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Ol argedco luciftias said:
Syd Silver said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Then you go saying that you hate Cobra because he disapproved the infighting comment, you say he is corrupt or whatever else.

WTF is this crap ?!

I never said I hate Cobra
I never said Cobra is corrupted
Don't put words in my mouth
What was the motivation for those lies?!!

You are right about this. I remembered this wrong, and I am sorry about that. I should not have written this part. I must have mixed you up with someone else in my memory who said those things.

I do not think you did this just accidentally.
Keep trying ...
EnkiUK3 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Aquarius said:
Mate, you're years away from getting off mod. You are naive and most likely don't even meditate. You don't need to be off mod, like there's zero reason. Don't fantasize on this and develop yourself.

Thanks for your honesty

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Took it like a champ bro.

I must its my Saturn energy speaking through him. Haha. I know im trustworthy but im not ready to help people and i do need to be consistent with power meditation.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
EnkiUK3 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Thanks for your honesty

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Took it like a champ bro.

I must its my Saturn energy speaking through him. Haha. I know im trustworthy but im not ready to help people and i do need to be consistent with power meditation.

No you are okay to me pal was just a we joke. :D
Syd Silver said:
I don't think you're up to date with all the information on this subject

Two of these members are at least questionable
One is a drug user and the other one is a lier, I could say more about of these two but I think you got the point

Besides that, I agree with your points

See my reply to Cobra, I asked him to explain clearly the situation just to eliminate confusion and interpretations.

I don't know who these individuals are but I haven't noticed any issues resulting from someone being put on offmod. So what's your point.

It's one thing if you show us a situation where a person who is offmod abuses the privilege or causes damage in some way through being offmod. In this event you are totally justified to complain about the decision to make someone offmod and throw colorful criticism at HC's decision to make them offmod.

But until you have a proper case to make this just comes off as you complaining because someone you don't like is offmod and you're not.
Dahaarkan said:
I don't know who these individuals are but I haven't noticed any issues resulting from someone being put on offmod. So what's your point.

It's one thing if you show us a situation where a person who is offmod abuses the privilege or causes damage in some way through being offmod. In this event you are totally justified to complain about the decision to make someone offmod and throw colorful criticism at HC's decision to make them offmod.
As I said you are not up to date with all the information about this subject, but it seems that this doesn't prevent you from throwing assumptions again

So you didn't noticed any issues ...

Those two individuals ... the proven drug user is Fancy Mancy and the proven deluded liar is Ol argedco, both of them had tight connections with ex members who are now on other platforms slandering JoS, to be more specific Fancy Mancy was very "connected" with Magesson and Ol arcedco with Shael
(old connections die hard)
Fancy Mancy seems to be missing for a few days but he was spotted posting without approval when he was on (by myself and others)

So the fact that two members like this are labeled as trusted and get benefits doesn't matter! right ...

Add to this the fact that a drunken idiot was allowed to advertise enemy's agenda and now the same drunken idiot is allowed to insult and attack everyone who doesn't agree with that. (the drunken idiot is user EnkyUk3)

Is this a way of saying that the presence and opinion of those real SS who are here for ten years does not matter! because these members are not trustworthy ...right.

Is this trust and reliability ! (in front of the tens of thousands of readers)

In the meanwhile real SS long-term members take the lone wolf path
Wonder why

Of course this things are not visible for those who are using JoS like a facebook page
But for those who have their eyes open and know where to look these things are clear
Dahaarkan said:
But until you have a proper case to make this just comes off as you complaining because someone you don't like is offmod and you're not.
In case you didn't noticed this either, I'm not looking to be popular or famous in fact right know I'm asking myself why am I still here in a place where I'm not trustworthy but deluded liers and drug users are.
Syd Silver said:
Dahaarkan said:
I don't know who these individuals are but I haven't noticed any issues resulting from someone being put on offmod. So what's your point.

It's one thing if you show us a situation where a person who is offmod abuses the privilege or causes damage in some way through being offmod. In this event you are totally justified to complain about the decision to make someone offmod and throw colorful criticism at HC's decision to make them offmod.
As I said you are not up to date with all the information about this subject, but it seems that this doesn't prevent you from throwing assumptions again

So you didn't noticed any issues ...

Those two individuals ... the proven drug user is Fancy Mancy and the proven deluded liar is Ol argedco, both of them had tight connections with ex members who are now on other platforms slandering JoS, to be more specific Fancy Mancy was very "connected" with Magesson and Ol arcedco with Shael
(old connections die hard)
Fancy Mancy seems to be missing for a few days but he was spotted posting without approval when he was on (by myself and others)

So the fact that two members like this are labeled as trusted and get benefits doesn't matter! right ...

Add to this the fact that a drunken idiot was allowed to advertise enemy's agenda and now the same drunken idiot is allowed to insult and attack everyone who doesn't agree with that. (the drunken idiot is user EnkyUk3)

Is this a way of saying that the presence and opinion of those real SS who are here for ten years does not matter! because these members are not trustworthy ...right.

