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I, the rest and opposition


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
This is irritating and sad, but that’s reality.

How people judges others for getting ego boost for a moment, not because they know something about others,

But because they don’t know shit about them.

How many things is involved in one’s life for him or her being not as they would like to be.

Planets, stars, enemy, past lives, other people, lies, Gods, childhood, family, relationships and etc., etc., etc.,

How much things in one’s life causes them to have obstacles and how much infinitely more things there is yet to know.

And yet people dare to make them ashamed of their obstacles, judge them and to humiliate, without having a single clue how other came to be as they are.

It’s not that they are higher by doing this, but they use their lack of understanding to falsely put themselves upper by humiliating others just because.

This only shows their level stupidity, not dignity but vain feeling of being something while not knowing anything.

Reacting to this behaviour as if it is of true nature and take it as offence is completely of no use and benefit, because it is not based on any type of valuable knowledge or information, or even experience, for the sake it is based on nothing - this is how much of attention it actually demands.

And if it would be based on something real and of worth, there would be no opposition, but empathy and humanity.

If somebody of you deals with these things consider this and don’t take it for serious, because this is illusion and leads nowhere, because it is come from nowhere.

And secondly, because there are countless thing which may hinder you from moving in life, it is not reason to start think there is too much.

Firstly focusing on advancement(meditation) of your’s, will make your “I” more able to deal with more things in your life.

Don’t be obsessed with each of these things too much, as only one who has responsibility on all of these, is you.

So yourself advancing foremost will bring you into managing all those things which are mentioned in the beginning of this post and more.

So mainly there is not much things to focus on externally, but few which are crucial for living and growing spiritually and materially which are IN yourself, which consists of the rest - the path, wisdom, experience, meditation, Helping Gods, staying on the path no matter what.

This without doubt will bring one to manage the very rest.

No need to worry about anything else actually, as everything rest is projection of our inner works,(which we have to be focused most) and these if we keep, it becomes more and more as we want the rest to be.

Very wise words! There's a good quote about this:
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” - Lao Tzu

In my past I used to attack any comment I'd read that was antagonizing, belittling or whatever. I used to think that they made a wrong and they should suffer the consequences of their stupidity so that they would smarten up.

This vindictive mindset is of no benefit to anyone. Meditating and understanding that we are all here for a better purpose; that most of our world is an illusion helps us to make better choices for us and those around us. Patience and understanding goes a long way. Sometimes I react even when relatives say things that aren't correct, such as "this is" when they talk about something vague and broad. I've told them many times "no, that's what it's most likely to be" but I've found that it's better to not feel emotional about these things and to let people communicate how they wish.

It bothers me when people act like they know everything and make blanket statements. They aren't worth my concern however. it's better to lead by example I think and not be on the offensive too much - to keep meditating and realize that there are more important things to life than focusing on people's way of communicating and/or their emotional/mental state.

Great advice brother. 🙂
Very wise words! There's a good quote about this:
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” - Lao Tzu

In my past I used to attack any comment I'd read that was antagonizing, belittling or whatever. I used to think that they made a wrong and they should suffer the consequences of their stupidity so that they would smarten up.

This vindictive mindset is of no benefit to anyone. Meditating and understanding that we are all here for a better purpose; that most of our world is an illusion helps us to make better choices for us and those around us. Patience and understanding goes a long way. Sometimes I react even when relatives say things that aren't correct, such as "this is" when they talk about something vague and broad. I've told them many times "no, that's what it's most likely to be" but I've found that it's better to not feel emotional about these things and to let people communicate how they wish.

It bothers me when people act like they know everything and make blanket statements. They aren't worth my concern however. it's better to lead by example I think and not be on the offensive too much - to keep meditating and realize that there are more important things to life than focusing on people's way of communicating and/or their emotional/mental state.

Great advice brother. 🙂
Thank you for that quote.

I just realised one part of this writing is missing, somehow when I copied it, it was not taken.

that “dealing with opposition should be done in manner of dismantling the enemy in ourselves, this is mirrored on the rest of the world and enemy becoming gone there also, given the power Gods bestows for us, that is enough to change the world, No matter even if we are less in number” (for SS only.)

This is nice realisation by you Sublimesatanist, most people dont even dare to think like this, thank you for warm words 🙏
Thank you for that quote.

I just realised one part of this writing is missing, somehow when I copied it, it was not taken.

that “dealing with opposition should be done in manner of dismantling the enemy in ourselves, this is mirrored on the rest of the world and enemy becoming gone there also, given the power Gods bestows for us, that is enough to change the world, No matter even if we are less in number” (for SS only.)

