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My understanding of Chronos greek myth


New member
Mar 10, 2024

Before starting up I just wanted to give a brief summary of my vacation in Yucatan since tied to magic.

In mecuiche cenote, there is a guide quite honest. A church cardinal tried to complain to administration but failed. In Yucatan history books, it is written that the church was helping slavery , Indians were sold as slaves. To control people, Indians didn’t have right to learn counting, reading. The lords to keep control of people invented also a false money (not Spanish) only good in their territory ( no escape out). Church was using their imposed religion, using confession of Indians to sell informations to the lords. This one say this or that, this one stole you, this one keep practicing the old religion . After came torture , crippling or killing the Indian and/or family. I knew same was done in Europe but in yucatan at least they point their crimes openly and do not hide them. But as usual people are so brainwashed that they keep going to church. Hard to understand stupidity.

The guide was also descendant of mayan priests. He learn a lot from his uncle since his parents were too brainwashed by church. Briefly he spoke on stone, plant, nahualt shapeshifting magic (I forgot the 4th type of magic he said) . For stone he used ligth passing in arm to it after purification of it to makes link with its virtue, then he put it in his pocket. Interessant is the call of 4 directions that he named gates. He kept saying by experience if you forget to close an opened gate illness, bad luck come . So each ritual imply the opening of the gates and at end ritual doing the closing … Direction color black oppose to red, yellow to white (color sun rise sunset), center is the most important color and is green and represent the sacred tree that link the 3 words (cenote/hell, human, heaven or if you prefer spine) and by coincidence a specific tree grow where there is a cenote with its roots going down to drink water (old way to get there was passing by the roots)

He said power is genetic. And he was still training and learning. He didn’t knew about westerner magic circles to protect the invoker. His concept is similar in Necronomicon (gates are chakras), idea is opening to get something but we always close after the training to avoid garbages entering or keeping he good in. That concept seems international. As westerners we called on the entities that are assigned to a direction to protect the training room, and once over we say thanks and that they may go (jews magic only order and use relation master slave, not cooperation)

2 Colors correspond to our system. Black is north in our site magick section 4 cardinal points. For taoism north is also black but water instead earth. Red for Taoism and our site is fire and south. We do not have a color for the centerbut Taoist use yellow for earth. It is interessant to remark that green is color heart chakra and we say it is a connector. Their idea is to connect to nature. And if you try to visualize these colors you feel something I cannot explain (training place or you and your aura green, divide rest word in the other 4 colors. Hope I see him again.

Now Let’ start the main subject.


As we grow up with knowledge Myth and stories sometimes seems more than just symbols. It may represent tips or reference of trainings. Spirals symbol were an important pagan symbol, but only people that train here will see the link (spiralling chakras, bringing force at a point as mantak chia or other type chi kung ) . Not many people will see the ouroboros symbol as the microcosmic orbit, or the rising ot kundalini and its return (one winged dragon climbing back, snake going down front)

In india, The names of siddhi are more ties to trainings. Eg, to be small as insect or a giant as a mountain can refer as trying to perceive and act as if we are that size, a consciousness training seen also in bardon and taoist (be a butterfly technic…). Shapeshiting sidhi which is common through all the planet : wether jaguar as aztecs, werewolf, berseker bear, lion as african sorcerers, crow as casteneda is also an other reference . Bardon shape his spiritual body as an elemental to contact them. Bardon book talk like our site on moving consciousness in an object. so animals also is be possible. Tha danger will be that the wildness of the animal takes over us . If modifying the physical form of the body was possible , the knowledge and power to do so are probably lost. But yes a curse can change a human to a pig . It doesn’t mean that body shape will follow. He will just develop the attributes of it ( uncontrolled hunger, getting fater, dirty , etc…)

The idea of samael aun weor (corrupted jinas) was to use the power of sleep to have somnambulism consciously (trance) then focussing intent of entering partially or completely with the physical body in astral word where the laws differ. Referred but not explained the concept is to absorb energy (invoke) of astral word or astral light in the body to higher its vibration. As you know in dream (astral world) you can be and do anything you want,. Wanna fly just jump with intent, want an ice cream just intent and you got one in hand , you are prisoner and need a door funny door appear from nowhere. Wanna be werewolf, why not. Even Going through walls is possible although it feels weird as if there is sometimes a resistance. (fee like butter moving through or mud, I guess my belief wasn’t strong enough that I could do it)

The theory of jinas is that the body saturated 100% will enter completely in the astral world, fully disappearing from physical word. Partial saturation imply being able to use the laws inherent to astral word (flying, jump higher, sending a cursed object by it so it get out where is the target, etc,,).. And he has an other theory, if your succeed to be conscious in a dream you may call your body to you. Hic is to first knows when you are dreaming.. If you look at a picture and the face turn to face you to speak with you, are you going to react as its normal or ask yourself if you are dreaming ? What if you jump and fly like superman 2 streets long , will you catch on that you are dreaming ? Getting the use of questionning yourself which world you are in day time may help you to have the same reflex in the dreams.


