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Jan 21, 2010
Alright guys, i've got one for yah:D About 3-4 months ago i started
trying to raise my kundalini, i was moving it FAST like it was to the
point where i could literally controll it's movement (to an extent) it
got to about 98% ascended (100% being when it's ascended out of my
body) and then it stopped..... i remember that i tried for like a week
straight and it would just not bugde. Now i know that during my break
of meditation was when the whole Dann shit happened and well Vine (my
gd) took advantage of that to get me to stop meditating because if i
didn't i would of became mentally insane (long story, simply enough
body wasn't ready for the mind lol). So i was thinking.... Maybe it
just wouldn't move because Vine forced it to not move for the fact
that if i ascended it then it would of seriously fucked me over
becuase my physical body wouldn't of been ready for it? ANYWAYS my
main question is, i've had 2 months of healing and i can take in like
3 times the amount of spiritual energy as i could 2-3 months ago, now
that i'm ready i REALLY want to get my kundalini to ascend, who here
knows a really detailed (and good) site that explains completely how
to do this? or if there is one on the jos please direct me there
becuase i haven't seen one. Thanks all

Hail Satan
I talked to HP Joseph Swift and he said that the Full Spectrum
meditation helps with the Kundalini, are there any other meditations
that help raise the Kundalini?
Besides the Full Spectrum, invoking the elements aslo greatly
stimulates the kundalini. Try Invoking air and then fire ino our base


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "unhallowedone"
<unhallowedone@... wrote:
I talked to HP Joseph Swift and he said that the Full Spectrum
meditation helps with the Kundalini, are there any other meditations
that help raise the Kundalini?
Sexual energy stimulates the Kundalini. Try building it up for 30
minutes or so in the perineum/base chakra/kundalini/tail bone, then
when you orgasm direct it up your spine.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Seth" <jri9vero@... wrote:

Besides the Full Spectrum, invoking the elements aslo greatly
stimulates the kundalini. Try Invoking air and then fire ino our base


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "unhallowedone"
<unhallowedone@ wrote:

I talked to HP Joseph Swift and he said that the Full Spectrum
meditation helps with the Kundalini, are there any other meditations
that help raise the Kundalini?
I agree, the longer the better though in my own opinion, although I'm
not too sure to be honest. It will raise more energy, but if you try
and raise energy for around 2 or 3 hours, it blows your mind xD. Good
sex though, make sure you use plenty of lube :p

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jonathon_billing"
<jonathon.billing@... wrote:
Sexual energy stimulates the Kundalini. Try building it up for 30
minutes or so in the perineum/base chakra/kundalini/tail bone, then
when you orgasm direct it up your spine.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Seth" <jri9vero@
Besides the Full Spectrum, invoking the elements aslo greatly
stimulates the kundalini. Try Invoking air and then fire ino our


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "unhallowedone"
<unhallowedone@ wrote:

I talked to HP Joseph Swift and he said that the Full Spectrum
meditation helps with the Kundalini, are there any other
that help raise the Kundalini?
Yea, the longer the better.

The first time I did it, it was insanely strong. I'm surprised I
didn't get whiplash, my head was moving back and forward so much.

It'd probably be even stronger with a Succubus.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "HP Maximilian Explosion"
<IH8WHIT@... wrote:
I agree, the longer the better though in my own opinion, although I'm
not too sure to be honest. It will raise more energy, but if you try
and raise energy for around 2 or 3 hours, it blows your mind xD. Good
sex though, make sure you use plenty of lube :p

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jonathon_billing"
<jonathon.billing@ wrote:

Sexual energy stimulates the Kundalini. Try building it up for 30
minutes or so in the perineum/base chakra/kundalini/tail bone, then
when you orgasm direct it up your spine.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Seth" <jri9vero@

Besides the Full Spectrum, invoking the elements aslo greatly
stimulates the kundalini. Try Invoking air and then fire ino our


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "unhallowedone"
<unhallowedone@ wrote:

I talked to HP Joseph Swift and he said that the Full Spectrum
meditation helps with the Kundalini, are there any other
that help raise the Kundalini?
With the proper partner or Succubus the Kundalini energy can become
the Great Leviathan.

When I first raised mine I used a partner and acted out the union of
Kali with Shiva. It worked for me and may for you. Something to
think about.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jonathon_billing"
<jonathon.billing@... wrote:
Yea, the longer the better.

The first time I did it, it was insanely strong. I'm surprised I
didn't get whiplash, my head was moving back and forward so much.

