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June 21-24th 2020 - Group Rituals

Gabi1234 said:
Its funny becsaue to hitler was jews that was with him in the army in ww1 what you have to say you cursing me bacuse im a jew

You think he was in ww1 with jews voluntarily? Get the fuck off our forum, mate! And while you're at it, how about a shower? I mean PU!
hello Vaalie

I thank you for coming back to me i do want to say sorry i did not meet the requirements for the runes you asked me to do i am not always able to come online to that's why i wanted someone to contact me however i will go thru the instructions now and write done the runes as you mentioned. anything else you would like me to do before hand please let me know i will do everything and the spiritual Satanism would be wonderful to start at for me and my wife however there is something i would eventually like to achieve and do not believe that i will be there for long but thank you for accepting us.
Gabi1234 said:
Its funny becsaue to hitler was jews that was with him in the army in ww1 what you have to say you cursing me bacuse im a jew

You are a kike this is why you cannot open or feel your third eye. Satanic magic and meditations can not work on a reptile soul.

You should go to your synagogue and get Rabbi Krappenschitz to open it for you.
Gabi1234 said:
Its funny becsaue to hitler was jews that was with him in the army in ww1 what you have to say you cursing me bacuse im a jew

Could someone ban this JEW? Its not making any sense and just trolls everyone here. you and the rest of your horrific tribe are one of the VILEST CREATURES IN THE UNIVERSE... So... Yes. Its my RESPONSIBILITY, to eradicate your DISGUSTING 100% pure EVIL of a ´´race`` from *ALL* of existence! :evil: :x
Mondol said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Each rune is related to a Aryan God or Goddess and the racial soul of Aryans.
By studying JOS, I have learned that Gebo is rune of Astaroth and Ingwaz is rune of Azazel.
Please, tell me which runes is related to Aryan god or goddess?

I’m interested in knowing this, as well.
Gabi1234 said:
Its funny becsaue to hitler was jews that was with him in the army in ww1 what you have to say you cursing me bacuse im a jew

Your disrespect and spamming questions like a robot is only a sign of the general disrespect of your species towards the Gods.

Now begone.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Necrorifter said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Even on the forum whites have to be leftist saviors to the poor blacks, as if they don’t can’t do anything for themselves. I imagine this as insulting for black SS.

Is that an insult or something? I am merely curious if I can or not. Nothing I say that black SS can't do white awakening ritual anyway. But if we are to do our race awakening ritual and not get involved with other race awakening ritual then that is fine with me.

and if black SS get insulted by this then they are a fool and prideful and that will be their downfall, we are all brothers and sisters of humanity in this war for mankind. We should thrive to support each other as family and purge the world of jews and its filth, not reject each other help because of our race and pride, otherwise, we will be no better than those rioters and people fight each other and scream whitie bad! negro bad! while hand rubbing jews laughing at both races for their stupidness behind the scene. Do not forget that jews also intend to get satanism to fight each other so we will fail to stop jews from their goal of enslaving humanity. We must work together and need each other more than ever if one race was to fall then so do all of humanity. Unless you don't think we need all races of White, Black, and Asian in order for humanity to stand?

But if ritual are designed to work better if it related to your race, then I will do white ritual and stay out of black ritual as its design meant that I would not get much results with it anyway.

It was not an insult. Yes races need to unified but doing black rituals as a non black is stupid. Africans have Zero chance of being gone by 2100 so why wouldn’t you do your own?

But you can paint your skin dark and put product in your hair if you hate your race so much and want to be a white Uncle Tom. Or perhaps even join black lives matter. You can be our resident Rachel Dolezal or Shaun king.



Listen to Aquarius.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Necrorifter said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Even on the forum whites have to be leftist saviors to the poor blacks, as if they don’t can’t do anything for themselves. I imagine this as insulting for black SS.

Is that an insult or something? I am merely curious if I can or not. Nothing I say that black SS can't do white awakening ritual anyway. But if we are to do our race awakening ritual and not get involved with other race awakening ritual then that is fine with me.

and if black SS get insulted by this then they are a fool and prideful and that will be their downfall, we are all brothers and sisters of humanity in this war for mankind. We should thrive to support each other as family and purge the world of jews and its filth, not reject each other help because of our race and pride, otherwise, we will be no better than those rioters and people fight each other and scream whitie bad! negro bad! while hand rubbing jews laughing at both races for their stupidness behind the scene. Do not forget that jews also intend to get satanism to fight each other so we will fail to stop jews from their goal of enslaving humanity. We must work together and need each other more than ever if one race was to fall then so do all of humanity. Unless you don't think we need all races of White, Black, and Asian in order for humanity to stand?

But if ritual are designed to work better if it related to your race, then I will do white ritual and stay out of black ritual as its design meant that I would not get much results with it anyway.

It was not an insult. Yes races need to unified but doing black rituals as a non black is stupid. Africans have Zero chance of being gone by 2100 so why wouldn’t you do your own?

But you can paint your skin dark and put product in your hair if you hate your race so much and want to be a white Uncle Tom. Or perhaps even join black lives matter. You can be our resident Rachel Dolezal or Shaun king.



