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Lonely boy | Help me

[email protected]

New member
Jul 1, 2012
I am a depressed boy, I have no friends, but if it is to have Christian, Communist, Muslim or Jewish friends I would rather not have. I really wanted to have gay friends like me who were Nazis and Satanists. Why is it so hard to find? My life sucks.

I can't stand being excluded from gay friendship groups anymore when I express my views on Europe, miscegenation and Adolf Hitler. Why is it so hard? Why is it easier to find straight Nazi men than gay Nazi men? I can't stand living this life alone anymore.
Most people love lies and hate the truth, so why would you tell them the truth repeatedly when they shun you repeatedly? Did you go to Manchester United football ground and declare your love for Liverpool FC? That's idiotic. Learn. Find common interests.

You're fishing for the perfect National Socialist persons in a commjewnist pond, where those NatSoc individuals are merely tadpoles or spawn or fish eggs. Timing is everything. Stop fishing for a while and go do some reading or do something else for a bit.
Why do the friends have to be gay? You don't want friends, you want boyfriends. Otherwise their sexuality would not be the focal point here. Straight nazi friends would be acceptable.
By the sounds of it, you're going full Goebbels on random people that are in all likelihood incredibly pozzed with jewish programming and beliefs, even more so than the typical hetero thanks to marxist movements like LGBTQIAP+UNI, and expecting people to just snap out of the trance and leap into your arms in love and joy for waking them up and being disillusioned when that doesn't happen. By now you know it leads to nothing but a headache.
The thing you have to understand is that nazi homos are extremely rare, in part because of the endless lies told about our side(and the right in general, not just NS and paganism) about treatment of gays, particularly ones such as that homos are broken and were/would be genocided for what they are, which is nothing but projections of talmudic nonsense by the likes of the christarded, and the problems and traumas that the gay community faces are created by the jew who at the same time shepherds them to a slaughterhouse cloaked as salvation. Which means that your world is disproportionately infested with lefty/marxist programming with really no "lesser evil" alternative for the more rational of the bunch to fall back to.
So what you may have to do, and you can consider this my suggestion, is to find a receptive, open mind that you connect with and build a rapport, and then you can gradually and gently sway him to a more wholesome worldview. This most likely won't happen by blatantly preaching the 1488 and getting thrown out, you will have to be subtler about it. Play along if you have to if it means you'll get a chance at reaching people who are pagan at heart. Be like in a detective story where you're dropping clues to lead your patron to a conclusion of the truth, and adjust your expectations accordingly. Or just shop in places more appropriate to what you're looking for 

The situation with finding people who think like us is difficult for everyone, not just gays. But I think it's harder for you because the enemy has way more influence and sway over the gay community than other sects of humanity and it seems to have a stronger us vs them mentality because of the unique shared struggles and narrow range of options for community(most/all of which are jew sponsored). You have your work cut out for you in finding woke gays, for friendship and otherwise. Best thing you can do is keep up the RTR, study and carry on with the activism to break the programming and awaken as many people as you can. Maybe try a spell to attract SS into your life.

I don't want a boyfriend - that was quite offensive to me. I'm just after a friend who understands me and I can share secrets. It's not that straight boys would be useless, but they live another "reality", they don't live in a "gay reality". Regarding the harmful movement LBTQI +, I am not part of it and do not advise anyone to join. It really seems that few homosexual boys are Nazis and Satanists, that is .... speechless.
Most of today's gays are aware that many modern "Nazis" hate gays, so they fear Nazism and snuggle safely under the Jewish rainbow umbrella.  Today's Nazis need to stop this bullshit, and, likewise, gays need to disassociate from all Marxism and all other Jewish sponsored attempts to destroy all Gentiles.
High Priest Jake Carlson
You’re offended that someone thought you were looking for a bf based on your original post? That’s pathetic dude, stay in reality dude, are you gonna die if someone insults you directly?
@lukjoze186  You're not as alone as you think. Many of us here of all genders and orientations keep our spiritual and political beliefs hidden from our families and friends. It just isn't worth the headaches. If you want to get your ideas out there the people closest to you aren't the best people to try and recruit because people are naturally defensive about the beliefs they identify with and when you confront someone close to you with differing beliefs, usually you don't change their mind all that happens is you create problems for your relationship.