It'd probably be even stronger with a Succubus.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "HP Maximilian Explosion"
<IH8WHIT@ wrote:

I agree, the longer the better though in my own opinion, although I'm
not too sure to be honest. It will raise more energy, but if you try
and raise energy for around 2 or 3 hours, it blows your mind xD. Good
sex though, make sure you use plenty of lube :p

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jonathon_billing"
<jonathon.billing@ wrote:

Sexual energy stimulates the Kundalini. Try building it up for 30
minutes or so in the perineum/base chakra/kundalini/tail bone, then
when you orgasm direct it up your spine.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Seth" <jri9vero@

Besides the Full Spectrum, invoking the elements aslo greatly
stimulates the kundalini. Try Invoking air and then fire ino our


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "unhallowedone"
<unhallowedone@ wrote:

I talked to HP Joseph Swift and he said that the Full Spectrum
meditation helps with the Kundalini, are there any other
that help raise the Kundalini?
i found this translation interesting.......

"Since this doctrine is a deep secret, I am not delineating it clearly. He who is interested may read the treatises. The body itself is the supreme wheel, the eminent, beneficial linga, the chosen place of the divinized energies and the realm of the highest worship (puja). It is indeed the chief mandala composed of the triple trident, the lotuses, the centers, and the etheric void (kha).

There, all the divinized energies are ceaselessly worshipped, both externally and internally. Then in full awareness of the mantra let them through a process of emission and resorption be put in contact with the blissful manifold sap issuing from the main wheel of energies.

Through this contact, the wheel of consciousness suddenly awakens and he who has sovereignty over it reaches the supreme domain where all his bodily energies become satiated...Let him satisfy them externally by means of substances apt to unfold his heart and internally through appropriate awakenings.

O vision of immortal and supreme ambrosia, resplendent with conscious light streaming from the absolute Reality, be my refuge. Through it art thou worshipped by those who know the mystical arcanum (rahasya).

Having purified the root support (the coiled up kundalini) sprinkled with the savor of the wonder-struck Self-consciousness, and by offering the spiritual flowers of my own essence exhaling an innate scent, I worship Thee night and day: God united to the Goddess in the divine sanctuary of my heart overflowing with ambrosial bliss."

from the verses 169-177 "Tantraloka" of Abhinavagupta

Kundalini : The Energy of the Depths : A Comprehensive Study Based on the Scriptures of Nondualistic Kasmir Saivism
by Lilian Silburn
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I've had mine stuck around the heart and throat chakras for a long
time. How do I get it to rise the rest of the way? All of my chakras
are fully open and my upper ones are actually a bit more powerful than
the rest. Thanks in advance for any help.
Hello i would like you to share my experience with you and perhaps to hear your thoughs.

So after reading one of the High Priest experience of kundalini awekning i had some major progress.

Two things helped , one is understanding that kundalini is activated by father Satan divine. It is a strange phenomena but it is true.

The second thing is putting your coiled kundalini at the base of your spine up. Like if it was really turned to its side.

So after some meditation, not really long it struck me. Intense energy first coming through my left part of the body then right .Had few involuntary movements of my body during surges. Then somewhere in beetween i had energy coming into center of my brain where i started to experience state of wakefullness ( for the lack of better term ). After this is where things started to get interesting.
What happened to me was intense surge of energy up the spine that just struck me in the head and i saw BIG INTENSE FLASH OF LIGHT in my third eye. This was followed by energy forming up in base chakre and being pushed up through all of the chakras. Some energy were moved up , i have felt theres MUCH MORE coming , i decided to stop , propabaly felt it would be too much for me to handle at this time , strange thing is i had very little problem stopping it.

Overall entire proces was very managable .

I am particullary interested into flash of light phenomena , if anyone has had that.

