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Question for you all

ghost kid

Nov 5, 2018
Do you have any books on astral projection and lucid dreaming that you would like to recommend? :)
Mate, at this point you should rather start practicing it. You can read books all you want, but it will never give you the experience nor satisfaction that you will get by actually projecting.
ghost kid said:
Do you have any books on astral projection and lucid dreaming that you would like to recommend? :)

No, but I have an online place where you can ask these questions. Go to Reddit, make an account there and ask your questions in the Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming subreddits. Both have stickied threads which explain the basics and offer resources, read these first and ask any other question you have there. Here in these forums these topics aren't of top priority or importance, so, very few people are experts on them so we can't help you much. That's why you get zero or very few replies.

You have also been asking about astral projection and lucid dreaming since 2018 and yet you come now 3 years later and still ask newbie questions about these things. What were you even doing all these 3 years? It seems to me you aren't even seriously interested in astral projection or lucid dreaming, otherwise you would do independent research, learn things and start practicing on your own instead of asking ridiculous questions like "can I touch a girl's boobs using astral projection?" or "can I use astral projection as a miracle to convert someone to Spiritual Satanism?"
Aquarius said:
Mate, at this point you should rather start practicing it. You can read books all you want, but it will never give you the experience nor satisfaction that you will get by actually projecting.

Are we turtles about spiritual advancement or is it just me?
Aquarius said:
Mate, at this point you should rather start practicing it. You can read books all you want, but it will never give you the experience nor satisfaction that you will get by actually projecting.

I don't mean all of us, but at present we are unfortunately the majority. I know there can be problems and difficulties but those who do it out of laziness or self-limitation do not know what they are missing.
Rational Satanist said:
ghost kid said:
Do you have any books on astral projection and lucid dreaming that you would like to recommend? :)

No, but I have an online place where you can ask these questions. Go to Reddit, make an account there and ask your questions in the Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming subreddits. Both have stickied threads which explain the basics and offer resources, read these first and ask any other question you have there. Here in these forums these topics aren't of top priority or importance, so, very few people are experts on them so we can't help you much. That's why you get zero or very few replies.

Do not advice newbie SS from here to go to a reddit like that. I visited it just now to read what it's all about, and verify this from the Spiritual Satanic perspective, and let me tell you, these people have no idea what they are doing.

Yes, their experiences are genuine, yes some of the things they talk about regarding the astral are true, however all of that is explained on the JoS or on other posts on the forum by people (I myself have written a bit about this as well, explaining the basics in enough depth to understand completely what it's all about).

Places like that reddit, are filled with new age ideas, idiots who work with enemy entities and nobody knows what they are getting themselves into. They disregard the danger, because they do not even understand the danger. Many there project every day, meeting astral entities and having experiences, working with what they call "guides" who help them project, etc.

Little do they know, all of them are under influence of entities like greys, pledians, and other trash, which they cannot see through since they do not have their 3rd eyes opened. These entities curate the experiences of the people who learn to project from them, without even the person themselves knowing about it. They influence everything the projectors there experience, giving the few who are considered as experienced projectors very positive experiences and acting very friendly to them, in order to let them act as the sheep herder (again, without the people in question even understanding this is happening), giving terrible advice to all sorts of people desperate to experience anything spiritual whatsoever, such as telling them that there's no dangers, that the beings up there lining up to help them are benevolent entities who want the best for everyone, etc.

What happens is, the words of the few experienced people there act as a gateway to lead many naive and ignorant souls to try and project astrally, hoping to find such a guide out there to help them as others have spoken about in their experiences. A being comes to them to help them project, they do not know what this being is or what it wants from them, they do not even question it, they just blindly follow the instructions and project under their guidance (Or on their own, and subsequently will run into such beings out there).

They revel in their success and in the incredible experiences they have out there, having all sorts of positive feelings towards the beings whom they perceive to have helped them in their benevolence.

Some time later, the masks are dropped. Suddenly, the person will begin to experience all sorts of terrifying things, beings will randomly visit them, speak to them in their mind and begin to act upon them as the greys and pledians and these other astral entities do, to leech of them. The same beings are those who helped them learn to project in the first place, and they will play a game of cat and mouse with them, pretending to be benevolent and giving advice while also chasing them and driving them mad at the same time.

These poor ignoramus will then wonder how this is possible, or why this happens, since the big names on his subject said it should never happen and that there is no danger. They post about their experiences, and they are mocked for it, they are told it's nonsense, or that they are delusional since the big experienced people said that this is impossible and none of them have ever experienced any of this.

Indeed, they have not, because the enemy entities influencing them deliberately leave them untouched, they give them curated experiences that are seemingly very rich and beautiful, or just leave them alone so that they will spread a good word for them on these kinds of discussion boards on astral projection and other spiritual subjects, guiding more and more people straight into in the grasp of the enemy entities who just have an all you can eat buffet of endless ignorant souls that jump willingly into their arms to be drained of their entire essence.

The poor ignoramus who has no place to go, ostracized by the community that he believed in, will lose his purpose and his mind, forgotten in some corner of the world where nobody will know the dread they experience day and night. Many are driven to suicide or just mental insanity and are destroyed while the so called experienced individuals on those discussion boards and groups are none the wiser and think they are doing a great service to humanity.

