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I'm planning on doing 30 F-rtr (9 reps) on Sunday. I'm not sure if I can do it. I will also do 30 sets of 108 x Surya.
SShiva_fr said:
Henu the Great said:
Yes of course, I use it as much as possible.

But I'm talking about several hundred people at the same time! For a mega explosion!

Besides, thinking about it, it would be better on Saturday, Saturn's day, New Moon, and their Shabbat day !
Don't you think that there are several hundred doing them all time already?

Saturdays are most ususally best days for these efforts because of their weekly torah readings.
Inflorescentia said:
Henu the Great said:

I think he means directing salvos every 2 hours, all day. I'm up for it as long as I can get in the essential meditations and yoga.

No, not every 2 hours!
Only once but ALL together. A huge coven to coordinate a very high energy!
It might be 2pm for one, while for the other it might be 2am etc.

Only one time when thousands unload a curse on them!

(Note: I am a woman ;)
SShiva_fr said:
The language barrier ...

The coven can happen for example at 3pm UTC (or at another UTC) and everyone manages to start the rituals at that given UTC time

Unite the energy of thousands of us at a SINGLE time to amplify the curse × 1000! Satan's Army ! 😊
The lizards' day of rest 😆
Tis a good idea, but here is the catch: Not everyones schedules will allow this. So overall, it's best to keep constant steady effort with the help of timer rather than one big bang. Doing extra on specific days will help also.
SShiva_fr said:
Beloved Satanic Family
How about we ALL coordinate at the same time on Sunday 05 to deliver 1000 tons of spiritual napalm to the lizards?
I'm in for sure but it not going to be easy job to find a suitable hour due to huge timezone differences. For example only in US timezones add up to 5 hours difference. Evening in Europe can mean morning in US or night time in Russia.
The Alchemist7 said:
SShiva_fr said:
Beloved Satanic Family
How about we ALL coordinate at the same time on Sunday 05 to deliver 1000 tons of spiritual napalm to the lizards?
I'm in for sure but it not going to be easy job to find a suitable hour due to huge timezone differences. For example only in US timezones add up to 5 hours difference. Evening in Europe can mean morning in US or night time in Russia.

And yes, that is the problem. (For Henu and Alchemist7)
I don't mind at all if it's in the middle of the night. I'll just set an alarm and that's it.
I want so much to put them through the wringer one big time. I can't stand them. Real suffering

It was an opportunity to have a very big coven on a power date for us (04 = Father's number, New Moon, Saturn day) and on the peak of their big party
SShiva_fr said:
I'd be curious to know what the potential is for thousands of satanic curses in the same short time frame. Wouldn't you?

The goal being to weaken the enemy as much as possible in these dangerous times for every Gentile..
And before new lock down, forced vaccination, and multiple destructions.
I'm doing 13 rtr + f-rtr today. Past this schedule I have done 9 or 11. I just did 4 + 4, and now I will do 2 more. The last three I will do tonight after hatha yoga.

I'm curious too, so that's why I push myself. Especially during Saturdays.
Sounds good but it is better if we do it one by one on our own pace, like drops of water hitting the rock until it creats a hole in it. that is my view point.

I'll be doing FRTR later on Sunday because I have to visit my son.

We can use the map below for roughly checking any timezone.

We should consider for reference the timezone UTC +00:00 for easy calculations. I would propose the hour 15:00 UTC +00:00 (15:00 in the afternoon) for the mass RTRs on Sunday. Countries included in this timezone are the United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Mali, Morroco, Mauritania, Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana etc.
This hour means:
- +1 in the map above: 16:00 in France, Germany, Poland, Italy, Norway, Sweden and all the Central Europe, Lybia, Algeria, Nigeria etc.
- +2 in the map: 17:00 in Finland, the Baltic states, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, South Africa etc,
- +3 on the map: 18.00 in European Russia, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Kenya, Yemen, Ethiopia, Madagascar etc.
For US and Canada, it will fall between 07:00 - 10:00 in the morning depending on timezone.
For Brazil it will fall on 11:00 or 12:00 depending on timezone
12:00 in Argentina

And so on, anyone can see their hour based on 15:00 UTC+00:00 by checking the map above and adding or decreasing accordingly based on timezone. I think is a good hour for most of the planet, the biggest disadvantage is in Australia and Japan which will fall quite late, around 24.00 pm, which is basically Monday 12.00 am

I quite suspect there won't be thousands to do the RTRs tomorrow at this hour, but more likely the few of us discussing here :lol:
Though we can compensate by doing more RTRs each. In order for thousands to do at the same hour, this must be planned at least a few days in advance and posted by HP Hooded Cobra in the announcements where way more people will see this.