Interesting, Tom. I have been working with that same sort of meditation myself lately; having some success, but no flash of light like you described. My experience has been feeling and seeing in my mind's eye a red sphere of energy flowing up my spine from the base chakra, which "touches" all the chakras on the way up, causing to spin more rapidly. The energy bursts into my skull, like a small, pink-red explosion, with a HUGE shockwave that vibrates out of my third-eye, and also hits my crown chakra; and the strange thing is that, while I do not particularly adhere to Buddhist teachings beyond certain of their esoteric teachings, I "see" the lotus blossom on my crown. Maybe because that is how it is often described? But anyways, it's a huge rush, which makes me feel like my sinuses are going to just clear on me, like when you eat habanero peppers, and your sinuses just gush out. But it doesn't get QUITE that intense, just feels like it may. Other than
that, yes, I too notice afterward being in a state of heightened perceptive abilities, as well as having revelatory dreams (not that I don't always have those every time I sleep anyways, but this is different), when I finally am able to sleep. It does help to ground afterward. I'm just curious: do you do this as a strictly meditational exercise, or do you do it as a sex magick rite of some sort, wherein you are cultivating and expending energy in the buildup to and attainment of orgasm, which you then use to aid in the intended work (i.e. raising the Kundalini). I do it as a sexual rite, and I sometimes even preserve the seed I have spilled. I personally tend to visualize the work as a sort of "Caduceus Awakening," a bi-fold energy, two serpents rising as one (rather like in the classic Baphomet picture, by Eliphas Levi). One other thing I have found that can change it dramatically is, if you haven't already done one since you started this work, do a
good chakra alignment. Maybe even work on getting it JUST right for a few days. THEN practice the other exercise! I did that, and was static shock guy for awhile! But yeah, if you learn anything more, I would really appreciate any help with this phase, and also if anybody knows about the, "confrontation with the Shadow Self (which is what LaVey called the, "Inner Daemonic.")," I am at that point in my journey where I have been working up to this for a LONG time, and I think that it is getting close now; there have been signs. And maybe it is one of things that just won't happen until Satan deems that I am ready for the lesson and the power; that I can yield what I gain responsibly. But MAN, if anybody knows any good techniques that may help me, or any info that would be useful for me regarding this, I would REALLY appreciate it if somebody could help a Brother out. Thank you, I enjoyed your account of your experience, Tom, and a Happy Hail Satan to
It started as meditational exercise , now it starting to happen on its own. Yesterday's episode included feeling of intense heat in the are where energy was flowing.

Still have no problem to manage and stop when it feels like to much. I feel theres still much more to come.

Remeber to put up your coiled serpnt UP. It must face up.

I never expirenced anything like "confrontation with the Shadow Self" in fact i have gained a new understanding and clarity i never had , as if part of me was missing and now its back again.

My guess entire process of kundalini awekning is diffrent for everyone (with some of the symptoms common ) . Everybody is diffrent , got reincarneted here at the diffrent level , depending of past lifes, got diffrent bodies , psychological hang-ups during life , blockages in energy body and so on.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "S.M. Nightwolf" <magus_nightwolf_69@... wrote:

Interesting, Tom. I have been working with that same sort of meditation myself lately; having some success, but no flash of light like you described. My experience has been feeling and seeing in my mind's eye a red sphere of energy flowing up my spine from the base chakra, which "touches" all the chakras on the way up, causing to spin more rapidly. The energy bursts into my skull, like a small, pink-red explosion, with a HUGE shockwave that vibrates out of my third-eye, and also hits my crown chakra; and the strange thing is that, while I do not particularly adhere to Buddhist teachings beyond certain of their esoteric teachings, I "see" the lotus blossom on my crown. Maybe because that is how it is often described? But anyways, it's a huge rush, which makes me feel like my sinuses are going to just clear on me, like when you eat habanero peppers, and your sinuses just gush out. But it doesn't get QUITE that intense, just feels like it may. Other than
that, yes, I too notice afterward being in a state of heightened perceptive abilities, as well as having revelatory dreams (not that I don't always have those every time I sleep anyways, but this is different), when I finally am able to sleep. It does help to ground afterward. I'm just curious: do you do this as a strictly meditational exercise, or do you do it as a sex magick rite of some sort, wherein you are cultivating and expending energy in the buildup to and attainment of orgasm, which you then use to aid in the intended work (i.e. raising the Kundalini). I do it as a sexual rite, and I sometimes even preserve the seed I have spilled. I personally tend to visualize the work as a sort of "Caduceus Awakening," a bi-fold energy, two serpents rising as one (rather like in the classic Baphomet picture, by Eliphas Levi). One other thing I have found that can change it dramatically is, if you haven't already done one since you started this work, do a
good chakra alignment. Maybe even work on getting it JUST right for a few days. THEN practice the other exercise! I did that, and was static shock guy for awhile! But yeah, if you learn anything more, I would really appreciate any help with this phase, and also if anybody knows about the, "confrontation with the Shadow Self (which is what LaVey called the, "Inner Daemonic.")," I am at that point in my journey where I have been working up to this for a LONG time, and I think that it is getting close now; there have been signs. And maybe it is one of things that just won't happen until Satan deems that I am ready for the lesson and the power; that I can yield what I gain responsibly. But MAN, if anybody knows any good techniques that may help me, or any info that would be useful for me regarding this, I would REALLY appreciate it if somebody could help a Brother out. Thank you, I enjoyed your account of your experience, Tom, and a Happy Hail Satan to
Cool, Tom; that's right on. I have experienced the heat when the energy is flowing, just like you said; in fact, the first time I did it proper, and the energy hit my head, my head got REAL warm, and I thought of the title of some book on shamanism called, "Fire in the Head."
Yeah, I've got the Kundalini directionality concept; I'm conversant on alot of this stuff, and I know where the Kundalini is stored, and where it is supposed to be raised to, and why, etc. That's not a problem. My only problem has been dealing with my Shadow.
The reason I raise that issue while discussing this one is because for me the two are somewhat intertwined (the Kundalini is shown as two dragons/serpents, not just one), and also because in the practicing of this exercise "she" (my Shadow) has appeared to me on her own. Before, the only way I could ever talk to her was to have sex with a lady, and then when she and I were falling asleep, I would go into a lucid dream state, and my Shadow would be there, in the form of a truly hideous werebeast, and would generally argue with me and attack me. I believe that it somehow used the energy from the girl sleeping beside me, and possibly from the sex we had had, to manifest itself to me in the "between" place. But this has been different; she came to me when I had no girl over, and it wasn't even in a lucid dream, but in a regular one. She appeared to me as the most BEAUTIFUL, sinister-looking woman I've ever seen. She looked as one might imagine Lilith to
look. And as before, she yelled at me, and attempted to strangle me. I woke up to her invisible hands still shaking me.
As you can see, there is a problem here. And the current phase of my quest is to mend whatever schism exists between my Shadow and I, that we may together serve Satan-Lucifer. The Dark Lord has made clear to me that this is what I need to do, and so it is my priority.
Yet I must admit, I am rather at a loss as to what I can do. I have tried having true astral sex with the most hideous face my Shadow ever wore for me; to have feelings of dark desire for something that resembles a human-sized hog on two feet, with beady little rat's eyes, and a rat's tail, and huge, sharp fangs and claws, skin flaps, short bristly hair all over...and I did it, too: I achieved orgasm. Yet still, all is not well.
Ever since I gave myself to Satan, I have had no need to fear any Demon or what have you; they are all to me my family in Satan, and that is how I regard them, and how they regard and treat me. I have never needed to cast a circle for I have no need of protection from the Hordes, and the only banishings I have ever used are to get rid of unwanted ghosties, or to cleanse my house and reset my wards (like a spring cleaning). So I do not understand the problem, except that it is something deep within my psyche, and it SEEMS to be along the lines that my shadow is angry that I have the physical body, while it is within the subconscious realms. It even said to me once, "It's not all about you." I don't know; I've been working at this for awhile now, and it seems like maybe it's getting better, or maybe there's some hope that I can fix this; my ascension depends on it. So again, I say if ANYONE can offer me any tips on this, I would truly be grateful. But
as I said before, maybe this is one of those things that nobody CAN help me with. Oh well, no matter what, I am doing as HE has requested of me, and that is what matters. All else is to the side. May Satan's Blessings be upon all of you, and I remain:
Your friend and Brother of the Path -- Nightwolf
Just remember that the buddhists are really jewdhists. and what do jews do?
steal shit from someone else, fuck it up, and then say they made it.

To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
From: pip85@...
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 12:38:02 +0000
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] Re: Kundalini

It started as meditational exercise , now it starting to happen on its own. Yesterday's episode included feeling of intense heat in the are where energy was flowing.

Still have no problem to manage and stop when it feels like to much. I feel theres still much more to come.

Remeber to put up your coiled serpnt UP. It must face up.

I never expirenced anything like "confrontation with the Shadow Self" in fact i have gained a new understanding and clarity i never had , as if part of me was missing and now its back again.

My guess entire process of kundalini awekning is diffrent for everyone (with some of the symptoms common ) . Everybody is diffrent , got reincarneted here at the diffrent level , depending of past lifes, got diffrent bodies , psychological hang-ups during life , blockages in energy body and so on.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "S.M. Nightwolf" <magus_nightwolf_69@... wrote:

Interesting, Tom. I have been working with that same sort of meditation myself lately; having some success, but no flash of light like you described. My experience has been feeling and seeing in my mind's eye a red sphere of energy flowing up my spine from the base chakra, which "touches" all the chakras on the way up, causing to spin more rapidly. The energy bursts into my skull, like a small, pink-red explosion, with a HUGE shockwave that vibrates out of my third-eye, and also hits my crown chakra; and the strange thing is that, while I do not particularly adhere to Buddhist teachings beyond certain of their esoteric teachings, I "see" the lotus blossom on my crown. Maybe because that is how it is often described? But anyways, it's a huge rush, which makes me feel like my sinuses are going to just clear on me, like when you eat habanero peppers, and your sinuses just gush out. But it doesn't get QUITE that intense, just feels like it may. Other than
that, yes, I too notice afterward being in a state of heightened perceptive abilities, as well as having revelatory dreams (not that I don't always have those every time I sleep anyways, but this is different), when I finally am able to sleep. It does help to ground afterward. I'm just curious: do you do this as a strictly meditational exercise, or do you do it as a sex magick rite of some sort, wherein you are cultivating and expending energy in the buildup to and attainment of orgasm, which you then use to aid in the intended work (i.e. raising the Kundalini). I do it as a sexual rite, and I sometimes even preserve the seed I have spilled. I personally tend to visualize the work as a sort of "Caduceus Awakening," a bi-fold energy, two serpents rising as one (rather like in the classic Baphomet picture, by Eliphas Levi). One other thing I have found that can change it dramatically is, if you haven't already done one since you started this work, do a
good chakra alignment. Maybe even work on getting it JUST right for a few days. THEN practice the other exercise! I did that, and was static shock guy for awhile! But yeah, if you learn anything more, I would really appreciate any help with this phase, and also if anybody knows about the, "confrontation with the Shadow Self (which is what LaVey called the, "Inner Daemonic.")," I am at that point in my journey where I have been working up to this for a LONG time, and I think that it is getting close now; there have been signs. And maybe it is one of things that just won't happen until Satan deems that I am ready for the lesson and the power; that I can yield what I gain responsibly. But MAN, if anybody knows any good techniques that may help me, or any info that would be useful for me regarding this, I would REALLY appreciate it if somebody could help a Brother out. Thank you, I enjoyed your account of your experience, Tom, and a Happy Hail Satan to

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
This is the biggest load of self-delusional, kike shit I have read in a long while on this group.
This is the Advanced Meditation eGroup, not advanced reptile propaganda eGroup!

Your lies given below are terribly easy to see through, and the way you slander Lilith-sama is truly disgusting. The way you speak of the "Shadow Self" and the "Shadow" is complete bullshit. The True meaning of the "Shadow Self" is simply the Astral-self. None of this fantasy crap!

And you are confusing the Caduceus with the Kundalini Serpent. - At least do some form of research before you start lying, on this Group in particular – well that wouldn't help anyway, you jews could spend eternity trying to understand alchemical allegories and you still wouldn't have a clue.

-High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan! Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama! Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail Astaroth-sama! Hail Lilith-sama!
Hail Clistheret-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "S.M. Nightwolf" <magus_nightwolf_69@... wrote:

Cool, Tom; that's right on. I have experienced the heat when the energy is flowing, just like you said; in fact, the first time I did it proper, and the energy hit my head, my head got REAL warm, and I thought of the title of some book on shamanism called, "Fire in the Head."
Yeah, I've got the Kundalini directionality concept; I'm conversant on alot of this stuff, and I know where the Kundalini is stored, and where it is supposed to be raised to, and why, etc. That's not a problem. My only problem has been dealing with my Shadow.
The reason I raise that issue while discussing this one is because for me the two are somewhat intertwined (the Kundalini is shown as two dragons/serpents, not just one), and also because in the practicing of this exercise "she" (my Shadow) has appeared to me on her own. Before, the only way I could ever talk to her was to have sex with a lady, and then when she and I were falling asleep, I would go into a lucid dream state, and my Shadow would be there, in the form of a truly hideous werebeast, and would generally argue with me and attack me. I believe that it somehow used the energy from the girl sleeping beside me, and possibly from the sex we had had, to manifest itself to me in the "between" place. But this has been different; she came to me when I had no girl over, and it wasn't even in a lucid dream, but in a regular one. She appeared to me as the most BEAUTIFUL, sinister-looking woman I've ever seen. She looked as one might imagine Lilith to
look. And as before, she yelled at me, and attempted to strangle me. I woke up to her invisible hands still shaking me.
As you can see, there is a problem here. And the current phase of my quest is to mend whatever schism exists between my Shadow and I, that we may together serve Satan-Lucifer. The Dark Lord has made clear to me that this is what I need to do, and so it is my priority.
Yet I must admit, I am rather at a loss as to what I can do. I have tried having true astral sex with the most hideous face my Shadow ever wore for me; to have feelings of dark desire for something that resembles a human-sized hog on two feet, with beady little rat's eyes, and a rat's tail, and huge, sharp fangs and claws, skin flaps, short bristly hair all over...and I did it, too: I achieved orgasm. Yet still, all is not well.
Ever since I gave myself to Satan, I have had no need to fear any Demon or what have you; they are all to me my family in Satan, and that is how I regard them, and how they regard and treat me. I have never needed to cast a circle for I have no need of protection from the Hordes, and the only banishings I have ever used are to get rid of unwanted ghosties, or to cleanse my house and reset my wards (like a spring cleaning). So I do not understand the problem, except that it is something deep within my psyche, and it SEEMS to be along the lines that my shadow is angry that I have the physical body, while it is within the subconscious realms. It even said to me once, "It's not all about you." I don't know; I've been working at this for awhile now, and it seems like maybe it's getting better, or maybe there's some hope that I can fix this; my ascension depends on it. So again, I say if ANYONE can offer me any tips on this, I would truly be grateful. But
as I said before, maybe this is one of those things that nobody CAN help me with. Oh well, no matter what, I am doing as HE has requested of me, and that is what matters. All else is to the side. May Satan's Blessings be upon all of you, and I remain:
Your friend and Brother of the Path -- Nightwolf
THEY GIVE YOU DETAILS DIRECT EXPERIENCES BY HER.http://www.yogiimpressions.com/product- ... ing-5.aspx

