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Jul 14, 2021
Are there physical experiences to expect when I dedicate?
Why is dedication a life time thing?
Was karma infused into eastern religions through Christianity?
Sarjam05 said:
Are there physical experiences to expect when I dedicate?
Why is dedication a life time thing?
Was karma infused into eastern religions through Christianity?

Go to topic: "Ask All Questions Here! New members", and you'll find answers to your questions already published or someone will help you out.
You could experience something when you do the dedication ritual or not, it depends on the individual, maybe you're more open to energies because you advanced in your past lives or not, depends on different circumstances but don't worry you will feel enough when you become accustomed with meditation, trust me here xD.

About why it's a life long ritual, well when you do the dedication ritual you're attracting the eyes of the Gods showing that you're not a goy but a Gentile, someone who want to become something and is able to resist all the Jewish propaganda that we have today, of course it's a life long ritual because why would it not be, you can always "quit" and come back, Satan will leave you alone if you want, no Demon will come into your personal life only if you want to, take the ritual as an oath to an alliance, to a creed or something like that, i hoped you understood.

The third, sorry but i didn't quite understood what you meant.
I'm replying to your other post here, since it's longer:

Sarjam05 said:
Are there any code words in this community other than that on the website?

What code words you mean? The spiritual code words that are mentioned in the website? There might be others too. Keep in mind that everybody is still researching and advancing in knowledge.

Sarjam05 said:
What’s rtr?

Reverse Torah Rituals

Sarjam05 said:
Is there any vividly spiritual experience to look for when I dedicate? I’m not talking bout feelings of peace or happiness or things like that. I mean after the dedication ritual would I be contacted? Would my energies change?

No, most people don't have anything extraordinary happen after the dedication (me included). Very few people who are psychically open report being contacted and other things. It all depends on the person.

Sarjam05 said:
Also I don’t really understand the Jew/Christian analogies on the website. They seem confusing. Maybe I have to reread them but there’s just so many things to do so a teacher is really needed here. Jews are different from Christians except in race. They don’t even believe in the Jesus savior concept. I need some clarification.

That's an argument that literally nobody is making. Nobody said that jews and xians are of the exact same religion. What we are really saying is that xianity is a jewish hoax to enslave the goyim. It's for the goyim (non-jews) alone, as the jews don't want this slave religion for themselves. And it's obvious that every important character in the xian religion was a jew, from jewsus and his apostles to his mother to the first xians to even his supposed ancestors David and Abraham. It's the fact that xianity is a sect of judaism and came from that. So they have 2 jewish religions (and possibly 3, including islam): one that advocates racial supremacy for themselves, and the other one to enslave the goyim and teach them to turn the other cheek and give all their money to them.

Sarjam05 said:
Also the site says karma was infused to Buddhism and Hinduism and generally eastern traditions. Is that really correct? As far as I know Hinduism and Buddhism are way older than Christianity and have always taught karma and reincarnation. Please this is an honest question that needs clarification. This is not an argument.

Again an argument that nobody is making. Nobody said that karma came from xianity. There are xian-like teachings in the East, also from jewish origin probably, that started in the 8th-6th century BCE. Buddhism and Jainism are xian-like religions and also similar teachings were injected into Hinduism in the 8th-6th century BCE with the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. The Vedas which are older than that contain none of that corrupted nonsense about self-denial for example.

Sarjam05 said:
Also why is dedication for life? That’s more like slavery the very thing we hate the Jews and Christians for. It’s a subjugation of free will. I am new to this and understand little. Please clarify.
Hail Satan.

Do you consider marriage slavery? Of course it's not. It's a commitment, out of your free will. Nobody really forces you here, unlike xianity. Simply put: Satanism isn't for everyone and if we push it or force it we're going to get people who are unsuitable for it and will harm us. That's why one should do the dedication only if they are completely sure. I consider the marriage analogy an appropriate comparison. Marriage is for life (at least it should be, now with no-fault divorce bullshit it can destroy your life), it's something done only if both fully agree and it's to guarantee 2 people's devotion and commitment to eachother. The same as the Dedication

The dedication is also a test of strength. Satanism is a serious thing. Not for dabblers or weak-minded, not for traitors or materialistic people. That's why there's the dedication. And this predates xianity, as there have been similar initiations for life in Mystery Schools from Ancient Egypt and other civilizations. And these were even more demanding. I'm guessing if you prefer swimming in a pool of crocodiles like they had the aspirants do in Ancient Egypt instead of the Dedication Ritual then go ahead and do that.
No, you have nothing to expect when you do the ritual, when I did it I felt nothing, as my soul was sealed.
Don’t worry it will work, no matter what, this ritual has nothing to do with your own capabilities or abilities, but with Satan’s, and he is incredibly powerful, he will perceive it no matter what?

