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Oct 2, 2023
How do I be able to stay in my dream forever without waking up? Which meditation do I have to do to be able to do that?
How do I be able to stay in my dream forever without waking up? Which meditation do I have to do to be able to do that?
You are needed here on earth.

Why you want this?
There is no point in this unless you don't want to advance and be completely useless for the rest of your life. As I mentioned in my other answer to you, and as others said on the forums earlier, you can't use your soul or anything while sleeping, only your mind. Of what I think you want to accomplish is "living in a higher dimension" where you are hardly doing anything in the physical world, but this is a Godly level, you cannot accomplish this right now. Sleeping is not this, being asleep is a numb state.

Read our material instead of the ones that are giving you such ideas.
How do I be able to stay in my dream forever without waking up? Which meditation do I have to do to be able to do that?
You don't need it.
It's enough to look at Buddhist monks and what they look like after that to not do it, even if you find a way.
You don't need it.
It's enough to look at Buddhist monks and what they look like after that to not do it, even if you find a way.
But I have to do it cause the enemy has given me the worst torture in existence so I rather go to his hell of torture that would be a breeze compared to what he gave me. I accept the dangers of staying in a dream forever how do i do it? The enemy knows he won’t be able to mind control me to hurt the main person I love if I’m in a dream forever so tell me how to do it
Hey brother I’ve explained that your soul isn’t your spirit those are different things your pineal gland aka your soul is why you are able to dream meaning dreaming is your soul. Reason why I want to stay in a dream forever is cause then the enemy can’t force me to hurt the main person I love he’s been trying to do that for 15 years every second and everyday and I want some rest finally I’ve tried suicide many time but the enemy keeps me alive in this hell so advancing means I stay awake and alive I don’t want that. Since I can’t die at least I can stay in a dream forever or at least a whole year so I can get a year of rest then when I wake up I go back to the torture so I rather just stay in a dream forever how do you do it?
The soul is also your ghost form while your spirit is your other ghost form
But I have to do it cause the enemy has given me the worst torture in existence so I rather go to his hell of torture that would be a breeze compared to what he gave me. I accept the dangers of staying in a dream forever how do i do it? The enemy knows he won’t be able to mind control me to hurt the main person I love if I’m in a dream forever so tell me how to do it
It would be easier to establish control of yourself, and/or protecting yourself from the enemy, then it would be to somehow put yourself into a dream. Also, I have concerns about your mental health which may be leading you to these conclusions.
I’ll tell you everything brother....

Do you have schizophrenia? This can cause you to feel overly sensitive to the enemy, including having these strange thoughts. It can also make your magic difficult because it changes your perceptions of reality. This can explain why you were having problems.

If this is the case, you first need to go to a regular doctor about this, in order to ground your mind. Then you can go about healing yourself, for which you should pray to Valefor and do yoga and other grounding practices.

Don't doubt the protection given to you by the Gods, but you also have to do your part and void out any thoughts about the enemy, even if this is difficult. Your healing may take time and this is normal, but it is much easier and better for you to heal your mind and soul, rather than try forcefully astral project or permanently enter a dream world.
Do you have schizophrenia? This can cause you to feel overly sensitive to the enemy, including having these strange thoughts. It can also make your magic difficult because it changes your perceptions of reality. This can explain why you were having problems.

If this is the case, you first need to go to a regular doctor about this, in order to ground your mind. Then you can go about healing yourself, for which you should pray to Valefor and do yoga and other grounding practices.

Don't doubt the protection given to you by the Gods, but you also have to do your part and void out any thoughts about the enemy, even if this is difficult. Your healing may take time and this is normal, but it is much easier and better for you to heal your mind and soul, rather than try forcefully astral project or permanently enter a dream world.
No the enemy gave me severe harm ocd it’s far worse than schizophrenia i rebuked Yahweh and it stopped for a minute which made me know I wasn’t going insane it made me know it is Yahweh doing it so I don’t have a sickness from natural causes I have a sickness given to me by the enemy get it?
Ok, I understand. However, you can still fix this through normal medicine. Sometimes spiritual solutions are hard, especially if we are troubled and cannot concentrate on our work. Although you described some trouble with the doctors before, I still think this is your best option, alongside asking Valefor for protection and guidance.
Ok, I understand. However, you can still fix this through normal medicine. Sometimes spiritual solutions are hard, especially if we are troubled and cannot concentrate on our work. Although you described some trouble with the doctors before, I still think this is your best option, alongside asking Valefor for protection and guidance.
Thanks brother I’ve been on more than 20 medications they haven’t been helping me though is it better to meditate to heal the mind than medicine I bet it is is it?
Ok, I understand. However, you can still fix this through normal medicine. Sometimes spiritual solutions are hard, especially if we are troubled and cannot concentrate on our work. Although you described some trouble with the doctors before, I still think this is your best option, alongside asking Valefor for protection and guidance.
valefor is the part Nordic and grey right I’m glad we can trust him so he specializes in meditation or?
But I have to do it cause the enemy has given me the worst torture in existence so I rather go to his hell of torture that would be a breeze compared to what he gave me. I accept the dangers of staying in a dream forever how do i do it? The enemy knows he won’t be able to mind control me to hurt the main person I love if I’m in a dream forever so tell me how to do it
Adolf Hitler was the son of a carpenter and he led the entire Gentile world against the jews. Whatever limitations you have, either from the enemy or from other more direct sectors of life, can be transcended. I suggest you use the Sowilo rune, do a Mars Square, and Andras' Power Ritual for energy, masculinity and drive for life!

Sowilo: https://satanisgod.org/Odin.html#SOWILO
Mars Square: https://satanisgod.org/Mars_Square.html
Andras' Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/andras-power-ritual.html
Adolf Hitler was the son of a carpenter and he led the entire Gentile world against the jews. Whatever limitations you have, either from the enemy or from other more direct sectors of life, can be transcended. I suggest you use the Sowilo rune, do a Mars Square, and Andras' Power Ritual for energy, masculinity and drive for life!

Sowilo: https://satanisgod.org/Odin.html#SOWILO
Mars Square: https://satanisgod.org/Mars_Square.html
Andras' Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/andras-power-ritual.html
Thank you so much brother

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
