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Morality of SS


Jul 14, 2021
Since there are no good and bad actions? Why am I not a terrorist seeing that I won’t burn in hell? Why don’t I rape my family and behave like a total degenerate since there’s no punishment whatsoever? Why not be stingy? This is not a mock question. It’s a honest enquiry. Why do good when you don’t get punished for doing bad?
Sarjam05 said:
Since there are no good and bad actions? Why am I not a terrorist seeing that I won’t burn in hell? Why don’t I rape my family and behave like a total degenerate since there’s no punishment whatsoever? Why not be stingy? This is not a mock question. It’s a honest enquiry. Why do good when you don’t get punished for doing bad?

Most humans have already an innate conscience and respect of others, that's why we don't need punishment-based morality. Only psychopaths don't have that innate conscience and that's why they do anti-social actions. This xian punishment-based morality is not only very primitive and unnecessary for most people, but also useless for psychopaths, since they ignore it.

Even for practical matters of behavior, like training a child, punishment-based morality still doesn't work as it will cause the child to grow up into a very neurotic and mentally disturbed adult.
You do get punished. Not by the Gods (unless you commit serious crimes like severe harassment to the Gods or substantial/severe/critical damage to your race and species). For less heinous crimes, it's the laws of nature that act directly against you. How? By the notion of "You reap what you saw". There are consequences to everything you do and think. Think of Newton's laws for example. The third one is the one in proverb mentioned earlier about cause and effect- for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Sarjam05 said:
Since there are no good and bad actions?

By the way, nobody said that. Obviously there are good and bad actions. But in SS we take a practical approach to it, not a moralistic one. For example. doing drugs is bad because it harms your spiritual progress. Not in the sense that "it's bad and if you do it you'll get punished and be called a racist, anti-semite or any other label word" but it's objectively harmful for you. Good habits are the ones that are helpful for you (like daily meditation) and bad the ones that are harmful for you (like drugs).

What I said to you before and which still stands is that Satanism isn't concerned about morality. It simply isn't one of the main purposes of Satanism. Satanism already assumes that you are not a psychopath and you use your innate sense of conscience.

I find it strange when people ask SS's about morality, It's like going to a driving school and asking them their stance on morality and if they teach morality. You can see that morality is irrelevant to learning driving and so it is with SS. The main purpose of SS is empowering and advancing yourself and establishing a relationship with Satan and the Demons. It isn't xianity where morality is the top priority. If xianity is so much concerned about xianity then it surely tells much about that religion. As a saying goes, only a sick person worries about health. So, only an "immoral" person worries about morality. So, the top xian leaders must be truly depraved.
Instead, there are and that is why order and justice are needed.
Sarjam05 said:
Since there are no good and bad actions? Why am I not a terrorist seeing that I won’t burn in hell? Why don’t I rape my family and behave like a total degenerate since there’s no punishment whatsoever? Why not be stingy? This is not a mock question. It’s a honest enquiry. Why do good when you don’t get punished for doing bad?

If you do those things you said the Gods won't care to protect you when you die and you will be all alone to defend yourself against enemy aliens.Thats the worst punishment there is I think.
Sarjam05 said:
Since there are no good and bad actions? Why am I not a terrorist seeing that I won’t burn in hell? Why don’t I rape my family and behave like a total degenerate since there’s no punishment whatsoever? Why not be stingy? This is not a mock question. It’s a honest enquiry. Why do good when you don’t get punished for doing bad?
You do good because that's the example you're setting for others around you, even if they're unaware. So if all you do is bad, you're setting an example and opening people's minds to the bad you do which can lead to more people doing bad. It's like one of those movies with disgusting content. The creator of the movie may have disgusting thoughts, but people who view his/her work will find themselves having disgusting thoughts they didn't before. In my country, the speed limit gets disregarded a lot and as a consequence, nearly everyone on the road is going above the speed limit and I have even seen police cars doing it too among traffic and pulling no one over. I have seen this even in work when people slack and cut corners. With time, others follow. Also, what you do tends to beget the same. So do bad, you create bad. Do good and you create good. It's like how someone that's always nice and helping others tend to get treated the same and is typically held in high regard. However, people who do bad cause others to do bad even if it isn't imitation. If you never punch someone in the face, there's a really good chance you'll never get punched in the face also. However, if you're upset at someone over something that doesn't matter and start shouting at them about it you might just get hit. If the person walks away and you chase after them provoking them, you will get bleed. Also, doing bad with the wrong person can lead to worse than just bleeding. Also, the punishment could be denial from one who is aware of the bad done.
Sarjam05 said:
Since there are no good and bad actions? Why am I not a terrorist seeing that I won’t burn in hell? Why don’t I rape my family and behave like a total degenerate since there’s no punishment whatsoever? Why not be stingy? This is not a mock question. It’s a honest enquiry. Why do good when you don’t get punished for doing bad?

