Aura of Protection to protect you from any kind of toxicity + programming your aura to attract healthy, beneficial and meaningful friendship in a good and happy way for you.
If you're an adept in working with colors, I would recommend you orange. I personally used it to facilitate the beginning of friendships a few times and it worked fast and good! Blessed be
You need to learn how to better understand people in order to weed out bad and evil people and communicate with good ones.
I also recommend programming your aura by inhaling bright yellow energy to attract good (not evil) people.
Also remember that if you see evil people, it is not your fault that these people have become androids, or lower andrapods, it is solely their fault, you are not responsible for these people.
If you see evil shit around you, you just need to admit it, being able to soberly assess and see in him who this andropod really is.