This is nice realisation by you Sublimesatanist, most people dont even dare to think like this, thank you for warm words 🙏
“””dealing with opposition should be done in manner of dismantling the enemy in ourselves”””

Doesn’t that rule out black magic rituals and the RTRS?
“””dealing with opposition should be done in manner of dismantling the enemy in ourselves”””

Doesn’t that rule out black magic rituals and the RTRS?
RTRS is for the core of enemy matrix, black magic for justice like when somebody did something for you in critical situations like where your life was at risk and etc, revenge is needed.

Mainly RTRs does most damage for enemy, and are for dissolving enemy on all levels, but general advancement also constitutes.
RTRS is for the core of enemy matrix, black magic for justice like when somebody did something for you in critical situations like where your life was at risk and etc, revenge is needed.

Mainly RTRs does most damage for enemy, and are for dissolving enemy on all levels, but general advancement also constitutes.
Is it possible to do the RTRS without anger. Or is the intent to destroy actually anger?
Is it possible to do the RTRS without anger. Or is the intent to destroy actually anger?
Anger can be like boost for involving yourself more intetensly imti ritual and make more powerful outcome.

Intent to destroy is not anger, but willingness to undo.

If you don’t feel anger but want to do rtr it will be still effective, because you know while doing it that you are undoing Hebrew letters, because you are actually undoing them practically, that is itself intent to destroy in a sense.
So the enemy isnt a product of human hatred - like a hateform that was actually created by humans in the first place?
It is product of human, but the script which is created for it is not from human, but from reptiles,

Material which was used for create that script was stolen from humans and distorted into program for destruction of us on spiritual level.

And it is empowered by creative energy channelled by believers, which gives it power over humanity so that we would destroy ourselves,

Yes it is thoughtform, which has now life of its own and influences masses to push things too far where they are not serving us anymore but destroys us.

Same like thoughtform sucks energy from humans and uses them as a poppet, this virus extended upon everything that people do on all levels and values like love has become thoughtform also, which kills for it to survive, because it was pushed too much to this extreme, and became powerful thoughtform after drained enough energy for it to start to live for its own,

And make people love everything unconditionally even their enemies.


Now loving everybody and enemy included, gives way for enemy to destroy us.
Is it possible to do the RTRS without anger. Or is the intent to destroy actually anger?
Draconi666 makes a good point. This hatred we feel does boost the effectiveness of RTRs yet in my experience this is not just anger but righteous anger (emotions that stem from wishing to protect the goodness and purity of our world) which in turn becomes the intent to remove/destroy the workings of our enemy. Over time it becomes cathartic in that we feel joy from each letter destroyed and we revel in our anger as being a positive action throughout the process, thus becoming the intention which is the complete and utter destruction and removal of enemy magick and curses.

So to answer this question, I'd say yes it can be done without anger. That being said I'd still recommend using these emotions to your advantage and making them become as illustrated above - from a place of love and not hate. One can start out from that place of hate as I did in the past and generally it will lead you (through mediation and deep self-awareness) to a feeling of passion.
Thank you for that quote.

I just realised one part of this writing is missing, somehow when I copied it, it was not taken.

that “dealing with opposition should be done in manner of dismantling the enemy in ourselves, this is mirrored on the rest of the world and enemy becoming gone there also, given the power Gods bestows for us, that is enough to change the world, No matter even if we are less in number” (for SS only.)

This is nice realisation by you Sublimesatanist, most people dont even dare to think like this, thank you for warm words 🙏

I appreciate that! It took me a lot of time but I realized that people can have a million-and-one reasons to be angry/sad/insecure/etc. I was even one of those people before following this path. In public I acted excessively humble, bending over backwards for everyone. Internally I had this hatred for the world, of myself and of most people in it. How can people treat a well-meaning person so badly, I thought for a long time. I've realized that pretty much everyone has struggles and most people hide this with a mask while others intentionally let part of that mask slip off, often expressing themselves through sarcasm, belittling others, etc. Very few people are comfortable being completely genuine while sitting in silence and embracing life to its fullest, the same as animals such as dogs or cats.

It took me a lot of effort to change that in myself and to realize that we can do anything through Satan! We just have to get the right focus and keep at it everyday. Without meditation I might've ended up severely depressed, an addict and so many things. I truly owe my life to Satan and the Gods at this point and I hope to do all that I can for their sake.

Thank you also for your efforts here! It's very inspiring to see. 🙂
It is product of human, but the script which is created for it is not from human, but from reptiles,

Material which was used for create that script was stolen from humans and distorted into program for destruction of us on spiritual level.