Oh, so you don’t want it to be a lifetime thing?
You are free to leave when ever you feel like it, Satan doesn’t force his people to stay, however, when you leave him, he will leave you as well, for as long as you decide to be alone. People are really lucky Satan is as great as he is, I wouldn’t accept people back once they left.

Karma describes energy that clings on your soul and manipulates you in a certain way, so we have to get rid of negative karma, we do this by cleaning.
All religions other people know got perverted and twisted to misguide and harm spiritual people.
Sarjam05 said:
Was karma infused into eastern religions through Christianity?

And by the way, you clearly misread that part from the site. The JoS site has many articles about how to overcome karma. Karma is a Satanic concept. What it really is referring here is the modern, New Age, version of karma first promoted by Theosophy in the 19th century, which is not even the original Eastern (and the eastern version has been corrupted too):

This "three-fold teaching was taken from the eastern concept of "karma" after it merged with Western Christianity. After the eastern teachings of karma picked up the Judeo/Christian overtones of divine punishment, the product evolved into yet another system of control with the same theme of keeping power in the hands of a few who know how to use it to exploit humanity. One thing led to another and Gerald Gardner added more to this and promoted the belief that witches must never use their powers to cause harm. Everybody has to take abuse and keep the passive attitude.

You can see that it's really talking about that from its entire context. It says "after it merged", i.e. in the 19th century with Theosophy which mixed Eastern and xian teachings.

There's the Satanic concept of karma, which is just cause and effect with no morality involved, like someone having problems attracting partners in this life because of an oath of celibacy in one of his previous lives, or someone having problems or a lucky streak because of a Saturn or Jupiter transit in his chart.
Sarjam05 said:
Are there physical experiences to expect when I dedicate?

Not really. You may notice some physical symptoms if your bio electricity fluctuates like sunburn like skin symptoms if let's say a daemon (your guardian) visits you. These are temporary and should not occur because of dedication. You can read more about it here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/energy.html
Will only occur if your guardian visits you physically which is highly unlikely unless you are really open psychically. Don't worry about any physical changes, there won't be any.

Sarjam05 said:
Why is dedication a life time thing?

I mean why not?
It's actually an eternal thing. Gods take your word seriously. You just do it in every life because you have past life amnesia and through dedication you formally renounce the enemy and accept Satan on your own accord in your current life. If you decide to walk away from Satan in the future, Father Satan would not harm you or meddle with you in any way. He'll simply leave you, forever.

Sarjam05 said:
Was karma infused into eastern religions through Christianity?

Not karma in general but what people believe karma is nowadays is definitely a xian concept. Karma has been broken down into a black and white concept of "good" and "evil". Doing "good" deeds would add to your "good" karma and doing "bad" deeds would add to your "bad" karma. This concept of good and evil is xian thing. They preach that you should be stupidly nice to everyone and treat everyone equally and whatnot because they are "good" deeds and not have sex, not be homosexual, etc. because these are "sins". You must have a lot of "good" karma to be able to be accepted by their fake "god" and all this shit is lies, misdirection. These are false concepts. Unfortunately this is what has been infused into eastern religions. You can read a little about what karma is here:
Sarjam05 said:
Are there physical experiences to expect when I dedicate?
Why is dedication a life time thing?
Was karma infused into eastern religions through Christianity?

1. Some are more open and feel something, some not. If you do it look for a day/time without void of course:

2. It is probably even beyond life, if you would die you get protection, help reincarnate, even if you can´t remember your former lifetime with Lord Satan/demons, Lord Satan/demons/your gurdien demon will probably watch out for you, so you are safe and find a way back to satan/dedication. The goal is to become a god and from there on help to save the universe under Satans comand, in a way it is meant to be forever. If the second , third,.... lifetime dedication is just a formality and the first one was the real deal I don´t know.

3. There is a natural karma from former lifes and family members/ancestors, your actions, but I am not sure to which extent.

What do they say about karma ? Need more info.
Sarjam05 said:
Are there physical experiences to expect when I dedicate?
Why is dedication a life time thing?
Was karma infused into eastern religions through Christianity?
Welcome ! :D

Dedication ritual is very important. Through him you get rid of the misery of the enemy in your life and enter under the protection of Satan the Father. It's like a new beginning. Most people did not have certain special experiences when performing the dedication ritual (they were not open enough spiritually), except for a strong sense of peace and happiness. The dedication ritual is very serious and powerful and is done only once in a lifetime.
Karma is real and can be overcome through knowledge and power meditation.
Wow. Thanks for all the replies I received. Shows the amount of love patience understanding and intelligence members of joy of Satan are.
However I don’t mean to be a bug but I still have questions.
I want or know what our ethics are? Do we have moral concept in joy of Satan?
What’s the teaching on good and bad actions? Are there no good and bad actions?
I want to know what the forum teaches on generosity? Why should we help people with our resources? Or are we to be selfish and stingy individuals? Please I’m learning and not looking to argue anyone. Just need teachers willing to help.
I also want to know if there’s some sort of meeting here. Like do we have a society where we can meet members and contact each other one on one.
Also are there plans for a physical location like an headquarters?
I hope I’m not being a bug. Sorry.
Sarjam05 said:
I want or know what our ethics are? Do we have moral concept in joy of Satan?
What’s the teaching on good and bad actions? Are there no good and bad actions?
I want to know what the forum teaches on generosity? Why should we help people with our resources? Or are we to be selfish and stingy individuals? Please I’m learning and not looking to argue anyone. Just need teachers willing to help.

