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Question #3007: The actual definition of karma


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Since karma is all what you do to yourself which brought u bad things and since karma is all about the different hang ups that we have stored that works as karma ,,then how will evil people get punished ,,lets say that I committed some grave crime against someone then how will I be punished ??
The truth is, there's no universal force that punishes people. You won't get punished automatically because the universe doesn't have any morality. The only morality it knows is the survival of the strong. It has nothing to do with the Christian definition of right and wrong, but only knows strength and weakness. The weak are eliminated and the strong survive. And of course, the clever and resourceful overcome the physically strong too. I know it's a hard concept to grasp, but if you get rid of your Christian programming you'll see it makes sense.

Justice is a human concept. Only people punish people. If you committed a serious crime against someone, then that person will seek revenge against you, either on this or on next lives. If it's in the next life, the person will probably hate you and try to harm you for no apparent reason, and most likely he won't be able to logically explain why he hates you because he's not consciously aware of the reason.
Your karma is entirely connected to your natal chart.
Accumulation of negative energy, even if it's not hurting anyone, generates karma. Whether for good or ill, it doesn't exist as a punisher but as an extension of your actions from the past to the present.
The simplest way to annul future events that are more or less rooted in the chakras is to cleanse the chakras. It's not just curses that get stuck in them, it's a huge range of bad events in your life. If someone is cleansing the chakras, they are reducing the aggressiveness of that negative event.
Actions that go against natural law do erode your soul, turning you more and more into a cesspool. So you are punishing yourself by performing those actions. You got it backward. It's not the Gods nor the Universe punishing you directly. You do that to yourself.

For example, people who engage in things like rape, murder, paedophilia and so on... Their souls become disgusting and there's no redeeming them, especially for the latter crime. Once they die, they end up in the area of the astral that matches the low vibration they habituated in their soul... The Greek called it Tartarus. The Gods enact justice in other ways. For example, for people that are so tainted as to belong in tainted that belong in in Tartarus, they will never receive teachings to become immortal or any teaching that would evolve their souls to significant levels. Why? Because they're disgusting and not worth the effort. As for how reincarnation goes, well... it's unlikely the Gods will have any hand in facilitating the process for them. The enemy may, however, take an interest in doing it.

Other "crimes/sins" can slowly degrade your soul to the point it will go to that hideous place. How many lifetimes it will take for that to happen is, however, unclear. Notable examples is being a traitor to your race in whatever way. This taints the soul as well. Noble behaviour does the opposite. If you contribute to the financial genocide of people like shabbos are doing, you will sooner or later end up there. Make no mistake. Same for participation is another programmes of mass destruction for Gentiles.

You betray your race, you pay the consequences. Minor transgressions accumulate into major ones. Major transgressions taint you more.
Stormblood said:
Actions that go against natural law do erode your soul, turning you more and more into a cesspool. So you are punishing yourself by performing those actions. You got it backward. It's not the Gods nor the Universe punishing you directly. You do that to yourself.

For example, people who engage in things like rape, murder, paedophilia and so on... Their souls become disgusting and there's no redeeming them, especially for the latter crime. Once they die, they end up in the area of the astral that matches the low vibration they habituated in their soul... The Greek called it Tartarus. The Gods enact justice in other ways. For example, for people that are so tainted as to belong in tainted that belong in in Tartarus, they will never receive teachings to become immortal or any teaching that would evolve their souls to significant levels. Why? Because they're disgusting and not worth the effort. As for how reincarnation goes, well... it's unlikely the Gods will have any hand in facilitating the process for them. The enemy may, however, take an interest in doing it.

Other "crimes/sins" can slowly degrade your soul to the point it will go to that hideous place. How many lifetimes it will take for that to happen is, however, unclear. Notable examples is being a traitor to your race in whatever way. This taints the soul as well. Noble behaviour does the opposite. If you contribute to the financial genocide of people like shabbos are doing, you will sooner or later end up there. Make no mistake. Same for participation is another programmes of mass destruction for Gentiles.

You betray your race, you pay the consequences. Minor transgressions accumulate into major ones. Major transgressions taint you more.
So my positive vibration increases with my good deeds?
Well, that makes me happy
Karma is NOT about something good or bad that you did. Karma refers to the accumulated sum of all your life experiences (including past lives) and their impact on your entire life and soul.

In Sanskrit, "Karma" means action. So, karma is the imprint of everything we do and remains within you.
It's the memories of your lives, the repository of all the impressions you've absorbed over time. From the family you were born into to the friends you've made and the choices you've made or refrained from making, all of these factors continuously influence you. Every thought, emotion, and action you have and do is a product of these accumulated past impressions, shaping your life and molding the way you perceive and interact with the world.

When you allow these karmic forces to take root and crystalize in your soul, then it becomes a powerful force that controls your entire life, actions, situations, choices, etc.