Is this trust and reliability ! (in front of the tens of thousands of readers)

In the meanwhile real SS long-term members take the lone wolf path
Wonder why

Of course this things are not visible for those who are using JoS like a facebook page
But for those who have their eyes open and know where to look these things are clear
Dahaarkan said:
But until you have a proper case to make this just comes off as you complaining because someone you don't like is offmod and you're not.
In case you didn't noticed this either, I'm not looking to be popular or famous in fact right know I'm asking myself why am I still here in a place where I'm not trustworthy but deluded liers and drug users are.

You are seriously full of shit, as you have been in most of the comments that you have posted before. You are acting very paranoid, and just imagining nonsense bullshit that isn't even true. Like basically every comment you have tried to post before, it is simply you trying to start fights, trying to start problems, and complaining like a baby. You have never posted a single comment worth any value, you are basically nothing but a problem. You have been acting like a worthless rat for years, and only getting worse. I guess the RTRs are working on you, because you are acting more like an insane paranoid jew every single day. A jew is a jew, I expect nothing better from you. Just as I have never expected anything from you, because you have never been of any value.

Fancy Mancy has never used any drugs, so I don't know where you got that stupid idea from. Just more proof of how you don't have a clue what you talk about. I can think of at least 2 users who used to be addicted to drugs, and Mancy is not one of them. I never even heard of Mancy drinking any alcohol, I think he has been absolutely sober for his whole life.

And Mancy never had any connection to Magekike either, any more than anyone else did. While Magekike was pretending to be a high priest, there were a lot of people who respected him. But Mancy never was too close to him, and has never took his side since the time the rat was removed.

And I don't have any connection to Shael. How are you going to tell me who I am connected to? You are acting like I do not know anything about my own life. You are acting like I have had all these communications with somebody, when I simply have not. For a stupid but accurate comparison, it's like blaming somebody else for farting when they obviously know that they did not because they would have felt it if they did. I have never had any communication with Shael at all in any way, except for replying to a few of his comments on this website. I have replied to thousands of people here, does that mean that I am close personal friends with all the thousands of them?

Actually there are multiple people here who have said that they have had multiple email conversations with Shael. I could list 5 or 10 people who said they used to speak to Shael on email. But I am simply not one of them. I have never spoken to him. I have only spoken on email to 3 people, and Shael is not one of them.
Funny to see so many good people being slandered by the worthless shit poster who has never posted a single thing of any value. And has had most of its worthless posts disapproved and deleted for being nothing but worthless shit posting, trying to start problems, and trying its hardest to "divide Satan against himself." And you see the RTR's effects, as it gets worse and worse every day.

"If a comrade of ours opens a Jewish newspaper in the morning and does not find himself vilified there, then he has spent yesterday to no account. For if he had achieved something he would be persecuted, slandered, derided and abused. Those who effectively combat this mortal enemy of our people, who is at the same time the enemy of all Aryan peoples and all culture, can only expect to arouse opposition on the part of this race and become the object of its slanderous attacks."
jrvan said:
Syd Silver said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

I did not know why you attacked me, but now everything is clear

How is Shael, he still hates me because I exposed him?! Is it still with Magesson slandering JoS on those platforms? (rhetorical questions)

Yeah, I have found out about your friendship with Shael

That also explains why you are defending EnkyUk3 ...

EnkyUK3 is the only member here that advertises enemy agenda in public and of course you defend him and call him brother

Its the same pattern, your friend Shael also defended a proven infiltrator

Nothing more to add
It makes perfect sense.

In regards to Shael, I think some people are being more harsh than needed about it. I don't know why some feel so betrayed by him when we don't even know all the facts. We haven't even heard from him in months.
I've been reading this thread and I have to make a comment here. You can't stay around for years, gain people's trust and then out of nowhere backstab us. We might as well call you Magestein. 'Yeah I'm a highly psychic old member who is quite advanced but come on guys, Satan failed to protect his most loyal disciple in the history of humanity and Hooded Cobra is covering it up. He is also an infiltrator who lives in his mother's basement. Also forgive my sentiments, it's a tiny mistake.'

Basically this was Shael eventually. Good riddance if you ask me. Also how convenient for the enemy for all that to have happened at that point in time. Why did he not stay around if he is a legit SS? Typical jew behavior. Infiltrate, then finally try to sabotage and then start over with a new account for all we know.
Lydia said:
Syd Silver said:
Talking about who is trustworthy
I only saw Henu posting without approval, No problem with Henu or with his posts, I just wanted to know why someone can and others don't, that was all

Now let me brief you what I found out about two of these trusted members
Two days ago I got an email from a brother and I was told that there is another member off mod and that one is a drug user and former friend of Magesson this one use to call Mageson ... "Magy babe"
I think you know who I'm talking about

Today I discovered another off mod member, this one is a pathological liar

So if these are the "off mod" trusted members then no thanks
I don't fulfill the requirements

No offense if you are off mod, just trying to make a point about Trustworthy Criteria.
I meant trustworthy for posting in the forums, nothing about their personal lives.

tabby said:
Arguments have their time and place. That’s my belief. They can help to develop realisations and ideas (when the insults and slander are cut out from them), or help to make it obvious when something is wrong. They can form bonds between members, and aid in helping one to discover more about themselves and others.

