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RE-Read-It Series: Looking back at Important Material 40


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
Starting now I'll be bringing back the Re-read-it series, I'll be starting with materials on Satan's Library, and then moving back to offline materials that have been archived. Therefore I will be posting material that has already been touched by this series, but much time has been passed and the point of this series is to keep myself refreshed in this material and for any of you to follow along with this project if you want to.

I changed the title from 'weekly' to 'series' as I don't want to be constrained by time, my plans are to make these posts more than once a week with 4 articles, instead of 5-8.

I'll be skipping content that focused on the news / current events of the past, and stay more in focus with the substance that is the essence of Joy of Satan and our enemies.

In the future I'll make a seperate megapost with all news/current events related articles from the past that is on Satan's Library.

I'll keep the numbering system, and will be touching on all english articles on Satan's Library.

Feel free to follow along and read with me as I post these.

Lets all keep an eye out for spelling and grammar mistakes, I'll be the articles as is with link, and sharing the mistakes and links to the appropriate thread. if someone wants to make that a priority of theirs so we don't all flood the spellchecking thread with the same posts please come forward.

It' a great opportunity for us to work together if anyone is looking for work to do if they are willing to translate, share these articles, turn articles into audio/videos, and even create memes from the idea in these works, if any ideas come to mind. I can share tools I've used in the past to do this. I'm not a fan of my own voice but some have said they liked my recordings I can start doing this again once I get into the routine of things if this is something that's desirable, or if no one else is willing.

200 Years of Failure of Veganism
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Vegetarianism in the western world was originally what we now call a vegan diet.
The first vegetarian movements happened in England in the earlier part of the
19th century. So what happened? Why does vegetarianism now permit eggs and
dairy? It is very simple. People did the vegan diet, and they couldn't physically
sustain this, so they started having to add in animal products to be healthy. The
vegetarian movement was a Christian fundamentalist movement because the
Bible states that veganism is healthy.

What we call a vegetarian diet in Hinduism is just dairy and plants. This is from
Jainism, not the original Vedic society in which the social texts openly state that
people ate meat and drank wine, which is taboo in Hindu culture today due to
Jainism and Islamic influences. The ancient Vedic texts mention Jainism as an
enemy ideological movement that was in constant conflict with the original
culture, with a goal to remove spiritual knowledge and bring in a communist style
ideology. Even the Shiva Puranas have a cautionary tale about Jainism in which
the Ashurs are brought down from leaving the original Vedic culture and
embracing the spiritually destructive path of Jainism, which was created to
destroy humanity spiritually and physically. Jainism forms the core doctrine of the
Christian gospels, as is mentioned by scholars. The Shiva Purana mentions that
this ideology went west into the Near East. It also mentions that modern day
Vaishnavism is just Jainism. They are the ones who promote vegetarianism the

The Shiva Puranas mention that the Ashurs are tricked into a vegetarian diet by
the Jain subversives, which makes them weak.

If one studies the history of vegetarianism in the west, one will see that it caused
people health problems. The people on a strict vegan diet suffered major ill
health and died earlier than people of their generations. Children had major
growth problems and aliments that only went away by eating animal products.
In the 1940s, Watson, who was a member of the major vegetarian society, simply
reformed vegetarianism back to its original meaning and shortened the name to
“vegan” for such reason.

After 200 years in the western world, the reality of this diet is it simply does not
work. Today what happens is that people go on this diet for a couple of years and
use up the reserves of animal products in their system, as the body is designed
to do to keep humans alive during periods of scarcity. Once this happens, they
hit the wall physically and find out the supplements don't work. Many get to the
point where they need B12 injections for absorption rates to be enough so they
don't fall ill and risk other dangerous situations, which can be fatal from lack of
B12. Children raised on a vegan diet have been put in wheelchairs from the
effects of low B12. That is just one supplement issue.

The vegan claim is that animal products are unhealthy and make you sick, so
you should go vegan and take them all out of your diet, and here are the
supplements you have to take and hope they work because you will get sick and
possibly die without animal products in your diet.

