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Question #3685: Thoughts on Becky Haag (New Age to Jesus testimony)


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I just saw the testimony of Becky Haag on YouTube (youtube.com/watch?v=2tdtc9htXPo) - a relatively highly-viewed one. She is a well-spoken, young woman that explains how she became a Christian after allegedly 'contacting demons'. She says she was able to know things that she logically shouldn't have known. She also alledges that she experienced an unexplainable peace.

I am not currently an SS. Testimonies like these contribute to my hesitance. How can 'the foul Nazarene' create such a beautiful experience and such a (at least seemingly) healthy person?
This person was "swallowed up" by the lower octaves of Neptune. He has gone through different forms created by the enemy.

There is no positive experience. He started using drugs, believing things that do not exist, distorting reality, creating a false image of himself, his "power," etc., etc.

Only to return later, to the same place, where they created this, for "her."

Yes, goym, come back with us, we are your blessing, did you see what happened?!?!
Awe,,,...shit...here we go again folks...🤣 she probably got high on LSD or something and decided to get on YouTube and make an ass of herself
From New-age to Jesus? Both are the same enemy program we don't have to do anything with that.
I just saw the testimony of Becky Haag on YouTube (youtube.com/watch?v=2tdtc9htXPo) - a relatively highly-viewed one.

>31 mins long video
I don't have time to watch that BS.

She is a well-spoken, young woman that explains how she became a Christian after allegedly 'contacting demons'.

"New Age" has nothing to do with "demons", it's in fact the same angels that are behind xianity. New Age is just xianity adapted to the modern era. They invoke xian archangels like Michael and think Jewsus is an ascended master.

She says she was able to know things that she logically shouldn't have known. She also alledges that she experienced an unexplainable peace.

And? What does that mean or prove?

I am not currently an SS. Testimonies like these contribute to my hesitance. How can 'the foul Nazarene' create such a beautiful experience and such a (at least seemingly) healthy person?

Did you miss the JoS site where it says:
As opposed to the stories of how the Nazarene healed people; Satan shows us how we can heal ourselves and perform so-called miracles, using our minds and the powers of our own souls
The way you judge whether something is good for you or not is not whether someone has "beautiful experiences", but whether that being teaches people to be independent and use their own powers or just simply give them one miracle or beautiful experience so that person can have blind faith in it and keep sending his/her energy to it, empowering it while weakening himself.

It's been said on JoS that enemy beings use "love" or put up other tricks to lure people to lower their defenses. What they will never do is teach them anything to empower themselves, do your own miracles and be independent.

There was a person who was a Spiritual Satanist and told me he became a xian because "jewsus" healed him. My reaction to him was:

"Congrats, you were played. An enemy being put a show to lure you back to the hoax of christinsanity and you took the bait. What are you gonna do if you get sick again, you think that "jewsus" will heal you again? No, the enemy beings behind jewsus just did that to take you away from Satanism, they will never do that again. Why don't they simply teach you how to heal yourself? You could heal yourself using the tools we have without depending on anyone in Satanism, you know? That's what we're all about. And you fell it for the enemy bait like a retard."

He looked at me dumbfounded, realizing that I was right.

To deceive someone, you need to teach him/her to depend on you all the time and never teach them any knowledge on how to do what you do by themselves and be independent. That's proof that the enemy beings behind xianity deceive people. All they do is a couple of tricks so people have blind faith in them and keep sending them their psychic energy and getting vampirized by them.
I am late to this party, I shall add my 2 cents.
At 6:16 she says she started using psychedelics and I just lost it. I think what she calls "New Age" was dipping her toes into occultism, as she learned to do Tarot and had some outer body experiences. But I honestly believe that the programming might have already been there from the beginning. Shortly before mentioning psychedelics she talks about being guided by spirits that she describes as "angels", but chances are that the association of angels with positivity might have already been there.
At 8:03 says that after using psychedelics she saw the world differently, but it was all miserable and she was confused all the time. She also denies the existence of the third eye. Psychedelics/hallucinogenic drugs play into serotonin and the Central Nervous System, LSD for example can make you the happiest motherfucker alive or Kaczinsky in no time [1].
9:17 sounds mentally unstable.
The argument at 11:10 is a bit of a contradiction. Human rights are a discussion I honestly don't want to expand upon because I am already tired from listening to this.
12:30 is mentally deranged.
Wanting to not follow what one considers "NPC"s is something an NPC does (14:15), some things are hated by a majority of people and some things are not, but the truth is that the reason that girl got hate comments was because her following was anti-xian and they felt betrayed by her choice.
She came to follow xianity because she followed someone on Instagram that was heavier into withcraft than her but this person also did psychedelics very often (16:06).
From this point I am not going to bother arguing, I did what I could. The takeaway is she drugged herself and followed other drug addicts who then fell for the xian meme so she fell for it too. One can't help but notice how her videos and her whole persona has now been absorbed by the programming. She is now all about the program, and forgot all the potential individuality she could've had had she not followed this path. There is no trace of Becky, only a drone that recites b*ble verses and sucks "angelic" dick. She said she questioned everything, yet it seems like she didn't question our guy jeezas here. That is how you know she may not have read the book of her newfound "faith". Because if she did, and if she has any remaining decency left, she'd see how horrible it is.