I think that, as jews have weekly torah readings where probably jews all over the world perform them in the same time, we should also have occasions when as many SS as possible to the RTRs all in the same time, which is way more powerful than less SS doing it every 2 hours. I think is worth it for couple times per month or something, after which anyone will do them whenever they are normally doing them. Basically means that we would have our own organized `RTRs chanting` or whatever name to call it. The exact dates and hours for this can be choosen based on favorable astrological placements. I think it would be very effective for only couple times a month, an united strike to raise a massive amount of energy to nuke the jewish thoughtform.
The Alchemist7 said:

We can use the map below for roughly checking any timezone.

We should consider for reference the timezone UTC +00:00 for easy calculations. I would propose the hour 15:00 UTC +00:00 (15:00 in the afternoon) for the mass RTRs on Sunday. Countries included in this timezone are the United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Mali, Morroco, Mauritania, Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana etc.
This hour means:
- +1 in the map above: 16:00 in France, Germany, Poland, Italy, Norway, Sweden and all the Central Europe, Lybia, Algeria, Nigeria etc.
- +2 in the map: 17:00 in Finland, the Baltic states, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, South Africa etc,
- +3 on the map: 18.00 in European Russia, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Kenya, Yemen, Ethiopia, Madagascar etc.
For US and Canada, it will fall between 07:00 - 10:00 in the morning depending on timezone.
For Brazil it will fall on 11:00 or 12:00 depending on timezone
12:00 in Argentina

And so on, anyone can see their hour based on 15:00 UTC+00:00 by checking the map above and adding or decreasing accordingly based on timezone. I think is a good hour for most of the planet, the biggest disadvantage is in Australia and Japan which will fall quite late, around 24.00 pm, which is basically Monday 12.00 am

I quite suspect there won't be thousands to do the RTRs tomorrow at this hour, but more likely the few of us discussing here :lol:
Though we can compensate by doing more RTRs each. In order for thousands to do at the same hour, this must be planned at least a few days in advance and posted by HP Hooded Cobra in the announcements where way more people will see this.

I think that, as jews have weekly torah readings where probably jews all over the world perform them in the same time, we should also have occasions when as many SS as possible to the RTRs all in the same time, which is way more powerful than less SS doing it every 2 hours. I think is worth it for couple times per month or something, after which anyone will do them whenever they are normally doing them. Basically means that we would have our own organized `RTRs chanting` or whatever name to call it. The exact dates and hours for this can be choosen based on favorable astrological placements. I think it would be very effective for only couple times a month, an united strike to raise a massive amount of energy to nuke the jewish thoughtform.

Demultiply to inflict as much damage as possible !
Yes, HP must not have seen, too bad.
It was suddenly at the end of my RTRs, under the guidance of Father Satan and my guardian (always I work with their candles lit and the image of Satan, always), suddenly, bang, the idea came to me, I was bursting with rage at the end of the rituals, I had just visualized my final curse as a nuclear warhead and there: "hey and if we threw them AT THE SAME TIME 1000 nuclear warheads with all our rage?!"

I'm in for 3pm UTC tomorrow!!
Drop the bombs !!! Lol :D

Hail Father Satan !
RockSeed13 said:

I'm planning on doing 30 F-rtr (9 reps) on Sunday. I'm not sure if I can do it. I will also do 30 sets of 108 x Surya.

That is extremely unwise, to put it politely. Pushing so much, forcing yourself to do that much of any spiritual exercise, can be very dangerous. Psychological problems all the way up to insanity can result from it.
It's counter productive to do too much as you'll risk putting yourself out of commission. We don't need martyrs, we need soldiers.
I imagine that you put your heart into it when you do the rituals! But let me tell you!

I start small, I visualise the letters full of very grey mud. Then I visualise them being eaten away as if the grey mud were an acid. As I go along, my energies and my rage increase and I inflict all possible abuse. I can't go into detail, for legal reasons, but the 'letters' eat hot! I lift these damned letters from the ground, I imagine them bursting into 1000 pieces in the dirtiest way possible.

The highlight, during Curse and Reverse blood, is to imagine the letters of their name, in a circle filled with grey mud, and there I visualize a huge hole opening, I visualize a huge grey column of curses, like dozens of grey torrents, pouring into the hole. Then, I feel within me all the Gentile suffering for 2000 years, an unbearable energy that demands justice, and I pour it into the hole. Finally, I visualize a mega bomb bursting the grey circle. Then the blue flames to cleanse and finally the powerful light bursts out. Everything is cleaned up. I visualize Humanity reviving.

"Create with all your being,
Destroy with all your being".