Notice the truth right there. Animal products are not unhealthy, and it is unhealthy
to not have them in your diet. Where are all the ten year or twenty year vegans?
They are as rare as Bigfoot sightings. There is a reason for that. After thousands
of people have tried this diet, it does not work.

After a 200-year failed experiment, what more do people need to understand?
Notice that Christianity pushes vegetarianism (veganism). It is there in the
Garden of Eden tale, in which humans are the ultimate slaves of the enemy.

They are just naked animals who, as the Bible states, work for "god" only. The
enemy is instructed that this garden is their paradise only, when the Gentiles are
all slaves to the Jewish race and work and slave for them as animals. They hitch
you to the wagon and put you in the barn: It is a global animal farm. The enemy
is instructed in their Bible to put the Gentiles on a vegan diet as part of this
enslavement, hence why you usually see a Jew promoting veganism to Gentiles.

The Gnostics, who were Pagans cloaked in Christianity to avoid being murdered
by the Church, warned that the Bible is the occult blueprint of the enemy. Jewish
Demiurge forcibly removes spiritual knowledge and then physically enslaves
humanity. When Christianity fell out of the vegetarianism movement, they just
replaced it with secular Christianity, which is Marxism. Today the Jew, who is the
father of Vegan ideology, is a Marxist-named singer.

Reply by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, Friday June 30, 2018
Both Christianity and its twin of Communism push veganism real hard. The Jews
have been on an onslaught, pushing veganism lately. It's getting militant and
even worse.

Human beings are omnivores.

By industrial factory farming, horrific cruelty is inflicted upon innocent animals by
these places, that are owned and operated by Jews. The Jew creates the
problem, provokes the reaction and pushes the solution, in this case, veganism.
This is not to say one should go light on vegetables. Vegetables are also
essential and very healthy, but one needs meat as well.

It's a sad fact that all of the food these days is contaminated with chemicals,
pollution, and related. Both meat and vegetables.

As our food and water supply are contaminated, the Jew further profits by
charging extra for organic, water and so forth.

I also want to add that if human beings are herbivores, as the Jewish media tries
to claim, lies pushed in books on yoga and such, then why do we require vitamin B-12 which
is lacking in a vegan diet?

A lack of B-12 causes anemia for one. Anemia results in extreme tiredness. This
is typical of the Christian and Communist programs, as one's resistance to fight
back, and to think clearly when besieged with lies is broken by continual fatigue.

In addition, compulsory fasting also breaks the will. The Christian Churches have
always pushed mandatory fasting. On the other side of the same coin, Jewish
communism always and in EVERY communist country, took control of the food
supply and created artificially induced famine to break the will of the people.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
June 30, 2018

About Hebrew Names On Gentiles
by HP. Hoodedcobra666 Dec 03, 2019


Unfortunately this phenomenon is extremely common anymore due to the fact
Gentiles have been enslaved by jewish programs which have taken us over
culturally. This tactic is common also in war, removing the native culture of one's

Names and even surnames of jews like Goldman, Silverman, Greene and so forth
are common jewish names and due to extensive, centuries old use from jews,
these are now officially stolen.

The same goes for other traditional names like Zimmerman or Stein,both of which
are normal Germanic surnames and can be 100% Gentile in many cases, having
people who may not be jewish at all having these names.

This case is largely because the xian church prosyletized jews to put them under
its political control and further their infiltration into Gentile society, and made
them convert. As such many jews from as many as 1000 years earlier have
adopted or had their names changed into Gentile Names.

Alternatively this went the other way with many Gentiles also getting jewish
names. People can be named Rafael, or David, or Jesus and all these names which
are jewish and biblical.

The reality of even these is that these also are even in themselves stolen. My
assumption for David is that for example its a gross theft of the Babylonian name
Damuzid, which has to do with the Sumarian Tammuz. Tammuz is also a month in
the hebrew calendar. In other words even these names are perversions.

Even names like Paul or other said names are said to be names of biblical
characters, but these are all ficticious and stolen from local territories. If the
ficticious apostles have names, they would be like Moshe Levi or some thing like
Jimmy Cohen. Names like Levi and Cohen, such as Greenbaum, tend to 9.9 out of
10 times represent jews.