Read the prayer in the Ritual. (in your head) and try to understand if it will be considered good to do both of them.Find the basic meaning.
If you were to do both what good would it result?
As a form of self satisfaction? That you did something for both? It would be better to do one of them instead, once a day. ( Anyway the time for it is over now).
If you really want to, do one for your race and RTRs for the rest. Knowing the RTRs destroy everything the Jew stands for, this in turn will awaken black people too. By showing them the truth instead of focussing on the lies .
Necrorifter said:
Aquarius said:
Necrorifter said:
we are all brothers and sisters of humanity in this war for mankind
Yeah, I heard this too from some hook nosed jew who calls himself somekind of messiah or something.
If you really are willing to do the black awakening then I have a rude truth to tell you, you're still plagued by xianity. No sane SS would do the race awakening for another race, it's like an insult to your own Race.

We are NOT all plagued by xianity. It sounds like you just have a weak mind and soul, also ingrained self hatred.
Of course, I am plagued by xianity, only a moron and a fool will claim that they are not plagued by xianity. We are all plagued by xianity and Jewish filth. If you think you are free from that, just tell the world that you are satanism and you will get plague by xianity and die. As long as xianity and jews are around we will never be freed from the plague. Again, just like I told other one, only a fool will see that as an insult, I am merely asking if I can or not, if race awakening only works with your race, then I will do so for white and stay out of black.
Necrorifter said:
only a moron and a fool will claim that they are not plagued by xianity
Well no doubt you ask if you can do other race's awakenings if you say shit like this.
Maybe deprogram yourself.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Gabi1234 said:
Plese im begnig you listen till the end and dont be angry okay plese. Im half jew.

Get the fuck off this forum. NOW.

Please ban this guy.

Disgusting reptilian filth...the fuck was this doing here. how dare it come here.
Blue_Turtle said:
Hi, what I understand from this post is that one should do the race ritual according to one's race. Does that mean I can't do any of them if I'm Asian?? Pls help I'm confused.

There isn't one, currently. I am unsure of the reason why. You can chose to do one for another race, or just do RTR's instead.
Ors666 said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
Depends on who one invoked. if say one invoked Andras like this.. he would most certainly kill them, unless they were a child because that goes Against his morals.

I used to use this blasphemy unknowingly when I followed that Gnostic Christianity bullshit. I invoked Astaroth, Paimon, Amy and others before through it before, though they didn't punish me or anything. I suppose I got lucky to receive the Demons mercy, from Astaroth and the others and to have come back to the truth again. That book states blasphemous statements as well, such as, "Three angels are needed to bring the Demon into perfect harmony with the angels to do the ritual.". After reading the website I almost feel disgusted thinking back to that now. I also think some of these Gnostic texts purposefully mix Lucifer with bullshit like Jesus and Enlil with Jehovah to bind them. Even annunnaki.org called Enlil the oppressor of humanity. People tie into these energies and then mix them up. After some time being an SS I have not even once experienced oppression from any Demons. They've all helped me more than I had the guts to ask for and have given me back the things that were stolen by the enemy from my being over the course of my time in this incarnation. I had spoken with these enemy angels before SS and they all acted just like Jews. Barely helped, drained a lot of energy, harassed my Spirit and stopped me from progressing. They sure helped a lot at first, but that's what they do to seduce people. Then they help less and less and less and less and suddenly you realise you have no actual energy to do anything proper. Almost like they try to prepare people to join their bullshit. The Demons on the other hand, don't drain my energy, have my health and interests in mind, my safety and well-being.

To anyone new reading this, read over the JoS site over and over if you struggle to understand it. I've read through it multiple times and spent a few days researching all my doubts within the forums and website, which got cleared. Not because people here try to manipulate the truth, though of course some Jew will attempt to mix a bit of this and a bit of that up in your mind, but that doesn't apply for the proper Satanists because they all have answers built on the decades of research that has been preserved on JoS.

Some people may be assholes here, or a bit harsh but you find those people anywhere. Before I dedicated the enemy did a LOT OF black magic to scare me away and after I realised they were doing that I realised they were threatened by it. If it was bullshit they probably would've used black magic to make me follow it sooner, like they did with Gnosticism. Gnosticism is just a fast-track program to fuse with the enemy's computerised 'One Conscience.'. Don't fall for that bullshit, before it's too late. Satan saved me when I already had one foot off the ledge. You won't burn in hell, that hell is from the enemy. Satan's Hell is nothing like what they make everyone think. Just a false doctrine, like most of everything else they do. Even in their bible it says "I will make people believe a lie, so that they may be damned.". Just like Gnosticism, the bible and other things. If you only knew the liberation I felt from burning the bible. I felt like I kicked myself out from 'The Light'. That 'Light' they speak so highly of, is just Maya. An illusion. Satan always tells the truth. He's not threatened by anyone.

Hail to our True God, Creator, Father and Lord Satan Lucifer!!!!
Don’t feel to bad they likely knew you’d become a Satanist and fight for their honour. I as well feel disgust for even reading the lesser key. Astaroth and Paimon are very kind no doubt they forgive you. Can’t really say about Amy but I’m sure it’s more or less the same. You could always give them energy if you still feel bad.

Hail Satan
Ors666 said:
Artanis said:
Gabi1234 said:
Plese im begnig you listen till the end and dont be angry okay plese. Im half jew. But i see that satan is a good god becuase he can teach people how to fight back and i hate the mafia i dont have any problem to kill all of them

A half-JEW... You DO realize, that we are a ANTI-jew(Anti-communism, anti-death, Anti-Everything-that-is-bad) here? Fuck off Troll! :lol: :lol:

There are many half-grey Gods, though it does seem like Gabi just messing around.
I'll give you the benefit of doubt since you're new. No jew can be part of Spiritual Satanism. Jews are a parassitic race that was made with the intent of destroying the Gentiles, Satan's creation. They're not of Satan, they're his enemies.
Ors666 said:
There are many half-grey Gods, though it does seem like Gabi just messing around.