At the end of these experienced peoples lives, after unknowingly having devoted all their lives to leading ignoramus souls into the enemy jaws and dens on the astral, they await that familiar experience of detaching from the body one last time, they aren't scared or afraid of death, since they'll be going to the astral which they are so familiar with.

They close their eyes peacefully and pass away, their soul entering the astral while they maintain vague awareness due to their experience with this whole thing. On there they see the familiar face of the benevolent guide who helped them learn how to project, who told them everything they know about life, the universe, death, the astral, etc.

They smile upon them, as the guide smiles back, then they are lead somewhere by their guide. The soul follows willingly, however unbeknownst to them they'd really have no choice but to follow. They are lead to a place somewhere on the astral where suddenly they find themselves trapped. They look confused at the being, who then begins to laugh, as slowly the pretense is broken and they revert to their true behavior.

Now laughing maniacally, they look upon the confused and foolish soul before them, and tell them "Thank you for leading so many fools straight into our arms, for being such a good herald for our cause, now finally, I shall take advantage of you as you took of my good will, and since you've been so good to us we will make sure to take our time with you, so you may savior the pain and terror as much as we will."

Unfortunately for them, it is too late for regrets, and too late to realize they had been at these creatures whims their whole life, dancing in the palm of their hands as now their soul was effortlessly taken away no different from a devout xian that dedicated his life to the church and is scooped up by the enemy thoughtform after they had misguided hundreds if not thousands of people to the same oblivion he is to experience his final moments.

This sort of reddit or internet places are the new gateways the enemy entities use to find souls to drain and siphon, both in life and in death.

All the top individuals in those places are either jews who deliberately and willingly work for these entities to guide gentile souls with spiritual inclinations into the palms of their extraterrestrial masters filthy scaly hands, or they are gentile souls who are subconsciously and unbeknownst to them dancing in the palms of the enemy entities hands their whole lives and herding their fellow gentiles into oblivion before being send there themselves after a lifetime of unknowing servitude.

This reddit you linked, is exactly one of those places without any doubt.

Any SS or prospecting SS absolutely needs to disassociate from these kinds of places and not listen to anything that is said there, or connect to these sorts of places n any way whatsoever, since they are infested from top to bottom by enemy entities and enemy entities literally watch for people who tie into those places online, to latch onto and snatch away one way or another.

It is to be avoided altogether if one wants to advance.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Do not advice newbie SS from here to go to a reddit like that. I visited it just now to read what it's all about, and verify this from the Spiritual Satanic perspective, and let me tell you, these people have no idea what they are doing.

Yes, their experiences are genuine, yes some of the things they talk about regarding the astral are true, however all of that is explained on the JoS or on other posts on the forum by people (I myself have written a bit about this as well, explaining the basics in enough depth to understand completely what it's all about).

There isn't much practical stuff here or on JoS and questions about astral projection receive no replies. On these subreddits there's detailed info about many techniques you can use to get out of your body or induce a lucid dream (which is what most people trying astral projection/lucid dreaming are stuck at). And there are people who can help you "troubleshoot" it if you have specific problems.

By the way, I'm not talking at all about their ideology or their knowledge of the astral. I'm only talking about practical techniques. I haven't found any other forum/website where they offer so many practical techniques and advice that actually works. Even if they are New Agers, you shouldn't throw out the baby with the bathwater. Their new age crap sucks, but their techniques are good. HP Maxine all these years has done this many times, pointing out to books or sites that are full enemy propaganda and told us to "read between the lines" because they contain some useful stuff.

The negative experiences you said that they have are because they aren't dedicated Satanists and aren't doing daily power meditation. A person who is a dedicated Satanist can use their techniques without any fear, with the knowledge we have.

Reddit is full of enemy lies, but some subs are good like Astral Projection, DIY, Technology and all subs dealing with practical issues. I haven't received better advice in any other website than these. Their politics, religion and stance on COVID and vaccines suck, but advice on practical stuff is great.
I'd also like to add:

VoiceofEnki said:
(I myself have written a bit about this as well, explaining the basics in enough depth to understand completely what it's all about)

I've searched the word "astral" in your past posts and it shows you wrote only 2 posts, this one which is about empowering your astral senses and has absolutely nothing to do with astral projection, and this one which is about counting with your astral hands during meditation which again has nothing to do with astral projection. Are you sure you understood what the person was asking and I was replying to? The subreddit I linked in my response isn't about the "astral" in general, but specifically about astral projection and more specifically about practical techniques on how to achieve that. If you can find any post here which clearly outlines practical techniques as well as advice on common problems you may encounter when projecting, please link it here. Because I've found zero such posts myself.

And I repeat that this is the most important thing for newbies: they want astral projection techniques that work, as well as advice on problems they encounter, such as sleep paralysis or loud sounds they experience while trying to project. Most newbies really don't care at all about "the astral" in general if they haven't experienced it and are stuck and getting nowhere while trying to project astrally.