Sometimes being able to bounce arguments and ideas to other members here helps to flesh them out and work out the kinks, especially where one doesn’t have any Satanic partners or family at home to do so before presenting those arguments here.

However, the back and forth nonsense is just that. Nonsense and drama. So I agree with your points in that regard.

I was talking specifically about excessive arguing such as in one of the vaccine threads where one member keeps insulting others, as an example. Disagreements are perfectly natural and can be quite helpful as you pointed out.

Apparently my communication skills are at a low these days. I will make sure to clarify thoroughly before posting in the future. :)

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Being a mod or HP is solely a popularity contest and usually the most popular people are the ones that post lots of helpful responses so it is a feedback loop.
This isn't high school. Being able to help other members is a sacred role for Satanism. Being clergy is a specific role that only certain people are suited for, it has nothing to do with popularity or number of posts. Think of it as a job like any other, most people are not suited for it, and those who are do the work involved with it, such as posting a lot as it is required of them. For example, a janitor cleans, not to be popular, but because it is simply their job requirement. Clergy = public servant.

As for moderators being popular, nobody knows who they are, so they might in fact be people who are not even known in the forums.
I wanted to make a new post but perhaps you wouldn't see it. I'm a bit concerned the order I placed wasn't received, since you told me you usually notify someone that you have recieced their order and then afterwards they can wait for it. I have no problem waiting however long it takes but it's been a few months and I never got a reply about the order being received.
Meteor said:
Syd Silver said:
... the proven drug user is Fancy Mancy ...

Wait, you actually thought FancyMancy used drugs? You weren't trying to make a really far-fetched pun back then?
That notion seemed so ridiculous to me that I assumed you were making a pun when you called him "high" since FancyMancy joked about being abducted by aliens, which would supposedly be somewhere high in the sky.
I think he's saner than I am, and I've never used any drugs in my life. He's not "high", just British. People like sacrasm there.
Just where did you get the idea from that he used drugs? He always appears so calm and collected in his posts. Are you drunk?
I wondered who is the one off mod doing drugs... Then he comes out and says FancyMancy. LOL! He simply has his humour, which obviously evades some people.

Then I wonder more... Why is this topic still going on. It would be best to ignore this stir-up.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
You are seriously full of shit, as you have been in most of the comments that you have posted before.
Syd Silver said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Syd Silver said:
WTF is this crap ?!

I never said I hate Cobra
I never said Cobra is corrupted
Don't put words in my mouth
What is the motivation for those lies?!!

You are right about this. I remembered this wrong, and I am sorry about that. I should not have written this part. I must have mixed you up with someone else in my memory who said those things.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Fancy Mancy has never used any drugs, so I don't know where you got that stupid idea from., I think he has been absolutely sober for his whole life.
FancyMancy said:
I still don't know, but from what I can gather I suspect that in a previous life I did a lot of substance use. That continues into next lives, and it is incredibly difficult to fix
Besides this Fancy Mancy has at least 20 posts in which it is obvious under the influence of drugs
(20 posts from what I saw, but I did not read half of his posts)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
And I don't have any connection to Shael.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
What friendship with Shael, I did have a lot of respect for him in the past

At this time, I really don't have any opinion about him either way. There have been bad accusations about him, which may or may not be true. Who knows.

Syd Silver said:
Wait, what ?!
Shael has a entire history of attacking real SS long-term members
Shael also he defended a proven jew infiltrator
Shael said that 99% of JoS members are stupid sheep

After all that you come and say that have been some bad accusations about him wich may or may not be true ...!!! and doesn't matter anymore!!

Right ... but you are not friend with Shael
Ol argedco luciftias said:

So you lied only several times just on this topic

For the record, I did not mention the word jew in my posts addressed to you, but you felt the need to use this word
It's ok I understand your panic and despair, your lies and attacks are pathetic and no one believes you, so besides lies you decided to throw false accusations as well
Don't hold back, keep going you are doing a great job
Your friend showed his true colors in his last days, you can do this to, just be honest, come on, talk from the heart, no need to hide anymore.
This is precisely what they always push. Satan cannot handle his own, they are smarter that Satan, the list goes.

This is nothing but psychological warfare on their behalf, and projecting their own dirt towards others.

One should instantly see that they have no clue of any Satan they are talking about.

Generally, these have either poor understanding and an intention to harm, or just stupidity which was easily used by the enemy in which case its done unintentionally.

They also clearly wish the situation was as low and as dumb as their thoughts, the Gods must be also that. And do not forget, all true Satanists are corrupted AND stupid, a totally our own member said so.

