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Vatican: Killed, Enslaved,
Experimented upon 100,000 Orphans
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
My Note:
The story below is most revealing and shocking. The crimes of the Jewish Vatican are enough
to make anyone cringe. Some people still talk about this jewish excrement whom they once
used to call “God”, who does nothing but produce followers that are retarded, social
menaces, murders and animals.
Especially his “holy ones” and “chosen” are the greatest criminals this world has ever seen
following in the footsteps of the actual jew “JHVH”. These disgusting businessmen, dealers
of fake hope and a jewish “god”, have did it again. Except of rape, murder, torture, civil war,
wanting to wipe out Whites, there is more.
Many people will remember the story that was here of a similar incident, having to do with
Children and innocent women. These are like 1 in the hundreds, or more. The enemy is a
brutal rapist, slayer and destroyer of children since the dawn of time (see the latter end of
the post):
Death, Humiliation, Slavery in "Christian housing" and more.
Do you all remember all the alleged “bad stuff” the “Nazis” were supposed to have done to
people and innocents, and all this crap, in the supposed 1940’s? Apparently, this was again
projectionist propaganda by the enemy jews, who behind the Vatican rapist, murderer and
criminal institution, again was projecting things against people who never did anything
remotely close to this.
The Nazis put the Orphans in the power of everyday women to take care of, they were
adopted by families and the list goes. Children were taken care of. Orphan people have to
undergo insane treatment, torture and destruction. These people are considered worthless
by the enemy slaver jew, who considers these people nothing but straight “Goyim” who are
supposed to be drugged, beaten, destroyed, rather than rehabilitated or loved in anyway.
A face you can trust, filled with love:
“Duplessis Orphans” (If anyone has this video saved please share, it's probably RT)
More on this story:
In the 1940’s, A scheme reportedly launched by the (((CATHOLIC CHURCH))) and (((Canada’s
government))). The Church deemed kids ‘mentally deficient’ and orphans sent to MENTAL
“We’re talking about children that were tortured, that we kidnapped, that were put into
cells, that had to take tons of experimental drugs, chained and whipped.”
“The Duplessis Orphans were used as human guinea pigs for medical experimentations.”
“More than 100,000 Duplessis Orphans have disappeared or [have been] murdered.
Innocent children were falsely labelled mentally retarded, and illegally were housed into
psychiatric hospitals.”
Clarina Duguay survived this horror:
“The evening when they forced me into an ice water bath, afterwards she [a nun] puit a
straightjacket on me by force, while I was still crying about finding my mother and returning
back home. This is why they tortured me.”
……..”The Catholic Church DENIED responsibility and REFUSED to apologize.”………….
The Forgotten Case of Duplessis Orphans
More on this story:
The Catholic Church and the provincial government of Quebec, then led by Maurice
Duplessis, a strict Catholic himself, made a deal, which falsely certified 300,000 orphaned
children as mentally-ill, confining them to psychiatric institutions.
The deal was beneficial for the Church and psych wards, as they received funds from the
government for "taking care" of orphans. These children later became known as the
Duplessis orphans.
Thousands of children died in these institutions. Those victims who survived in mental health hospitals told horrifying stories of how unspeakable things were done to them when
they were young.
In 1962, Landry managed to escape from that clinic. Soon he found a job and began a normal
life. Eventually, Landry was able to find his mother at the age of 48. He didn't even know
where he was born, until a Quebec social agency, which helps former Duplessis orphans,
told Landry he was born in Quebec City.
"I know many Duplessis orphans and trust me they're definitely not mentally challenged.
One of Quebec's renowned novelists Bruno Rua is a Duplessis orphan," said Alain Arsenault,
a Montreal-based lawyer currently working on the case of orphans.
The lives of these people are permanently damaged by the Church and the Quebec
government, which tookaway their childhood and filled it with pain, abuse and other dark
Imagine adults who suddenly realize at 40 or 50 that they couldn't receive any education
simply because someone wrote on their personal file that they had a non-existent mental
disability. And for what? Well, because the Catholic Church of Quebec wanted to receive
an extra dollar and a half for each child per day, Arsenault told Sputnik."