My advice, don't limit yourself to gay Nazi men. Try finding some regular gay men you can relate to and you might want to keep political conversations to a minimum.
Something else that I should quickly add for this deluded person before I get back to my work here, is that the gay Nazi, Ernst Rohm, who betrayed Hitler -- his weakness wasn't only for an attraction for boys between the age of 14-19 years old, but as opposed to Heinrich Himmler, who placed SS men within his upper-ranking positions, due to their OCCULT CONNECTIONS and DEVOTION TO SATAN, Ernst Rohm let men in high-ranking position based on men who he had sexual connections with.
Much of Heinrich Himmler's alleged, but non-existent so-called "homophobia" was based upon how Himmler couldn't understand how Rohm could give men such high-ranking connections just because they were gay and/or bisexual, as opposed to Himmler's much higher cause, Satanic occult connections, and devotion to Germany and the White Aryan German people, who are direct descendants from Satan.
I used to be in the same boat as this person who says that he is "offended" for people assuming that he is looking for a boyfriend or whatever.  I used to be brainwashed by Marxism before I ever learned about Marxism.  These gays will always be offended, no matter what rights and equality and prestige they are given because they will never be satisfied until heterosexuality and heterosexuals are eliminated.
These types of gays are perfect instruments for the Jewish cause of destroying Satan and His people.  If they refuse to be properly educated, refuse to integrate with heterosexual brothers and sisters, and refuse to stop making sex the centerpiece of their lives and very existence, then they will die with the Jews and the rest of their enslaved peoples who refuse to wake the fuck up.
High Priest Jake Carlson
Literally every SS goes through this. Do you think heterosexual ones can go around and make oh so many friends? 
We are all in the same situation. Being a SS is lonely. That's the truth. That's how things are. 
We have the forums and the groups to help each other, of course. But we have been advised to not make a habit out of communicating in private with other SS as there are chances for them to be infiltrators. 
I know this is hard - but complaining about not finding gay SS men to be friends with is... ridiculous. We're in the middle of a war. 
There's nothing wrong with having friends. And there are plenty of decent gay men out there. You can find friends, if you desire it. But you need to stop complaining about how hard things are and making a victim out of yourself. 
1 - This question is complex and I would love to talk to someone about it calmly, so as to see every detail of the opinions ..

2 - I still don't see how a homosexual white male society would be bad. Certainly reproduction would not be the problem, as ectogenesis would help us a lot.

3 - "They fear that if gay men integrate with the heterosexual members of their racial community that it will mean 'invisibility,' and therefore 'gay shame.'" In fact, we gay guys want gay entertainment, we want a gay society , not Abrahamic, not heterosexist, we no longer want to protest or argue and fight to make people understand each other, we want peace, not that gay separatism brings peace right away, but together we can fight against the gay phobia of Abrahamism. the non-gay, but the Abrahamic / the Jewish We would be holding hands with non-gay.

4 - "Satan wishes for gays and straights to NOT divide, but to work together." A gay white society would not end the collaboration between gays and non-gays. Just as racial separatism would not end the friendship between whites and nonwhites.

5 - "It is also very pathetic how gay men and lesbian women pit themselves against each other." Feminism is trying to end the friendship between homosexual men and women. Feminism is attacking homosexual men just as it attacks heterosexual men. There are countless homosexual men against the harmful and feminist LGBT + movement, I am part of a homosexual male group.

6 - "While the Jews want to segregate the sexes so that homosexuality and other means of growing and expanding one's Gentile race and Nation is thwarted through birth control" "The reason why they made a Jew for the Gentiles to follow, and whose life Gentile evils are expected to emulate, includes 'homosexuality' which is hidden in plain sight, because the Jews need to curb White Aryan reproduction by encouraging THEIR perverted version of 'homosexuality' instead. " Well, homosexuality does not work well for this, as homosexual men and women can resort to surrogacy among other methods to have their children.

7 - "As you grow up in Satanism, you will see that while Satan has plans for both heterosexuals and homo / bisexuals, He won't support gay people separating from straight people" Yeah, I really want to talk to wise people with you to understand better that.
Try this:

https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfir ... cubus.html

At list, you won't feel so alone until you find somebody in physical.

We all know what does it mean to be alone. But, this is only one of our lifes, next to how important this time is, what if you don't find somebody know? How many lifes will you have, hundreds, thousands? And, if now, we do it well, totally nobody will care about you are with a female or a male. If we don't do it well... You won't even have any thoughts or feelings. Just, a microchip in your head...