And by the way, I focused on astral projection because it's the most commonly mentioned of the two things here. I don't even need to mention lucid dreaming, which is not in the JoS website at all and very rarely brought up here.
Rational Satanist said:
I'd also like to add:

VoiceofEnki said:
(I myself have written a bit about this as well, explaining the basics in enough depth to understand completely what it's all about)

I've searched the word "astral" in your past posts and it shows you wrote only 2 posts, this one which is about empowering your astral senses and has absolutely nothing to do with astral projection, and this one which is about counting with your astral hands during meditation which again has nothing to do with astral projection. Are you sure you understood what the person was asking and I was replying to? The subreddit I linked in my response isn't about the "astral" in general, but specifically about astral projection and more specifically about practical techniques on how to achieve that. If you can find any post here which clearly outlines practical techniques as well as advice on common problems you may encounter when projecting, please link it here. Because I've found zero such posts myself.

And I repeat that this is the most important thing for newbies: they want astral projection techniques that work, as well as advice on problems they encounter, such as sleep paralysis or loud sounds they experience while trying to project. Most newbies really don't care at all about "the astral" in general if they haven't experienced it and are stuck and getting nowhere while trying to project astrally.

And by the way, I focused on astral projection because it's the most commonly mentioned of the two things here. I don't even need to mention lucid dreaming, which is not in the JoS website at all and very rarely brought up here.

Hmm, indeed turns out you are right, I didn't have a post about astral projection here, I did misremember that.

To correct that, I'm writing one when I have time with everything I know and as detailed instructions as I can understand, so it is always there for everyone to read.

Besides that, what I said about other forums and groups obsessed with astral projection in my reply here does apply and hold true.

Hail Satan!
Rational Satanist said:
I'd also like to add:

VoiceofEnki said:
(I myself have written a bit about this as well, explaining the basics in enough depth to understand completely what it's all about)

I've searched the word "astral" in your past posts and it shows you wrote only 2 posts, this one which is about empowering your astral senses and has absolutely nothing to do with astral projection, and this one which is about counting with your astral hands during meditation which again has nothing to do with astral projection. Are you sure you understood what the person was asking and I was replying to? The subreddit I linked in my response isn't about the "astral" in general, but specifically about astral projection and more specifically about practical techniques on how to achieve that. If you can find any post here which clearly outlines practical techniques as well as advice on common problems you may encounter when projecting, please link it here. Because I've found zero such posts myself.

And I repeat that this is the most important thing for newbies: they want astral projection techniques that work, as well as advice on problems they encounter, such as sleep paralysis or loud sounds they experience while trying to project. Most newbies really don't care at all about "the astral" in general if they haven't experienced it and are stuck and getting nowhere while trying to project astrally.

And by the way, I focused on astral projection because it's the most commonly mentioned of the two things here. I don't even need to mention lucid dreaming, which is not in the JoS website at all and very rarely brought up here.

Astral projection and the lesser lucid dreaming happen when the bioelectric body is strong enough to be felt and departed. I attest to the fact that at one point there's no dream without being lucid about it (having control) or at least councious of the fact that you are dreaming.

Real astral projection, remote viewing happen when the Serpent sustains the electrical body enough for it to be used and moved. It happens as well without but without too much conscious control, realization and orientation.

Lucid dreams are a natural follow up of meditation and empowerment, and the discerment level within lucid dream context is related to the electric energy and counciousness. All of these have the same source of growth and basis, which is fuel (energy) and discerment (counciousness).

One can project his counciousness and realize they are just a point in space and time while astral projection is purely leaving your body. One can train firstly with their hands. My first experiences were in deep meditation when my hands plummeted in my belly and got scared and then I plunged out of my body thru the bed and the other rooms.

There's specific training to be done. You can leave your body but you won't be able to move or not too much. I never had any succesfull journey without a Demon besides me to other realms, only max a couple meters away from my body before the bioelectric body dissipates.

This will happen naturally at night when your electric body and belly will have energies rising and descending, when the Serpent flowers. Later you can will it and be in a somewhat control of it while you grow your bioelectricity and have the pathways open.

The soul must be open to a degree. I remember the first times I did the RTR I astral projected spontaneously because of the energy being freed.

VoE you should write about this as my opinion is that you are a natural astral projector, which is very rare.
One effective method I use is called the 'Hammock method'. Get into a deep trance and imagine yourself in a hammock. Swinging to and fro, focus on the feeling. Eventually you will find yourself out of your body. Ignore all vibrations, sounds, fears and everything. You can also hear your bioelectricity as a loud buzz. Ignore everything and focus on the hammock.

This also applies for whatever other method one is using. Ignore everything. Void meditation and one pointed concentration go a long way here. I heard even laughter one time but ignored it. Leaving the body is a pleasant feeling. Avoid panicking as you can get reeled back in through the cord, which happened to me my first time.

If you wish to practice it, do the exercise daily or at least weekly. Make sure you can't be intruded upon as you will be in for a rude awakening, literally. Put your phone on silent if needed and lock your door. If you have any fears, say a prayer to Satan as it will really help. The Gods have the authority in the astral so you have nothing to fear.

HPHC has also written on the subject in the past and advised one not to rush into it. It is best to work on advancing to a certain level before projecting as an untrained mind can bring all sorts of illusions in the astral, making the whole experience pointless or a source of delusion.
I've mentioned this before but the answer wasn't as satisfactory as possible. I've been in the lucid/AP game since I got the internet pretty much by late-1999/2000 I was studying it but never accomplished it. So similar to meditation I've always liked meditation and studied all these phenomenas but never accomplished to a degree I can say I did it.