My comment:
Shocking? It shouldn’t be. They are following in the footsteps of their Hebrew savior and
messiah, the one who destroys and kills babies for fun.
This is why people need to RIP THEM APART SPIRITUALLY WITH OUR RTR’s. We must hit
them like a battering ram. Thousands of people die, get tortured, raped and destroyed every
day because of the jews and their works of terror. These criminals have to be spiritually
destroyed. This is nothing more than the Torah, which in itself is just EXACTLY what is
practiced by the enemy jews in the Vatican, in Pissrael, in World Governments and
everywhere else.
According to their own JEWISH BOOK:
“Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them.
But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey. (1
Samuel 15:3)
“The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God.
They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant
women ripped open. ” (Hosea 13:16)
“Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us. He who seizes your infants and
dashes them against the rocks.” (Psalms 137:8-9)
They are following exactly what the Torah and their Jewish "god" tells them, in the end. They
just follow the Jewish dictates. That's all.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Warning, Ayahuasca and the New Age
There are New Age centers that revolve around the taking of the drug Ayahuasca
which the moronic New Agers always promote as "harmless" along with all the
other psychedelic drugs they promote but:
Ayahuasca contains MAOIs which means certain drugs and foods must not be
used with it as that can cause death. The drugs-forum MAOI wiki contains a list
of drugs and foods to avoid and can be found here.
These are the dangers common to all psychedelic drugs:
Accidental injury. When on a psychedelic drug, it is easier to accidentally injure
yourself. Also because of the disorientating and potentially delusion inspiring
nature of the experience, you could be led to inflict harm on others or yourself.
People have fallen off rooftops, run into traffic, attempted to throw people off
rooftops as 'sacrifices', drowned, and so on. The best way of protecting against
this is to have a friend with you who is sober to look after you and handle any
negative situation that might arise.
Bad trips. A bad trip is a negative psychedelic experience. It can range from a
mildly negative feeling of anxiety/discomfort, to full-blown psychosis. Bad trips
usually ruin a psychedelic experience for the tripper and everyone else. Most bad
trips are manageable, just very uncomfortable and difficult. Some are extreme
and unmanageable though. It's not uncommon for a bad trip to result in lingering
psychological issues. Usually just a few days of negative emotions and anxiety.
Sometimes, however, a week or so of serious anxiety, destabilized mental state
and impaired functioning is possible. On very rare occasions, a month or two of
severely diminished functioning, traumatized mental state, depression & crippling
anxiety can occur. More information on bad trips can be found here. The best
way of avoiding a bad trip is having the correct set and setting.
Permanent psychosis. Psychedelics are believed by researchers not to cause
permanent psychosis, however they could trigger a latent mental illness in
someone who was already predisposed to it, or make existing mental illnesses
worse. If there is a history of mental illness in your family, you are more likely to
be predisposed. Everyone is at some risk, however.
PTSD, anxiety disorder, depression & depersonalization. There are anecdotal
reports of the trauma inflicted by some bad trips leading to depression and
anxiety which while usually temporary, could potentially develop into lasting
disorders. While no different to the potential of any traumatic event to cause
lasting disorders, nonetheless this is a danger of psychedelic drug use.
A lot of the above is also known to apply to Marijuana as well which the enemy
and these New Agers always promote.
The New Agers and others go to these retreat drug centers such as Rythmia
where they engage in sleep deprivation for almost a week straight, eat almost
nothing, and engage in taking Ayahuasca and other psychedelic drugs constantly
while engaging in group activities that create mental states of dissociation. Then
after all of this they get open indoctrination into Cultural Marxist classes as a form
of programming. This is the standard practice of MK ULTRA; they use
psychedelics, sleep deprivation, and other disorientating tactics to break apart
the mind of the victim and then program them. What is going on at these retreat
centers is a form of mind control. The enemy is using standard tactics of mind
control to indoctrinate New Age types into straight Marxism under the mask of
spirituality. This is why the enemy promotes drugs as well. Many of the people
who take Ayahuasca always report having interactions with Reptilians and Greys
who attempt to manipulate them as well. The Reptilians claimed to be the
creators of the universe and God to some of these people they showed up to
while on Ayahuasca. The drugs open people psychically to the enemy.