It seems for me to have a relationship with western or asiatic alchemy . Gods as you know represent specialized forces, elements, planets. So what are the 5 gods put in stomach ? Why specify the stomach, like in taoist training books ?

Younger I made exercises for myself and never shared it. But now I believe trails and expériences must be shared . Someday someone advanced may find the real training behind it and explain it to all . I will resume now what I created t in the past .


  • Where is rhea and chronos ? Chronos is king of olympus in sky, therefore is living at the chrown chakra. We put in our system saturn in first chakra. But before being made prisoner in tartarus (hell ,first chakra) he was on the top like brahma. So let just remember here that this is before birth of zeus/jupiter. Rhea is her mate and she is the daughter of gaia. Greeks as nordic seems to say that the boy herit the powers of the father, the daughter of the mother, with a specialisation of them. Eg thor has a son magni that is tied only to pure strength , strength was part of general abilities of thor. You will find similarities in greek myth, just check the lineage. It seems to be like hindu names of one god, you choose the name for specialized magic according to your goal. To resume i have choosen that rhea is in 1st chakra apart the fact that earth is allways the mate of heaven.

  • To have a kid mating is needed. You need strength first, too weak you fail (can you do something when you are ill ?). So first is mantra crhonos to empower the 7th chakra ., rhea for the 1st. After they most have a common place to mate. I have chosen in the past that union is the place of birth to come (in order birth heastia = 2nd and so on) but now I choose the 4th chakra since it is a connector . I used balls of light moving from 7th and 1st to 4th. To represent union, I used tai chi symbol like mantak chia in fusion 5 elements, spinning to a point that there is only one ball of light. Once done, they separate, ball of chronos goes back to 7th, rhea back to 1st but pregnant (I saw it as a ball in a ball). I like also to combine both names as mantra as I merge the forces in 4th chakra.

  • It is a time of nourishing the fœtus so it grows with food ingested by the mother . I use akasha to bring at 1st chakra since it contains the 4 elements. But I guess we may do separate 5 elements If you have spare time How many répétitions (invoking element with bija to send there) ? Since pregnancy is 9 months, I choosed 9 for each.

  • Now where will be born the kid ? over earth (2nd chakra central ). Energy/baby from first chakra , separated from mother goes in 2. The first act of a baby born is breathing air (invoke air in it). Then The name of the kid is given, it is the mantra to fix its existence and the energy it represents.. First kid is hestia.. I was for the time of birth repeating the name. Once named and clean, helpers will place the baby in his bed. Once the mother is ok, she will do breast feeding . The part of air and breast feeding i didn’t do it before. But you must raise the child to level heart to feed, energy comes out from 4th chakra. Since milk combine the best of a mother, I would choose akasha to nourish the sphere.

  • Now chronos learning of birth comes to see her from the crown. How chronos gulp the kid, he need to rise it first over his head so the sphere is moving up. I do not believe that he will face front his wife as he does it, he will turn his back to her. Since spine (rainbow) is always important in pagan myths to go to the sky (rain bow bridge, etc…) , I raise the ball to the crown like the microcosmic orbit then once at throat chakra pass it at centerline to the stomach region (solar plexus for taoist) . Naturally, a mouth is too small to gulp a baby, it means making it smaller first, condensing the ball which imply it becomes brighter. It reaches the stomach (yellow court) but due to small size do not make a big stomach or indigestion.

  • Chronos is Back at crown to normal life, He naturally eat, drink ambrosia (fermented honey drink) that goes to stomach. So put there 5 elements to nourish the kid and dew of pineal gland nourishing hestia. I’m no medic so I do not know how long a woman takes to recuperate from birth to be able to have an other one. But the nourishing in the stomach could l be the same duration. (around 15 days to stop producing milk said on internet, 1 lunar month to ovulate again, ironicly close to 40 days : 15 + 28 = 42)

2nd SERIE :
  • Repat 5 times 1st serie (order birth is hestia, demeter, hera , hades, poseidon) . As said before my old version was birth and conception change of place, meaning chakras. I though why someone will gives birth to same room that brings back bad memories.. But in Taoism, birth of the golden foetus is always in lower dan tian ( 2nd chakra) . I try both but I felt more the old version (centerl line)

  • Taking account that 1st chakra is only rhea, they seems to have a pattern with the birth. If Hestia is born in 2nd chakra , for us it is mars (link to fire) and hestia is goddess of fire at home. Hades is tied to darkness and invisibility which correspond to akasha and he is the 4th born, place in 5th chakra. Poseidon is tied to water and is 5th kid, last empty place is pineal gland 6th chakra.
  • But my theory fail ,we may have or not a corruption for hera and demeter. Demeter control nature therefore green trees, etc… Green goes with 4th chakra. He-ra may be tied to sun by her name but for us sun is 3rd chakra. Of course in the actuals corrupted system sun is considered at heart chakra, center of body/universe. I haven’t try their switch yet. Interressant that Hera is acronym of rhea, move r 2 spots from 1st letter = 3rd position, 3rd chakra.