All of these actions currently happen and have happened under threat of "christian hell". Even the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians punished these crimes without the idea of "hell in the afterlife".

We SS still have "morality" and believe in punishment in the here and now. Rapists, murderers, and terrorists should all be punished. SS believe good is still good and evil is still evil. Where are "morality" differs is the idea that punishment should happen now, instead of some "Christian hell". Nor do we adhere to "turning the cheek", finding solstice in the lowest rungs of society, or in the idea of "just ask for repentance".
Be careful all for fedposters. Law and consciousness is supreme here.
Sarjam05 said:
Since there are no good and bad actions? Why am I not a terrorist seeing that I won’t burn in hell? Why don’t I rape my family and behave like a total degenerate since there’s no punishment whatsoever? Why not be stingy? This is not a mock question. It’s a honest enquiry. Why do good when you don’t get punished for doing bad?

"I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."

There is punishment. I'm sure when you rape your own family and behave like a total degen you are going against Satan because all those things are not of Him but the enemy
Sarjam05 said:
Why am I not a terrorist seeing that I won’t burn in hell?

Because it's useless. What will you gain by becoming a terrorist? People don't do actions "just because they can", but they only do them if they think the cost outweighs the benefit, this is basic psychology. Unless they are psychopaths/sociopaths (or Muslims, who interestingly enough, do believe in a "hell"). Being a "terrorist" will just make you hated by everyone and your life very difficult and will not help in anything. We are logical and conscientious beings. We don't need a threat of punishment in the afterlife to do or not do certain things.

Sarjam05 said:
Why don’t I rape my family and behave like a total degenerate since there’s no punishment whatsoever?

Because the first harms your family whom you love and sympathize with and the second one harms both your body and your soul. There are good enough reasons to avoid these without invoking an imaginary hell.

Sarjam05 said:
Why not be stingy?

Because if you hoard money and don't give, people won't give to you either when you need it. Being nice with others causes them to be nice with you. Again, you don't need to invoke an imaginary hell when you have good reasons.

Sarjam05 said:
Why do good when you don’t get punished for doing bad?

Because doing "bad" is always bad for you in the long term. Tell me a bad behavior which helps you and don't harms you long-term, either physically or spiritually. There's really no such thing. "Bad" actions only give short-term benefits, if any, but end up harming you pretty bad in the long-term. See, there is a logical reason to avoid bad things, and this has nothing to do with invoking an imaginary hell or fearing punishment or xian-like morality.

If you are a SS, I am assuming that you are a logical being who thinks about what is best for you and you have an active innate conscience, that's why you're not gonna do these silly things you mentioned. I am not getting a psychopath vibe from you, so I think all is fine.
StraitShot47 said:
All of these actions currently happen and have happened under threat of "christian hell". Even the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians punished these crimes without the idea of "hell in the afterlife".

Not to mention that the xian "hell" has mostly nothing to do with morality, considering that the xians say that good atheists and Buddhists will go to "hell" and bad xians will go to "heaven". Or Muslims who do have a belief in hell commit the most heinous crimes. One xian parent beat his child to death because the buybull says if you beat your child with a rod you will save it from "hell". No kidding. The buybull's morality is pretty horrible, and many xians have done those heinous acts that the buybull actually condones, thinking they will go to "heaven".