Blackdragon666 said:
jrvan said:
Syd Silver said:
I did not know why you attacked me, but now everything is clear

How is Shael, he still hates me because I exposed him?! Is it still with Magesson slandering JoS on those platforms? (rhetorical questions)

Yeah, I have found out about your friendship with Shael

That also explains why you are defending EnkyUk3 ...

EnkyUK3 is the only member here that advertises enemy agenda in public and of course you defend him and call him brother

Its the same pattern, your friend Shael also defended a proven infiltrator

Nothing more to add
It makes perfect sense.

In regards to Shael, I think some people are being more harsh than needed about it. I don't know why some feel so betrayed by him when we don't even know all the facts. We haven't even heard from him in months.
I've been reading this thread and I have to make a comment here. You can't stay around for years, gain people's trust and then out of nowhere backstab us. We might as well call you Magestein. 'Yeah I'm a highly psychic old member who is quite advanced but come on guys, Satan failed to protect his most loyal disciple in the history of humanity and Hooded Cobra is covering it up. He is also an infiltrator who lives in his mother's basement. Also forgive my sentiments, it's a tiny mistake.'

Basically this was Shael eventually. Good riddance if you ask me. Also how convenient for the enemy for all that to have happened at that point in time. Why did he not stay around if he is a legit SS? Typical jew behavior. Infiltrate, then finally try to sabotage and then start over with a new account for all we know.
Meteor said:
Syd Silver said:
... the proven drug user is Fancy Mancy ...

Wait, you actually thought FancyMancy used drugs? You weren't trying to make a really far-fetched pun back then?
That notion seemed so ridiculous to me that I assumed you were making a pun when you called him "high" since FancyMancy joked about being abducted by aliens, which would supposedly be somewhere high in the sky.
I think he's saner than I am, and I've never used any drugs in my life. He's not "high", just British. People like sacrasm there.
Just where did you get the idea from that he used drugs? He always appears so calm and collected in his posts. Are you drunk?
Fancy Mancy is most decisively not part of the sane people in this place.
Blackdragon666 said:
jrvan said:
In regards to Shael, I think some people are being more harsh than needed about it. I don't know why some feel so betrayed by him when we don't even know all the facts. We haven't even heard from him in months.
I've been reading this thread and I have to make a comment here. You can't stay around for years, gain people's trust and then out of nowhere backstab us. We might as well call you Magestein. 'Yeah I'm a highly psychic old member who is quite advanced but come on guys, Satan failed to protect his most loyal disciple in the history of humanity and Hooded Cobra is covering it up. He is also an infiltrator who lives in his mother's basement. Also forgive my sentiments, it's a tiny mistake.'

Basically this was Shael eventually. Good riddance if you ask me. Also how convenient for the enemy for all that to have happened at that point in time. Why did he not stay around if he is a legit SS? Typical jew behavior. Infiltrate, then finally try to sabotage and then start over with a new account for all we know.

Fair enough. I suppose maybe I feel less affected by it because I haven't been around as long so I wasn't used to seeing him around all the time. This may be why I feel more indifferent towards him.
Syd Silver said:

You are allowed to post in the forums like everyone else. Your frustration is you don't have a pat on the head from clergy saying you're a super special boy.

This is a problem with your mentality and desire for vague social status. You can post like everyone else. So this "problem" is only in your head.

I too was in good standing with Shael before he left. Shael and Jack are very similar people whether they want to admit it or not. The difference is while Jack grew and stopped being an obnoxious arrogant asshole Shael did the exact opposite, becoming worse with time until he went insane and got booted.

Nobody takes responsibility or blame for another individual's actions. To say that Fancy or whoever can't be trusted because they were in good standing with someone who flipped and fucked up is insane. Shael alone takes responsibility for his actions as an individual. Same with kikeson or whoever.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Fancy Mancy is most decisively not part of the sane people in this place.
Your projections here are quite uncalled for.

Think about how and why this topic occured in the first place. If you come to some sort of realization you would understand that you took a bait.
Henu the Great said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Fancy Mancy is most decisively not part of the sane people in this place.
Your projections here are quite uncalled for.

Think about how and why this topic occured in the first place. If you come to some sort of realization you would understand that you took a bait.
It was a sarcastic and innocent comment. What's the problem?
Syd Silver said:
Let me make you a summary of this topic without the interventions of that troll
As it seems that you have missed some aspects

I opened this topic and asked why someone can post without approval and others can't

Everyone expressed their opinion by their own understanding
That was all about

Now you come and complain that some people beg to be off mod ...
Nobody begged for anything, no need to add extra flame, it was a simple discussion until the topic was hijacked by that dummy.

Syd Silver said:
I don't think you're up to date with all the information on this subject

Two of these members are at least questionable
One is a drug user and the other one is a lier, I could say more about of these two but I think you got the point

Besides that, I agree with your points

See my reply to Cobra, I asked him to explain clearly the situation just to eliminate confusion and interpretations.