In Spiritual Satanism, there's no external xian-like morality. The purpose of Spiritual Satanism is not to teach people morality, but to help people advance their souls to Godhood. We assume that if you are a Spiritual Satanist, you're a responsible person and you know how to act based on common sense and you can judge for yourself the best action for your life. SS's may offer advice to people who do self-destructive things like drugs and are not aware of that. These questions you're asking here would make sense if you asked them to any mainstream religion, but I assure you they are unimportant in Spiritual Satanism. Spiritual Satanism isn't a mainstream religion, but it's more like occultism and esotericism, it is a path with practices like power meditation, magick, kundalini yoga e.t.c. that you practice to advance your soul and improve your life.

Sarjam05 said:
I also want to know if there’s some sort of meeting here. Like do we have a society where we can meet members and contact each other one on one.
Also are there plans for a physical location like an headquarters?

No, and that sort of thing is highly discouraged. We're not just any other group, even online this is among the most trolled forums and there has been fedposting here too. There have been lots of enemy agents, infiltrators and fake Satanists here and this forum has been DDOSed, attacked and shut it down before. The sites have been shut down too by jews. We're pretty much a high threat to the enemy, as you can imagine a group which specializes in all sorts controversial things like Satanism, National Socialism, exposing the jews and xianity and questioning the mainstream narrative would be.

Sarjam05 said:
I hope I’m not being a bug. Sorry.

Don't worry, that's what these forums are for: asking questions, among other things.
Perhaps I wasn't clear when I said that we assume you use your common sense and judge things accurately in Spiritual Satanism. I'll explain better what I mean:

Sarjam05 said:
I want to know what the forum teaches on generosity? Why should we help people with our resources? Or are we to be selfish and stingy individuals?

For example on the topic of generosity that you mentioned: For someone who uses common sense, there is no hard and fast way on this, as it depends on the situation. Sometimes, giving money to a person can be bad. Like a drug addict who asks you money to continue destroying himself. It's obviously bad to give to that person and harmful to both of you. It's also bad to give money to a charity group that you don't know what they're doing with the money they raise, because they might be giving it to the zionists to fund wars for Israel. Or they might be grifters and using the money for themselves. But if you are giving to a cause you want to support, like the advancement of Spiritual Satanism, it's good for you. It's all up to your judgement to think what's best to do in that situation.

Which is why:

Sarjam05 said:
What’s the teaching on good and bad actions? Are there no good and bad actions?

There's no good or bad actions as of themselves, but they all depend on the situation that are used. For example, harming a friend/ally is bad, but harming an enemy is good. And I'm not implying anything illegal here, since we're law abiding. Helping an ally/friend is good while helping an enemy is a traitorous thing. Forgiving a friend who once did something they bitterly regretted is the best action to do in that situation, while forgiving someone who never learns from their mistakes is bad.

The "morals", if they can be called so, are practical and about responding in the best way to each situation for your benefit and the benefit of your loved ones. We have no abstract moral ideals which would condone certain actions or behaviors even if they wouldn't be in your best interest to do them.
I still have questions 😝. Please I need to know. What exactly is the creation story? Read it in the site but don’t fully understand.
Can a Jew do the dedication ritual and be accepted?
Must I hate a Jew?
I need evidence that the Jews have a different dna from everyone else. Can I get a site to read or a video to watch concerning this?
What’s our stance of hitler’a suicide? I see him very referred in this community.
Can I have Jews as friends?
Please answers only. No lashings. Thanks.
Sarjam05 said:
I still have questions 😝. Please I need to know. What exactly is the creation story? Read it in the site but don’t fully understand.

Do you mean the humans being genetically engineered by Gods? Other than that, the universe always existed. There is no xian-god-lilke creator of the universe.

Sarjam05 said:
Can a Jew do the dedication ritual and be accepted?

No. Only Gentiles are Satan's children and can be accepted. Jews are an enemy race. There was an exception where a Gentile was incarnated as a jew to promote Satanism in a jew-controlled world. That man was Anton Lavey. He was a jew but had a Gentile soul. This is the only exception.

Sarjam05 said:
I need evidence that the Jews have a different dna from everyone else. Can I get a site to read or a video to watch concerning this?