(Funny enough I viewed meditation for a period early on. Like as on drugs basically you tune out or fall into some trance and wake up refreshed and energized. Nope never has quite the opposite in some cases especially with mantra it just seems like I do a high rep, been a while since I did high rep, and it bores the living the shit out of me).

Anyways this isn't about meditation. Yes I've tried to AP and tried lucid dreams even had what I call lucid body dreams whereby I know I'm dreaming, I can mildly steer the dream, but the entire time I feel my body paralyzed. It's kinda like a sorta fell into sleep, yoga nidra, rather than conscious from beginning to dream start style for a lack of better words.

But I wanted to ask. What does it mean a person astral projects inside a dream. For example last time I had what I call dream projections I felt spinning in the air going through the air. Then stabilized then I went to the door and somehow either my door was open or I pushed my entire arm through the door which felt like nothing maybe a cloudy like sensation like a fine mist. And gripped the wood of the door frame. I literally pulled with all my might trying to remove myself from my body before I pulled back woke up and it's like nothing happened.

(I've always been under the assumption you can't touch physical matter on the astral. It seems every AP I read about people kinda phase through everything like going through a wall or something. If this dream projection is an indication of astral law then it sure as hell surprised me. Physical sensation like literally I can feel the wood and paint and it felt even more realistic or as realistic as real life.)

I guess you can call them false projections or since I fell asleep and experienced it dream like a dream projection.

Also I was blind as a bat. I've noticed in many dreams either deep darkness a dream is occurring but it's dark with my eyelids felt and eyeballs as well producing dream images or flashes of dream images or even kinda like movie cut images I see the image below and I'm LITERARY trying to see through my physical eyes.

I'm aware AP is very different than lucid dreaming. Most lucid dreamers seemingly fall asleep wake up in their dream and perform their actions, actions which I've never verified for example I've tried materializing an object to no avail. As for lucid dreaming in advanced formats such as entering a trance, paralyzing the body(mind awake, body asleep), and ENTERING the dream I recall reading on that. I also recall some people mentioning entering their dream and having kinda like a personal garden of their own. Some of the AP crowd have mentioned they feel different over AP in lucid dreaming and have tested things like for example being in their own personal zen garden inside the dream world but expelling themselves out of the dream and astral projecting out. Lucid -> to -> Astral changes. They inasmuch state the dream has a different feel I guess it's kinda akin to a astral temple that we tell people to make. I'm not saying dream world is perfectly safe an entity could enter but that is a rare thing.

I've also been very interested in Astral projection as a matter of fact when I read about it as at 9 or 10 years old. I felt giddy knowing you can be up 24/7. I recall some people mentioning Astral Projections negatives is akin to a hangover, you have a mild maybe moderate mental fatigue after doing it. I guess a logical response would be they might not meditate and might not absorb energies or maybe the act of keeping the mind awake even if in an altered state is sorta conscious enough to have limitations maybe sometimes you do need a controlless sleep.

Anyways if I have had astral projecting dreams and never projected i.e. never had the whole end of the World phenomena that people mention like one person said a long time ago it felt like the entire Universe was going crazy. Then funny enough if I had these dream projections are these Astral projections? These dream projections are they something?

I get you have to enter a trance, paralyze the body but keep the mind awake, and then perform the activities to perform a successful launch. But even trying all these years it seems I'm compelled nay forcing myself to want to project. I've had years of time passing by not caring about lucid or astral projection. And yet here I am coming back to it like crazy sometimes once in a while and craving the ability to do it. Inasmuch at this point I know MANY things about AP/Lucid but the very act of doing it is beyond me.

It's similar to meditation I can do it but just because I do it doesn't mean I'm doing it right nor in the right altered state. I'm aware you don't have to be altered to do it but eventually you hit a brick wall and need to dive deeper.

Also another question I have is does the fact that dreaming just regular dreaming or even lucid dreaming goes away. In other words it's kinda like RAM if you power it off it drains the memory of it. Does astral projection get remembered?

Do people remember their AP do they remember everything of it? Do they remember it like a dream and it's all hazy and WTF or can it be so conscious from start to finish it's like being awake?

For example when I'm awake I have the conscious of knowing stuff my memory is coherent enough for me to do things in the physical realm. I know there is higher coherency and consciousness but for me it's perfectly fine. I know how to remember stuff and well.

Well funny enough does astral projection work that way? Going to bed launching and going about hours in the Astral remembering everything like real-life?

Or does it suffer the dream haziness were even waking up properly you immediately forget the dream in almost like a blank WTF only through a dream journal or dream recording cassette recorder does the dream come in. In common cases the dream comes to you in a flash while doing something or remembering something.

Is astral projection does it suffer the same flaws as dream recall? Do we "recall a projection"?

VoE's information

Reading websites like Dreamviews and whatnot all these old Lucid/AP sites some are still up.

Well funny enough a lot of these Astral Projectors came to a rude awakening. That not only is the astral very quiet of beings in other words there really isn't many things you can see of entities interacting with people. But funny enough it seems a lot of entities don't give two shits what your doing. Even flagging them for attention gets you no where.

There was one guy that said he called out to some entity flying about and he got a look and the guy just flew by. Except inasmuch as other entities the only other entities that do something or are more like primitive are astral wildlife. For example a deceased animal or some animal spirit holding it's ground.