Syd Silver said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

So you lied only several times just on this topic

For the record, I did not mention the word jew in my posts addressed to you
, but you felt the need to use this word
It's ok I understand your panic and despair, your lies and attacks are pathetic and no one believes you, so besides lies you decided to throw false accusations as well
Don't hold back, keep going you are doing a great job
Your friend showed his true colors in his last days, you can do this to, just be honest, come on, talk from the heart, no need to hide anymore.

Don't think I don't see what you're doing. You're emulating me with my way of speaking and past replies I've made in order to create a mental link in peoples' minds between you and me, in order to make me look bad. I also noticed I'm one of the few people whom you haven't attacked which is supposed to paint us as being on the same side or something.

You studied me so thoroughly that you took the "blah blah blah" quotation thing I did way back when with SouthernWhiteGentile. You also copied my style of paragraphing my comments with line breaks.

Fuckin' sith lord shit, man. Y u being shady?
TopoftheAbyss said:
Meteor said:
Syd Silver said:
... the proven drug user is Fancy Mancy ...

Wait, you actually thought FancyMancy used drugs? You weren't trying to make a really far-fetched pun back then?
That notion seemed so ridiculous to me that I assumed you were making a pun when you called him "high" since FancyMancy joked about being abducted by aliens, which would supposedly be somewhere high in the sky.
I think he's saner than I am, and I've never used any drugs in my life. He's not "high", just British. People like sacrasm there.
Just where did you get the idea from that he used drugs? He always appears so calm and collected in his posts. Are you drunk?
Fancy Mancy is most decisively not part of the sane people in this place.
Alright topyftheabyss, enough of your bullshit, you're one of the most inferior members on here and everybody can attest to that, you post nothing of relevance and even pass yourself as some kind of wise person who knows it all. Might aswell take a break from the forums and do some introspection and actually meditate, it could do good for yourself.
Henu the Great said:
I wondered who is the one off mod doing drugs... Then he comes out and says FancyMancy. LOL! He simply has his humour, which obviously evades some people.
I truly hope you're just naive ... and there's nothing else behind of what you said

For your information, those humorous drug users as well as alcoholic humorous ones, fall very easily under the influence of the enemy, and end up working for the enemy even if they do it unconsciously

These type of people are very easy to be manipulated
These type of people are not to be trusted and don't belong here
How can anyone could think that a drug user or an alcoholic will ever be part from Satan's House !!

Henu the Great said:
Then I wonder more... Why is this topic still going on. It would be best to ignore this stir-up.
This topic is still going on because has disturbed "some people" on "some platforms"

Obviously you and few others still have no clue about what's going on, you and few others still don't see how "they" are crawling out of the woodwork one by one, you and a few others think this is social network and its all about who has many posts or who has pat on his head from the clergy

Fortunately, there are many others who see and understand.
Even if people have done mistakes, what is the deal? None, so far they correct them.

Additionally, some people can really make a joke, and they don't have to be penalized for doing or saying something.

This whole "yea lets prove every legitimate member of the JoS a shill while we hardly ever exist" is just a total boring repetitive meme.

Those who maintain unity and peace are looked higher than those who create disputes. As a general rule, peace is more desirable than pointless disputes.

Yes, some kosher shits may be unveiled over time, but this doesn't make anyone who ever did a mistake or asked the wrong question that, so one should not fight with one another for no reason.

Not everyone who disagrees with someone is necessary such a kosher shit. If we went by someone making mistakes in this world then nobody has to exist, as there are no faultless individuals.

It may feel good to randomly argue because people have disagreements, but there are alternative approaches.
Syd Silver said:
I truly hope you're just naive ... and there's nothing else behind of what you said

For your information, those humorous drug users as well as alcoholic humorous ones, fall very easily under the influence of the enemy, and end up working for the enemy even if they do it unconsciously

These type of people are very easy to be manipulated
These type of people are not to be trusted and don't belong here
How can anyone could think that a drug user or an alcoholic will ever be part from Satan's House !!
Much worry about.... Nothing serious at all!

I'll meme this by typing: Keep calm and do the final rtr

This topic is still going on because has disturbed "some people" on "some platforms"

Obviously you and few others still have no clue about what's going on, you and few others still don't see how "they" are crawling out of the woodwork one by one, you and a few others think this is social network and its all about who has many posts or who has pat on his head from the clergy

Fortunately, there are many others who see and understand.
So fucking what?

Why do I or others need to care what happens on some jewish platform. They can rot for all I care, and rot they will. Totally useless waste of time to preoccupy thoughts with that stuff.

I rest my case. You can argue here all you want, and I hope others will chill and just focus on more important matters. :)
I find it funny how no one seems to sense that the energy of this thread is 100% fight mode energy, and people are getting easily gripped by it. Syd Silver really is a sith lord :lol:
jrvan said:
I find it funny how no one seems to sense that the energy of this thread is 100% fight mode energy, and people are getting easily gripped by it. Syd Silver really is a sith lord :lol:
Is that so? The level of promoting agitaton is ridiculous, but nevermind it.

All I'm trying to promote calm, as I am calm. Maybe it does not show by text, but I rarely I am anything else but calm.

