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Race Mixing Science Thread.


Jun 20, 2019
Hello my beautiful Satanic family. I have created this thread as a place to share and post scientific research for the issues with race mixing. Please avoid from replying and arguing with members within the thread. This is merely for the discussing of science and the issues race mixing causes although discussion is encouraged please keep it scientific or question oriented. If you disagree with someone instead of arguing with them create a question with the problem you are having so another member can answer it. Although if someone is wrong feel free to correct them if you have the proper knowledge.

Hail Satan!
I'd have to hunt for it, but I recall some medical group encouraging people of race-mixed heritage to donate bone marrow for other race-mixed people.

This is because, in spite of the parent-child relationship and the inherent genetic closeness that comes with that, the child is genetically too different from both parents to receive a bone marrow transplant from either one of them. And this wasn't from a nationalist/racial realist/etc. kind of group that shares information to demonstrate the harms of race-mixing, which many non-Satanists would just label racist and ignore; I believe it was just some medical group but it may have even been a group for race-mixed people, or something like that.

Hopefully I can stumble upon that post again at some point, but at the very least this further illustrates that race is a great deal more than "skin-deep" and the clashing of these genes is doing no favors at best and actively harming its victims at worst.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
I'd have to hunt for it, but I recall some medical group encouraging people of race-mixed heritage to donate bone marrow for other race-mixed people.

This is because, in spite of the parent-child relationship and the inherent genetic closeness that comes with that, the child is genetically too different from both parents to receive a bone marrow transplant from either one of them. And this wasn't from a nationalist/racial realist/etc. kind of group that shares information to demonstrate the harms of race-mixing, which many non-Satanists would just label racist and ignore; I believe it was just some medical group but it may have even been a group for race-mixed people, or something like that.

Hopefully I can stumble upon that post again at some point, but at the very least this further illustrates that race is a great deal more than "skin-deep" and the clashing of these genes is doing no favors at best and actively harming its victims at worst.

Perhaps this is it?

I think here is rather a bit more of history than science

Also let's not forget about the person who discovered that there are DNA differences between races, the same man who was ripped off his awars for his view on races.
The Alchemist7 said:
I think here is rather a bit more of history than science

Also let's not forget about the person who discovered that there are DNA differences between races, the same man who was ripped off his awars for his view on races.
I forgot to mention the actual man, sorry. Is about James Watson
Library of Hate-facts
"Here are about 700 hatefacts (politically incorrect but true statements) on Islam, race, gender relations, ethnocentrism, diversity, and more. "

Although a summary is given for each link I've found that it doesn't always line up and that it's hard to verify some of them because the associated links sometimes lead to an article behind a paywall. Remember to always verify your sources before you cite them.


Dr. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic
An anthropologist associated with the alt-right. The following video in particular is about the effects of being mixed race and mixed relationships(spoiler: they're overwhelmingly negative) and a bit about what kind of people choose to racemix. Some of his other works are topical to race realism and resisting the multicult agenda.

Episode 12: Mixed Race Individuals and Personality Traits

American Renaissance / Jared Taylor
More of an honorable mention since their content is a little less academic and doesn't revolve around race mixing, though they naturally cover this topic on occasion. This man, in my opinion, really embodies the NS spirit of racial identity. Very well-spoken, classy, authentic and respectable, unlike many other figureheads in the "alt right".

In his videos he makes strong cases for white racial identity and self-determination, and his social commentary is on point. His organization, American Renaissance, seems to be the most well-rounded, wholesome and publically palatable white ethnocentric organization alive today. I recommend reading their report on "What the Founding Fathers Really Thought About Race".

White Identity: What It Is and Why It Is Necessary

American Renaissance

Amren Reports
Syntax said:

Perhaps this is it?


The one that I had saw was an advert a fellow anti-miscegenation account I follow on Twitter shared, but this is even better since it breaks the issue down in detail.
Outbreeding depression

In biology, outbreeding depression is when crosses between two genetically distant groups or populations results in a reduction of fitness.[1] The concept is in contrast to inbreeding depression, although the two effects can occur simultaneously.[2] Outbreeding depression is a risk that sometimes limits the potential for genetic rescue or augmentations. Therefore it is important to consider the potential for outbreeding depression when crossing populations of a fragmented species[1] It is considered postzygotic response because outbreeding depression is noted usually in the performance of the progeny.[3] Some common cases of outbreeding depression have arisen from crosses between different species or populations that exhibit fixed chromosomal differences.[1]

Outbreeding manifests in two ways:

Generating intermediate genotypes that are less fit than either parental form. For example, selection in one population might favor a large body size, whereas in another population small body size might be more advantageous, while individuals with intermediate body sizes are comparatively disadvantaged in both populations. As another example, in the Tatra Mountains, the introduction of ibex from the Middle East resulted in hybrids which produced calves at the coldest time of the year.[4]
Breakdown of biochemical or physiological compatibility. Within isolated breeding populations, alleles are selected in the context of the local genetic background. Because the same alleles may have rather different effects in different genetic backgrounds, this can result in different locally adapted gene complexes. Outcrossing between individuals with differently adapted gene complexes can result in disruption of this selective advantage, resulting in a loss of fitness.

Mechanisms for Generating Outbreeding Depression

The different mechanisms of outbreeding depression can operate at the same time. However, determining which mechanism is likely to occur in a particular population can be very difficult.

There are three main mechanisms for generating outbreeding depression:

Fixed chromosomal differences resulting in the partial or complete sterility of F1 hybrids.[1]
Adaptive differentiation among populations
Population bottlenecks and genetic drift

Some mechanisms may not appear until two or more generations later (F2 or greater),[5] when recombination has undermined vitality of positive epistasis. Hybrid vigor in the first generation can, in some circumstances, can be strong enough to mask the effects of outbreeding depression. An example of this is that plant breeders will make F1 hybrids from purebred strains, which will improve the uniformity and vigor of the offspring, however the F2 generation are not used for further breeding because of unpredictable phenotypes in their offspring. Unless there is strong selective pressure, outbreeding depression can increase in further generations as co-adapted gene complexes are broken apart without the forging of new co-adapted gene complexes to take their place. If the outcrossing is limited and populations are large enough, selective pressure acting on each generation can restore fitness. Unless the F1 hybrid generation is sterile or very low fitness, selection will act in each generation using the increased diversity to adapt to the environment.[6] This can lead to recovery in fitness to baseline, and sometimes even greater fitness than original parental types in that environment.[7] However, as the hybrid population will likely to go through a decline in fitness for a few generations, they will need to persist long enough to allow selection to act before they can rebound [8]


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
