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Introduction to Astrology, Lesson 4: The Signs and Constellations


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
Satan's earth
The Vernal Equinox has another name which is ‘The First Point of Aries’. This is because there was a time when the Vernal Equinox was in the constellation of Aries (Age of Aries). Back in the times of Hipparchus (over 2100 years ago), on Spring Equinoxes when the Sun is on the Vernal Equinox, the Sun was observed to be at the beginning point of the constellation of Aries. As the Sun enters the constellation of Aries from Pisces through that end, it was defined as the ‘First Point of Aries’. Since it coincided with the Vernal Equinox, the name was given to this point and has stuck to this day.

From this, the Vernal Equinox is represented with the symbol of Aries (♈︎) on the celestial sphere. The opposite point which is the Autumnal Equinox is in effect called the ‘First Point of Libra’ and is represented by the symbol of Libra (♎︎). The Autumnal Equinox was at the beginning of the constellation of Libra back at the time hence the name.

The Babylonians began the tradition of dividing the ecliptic into twelve equal parts based on the twelve zodiac constellation. These equal parts are 30 degrees each and are called the signs. The Greeks would develop this further with their extensive mythologies into the modern zodiac we know.

The signs follow the order; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The sign of Aries begins exactly on the Vernal Equinox and the sign of Libra begins exactly on the Fall Equinox.


The above image shows the 12 zodiac signs. Always keep in mind that there is a difference between the signs and constellations. The zodiac signs are equal divisions of the ecliptic that are based on the zodiac constellations. The zodiac constellations are a group of twelve constellations that lie on the Sun’s path, that is the ecliptic plane.

Each sign has an object that represents it. These are also from the mythology behind the zodiac constellations (from the ancient Greeks) which we will cover in a later chapter.

The sign of Aries is represented by the ram. Its symbol is ♈︎. It is at the point 0˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Aries' means 'ram' in Latin.

The sign of Taurus is represented by the bull. Its symbol is ♉︎. It is at a point 30˚ from the Vernal Equinox, moving eastward. 'Taurus' is Latin for 'bull'.

The sign of Gemini is represented by twins. Its symbol is ♊︎. It is at the point 60˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Gemini' is plural of the Latin word 'geminus' which means 'twin'. 'Gemini' is therefore Latin for 'twins'.

The sign of Cancer is represented by the crab. Its symbol is ♋︎. It is at the point 90˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Cancer' has a Latin ('cancri') and older Greek root ('carcinos' or 'karkinos') that means 'crab'.

The sign of Leo is represented by the lion. Its symbol is ♌︎. It is at the point 120˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Leo' is Latin for 'lion'.

The sign of Virgo is represented by the virgin (a virgin Goddess). Its symbol is ♍︎. It is at the point 150˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Virgo' is from the Latin 'virginis' which means 'virgin'.

The sign of Libra is represented by the scales (the scales of the Goddess of justice). Its symbol is ♎︎. It is at the point 180˚ from the Vernal Equinox. It is also exactly opposite the sign of Aries. 'Libra' is from Latin and means ' a pair of scales'.

The sign of Scorpio is represented by the scorpion. Its symbol is ♏︎. It is at the point 210˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Scorpio is opposite the sign of Taurus. 'Scorpio' is from Latin, which was from the Greek 'Skorpius', which referred to a legendary scorpion.

The sign of Sagittarius is represented by the archer (a centaur or a satyr with a bow). Its symbol is ♐︎. It is at the point 240˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Sagittarius is opposite the sign of Gemini. 'Sagittarius' is from Latin and means 'archer'.

The sign of Capricorn is represented by the goat (a sea goat; half goat, half fish). Its symbol is ♑︎. It is at the point 270˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Capricorn is opposite the sign of Cancer. 'Capricorn' is from a compound Latin word, 'Capri-cornus', that means 'horned like a goat' or 'horned goat'.

The sign of Aquarius is represented by the water-bearer/carrier. Its symbol is ♒︎. It is at the point 300˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Aquarius is opposite the sign of Leo. Aquarius has a Latin root that means 'water carrier'.

The sign of Pisces is represented by the fishes (two fishes swimming in opposite directions while connected by a cord). Its symbol is ♓︎. It is at the point 330˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Pisces is opposite the sign of Virgo. 'Pisces' is the plural of the Latin 'piscis' which means 'a fish'.