May we be the mighty hands of our Gods here!
Let us be creative!
SShiva_fr said:
I'm in for 3pm UTC tomorrow!!
Drop the bombs !!! Lol :D

Hail Father Satan !
Just to make sure, if you live in France is going to be 16:00 for you since France is in the timezone UTC +01:00. The hour 15:00 is only for those who live in the countries that fall in the timezone UTC +00:00 (UK, Ireland, Morocco etc)

About vizualizations, that's what I vizualize many times but hitting the thoughtform from all over the world and not only from me. Other things I vizualize is protests all over the world, gentiles becoming fully aware in every country, top jews being investigated and arrested and also removed from power positions if is the case, jewish spells dissipating and dissapearing from the planet, gentiles taking over governments and corporations, or when I finish one letter I vizualize a part of the jewish thoughtform being removed or exploding, so when I finish one Final RTR the thoughtform is destroyed completely and with it, all jewish energy from earth, and other things that I better don't mention. It might sound like fairy tales to some but energetically and in astral it is effective given that so many people probably are visualizing the same things. It also depends on which RTR. For example on Destroying the Tetragrammaton I mostly vizualize that SS is becoming more and more popular and mainstream, that people all over the world discover spirituality and that jewish religions are destroyed and jews are completely unable to raise any energy, that's mainly what the affirmations are about.

I think we should develop a kind of schedule where we can choose 2,3, 4 days every month when as many of us as possible can do the RTRs all in the same time, obviously those of us who have the possibility at that given time. The only disadvantage is that we cannot change the exact hour a lot because it needs to be a good daytime hour for all of us since we shouldn't expect anybody to wake up in the night probably half awake to do RTRs (here again the biggest issue is with Australia and Japan as they are too far away). The current Evilgoy Spiritual War Room would obviously be used normally for all the other days. But this needs to be organized and posted in the announcements since the posts there can easily get at least 10.000 views in a matter of days and are likely to have more comments, which means that they will remain on top for longer.
Way_Seeker666 said:
RockSeed13 said:

I'm planning on doing 30 F-rtr (9 reps) on Sunday. I'm not sure if I can do it. I will also do 30 sets of 108 x Surya.

That is extremely unwise, to put it politely. Pushing so much, forcing yourself to do that much of any spiritual exercise, can be very dangerous. Psychological problems all the way up to insanity can result from it.
It's counter productive to do too much as you'll risk putting yourself out of commission. We don't need martyrs, we need soldiers.

You are right.

At RockSeed13, goodwill is wonderful, but don't be too hard on yourself!

The aim of my proposal is in this spirit: to make the ritual circuit "profitable" done only once, but with the most damage possible!
The Alchemist7 said:
SShiva_fr said:
I'm in for 3pm UTC tomorrow!!
Drop the bombs !!! Lol :D

Hail Father Satan !
Just to make sure, if you live in France is going to be 16:00 for you since France is in the timezone UTC +01:00. The hour 15:00 is only for those who live in the countries that fall in the timezone UTC +00:00 (UK, Ireland, Morocco etc)

About vizualizations, that's what I vizualize many times but hitting the thoughtform from all over the world and not only from me. Other things I vizualize is protests all over the world, gentiles becoming fully aware in every country, top jews being investigated and arrested and also removed from power positions if is the case, jewish spells dissipating and dissapearing from the planet, gentiles taking over governments and corporations, or when I finish one letter I vizualize a part of the jewish thoughtform being removed or exploding, so when I finish one Final RTR the thoughtform is destroyed completely and with it, all jewish energy from earth, and other things that I better don't mention. It might sound like fairy tales to some but energetically and in astral it is effective given that so many people probably are visualizing the same things. It also depends on which RTR. For example on Destroying the Tetragrammaton I mostly vizualize that SS is becoming more and more popular and mainstream, that people all over the world discover spirituality and that jewish religions are destroyed and jews are completely unable to raise any energy, that's mainly what the affirmations are about.

I think we should develop a kind of schedule where we can choose 2,3, 4 days every month when as many of us as possible can do the RTRs all in the same time, obviously those of us who have the possibility at that given time. The only disadvantage is that we cannot change the exact hour a lot because it needs to be a good daytime hour for all of us since we shouldn't expect anybody to wake up in the night probably half awake to do RTRs (here again the biggest issue is with Australia and Japan as they are too far away). The current Evilgoy Spiritual War Room would obviously be used normally for all the other days. But this needs to be organized and posted in the announcements since the posts there can easily get at least 10.000 views in a matter of days and are likely to have more comments, which means that they will remain on top for longer.

Yes 16:00 for me !

See you at 15:00 UTC Comrades! ( Those who have participated in the thread as well as those who are reading this and decide to join their energy to ours)

Let's drop everything!!
Hail Satan! Hail our Gods!
Inflorescentia said:
SShiva_fr said:
15:45 UTC

I just finished the 5 RTRs + return curses
I put all my heart into it! I hope it goes well for you Brothers and Sisters !
I'm exhausted, I'm going to rest for a few minutes

It's been more than 24 hours, are you okay :?

Yes everything is fine, thank you :D
Yesterday, Monday, I did all the rituals and now, Tuesday, I've just finished them! Hail Satan!
But on Sunday, the rituals had a particular strength, I really know you there! :cool:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