I also recall people mentioning it's kinda hard to navigate the astral realm. Some people are gung-ho to see God or Gods or entities and it's very barren. Navigate in a sense of it's easy to decept yourself going into a painting and experiencing the painting but not doing things like exploring outer space or going about the city and seeing things or going to remote areas and seeing animal life or something. Like the act of wanting to go there creates an entire dimensional area.

There are of course exceptions. One guy back in 2011-2012 dreamviews AP section. He AP'd stayed about 3-4 hours flew around to outer space didn't get far. But decided to come back. He witness two entities interacting with each other and then he turned his head back to fly back and all of a sudden the guy flashes in front of him. He pulls out a dagger states something with a Mexican accent and then stabs him in the chest. I forgot exactly what he said but he said next thing he knows he panic awakes and is like "WTF?!".

Yeah apparently there was an astral Mexican alien that stabbed him.

Suggestions for AP

The most common complaint with Astral Projection that most people give besides feeling the effects and being freaked out their body does these things well their soul or to be even more specific the astral vehicle.

Is night time!

Yes the night time projections are the most scariest for people who've either successfully launched or know how to prepare the launch sequence to exit.

Many people have stated going out AP at night and for example seeing family members sleep and all this darkness. Or even like shadows moving and whatnot.

The best suggestion I can give is try and AP either early in the morning sunrise kinda like some WBTB lucid dreamers. Wake-Back-To-Bed, simply sleep 4-5 hours let your system get juiced up with sleep state and sleep hormones and chemicals. Stay awake about 15 minutes to an hour do not fully wake no food nor drinking anything but water maybe for example drink a glass or two of water hydrate from the sleep fast and take a shower or something. Something gentle maybe read a book or something gentle avoid electronics blue light etc.etc. Then go back to sleep and either try and enter the lucid dream, or dream incubation(imagine the dream and realize that dream) or simply fall asleep to have stronger dreams and perform dream awakening with dream signs etc.etc.

AP in the beginnings of sunrise or as the sun is out. Or simply if your good at AP simply do it maybe take the afternoon off and do a bit of projecting maybe build up the confidence for a night launch.
I've been seriously and consistently attempting astral projection ever since NakedPluto shared their experiences of visiting other dimensions, which sounded incredibly interesting to me.

I've ramped up Kundalini Yoga every day too, in admiration for BlackDragon666.

I read through the whole Treatise on Astral Projection by Robert Bruce, and although the author himself sounds slightly new-agey in some parts, the mechanics of Astral Projection itself laid out in the pdf, sound perfectly comprehensible to me.

I didn't trust the Treatise 100% at first because of the author not being an SS, so I checked most information in the writing with the experiences from people here, and our site, to see similarities for what worked for them and rung true.

With our connections to Satan and the Demons, we are most definitely more "privileged".

If anyone comes across this post trying to find out more about how Astral Projection really works, please do put in the effort to read and assimilate the information in that pdf, Treatise on Astral Projection.

Keep it open alongside this post and refer. It provides enough information to answer most questions asked before in this thread and actually the forum, regarding Astral Projection, and possibly even more for future ones.

I have only recently started reading the beginning of Astral Dynamics, the bigger book that was released later, so I cannot attest to that. It may even contain more information.

Also, a warning... I have never Astrally Projected consciously, myself. The Treatise might not be 100% accurate like when the author mentions "angels blowing sparkling horns" on page 32 or rambles about "god" on Page 111, lmfao, but it's all I've ever went on.

Again, the spiritual views of the author are debatable, but the mechanics of Astral Projection itself are sound.

Actual Astral Projectors please roast me and/or confirm or correct the information further below.

Anyway, the Treatise did give me a good understanding of general mechanics to refer to, that I can look back on when I obtain potentially more accurate knowledge, through either experience, or hearing from experienced Astral Projectors.

This is what I have at least read from the Treatise on Astral Projection, but I truly suggest one reads the entire pdf themselves for more in-depth understanding.

- General overview of preparing for the Astral Projection process on Page 34.

The Treatise lays out the sequence of Astral Projection as conducted with the properly necessary elements incorporated therein.

This includes a method for deep relaxation, something mentioned that we know as void meditation, and a form of raising energy.

The last step seems consistent with NakedPluto's inclusion of our Serpentine energies, so we'll apply that as SS. Refer to their previous posts on it in past threads, too; it helps.

- The conventional Astral Projection process is found on Page 52 of the Treatise, whereas information regarding the individual steps are spread across other chapters therein. The ROPE method doesn't seem to work for a lot of us, more on that in a bit.

- Deep Relaxation method on Page 82 - 83.

- It recommends keeping your very first successful projection very short, for the purposes of being able to remember it all. Also, keep a notebook beside you when you Astral Project and write down about your experience as soon as you awaken. It'll train you to remember.

As a preliminary exercise, you can do this for regular dreams, too.

- Mentions the trance state on Page 38, and on Page 40 emphasises "Tactile Imaging" to feel your astral hands and body.

- Page 61 describes something very interesting. You can apparently exploit a Lucid Dream to convert it into a conscious Astral Projection by summoning/willing yourself to your physical body.

It tells you how to turn a dream into a Lucid Dream to begin with, by establishing automatic physical habits in the real world, that you then subconsciously reenact within the dream, allowing you to become aware of the fact you're dreaming.

