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Questions for advanced members

Apr 17, 2024
Hi family, so a few questions.

1. Runes and Sanskrit are vibrated the same way right? They sound the same.

2. HPS Maxine stated that anything ruled by Mercury would fail if started during its retrograde period. Mercury rules writing, letters, speech, and anything mental, so intention, vibration and affirmations are all ruled by Mercury. The Grand Ritual was started in Mercury rx, but it was dictated by Baalzebul, so He resides in a place beyond our space-time, light years in the future at Orion. The Gods' abilities are beyond our comprehension, so I don't question that ritual. It really seems to me, given the info above, that like the VoC moon, Mercury rx is very unfavorable for any magick started during that time.

3. For repetitions of Runes or Sanskrit, is x9 stronger slow than x216 fast?

4. HPS Maxine states on the JoS page that when doing healings for yourself and another, you should wait at least a half hour between so the energies don't mingle and dilute; however, she also states when you curse someone that you should do an AoP immediately following. I know we are supposed to do an AoP after we do the FRTR-Veil-Shattering, so those rituals involve cleansing ourselves, blessing our people and ridding of Jüden which are all done close together. It's apparent for rituals that are related, like the schedules, the workings can be done back-to-back. Like, I wouldn't do a freeing the soul working and then do one for someone else right after -- and then curse someone, followed by alt. nostril sun/moon breaths to replenish. What circumstances do you need to wait for energies to settle?

Thanks & ~cheers w/out beers!
Hail Satan!!
1. largely yes but there are edge cases but most of the time pronunciation isnt as important as you might think so long as your close enough.

2. If everything related to mercury failed every time mercury went retrograde, it would be very noticeable, its more that empowerment related to the rulership of mercury are not ideal to perform when in retrograde, put simply magic related to mercury shouldnt be performed during mercury retrograde not just magic in general.

3. Slow is usually better, but in my experience fastly pronounced mantras and runes are also very effective, between the two 216 would be far more substantial but no matter how fast you do them they should still be done with each letter correctly vibrated and thus the time difference between 216 and 9 is massive if done properly a fast vibration of a rune for me takes about 6 seconds.

4. I only really am concerned about energy mixing in regards for like for like stuff, e.g I dont use uruz to improve health and then use uruz to improve stamina within an hour of another, realistically speaking I have never even once as a Satanist ever experienced the energies I use getting "confused", I reckon that advice was for newer Satanists who lack experience working with energy and thus was said out of a sense of caution, I dont really worry about it to be honest, I do my workings when I have the time and sometimes that means doing everything back to back regardless and its never caused me issue. That being said trust your own experience on the matter but to me its not a big deal one way or the other.
1. largely yes but there are edge cases but most of the time pronunciation isnt as important as you might think so long as your close enough.

2. If everything related to mercury failed every time mercury went retrograde, it would be very noticeable, its more that empowerment related to the rulership of mercury are not ideal to perform when in retrograde, put simply magic related to mercury shouldnt be performed during mercury retrograde not just magic in general.

3. Slow is usually better, but in my experience fastly pronounced mantras and runes are also very effective, between the two 216 would be far more substantial but no matter how fast you do them they should still be done with each letter correctly vibrated and thus the time difference between 216 and 9 is massive if done properly a fast vibration of a rune for me takes about 6 seconds.

4. I only really am concerned about energy mixing in regards for like for like stuff, e.g I dont use uruz to improve health and then use uruz to improve stamina within an hour of another, realistically speaking I have never even once as a Satanist ever experienced the energies I use getting "confused", I reckon that advice was for newer Satanists who lack experience working with energy and thus was said out of a sense of caution, I dont really worry about it to be honest, I do my workings when I have the time and sometimes that means doing everything back to back regardless and its never caused me issue. That being said trust your own experience on the matter but to me its not a big deal one way or the other.

Thank you WoadWarrior ⚡⚡🙋🏻‍♂️☠️ !

1. That’s reassuring- good to know about cabalistic speech

2. Ok good point on Mercury- I’ve been incredibly confused about that.. I overthought that to no end this last month.

3. OK cool, because when I do Sanskrit X216 I do it faster but it’s totally correct in the vibration, it blows my mind that people can do 216 repetition slowly. when I do Runes to X9 or X10 depending on the moon phase, I do them slower. I always focus on feeling any vibration.

4. That’s an interesting point, if you are using the same same technique, don’t do it back to back, that’s what I glean from what HPS Maxine stated about doing back to back healings, like you stare here for üruz. The fact that it works for you when you do back-to-back stuff settles it!👌🏼

I appreciate you very much!
Hail Satan!
Mercury retrograde is a time for editing and revising forces. That a major energy current for world communication may be altered to go in a different direction.

It is like if you are working on replacing a water pipe, the best time to do this is when the water is shut off.
Mercury retrograde is a time for editing and revising forces. That a major energy current for world communication may be altered to go in a different direction.

It is like if you are working on replacing a water pipe, the best time to do this is when the water is shut off.
Thank you, boss! So, I didn’t get notifications for some replies, so I just went through my post and checked when I figured it out. 🙏🏼🎯💯💎🔥✅🤘🏼

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