Many people just have a simplistic view of the whole thing and haven't studied what xians (and Muslims) say about "hell" or do themselves. If they do study them, they will be truly horrified.
NakedPluto said:
Be careful all for fedposters. Law and consciousness is supreme here.

I don't think O.P. is a glownigger but non-the less there are fed-bombers around who might isolate O.P. and use you as some sort of "lets create a crime for the sake of creating a crime, cause I'm bored and need shekels to move the economy on the justice level of economics".

This above that I mentioned is punishable by justice and even by the Gods. IF your sole existence is to come up with ways on creating criminal actions by forcing criminal acts in a sorta entrapment scenario then funny enough the ones who create this and the ones who commit this like fed-bombers will at some point face punishment even by their own justice system. As a matter of fact the irony that laws have no been made to make law enforcement keep the peace or push away dangerous agents or put in law a federal agent that pushes crimes unto law abiding people only to make them commit laws should in effect be punished. Though with the anonymity of the internet and communities I doubt this will stop a determined federalis.

The sheer fact is there IS punishment not just by the laws of nature or hell even laws of mob mentality. Before the U.S. created it's first police force sometime in the 1810s-1820s. Most justice was handled by minutemen or armed groups. Obviously with mob mentality there is a lack of professionalism and lack of appropriate law enforcement. It's akin to xtian countries in the past stating the church is the one that enforces the laws much to the unjustice of such action.

As for the Gods even in Ancient times it's been known from Hindu tales and S.E.A.-Nation tales the Gods from time to time partook in ground level justice even though they raised humans up to be morally upright and take justice. We can't black magic nor bind magick a person or God or highly advanced entity even among ourselves in those times. But sure as hell take them the legal justice way.

For example I'm reminded of the Vashinavya Hindu orthodox group. They accept all the Gods even Krishna in as much as he is a Hindu avatar or God unto themselves. But that stops cause it was seen with Krishna all he does is masturbate, have sex, eat meat, drink alcohol, and do things not within the mixed xtian Hindu culture since the Vashinavya group is xtian-Hindu. But Krishna does attack people and destroy people who've committed crimes like rape or murder or robbed something really valuable.

I don't think the Gods punish with magick against dedicated followers but do use magick to understand the crime. In as much they bring you to justice with a criminal justice system akin to modern days.

Eventually these things produce people who don't do this but at the same time the Gods make crime so low and so reduced eventually crime becomes obsolete it's not just not worth doing it but eventually with everyone becoming spiritually advanced their moral compass isn't South even IF some of the Gods know criminal actions like a God that steals stuff.

My guess is like technology crime a type of civilization instinct and technology becomes obsolete. No one does it.
Sarjam05 said:
Since there are no good and bad actions? Why am I not a terrorist seeing that I won’t burn in hell? Why don’t I rape my family and behave like a total degenerate since there’s no punishment whatsoever? Why not be stingy? This is not a mock question. It’s a honest enquiry. Why do good when you don’t get punished for doing bad?

Others have answered your question. I only want to say that you shouldnt have your personal info in your username
Sarjam05 said:
Since there are no good and bad actions? Why am I not a terrorist seeing that I won’t burn in hell? Why don’t I rape my family and behave like a total degenerate since there’s no punishment whatsoever? Why not be stingy? This is not a mock question. It’s a honest enquiry. Why do good when you don’t get punished for doing bad?

Because you would probably feel very ashamed and shitty afterwards for being a terrorist, rapist etc. Also, people will hate you very much and you risk end up being killed yourself. If that's not punishment enough I guess your'e a psychopath then ;)
I am asking this question against the backdrop of reward and punishment systems of order. It’s very possible for someone to do a suicide bombing and kill thousands of innocent people. My take is does that person still get to enjoy hell in bliss cause he is a satanist? Even if he isn’t a satanist. What’s the afterlife aftermath?
Sarjam05 said:
I am asking this question against the backdrop of reward and punishment systems of order. It’s very possible for someone to do a suicide bombing and kill thousands of innocent people. My take is does that person still get to enjoy hell in bliss cause he is a satanist? Even if he isn’t a satanist. What’s the afterlife aftermath?