As spiritual Satanists, our goal is to free ourselves from our "karma". This process is called Mukti and it literally means "liberation" in sanskrit. If we don't free ourselves, we will never bring about any positive changes or meaningful transformations in our lives. It will just never happen.


AskSatanOperator said:
Since karma is all what you do to yourself which brought u bad things and since karma is all about the different hang ups that we have stored that works as karma ,,then how will evil people get punished ,,lets say that I committed some grave crime against someone then how will I be punished ??
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Think of karma like a vector, there is a direction and there is a speed. Everything that you ever do, it is going in some direction. Every time you do something, you are going in that direction. If you always go the same way, you end up very far in that direction and it becomes more permanent. And in your next life, you will also have a tendency to keep going in that same direction.

This is for everything. Good things, and bad things, and neutral things. For example, drinking alcohol is going in the direction of alcohol. It may be relatively safe at first if it is only a small amount, but every time you do it you are going in that direction. Eventually, when the person has gone far enough in that direction, an addiction would have a higher chance of forming and they may become an alcoholic. This would also make it more likely for them to also be an alcoholic in their next life time.

But it also works for good things. If you are always practicing a certain skill or talent, you are going in the direction of making that skill stronger. Eventually, when you have gone very far in that direction, you have built up a very strong talent. Examples of this can be being a musician or an athlete, or anything else that requires a very large amount of skill and practice. Then in your next life time, this same skill will be easier for you than it would be for other people, because in your soul you have already done much of the work. This is why, for example, there are some very young children like 8 years old who can play piano at the highest level, and can perfectly play complicated songs like they are in an orchestra. They have the highest level of talent. This is because they surely have practiced that piano every day for multiple different life times in a row. They have practiced for hundreds of years in past lives, and this practice stays in their soul. So in this life, they have remembered and they have kept that level of skill. And they got back up to that highest level of skill after only practicing for a couple years at a young age.

This is also for personality. If you have a certain personality trait, and this is a big part of who you are, then you are going far in this direction. In next lives, you will be born with this same personality trait, and you will continue having this kind of personality. There may be small changes, if you choose to practice other different personality traits than you will go some amount towards those other traits. But you will mostly stay in whatever way you have spent the most time being.

Somebody who is always very nice and caring, they will always be this way. Someone who is always mean and hateful, they will always be that way. But a nice person can become mean if they spend enough time practicing being mean. And a hateful person can become nice and caring, if they spend enough time practicing being a nicer person.

Anything that you do every day, that is the direction you are going. If you always go the same direction, you will eventually become so far in that direction that it will become permanent and it will become very hard to ever change it. An example of bad karma would be somebody who has addictions. If someone has an entire lifetime where they are addicted to drugs, it will be very high chance of them being addicted to drugs in the next life time. And this will be a very strong force that is much harder to act against, because this force has been building up for a long time. If they spend another entire lifetime of being addicted to drugs, then it is basically permanent. The force keeps building stronger all the time, and after enough lifetimes of that force, it would be very difficult to go against it.
Akay said:
Stormblood said:
Actions that go against natural law do erode your soul, turning you more and more into a cesspool. So you are punishing yourself by performing those actions. You got it backward. It's not the Gods nor the Universe punishing you directly. You do that to yourself.

For example, people who engage in things like rape, murder, paedophilia and so on... Their souls become disgusting and there's no redeeming them, especially for the latter crime. Once they die, they end up in the area of the astral that matches the low vibration they habituated in their soul... The Greek called it Tartarus. The Gods enact justice in other ways. For example, for people that are so tainted as to belong in tainted that belong in in Tartarus, they will never receive teachings to become immortal or any teaching that would evolve their souls to significant levels. Why? Because they're disgusting and not worth the effort. As for how reincarnation goes, well... it's unlikely the Gods will have any hand in facilitating the process for them. The enemy may, however, take an interest in doing it.

Other "crimes/sins" can slowly degrade your soul to the point it will go to that hideous place. How many lifetimes it will take for that to happen is, however, unclear. Notable examples is being a traitor to your race in whatever way. This taints the soul as well. Noble behaviour does the opposite. If you contribute to the financial genocide of people like shabbos are doing, you will sooner or later end up there. Make no mistake. Same for participation is another programmes of mass destruction for Gentiles.

You betray your race, you pay the consequences. Minor transgressions accumulate into major ones. Major transgressions taint you more.
So my positive vibration increases with my good deeds?
Well, that makes me happy

Deeds that beneficial to you and humanity at large improve the qualities of your souls that deal with those deeds. So, yes, your vibration can increase with beneficial deeds. You become better and better and refine those qualities within yourself. Your birth chart improves in the next life, as a result of the work you deed in this life.