3rd SERIE :
  • the 6th gulp is a stone instead of zeus (jupiter) .Zeus is born in a cavern therefore in 1st chaka on earth . After all empty rooms were used . A Stone is condensed earth and it may mean something like philosophal stone.

  • None of the 6 are digested by stomach or out down the 2 yin. The 5 kids are growing, fed by food and ambrosia falling in stomach. A stone cannot eat to get stronger but do absorb radiation. Therefore the stone increase in power with the radiation of the 5 gods, 5 elements of food plus ambrosia. Technicly with age carbon with fire (acid stomach ) and pressure becomes diamond (wikipedia) .Interessant part of taoist books is that they talk also of placing and feeding the golden foetus with the 4 elements in the solar plexus once it is born. Is the stone here the golden foetus ?

4th SERIE :

  • Zeus grows to maturity being fed by goat milk of Amalthéa and honey . It is evident why rhea do not feed zeus, chronos will find suspect the she still produce milk.
  • Amalthea being a goat , may be tied to satan or capricorn constellation . Capricorn is link to Saturn so it is energy 1st chakra that nourish zeus. Should we vibrate Amalthea for nourishment ? I did’nt try. But An animal need food to produce milk. Again the 5 elements are put in 1st chakra, digested by the goat to produce milk to the kid.
  • As for the Bees this may be a tie to our site training with the mantra of bees (BBB) for the crown chakra. The intéressant part is that honey is put in comb by bees, the comb structure is always a series of hexagone. Bees take from flowers pollen to make honey. Even if far etch , It could means that the production of the 6 chaka (flowers) are brought first at bees home. Usually natural bees hive are high close to sky (trees) but also hexagon makes me thinks of star of vishnu 4th chakra so which place will serve to produce honey that will be borought to 1st chakra ? Note that honey is color gold and made by saliva bees combines to pollen of all flowers. It Seem to be an allegory of 6 chakras energies (pollen) taken in 4th or 6th chakra whre it is mixed with dew of pineal gland (Taoist saliva training ) to create gold liquid .

  • To be honest I pass over that training part by lack of deduction in the past. Since Ambrosia of 6th chakra is fermented honey, I wonder how we would proceed here. But still zeus is at 1st chakra, not up yet.
5th SERIE :

  • Once grown up zeus goes up to the sky to work for chronos as a wine server (hydromel / ambrosia). So zeus, now empowered has rise up by spine to the temple at the top of the mountain, a tie to kundalini ? . One day, with help metis (goddess of wisdom, oceanid so control water, hindu ties wisdom to ajna chakra, 3rd eye) a vomitting drink is done and he gives it to his father probably mix with ambrosia to avoid suspition .That part is more like visualising energy followling the path 6th to 3rd chakra with something creating gaz in stomach like too mutch beer . You may compare it to a volcano that receive too mutch water, steam is created in contact of magma to a point of explosion provoking expulsion of the magma (vomiting)

  • Usually when you vomit you do it at same spot forward, one over the other bending down. As you know food in stomach pill on each other like floors and , digested by layers. So the last one not digested, the stone goes out first from yellow court up to mouth by centerline down front line on earth (1st chakra front line ). The mature gods follows after , 2nd chakra poseidon , hades 3rd, hera 4th, demeter 5th, hestia 6th. Naturally they will go out small, you make them big after. Remember as new born, first action is to breath air, so air is given to each once they are out and vibrating their name too (2nd birth So imply having a name). Now big question, does the stone have a name ? Searching now stone of cronos, some site said it is called omphalos but an other say they are 2 distinct stones (one in the temple is omphalos , other out of it is chronos stone) . It looks like the half top of an egg. Omphalos was tied later to apollon (Greek sun god, funny that omphalos is also translated as navel … navel chakra is one name of the sun chakra). With this new finding, I wonder should we vibrate apollo or omphalos for the stone ?

