High Priest Jake Carlson

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