Hail SATAN!!!
These highly intolerant and discriminatory people give a bad image of Nazism. And the Jewish media loves to use these Nazis as an example, and they generalize us all.
You rude man! I just said it was offensive. Of course, I don't control your emails, but if you reply rudely to my posts, I ask you to ignore them.
The OP here is the same guy who called out for white people to join a WhatsApp group through a link he posted some weeks ago. Beware.
Yeah?  Well, you are legitimizing the Marxian stereotypes of gays, so YOU need to grow up and wake up, just as much as the people you accuse of being "intolerant, discriminatory bigots," or whatever.
Satanism is only for the Elite of the Elite of Gentile humanity, so if I were you, I would carefully study all of the Joy of Satan websites, and the websites on the JoS links page.  
There is even an e-group that I run that is exclusively for third sex (gay, lesbian, and bisexual) Satanists, but instead of posting your issues there, you are trying to get the heterosexual members of this e-group for all Gentile, legal, consenting orientations to kiss your ass, and accuse those who refuse to kiss your ass of "bigotry" and "intolerance," which are slogans of cultural Marxism -- enemies of the Aryan God Satan.
I know that you will probably take these facts as "bigotry and intolerance," but you must realize that the Satanic Pagan world doesn't revolve around whether people are gay or straight, but, rather, their RACE AND NATION, which has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH SATANISM.  If you can't settle for this fact and reality, there are gay Christian churches that accept your style of gays who demand political correctness.
I'm not even insulting you, but I know that you will interpret these FACTUAL statements as "bigotry," "oppression," and "discrimination."  If you want to be a Satanist, then you must GROW UP!
I used to be in the same boat as you.  Anytime a heterosexual wouldn't kiss ass to me, I accused them of Marxist catch-phrases, such as "bigotry," "intolerance," and "discrimination."
You need to realize RIGHT NOW that one's sexual orientation does NOT give an excuse to make a "community" out of it.  This is exactly what the Jewish people want.  Dividing heterosexuals and homo/bisexuals, and creating separate communities out of them, due to the the STUPID idea that gays and straights live entirely different lifestyles.  Gay and straight are EQUAL, but it is the human races that are UNEQUAL, and there is NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO ABOUT IT, SO, IF I WERE YOU, I WOULD THINK VERY HARD ABOUT WHETHER SATANISM IS THE RIGHT PATH FOR YOU, BECAUSE SATANISM = NAZISM, PERIOD.
All of the original, pre-Christian, Satanic Pagan religions that came from Satan, Himself, put an emphasis on procreation, but they didn't treat gays as outsiders, and, therefore, to create different communities for gay and straight, is to treat heterosexuals as outsiders.  "LGBTQAI+ 'communities'" will become a relic in Satan's New World Order of the Fourth Reich, as gay men, lesbian women, and the others are equal to heterosexual Gentiles, and, therefore, do not in any way need the Jewish separation of gay and straight.
YES, I know that this is tempting to give straight people who have condemned gays a taste of their own medicine, so to speak, but the "heterosexual prejudice" against gays who are willing to fight for Satan and the racial community that they belong to doesn't speak for ALL heterosexuals.
Jewish-written, directed, and sponsored LGBTQAI+ shows, such as Queer As Folk and Will & Grace feed Jewish propaganda to homosexuals -- namely, that "There are two kinds of straight people; the one's who hate you to your face, and the ones who hate you behind your back."  This is the type of Marxist superstition that YOU are adhering to, which has absolutely ZERO common ground with Satanism.
Instead of being unhappy unless there is an exclusively gay male STATE, you have some major growing up to do.
Satan will show you the way if you are sincere and unconditionally open to everything that He has to say, but goddamn, you have a long way to go, buddy.
High Priest Jake Carlson
HP Jake I sent a request to join your group, I am female and I am having some very complicated and conflicting thoughts around my sexuality and gender and I just want to get some advice from the community. So I'd really like to join and maybe get your and some other members opinions on stuff.