The greys were enslaved and made hostile to us, whereas Jews were created to be hostile from the start. Greys deserve pity, and maybe in the future we can safely liberate them somehow.
Ors666 said:
Artanis said:
Gabi1234 said:
Plese im begnig you listen till the end and dont be angry okay plese. Im half jew. But i see that satan is a good god becuase he can teach people how to fight back and i hate the mafia i dont have any problem to kill all of them

A half-JEW... You DO realize, that we are a ANTI-jew(Anti-communism, anti-death, Anti-Everything-that-is-bad) here? Fuck off Troll! :lol: :lol:

There are many half-grey Gods, though it does seem like Gabi just messing around.

Though that really has nothing to do with this to be honest. The greys before they were enslaved were beings who had individual thought and could if they wanted to and were aware enough choose any side they wanted. Most were really dumb like us at this moment and on a low level possibly even more so than humanity is at this point cause they lost. From what I heard about it.

Though some chose to fight the reptilians off and side with our Gods. Though they failed to save themselves.

The part grey thing is only cause their entire species was wiped out. Including the bodies of the ones that sided with our Gods.

Our Gods I believe engineered a body they could incarnate into with their previous DNA.

This is why it says part grey.

This is what I gather from reading the sermons correct me if I am wrong here.

This has nothing to do with the Jews. Cause they were created to begin with as a slave race. There is no way for them to be a God. They cannot side with Satan unlike the original greys before they took the Chip because they were created to be against Satan.

So just because there are Gods that are part Grey doesnt mean anything about the Jews.

Also with Anton Levey if someone brings up that arguement he was a gentile at the Soul the Gods Stated to Maxine I believe if I remember the sermon that would never happen again. There is no reason for it to ever happen again. So no Jew is a gentile in their soul.
Blitzkreig said:
Blue_Turtle said:
Hi, what I understand from this post is that one should do the race ritual according to one's race. Does that mean I can't do any of them if I'm Asian?? Pls help I'm confused.

There isn't one, currently. I am unsure of the reason why. You can chose to do one for another race, or just do RTR's instead.

Thanks for replying, then I will do the best I can.
Ors666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
It doesn't really make sense to perform both race rituals. If you're white, perform the white race ritual. If you're black, perform the black race ritual. I understand you're doing that to benefit both races, but it doesn't quite make sense to me.

Unrelated but what's with your signature? "Only show 0.1%" of what exactly?
0.1% of yourself. My vibrations still benefit the other race, even if it's less effective.

But you do realize that it would Be 100000x More effective, If you would ONLY do The race ritual for what race you represent. If you have extra energy after doing 1, do More race rituals(when given The "order" by The clergy) or More FINAL RTRs. Doing a race ritual for a race you do not represent, is a complete waste of Time.
We did very well this time around, excellent work, we will continue on with more pretty soon.

I'm very glad to hear it commander :)
Hail Satan, the Light-Bringer!
Ors666 said:
Artanis said:
Ors666 said:
0.1% of yourself. My vibrations still benefit the other race, even if it's less effective.

But you do realize that it would Be 100000x More effective, If you would ONLY do The race ritual for what race you represent. If you have extra energy after doing 1, do More race rituals(when given The "order" by The clergy) or More FINAL RTRs. Doing a race ritual for a race you do not represent, is a complete waste of Time.

If you put it this way then fair enough. I understand it's a race, but why would it be more effective?

Because Black satanists have more spiritual influence over Black people, as White satanists have more influence over White people.
Guys why do you always go and state the same shit every single time.

Since when is Lucifuge Rofocal, Clistheret, Mersilde(possibly), Valefore, and one or two other higher-ranking Gods. Hybrid Greys?

Just because they have a bulbousy head doesn't mean they are suddenly Greys or some kind of pre-Grey civilization. They are extra-terrestrials of a specific green spectrum species that inhabited a planet before it went under kosher supervision.

https://astralartsofthegods.weebly.com/goddessesdemoness.html <-Clistheret halfway down, the green alien with eyes closed. In the male demon section Valefor is to the bottom green skin with brown hair. Again I'm not sure if that really is Valefore or just an artists interpretation, albeit same can be said about Clistheret.

Also another thing guys it's very simple the 88/99/RTR rituals.

Whites = perform 88 ritual.
Blacks = perform 99 ritual.
Asians = RTR

While HP.Cobra in the past last two or three 88/99 blasting we've done has stated one or two is considered spamming. Remember back in September of 2013 we did 40 and 39 days of blasting 88/99 ritual. For a period of 40 days or if you wish to skip a day and perform 39 we did 88/99 ritual to build a huge pool on top of the other feedings we've done to this pool of energy for 88/99 ritual. Over the years 88/99 rituals have been blasted even HP.Cobras solstice 2016 or 2017 the day the Goyim woke up video. Before HP.Cobras channel was shoad, you can find his video on Bitchute on Satchives channel, I believe Magenta666 also might have the video despite having the full length George Lincoln Rockwell video the 12 minute NS introduction.

Also I forgot to mention *IF* you are White and wish to contribute to Blacks or Black and wish to contribute to Whites more power to you. The sheer fact is it's perfectly fine to cross-racially fire rituals to help the other races same can be said for Asians since Asians aren't going extinct and aren't being used as useful idiots they are reasonably okay for the most part.