Easy: they have separate genetic diseases of their own. Tay Sachs is an exclusive jewish genetic disease that only jews and those with jewish blood can have it. By the way, most of the evidence comes from jewish sites like mazornet. It's not "anti-semitic propaganda" but jews themselves admit that they have different DNA, and they call a specific jewish gene the "cohen gene". Israel also requires DNA test for immigrants, to prove they have jewish DNA.

Sarjam05 said:
What’s our stance of hitler’a suicide? I see him very referred in this community.

It's just enemy cover-up, Hitler didn't commit suicide but escaped. They didn't find his body at all, as they admit. They claimed at first to find his body, but after analysis this proved to be a hoax, as that body belonged to a woman.

Sarjam05 said:
Must I hate a Jew?
Sarjam05 said:
Can I have Jews as friends?

Both these are questions asked by people who aren't redpilled on the jews. You still probably think that the jews did nothing wrong and are unaware of their crimes against humanity and their vampiric souls if you ask these sort of questions. It's okay. You need to read the sites on https://satanisgod.org first, especially the 666 Black Sun site and Kabbalah Exposed. Also https://jewishcontributions.com/ is a jewish-owned website but it does a great job at exposing the jews. Read especially the infographics section.

You notice that I don't answer these questions directly because these are loaded questions, they both contain an assumption: that there's nothing wrong with jews. And once you learn that this assumption is false, these questions will be resolved by themselves, as you won't want to have any jew as a friend (it's like having a poisonous scorpion or a tarantula as a friend) and you will hate them naturally.
I did Ashe many years ago but I’m yet to really understand what I did and the repercussions. After the incision was placed under my lips I had a terrible time going to sleep that night as there was heavy weight and pains on the right side of my face. It was a real spiritual experience. I experienced it live. It was like a spirit was fighting my spirit. The pain was especially in my right cheekbone. It was also like a weight was placed on the spot. The spiritualist also gave me a soap which I had used before bed time. I had to involve my parents who had to pray in Jesus name and the next day the soap was burnt but I know and still feel the power deep down inside me. Someone who understands my plight should please comment.
I wanted power.
No repercussions were made known except a warning to never ever ever abuse my power as it would lead to dire consequences but no repercussions on the act of soliciting the power of Ashe in the first place.
My parents were in the next room while I was fighting a spiritual battle and terrified as hell.
I didn’t feel the pain the next day but you know very well all is not well you’d know what I mean. I’m sure someone understands me. That night I couldn’t sleep until the prayers. The pain was so much. After prayers and the soap was burnt I felt some relief but I still feel the rebound effect from time to time and I know intuitively that it’s lurking.
Ashe is the power to make words manifest and they are not like the media magic or television magic you see. They have an entirely different system of working. I don’t know if it has ever manifested for me but I know whenever I declare something with so much passion or gusto it happens though not exactly the act I have in mind but the thought. Say if I was really angry and pronounce hurt on the cause of the anger something happens but not in the moment but I usually know deep down that it was my pronouncement that worked. Don’t tell me coincidence. I need someone who is in the phenomenon of the spiritual to explain things to me. What are the repercussions?
I can’t go back to the woman cause she never told me of the side effects in the first place so she can’t be trusted.
My confusion has been if this power is positive or negative. I feel it deep within me and I know it’s lurking somewhere inside me. I cannot just call it to work but when I’m in an emergency situation it starts acting on its own.
I used to hear and watch it in movies till I delved into it and yes it is very very very real.
I have other experiences but let me add this. I was in a fight with my cousin one night. I can’t remember but I was really mad at her and my dad. I hit her so hard she went unconscious. I wasn’t perturbed but my dad was. Suddenly out of no where a turtle appeared and my dad picked it up and took it outside the house. He then persuaded me to rush her to the hospital.
When we got to the hospital and the doctor and nurses were trying to resuscitate her the turtle appeared again and this time a male nurse picked it up and took it outside. Immediately this was done my cousin revived. I don’t know what this means. I need clarification.
As concerns the energy I don’t think I want it out. However can I ask? Despite burning the soap and flouting the warning not to look back at the river do you think it’s still effective? I believe the reason I still feel the energy sometimes is cause it was put in my blood. This begs the question. Is the Ashe the one incised into my blood or do I need the other paraphernalia for it to be effective? I hope you understand my question. Did burning the soap do anything?
Why do most ss on this site use protonmail? I mean almost everyone here uses it. The marketing was so great I actually have opened one for myself too. What’s so special about it?
Sarjam05 said:
Why do most ss on this site use protonmail? I mean almost everyone here uses it. The marketing was so great I actually have opened one for myself too. What’s so special about it?