Certain names have been completely taken over. Hardly ever it is possible you will
meet a Gentile named Cohen. But with Stein in Germany, chances are high one
may be German.

Jews casually also change to names which are beyond suspicion such as names
like Smith. Smith is an English name resulting from the common occupation of
being a steel smith or blacksmith. Many of these infiltrators have other secret
names and these are also straight from Israel, no different than spies.

Other names like Mary which are extremely common can be understood in the
context of the Ancient Greek from things that were stolen, as are all the apostolic
names. Mary is a real common name.

Mary's hebrew name Miriam is a normal local levantine name, while her title as
the mom of the Rabbi Yeshu is called Panagia which is a corruption to the Greek
Pangaia which deals with the planet earth or has a more maternal meaning such
as the womb of the earth, related more distantly to the concept of mother earth.
A perfectly Pagan concept.

Infiltrator Jewsus's title is Christos which is just a generic title which means
"Anoited one", as in initiate in the Mysteries. The real name of this jew historically
was merely the hebrew Yeshu or Yeshuah, and later they also washed it our as
Emmanuel which is another hebrew title.

The relation here is stolen, those of mortal birth from birth, ascend to Godhead
by initiation. Normal Pagan widely understood concepts, turned into jewish
worthless rabbinical drivel. Turned to naught and deadly nonsense.

Anne is another common name which the jews have stolen from Astarte, whose
name is, Inanna. They put this in the Bible as Hannah. This is only one example.
Other blatant Biblical names which are glaring theft are names like Japeth which
in Greek is the titan Iapetos.

The modern stage of Georgia in the United States comes from the Greek Georgos
which means land caretaker, land cultivator. Then you have Saint George which
slays the dragon and the ground, a subliminal to the purpose of the name George
linked to cultivation.

The general prefix they jew use in a lot of things is ending in names like El, which
was a proto Cannaite generic word for light, and in itself held no negative
essence. As time went jews stole it fully and exclusively since the Canaaites were
displaced and lost their culture over the years. Jews stole and incorporated this.

How sick this race is, and how theft oriented, is shown in that always after their
theft they pretend that things always were their own. After people take them in,
they steal their culture, make an alagam of it, and curse them until they are all
dead and their symbols end up in hebraic theft culture. For example RA in hebrew
means evil, and HaRa in Hebrew means evil and darkness. HaRa is also related to
the Evil Eye and misfortune.

In Ancient Greek which was a rivalling culture it means joy and happiness, while in
Egyptian the Eye or Ra or Horus Ra is a most sublime and divine symbol of eternal
light. Predating jews by thousands and thousands of years.

Other words that experienced the same downfall were words like Demon,
meaning God and Beneficiary Spirit, in Ancient Greek. Nowadays Demon during
the jewish reign means all the evil things. Angel, stolen from the Greek Angelos, is
another theft of the word for the generic messenger.

In Hebrew angels are called "Malachim", which is another direct theft of the
Syrian and Middle Eastern word Malach which means again spirit or broadly what
we refer to as an being of light. As such Satan was named Melek which is related
to the Malach, Melek Taus or Leading Peacock "Angel".

This theft and defamation is never ending and has a lot of dimensions. For
infiltration purposes they change their names and ID to create confusion and
relative terms to the people they try to subjugate. Then intermingling creates
confusion. Religiously they steal and reverse meanings, or still and pervert and
keep intact only insofar as to curse them or derail them.

Satan of course is another example of the same theft, from the Hindu and earlier
Indo European word for Satya, or Satyan, meaning Truth, Truthful, Honest, and in
meditational concepts the very concepts of Truth perception from the
enlightenment resulting from meditational practice.

As this emerges from the serpentine practices, Satan also has been given the evil
form of the so called "evil serpent". Even in this context the evil Satan only gives
insight and knowledge to Mankind. Total straight up slander about the greatest
good being portrayed as the greatest evil. As the jews are a conspirator tribe
against humanity, they hate and villify this concept of direct knowing and Truth.
Of course after these are stolen, there is a systematic attempt to replace culture
completely. What once was high spiritial virtue and power is now called "evil".
The jews repay those whom they steal all this with genocide, lies and permanent
ethnic replacement.