It should show up, Ashley Slade.
You don't need to write a request to join this e-group -- at least not to my knowledge.  You are welcomed to post freely, but I keep EVERYONE under moderation, INCLUDING MYSELF, because there have been times that the Jews have hacked accounts, and then, infested their toxic programs to either give links to websites that corrupt a person's computer, OR even DESTROY a PC.
This is exactly why even I have to approve my own messages.
I'm not always good about responding to messages right away, as I am always reading books and applying the knowledge that I acquire, but as I mature, I will be posting much more to ALL of the JoS e-groups, including my own, and post my findings, through the help of Satan and His Demons on my website.  Welcome!
High Priest Jake Carlson
@HP Jake  Okay thank you. I have joined now. I will post my message when I get time. No problem. By all means reply in your own time. I get how busy you are and how difficult it can be to stay on schedule with power meditations and the like, it's the same for me and I am not even a HP so I totally understand.
Thats stupid smh, maybe he wants friends who he can relate too. Just because someone who is gay wants friends who are gay doesnt mean they are wanting a boyfriend. Wow where did you get your logic from? A box of cracker jacks? Damn
On Wed, Sep 18, 2019, 5:37 PM curi0@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Why do the friends have to be gay? You don't want friends, you want boyfriends. Otherwise their sexuality would not be the focal point here. Straight nazi friends would be acceptable.
By the sounds of it, you're going full Goebbels on random people that are in all likelihood incredibly pozzed with jewish programming and beliefs, even more so than the typical hetero thanks to marxist movements like LGBTQIAP+UNI, and expecting people to just snap out of the trance and leap into your arms in love and joy for waking them up and being disillusioned when that doesn't happen. By now you know it leads to nothing but a headache.
The thing you have to understand is that nazi homos are extremely rare, in part because of the endless lies told about our side(and the right in general, not just NS and paganism) about treatment of gays, particularly ones such as that homos are broken and were/would be genocided for what they are, which is nothing but projections of talmudic nonsense by the likes of the christarded, and the problems and traumas that the gay community faces are created by the jew who at the same time shepherds them to a slaughterhouse cloaked as salvation.. Which means that your world is disproportionately infested with lefty/marxist programming with really no "lesser evil" alternative for the more rational of the bunch to fall back to.
So what you may have to do, and you can consider this my suggestion, is to find a receptive, open mind that you connect with and build a rapport, and then you can gradually and gently sway him to a more wholesome worldview. This most likely won't happen by blatantly preaching the 1488 and getting thrown out, you will have to be subtler about it. Play along if you have to if it means you'll get a chance at reaching people who are pagan at heart. Be like in a detective story where you're dropping clues to lead your patron to a conclusion of the truth, and adjust your expectations accordingly. Or just shop in places more appropriate to what you're looking for 

The situation with finding people who think like us is difficult for everyone, not just gays. But I think it's harder for you because the enemy has way more influence and sway over the gay community than other sects of humanity and it seems to have a stronger us vs them mentality because of the unique shared struggles and narrow range of options for community(most/all of which are jew sponsored). You have your work cut out for you in finding woke gays, for friendship and otherwise. Best thing you can do is keep up the RTR, study and carry on with the activism to break the programming and awaken as many people as you can. Maybe try a spell to attract SS into your life.
Nah, it’s those meek pathetic people like you melissa that live and let live and doesent judge that gives a bad name to us National Socialists.
It's "bigoted, discriminatory and intolerant" to make deductions on your motive based on your behavior and your own words and offer advice based on this, which you asked for, but it's not "intolerant, discriminatory and bigoted" to refuse to associate with people just because of their sexual preferences, even though it doesn't affect you in any way?

Interesting line of thought. Did you come up with this or did you pick it up from the mainstream gays that you hung around with?

---In [email protected], <lukjoze186@... wrote :

These highly intolerant and discriminatory people give a bad image of Nazism. And the Jewish media loves to use these Nazis as an example, and they generalize us all.
Don't worry, as a Satanic gay rights leader, I BANNED this Jewish piece of shit for prioritizing "gay interests" ABOVE Gentile-in-general interests.  I wouldn't normally do this, but they just couldn't shut the fuck up. and the last thing we need is Jewish pollution.
They claimed to be a Nazi, but they only gave credibility to the Christian stereotyping of gays being just like the Jews -- only interested in self-interests, and NOT the White Gentiles, and overall Gentile freedom.

High Priest Jake Carlson
HP Jake, on another matter.

I believe you probably have something on SS Reichsfűhrer Heinrich Himmler (JoS researched) and would appreciate enormously if you could share this. I'm putting something together on the leading Nazis elite and this would help.

Much thanks.

Hail Satan
Seig Heil
I will see what I can find in my notes.  I've been visited by Himmler, in regards to the "gay holocaust" LIE that the Jews have been promoting ever since the 1970's with that Jewish pervert, Harvey Milk, in order to turn my Gentiles against Nazism and make them fit for all for political correctness.
I have some information, but I must go through all of my notes in order to help you.  This may take some time.  Himmler is no longer existing merely in spirit form, but I am not allowed to discuss this.
High Priest Jake Carlson
You're the best HP!

How did you go with uploading you're music files on your website? I have chosen "BOX" (through Play Store) for uploading, because it is simple, reliable and easy to access. The free account will only allow a certain amount and then you have to subscribe, but all such app are the same. Best of luck with that.

Thanks again.