If it is not completely obvious to everyone reading I state once again. Don't be so easily agitated into needless argumentations. He even tried on me, but all I can say is that we really do have more important matters to focus on. Speaking of important, time for rtr.
Henu the Great said:
jrvan said:
I find it funny how no one seems to sense that the energy of this thread is 100% fight mode energy, and people are getting easily gripped by it. Syd Silver really is a sith lord :lol:
Is that so? The level of promoting agitaton is ridiculous, but nevermind it.

All I'm trying to promote calm, as I am calm. Maybe it does not show by text, but I rarely I am anything else but calm.

If it is not completely obvious to everyone reading I state once again. Don't be so easily agitated into needless argumentations. He even tried on me, but all I can say is that we really do have more important matters to focus on. Speaking of important, time for rtr.

Yeah, dude. He's totally loving this. You can also be sure that he's feeling very, very proud of himself right now.

You're right that everyone should disengage because that's the best move here. We should all be wiser going forward to not give him any spotlight again.
Aquarius said:
Hurr durr you're baddy bad and mean, I'm offended
Thanks for the critique. You're doing a good job in proving false my claim that my critics you were referring to are not braindead, congrats.
Aquarius said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Meteor said:
Wait, you actually thought FancyMancy used drugs? You weren't trying to make a really far-fetched pun back then?
That notion seemed so ridiculous to me that I assumed you were making a pun when you called him "high" since FancyMancy joked about being abducted by aliens, which would supposedly be somewhere high in the sky.
I think he's saner than I am, and I've never used any drugs in my life. He's not "high", just British. People like sacrasm there.
Just where did you get the idea from that he used drugs? He always appears so calm and collected in his posts. Are you drunk?
Fancy Mancy is most decisively not part of the sane people in this place.
Alright topyftheabyss, enough of your bullshit, you're one of the most inferior members on here and everybody can attest to that, you post nothing of relevance and even pass yourself as some kind of wise person who knows it all. Might aswell take a break from the forums and do some introspection and actually meditate, it could do good for yourself.
Also I said literally nothing negative in that post. It was a joke and in fact it was a positive thing to say unless you're a normie with no awareness of the Jewish world we live in where everything is the opposite of what is supposed to be.
Admit it, Aquarius. You're obsessed with me. You hate me because in the past I said something you didn't like. I was mean to something you liked like a movie or something. Maybe I was mean to a videogame you liked, and you got triggered exactly like the other idiot.
Tell me, Aquarius. What was I mean to? What videogame or toy did I criticize that made you hate me?
TopoftheAbyss said:
Also I said literally nothing negative in that post. It was a joke and in fact it was a positive thing to say unless you're a normie with no awareness of the Jewish world we live in where everything is the opposite of what is supposed to be.
Admit it, Aquarius. You're obsessed with me. You hate me because in the past I said something you didn't like. I was mean to something you liked like a movie or something. Maybe I was mean to a videogame you liked, and you got triggered exactly like the other idiot.
Tell me, Aquarius. What was I mean to? What videogame or toy did I criticize that made you hate me?

Maybe if you didn't have a track record of being disrespectful and petty people wouldn't assume that's what you're doing when you post a harmless joke.

You've simply had shitty behavior for so long that others rightfully assume every post you make is in that toxic nature. Nobody is obsessed with you. We are all sick of you actually.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aquarius said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Fancy Mancy is most decisively not part of the sane people in this place.
Alright topyftheabyss, enough of your bullshit, you're one of the most inferior members on here and everybody can attest to that, you post nothing of relevance and even pass yourself as some kind of wise person who knows it all. Might aswell take a break from the forums and do some introspection and actually meditate, it could do good for yourself.
Also I said literally nothing negative in that post. It was a joke and in fact it was a positive thing to say unless you're a normie with no awareness of the Jewish world we live in where everything is the opposite of what is supposed to be.
Admit it, Aquarius. You're obsessed with me. You hate me because in the past I said something you didn't like. I was mean to something you liked like a movie or something. Maybe I was mean to a videogame you liked, and you got triggered exactly like the other idiot.
Tell me, Aquarius. What was I mean to? What videogame or toy did I criticize that made you hate me?
Sorry, I don't play videogames.
Just putting this out there. What if TopoftheAbyss is Syd Silver's alt account? They're both engaging in baiting people into fights on this thread, and TopoftheAbyss just happens to show up as soon as Syd Silver goes silent. Also observe his signature and Syd Silver's avatar picture. Both have to do with Astarte. Maybe this could be a connection?
Henu the Great said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
It was a sarcastic and innocent comment. What's the problem?
The problem was hard to detect sarcasm through text interface. :D

Because he wasn't.
Dahaarkan said:
Syd Silver said:

You are allowed to post in the forums like everyone else. Your frustration is you don't have a pat on the head from clergy saying you're a super special boy.

This is a problem with your mentality and desire for vague social status. You can post like everyone else. So this "problem" is only in your head.