There is obvious proof of their hate and war, and of their hostility towards
Gentiles other than this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



The Jewish leadership, the rabbinical elites, state in their own writings that the
Torah (their blueprint) is conceptual, and thus a symbolic formula that they are
taught to read. This allows the Torah’s teachings for conquering the Gentiles to
pass by them without raising awareness and alarm. This is why the rabbis have
the "Oral Torah", which is the Torah without the cloak. Jews wrote the Zohar
solely for other Jews. They tell their fellow Jews that the Torah, on the literal
level, is just a cloak for the Oral Torah. That is why Judaism is occult, and also
why Jews warn their own in the Talmud that telling the Goyim the truth about
their religion would be the same as condemning all Jews to death, because
Judaism is an organized racial criminal agenda.

The story of Babel is about the Gentiles working to build a tower to heaven.
Yahweh is told about this by his angels. He then comes to earth with his angels,
attacks humanity, and destroys this tower. In doing so, Yahweh confuses the
languages and divides the world into smaller groups that fight amongst
themselves on Yahweh's instigation. Yahweh states that if this tower of Babel is
finished, Yahweh will be defeated and humanity will become Gods who he has
no power over. In Hebrew, Babel is stated to have originally meant "Gateway to
Heaven", but after Yahweh destroyed the tower, it forever means "confusion".

The Jewish leadership, the Rabbinical class, is instructed by their Reptilian hive
they call "god" that they must remove all spiritual, historical, and cultural
knowledge from the Gentiles, and divide and conqueror them though
Babel....Confusion. Language also refers to the language of symbolism, which
contained the information of spiritual instructions for opening and transforming
the soul. The Tower was the Babylonian symbol of the spine, which is the
Kundalini’s path to heaven in the crown chakra. The spinal column, the Meru, is
still openly shown as a tower in the east. Humanity was spiritually ascending
collectively through the Magnum Opus to the Light Body of our Gods. Yahweh,
which is the Jewish name for their Reptilian gods, warns that this is a threat to
the control system they want to create over our planet and us. The story of Babel
is also a curse the Jews have placed on humanity to be spiritually bound and
make it impossible for Humans to ascend spirituality. Note the key to how the
Jews hold control over humanity with Babel (confusion), which binds the Gentiles
to their control. The Kabbalistic world tree of the Jews shows how the 22 Hebrew
letters are used to bind the Gentiles. The name of the pathways for using the 22
letters in Hebrew is called "Babel", which is the name of their curse on the
Gentiles. The Torah is written in the 22 Hebrew letters with the purpose of
cursing the Gentiles. Torah means "The Wheel of Darkness", hence confusion
brought out of the spiritual ignorance with which the Jews have cursed us.

The Meru Tower:

What have the Jews done with Christianity, which their Torah also instructed
them to create? They removed all spiritual knowledge, historical knowledge, and
corrupted the languages spoken and the language of symbolism, which includes
the alphabets. The original Gentile language was a spiritual language in which
the symbols of each letter are instructions of how to use the sounds to open the
soul. They had instructions of how to use the letters to create longer mantras for
further creation. The Vedic index states that they originally had this for Sanskrit.

They knew the meaning of the letters and how to create mantras with them, but
now this knowledge is removed and long gone. The enemy has been in the east
for thousands of years, working to subvert and remove the teachings of the

Without this knowledge, and the practices of such, Humanity is under the power
of Yahweh.

November 04, 2018
Joy of Satan Forums Contributions

The ethos of Capitalism is that money makes labor valuable and it gives value
only. Capitalism ethos is built on several pillars of its power, that of usury,
undercutting wages, and monopoly. These come together and create a
plutocracy, which sets up an artificial system that allows for the rule of thieves.
Another problem is that capitalism is a liberal version of economics that does not
factor a nation, community, nature, or anything but the individual and their quest
for profits. This mentality creates problems in society. It is an incorrect economic
moral system.