For example, habitually looking at your hands, then in dreams realising our astral forms don't normally have hands, and becoming aware then.

I have continually and miserably failed this method because I become Lucid but just enjoy the flow of the dream straight and forget the last part, but I'll get there soon. This method is suggested for people who struggle with the normal projection process.

- Regarding Lucid Dreams anyway, the Treatise mentions somewhere that if you turn onto your side as you're falling asleep, that the dream you have is more likely to be Lucid. I can't confirm this, and I don't know what page that was.

- How to release yourself from waking paralysis, and why this occurs, is explained on page 86.

- The reason ROPE can suck for a lot of us is due to us getting distracted by other elements that interfere with the actual projection process. For example actually trying to visualizing the rope rather than focusing on feeling it, therefore...

- Alternative Projection method on page 97, the Yoyo technique.

AND the inspiring method by BlackDragon666 that I will definitely use tonight:

Blackdragon666 said:
One effective method I use is called the 'Hammock method'. Get into a deep trance and imagine yourself in a hammock. Swinging to and fro, focus on the feeling. Eventually you will find yourself out of your body. Ignore all vibrations, sounds, fears and everything. You can also hear your bioelectricity as a loud buzz. Ignore everything and focus on the hammock.

This also applies for whatever other method one is using. Ignore everything. Void meditation and one pointed concentration go a long way here. I heard even laughter one time but ignored it. Leaving the body is a pleasant feeling. Avoid panicking as you can get reeled back in through the cord, which happened to me my first time.

- My personal method actually nearly got me out. I've come to call it the CATAPULT method! Imagine you're on top of a mountain and there's a giant slingshot or catapult. And you're in it, of course.

Feel yourself dragging yourself back and accruing increasing potential energy through the bands or catapult.

Once you've already reached the state of relaxation where you can no longer feel/sense your physical body, launch yourself and feel the world and wind around you warp until you're out.

If enough energy has been established to create your projecting "double", the sensation of blasting out should trigger a conscious Astral Projection... I got REALLY close, I just haven't generated my double yet, or it's that I can't get it out.

NakedPluto has stated before that our Kundalini is the source of all of this, our potential to generate our astral consciousness/double, and "deploy" it outside the physical body.

It would presumably govern the energies of the other "bodies" involved, too, such as the Etheric, as well as the process of the Mind Split effect.

Empowering and ascending our Kundalini... will most likely prove to be a massive factor in our ability to Astral Project. There may be an unsurprising correlation between people who struggle with Astral Projection, and if they do Kundalini Yoga or not...

As one can see, regardless of the method of exit, all of them share one thing... the feeling and sensation of your spatial coordinations changing through motion, and the visualization of your imagined viewpoint through such actions.

Again, I hope that people who have consciously and deliberately Astral Projected before, may be able to confirm/correct any of the information I've listed.

All of it is based on what I've learned from the Treatise on Astral Projection, but I've never even successfully consciously projected yet.
I was practicing Astral Projection techniques before I even found Satanism, I tried many but never succeeded. At some point as a Satanist I kind of realized I wasn't ready for that. Maybe I didn't have the necessary energy for that. So I haven't done anything of that nature ever since. My question to the adept here is, how do I know when I am ready? I did feel the feeling NakedPluto was talking about like my hands had melted into one another and into my belly. Never understood why. Didn't think was anything special. But any time meditating I would take that as some sort sign I was in a trance.

I might just try BlackDragon666‘s technique today just for the sake of it. Never tried that one. I really want to get into the Astral and see the Gods. I'm not sure if lucid dreaming is a requisite for this. I have only succeeded at that once and was very short. I quickly woke up. I tried some affirmations and frequencies a while ago, on YouTube... It kinda looked promising the affirmations looked great but never worked and I gave up eventually.. maybe the frequentcy messed any chances of success I would have had .
ghost kid said:
Do you have any books on astral projection and lucid dreaming that you would like to recommend? :)
In my opinion, when someone asks for non-JoS information about a type of spiritual practice or meditation, it means they have read the JoS content related to that practice but they are not happy with the quantity or quality of the information. Is that the case here? Do you feel that the content on the website and forums about astral projection and lucid dreaming is not enough? In this case the relevant articles either need to be `expanded` with more knowledge or practices or experiences, either you might need to practice more the already existing meditations. Practice is the case anyway for all meditations.
Astral projection and lucid dreaming were the things which eventually brought me to Satanism. I have read, MANY, MANY books, and out of all the books I've read I will tell you the best book for each.

For Astral Projection - Astral Dynamics: The Complete Book of Out-of-Body Experiences by Robert Bruce

Note on the above, stay away from his "energy work" section in the book. It's a bunch of garbage and a much better alternative would be actual meditation from JoS. Literally, actually meditating one day is better than doing a hundred days of roberts "energy work".

For Lucid Dreaming - Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain: Perspectives on Lucid Dreaming by J. Gackenbach and S. LaBarge

Truly a phenominal piece of scientific material that I would recommend to anyone looking for information on Lucid Dreaming. If you are unable to find a pdf download, you can rent the book from google books(that's what I had to do as I couldn't find a pdf leak ANYWHERE).

In the end, as you advance spiritually, things like lucid dreaming and astral projecting will come naturally to you, as such, if you're having trouble, I'd recommend focusing on spiritual cleaning and empowerment.