It is encrypted, anonymous and private, so a person can't get your IP address from your emails if you are using protonmail. Jewgle, kikerosoft, jewhoo and others spy on your account and it isn't wise to email SS stuff with these, especially if they are linked to your real name. I have a gmail with my real name to communicate with my friends, family and work but obviously I don't use it here for safety reasons and I use protonmail instead as my account's email here, and for emailing other members. I think most others do the same thing.
I don’t have access to a dry pen. Can I use any other object. How do you mean sign your name in blood? Do I write my name out on the paper then sign it with blood? Or can I just do a fingerprint of my index finger in blood? Please I need answers ASAP. I think I have seen the light and I think I’m about to dedicate. I have bought the candles. I almost did it yesterday but I have so many questions coming from a Christian background although I don’t agree with most and I mean a whole whole lot of Christian teachings yet something seems to make me so scared. One of such is the part of the Bible where the Jew God says “I have placed before you good and life and evil and death and I would that you choose good...” or something like that. That was the verse that stopped me yesterday. It made me think maybe the Jew God is being honest after all. He agreed in that verse that he created both good and evil and not denying his involvement like most Christians and Jews like to believe. Please help clarify. I need to know why I am about to do this. I have the urge. It’s very very very huge but when you think of eternal damnation I can’t explain the heavy heavy heaviness in the heart. Please anyone who fought this huge huge huge fear should help me relax.
Sarjam05 said:
I don’t have access to a dry pen. Can I use any other object. How do you mean sign your name in blood? Do I write my name out on the paper then sign it with blood? Or can I just do a fingerprint of my index finger in blood?

Signs means write. Your name is your signature. Use a normal pen or whatever else resembles a pen.

Sarjam05 said:
One of such is the part of the Bible where the Jew God says “I have placed before you good and life and evil and death and I would that you choose good...” or something like that. That was the verse that stopped me yesterday. It made me think maybe the Jew God is being honest after all. He agreed in that verse that he created both good and evil and not denying his involvement like most Christians and Jews like to believe. Please help clarify.

The jew god is fictitious and doesn't exist* and it's not even the jew god that's speaking there, but the jews that wrote the buybull which is full of contradictions, scientific inaccuracies and other BS. The jews obviously, being barbaric and bloodthirsty transferred their personality to their fake god. So, worrying about this is absurd: it's much like reading H.P. Lovecraft's stories and really believing that the Old Ones will come back and destroy you. As Spiritual Satanists, we don't believe the buybull has any validity whatsoever. You should treat it as a book of fiction, nothing more. Not only is it a book of fiction but it's full of contradictions, scientific inaccuracies and other BS. There's a lot of atheist books and sites you can read on this topic, like https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/

*What I mean by this is that the image of a jew god as a powerful being who created the universe and controls everything doesn't exist. There's no such thing, and the universe always existed. But there are enemy aliens like reptilians and greys who impersonate the jew god and are behind it. It's nothing but a bunch of vampiric human-hating aliens who aren't all powerful or created anything.
Sarjam05 said:
I don’t have access to a dry pen. Can I use any other object. How do you mean sign your name in blood? Do I write my name out on the paper then sign it with blood? Or can I just do a fingerprint of my index finger in blood? Please I need answers ASAP. I think I have seen the light and I think I’m about to dedicate. I have bought the candles. I almost did it yesterday but I have so many questions coming from a Christian background although I don’t agree with most and I mean a whole whole lot of Christian teachings yet something seems to make me so scared. One of such is the part of the Bible where the Jew God says “I have placed before you good and life and evil and death and I would that you choose good...” or something like that. That was the verse that stopped me yesterday. It made me think maybe the Jew God is being honest after all. He agreed in that verse that he created both good and evil and not denying his involvement like most Christians and Jews like to believe. Please help clarify. I need to know why I am about to do this. I have the urge. It’s very very very huge but when you think of eternal damnation I can’t explain the heavy heavy heaviness in the heart. Please anyone who fought this huge huge huge fear should help me relax.
Please read JoS. For the dedication ritual you have to prick your finger , put the blood on the sheet and then sign.
Rational Satanist said:
I'm replying to your other post here, since it's longer:

Sarjam05 said:
Are there any code words in this community other than that on the website?

What code words you mean? The spiritual code words that are mentioned in the website? There might be others too. Keep in mind that everybody is still researching and advancing in knowledge.

Sarjam05 said:
What’s rtr?

Reverse Torah Rituals

Sarjam05 said:
Is there any vividly spiritual experience to look for when I dedicate? I’m not talking bout feelings of peace or happiness or things like that. I mean after the dedication ritual would I be contacted? Would my energies change?

No, most people don't have anything extraordinary happen after the dedication (me included). Very few people who are psychically open report being contacted and other things. It all depends on the person.

Sarjam05 said:
Also I don’t really understand the Jew/Christian analogies on the website. They seem confusing. Maybe I have to reread them but there’s just so many things to do so a teacher is really needed here. Jews are different from Christians except in race. They don’t even believe in the Jesus savior concept. I need some clarification.