A society governed by capitalism is run by private banks, which are private
money corporations run by private individuals who take over the state and turn
themselves into "State sponsored usury". This forces the population into a usury
system in which they have to purchase their own money from private capitalists
who charge major amounts of money on that debt with interest. This creates
economic instability and causes the economy to shrink and stagnate. The cost of
living skyrockets. The government starts to create taxes and raise taxes in an
attempt to pay off the fees the private bank sets for repayment back to the private
banks for printing pieces of paper and selling it you at interest. The private
banking system by nature has to make a profit, and the mechanics of this will
never allow, even with lower interest rates, for an open economic system. It is
always a closed one that grows slowly then stagnates. This ends up garnishing
the fruits of the entire nation’s labor into the pocket of a handful of private
individuals. It is theft of the value of the labor of a nation. It causes total collapse.
The undercutting of wages destroys the growth of the economy by not allowing
for a steady flow of investment spending from the working classes into goods and
services into the economy. This causes the economy, which is depended on the
generation and consumption of needed goods and services, to collapse. The
workers don't have the fruits of their labor returned to them so they can spend it
to create the fuel of the engine of the economy because the owners are stealing
the fruits of their labor and putting it into their individual pockets. This brings
about total collapse.

The private banking system is a monopoly. The creation of criminal game
strategies to create total monopolies includes artificial scarcity that allows for
price fixing, such as passing laws that farmers have to destroy excess food so
the six major food corporations can raise the prices on food to make more
money. If the extra amount was allowed into the market, it would lower costs for
people and the profit would be lower. This also includes the creation of the FDA
by private capitalists to create a corporate lobby under government cloak to then
push out any individuals who have working cures and cost-effective cures for
diseases that could be affordable to the entire public. This is done to maintain a
monopoly on the private medical industry they have created and to keep the cost
of treatment and thus profits high. There is no money in a cure. This is why Bayer
was caught selling HIV-infected blood to 2nd and 3rd world nations. They gamed
the system from within the government to do this. They wanted to make a profit,
as they stated. However they were creating a bigger marketplace by infecting
people who would then need their drugs.

Monopoly was the destruction of the electric car, the destruction of Nikola Tesla
and his company so the capitalists could build a global monopoly on energy. The
capitalists have taken over and own the government and use it to build and
protect their monopolies. This includes creating higher taxation so the money of
the population, billions of dollars worth, can be taken and given to their
corporations to and shareholders to make billions off of corporate welfare, and to
pass laws protecting their monopolies. This allows them to rob the fruits of a
nation’s labor. This monopoly stagnates the health of the economic and social
progress of a nation and causes total collapse. Monopoly only survives by
holding back new technology and creative individuals by deplatforming them.
This causes stagnation of the economy and makes life miserable for millions of
good people, causing them to starve or die of diseases that could have been
cured decades ago. It drives down the standard of living, destroys the
environment and public morale. Tesla would have saved the world if he was not
deplaformed to die homeless. They destroyed his platform socially and his
company that ensured the numerous inventions he created never reached the
public. The government stole his papers and many are still classified to this day.
Coupled into this, the constant psychological warfare operation against the
population by the corporate media has destroyed healthy social values and moral
ideals to create a neurotic consumer. This new moral system of dog eat dog
social Darwinistic mentality has destroyed social unity and the traditional and
normal morals of people, a society that needs to exist.

This has created an artificial social order in which a person’s value, the value of
human life, is by definition their individual value to the marketplace at the given
time. This allows for a power structure in which social status and social power is
determined only by how much money one has. Not by their moral values, their
natural merits, to govern their creative genius and their altruism. That does not
survive in a system that only rewards with everything from a better life to positive
social regard and self esteem.....Nothing but money and getting money. This
ensures that the very criminal mentality that games the system is reborn and
enforced into the minds of every generation, as they dominate social morality.
We can't survive this.

So what is a solution? There needs to be a new economic moral system that is
based on what an economy really is, which is the People and their national life.
The economy has to serve the People and provide the creation of new goods
and services the People need, which develops their society into a better standard
of living for the People as a community. This means that money is a medium of
exchange only for goods and services, hence labor is the value of a society. It is
labor that makes money have value. If nothing was built and no skills were there,
what good is money? You can't plant money in the earth to make food grow.