In the end usually Asians keep the RTR and support were the Whites and Black lax in RTR rituals and focus on racial rituals. The sheer fact is it's perfectly fine for the things above said whether stick to your race, add to the other race, or both or do a race ritual of your own race on top of RTR. Technically everyone should keep on RTR even a single session but it's okay.
Usthepeople666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Necrorifter said:
Is that an insult or something? I am merely curious if I can or not. Nothing I say that black SS can't do white awakening ritual anyway. But if we are to do our race awakening ritual and not get involved with other race awakening ritual then that is fine with me.

and if black SS get insulted by this then they are a fool and prideful and that will be their downfall, we are all brothers and sisters of humanity in this war for mankind. We should thrive to support each other as family and purge the world of jews and its filth, not reject each other help because of our race and pride, otherwise, we will be no better than those rioters and people fight each other and scream whitie bad! negro bad! while hand rubbing jews laughing at both races for their stupidness behind the scene. Do not forget that jews also intend to get satanism to fight each other so we will fail to stop jews from their goal of enslaving humanity. We must work together and need each other more than ever if one race was to fall then so do all of humanity. Unless you don't think we need all races of White, Black, and Asian in order for humanity to stand?

But if ritual are designed to work better if it related to your race, then I will do white ritual and stay out of black ritual as its design meant that I would not get much results with it anyway.

It was not an insult. Yes races need to unified but doing black rituals as a non black is stupid. Africans have Zero chance of being gone by 2100 so why wouldn’t you do your own?

But you can paint your skin dark and put product in your hair if you hate your race so much and want to be a white Uncle Tom. Or perhaps even join black lives matter. You can be our resident Rachel Dolezal or Shaun king.



Listen to Aquarius.

Read the prayer in the Ritual. (in your head) and try to understand if it will be considered good to do both of them.Find the basic meaning.
If you were to do both what good would it result?
As a form of self satisfaction? That you did something for both? It would be better to do one of them instead, once a day. ( Anyway the time for it is over now).
If you really want to, do one for your race and RTRs for the rest. Knowing the RTRs destroy everything the Jew stands for, this in turn will awaken black people too. By showing them the truth instead of focussing on the lies .

Okay, I still do not understand why all the hate boner other satanist have for me, there is nothing about self-hatred or whatever so from me. I am curious, but I can now see that doing the black ritual as white is pointless and ineffective and vicus versus.

Thank you for being decent satanist whose heart is not full of hatred like other Satanists here that quote me and then proceed to tell me to fuck off with self-hatred and deprogram myself of retardedness. I did not even think that a mere question out of curiosity from will gain such hate boner for me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We did very well this time around, excellent work, we will continue on with more pretty soon.


I am very glad to hear this. This was actually the first group ritual I have been able to partake in. I used to live at home with my very xian parents so it was very hard to do anything especially a ritual. But now I live on my own and can actually contribute the way I have always wanted to, and for me this is very liberating. I can't wait for our next ritual!
Necrorifter said:
Usthepeople666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
It was not an insult. Yes races need to unified but doing black rituals as a non black is stupid. Africans have Zero chance of being gone by 2100 so why wouldn’t you do your own?

But you can paint your skin dark and put product in your hair if you hate your race so much and want to be a white Uncle Tom. Or perhaps even join black lives matter. You can be our resident Rachel Dolezal or Shaun king.



Listen to Aquarius.

Read the prayer in the Ritual. (in your head) and try to understand if it will be considered good to do both of them.Find the basic meaning.
If you were to do both what good would it result?
As a form of self satisfaction? That you did something for both? It would be better to do one of them instead, once a day. ( Anyway the time for it is over now).
If you really want to, do one for your race and RTRs for the rest. Knowing the RTRs destroy everything the Jew stands for, this in turn will awaken black people too. By showing them the truth instead of focussing on the lies .

Okay, I still do not understand why all the hate boner other satanist have for me, there is nothing about self-hatred or whatever so from me. I am curious, but I can now see that doing the black ritual as white is pointless and ineffective and vicus versus.

Thank you for being decent satanist whose heart is not full of hatred like other Satanists here that quote me and then proceed to tell me to fuck off with self-hatred and deprogram myself of retardedness. I did not even think that a mere question out of curiosity from will gain such hate boner for me.
I dont feel it was out of hatred rather as a form of duty during the time that is supportive.
Now first time we should give is to out own people right? It can be as a matter of race dissolution and destruction as a whole. Think about it from this point of view- if something wrong happens to your own race then would you atleast feel satisfied to some extent that you tried how much you could for your own people instead of energy being distributed out doing both the rituals?
Its not like white cant do black ones, I think I read if someone isnt sure about which race they belong to they can do both , but first prefer your own race and then if you can do one for blacks.
No one is attacking anyone ever, what i feel and fell prey to myself is there are attacks on everyone to the point if someone doesnt look at things in a rational manner it can make even the most helpful statement look bad in a way. And if one keeps giving into it, we had a person who just fell into this trap and made a post about everyone cursing him and demons not helping him etc.
It helps always to see the bigger picture.
Take Care
Usthepeople666 said:
Necrorifter said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Listen to Aquarius.

Read the prayer in the Ritual. (in your head) and try to understand if it will be considered good to do both of them.Find the basic meaning.
If you were to do both what good would it result?
As a form of self satisfaction? That you did something for both? It would be better to do one of them instead, once a day. ( Anyway the time for it is over now).
If you really want to, do one for your race and RTRs for the rest. Knowing the RTRs destroy everything the Jew stands for, this in turn will awaken black people too. By showing them the truth instead of focussing on the lies .