If you are new to some of the words used here like 'satyr', feel free to look them up on the internet. Don't worry as we will delve deeper into all this in future lessons.

The next image shows the zodiac signs on the celestial sphere.


Tropical Astrology (also known as Western Astrology), which is a continuation of Greek Astrology, uses the signs. Thus, every Spring Equinox in March, we say the Sun has entered the sign of Aries. In terms of constellations, it depends on which constellation is aligned with the Vernal Equinox. As we enter the Age of Aquarius, the Sun will be in the constellation of Aquarius every Spring Equinox, but always in the sign of Aries.

In India, they have their own Astrology system called Jyotish or Vedic Astrology. They don’t use the signs but just the constellations. If you’re born on the day of the Spring Equinox, in Tropical Astrology you’re an Aries Sun but in Vedic Astrology you’re a Pisces Sun (as the Vernal Equinox enters the constellation of Aquarius, said individual will be an Aquarius Sun).

In my experience, and as many other Astrologers will agree, Tropical Astrology is usually very accurate. Modern science tries to say that Astrology isn't accurate since we have a nonsensical system that is out of date since the equinoxes have moved from their original positions. However, when you read horoscopes using the signs, they give very accurate readings.

In closing, now that we have introduced the signs, we will cover much more about them in the next lessons.

For those who are strict on grammar, the word symbol in the above post means 'glyph'.

I have a few technical things to add. For those who don't want to complicate things, you don't really need to know this.

Apart from the two circles of latitude covered in previous lessons (Arctic and Antarctic circles), we have the Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer. Latitudes are imaginary lines drawn on the earth that run from east to west (horizontally). These are not used in Astrology but are a bit related to it, especially the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer. They are measured on how many degrees they are at above or below the equator. If you’re at the North or South Poles, your latitude is 90˚ from the equator. The Tropic of Cancer is the latitude that coincides exactly with the cusp of the sign of Cancer. It is the latitude at which the Sun is at its highest point, that is the latitude at which the Sun lies on Summer Solstices.

The Tropic of Capricorn is the latitude at which the Sun is at its highest point in the Southern hemisphere, on their Summer Solstice (or Northern Winter Solstice). This latitude coincides with the cusp of the sign of Capricorn. The following image illustrates this.


Note that the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are 23.5˚ North and South of the Equator respectively. This is because, if the earth wasn’t tilted on its axis, then the Sun would always be above the Equator. But as you tilt the earth slowly, the angle at which it tilts is equivalent to the point at which the Sun is highest in the sky. Suppose you tilt the earth until the poles directly face the Sun. Then if we were to have Tropics they would be around 90 degrees of latitude as they would be near or on the poles since the Sun is that high in the sky. You get the idea. The Tropics correspond with the earth’s tilt. The more the tilt, the higher the Sun will reach in the Sky on the days of Solstices.

Another thing is that the word ‘Tropic’ has a Greek root that means ‘to change direction’. This is because after a Solstice, the Sun starts to reverse its steady rise in the sky that was before it reached its highest point.

Lastly, one may assume that the Tropics are named after the cusps of the signs which they coincide with. This is not so. Remember that back at the time when these things were being defined by the Greeks, the constellations aligned with the signs. The constellation of Aries aligned with the sign of Aries. Likewise, the constellations of Cancer and Capricorn aligned with their corresponding signs. The Tropic of Cancer was named after the constellation of Cancer because the Sun was in the constellation of Cancer on Summer Solstices, same for the Tropic of Capricorn and the Sun being in the constellation of Capricorn on Winter.
Thanks for these lessons man.

Astrology is a very, VERY complicated subject that can take years to become adept at, and having these lessons readily available in consumable portions will be especially helpful in the coming future, as more and more people turn to Satanism.

Most of what I've learned is how to read a chart and, with some degree of accuracy, predict my future potential outcomes based on current and future transits, lunar charts, yearly solar charts, etc., but I never looked into how charts are made in the first place, considering all the things involved in our celestial sphere in respect to the rest of the universe.
Beautifully done!💥
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=391999 time=1664920754 user_id=19170]
In India, they have their own Astrology system called Jyotish or Vedic Astrology. They don’t use the signs but just the constellations. If you’re born on the day of the Spring Equinox, in Tropical Astrology you’re an Aries Sun but in Vedic Astrology you’re a Pisces Sun (as the Vernal Equinox enters the constellation of Aquarius, said individual will be an Aquarius Sun).