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "S.M. Nightwolf" <magus_nightwolf_69@... wrote:

Cool, Tom; that's right on. I have experienced the heat when the energy is flowing, just like you said; in fact, the first time I did it proper, and the energy hit my head, my head got REAL warm, and I thought of the title of some book on shamanism called, "Fire in the Head."
Yeah, I've got the Kundalini directionality concept; I'm conversant on alot of this stuff, and I know where the Kundalini is stored, and where it is supposed to be raised to, and why, etc. That's not a problem. My only problem has been dealing with my Shadow.
The reason I raise that issue while discussing this one is because for me the two are somewhat intertwined (the Kundalini is shown as two dragons/serpents, not just one), and also because in the practicing of this exercise "she" (my Shadow) has appeared to me on her own. Before, the only way I could ever talk to her was to have sex with a lady, and then when she and I were falling asleep, I would go into a lucid dream state, and my Shadow would be there, in the form of a truly hideous werebeast, and would generally argue with me and attack me. I believe that it somehow used the energy from the girl sleeping beside me, and possibly from the sex we had had, to manifest itself to me in the "between" place. But this has been different; she came to me when I had no girl over, and it wasn't even in a lucid dream, but in a regular one. She appeared to me as the most BEAUTIFUL, sinister-looking woman I've ever seen. She looked as one might imagine Lilith to
look. And as before, she yelled at me, and attempted to strangle me. I woke up to her invisible hands still shaking me.
As you can see, there is a problem here. And the current phase of my quest is to mend whatever schism exists between my Shadow and I, that we may together serve Satan-Lucifer. The Dark Lord has made clear to me that this is what I need to do, and so it is my priority.
Yet I must admit, I am rather at a loss as to what I can do. I have tried having true astral sex with the most hideous face my Shadow ever wore for me; to have feelings of dark desire for something that resembles a human-sized hog on two feet, with beady little rat's eyes, and a rat's tail, and huge, sharp fangs and claws, skin flaps, short bristly hair all over...and I did it, too: I achieved orgasm. Yet still, all is not well.
Ever since I gave myself to Satan, I have had no need to fear any Demon or what have you; they are all to me my family in Satan, and that is how I regard them, and how they regard and treat me. I have never needed to cast a circle for I have no need of protection from the Hordes, and the only banishings I have ever used are to get rid of unwanted ghosties, or to cleanse my house and reset my wards (like a spring cleaning). So I do not understand the problem, except that it is something deep within my psyche, and it SEEMS to be along the lines that my shadow is angry that I have the physical body, while it is within the subconscious realms. It even said to me once, "It's not all about you." I don't know; I've been working at this for awhile now, and it seems like maybe it's getting better, or maybe there's some hope that I can fix this; my ascension depends on it. So again, I say if ANYONE can offer me any tips on this, I would truly be grateful. But
as I said before, maybe this is one of those things that nobody CAN help me with. Oh well, no matter what, I am doing as HE has requested of me, and that is what matters. All else is to the side. May Satan's Blessings be upon all of you, and I remain:
Your friend and Brother of the Path -- Nightwolf
So how do you 'turn' kundalini upwards?I always felt it shoot were it wants to,more times then not out the sides of my body,up the left side. just will and visualization doesn't seem to cut it,is there any tricks other then just intention and luck?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Andre Wilson <darthxilon@... wrote:

Just remember that the buddhists are really jewdhists. and what do jews do?
steal shit from someone else, fuck it up, and then say they made it.