This means that there has to be a national bank that issues debt-free, fiat
currency that is regulated to maintain a constant supply of economic
development with simple controls to prevent inflation. This is the point of fiat
currency. This means the abolishment of the stock market, which is a criminal
game institution that is driving economic collapse. By allowing individuals to take
zero-interest loans to build their business, this bypasses the need for private
investors and thus stocks. This gives individuals the freedom to try because if
they fail, but their spending records show it all went to a business, they are
forgiven of their debt. We don't want to make people afraid to build the economy
with individual merit.

We must pass a law stating that employers have to pay high wages to their
employees, which can be determined by several practical factors. This returns
the fruits of the value of the labor back to the workers and allows for the standard
of living to go upward and the economy to prosper.

By not allowing private individuals to create monopolies, this allows for new
technologies and business to be created that can be improved upon by others in
time, as ideas always are. This results in evolution of society and improvement of
living standards. The government can create a platform for new business ideas
and individuals with creative ideas where they can be funded and have
infrastructure built around them to help get these services into society as fast as
possible. This also includes held back technology, particular in medicine, which
will save lives and save our planet. This allows for the prices of living to go
drastically down and the standard to go up. It includes the abolishment of most
taxes and the creation of small flat tax that goes into public infrastructure. This
includes public health care, which will be cheap with new medical technology and
other tech that has been held back, and with passing laws to protect public health
by cleaning up the air, food, and products. People will not be nearly as sick as
they are now due to the toxicity of bad living. The public education system is a
monopoly of the private capitalist sector to create a dumbed-down prole who
never questions anything. This has to be thrown out and a new public education
system must be created that teaches people a moral spiritual system of life in
service to society based on goodness, altruism, and love for their People and
their community. School must bring out each individual’s genius and give each
individual the resources needed to actualize this genius into society. This creates
a holistic spiritual meritocracy.

This includes a new public moral system in which service to society and the
People is rewarded. The goal of the economy is to reward one for helping your
community. This needs to be part of spiritual and thus moral development of
society into a whole new culture, which gives us a utopian world.
It is by our spiritual, moral, and physical labor that we add value to our souls, our
being, our People, and our world. This was the knowledge given to us already by
the National Socialist ideals. National Socialism is the only way out, the way of
Truth past the lie of Communism and Capitalism.

September 15, 2018
Joy of Satan Forums Contributions
That last sermon is very important. I'm surprised Mageson would state something like that.

Anyways everyone SHOULD read Collected Writings of Gottfried Feder to show the N.S.E.(National Socialist Economy), as it can be considered German Socialism.

Feder slams the shit out of Capitalism as he puts it, Capitalism and Communism are one in the same.

Feder's book is very interesting and detailed. As a matter of fact the Ultimate aim of the programme is to have a - Taxless Society. You simply pay for things by face value. Feder explains the Government-State has Sovereign power to print money as he states, Sovereign Finances. On top of that the Government makes money through it's enterprises and works with society to control Private interest. Despite Privatization being a NS thing the fact of the matter is the Government not the Companies lobby and set up rules and regulations. The Government should control things. Hell funny enough if you played Anarchy Online Omni-tek year zero's the Earth controls everything and becomes a Privately-Owned Government in the planet you play in and controls everything. When companies become Government or when private-citizens become the Government or Country think like Pablo Escobar so much shekels from drugs he could have bought Colombia. It comes to show you the interest-debt thralldom of how poor Governments are.

They posses FULL Sovereign Financial Power to print money and do Sovereign Financial activities.

In essence everything said by Mageson is correct. The very act of privately owning money and selling it for debt to Nation-State = the passing of more and more taxes and the more and more Mammonistic poison as Feder puts it, of financial shekelberging/shekelsteining as we put it today in modern Memetic languages. Feder explains even taxes lost by paying off the private-banks even that isn't enough and you need to pay extra or print extra or both thus devaluing the currency. In other words your damned if you do, damned if you don't. For example the entire German enterprise was around 270-350 billion a year big loan Capitalist would make 13-16 billion yearly from shekelberging/shekelsteining operations absolutely no production nor nothing just berged and steined without labor. Even lower level people make money from money in stock-exchange and other things. Think modern times with all the shekelsteining operations and financial berging that occurs on the stock market or crypto exchanges. Remember Gamestop rebellion in 2021.