  • But chronos weaken is not killed yet nor imprisonned. Again we assume with all the guards around him, the 6 kids flee not strong enough in a hurry. And probaly to hide on earth first chakra . Not said in myth if they brought the stone with them. My guess is that metis remark it on the ground and saw some value in it, picking it up, the others freed will be too busy adapting to the word, trying to understand what to do next and zeus would probably be busy putting his hand on the back of cronos (it s a reflex of helping vomiting people).
  • Wasn’t of the stone at 1st chakra instead of 4th in the piling. We would have a perfect match to gender of chakras : 1 2 3 = zeus poseidon hades, 4th stone and hera demeter hestia .

  • After the bothers go to hell (1st chakra central ) to free the 3 cyclops (one eye guy or simply people having develop 3rd eye) to forge weapons that amplified their powers (fire/lighning/air, water/sea/ earthquake, darness/invisibility/akasha). Again, forging imply iron core (earth), fire to melt it , earth to mold (do the shape of weapon), striking the metal, water to cool down to fix shape, polishing (rub) which can be a form of training. I never did it. Which weapon do you do first , it is not said. The weapon amplify the power of each god and when you think about it, it is condensation, a physical object, in one word it may imply putting earth element in the energy of the corresponding god.

  • The hard part I found in many myths is where is heaven earth and hell.. The concept change depending the context . Example, The body is divided in 3 words, head is section heaven, earth section is thorax then hell section what is left to coccyx. Hindu will say hell is in legs( palatas), rest body earth and over head heaven. Inteessant that in the past the king castle was said to be at the center of the country. So chakras 2 4 6 being centers may have some importance for the forging likes Taoist 3 dan tian. But they are not kings yet and the forging is said by myth to be done in hell.

  • Other example of difficulty, ,Hell can be the lowest chakra 1st chakra, but 1st chakra is said also by hindu earth element and the name of earth element is the name of the goddess of planet earth ( prithvi could be compare to gaia ). Remember the serpent of midghrd that grow so mutch it circle around earth. Here earth seems to be body so it makes me think of microcosmic orbit. You see now why understanding allegories Is hard .

  • All is ready. Big war to conquer the castle at the mountain top. So 3 man together fight chronos as they moves up (back line). But what do the 3 girls . Where are they ? The legend do not say. Are they considered as shaktis of each brother moving with them or resting hidden ? I prefer to believe as shaktis accompanying them since woman before catholicism had the right to figth as man. I haven’t traced details how they won. But to win over a castle you have to invade it with all your soldiers. Therefore all 6 forces were entering the 7th chakras to beat chronos passing by the back line. An anime (corrupted) was making walkyries/ shakties as living weapons to help humans to fight (the traduction of their names are often weapons… ). It could be the answer here, the 3 goddess are in fact the helmet, ligning bolt and trident. (apart symbol of the goal, kundalini, the means ida pingala sushumna)

  • The war is over . Chronos lost and send to 1st chakra (hell) . We have a repartition of territory. Curious that it looks like replacing their corresponding gross (titan). Zeus/jupiter replace titan chronos at crown, hades 1st chakra (hell where is no ligth but i haven’t trace the titan name that he replace to confirm my theory), poseidon sea (2nd chakra) replace Titan oceanus that was controlling the sea before him. What happen to the 3 goddesses? 3 womans left are probably corresponding to the 3 other chakras (3rd 5th 6th) and since the stone was said to be placed on earth for humans to venerate, it should be at 4th (zone case here). Also green is the philosphical stone or lucifer stone, and as i remember by our site on coranism , arabs are requested to tear from their chest the stone and throw it away, it makes sense therefore to place the stone there at the end. Particularly Since the 4th chahra is a connector, it means the power of the stone will flow eveywhere in the body.

  • Note that The leader of the 3 word, kingdom will be zeus-sky, poseidon- earth/sea, hades-hell . I say Poseidon will be also earth here because he control earthquakes. Does it means the ending process is vibrating their names in 2 4 and 6th, the center of their whole kingdom ? No idea.


The main point of this article is sharing a trail, that the story in itself may represent an alchemical training to figure out and that it ties to the yellow court of taoism .

I wanted also to point the coincidence that once the golden fœtus is created in lower dan tian (2nd chakra) by natural fire (heating pot will logicly imply put fire under at 1st chakra, no ?) , according to Taoist texts it is moved at some point in yellow court (solar plexus = sun chakra) where it stays and grows to maturity as we keep nourishing it with 4 elements.. Once fully grown the golden kid is moved over head. Coincidence, is that zeus take the crown place.


omphalos - LAROUSSE

Omphalos de Delphes, de Claros, et d’ailleurs : ne pas confondre… – A la découverte des mondes de Marguerite… (recherches-entrecroisees.net)

The Sacred Omphalos Stone, Navel of the World and Communicator of the Gods | Ancient Origins (ancient-origins.net)

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