Okay, I still do not understand why all the hate boner other satanist have for me, there is nothing about self-hatred or whatever so from me. I am curious, but I can now see that doing the black ritual as white is pointless and ineffective and vicus versus.

Thank you for being decent satanist whose heart is not full of hatred like other Satanists here that quote me and then proceed to tell me to fuck off with self-hatred and deprogram myself of retardedness. I did not even think that a mere question out of curiosity from will gain such hate boner for me.
I dont feel it was out of hatred rather as a form of duty during the time that is supportive.
Now first time we should give is to out own people right? It can be as a matter of race dissolution and destruction as a whole. Think about it from this point of view- if something wrong happens to your own race then would you atleast feel satisfied to some extent that you tried how much you could for your own people instead of energy being distributed out doing both the rituals?
Its not like white cant do black ones, I think I read if someone isnt sure about which race they belong to they can do both , but first prefer your own race and then if you can do one for blacks.
No one is attacking anyone ever, what i feel and fell prey to myself is there are attacks on everyone to the point if someone doesnt look at things in a rational manner it can make even the most helpful statement look bad in a way. And if one keeps giving into it, we had a person who just fell into this trap and made a post about everyone cursing him and demons not helping him etc.
It helps always to see the bigger picture.
Take Care

Yes, thank you very much for your logical views. Yes, it is better to stick with your own race as we have Satanists for every race anyways. and yes, one can do other race rituals considering that Asian Satanists was told to pick either white or black ritual.
Ors666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Ors666 said:
There are many half-grey Gods, though it does seem like Gabi just messing around.

Though that really has nothing to do with this to be honest. The greys before they were enslaved were beings who had individual thought and could if they wanted to and were aware enough choose any side they wanted. Most were really dumb like us at this moment and on a low level possibly even more so than humanity is at this point cause they lost. From what I heard about it.

Though some chose to fight the reptilians off and side with our Gods. Though they failed to save themselves.

The part grey thing is only cause their entire species was wiped out. Including the bodies of the ones that sided with our Gods.

Our Gods I believe engineered a body they could incarnate into with their previous DNA.

This is why it says part grey.

This is what I gather from reading the sermons correct me if I am wrong here.

This has nothing to do with the Jews. Cause they were created to begin with as a slave race. There is no way for them to be a God. They cannot side with Satan unlike the original greys before they took the Chip because they were created to be against Satan.

So just because there are Gods that are part Grey doesnt mean anything about the Jews.

Also with Anton Levey if someone brings up that arguement he was a gentile at the Soul the Gods Stated to Maxine I believe if I remember the sermon that would never happen again. There is no reason for it to ever happen again. So no Jew is a gentile in their soul.

Even if a hybrid was alive now, per say, half grey and half human, even-though the grey genetics are now designed to be against Satan, the human genetics are different and want to be with him. I would suppose they would still be able to choose from both sides, though it would definitely be more difficult for them to cope being a Satanist, since you would literally be in a war with yourself. They would still have emotions, feelings, but then they would have half of their body wreaking a mental and possibly physical havoc for not acting on the other half of their genetics. And not sure if I read about it anywhere, with a human and grey soul mixing into one, but if that ever happened Satan would 100% be able to split it. Maybe the hybrids would tend to have suicidal tendencies more if they were Satanists, since they probably programmed the grey genetics to self-destruct if they turned to Satan.

You didn't understand the point of this at all. The pre greys before they were enslaved were not a race programmed to hate anything. They were individuals with free will just like us. The enslaved ones at the time before the chip may or may not even have known about Satan as a whole and the ones that did would have been programmed to hate him like the enslaved humans did. That as a whole doesnt matter much in the scheme of things because they had free will. They were not originally at least genetic slaves of anything or programmed to be on any side.

There are other planets that have free will that are or were enslaved as well. This is why the chip was needed to make them slaves.
Gear88 said:
Guys why do you always go and state the same shit every single time.

Since when is Lucifuge Rofocal, Clistheret, Mersilde(possibly), Valefore, and one or two other higher-ranking Gods. Hybrid Greys?

Just because they have a bulbousy head doesn't mean they are suddenly Greys or some kind of pre-Grey civilization. They are extra-terrestrials of a specific green spectrum species that inhabited a planet before it went under kosher supervision.

https://astralartsofthegods.weebly.com/goddessesdemoness.html <-Clistheret halfway down, the green alien with eyes closed. In the male demon section Valefor is to the bottom green skin with brown hair. Again I'm not sure if that really is Valefore or just an artists interpretation, albeit same can be said about Clistheret.

Also another thing guys it's very simple the 88/99/RTR rituals.

Whites = perform 88 ritual.
Blacks = perform 99 ritual.
Asians = RTR

While HP.Cobra in the past last two or three 88/99 blasting we've done has stated one or two is considered spamming. Remember back in September of 2013 we did 40 and 39 days of blasting 88/99 ritual. For a period of 40 days or if you wish to skip a day and perform 39 we did 88/99 ritual to build a huge pool on top of the other feedings we've done to this pool of energy for 88/99 ritual. Over the years 88/99 rituals have been blasted even HP.Cobras solstice 2016 or 2017 the day the Goyim woke up video. Before HP.Cobras channel was shoad, you can find his video on Bitchute on Satchives channel, I believe Magenta666 also might have the video despite having the full length George Lincoln Rockwell video the 12 minute NS introduction.