January 26, 2020
Joy of Satan Forums Contributions
have a great day!
Experimented upon 100,000 Orphans
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
My Note:
The story below is most revealing and shocking. The crimes of the Jewish Vatican are enough
to make anyone cringe. Some people still talk about this jewish excrement whom they once
used to call “God”, who does nothing but produce followers that are retarded, social
menaces, murders and animals.
Especially his “holy ones” and “chosen” are the greatest criminals this world has ever seen
following in the footsteps of the actual jew “JHVH”. These disgusting businessmen, dealers
of fake hope and a jewish “god”, have did it again. Except of rape, murder, torture, civil war,
wanting to wipe out Whites, there is more.
Many people will remember the story that was here of a similar incident, having to do with
Children and innocent women. These are like 1 in the hundreds, or more. The enemy is a
brutal rapist, slayer and destroyer of children since the dawn of time (see the latter end of
the post):
Death, Humiliation, Slavery in "Christian housing" and more.
Do you all remember all the alleged “bad stuff” the “Nazis” were supposed to have done to
people and innocents, and all this crap, in the supposed 1940’s? Apparently, this was again
projectionist propaganda by the enemy jews, who behind the Vatican rapist, murderer and
criminal institution, again was projecting things against people who never did anything
remotely close to this.
The Nazis put the Orphans in the power of everyday women to take care of, they were
adopted by families and the list goes. Children were taken care of. Orphan people have to
undergo insane treatment, torture and destruction. These people are considered worthless
by the enemy slaver jew, who considers these people nothing but straight “Goyim” who are
supposed to be drugged, beaten, destroyed, rather than rehabilitated or loved in anyway.
A face you can trust, filled with love:
“Duplessis Orphans” (If anyone has this video saved please share, it's probably RT)
In the 1940’s, A scheme reportedly launched by the (((CATHOLIC CHURCH))) and (((Canada’s
government))). The Church deemed kids ‘mentally deficient’ and orphans sent to MENTAL
“We’re talking about children that were tortured, that we kidnapped, that were put into
cells, that had to take tons of experimental drugs, chained and whipped.”
“The Duplessis Orphans were used as human guinea pigs for medical experimentations.”
“More than 100,000 Duplessis Orphans have disappeared or [have been] murdered.
Innocent children were falsely labelled mentally retarded, and illegally were housed into
psychiatric hospitals.”
Clarina Duguay survived this horror:
“The evening when they forced me into an ice water bath, afterwards she [a nun] puit a
straightjacket on me by force, while I was still crying about finding my mother and returning
back home. This is why they tortured me.”
……..”The Catholic Church DENIED responsibility and REFUSED to apologize.”………….
The Forgotten Case of Duplessis Orphans
The Catholic Church and the provincial government of Quebec, then led by Maurice
Duplessis, a strict Catholic himself, made a deal, which falsely certified 300,000 orphaned
children as mentally-ill, confining them to psychiatric institutions.
The deal was beneficial for the Church and psych wards, as they received funds from the
government for "taking care" of orphans. These children later became known as the
Duplessis orphans.
Thousands of children died in these institutions. Those victims who survived in mental health hospitals told horrifying stories of how unspeakable things were done to them when
they were young.
In 1962, Landry managed to escape from that clinic. Soon he found a job and began a normal
life. Eventually, Landry was able to find his mother at the age of 48. He didn't even know
where he was born, until a Quebec social agency, which helps former Duplessis orphans,
told Landry he was born in Quebec City.
"I know many Duplessis orphans and trust me they're definitely not mentally challenged.
One of Quebec's renowned novelists Bruno Rua is a Duplessis orphan," said Alain Arsenault,
a Montreal-based lawyer currently working on the case of orphans.
The lives of these people are permanently damaged by the Church and the Quebec
government, which tookaway their childhood and filled it with pain, abuse and other dark
Imagine adults who suddenly realize at 40 or 50 that they couldn't receive any education
simply because someone wrote on their personal file that they had a non-existent mental
disability. And for what? Well, because the Catholic Church of Quebec wanted to receive
an extra dollar and a half for each child per day, Arsenault told Sputnik."
My comment:
Shocking? It shouldn’t be. They are following in the footsteps of their Hebrew savior and
messiah, the one who destroys and kills babies for fun.