In my experience, and as many other Astrologers will agree, Tropical Astrology is usually very accurate. Modern science tries to say that Astrology isn't accurate since we have a nonsensical system that is out of date since the equinoxes have moved from their original positions. However, when you read horoscopes using the signs, they give very accurate readings.

In closing, now that we have introduced the signs, we will cover much more about them in the next lessons.


Your series is genuinely excellent and should clear things up for a lot of people. I wanted to wade in here on one thing. Sidereal Astrology is not just used by Indians. It has been used by multiple groups with different systems for clarifying which star the first degree of a sign is tied to. The majority Indian system (Lahiri) is tied to the opposition of the star Spica for example. There are hundreds of Sidereal systems. However, they do use the 30 degrees of sign division just like Tropical, which is questionable when one considers the actual constellations are unequal in size. Some people even do Western astrology with Sidereal methods. Others do Jyotish using Tropical ones.

Indian Astrology is extremely ancient but much of it is lunar based in nature and based on interpretation of the lunar mansions (nakshatras).Many ancient Indian texts on Astrology say the Greeks (Yavana) taught them the MEANING and delineations of the signs of the zodiac. You can read these texts yourself. Nowadays Sidereal in the West has unfortunately been hijacked by some woke lunatics claiming Tropical is some pale male and stale colonial oppression system or something.

Beyond interpretation, anyone here advanced enough to do so can prove the total validity of the Tropical system by doing a Sun Square in Tropical Leo (or any Planetary Square in any planet's Tropical domicile). Doing it in Tropical Virgo (most of Sidereal Leo) is weak.
Karnonnos said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=391999 time=1664920754 user_id=19170]
In India, they have their own Astrology system called Jyotish or Vedic Astrology. They don’t use the signs but just the constellations. If you’re born on the day of the Spring Equinox, in Tropical Astrology you’re an Aries Sun but in Vedic Astrology you’re a Pisces Sun (as the Vernal Equinox enters the constellation of Aquarius, said individual will be an Aquarius Sun).

In my experience, and as many other Astrologers will agree, Tropical Astrology is usually very accurate. Modern science tries to say that Astrology isn't accurate since we have a nonsensical system that is out of date since the equinoxes have moved from their original positions. However, when you read horoscopes using the signs, they give very accurate readings.

In closing, now that we have introduced the signs, we will cover much more about them in the next lessons.


Your series is genuinely excellent and should clear things up for a lot of people. I wanted to wade in here on one thing. Sidereal Astrology is not just used by Indians. It has been used by multiple groups with different systems for clarifying which star the first degree of a sign is tied to. The majority Indian system (Lahiri) is tied to the opposition of the star Spica for example. There are hundreds of Sidereal systems. However, they do use the 30 degrees of sign division just like Tropical, which is questionable when one considers the actual constellations are unequal in size. Some people even do Western astrology with Sidereal methods. Others do Jyotish using Tropical ones.

Indian Astrology is extremely ancient but much of it is lunar based in nature and based on interpretation of the lunar mansions (nakshatras).Many ancient Indian texts on Astrology say the Greeks (Yavana) taught them the MEANING and delineations of the signs of the zodiac. You can read these texts yourself. Nowadays Sidereal in the West has unfortunately been hijacked by some woke lunatics claiming Tropical is some pale male and stale colonial oppression system or something.

Beyond interpretation, anyone here advanced enough to do so can prove the total validity of the Tropical system by doing a Sun Square in Tropical Leo (or any Planetary Square in any planet's Tropical domicile). Doing it in Tropical Virgo (most of Sidereal Leo) is weak.
Thanks a lot for your clarification. I am not well versed with Indian Astrology as I am with Tropical Astrology. I was aware that plenty of cultures used sidereal but it seems the interpretations were skewed with because currently Tropical seems to be the only one that consistently gives accurate interpretations and predictions.

I welcome your input on all the posts I will be making on the series.
I once got an Astrology book from the library and returned it without learning much. Too much effort I thought.

I can't believe it. I'm learning Astrology here just by reading like a story.