Not to mention, as you advance, lucid dreaming, from what I have heard, it will happen more and more frequently, and, as you raise your kundilini, I've of some experiencing it every single night without trying.

So, focus on your advancement man, that's much more important than being able to astral project or lucid dream, and, as you advance, you'll naturally be able to astral project and lucid dream with ease, so yea :)
Artisan said:
In the end, as you advance spiritually, things like lucid dreaming and astral projecting will come naturally to you, as such, if you're having trouble, I'd recommend focusing on spiritual cleaning and empowerment.

Not to mention, as you advance, lucid dreaming, from what I have heard, it will happen more and more frequently, and, as you raise your kundilini, I've of some experiencing it every single night without trying.

So, focus on your advancement man, that's much more important than being able to astral project or lucid dream, and, as you advance, you'll naturally be able to astral project and lucid dream with ease, so yea :)

This last part is most important. Focus on advancement first and foremost. Excessive focus and obsession with Lucid dreaming and astral projection will only distract one from what actually matters.

I haven't consciously tried to lucid dream for years, but I lucid dream almost every night.

Just telling myself what kind of dream I want to have when I go to sleep, or what I want to dream about is more than enough to have full lucid experiences and the most wonderful dreams.

Before joining the JoS I was big on lucid dreaming and astral projection. I looked at all the things I could find online and sought to learn it, etc. I put in copious amounts of effort to master it, using all the advices that are given everywhere.

Yet right now I am infinitely better at it than before and I don't even have to try.

Spiritual advancement is the key to actually unlocking and mastering these abilities. Any other techniques are basically worthless.

Not to mention, lucid dreaming is easily one of the most over hyped phenomenon ever. All it really is, is just a dream, a conscious dream, but just a dream non the less.

Flying in your dream, having dream sex, exploring fantastic things, whatever, it's really not that interesting or impressive at all. Whatever can be done in dreams, is infinitely inferior to what can be done outside of them.

Lucid dreaming, more than anything is a form of escapism for most people who obsess over it, because their lives are mundane and boring, so they seek to experience joys and fantastic things which they long for or cannot have in life in their dreams instead.

When you realize that it's all just a dream either way, your interest naturally begins to wane over time, and focus will be directed elsewhere towards more permanent and beneficial endeavors.

Astral projection largely falls into that same category for most people that are obsessed with it.

It's not worth obsessing over.
VoiceofEnki said:
Artisan said:
In the end, as you advance spiritually, things like lucid dreaming and astral projecting will come naturally to you, as such, if you're having trouble, I'd recommend focusing on spiritual cleaning and empowerment.

Not to mention, as you advance, lucid dreaming, from what I have heard, it will happen more and more frequently, and, as you raise your kundilini, I've of some experiencing it every single night without trying.

So, focus on your advancement man, that's much more important than being able to astral project or lucid dream, and, as you advance, you'll naturally be able to astral project and lucid dream with ease, so yea :)

This last part is most important. Focus on advancement first and foremost. Excessive focus and obsession with Lucid dreaming and astral projection will only distract one from what actually matters.

I haven't consciously tried to lucid dream for years, but I lucid dream almost every night.

Just telling myself what kind of dream I want to have when I go to sleep, or what I want to dream about is more than enough to have full lucid experiences and the most wonderful dreams.

Before joining the JoS I was big on lucid dreaming and astral projection. I looked at all the things I could find online and sought to learn it, etc. I put in copious amounts of effort to master it, using all the advices that are given everywhere.

Yet right now I am infinitely better at it than before and I don't even have to try.

Spiritual advancement is the key to actually unlocking and mastering these abilities. Any other techniques are basically worthless.

Not to mention, lucid dreaming is easily one of the most over hyped phenomenon ever. All it really is, is just a dream, a conscious dream, but just a dream non the less.

Flying in your dream, having dream sex, exploring fantastic things, whatever, it's really not that interesting or impressive at all. Whatever can be done in dreams, is infinitely inferior to what can be done outside of them.

Lucid dreaming, more than anything is a form of escapism for most people who obsess over it, because their lives are mundane and boring, so they seek to experience joys and fantastic things which they long for or cannot have in life in their dreams instead.

When you realize that it's all just a dream either way, your interest naturally begins to wane over time, and focus will be directed elsewhere towards more permanent and beneficial endeavors.

Astral projection largely falls into that same category for most people that are obsessed with it.

It's not worth obsessing over.

I get what you say don't obsess over it as some people have had issues with obsession and making it work.

But there are many people that want proof of things. Yes meditation and this and that. But there are people such as myself that have never proven anything.

If anything besides knowledge about stuff from '99-present. The fact of the matter is I'm still he same 9 year old kid only as an adult and never managing to lucid dream prominently like materialize or do something or shift the dream or even maintain the dream and wake up. Nor astral project and do whatever it is you can do.

Basically since I've never proven that and people want that why would you state not be obsessed with it. People are so low-level, low-energy that the astral comes as a shock to them. Either they believe it and advance maybe see beings of higher power whether our side or just a random entity flying about. Or they disbelieve it and consider it a drug of some kind or some sort of hallucinogenic effect of their own body.

In other words you got the crowd of people that believe your mentally deranged and insane to astral project and do this stuff likening it to drugs and wanting a high. Or they believe you and want to believe but never believe because they never did it.