Also I forgot to mention *IF* you are White and wish to contribute to Blacks or Black and wish to contribute to Whites more power to you. The sheer fact is it's perfectly fine to cross-racially fire rituals to help the other races same can be said for Asians since Asians aren't going extinct and aren't being used as useful idiots they are reasonably okay for the most part.

In the end usually Asians keep the RTR and support were the Whites and Black lax in RTR rituals and focus on racial rituals. The sheer fact is it's perfectly fine for the things above said whether stick to your race, add to the other race, or both or do a race ritual of your own race on top of RTR. Technically everyone should keep on RTR even a single session but it's okay.

It was Stated by the HPs they were part greys. This doesnt mean anything bad at all given that this civilization was a free will civilization before being given the chip. Their bodies were probably created by Satan with the previous DNA so they had something to incarnate into.

They at that time would be like SS is on earth right now to the Gods. I am sure if earth went down the Gods might do the same thing for some people here (hint it's not going to) and we would be "part human" see the logic here.

This has nothing to do with the greys as we know them now.
Ors666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Ors666 said:
Even if a hybrid was alive now, per say, half grey and half human, even-though the grey genetics are now designed to be against Satan, the human genetics are different and want to be with him. I would suppose they would still be able to choose from both sides, though it would definitely be more difficult for them to cope being a Satanist, since you would literally be in a war with yourself. They would still have emotions, feelings, but then they would have half of their body wreaking a mental and possibly physical havoc for not acting on the other half of their genetics. And not sure if I read about it anywhere, with a human and grey soul mixing into one, but if that ever happened Satan would 100% be able to split it. Maybe the hybrids would tend to have suicidal tendencies more if they were Satanists, since they probably programmed the grey genetics to self-destruct if they turned to Satan.

You didn't understand the point of this at all. The pre greys before they were enslaved were not a race programmed to hate anything. They were individuals with free will just like us. The enslaved ones at the time before the chip may or may not even have known about Satan as a whole and the ones that did would have been programmed to hate him like the enslaved humans did. That as a whole doesnt matter much in the scheme of things because they had free will. They were not originally at least genetic slaves of anything or programmed to be on any side.

There are other planets that have free will that are or were enslaved as well. This is why the chip was needed to make them slaves.
My sayings were mainly because Lucifuge is a Grey/Human hybrid. I'm still new so I'm still learning the difference in such.

It's ok I am getting my info from the sermons that were on here about that. Just trying to correct your thinking here cause some people actually think this somehow could possibly mean a Jew could be redeemed or accepted. These are two separate things.

With that said me personally I would love to meet Lucifuge and talk to him about all this of course I wouldnt reveal anything he didn't want me to but my understanding is he somehow found out about Satan and became like what we Satanists are here. I remember reading that their planet wasnt one of the ones the Gods were trying to save at the time. So they didn't have anyone helping them fight. So I am guessing the Jews there would have not even mentioned Satan or any of the Gods and pulled some different kind of lies. I dont know anything for sure. I though think he could understand how I personally feel not being very understood.

I am not quite open enough to have full conversations though so that would have to wait.

All of this stuff is really interesting though. What is life like on other planets or what was it like I would like to know. I always loved watching things like Science Channel and thinking about Space looking up at the stars wondering what is out there. Its interesting.
Ors666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Ors666 said:
My sayings were mainly because Lucifuge is a Grey/Human hybrid. I'm still new so I'm still learning the difference in such.

It's ok I am getting my info from the sermons that were on here about that. Just trying to correct your thinking here cause some people actually think this somehow could possibly mean a Jew could be redeemed or accepted. These are two separate things.

With that said me personally I would love to meet Lucifuge and talk to him about all this of course I wouldnt reveal anything he didn't want me to but my understanding is he somehow found out about Satan and became like what we Satanists are here. I remember reading that their planet wasnt one of the ones the Gods were trying to save at the time. So they didn't have anyone helping them fight. So I am guessing the Jews there would have not even mentioned Satan or any of the Gods and pulled some different kind of lies. I dont know anything for sure. I though think he could understand how I personally feel not being very understood.

I am not quite open enough to have full conversations though so that would have to wait.

All of this stuff is really interesting though. What is life like on other planets or what was it like I would like to know. I always loved watching things like Science Channel and thinking about Space looking up at the stars wondering what is out there. Its interesting.
You've mentioned Satan wasn't there yet he is half human, I get that humans are technically aliens in a way too, but how would something like that be possible? Or is it the fact that there are enemy Nordics and they mixed with some of the Greys when they got invaded and that's how Lucifuge and the other Hybrids not of this planet were born?


Satan existed long before humans were created by him. So that is impossible. He is a Nordic God.

I am not following at all the rest of that.
Ors666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Gear88 said:
Guys why do you always go and state the same shit every single time.

Since when is Lucifuge Rofocal, Clistheret, Mersilde(possibly), Valefore, and one or two other higher-ranking Gods. Hybrid Greys?

Just because they have a bulbousy head doesn't mean they are suddenly Greys or some kind of pre-Grey civilization. They are extra-terrestrials of a specific green spectrum species that inhabited a planet before it went under kosher supervision.

https://astralartsofthegods.weebly.com/goddessesdemoness.html <-Clistheret halfway down, the green alien with eyes closed. In the male demon section Valefor is to the bottom green skin with brown hair. Again I'm not sure if that really is Valefore or just an artists interpretation, albeit same can be said about Clistheret.