In the analogy of seeds in your chakras, you're basically growing these beneficial seeds into even more beneficial trees and plants. This is obviously beneficial to you in all ways. Harmful seeds need to be burned and completely disintegrated. If you grow harmful seeds, the consequences will be nastier and nastier for you. The more you work on something, beneficial or harmful, the more it takes for it to be removed from you.

Permanent things can even take decades to remove, depending on how rooted you've allowed them to grow in this life and in past lifetimes. This is why your action and choices are important. You can choose to stop doing something harmful today, to stop harmful self-talk and thoughts, etc And to replace them with beneficial ones so that you're taking upward path in life rather than a crooked/downward one.
Stormblood said:
For example, people who engage in things like rape, murder, paedophilia and so on... Their souls become disgusting and there's no redeeming them, especially for the latter crime.

I knew a girl who had a lot of misfortune in her life such as rape. She was sleeping next to me and I felt horribly bad next to her. I though she might be a Jew also as I felt so bad, but I doubt afterall.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Think of karma like a vector, there is a direction and there is a speed. Everything that you ever do, it is going in some direction. Every time you do something, you are going in that direction. If you always go the same way, you end up very far in that direction and it becomes more permanent. And in your next life, you will also have a tendency to keep going in that same direction.

This is for everything. Good things, and bad things, and neutral things. For example, drinking alcohol is going in the direction of alcohol. It may be relatively safe at first if it is only a small amount, but every time you do it you are going in that direction. Eventually, when the person has gone far enough in that direction, an addiction would have a higher chance of forming and they may become an alcoholic. This would also make it more likely for them to also be an alcoholic in their next life time.

But it also works for good things. If you are always practicing a certain skill or talent, you are going in the direction of making that skill stronger. Eventually, when you have gone very far in that direction, you have built up a very strong talent. Examples of this can be being a musician or an athlete, or anything else that requires a very large amount of skill and practice. Then in your next life time, this same skill will be easier for you than it would be for other people, because in your soul you have already done much of the work. This is why, for example, there are some very young children like 8 years old who can play piano at the highest level, and can perfectly play complicated songs like they are in an orchestra. They have the highest level of talent. This is because they surely have practiced that piano every day for multiple different life times in a row. They have practiced for hundreds of years in past lives, and this practice stays in their soul. So in this life, they have remembered and they have kept that level of skill. And they got back up to that highest level of skill after only practicing for a couple years at a young age.

This is also for personality. If you have a certain personality trait, and this is a big part of who you are, then you are going far in this direction. In next lives, you will be born with this same personality trait, and you will continue having this kind of personality. There may be small changes, if you choose to practice other different personality traits than you will go some amount towards those other traits. But you will mostly stay in whatever way you have spent the most time being.

Somebody who is always very nice and caring, they will always be this way. Someone who is always mean and hateful, they will always be that way. But a nice person can become mean if they spend enough time practicing being mean. And a hateful person can become nice and caring, if they spend enough time practicing being a nicer person.

Anything that you do every day, that is the direction you are going. If you always go the same direction, you will eventually become so far in that direction that it will become permanent and it will become very hard to ever change it. An example of bad karma would be somebody who has addictions. If someone has an entire lifetime where they are addicted to drugs, it will be very high chance of them being addicted to drugs in the next life time. And this will be a very strong force that is much harder to act against, because this force has been building up for a long time. If they spend another entire lifetime of being addicted to drugs, then it is basically permanent. The force keeps building stronger all the time, and after enough lifetimes of that force, it would be very difficult to go against it.

Only satanism and THIS PARTICULAR answer of yours actually gave answer to this question of mine that is "how are some children starting to program from a very young age 6 and why is life very fair for them " ..Your answer is the very perfect answer for my 8 years of search on this exact question ...
There are also powerful curses the enemy has put in the past on people who were particularly advanced as they were a big threat to them. This is also why some of us had to go through "hell" and wait for years and sometimes decades before reaching JoS and starting to free themselves from the curses, unlocking the areas of their life that were previously damaged by the enemy.
Stormblood said:
There are also powerful curses the enemy has put in the past on people who were particularly advanced as they were a big threat to them. This is also why some of us had to go through "hell" and wait for years and sometimes decades before reaching JoS and starting to free themselves from the curses, unlocking the areas of their life that were previously damaged by the enemy.

How does the enemy know who are those people who were advanced in their previous birth ??
phi3.14infinity said:
Stormblood said:
There are also powerful curses the enemy has put in the past on people who were particularly advanced as they were a big threat to them. This is also why some of us had to go through "hell" and wait for years and sometimes decades before reaching JoS and starting to free themselves from the curses, unlocking the areas of their life that were previously damaged by the enemy.

How does the enemy know who are those people who were advanced in their previous birth ??