To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
From: pip85@...
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 12:38:02 +0000
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] Re: Kundalini

It started as meditational exercise , now it starting to happen on its own. Yesterday's episode included feeling of intense heat in the are where energy was flowing.

Still have no problem to manage and stop when it feels like to much. I feel theres still much more to come.

Remeber to put up your coiled serpnt UP. It must face up.

I never expirenced anything like "confrontation with the Shadow Self" in fact i have gained a new understanding and clarity i never had , as if part of me was missing and now its back again.

My guess entire process of kundalini awekning is diffrent for everyone (with some of the symptoms common ) . Everybody is diffrent , got reincarneted here at the diffrent level , depending of past lifes, got diffrent bodies , psychological hang-ups during life , blockages in energy body and so on.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "S.M. Nightwolf" <magus_nightwolf_69@ wrote:

Interesting, Tom. I have been working with that same sort of meditation myself lately; having some success, but no flash of light like you described. My experience has been feeling and seeing in my mind's eye a red sphere of energy flowing up my spine from the base chakra, which "touches" all the chakras on the way up, causing to spin more rapidly. The energy bursts into my skull, like a small, pink-red explosion, with a HUGE shockwave that vibrates out of my third-eye, and also hits my crown chakra; and the strange thing is that, while I do not particularly adhere to Buddhist teachings beyond certain of their esoteric teachings, I "see" the lotus blossom on my crown. Maybe because that is how it is often described? But anyways, it's a huge rush, which makes me feel like my sinuses are going to just clear on me, like when you eat habanero peppers, and your sinuses just gush out. But it doesn't get QUITE that intense, just feels like it may. Other than
that, yes, I too notice afterward being in a state of heightened perceptive abilities, as well as having revelatory dreams (not that I don't always have those every time I sleep anyways, but this is different), when I finally am able to sleep. It does help to ground afterward. I'm just curious: do you do this as a strictly meditational exercise, or do you do it as a sex magick rite of some sort, wherein you are cultivating and expending energy in the buildup to and attainment of orgasm, which you then use to aid in the intended work (i.e. raising the Kundalini). I do it as a sexual rite, and I sometimes even preserve the seed I have spilled. I personally tend to visualize the work as a sort of "Caduceus Awakening," a bi-fold energy, two serpents rising as one (rather like in the classic Baphomet picture, by Eliphas Levi). One other thing I have found that can change it dramatically is, if you haven't already done one since you started this work, do a
good chakra alignment. Maybe even work on getting it JUST right for a few days. THEN practice the other exercise! I did that, and was static shock guy for awhile! But yeah, if you learn anything more, I would really appreciate any help with this phase, and also if anybody knows about the, "confrontation with the Shadow Self (which is what LaVey called the, "Inner Daemonic.")," I am at that point in my journey where I have been working up to this for a LONG time, and I think that it is getting close now; there have been signs. And maybe it is one of things that just won't happen until Satan deems that I am ready for the lesson and the power; that I can yield what I gain responsibly. But MAN, if anybody knows any good techniques that may help me, or any info that would be useful for me regarding this, I would REALLY appreciate it if somebody could help a Brother out. Thank you, I enjoyed your account of your experience, Tom, and a Happy Hail Satan to

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I agree this is sick. Its like a small infestation of cockroaches(jews) that went unnoticed. I guess we have to squash them all! Death to the kike race! Death to the sick lizard pieces of shit! The beautiful and glorious aryan race will obliterate you from the face of existence.

Notice how he wrote Your friend and Brother of the Path -- Nightwolf
Guilty about something?

Paradox Arcane

Hail Satan!!/88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Vovim Baghie" <high_priest.vovim_baghie@... wrote:

This is the biggest load of self-delusional, kike shit I have read in a long while on this group.
This is the Advanced Meditation eGroup, not advanced reptile propaganda eGroup!

Your lies given below are terribly easy to see through, and the way you slander Lilith-sama is truly disgusting. The way you speak of the "Shadow Self" and the "Shadow" is complete bullshit. The True meaning of the "Shadow Self" is simply the Astral-self. None of this fantasy crap!

And you are confusing the Caduceus with the Kundalini Serpent. - At least do some form of research before you start lying, on this Group in particular – well that wouldn't help anyway, you jews could spend eternity trying to understand alchemical allegories and you still wouldn't have a clue.