That's an argument that literally nobody is making. Nobody said that jews and xians are of the exact same religion. What we are really saying is that xianity is a jewish hoax to enslave the goyim. It's for the goyim (non-jews) alone, as the jews don't want this slave religion for themselves. And it's obvious that every important character in the xian religion was a jew, from jewsus and his apostles to his mother to the first xians to even his supposed ancestors David and Abraham. It's the fact that xianity is a sect of judaism and came from that. So they have 2 jewish religions (and possibly 3, including islam): one that advocates racial supremacy for themselves, and the other one to enslave the goyim and teach them to turn the other cheek and give all their money to them.

Sarjam05 said:
Also the site says karma was infused to Buddhism and Hinduism and generally eastern traditions. Is that really correct? As far as I know Hinduism and Buddhism are way older than Christianity and have always taught karma and reincarnation. Please this is an honest question that needs clarification. This is not an argument.

Again an argument that nobody is making. Nobody said that karma came from xianity. There are xian-like teachings in the East, also from jewish origin probably, that started in the 8th-6th century BCE. Buddhism and Jainism are xian-like religions and also similar teachings were injected into Hinduism in the 8th-6th century BCE with the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. The Vedas which are older than that contain none of that corrupted nonsense about self-denial for example.

Sarjam05 said:
Also why is dedication for life? That’s more like slavery the very thing we hate the Jews and Christians for. It’s a subjugation of free will. I am new to this and understand little. Please clarify.
Hail Satan.

Do you consider marriage slavery? Of course it's not. It's a commitment, out of your free will. Nobody really forces you here, unlike xianity. Simply put: Satanism isn't for everyone and if we push it or force it we're going to get people who are unsuitable for it and will harm us. That's why one should do the dedication only if they are completely sure. I consider the marriage analogy an appropriate comparison. Marriage is for life (at least it should be, now with no-fault divorce bullshit it can destroy your life), it's something done only if both fully agree and it's to guarantee 2 people's devotion and commitment to eachother. The same as the Dedication

The dedication is also a test of strength. Satanism is a serious thing. Not for dabblers or weak-minded, not for traitors or materialistic people. That's why there's the dedication. And this predates xianity, as there have been similar initiations for life in Mystery Schools from Ancient Egypt and other civilizations. And these were even more demanding. I'm guessing if you prefer swimming in a pool of crocodiles like they had the aspirants do in Ancient Egypt instead of the Dedication Ritual then go ahead and do that.

Just wanted to mention the crocodiles where over feed on this time, but the apprentice didn´t know this. The chances to be eaten were like 0%. The egypt spiritual teachers weren´t monsters, who would kill or harm someone during a test.

You gave great answers but this is a important detail ;).
Sarjam05 said:
I don’t have access to a dry pen. Can I use any other object. How do you mean sign your name in blood? Do I write my name out on the paper then sign it with blood? Or can I just do a fingerprint of my index finger in blood? Please I need answers ASAP. I think I have seen the light and I think I’m about to dedicate. I have bought the candles. I almost did it yesterday but I have so many questions coming from a Christian background although I don’t agree with most and I mean a whole whole lot of Christian teachings yet something seems to make me so scared. One of such is the part of the Bible where the Jew God says “I have placed before you good and life and evil and death and I would that you choose good...” or something like that. That was the verse that stopped me yesterday. It made me think maybe the Jew God is being honest after all. He agreed in that verse that he created both good and evil and not denying his involvement like most Christians and Jews like to believe. Please help clarify. I need to know why I am about to do this. I have the urge. It’s very very very huge but when you think of eternal damnation I can’t explain the heavy heavy heaviness in the heart. Please anyone who fought this huge huge huge fear should help me relax.

One drop of blood on your name is ok. You don´t have to only sign your name with blood.

For me back at this time I thought, I want to be free, I want to be who I am without restrictions, I want to grow, to overcome the obstacles in my life, satanism / Lord Satan did help me tremondously.

All the christian god/bible is, is just kikes threatening, demanding and offering nothing in return.

It´s the same if you would approach a girl and say to her:

"Love me or you will burn forever/be dammed forever if you die.
I will be your saviour, I will send you to eternal heaven when you die, because I´m so great, you have to also give me all your money, also cook, clean for me, do what ever I demand from you."

There are probably girls who would fall for this, if the person is fancy enouth, but most sane ones would deny.
The bible/ christanity/jesus/Islam/judaism etc isn´t different.

Just because they did invent/write a fancyfull book about it, doesn´t change the original intention.