Also another thing guys it's very simple the 88/99/RTR rituals.

Whites = perform 88 ritual.
Blacks = perform 99 ritual.
Asians = RTR

While HP.Cobra in the past last two or three 88/99 blasting we've done has stated one or two is considered spamming. Remember back in September of 2013 we did 40 and 39 days of blasting 88/99 ritual. For a period of 40 days or if you wish to skip a day and perform 39 we did 88/99 ritual to build a huge pool on top of the other feedings we've done to this pool of energy for 88/99 ritual. Over the years 88/99 rituals have been blasted even HP.Cobras solstice 2016 or 2017 the day the Goyim woke up video. Before HP.Cobras channel was shoad, you can find his video on Bitchute on Satchives channel, I believe Magenta666 also might have the video despite having the full length George Lincoln Rockwell video the 12 minute NS introduction.

Also I forgot to mention *IF* you are White and wish to contribute to Blacks or Black and wish to contribute to Whites more power to you. The sheer fact is it's perfectly fine to cross-racially fire rituals to help the other races same can be said for Asians since Asians aren't going extinct and aren't being used as useful idiots they are reasonably okay for the most part.

In the end usually Asians keep the RTR and support were the Whites and Black lax in RTR rituals and focus on racial rituals. The sheer fact is it's perfectly fine for the things above said whether stick to your race, add to the other race, or both or do a race ritual of your own race on top of RTR. Technically everyone should keep on RTR even a single session but it's okay.

It was Stated by the HPs they were part greys. This doesnt mean anything bad at all given that this civilization was a free will civilization before being given the chip. Their bodies were probably created by Satan with the previous DNA so they had something to incarnate into.

They at that time would be like SS is on earth right now to the Gods. I am sure if earth went down the Gods might do the same thing for some people here (hint it's not going to) and we would be "part human" see the logic here.

This has nothing to do with the greys as we know them now.
Do you think once all this bullshit is over Satan would be able to restore the Greys DNA back to normal? Something like that would be amazing, an entire species being restored. As for the hybrids, as long as they don't have reptilian genetics and they're half human, they aren't an issue.

I dont know to be honest. That would be kind of cool. I am kind of thinking the energy of their civilization was interesting. However there is nothing to restore anymore most of them were made slaves.

I guess they themselves the ones on Satans sidw if they wanted could reproduce and probably have. However there is no way to restore the original civilization.

I dont know how you would expect me to know all these things.
Ors666 said:
Ors666 said:
slyscorpion said:
It was Stated by the HPs they were part greys. This doesnt mean anything bad at all given that this civilization was a free will civilization before being given the chip. Their bodies were probably created by Satan with the previous DNA so they had something to incarnate into.

They at that time would be like SS is on earth right now to the Gods. I am sure if earth went down the Gods might do the same thing for some people here (hint it's not going to) and we would be "part human" see the logic here.

This has nothing to do with the greys as we know them now.
Do you think once all this bullshit is over Satan would be able to restore the Greys DNA back to normal? Something like that would be amazing, an entire species being restored. As for the hybrids, as long as they don't have reptilian genetics and they're half human, they aren't an issue.
But Satan mentioned the halves have a higher chance of being evil because of the grip of the reptilians over the Greys.

I guess if your talking about the racial soul then yeah they probably do.
Ors666 said:
Do you think once all this bullshit is over Satan would be able to restore the Greys DNA back to normal? Something like that would be amazing, an entire species being restored. As for the hybrids, as long as they don't have reptilian genetics and they're half human, they aren't an issue.

Completely doubt it. Best guess is they can peer into the race or more specifically species and see what is what. But I doubt they can be restored.

They are basically abominations and should be destroyed. I think once the tipping point falls that far of the DNA is far too fucked up to do anything with but be cloned ad nausium and add derivative DNA to propagate the grey so they don't degrade as fast.

In other words once a grey and it's over. OR once destroyed i.e. nuclear M.A.D.(Mutually Assured Destruction) and it's over for that species.

I think that is the main message the Gods state. Once the excrement of the universe devours a civilization it's over for that species.

Our Gods hunt down DNA as well much like the enemy only in order to create life and promote a proper civilization. Other than that the Gods aren't the omnigiga people xtians make it out to be. Had that been the case perhaps the Universe would be a better place for many civilizations but the fact there is a negative side shows how dangerous the Universe and Mother Nature can throw a curveball at life.

Again I doubt they can be restored the 50 or so Rofocallian species/race are lucky to escape with their people and propagate elsewhere until their civilization is restored at some point.

I'm gonna end it here as it gets a bit into Sci-Fi/Sci-Fan and we want to avoid putting words in the Gods mouths. Hope you understand the situation more clearly, just don't delve into so far realms of Sci-Fi/Sci-Fantasy.
Gear88 said:
Ors666 said:
Do you think once all this bullshit is over Satan would be able to restore the Greys DNA back to normal? Something like that would be amazing, an entire species being restored. As for the hybrids, as long as they don't have reptilian genetics and they're half human, they aren't an issue.

Completely doubt it. Best guess is they can peer into the race or more specifically species and see what is what. But I doubt they can be restored.

They are basically abominations and should be destroyed. I think once the tipping point falls that far of the DNA is far too fucked up to do anything with but be cloned ad nausium and add derivative DNA to propagate the grey so they don't degrade as fast.

In other words once a grey and it's over. OR once destroyed i.e. nuclear M.A.D.(Mutually Assured Destruction) and it's over for that species.