This is why people need to RIP THEM APART SPIRITUALLY WITH OUR RTR’s. We must hit
them like a battering ram. Thousands of people die, get tortured, raped and destroyed every
day because of the jews and their works of terror. These criminals have to be spiritually
destroyed. This is nothing more than the Torah, which in itself is just EXACTLY what is
practiced by the enemy jews in the Vatican, in Pissrael, in World Governments and
everywhere else.
According to their own JEWISH BOOK:
“Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them.
But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey. (1
Samuel 15:3)
“The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God.
They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant
women ripped open. ” (Hosea 13:16)
“Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us. He who seizes your infants and
dashes them against the rocks.” (Psalms 137:8-9)
They are following exactly what the Torah and their Jewish "god" tells them, in the end. They
just follow the Jewish dictates. That's all.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Warning, Ayahuasca and the New Age
There are New Age centers that revolve around the taking of the drug Ayahuasca
which the moronic New Agers always promote as "harmless" along with all the
other psychedelic drugs they promote but:
Ayahuasca contains MAOIs which means certain drugs and foods must not be
used with it as that can cause death. The drugs-forum MAOI wiki contains a list
of drugs and foods to avoid and can be found here.
These are the dangers common to all psychedelic drugs:
Accidental injury. When on a psychedelic drug, it is easier to accidentally injure
yourself. Also because of the disorientating and potentially delusion inspiring
nature of the experience, you could be led to inflict harm on others or yourself.
People have fallen off rooftops, run into traffic, attempted to throw people off
rooftops as 'sacrifices', drowned, and so on. The best way of protecting against
this is to have a friend with you who is sober to look after you and handle any
negative situation that might arise.
Bad trips. A bad trip is a negative psychedelic experience. It can range from a
mildly negative feeling of anxiety/discomfort, to full-blown psychosis. Bad trips
usually ruin a psychedelic experience for the tripper and everyone else. Most bad
trips are manageable, just very uncomfortable and difficult. Some are extreme
and unmanageable though. It's not uncommon for a bad trip to result in lingering
psychological issues. Usually just a few days of negative emotions and anxiety.
Sometimes, however, a week or so of serious anxiety, destabilized mental state
and impaired functioning is possible. On very rare occasions, a month or two of
severely diminished functioning, traumatized mental state, depression & crippling
anxiety can occur. More information on bad trips can be found here. The best
way of avoiding a bad trip is having the correct set and setting.
Permanent psychosis. Psychedelics are believed by researchers not to cause
permanent psychosis, however they could trigger a latent mental illness in
someone who was already predisposed to it, or make existing mental illnesses
worse. If there is a history of mental illness in your family, you are more likely to
be predisposed. Everyone is at some risk, however.
PTSD, anxiety disorder, depression & depersonalization. There are anecdotal
reports of the trauma inflicted by some bad trips leading to depression and
anxiety which while usually temporary, could potentially develop into lasting
disorders. While no different to the potential of any traumatic event to cause
lasting disorders, nonetheless this is a danger of psychedelic drug use.
A lot of the above is also known to apply to Marijuana as well which the enemy
and these New Agers always promote.
The New Agers and others go to these retreat drug centers such as Rythmia
where they engage in sleep deprivation for almost a week straight, eat almost
nothing, and engage in taking Ayahuasca and other psychedelic drugs constantly
while engaging in group activities that create mental states of dissociation. Then
after all of this they get open indoctrination into Cultural Marxist classes as a form
of programming. This is the standard practice of MK ULTRA; they use
psychedelics, sleep deprivation, and other disorientating tactics to break apart
the mind of the victim and then program them. What is going on at these retreat
centers is a form of mind control. The enemy is using standard tactics of mind
control to indoctrinate New Age types into straight Marxism under the mask of
spirituality. This is why the enemy promotes drugs as well. Many of the people
who take Ayahuasca always report having interactions with Reptilians and Greys
who attempt to manipulate them as well. The Reptilians claimed to be the
creators of the universe and God to some of these people they showed up to
while on Ayahuasca. The drugs open people psychically to the enemy.
January 26, 2020
Joy of Satan Forums Contributions
have a great day!