You can read much more info about christanity by reading all the info here:

Exposing Christianity
How does a ss find love? This is a faceless forum? Can’t we donate to a dating site that would be known to only ss members? Can’t we somehow create a spiritual web of thoughts where only dedicated satanists can understand the coded words? I mean we may meet in dreams and on the astral or in other ways. We need to be able to create a platform for the single ss to meet other single ss as fins love as an ss is a greatly greatly greatly arduous task.
Can I do the dedication ritual even if I haven’t taken my bath?
This might sound really dumb but what do we think about chess? I love Chess. Is it kike game or satanic?
Sarjam05 said:
How does a ss find love? This is a faceless forum? Can’t we donate to a dating site that would be known to only ss members? Can’t we somehow create a spiritual web of thoughts where only dedicated satanists can understand the coded words? I mean we may meet in dreams and on the astral or in other ways. We need to be able to create a platform for the single ss to meet other single ss as fins love as an ss is a greatly greatly greatly arduous task.
No one is answering this
Sarjam05 said:
I did Ashe many years ago but I’m yet to really understand what I did and the repercussions. After the incision was placed under my lips I had a terrible time going to sleep that night as there was heavy weight and pains on the right side of my face. It was a real spiritual experience. I experienced it live. It was like a spirit was fighting my spirit. The pain was especially in my right cheekbone. It was also like a weight was placed on the spot. The spiritualist also gave me a soap which I had used before bed time. I had to involve my parents who had to pray in Jesus name and the next day the soap was burnt but I know and still feel the power deep down inside me. Someone who understands my plight should please comment.
I wanted power.
No repercussions were made known except a warning to never ever ever abuse my power as it would lead to dire consequences but no repercussions on the act of soliciting the power of Ashe in the first place.
My parents were in the next room while I was fighting a spiritual battle and terrified as hell.
I didn’t feel the pain the next day but you know very well all is not well you’d know what I mean. I’m sure someone understands me. That night I couldn’t sleep until the prayers. The pain was so much. After prayers and the soap was burnt I felt some relief but I still feel the rebound effect from time to time and I know intuitively that it’s lurking.
Ashe is the power to make words manifest and they are not like the media magic or television magic you see. They have an entirely different system of working. I don’t know if it has ever manifested for me but I know whenever I declare something with so much passion or gusto it happens though not exactly the act I have in mind but the thought. Say if I was really angry and pronounce hurt on the cause of the anger something happens but not in the moment but I usually know deep down that it was my pronouncement that worked. Don’t tell me coincidence. I need someone who is in the phenomenon of the spiritual to explain things to me. What are the repercussions?
I can’t go back to the woman cause she never told me of the side effects in the first place so she can’t be trusted.
My confusion has been if this power is positive or negative. I feel it deep within me and I know it’s lurking somewhere inside me. I cannot just call it to work but when I’m in an emergency situation it starts acting on its own.
I used to hear and watch it in movies till I delved into it and yes it is very very very real.
I have other experiences but let me add this. I was in a fight with my cousin one night. I can’t remember but I was really mad at her and my dad. I hit her so hard she went unconscious. I wasn’t perturbed but my dad was. Suddenly out of no where a turtle appeared and my dad picked it up and took it outside the house. He then persuaded me to rush her to the hospital.
When we got to the hospital and the doctor and nurses were trying to resuscitate her the turtle appeared again and this time a male nurse picked it up and took it outside. Immediately this was done my cousin revived. I don’t know what this means. I need clarification.
As concerns the energy I don’t think I want it out. However can I ask? Despite burning the soap and flouting the warning not to look back at the river do you think it’s still effective? I believe the reason I still feel the energy sometimes is cause it was put in my blood. This begs the question. Is the Ashe the one incised into my blood or do I need the other paraphernalia for it to be effective? I hope you understand my question. Did burning the soap do anything?
Anyone to help me with this?
Sarjam05 said:
I did Ashe many years ago but I’m yet to really understand what I did and the repercussions. After the incision was placed under my lips I had a terrible time going to sleep that night as there was heavy weight and pains on the right side of my face. It was a real spiritual experience. I experienced it live. It was like a spirit was fighting my spirit. The pain was especially in my right cheekbone. It was also like a weight was placed on the spot. The spiritualist also gave me a soap which I had used before bed time. I had to involve my parents who had to pray in Jesus name and the next day the soap was burnt but I know and still feel the power deep down inside me. Someone who understands my plight should please comment.
I wanted power.
No repercussions were made known except a warning to never ever ever abuse my power as it would lead to dire consequences but no repercussions on the act of soliciting the power of Ashe in the first place.
My parents were in the next room while I was fighting a spiritual battle and terrified as hell.
I didn’t feel the pain the next day but you know very well all is not well you’d know what I mean. I’m sure someone understands me. That night I couldn’t sleep until the prayers. The pain was so much. After prayers and the soap was burnt I felt some relief but I still feel the rebound effect from time to time and I know intuitively that it’s lurking.
Ashe is the power to make words manifest and they are not like the media magic or television magic you see. They have an entirely different system of working. I don’t know if it has ever manifested for me but I know whenever I declare something with so much passion or gusto it happens though not exactly the act I have in mind but the thought. Say if I was really angry and pronounce hurt on the cause of the anger something happens but not in the moment but I usually know deep down that it was my pronouncement that worked. Don’t tell me coincidence. I need someone who is in the phenomenon of the spiritual to explain things to me. What are the repercussions?
I can’t go back to the woman cause she never told me of the side effects in the first place so she can’t be trusted.
My confusion has been if this power is positive or negative. I feel it deep within me and I know it’s lurking somewhere inside me. I cannot just call it to work but when I’m in an emergency situation it starts acting on its own.
I used to hear and watch it in movies till I delved into it and yes it is very very very real.
I have other experiences but let me add this. I was in a fight with my cousin one night. I can’t remember but I was really mad at her and my dad. I hit her so hard she went unconscious. I wasn’t perturbed but my dad was. Suddenly out of no where a turtle appeared and my dad picked it up and took it outside the house. He then persuaded me to rush her to the hospital.
When we got to the hospital and the doctor and nurses were trying to resuscitate her the turtle appeared again and this time a male nurse picked it up and took it outside. Immediately this was done my cousin revived. I don’t know what this means. I need clarification.
As concerns the energy I don’t think I want it out. However can I ask? Despite burning the soap and flouting the warning not to look back at the river do you think it’s still effective? I believe the reason I still feel the energy sometimes is cause it was put in my blood. This begs the question. Is the Ashe the one incised into my blood or do I need the other paraphernalia for it to be effective? I hope you understand my question. Did burning the soap do anything?