-High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan! Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama! Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail Astaroth-sama! Hail Lilith-sama!
Hail Clistheret-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "S.M. Nightwolf" <magus_nightwolf_69@ wrote:

Cool, Tom; that's right on. I have experienced the heat when the energy is flowing, just like you said; in fact, the first time I did it proper, and the energy hit my head, my head got REAL warm, and I thought of the title of some book on shamanism called, "Fire in the Head."
Yeah, I've got the Kundalini directionality concept; I'm conversant on alot of this stuff, and I know where the Kundalini is stored, and where it is supposed to be raised to, and why, etc. That's not a problem. My only problem has been dealing with my Shadow.
The reason I raise that issue while discussing this one is because for me the two are somewhat intertwined (the Kundalini is shown as two dragons/serpents, not just one), and also because in the practicing of this exercise "she" (my Shadow) has appeared to me on her own. Before, the only way I could ever talk to her was to have sex with a lady, and then when she and I were falling asleep, I would go into a lucid dream state, and my Shadow would be there, in the form of a truly hideous werebeast, and would generally argue with me and attack me. I believe that it somehow used the energy from the girl sleeping beside me, and possibly from the sex we had had, to manifest itself to me in the "between" place. But this has been different; she came to me when I had no girl over, and it wasn't even in a lucid dream, but in a regular one. She appeared to me as the most BEAUTIFUL, sinister-looking woman I've ever seen. She looked as one might imagine Lilith to
look. And as before, she yelled at me, and attempted to strangle me. I woke up to her invisible hands still shaking me.
As you can see, there is a problem here. And the current phase of my quest is to mend whatever schism exists between my Shadow and I, that we may together serve Satan-Lucifer. The Dark Lord has made clear to me that this is what I need to do, and so it is my priority.
Yet I must admit, I am rather at a loss as to what I can do. I have tried having true astral sex with the most hideous face my Shadow ever wore for me; to have feelings of dark desire for something that resembles a human-sized hog on two feet, with beady little rat's eyes, and a rat's tail, and huge, sharp fangs and claws, skin flaps, short bristly hair all over...and I did it, too: I achieved orgasm. Yet still, all is not well.
Ever since I gave myself to Satan, I have had no need to fear any Demon or what have you; they are all to me my family in Satan, and that is how I regard them, and how they regard and treat me. I have never needed to cast a circle for I have no need of protection from the Hordes, and the only banishings I have ever used are to get rid of unwanted ghosties, or to cleanse my house and reset my wards (like a spring cleaning). So I do not understand the problem, except that it is something deep within my psyche, and it SEEMS to be along the lines that my shadow is angry that I have the physical body, while it is within the subconscious realms. It even said to me once, "It's not all about you." I don't know; I've been working at this for awhile now, and it seems like maybe it's getting better, or maybe there's some hope that I can fix this; my ascension depends on it. So again, I say if ANYONE can offer me any tips on this, I would truly be grateful. But
as I said before, maybe this is one of those things that nobody CAN help me with. Oh well, no matter what, I am doing as HE has requested of me, and that is what matters. All else is to the side. May Satan's Blessings be upon all of you, and I remain:
Your friend and Brother of the Path -- Nightwolf
First of all, nothing that I said is a lie, but I am not going to try to convince you of that.
Second of all, I'm not jewish, nor do I have any sort of a "jewish agenda." Far from it.
Third, it is not I who needs to do more research. If anyone has ever seen Eliphas Levi's Baphomet picture, surely you have noticed the Caduceus which grows in the abdominal region of the figure. There is a reason for that; it has to do with the principle of duality. But I won't go into that, for clearly I am not wanted here. I just wanted to meet others of a like mind, but I have felt unwelcome since I started this group, to be truthful. But I will say this: There are different ways to worship the forces/entities that for simplicity's sake, I call, "Satan," and whatever relationship exists between Satan and myself is for me, and may not apply to ANYbody else, and vice-versa. Doesn't mean I'm wrong, doesn't mean you are. It means we have our different Paths, and Quests. I am in an intense growing phase on my Path, and I though that here I may find others going through the same sort of things that I am going through, and thus may find some answers, and
maybe make some friends that I can actually TALK to about certain things; clearly I came to the wrong place, and I will take my leave.
What happens when ones kundalini drops I think mine droped because it almost killed me.I had I hart attack and couldn't breath for a long time, the reason I think it was the kundalini is because I became very hot and lost consciousness Sent from Samsun Mobile
Hi ! Have a look at the book named astral dynamic, the chapter it discusses the energy work! 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
