Christianity, the Bible and Christian politics often contradict and differ from each other. In the Gospel of Mark, Christ has sex with his male disciples in initiation rites that have to do with "the mysteries of the kingdom of god." There is a Christ who loves a male disciple named John, and also Lazarus. Then, there is a Christ who says that "not everyone can accept this teaching, but to whom it applies, there are some people who are born eunuchs from their mother's womb."
Some Christians who call themselves Satanists might even go as far as to claim that the very religion of Jesus Christ is homosexuality, itself. Although this is not in any way true, homosexual pedophilia is the centerpiece to the religion of Christ, not consenting adult, NATURAL, MUTUAL, CONSENTING homosexuality, nor natural, mutual, consenting heterosexuality between members of the same race, either.
The Catholic Church is filled with "homosexuality." However, they pervert it by adding pedophilia to their style of "homosexuality." Some churches elect gay bishops and perform gay marriage. So, some Satanists who condemn homosexuality like the Christians do, have at least a small excuse to, BUT YES, to treat homosexuality as inferior or more degenerate than heterosexuality is to be a Christian fundamentalist, and NOT a Satanist, unless they know that they are worshiping the Jewish/Christian "god," but call him "Satan," instead.
The so-called "Christian Right" are hypocrites. They bash homosexuality and abortion, and yet they ignore that their own "savior" promotes and encourages both. He doesn't tolerate NATURAL homosexuality and NATURAL heterosexuality, but UNNATURAL versions, in order to diminish the number of White Gentiles who carry Satan's bloodline on this Earth.
Although Judaism, Christianity and Islam were the very first "religions" to condemn homosexuality and punish it with death, these were also the very first "religions" to ENCOURAGE and WORK TOWARDS "homosexuality" -- not normal, natural homosexuality, but a synthetic homosexuality that would decimate the White Aryan Race through celibacy and non-procreative intercourse becoming the accepted norm.
For Gentiles, "god" and Jewsus are bachelors without wives or girlfriends, but for the Jewish people, their same "god" Jewhovah has a wife named Shekinah, and Christ is either married to Mary Magdalene, or the Jewish bitch "goddess" Sophia. The Jews promote heterosexuality and procreation for their own people while promoting just the opposite for the White Gentiles.
However, with the Inquisition, and the OTHER Jesus, the one that the Jews are awaiting as the official Jewish messiah, is exclusively heterosexual. The "gay Jesus" was stolen from our Aryan bisexual God Dionysus, so, of course, the Jews don't want to have anything to do with anything Pagan.
In the original Satanic Pagan religions that existed hundreds to thousands of years before Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were concocted by the Jews, a healthy balance between the male and female polarities was encouraged; male Gods had female wives/girlfriends, and for humans, the sexes were rarely segregated.
Although there are contradictions between the teachings of Jewsus and what the Christians actually believe, the verdict still remains that Christianity is TRADITIONALLY and FUNDAMENTALLY ANTI-GAY AND ANTI-STRAIGHT.
The Jews have been pushing political correctness for non-heterosexuals, so it is somewhat understandable as to why certain brainwashed "Satanists" would be against homosexuality, but in reality, they have no excuse to bitch about the sodomites, unless these gays are molesting children (some do, unfortunately) or keep putting the moves on heterosexuals who have rejected the homosexual's mating call.
Anything other than that as far as Satanists being anti-gay, there is no excuse for it, as they are flirting with traditional Christian values, and not with Satan's emphasis on the fact that gays are not in any way inferior to straights.
A major part of the problem is that Jewish political correctness has inflated a false concept known as "sexual identity." Rather than excepting the fact that being gay/bi or straight is only an ASPECT of a person's existence, and NOT their entire identity or reason for living, they make their private lives and what they do in bed their ENTIRE IDENTITY.
Some people who are just oh-so convinced that they are 100% heterosexual feel that in order to be a Nazi, you have to be against homosexuality. However, all this does is give credibility to the LIE that Nazism is in any way related to Protestant Christian fundamentalism. Sad but true.
High Priest Jake Carlson