Thanks for posting this it's getting absorbed automatically just by reading.

Easy. Well so far easy.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=391999 time=1664920754 user_id=19170]
The Vernal Equinox has another name which is ‘The First Point of Aries’. This is because there was a time when the Vernal Equinox was in the constellation of Aries (Age of Aries). Back in the times of Hipparchus (over 2100 years ago), on Spring Equinoxes when the Sun is on the Vernal Equinox, the Sun was observed to be at the beginning point of the constellation of Aries. As the Sun enters the constellation of Aries from Pisces through that end, it was defined as the ‘First Point of Aries’. Since it coincided with the Vernal Equinox, the name was given to this point and has stuck to this day.

From this, the Vernal Equinox is represented with the symbol of Aries (♈︎) on the celestial sphere. The opposite point which is the Autumnal Equinox is in effect called the ‘First Point of Libra’ and is represented by the symbol of Libra (♎︎). The Autumnal Equinox was at the beginning of the constellation of Libra back at the time hence the name.

The Babylonians began the tradition of dividing the ecliptic into twelve equal parts based on the twelve zodiac constellation. These equal parts are 30 degrees each and are called the signs. The Greeks would develop this further with their extensive mythologies into the modern zodiac we know.

The signs follow the order; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The sign of Aries begins exactly on the Vernal Equinox and the sign of Libra begins exactly on the Fall Equinox.


The above image shows the 12 zodiac signs. Always keep in mind that there is a difference between the signs and constellations. The zodiac signs are equal divisions of the ecliptic that are based on the zodiac constellations. The zodiac constellations are a group of twelve constellations that lie on the Sun’s path, that is the ecliptic plane.

Each sign has an object that represents it. These are also from the mythology behind the zodiac constellations (from the ancient Greeks) which we will cover in a later chapter.

The sign of Aries is represented by the ram. Its symbol is ♈︎. It is at the point 0˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Aries' means 'ram' in Latin.

The sign of Taurus is represented by the bull. Its symbol is ♉︎. It is at a point 30˚ from the Vernal Equinox, moving eastward. 'Taurus' is Latin for 'bull'.

The sign of Gemini is represented by twins. Its symbol is ♊︎. It is at the point 60˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Gemini' is plural of the Latin word 'geminus' which means 'twin'. 'Gemini' is therefore Latin for 'twins'.

The sign of Cancer is represented by the crab. Its symbol is ♋︎. It is at the point 90˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Cancer' has a Latin ('cancri') and older Greek root ('carcinos' or 'karkinos') that means 'crab'.

The sign of Leo is represented by the lion. Its symbol is ♌︎. It is at the point 120˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Leo' is Latin for 'lion'.

The sign of Virgo is represented by the virgin (a virgin Goddess). Its symbol is ♍︎. It is at the point 150˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Virgo' is from the Latin 'virginis' which means 'virgin'.

The sign of Libra is represented by the scales (the scales of the Goddess of justice). Its symbol is ♎︎. It is at the point 180˚ from the Vernal Equinox. It is also exactly opposite the sign of Aries. 'Libra' is from Latin and means ' a pair of scales'.

The sign of Scorpio is represented by the scorpion. Its symbol is ♏︎. It is at the point 210˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Scorpio is opposite the sign of Taurus. 'Scorpio' is from Latin, which was from the Greek 'Skorpius', which referred to a legendary scorpion.

The sign of Sagittarius is represented by the archer (a centaur or a satyr with a bow). Its symbol is ♐︎. It is at the point 240˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Sagittarius is opposite the sign of Gemini. 'Sagittarius' is from Latin and means 'archer'.

The sign of Capricorn is represented by the goat (a sea goat; half goat, half fish). Its symbol is ♑︎. It is at the point 270˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Capricorn is opposite the sign of Cancer. 'Capricorn' is from a compound Latin word, 'Capri-cornus', that means 'horned like a goat' or 'horned goat'.

The sign of Aquarius is represented by the water-bearer/carrier. Its symbol is ♒︎. It is at the point 300˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Aquarius is opposite the sign of Leo. Aquarius has a Latin root that means 'water carrier'.

The sign of Pisces is represented by the fishes (two fishes swimming in opposite directions while connected by a cord). Its symbol is ♓︎. It is at the point 330˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Pisces is opposite the sign of Virgo. 'Pisces' is the plural of the Latin 'piscis' which means 'a fish'.