Hail Satan
Seig Heil
I stand by what I said regardless of how much ignorance resides in these email groups. I will tell ya what I find so incredibly stupid. Christian pricks are the biggest judges when it comes to homosexuality, and the idiot above who ridiculed my live and let live attitude sounds EXACTLY LIKE THEY DO!! I find that so ironic its laughable. A supposed "spiritual satanist" who still has a christian like attitude and beliefs. Lmao wow
On Sat, Oct 5, 2019, 6:58 PM ed8874@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Nah, it’s those meek pathetic people like you melissa that live and let live and doesent judge that gives a bad name to us National Socialists.
Christianity, the Bible and Christian politics often contradict and differ from each other.  In the Gospel of Mark, Christ has sex with his male disciples in initiation rites that have to do with "the mysteries of the kingdom of god."  There is a Christ who loves a male disciple named John, and also Lazarus.  Then, there is a Christ who says that "not everyone can accept this teaching, but to whom it applies, there are some people who are born eunuchs from their mother's womb."
Some Christians who call themselves Satanists might even go as far as to claim that the very religion of Jesus Christ is homosexuality, itself.  Although this is not in any way true, homosexual pedophilia is the centerpiece to the religion of Christ, not consenting adult, NATURAL, MUTUAL, CONSENTING homosexuality, nor natural, mutual, consenting heterosexuality between members of the same race, either.

The Catholic Church is filled with "homosexuality."  However, they pervert it by adding pedophilia to their style of "homosexuality."  Some churches elect gay bishops and perform gay marriage.  So, some Satanists who condemn homosexuality like the Christians do, have at least a small excuse to, BUT YES, to treat homosexuality as inferior or more degenerate than heterosexuality is to be a Christian fundamentalist, and NOT a Satanist, unless they know that they are worshiping the Jewish/Christian "god," but call him "Satan," instead.
The so-called "Christian Right" are hypocrites.  They bash homosexuality and abortion, and yet they ignore that their own "savior" promotes and encourages both.  He doesn't tolerate NATURAL homosexuality and NATURAL heterosexuality, but UNNATURAL versions, in order to diminish the number of White Gentiles who carry Satan's bloodline on this Earth.
Although Judaism, Christianity and Islam were the very first "religions" to condemn homosexuality and punish it with death, these were also the very first "religions" to ENCOURAGE and WORK TOWARDS "homosexuality" -- not normal, natural homosexuality, but a synthetic homosexuality that would decimate the White Aryan Race through celibacy and non-procreative intercourse becoming the accepted norm.
For Gentiles, "god" and Jewsus are bachelors without wives or girlfriends, but for the Jewish people, their same "god" Jewhovah has a wife named Shekinah, and Christ is either married to Mary Magdalene, or the Jewish bitch "goddess" Sophia.  The Jews promote heterosexuality and procreation for their own people while promoting just the opposite for the White Gentiles.
However, with the Inquisition, and the OTHER Jesus, the one that the Jews are awaiting as the official Jewish messiah, is exclusively heterosexual.  The "gay Jesus" was stolen from our Aryan bisexual God Dionysus, so, of course, the Jews don't want to have anything to do with anything Pagan.
In the original Satanic Pagan religions that existed hundreds to thousands of years before Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were concocted by the Jews, a healthy balance between the male and female polarities was encouraged; male Gods had female wives/girlfriends, and for humans, the sexes were rarely segregated.
Although there are contradictions between the teachings of Jewsus and what the Christians actually believe, the verdict still remains that Christianity is TRADITIONALLY and FUNDAMENTALLY ANTI-GAY AND ANTI-STRAIGHT.  
The Jews have been pushing political correctness for non-heterosexuals, so it is somewhat understandable as to why certain brainwashed "Satanists" would be against homosexuality, but in reality, they have no excuse to bitch about the sodomites, unless these gays are molesting children (some do, unfortunately) or keep putting the moves on heterosexuals who have rejected the homosexual's mating call.
Anything other than that as far as Satanists being anti-gay, there is no excuse for it, as they are flirting with traditional Christian values, and not with Satan's emphasis on the fact that gays are not in any way inferior to straights.
A major part of the problem is that Jewish political correctness has inflated a false concept known as "sexual identity."  Rather than excepting the fact that being gay/bi or straight is only an ASPECT of a person's existence, and NOT their entire identity or reason for living, they make their private lives and what they do in bed their ENTIRE IDENTITY.
Some people who are just oh-so convinced that they are 100% heterosexual feel that in order to be a Nazi, you have to be against homosexuality.  However, all this does is give credibility to the LIE that Nazism is in any way related to Protestant Christian fundamentalism.  Sad but true.
High Priest Jake Carlson

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