The fact of the matter is Feder explaining not just Mammonistic poison teaching explaining how everyone has become a "Spiritual Jew" but even goes so far as to state in some, if not many cases, the Spiritual Jews = Capitalist educated, Mammonistic Gentiles are more cutthroat than the Jews when dealing with finances. As HP.Cobra put it one time, having a Gentile president or non-Jewish economist they can be worst than Jews when dealing with money matters as they are literally more fanatical than the Jew when it comes to finances and stripping it away from people. Sheer fact is with Jews you can always lie or tell them the truth that their financial changes will hurt the Jewish community and all the people that donate and then they freak out and go "No vey".

I strongly recommend everyone read Abyssos's links here. There is the Stalag/Ford editions of Mein Kampf all Mein Kampf's should be read to learn new technologies apparently there is even cross-referenced data in Mein Kampf and the message gives a very insightful understanding.


People unfortunately = Spiritual Jews/Spiritual Mammonists the poison of Mammonism is shoved so far up their ass and around the corner that Gentiles are completely stupid when it comes to finances.

It seems Feder, Hitler, and Company agreed with a vision of the Earth far greater than we can possibly imagine. No surprise people attacked it such as Communists denouncing us as Capitalist dupes even if THEY are the dual-dupes of Capitalism and Communism and the Big Loan Capitalists.

It's funny the entire book of Feder is written with a society that is digital. I can memetically understand Feder's position and I sympathize with him that people need to be redpilled and woke, awake, and awakened. I have no idea why people use the term WOKE to mean garbage, degenerate crap. Just because Neo took the redpill to woke him doesn't make him awake nor awakened in fact even Neo had to go to reeducation as Yoda puts it; To learn, you must unlearn what you learned. They are falling asleep, being put down, or asleep; the Amalekian principle is being charged down.

I'm very surprised we allow the enemy Capitalist-Communist dupes hijack words and change the definition of it.

It reminds me of the cut-scene from Halo 2 whereby 3-4-3 Guilty Sparks mentions: Oracle? Arbiter? Why do you insist on using inaccurate Verbiage before he gets zapped by the hammer wielding Tartarus.

Anyways Feder was thinking of an Armed Utopia he was thinking literally a Satanic-Nazi Empire of Orion run society.

It seems like Feder was speaking lightyears ahead of everyone hell even Hitler in Dr. Dalton's '39 Mein Kampf. Hitler heard Gottfried Feder at the 1919 speech after coming to the National Socialists, Drexler's group. And his mind became full of fuck, as he had a brainfart and realized, Economy?! I never had the thought about Economy. I'm so focused on politicizing everything I never bothered with the economy.

Hitler does state, that people should be taught politics first and foremost and then second or third Economics so people are on board changing things.

In fact in NS economics while very important and very useful is like 3rd or 4th maybe 5th on importance of society.

Also that comment Mageson put on interest-free financial loans like Ghaddafi's Libya i.e. Zero-Interest Loans. Take 100K loan you pay back 100K.

Feder propositions to build a private enterprise a Sovereign power CBN or Ceben, Construction Bank Note. A person applies for a home loan through the National Construction Bank and pays a minimum of 2% of the loan. In other words within 50 years the loan can be paid off to pay a Construction Bank Note. You change your money from the regular financial to the CBN so your able to pay off the home loan. And the CBN becomes indispensable like money. Hell even people can be paid with CBN as part of constructing housing and infrastructure and the Government despite Privatizing this organization and not Nationalizing it as mentioned by Feder earlier on with the way Big Business is supposed to work a Duel-Lizing action. It remains private and in control of people but is Nationalized for some things. Some Nationalizing and Some Privatization. Even if the Government renders the CBN as useful currency for the state and doesn't have a problem with people being paied CBN and then changing it for the main currency of the state. I would also personally state further houses should not have a coin the CBN should be Notes only not coins. So you don't get jewed like one women who didn't pay 0.15 cents on her house and lost it. How can you remove the house of a person for not paying 0.15 cents WTF is wrong with society?!