That person will not get to enjoy life anymore since he/she's dead until reincarnation (which can be troublesome when suiciding), that's one punishment, except all the inner punishment it must have meant to get into a situation of wanting to kill oneself and others (except for psychopaths). There is also a legal system with jail, death sentence etc. for someone who's alive, I forgot to mention that earlier.
Sarjam05 said:
I am asking this question against the backdrop of reward and punishment systems of order. It’s very possible for someone to do a suicide bombing and kill thousands of innocent people. My take is does that person still get to enjoy hell in bliss cause he is a satanist? Even if he isn’t a satanist. What’s the afterlife aftermath?

The aftermath is immense damage to your soul due to suicide. The kind of karma gained from suiciding is already quite nasty. You basically imprinting on your soul that you don't care about your body and life at all. If you get the chance to be reincarnated (you may not get it for a long time anyway), it is likely it will be in a body with severe health issues and the likes of that. It wouldn't be far to say that you could even be born with disabled legs or even a vegetable. There are quite a few possibilities, all with negative outcomes. On top of that, you're also imprinting in your soul that you don't care about other people's lives which, added to the above, means you'll be born with a personality that doesn't give a shit about anything and anyone. You'd likely be so lazy that you'd become a fat whale, unemployed and so on. That's from the side of natural law. Next, from the side of the Gods

You wouldn't get any bliss. That's for sure. The Gods do not look kindly to murder, let alone mass murder. You could see it in the Code of Hammurabi, Laws of Maat, etc. I wouldn't blame them if they left you at the mercy of the enemy, and denied you access to their realms. Who the fuck wants a mass murderer in their midst? In order to become that, one must be a sociopath and a psychopath.

Your soul would rot in the astral. If you're unlucky enough, you'd be prey to astral parasites and the enemy too!
Sarjam05 said:
I am asking this question against the backdrop of reward and punishment systems of order. It’s very possible for someone to do a suicide bombing and kill thousands of innocent people. My take is does that person still get to enjoy hell in bliss cause he is a satanist? Even if he isn’t a satanist. What’s the afterlife aftermath?

Nothing. But note: there's such thing as karma which is not punishment, but the carry-overs of his mental and physical state in his previous life. If that person became a suicide bomber, that means he had mental disturbances in that life and maybe physical ones too. People who are happy with their lives don't do weird and destructive things. So that means, that person's next life will have carried over all that mental and physical karma that caused him to become a suicide bomber. But there's more: The people who were his victims will probably be subconsciously angry and may reincarnate together with him to seek their revenge against that person, so that person will probably have lots of trouble from the people whom he has harmed, and that person may be their victim in their next life. Again there's no morality in this, but simply cause and effect. And it doesn't happen in the "afterlife", but only in earthly/other planetary incarnations.

As for "enjoying bliss in hell", Duat/Hell isn't the xian "heaven". It's just a temporary place in the astral where Satanists (and some non-Satanists for whom Satan cares) stay temporarily between their lives. Everyone eventually gets reincarnated. The only way to stop that is reach the Magnum Opus and physical immortality so you will not have to reincarnate any more.

You don't really enjoy "bliss" when you don't have a physical body. As it's mentioned in JoS, even the dead currently in Duat miss their physical lives and find it very boring there. They are longing to be reincarnated.
Rational Satanist said:
You don't really enjoy "bliss" when you don't have a physical body. As it's mentioned in JoS, even the dead currently in Duat miss their physical lives and find it very boring there. They are longing to be reincarnated.

That's interesting. Correlates to what yogi Rajneesh has said: the only ones who can have a ultimate goal in reach is the dead people, and that ultimate goal is to come alive. Reaching the Magnum Opus is the second ultimate goal I guess, but he has never mentioned that one. I've never heard any other yogi mentioning it either since it's like the ultimate secret thing.

For someone who is alive having goals of different kinds is a constant part of life. To stop having goals is to stop living in a way; no ambitions or need for anything new. It's weird how some religions have that as a goal in itself.
JoS is sort of the counterpart of that where having goals and ambitions is seen as something positive rather than negative.
It's a healthy sign of someone who values and enjoys being alive rather than wanting to escape life.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
