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Thank u for clicking on this. Please help me.
My parents want me to study in Medical School but I don't. I want to study Business Administration. But I cannot tell my parents this. Because they are so much emotional and sentimental. If I tell them, they will be like - "So u do not care about our wishes at all!" "We worked so hard for u!". I have always been a good son and good to my parents. But their expectations and demands never end. They put me in such high standard that even if I act like a normal teenager, they will get mad and be like " But u're not a normal teenager, we didn't raise u like that, u're so much better than others". I'm sick of them. Also my mother suffers from serious psychological issues and my father has to do a lot to put up with her. He also works really hard. If I rebel, or simply talk to them respectfully, logically , the result is same - "my mother becomes sentimental, emotional, start crying, and will start blaming my other relatives or others saying that they manipulate me to talk against her and in worst case scenario, will start acting like a complete psycho. In these situations, my father cannot do anything, and if he does, she'll become more sick and even will start talking shit about him too and threaten to suicide or leave this family (honestly, i wish she left). So u understand in what type of condition I am. Also, I did not study properly for Medical School admission because I have other dreams. Also, even if I accidentally get selected, there will be no escape for me then. Please tell me what rituals to do or what runes to regularly vibrate to get out of this situation? Or anything which will help me. Btw, I am a novice in comparison to you people, but I meditate regularly, it helped me a lot and my life is a lot better from what it used to be. But I have never done any major rituals before, just dedication and Lord Belzebub's power ritual.
P.S. in my country it is not normal for teenagers to do part time jobs or anything of that sort. So i do not have any savings to leave them.
Also please tell me what can I do to ensure my Business School admission and qualify their test exam. My exam is knocking at the door.
Also I am scared because I keep seeing enemy number 1111, how to obliterate this danger?
Thank yo so much for reading this far. I am really grateful to you for your help.
My parents want me to study in Medical School but I don't. I want to study Business Administration. But I cannot tell my parents this. Because they are so much emotional and sentimental. If I tell them, they will be like - "So u do not care about our wishes at all!" "We worked so hard for u!". I have always been a good son and good to my parents. But their expectations and demands never end. They put me in such high standard that even if I act like a normal teenager, they will get mad and be like " But u're not a normal teenager, we didn't raise u like that, u're so much better than others". I'm sick of them. Also my mother suffers from serious psychological issues and my father has to do a lot to put up with her. He also works really hard. If I rebel, or simply talk to them respectfully, logically , the result is same - "my mother becomes sentimental, emotional, start crying, and will start blaming my other relatives or others saying that they manipulate me to talk against her and in worst case scenario, will start acting like a complete psycho. In these situations, my father cannot do anything, and if he does, she'll become more sick and even will start talking shit about him too and threaten to suicide or leave this family (honestly, i wish she left). So u understand in what type of condition I am. Also, I did not study properly for Medical School admission because I have other dreams. Also, even if I accidentally get selected, there will be no escape for me then. Please tell me what rituals to do or what runes to regularly vibrate to get out of this situation? Or anything which will help me. Btw, I am a novice in comparison to you people, but I meditate regularly, it helped me a lot and my life is a lot better from what it used to be. But I have never done any major rituals before, just dedication and Lord Belzebub's power ritual.
P.S. in my country it is not normal for teenagers to do part time jobs or anything of that sort. So i do not have any savings to leave them.
Also please tell me what can I do to ensure my Business School admission and qualify their test exam. My exam is knocking at the door.
Also I am scared because I keep seeing enemy number 1111, how to obliterate this danger?
Thank yo so much for reading this far. I am really grateful to you for your help.