Anyone to help me with this?
Sarjam05 said:
Sarjam05 said:
How does a ss find love? This is a faceless forum? Can’t we donate to a dating site that would be known to only ss members? Can’t we somehow create a spiritual web of thoughts where only dedicated satanists can understand the coded words? I mean we may meet in dreams and on the astral or in other ways. We need to be able to create a platform for the single ss to meet other single ss as fins love as an ss is a greatly greatly greatly arduous task.
No one is answering this
You create relationships by socialising with people.

You can program your aura and/or do spells to help with relationships, romance, love, whatever is that you are looking for.

Online dating app is not a good idea, and the current ones around are mostly (if not all) shite.
But we’re forbidden from any form of relationship with non ss members.
Sarjam05 said:

Hard to say for sure. Sounds like you invoked some sort of energy or something. These powers you describe are also what a normal, strong soul can do anyway, so maybe it is just you.

However, the fact that Jesus was invoked, and the woman told you not to use your powers or did try to teach you anything about it, suggests it is a bad thing.

In any case, Satan will help you fix anything that needs to be fixed. Through the reverse Torah rituals, you can cleanse yourself of any enemy energy within you, as well as doing lots of deep cleaning and deprogramming.

With this in mind, don't be scared or upset, just take action now to fix whatever you need to. You are your own soul, responsible for your own existence and advancement. Don't worry about what some stupid woman did to you, but you have to take appropriate actions.


Did you dedicate yet?

Don't listen to the Jews. Why would something that pretends to be honest or good try to eternally damn you? How could anyone do that, let alone the supposed creator of humanity. This is only something a hostile entity would do and then lie about it.

Satan shows us how to advance ourselves and fix the world. The Jew God says "only I can do magic, and obey me or I will ruin you forever."

You need to push through this awful Christian programming and dedicate yourself now. Do yourself a huge favor. Do not be scared, and do not be idle. Good luck.
Thanks. Ashe is a Yoruba traditional working to grant powers of command. The problem is the woman is a church prophet and they’re not supposed to do this. Magic I mean. She did it for me but she invoked Jesus. It’s all confusing. Ashe itself is anti Christian but the person who did it for me is a supposed church prophet. I guess I was too young and naive and needed power by any means. Now I don’t know if it’s a bad thing or good thing. It would be good if it’s the African traditional Ashe. I don’t know if she invoked Jesus in order to get me to relax or if the working itself has Jesus energies.
Is there any spiritual import of magnetic energy? Do magnets have any spiritual uses?
Sarjam05 said:
Is there any spiritual import of magnetic energy? Do magnets have any spiritual uses?

The soul is electro-magnetic in nature, but you can not achieve anything with plain magnets.

Meditation is key to advance.
Can one carry out the standard ritual to Satan without being dedicated?
Also how do I start a new post.
Sarjam05 said:
Can one carry out the standard ritual to Satan without being dedicated?

Yes. A rule of thumb: everything involving Satan himself (standard rituals, thanksgiving rituals, meditating on Satan's energy or his sigil e.t.c.), white magick workings/rituals (protection, banishing, freeing the soul, cleaning karma e.t.c.), cleaning your aura and chakras and void meditation are 100% safe to do even if you are not dedicated.

Sarjam05 said:
Also how do I start a new post.

Click on the sub-forum you want to post in and then the "New Topic" button at the top left of the page (right above the announcements).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