I too was in good standing with Shael before he left. Shael and Jack are very similar people whether they want to admit it or not. The difference is while Jack grew and stopped being an obnoxious arrogant asshole Shael did the exact opposite, becoming worse with time until he went insane and got booted.

Nobody takes responsibility or blame for another individual's actions. To say that Fancy or whoever can't be trusted because they were in good standing with someone who flipped and fucked up is insane. Shael alone takes responsibility for his actions as an individual. Same with kikeson or whoever.

-Big Ego.
-Pretends to be strong and wise, he forces it.
-Tries to be good with you, to gain social/public standing and favour.
-Doesn't care about our Gods, or about Satanists.
-Gives toxic and disrespectful advice.
-Tells you what is bad, and he doesn't like. Focuses on negativity, and doesn't give actual tipps on how to increase performance. (Personal experience)
-Shael is a slimey Lizard.

-Big Ego.
-Is actually strong in many ways (Spiritually, Emotionally, in Character, Knowledge, is always composed..)
-Doesn't act like he does to increase public standing etc. in fact he doesn't care what ANYONE thinks about him. He is just natural.
-Does care and loves Satan, our Gods, and also he cares for our fellow Satanists, even for the very new ones, who have severe psycholgical issues and hang-ups.
-Gives very valueable advice, out of good will.
-Helps you to improve, without revealing too many information, about certain things.
- Jack is an unshakalbe Titan.

They are not remotely similar.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Even if people have done mistakes, what is the deal? None, so far they correct them.

Additionally, some people can really make a joke, and they don't have to be penalized for doing or saying something.

This whole "yea lets prove every legitimate member of the JoS a shill while we hardly ever exist" is just a total boring repetitive meme.

Those who maintain unity and peace are looked higher than those who create disputes. As a general rule, peace is more desirable than pointless disputes.

Yes, some kosher shits may be unveiled over time, but this doesn't make anyone who ever did a mistake or asked the wrong question that, so one should not fight with one another for no reason.

Not everyone who disagrees with someone is necessary such a kosher shit. If we went by someone making mistakes in this world then nobody has to exist, as there are no faultless individuals.

It may feel good to randomly argue because people have disagreements, but there are alternative approaches.
Are we still working with facts or we started working with assumtions ?!
The fact that someone is defending a proven infiltrator it's no problem ?!
The fact that someone is telling lies and false accusation it's no problem ?!

When you label someone as JoS trusted member it is statement ... that person represents JoS

Are you sure that this is the JoS image you want to display in front tens thousands of members and tens of thousands of readers ?!

If you decide marching with weak questionable people then this is what you will attract weak questionable people

The ones who are looked higher and are respected SS members are visible, most of them are on the lone wolf path, only a few of these are still here but their presence on the forum is very very rare, those are the truly trusted members.
Syd Silver said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Are we still working with facts or we started working with assumtions ?!
The fact that someone is defending a proven infiltrator it's no problem ?!
The fact that someone is telling lies and false accusation it's no problem ?!

When you label someone as JoS trusted member it is statement ... that person represents JoS

Are you sure that this is the JoS image you want to display in front tens thousands of members and tens of thousands of readers ?!

If you decide marching with weak questionable people then this is what you will attract weak questionable people

The ones who are looked higher and are respected SS members are visible, most of them are on the lone wolf path, only a few of these are still here but their presence on the forum is very very rare, those are the truly trusted members.

The people who you call weak, do things.

Yourself who think strong, do nothing.

The conclusion is merely that you are weak. Plus, do you recall the days when you were sending threats that you will keep creating fake accounts to spam the forums, such as in my e-mail, because you were angry over your perceived higherness and telling people like myself over nothing how we should do things, as we do today?

To put it simply to you this has arose out of uselessness, and the fact that you have a major idea without nothing to back it up, which is epitomal of weakness.

This could be used as proof to kick you out, fairly easily as far as I am concerned. Could it not? But you pretend that the issues of others are so much less important than your own. You're without error of course.

Ever since for example, people have been doing copious work compared to you, helping hundreds. The people that you 'accuse' of weakness.

In fact, you are here because people like me, in your opinion, wrongly believe people can advance. Well then, you'll have to move out, as someone who says they will spam the forum and essentially create discord is an infiltrator. I also know of other things, so don't play the dove here.

If mistakes are to get someone out, you should be banned. You always think you can criticize, but actively participate in no creative or decent way in this place, nor even advisory.

You are merely pre-occupied with judgement of others, while you practically practice no self judgement. Because you would see you do nothing, and want to do something. Yeah, big something, you blamed people with x50 times your helpful capacity, over a straw man meltdown.

As other members also told you, all you do is bitch that you aren't trusted. You repeat it's not the case, and act like giving posting privillege to people is the end of the world.

Them, unmoderated, do this better. For example, Agredco apologized for misplaced comments. What about you, keep the moral policing going. What should he do further than apologize exactly?

I set the standards of highness that you remind me of while it's only essentially pointless accusation. This revolves in that people advance and build out of problems. Which can be any, in fact.