I think that is the main message the Gods state. Once the excrement of the universe devours a civilization it's over for that species.

Our Gods hunt down DNA as well much like the enemy only in order to create life and promote a proper civilization. Other than that the Gods aren't the omnigiga people xtians make it out to be. Had that been the case perhaps the Universe would be a better place for many civilizations but the fact there is a negative side shows how dangerous the Universe and Mother Nature can throw a curveball at life.

Again I doubt they can be restored the 50 or so Rofocallian species/race are lucky to escape with their people and propagate elsewhere until their civilization is restored at some point.

I'm gonna end it here as it gets a bit into Sci-Fi/Sci-Fan and we want to avoid putting words in the Gods mouths. Hope you understand the situation more clearly, just don't delve into so far realms of Sci-Fi/Sci-Fantasy.

I dont think the ones that did survive and are our Gods now would want us making up a bunch of stuff on this so your right. I would think this would be something really traumatic or important to them as they lost their entire planet and species.

But it is interesting. I personally didn't make up anything and dont want to speculate too much for that reason out of respect for the Gods.

I just personally like the story cause there were people that are now Gods who were in the same or worse of a situation than we are. They tried to fight back and obviously either heard about Satan somewhere or were contacted by him. Most people on their planet didn't and they didn't even care at all.

The moral of this story is this.

Look at the people that were apathetic and didn't fight. They dont exist in any form at all nothing they ever did in their lives will be remembered by anyone or cared about ever again.

The ones that did fight and stood for something are Gods now and still very much exist even if it's not in their origional type of bodies.

Same pretty much will happen here even if we do totally win. Those that are apathetic and dont care much will never advance and they will die to be forgotten about. So people damn better stand for something or they lose everything.

That is the main thing I get out of this.

It reminds me of this

Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.''

-Adolf Hitler

That is one of my all time favorite quotes of anyone.
Ors666 said:
Still doesn't make sense to me. If I do a white race ritual the vibrations would still have their power and if I do it for the black race the vibrations would have power too. It's not like the white race ritual would be diminished, or would it? I just don't understand the science of it. I'll do the race ritual anyways when I have time, it can only benefit us. I did the old RTR's when I was new before finding the FRTR and they were still powerful and effective.
It wouldnt diminsh the power of the white race ritual you already did. He meant that it would indirectly diminish the power because you could have done another white race ritual instead, and added more power to it that way. Basically it would be less efficient.

You have much more power over your own race than you do over others because you genetically and energetically tie into it. That's why doing the ritual for your own race is much more efficient.
Ors666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Ors666 said:
But Satan mentioned the halves have a higher chance of being evil because of the grip of the reptilians over the Greys.

I guess if your talking about the racial soul then yeah they probably do.
I meant genetically, half grey and half human, since the God of Greys now are reptilians and they are under them, the Greys are cattle to them and hence easy to control, despite the chip. Being half grey also would make them more susceptible to parasitism, as either FancyMancy or Bigot Boy mentioned about pharaoh Akhenaten who was half grey and human. But doesn't mean the halves are doomed entirely, simply the fact that they are easier to control.

I am hoping such a thing doesn't exist on this planet to be honest that might be worse than a Jew. If such a thing does exist and doesnt have reptilian DNA they might have a Choice however they would be way way more likely to tie into the enemy and serve them not only because a lot of us humans ended up doing that but almost all the greys did as well. The racial soul does have an impact. If almost an entire race is corrupted by something a person even if they are strong might at some point be influenced to it. If however on the other hand the racial soul is positive then they will be influenced by that as well.

That is part of what the race awakening rituals do. It influences whites somewhat or blacks to head towards the truth and our Gods and find out about the Jews.

Let's just hope this is hypothetical. We really don't need more kinds of enemies here to deal with.
Although in shows and other things about UFOs and alien abductions you always hear of the chipped grey slaves doing various genetic experiments even to this day and recent times.

They seem to keep repeating this in a programmed way doing the same or similar stuff over and over. It's as if their masters want them to do something.

You do have to wonder what they are trying to accomplish or being programmed to do.

Maybe they are trying to do this half grey half human thing as we speak to create a different kind of invader tribe or species that would cause problems for us.

Luckily it doesnt seem like they were successful yet at least. If they had been we would have talked about it on here and be fighting those people as well.

I dont know for sure but I am not believing an actual human grey hybrid exists right now. Mainly and probably cause that species is too fucked in their genetics to do anything like that successfully.
Ors666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Although in shows and other things about UFOs and alien abductions you always hear of the chipped grey slaves doing various genetic experiments even to this day and recent times.

They seem to keep repeating this in a programmed way doing the same or similar stuff over and over. It's as if their masters want them to do something.

You do have to wonder what they are trying to accomplish or being programmed to do.

Maybe they are trying to do this half grey half human thing as we speak to create a different kind of invader tribe or species that would cause problems for us.

Luckily it doesnt seem like they were successful yet at least. If they had been we would have talked about it on here and be fighting those people as well.

I dont know for sure but I am not believing an actual human grey hybrid exists right now. Mainly and probably cause that species is too fucked in their genetics to do anything like that successfully.
I suspect they're trying to manipulate human genetics to achieve godhood for their race. Satan is the Lord of human genetics so they won't succeed.

They wouldnt be allowed to do that even by the reptilians cause that would mean they would end up way more powerful than they are.

It may be as some say they are trying to gain back the ability to reproduce or it could be what I said as well with them trying to create another hybrid who knows.

I wonder why your so into or curious about these things anyways.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