[1] https://americanaddictioncenters.org/psychedelics
I am late to this party, I shall add my 2 cents.

Thanks for watching that xian BS video so we don't have to. Apparently it's much easier to debunk than I thought it was.

Wanting to not follow what one considers "NPC"s is something an NPC does (14:15), some things are hated by a majority of people and some things are not, but the truth is that the reason that girl got hate comments was because her following was anti-xian and they felt betrayed by her choice.

So she's a typical self-righteous xian then. A normal person who has a large following and leaves a path or religion usually deletes her previous account/page and creates a new one to represent her new path. Xians feel entitled to just use the same account and just change the content because they arrogantly think their followers were "led astray" and want to preach to them and get them to become xians. This in turn makes their previous followers feel betrayed, as you said. This happened with Steven Banciarcz and many others, who just felt entitled to preach to their previous following instead of focusing on their new path and leaving their previous followers alone.

Another give away is most people when they leave something they just focus on the new thing, not create a video/write a book titled "from new age to jesus" or "deceived no more" or other crap like that. Only xians do that.

Polls show that there are a lot more former xians who leave xianity than those non-xians who convert to xianity, as xianity is losing followers fast. How many Satanists, New agers or Wiccans make videos titled for example "from Christianity to Satanism" and describe how horrible xianity was and how great they are now? Literally zero. Why? Because we're not pushy, preachy assholes like most xians are.

If it's true, then I would question the OP how she finds her "well-spoken" or praises her, because she has a shitty, self-righteous personality just like most xians who feel the need to preach to us because they feel we're "lost". That's why most non-xians hate xians.
This Becky Hagg whatever her name is laugh out loud sounds like a knock-off from haagen-dazs! And it sounds ridiculous that part as it is! And you can tell that's a fucking fake name! Who in the right frame of mind would name their child hag h a g g! That sounds like a fucking joke and a slap in the face! Even if I was a little kid I would go to court and have my name changed! Just to have a pretty name so I wouldn't be laughed at all through school! For one it sounds like this woman and her family have hatred between each other number two to get to the subject here? With what this woman is preaching trying to convince people that she's all up in the air thinking that she's Jesus and that she can see things and do things watching her video and her Antics reminds me of what the hippies used to do back in the '60s with the Jesus Freaks and the drugs and the drum circles and shit! A painfully reminds me of the time and I remember watching Woodstock with that kind of shit going on! It sounds like this woman is an old hippie or crawled out of the 60s somewhere! You can't tell me that we've got this Jesus Freak Show shit going on? When we go plenty of Jesus Freak Show shit going on with Donald Trump the KKK and all of these Christians trying to take over the Constitution and their parade of idiots and losers tell evangelist all over throwing their garbage and shit it all relates laugh out loud! That was the way the 60s were and that was the '70s for you as well! Only in this day and age we are dealing with the Constitution being overrun by Christians trying to shove it down people's throat like a bunch of fucking crackheads! They haven't even read their own damn Bible and yet they think that they know everything about this so-called Jesus and yet they're out there making a mockery of themselves pulling America into a form of dictatorship! Fucking Bible nazis! And trying to get women back in the kitchen to be slaves to their husbands and subservient to their husbands as well! Trying to ruin everything about America and freedom! And we get some fucking Jesus Freak the pops up from out of nowhere high on drugs trying to convince people that she's Jesus Christ and all of that shit laugh out loud! Just a bunch of new fucking age garbage! People like this make me sick! And you could tell she's high on drugs! And it wouldn't surprise me if she's a prostitute of some kind? Especially if she thinks she's so special when she's nothing! I've seen a lot of videos like that with stupid clowns who claim that they're so Christian that they're jesus!... and that also sounds like Scientology bullshit too
A lot of this can be explained in the first 2 minutes. As a teenager she was depressed and scared. She went to church, she tried to forge a relationship with the nazarene, she prayed, nothing happened. The xian god basically shat on her. Contrary to what she says, the bible does say FAITH ALONE is what cures illnesses.

Then throughout the video, she failed to manifest anything on her new age path (due to lacking any spiritual power), was bombarded by ignorance and moral relativism, took tons of drugs that artificially jacked up her physiological processes or allowed shit things on the Astral to commune with her, found TikTokers who encountered the nazarene through using drugs and denounced all 'paganism'... and went back to square one.

All these people have one thing in common: drugs.

Count how many times she says 'fear', 'terrified' and 'scared' in the video. After that shit thing communed with her and she 'walked with ha-shit', she had a dream where two evil entities were sucking energy out of her, threatening her.

Every xian testimony is like this, especially with NDEs. Endless threats and then parlor tricks to make it look like it was 'demonic' is the enemy's chief trade.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
