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Question #3572: About visualisation techniques


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hello, I started by doing basic rituals like cleansing and the aura of protection. Out of curiosity, I also took a look at the other rituals and as I often read the site and sometimes the forums, I often see techniques mentioned that require you to visualize the chakras, shapes, etc.

I'd read an article or seen in a documentary I don't remember where, that some people, from birth, had no possibility of visualization (it was something like four or five years ago) something involving the visualization of an apple in one mind (something I can't do for example).

I myself wonder whether I might be affected by a problem of this kind, but perhaps I'm simply asking myself too many questions, being, after all, still a total beginner.

The problem is that I can't really (and rarely) visualize colors, shapes or anything else by closing my eyes; for me it's all abstract. The rare times when I manage to visualize such things in a concrete way are pretty rare but happens more often when I'm about to fall asleep and I enter the trance that precedes sleep. I appreciate this because with each image, color or other, I immediately describe what's happening as if my mind were still fully functional and in a way that is even more efficient than when I woke up, I don't really know how to describe it.

To sum up: colors, shapes, the location of this or that energy in such and such a place in my body, is something abstract and not concrete, I almost never see these colors or these shapes... Well, almost, because like I said, sometimes I do (especially if I'm in front of a large volume of light, like the sun or a light or before going to sleep) and sometimes I even see a sort of vortex, like a kaleidoscope, and sometimes even flashes of light that make me very anxious.

When I was younger, I spent several weeks with migraines and intense eye pain because I spent so much time in front of my computer screen, often in the dark, without glasses, and I had no choice but to stop. Then the flashes started to come and it was very intense and very anxiety-provoking. I still have them sometimes, often at times when I'm starting to see something concrete, and they continue to scare me and surprise me. So most of the time, I open my eyes just a bit to get rid of the shapes that will almost pop up with flashes. I've seen a doctor which told me that is was benign and something involving the retina (I can't really remember in details it was a long time ago) and that will go away with glasses to use in front of screens (which it did). I am just telling you this story to let you know why I am feeling anxious by those flashes of light.

Is it something normal for people to not be able to visualize things in a concrete manner? Is it something that you train and build day by day like a muscle? Can you visualize an apple in clear and concrete way? The shape, the color, if it is standing still or mobile?

I'd like to end my question by thanking JoS for giving knowledge, powerful and free eye-opening resources.
AskSatanOperator said:
Is it something normal for people to not be able to visualize things in a concrete manner? Is it something that you train and build day by day like a muscle? Can you visualize an apple in clear and concrete way? The shape, the color, if it is standing still or mobile?
It is normal for abilities, functions and organs to atrophy when they are not used.

Conversely, when appropriate stimulus is present, skills and functions can be developed, and eventually mastered.
AskSatanOperator said:
Hello, I started by doing basic rituals like cleansing and the aura of protection. Out of curiosity, I also took a look at the other rituals and as I often read the site and sometimes the forums, I often see techniques mentioned that require you to visualize the chakras, shapes, etc.

I'd read an article or seen in a documentary I don't remember where, that some people, from birth, had no possibility of visualization (it was something like four or five years ago) something involving the visualization of an apple in one mind (something I can't do for example).

I myself wonder whether I might be affected by a problem of this kind, but perhaps I'm simply asking myself too many questions, being, after all, still a total beginner.

The problem is that I can't really (and rarely) visualize colors, shapes or anything else by closing my eyes; for me it's all abstract. The rare times when I manage to visualize such things in a concrete way are pretty rare but happens more often when I'm about to fall asleep and I enter the trance that precedes sleep. I appreciate this because with each image, color or other, I immediately describe what's happening as if my mind were still fully functional and in a way that is even more efficient than when I woke up, I don't really know how to describe it.

To sum up: colors, shapes, the location of this or that energy in such and such a place in my body, is something abstract and not concrete, I almost never see these colors or these shapes... Well, almost, because like I said, sometimes I do (especially if I'm in front of a large volume of light, like the sun or a light or before going to sleep) and sometimes I even see a sort of vortex, like a kaleidoscope, and sometimes even flashes of light that make me very anxious.

When I was younger, I spent several weeks with migraines and intense eye pain because I spent so much time in front of my computer screen, often in the dark, without glasses, and I had no choice but to stop. Then the flashes started to come and it was very intense and very anxiety-provoking. I still have them sometimes, often at times when I'm starting to see something concrete, and they continue to scare me and surprise me. So most of the time, I open my eyes just a bit to get rid of the shapes that will almost pop up with flashes. I've seen a doctor which told me that is was benign and something involving the retina (I can't really remember in details it was a long time ago) and that will go away with glasses to use in front of screens (which it did). I am just telling you this story to let you know why I am feeling anxious by those flashes of light.

Is it something normal for people to not be able to visualize things in a concrete manner? Is it something that you train and build day by day like a muscle? Can you visualize an apple in clear and concrete way? The shape, the color, if it is standing still or mobile?

I'd like to end my question by thanking JoS for giving knowledge, powerful and free eye-opening resources.

Visualization is gained through practice!

It used to be difficult for me to visualize, now I can easily imagine a person in all the details right in front of me.

For rituals of white and black magic, it is very important to master visualization skills.

In order to see colors, it is necessary to fully open your chakras, in practice, as a rule, not only the sixth chakra and the third eye, which is an offshoot of the sixth chakra.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