You pretending online to be of no problems and trying to set a fake moral baseline because you want to make sure the JoS is seen adversely because you aren't more entitled in it [as revealed by your complaints] changes nothing.

As for the actual strong members that you imagine, those that matter aren't in mountains. We need help here, not in mountains. All at least have done, are doing, or will do an important work for this community.

Meanwhile you can repeat the meme of Xianity that those who don't exist are the saintly ones.
jrvan said:
Just putting this out there. What if TopoftheAbyss is Syd Silver's alt account? They're both engaging in baiting people into fights on this thread, and TopoftheAbyss just happens to show up as soon as Syd Silver goes silent. Also observe his signature and Syd Silver's avatar picture. Both have to do with Astarte. Maybe this could be a connection?

I doubt this, however, Syd does have quite a few accounts. Some of which engage in shit activity, primarily also in the past.

But Top is another person. All he did here was essentially make a joke.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
Just putting this out there. What if TopoftheAbyss is Syd Silver's alt account? They're both engaging in baiting people into fights on this thread, and TopoftheAbyss just happens to show up as soon as Syd Silver goes silent. Also observe his signature and Syd Silver's avatar picture. Both have to do with Astarte. Maybe this could be a connection?

I doubt this, however, Syd does have quite a few accounts. Some of which engage in shit activity, primarily also in the past.

But Top is another person. All he did here was essentially make a joke.

Their behavior seemed a little similar to me is all. Erratic, irrational, unreasonable.

I'll give it a rest then. I don't think my paranoid sleuth work is doing much good at this point anyway. I'm glad I'm not as paranoid as Syd though. Goodness, that's just another level.
NinRick said:
-Big Ego.
-Pretends to be strong and wise, he forces it.
-Tries to be good with you, to gain social/public standing and favour.
-Doesn't care about our Gods, or about Satanists.
-Gives toxic and disrespectful advice.
-Tells you what is bad, and he doesn't like. Focuses on negativity, and doesn't give actual tipps on how to increase performance. (Personal experience)
-Shael is a slimey Lizard.

-Big Ego.
-Is actually strong in many ways (Spiritually, Emotionally, in Character, Knowledge, is always composed..)
-Doesn't act like he does to increase public standing etc. in fact he doesn't care what ANYONE thinks about him. He is just natural.
-Does care and loves Satan, our Gods, and also he cares for our fellow Satanists, even for the very new ones, who have severe psycholgical issues and hang-ups.
-Gives very valueable advice, out of good will.
-Helps you to improve, without revealing too many information, about certain things.
- Jack is an unshakalbe Titan.

They are not remotely similar.

The old jack was in a bubble of overinflated ego and used the forums for confirmation bias and couldn't tolerate any views that differed from his. Jack from 2-3 years ago had several of the behaviors you attribute to Shael. This isn't so much a criticism because he's since grown out of this. It's worth pointing out because most who have this problem don't grow out of it, Jack is the only one I've noticed to really make progress growing out of it.

Shael did the opposite in which he demonstrated more and more of these rotten behaviors and the way he expressed his views and addressed other members became increasingly disrespectful and arrogant.

That being said Shael is a case study in why arrogance and passive aggressive disrespect should not be tolerated.

As a side note also please do stop worshiping jack, that was a bit cringe.
Dahaarkan said:
NinRick said:
-Big Ego.
-Pretends to be strong and wise, he forces it.
-Tries to be good with you, to gain social/public standing and favour.
-Doesn't care about our Gods, or about Satanists.
-Gives toxic and disrespectful advice.
-Tells you what is bad, and he doesn't like. Focuses on negativity, and doesn't give actual tipps on how to increase performance. (Personal experience)
-Shael is a slimey Lizard.

-Big Ego.
-Is actually strong in many ways (Spiritually, Emotionally, in Character, Knowledge, is always composed..)
-Doesn't act like he does to increase public standing etc. in fact he doesn't care what ANYONE thinks about him. He is just natural.
-Does care and loves Satan, our Gods, and also he cares for our fellow Satanists, even for the very new ones, who have severe psycholgical issues and hang-ups.
-Gives very valueable advice, out of good will.
-Helps you to improve, without revealing too many information, about certain things.
- Jack is an unshakalbe Titan.

They are not remotely similar.

The old jack was in a bubble of overinflated ego and used the forums for confirmation bias and couldn't tolerate any views that differed from his. Jack from 2-3 years ago had several of the behaviors you attribute to Shael. This isn't so much a criticism because he's since grown out of this. It's worth pointing out because most who have this problem don't grow out of it, Jack is the only one I've noticed to really make progress growing out of it.

Shael did the opposite in which he demonstrated more and more of these rotten behaviors and the way he expressed his views and addressed other members became increasingly disrespectful and arrogant.

That being said Shael is a case study in why arrogance and passive aggressive disrespect should not be tolerated.

As a side note also please do stop worshiping jack, that was a bit cringe.

I know, I am very good at being cringe.
But then again, I don’t really care.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