They cast general curses that cover these people. They don't need to know specifically who is who.
Stormblood said:
There are also powerful curses the enemy has put in the past on people who were particularly advanced as they were a big threat to them. This is also why some of us had to go through "hell" and wait for years and sometimes decades before reaching JoS and starting to free themselves from the curses, unlocking the areas of their life that were previously damaged by the enemy.

Yes, this is very true, but not only the past. They curse NOW, as we speak. Endlessly.

Any high level Gentile on the Astral who functions like a beacon is relentlessly cursed by the enemy. It doesn't matter if they're a direct threat to the jews or not, they don't even have to be 'particularly' advanced, the spiritual class of jews take absolutely no chances and give absolutely no fucks. In certain regards, some of these curses are also automatically piled on, via the bible.

Ever wondered why HPS Maxine said those with abilities but without the Gods don't tend to last very long? Also that a higher level being has everything happen much more quickly than those on the lower dimensions.

This is also why some of you need to exercise care when you say those with dirty and cloudy auras or Chakras are automatically scum and so on, because a lot of the time this is a practical inevitability of being a high level being and being spotted by the enemy [obviously it's not the only reason, so one has to use extreme discretion here, but still]. And yes, there can be nasty and humiliating personal consequences for such a person too, to the point where their personal flaws or weak spots are obviously used against them, they can go berserk and then they are fucked.
Karnonnos said:
Stormblood said:
There are also powerful curses the enemy has put in the past on people who were particularly advanced as they were a big threat to them. This is also why some of us had to go through "hell" and wait for years and sometimes decades before reaching JoS and starting to free themselves from the curses, unlocking the areas of their life that were previously damaged by the enemy.

Yes, this is very true, but not only the past. They curse NOW, as we speak. Endlessly.

Any high level Gentile on the Astral who functions like a beacon is relentlessly cursed by the enemy. It doesn't matter if they're a direct threat to the jews or not, they don't even have to be 'particularly' advanced, the spiritual class of jews take absolutely no chances and give absolutely no fucks. In certain regards, some of these curses are also automatically piled on, via the bible.

Ever wondered why HPS Maxine said those with abilities but without the Gods don't tend to last very long? Also that a higher level being has everything happen much more quickly than those on the lower dimensions.

This is also why some of you need to exercise care when you say those with dirty and cloudy auras or Chakras are automatically scum and so on, because a lot of the time this is a practical inevitability of being a high level being and being spotted by the enemy [obviously it's not the only reason, so one has to use extreme discretion here, but still]. And yes, there can be nasty and humiliating personal consequences for such a person too, to the point where their personal flaws or weak spots are obviously used against them, they can go berserk and then they are fucked.

Thanks for adding everything I missed and contributing :)
Thank you, I now understand how our lives work and why we have some traits and life situations, it’s all our doings, well most of it. But in some cases people are lead into certain situations certain paths because of others, they could be forced into things they really don’t want to do, so people can cause other people’s misery that will affect them in the long run, I will now try and do things thinking about it and being more careful of my attitudes, my thinkings, and try and not get into bad habits
Thank you ❤️
Hail Father Satan
Hail to the Gods and Goddesses ❤️
I would also assume: As Above, So Below; As Within, As Without, correct?

i.e. Epigentic and Metagenetic principles i.e. horizontal and vertical growth.

I assume a compounding effect on the template of the Soul and template of the physical vessel and properties related to a specific person?

For example while I can relate to have issues if I fix them in one or more lifetimes such as freeing the soul.

(Someone recently posted that 2 maybe 3, 40-day workings in a year dislodge the negativity. I would assume a 90-day working a much stronger effect might only need one maybe another some year or years down the line. I notice with most Satanists even a single 40-day working erodes a lot of negative effects, many of our collective Souls are freer or assisted by the Gods hence why we came here).

But I assume there are karmic work around and we can clearly devolve and eliminate the negativity and focus on positivity.

Still is everything negative? Is there a way to work with negativity for positive effects?

For example is a war veteran a negative person or is his military official duty of basically ending the life of another person considered a negative karmic effect?

Military = Career and property of life it's part of our collective species.

So how so does something is negative? I mean it's obvious but sometimes negativity is encountered. How is that treated?
I knew a girl who had a lot of misfortune in her life such as rape. She was sleeping next to me and I felt horribly bad next to her. I though she might be a Jew also as I felt so bad, but I doubt afterall.
Raped/abused people suffer heavy chakra attachment to their abusers, direct or through thoughtforms linked to both the victim and abuser. So if she has been raped by a jew, the jewish vibrationits may influence her soul and thoughts through vampiric links. This is the worst scenario, while Gentile mind may prevail if she is strong. Also this may be due to self-hate feelings, so she surrounds herself with a negative aura.

Not sure how this is connected to her karma, possibly she was raped in previous lives too or tortured by the inquisition, put in a gulag, etc.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
