AskSatanOperator said:
Greetings I have allways been a non religious person and lattely the philosophy of Allan wats has been a guidance in my life, but so has satan and your religion, what is your opinion about this? Should I let go of Allan wats philosophy?
You will find alot of misinformation and strange views, opinions and people in New age spirituality. This Alan Watts seems to be no exception.
You can notice his views are simply a merging of a few different eastern religions, and some Buddhism. He's basically an Xian and or a Buddhist but with some extra steps.
You will find outside paths led you no where.
As in the movie The Ninth Gate, the door to the end of the maze is bricked up. That's exactly how it goes for those who are without.
Satanism leads to inner evolution of the human soul and elevation of our vibration towards that of approaching our Gods. We slowly are to evolve and become like them, and become far better beings.
If you open yourself to this path, ask Satan to guide you. Read all the material on the Joy of Satan main site, and apply yourself to a regular meditation program.
From there you can advance and go from there. But starting there will be helpful and good gradual transition.
Also refer to these forums often as it's a community here and we all assist in our collective advancement and share knowledge.