So it's a fine balance. On some level I have no idea what Satan and the Gods saw in tying our spirituality to Neptune. The planet of drugs and delusions on the lower negative end and the planet of spirituality and progressions of said nature on another. I'm not gonna disrespect the Gods but it's kinda like WTF? seems some people are so delusional they believe anything, some are so anti-delusional they delusionally believe nothing, we have some a smaller number who's taken said approaches and consciously, logically accepts said stuff, and we have a mishmash of people who are in the open fan of various levels of positives and negatives.

There is no mass concrete formal process. It reminds me of a post a member put that asks "If we are rational beings why is everything emotionally charged when you guys reply".

To put in point that logic is not the basis of humanity rather the basis is illogic. We have logical aspects on the illogical and illogical aspects on the logical. For example the male eye is on the female socket and female eye is on the male socket. Our female structures are on the male and the male structures are on the female.

So in essence this person failed to realize that humans come from illogical creations. A chimpanzee might do monkey see, monkey do. But that isn't the use of logic per say it's more of a mimicry which delves into illogic. A cat might see you do something in the mirror and jump on you because it saw itself in the mirror and they thought it was another cat playing with you so they put two and two together and decided to do something. There is a fine line between logic and illogic.

In essence if people who delved into drugs and spirituality state the more they meditate and have after effects that feel like drugs. Then it seems Satan and the Gods want us humans to be cloud-9 high/stoned out of our minds using meditation. I guess it begs the question how the chakras of our Gods work in comparison to our Solar System. If our Solar System was a miracle of discovery a rare treat in the backwoods of the Gods. Then I'd liken to see what Satan and company do at their realm of creation and their backyard.

Anyways VoE I'm not trying to be mean by disproving or being skeptical. But you gotta understand for 22 almost 23 years I've been at this. In 2029 I'll celebrate my 30th anniversary knowing about Astral projection and Lucid dreaming. With only lucid experience enough to understand I CAN lucid but not prove anything of the people in dreamviews or some other lucid/AP site nor even some members here on the forums who've mentioned lucid activities.

If I've been doing this the better part of 30 years with no success then what is the obvious logic and course of action? I wouldn't so much as say disbelieve because there is SO MUCH information on it. But it seems our civilization is wholly against the Devil's teachings. Like some xtians and jews state "Technology is of the Devil". When most of the people of the World disbelieve and believe it's all bullshit Yoloswag420 smoke a blunt or take some hallucinogenics it's quicker. Then obviously something is going on. Especially with the whole Pisces zodiac like HP.Cobra said "Either spiritual or not spiritual"; so the enemy fucked us over real good.

So what is my obvious course of action? I'm dominated by my physical reality. Maybe that's the idea maybe I am supposed to be a physical prisoner and not spiritually advanced. Honestly I've literally had the thought don't bother with spirituality wait for the Gods to come to teach you. Even if that sounds like xtian messianic garbage. Probably one of the reasons we are in this mess.

So anyways if I've known all these years and nothing has happened. Then obviously it seems like my go to. It's all just mental curiosity, it's just theoretical the only reason I study about lucid/AP is simply to know about it for the sake of knowing and if someone wishes to know stuff to entertain the idea. Which at this point seems more like brainwashing rather than actually providing real information. Have you ever projected? to which I respond nope never maybe a few dream projections but I've never done it but I just know this stuff for the sake of knowing since life sucks and is a worthless piece of shit of boredom. To which said person will probably be like I believe in as much what you state since your telling me information you stated but it seems like I don't believe you because your just saying it and learn it for the sake of learning.

So if nearly 30 years later nothing has occurred. Then what?
VoiceofEnki said:
This last part is most important. Focus on advancement first and foremost. Excessive focus and obsession with Lucid dreaming and astral projection will only distract one from what actually matters.

I haven't consciously tried to lucid dream for years, but I lucid dream almost every night.

Just telling myself what kind of dream I want to have when I go to sleep, or what I want to dream about is more than enough to have full lucid experiences and the most wonderful dreams.

Before joining the JoS I was big on lucid dreaming and astral projection. I looked at all the things I could find online and sought to learn it, etc. I put in copious amounts of effort to master it, using all the advices that are given everywhere.

Yet right now I am infinitely better at it than before and I don't even have to try.

Spiritual advancement is the key to actually unlocking and mastering these abilities. Any other techniques are basically worthless.

Not to mention, lucid dreaming is easily one of the most over hyped phenomenon ever. All it really is, is just a dream, a conscious dream, but just a dream non the less.

Flying in your dream, having dream sex, exploring fantastic things, whatever, it's really not that interesting or impressive at all. Whatever can be done in dreams, is infinitely inferior to what can be done outside of them.

Lucid dreaming, more than anything is a form of escapism for most people who obsess over it, because their lives are mundane and boring, so they seek to experience joys and fantastic things which they long for or cannot have in life in their dreams instead.

When you realize that it's all just a dream either way, your interest naturally begins to wane over time, and focus will be directed elsewhere towards more permanent and beneficial endeavors.

Astral projection largely falls into that same category for most people that are obsessed with it.

It's not worth obsessing over.
I am just quoting Lasollor to see your valuable and important advice as he was seeking advice or astral projection and lucid dreaming.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