In essence CBN or Ceben's should be full dollar amount. Minimum 1 dollar maximum whatever amount is appropriate for distribution of people to pay for their work and exchange the CBN for main currency bank notes. In other words its should be a construction note never any coins. All full from dollar and up notes. No coins.

As HistoryReviewed put it Hitler/Feder and company mention SMB, Small-Medium business particularly small business as part of the enterprise to promote force multiplication of society and increase the financial standing of citizens.

This is why Feder was adamant that loans should take 30-50 years to be paid off minimum 2% or 50 years. You take out 100K, you purchase a home, and you work a lower financial job and pay back Year-over-Year: 2% or 2,000 dollars a year for 50 years. 2,000 x 50 = 100,000.

On top of that as I mentioned in the CBN part. The CBN makes it's money back always. It loans away 30 million dollars worth of money and up to 50 years might pass before the money is returned guaranteed for the most part as most if not all people can scrounge up a few hundred or thousands of dollars per year and pay off the 2% minimum.

I assume Feder had a plan to either outright ban Inflation[A hidden tax on wealth and finances] or deal with inflation in such a way that society is always deflating and everything becomes cheaper and more affordable and companies make better and better products to keep the quality going up. As my old saying goes "If it ain't good for Satan and the Gods it ain't good for anyone".

Sheer fact is I assume the Gods who may have made Smartphones at some point or still do make Smartphones. These smartphones last untold millennias maybe tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years in service. Since Smartphones are becoming more and more pervasive each and every month and more and more people make them and more and more acquire smartphones. As an example of important tech products plus the shekelberging and shekelsteining of societies modern interpretation of finances.

On top of that we need a bottom-to-top recreation of the loan system no risky, bullshit hidden or microprint text bullshit. No bullshit zero-interest loans both to the financial money i.e. the main and the CBN or Construction Bank Notes.

In essence Feder's vision of CBN is a very good thing and on top of that it's as valuable as the currency.

As for the money I guess since crypto has millions of coins. My best guess is in the age of digitization. A digital central bank note wouldn't be a bad thing if outlined with full morality of privacy like Monero coin a privacy-focused coin.

I don't know much about Crypto from an NS perspective but my guess is Feder would study this and company and agree to something.

As long as the money is being force multiplied like the military for example a M4 Carbine with tilt sights and ACOG scope is force multiplication kinda like the Sturmgewher and the magnification scopes put on the Germans were literally fighting nearly 60+ years ahead of time. Like the old saying, "In the 12 years the Reich existed, they advanced Humanity a thousand years".

Anyways I strongly recommend everyone read the anti-Thralldom books by Feder. It's a short book collected writings about 180 pages so it takes like 3-4 days to read as the passages are quite long.

Shame the National Socialists Bibliotehk was eliminated. Feder's book should have been much longer like 300-400+ pages or more there is so much juicy anti-Capitalist/Anti-Communist date it begs the question how smart and intelligent the NatSoc's were.

Study the books and apply critical thinking to this.

Unfortunately in today's capitalist dupe societies we need to dupe people to make a living. So use the NS side to learn about the enemy.

As Feder puts it the enemy is like a hostile bacilli you need to deal with the entire patient as a Doctor to excise the negative bacilli out of the system and cure the patient i.e. remove Mammonistic poisoning.

Anyways hope everyone enjoyed my financial learning of NS economy.
I'll add Feder's book to my reading list, thanks for your input
I decided I will be translating these sermons to Portuguese as you publish them. By the way I heard your audio recordings in the past and they were good, I would do that too but my non-native accent is not the best for this, I suppose. Maybe I will record for Portuguese Library.
BlackOnyx8 said:
I decided I will be translating these sermons to Portuguese as you publish them. By the way I heard your audio recordings in the past and they were good, I would do that too but my non-native accent is not the best for this, I suppose. Maybe I will record for Portuguese Library.

Thanks for the support, I'll also take it upon myself to start recording these. I'll take one day a week to go back and record what I've done for that week into English. I think it'll be a great idea if you record for the Portuguese Library, anyways I wish you luck with that.

as well as reposted here

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