If you are new to some of the words used here like 'satyr', feel free to look them up on the internet. Don't worry as we will delve deeper into all this in future lessons.

The next image shows the zodiac signs on the celestial sphere.


Tropical Astrology (also known as Western Astrology), which is a continuation of Greek Astrology, uses the signs. Thus, every Spring Equinox in March, we say the Sun has entered the sign of Aries. In terms of constellations, it depends on which constellation is aligned with the Vernal Equinox. As we enter the Age of Aquarius, the Sun will be in the constellation of Aquarius every Spring Equinox, but always in the sign of Aries.

In India, they have their own Astrology system called Jyotish or Vedic Astrology. They don’t use the signs but just the constellations. If you’re born on the day of the Spring Equinox, in Tropical Astrology you’re an Aries Sun but in Vedic Astrology you’re a Pisces Sun (as the Vernal Equinox enters the constellation of Aquarius, said individual will be an Aquarius Sun).

In my experience, and as many other Astrologers will agree, Tropical Astrology is usually very accurate. Modern science tries to say that Astrology isn't accurate since we have a nonsensical system that is out of date since the equinoxes have moved from their original positions. However, when you read horoscopes using the signs, they give very accurate readings.

In closing, now that we have introduced the signs, we will cover much more about them in the next lessons.


will it be continued?
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=391999 time=1664920754 user_id=19170]


Hi Blackdragon, I had a question but it's a private one about the upcoming "freeing the soul" date in december. If you have the time, would you mind me asking your proton? I try not to flood anyone's inboxes, but this question is a tough one for me. There might be an old question there already, but it was a stupid one, so please ignore it. I deleted it, but I think proton only got rid of it from my view. thank you
Big Dipper said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=391999 time=1664920754 user_id=19170]


Hi Blackdragon, I had a question but it's a private one about the upcoming "freeing the soul" date in december. If you have the time, would you mind me asking your proton? I try not to flood anyone's inboxes, but this question is a tough one for me. There might be an old question there already, but it was a stupid one, so please ignore it. I deleted it, but I think proton only got rid of it from my view. thank you
Yes sure Brother. Feel free to reach out. My mail is quite messy.
nebu said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=391999 time=1664920754 user_id=19170]
The Vernal Equinox has another name which is ‘The First Point of Aries’. This is because there was a time when the Vernal Equinox was in the constellation of Aries (Age of Aries). Back in the times of Hipparchus (over 2100 years ago), on Spring Equinoxes when the Sun is on the Vernal Equinox, the Sun was observed to be at the beginning point of the constellation of Aries. As the Sun enters the constellation of Aries from Pisces through that end, it was defined as the ‘First Point of Aries’. Since it coincided with the Vernal Equinox, the name was given to this point and has stuck to this day.

From this, the Vernal Equinox is represented with the symbol of Aries (♈︎) on the celestial sphere. The opposite point which is the Autumnal Equinox is in effect called the ‘First Point of Libra’ and is represented by the symbol of Libra (♎︎). The Autumnal Equinox was at the beginning of the constellation of Libra back at the time hence the name.

The Babylonians began the tradition of dividing the ecliptic into twelve equal parts based on the twelve zodiac constellation. These equal parts are 30 degrees each and are called the signs. The Greeks would develop this further with their extensive mythologies into the modern zodiac we know.

The signs follow the order; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The sign of Aries begins exactly on the Vernal Equinox and the sign of Libra begins exactly on the Fall Equinox.


The above image shows the 12 zodiac signs. Always keep in mind that there is a difference between the signs and constellations. The zodiac signs are equal divisions of the ecliptic that are based on the zodiac constellations. The zodiac constellations are a group of twelve constellations that lie on the Sun’s path, that is the ecliptic plane.

Each sign has an object that represents it. These are also from the mythology behind the zodiac constellations (from the ancient Greeks) which we will cover in a later chapter.

The sign of Aries is represented by the ram. Its symbol is ♈︎. It is at the point 0˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Aries' means 'ram' in Latin.

The sign of Taurus is represented by the bull. Its symbol is ♉︎. It is at a point 30˚ from the Vernal Equinox, moving eastward. 'Taurus' is Latin for 'bull'.

