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Question #5010: Financial misfortune? Wtf is this?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]

My father bought a car this January. He bought it 2nd hand, so the price was more affordable, but I can say that the car looks luxurious. That's why we didn't even tell our close circle that it was ours.

Okay, so this is what happened to the car in the last six fucking months:

-One of our employees broke the car's gear system and we had to replace the whole gear system

--My father gave the car to a friend for 4 days (we couldn't say no because we had borrowed their car before) and the car had a problem with the Airbag system, a dent on the left rear, a problem with the left wheel and they spilled something very pungent on the car

-A bird probably threw something on the windshield of the car because there is a crack in the windshield

-The car got a nail in the tire and we had to get it repaired

-A stupid man rubbed the right fender of the car

-There is a squeak in the left door of the car, the model of the car is minivan so there must be a problem in the pressing system

-There was a ridiculous buzzing noise in the engine of the car and it just went away.

-The idiot we bought the car from removed the engine fan, the car almost overheated because the engine wouldn't cool down!

-Haha, the car couldn't start the engine in cold weather, so literally some days at 6 in the morning we had to open the hood of the car, remove a plastic tube connected to the engine and spray some kind of special gas into the engine so that the engine would ignite itself, we had to change the battery to fix it

Why exactly is this fucking thing happening? It can't be me because the car belongs to my father, so he must have some kind of financial karma.

My father used to be very wealthy, he used to own chain restaurants and shops, but due to mismanagement (he really has almost all the negative aspects of an Aquarius) he lost everything, bankruptcy after bankruptcy.

My mom has Saturn in her 2nd house, my dad has Mars in his 2nd house and I have Pluto in my 2nd house (lol, very good). I am not sure about their placements but I am sure about mine.

I was affected by my parents' financial problems but I have serious fire/Solar aspects and passion for money which neutralizes Pluto in my 2nd house or elevates me in the financial matter.

Please help me my brothers and sisters who are astrologically experienced in this matter.
Pluto in 2nd house is not bad.
This planetary aspect leads to developing intensity in the direction of achieving money, rather. Clearly you should see if it forms aspects with other planets, and the sign in which Pluto is located, plus any particular degrees and fixed stars. But this position is present in astrological charts of men who have become very rich.

This car, in my opinion, could have been bought at an unfavorable astrological moment, like a void of course moon. To identify negativity aimed at wealth and property it is not enough to analyze the situation of a car, but to observe the context in the big picture, to identify a starting point. If problems related to property or sudden expenditure of money are frequent situations, it is probably necessary to investigate from the starting point of this period, and observe the astrological situation.
As for the car question, this may be astrological in nature.

Check the transits in the 3rd, 9th or in the houses related to money, such as 2nd and 8th. To begin with.

I know a case of transiting Uranus in the 3rd house, where people experienced, all kinds of problems, I remember a case where a person in 1 year changed two cars, one of which caught fire.

And I also remember many people complained of continuous problems with electronic items, too, such as pcs and phones.

Saturn, Mars and Pluto in the birth chart in the second house can be problematic for the topic of money.

Failures, are very common among "entrepreneurs," the percentage of risk is very high, over 80%. The main causes are the lack of real information about budget management and the operation of money itself.

Despite the difficulties, do not give up, many after "failure" perform reckless actions, stay centered and reinvent yourself without taking unnecessary actions.

You can ask the gods for help with this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