The sign of Gemini is represented by twins. Its symbol is ♊︎. It is at the point 60˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Gemini' is plural of the Latin word 'geminus' which means 'twin'. 'Gemini' is therefore Latin for 'twins'.

The sign of Cancer is represented by the crab. Its symbol is ♋︎. It is at the point 90˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Cancer' has a Latin ('cancri') and older Greek root ('carcinos' or 'karkinos') that means 'crab'.

The sign of Leo is represented by the lion. Its symbol is ♌︎. It is at the point 120˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Leo' is Latin for 'lion'.

The sign of Virgo is represented by the virgin (a virgin Goddess). Its symbol is ♍︎. It is at the point 150˚ from the Vernal Equinox. 'Virgo' is from the Latin 'virginis' which means 'virgin'.

The sign of Libra is represented by the scales (the scales of the Goddess of justice). Its symbol is ♎︎. It is at the point 180˚ from the Vernal Equinox. It is also exactly opposite the sign of Aries. 'Libra' is from Latin and means ' a pair of scales'.

The sign of Scorpio is represented by the scorpion. Its symbol is ♏︎. It is at the point 210˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Scorpio is opposite the sign of Taurus. 'Scorpio' is from Latin, which was from the Greek 'Skorpius', which referred to a legendary scorpion.

The sign of Sagittarius is represented by the archer (a centaur or a satyr with a bow). Its symbol is ♐︎. It is at the point 240˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Sagittarius is opposite the sign of Gemini. 'Sagittarius' is from Latin and means 'archer'.

The sign of Capricorn is represented by the goat (a sea goat; half goat, half fish). Its symbol is ♑︎. It is at the point 270˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Capricorn is opposite the sign of Cancer. 'Capricorn' is from a compound Latin word, 'Capri-cornus', that means 'horned like a goat' or 'horned goat'.

The sign of Aquarius is represented by the water-bearer/carrier. Its symbol is ♒︎. It is at the point 300˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Aquarius is opposite the sign of Leo. Aquarius has a Latin root that means 'water carrier'.

The sign of Pisces is represented by the fishes (two fishes swimming in opposite directions while connected by a cord). Its symbol is ♓︎. It is at the point 330˚ from the Vernal Equinox. Pisces is opposite the sign of Virgo. 'Pisces' is the plural of the Latin 'piscis' which means 'a fish'.

If you are new to some of the words used here like 'satyr', feel free to look them up on the internet. Don't worry as we will delve deeper into all this in future lessons.

The next image shows the zodiac signs on the celestial sphere.


Tropical Astrology (also known as Western Astrology), which is a continuation of Greek Astrology, uses the signs. Thus, every Spring Equinox in March, we say the Sun has entered the sign of Aries. In terms of constellations, it depends on which constellation is aligned with the Vernal Equinox. As we enter the Age of Aquarius, the Sun will be in the constellation of Aquarius every Spring Equinox, but always in the sign of Aries.

In India, they have their own Astrology system called Jyotish or Vedic Astrology. They don’t use the signs but just the constellations. If you’re born on the day of the Spring Equinox, in Tropical Astrology you’re an Aries Sun but in Vedic Astrology you’re a Pisces Sun (as the Vernal Equinox enters the constellation of Aquarius, said individual will be an Aquarius Sun).

In my experience, and as many other Astrologers will agree, Tropical Astrology is usually very accurate. Modern science tries to say that Astrology isn't accurate since we have a nonsensical system that is out of date since the equinoxes have moved from their original positions. However, when you read horoscopes using the signs, they give very accurate readings.

In closing, now that we have introduced the signs, we will cover much more about them in the next lessons.


will it be continued?

Yes I just posted lesson 5. 6 incoming in a few hours.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=402594 time=1669722898 user_id=19170]
Big Dipper said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=391999 time=1664920754 user_id=19170]


Hi Blackdragon, I had a question but it's a private one about the upcoming "freeing the soul" date in december. If you have the time, would you mind me asking your proton? I try not to flood anyone's inboxes, but this question is a tough one for me. There might be an old question there already, but it was a stupid one, so please ignore it. I deleted it, but I think proton only got rid of it from my view. thank you
Yes sure Brother. Feel free to reach out. My mail is quite messy.

okie dokie I sent it. ty

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