And it is empowered by creative energy channelled by believers, which gives it power over humanity so that we would destroy ourselves,

Yes it is thoughtform, which has now life of its own and influences masses to push things too far where they are not serving us anymore but destroys us.

Same like thoughtform sucks energy from humans and uses them as a poppet, this virus extended upon everything that people do on all levels and values like love has become thoughtform also, which kills for it to survive, because it was pushed too much to this extreme, and became powerful thoughtform after drained enough energy for it to start to live for its own,

And make people love everything unconditionally even their enemies.


Now loving everybody and enemy included, gives way for enemy to destroy us.
What does “ Material which was used for create that script was stolen from humans“ - what Materal was stolen?

yes, I have read New age texts that’s unconditional love is how to deal with evil spirits (this in their view Includes demons). Because they say the evil spirits feed of lower emotions.
What does “ Material which was used for create that script was stolen from humans“ - what Materal was stolen?

yes, I have read New age texts that’s unconditional love is how to deal with evil spirits (this in their view Includes demons). Because they say the evil spirits feed of lower emotions.
Our original cultures was stolen and corrupted. Study JoS and Exposing Christianity knowledge is there.
I appreciate that! It took me a lot of time but I realized that people can have a million-and-one reasons to be angry/sad/insecure/etc. I was even one of those people before following this path. In public I acted excessively humble, bending over backwards for everyone. Internally I had this hatred for the world, of myself and of most people in it. How can people treat a well-meaning person so badly, I thought for a long time. I've realized that pretty much everyone has struggles and most people hide this with a mask while others intentionally let part of that mask slip off, often expressing themselves through sarcasm, belittling others, etc. Very few people are comfortable being completely genuine while sitting in silence and embracing life to its fullest, the same as animals such as dogs or cats.

It took me a lot of effort to change that in myself and to realize that we can do anything through Satan! We just have to get the right focus and keep at it everyday. Without meditation I might've ended up severely depressed, an addict and so many things. I truly owe my life to Satan and the Gods at this point and I hope to do all that I can for their sake.

Thank you also for your efforts here! It's very inspiring to see. 🙂
Thank you brother :)

I full understand you, Same here…

Its very nice to see others are getting better and better in ways father Satan intended for us to go.

Yes without Gods it would be imossible to steer ourselves in to most right understanding possible for us.

I understand your efforts brother and I know what it takes - like litteraly say bye bye to our old selves and litteraly working trough and destroying all that shit we was once,

And rebuilding everything… how much pain, steps, empathy, crushing understanding of the world, tears, steeling our hearts, lifting, overcoming, fights, forgiving, repetitive application of knowledge, meditation, physical activity, pleasing Gods, fighting enemy….

Shit we do never ends and only adds up, and from endless different corners brings us to where we are now and makes us better human beings,

Now I thought, woof… that’s really very very very much but never enough, few more meditations, more things will be present In perception, few more steps, new heights new walls, new knowledge, more complex living. Damn

This is so crazy and so fantastic, and imagine we have comrades brothers and sisters who are doing same things and building same things in themselves,

what I would do without all of you my brothers and sisters, litteraly would’ve going 1 against all world, as Maxine likes to say…

now as I feel presence of you, it is much much better and I can be happy fully to the maximum.
Beautiful topic post by Draconi666 and beautiful posts by everyone who responded. That’s community and brotherhood. We’re all learning. And I am so happy to have found so many willing teachers in this one short thread of posts. Keep it up brothers and sisters. I enjoyed the topic post and the entire thread! I may have meditated for the last 50 years, but theres still so very much for me to learn. Thank you all.

Hail Satan!!!
What does “ Material which was used for create that script was stolen from humans“ - what Materal was stolen?

yes, I have read New age texts that’s unconditional love is how to deal with evil spirits (this in their view Includes demons). Because they say the evil spirits feed of lower emotions.
It is product of human, but the script which is created for it is not from human, but from reptiles,

Material which was used for create that script was stolen from humans and distorted into program for destruction of us on spiritual level.

And it is empowered by creative energy channelled by believers, which gives it power over humanity so that we would destroy ourselves,

Yes it is thoughtform, which has now life of its own and influences masses to push things too far where they are not serving us anymore but destroys us.

Same like thoughtform sucks energy from humans and uses them as a poppet, this virus extended upon everything that people do on all levels and values like love has become thoughtform also, which kills for it to survive, because it was pushed too much to this extreme, and became powerful thoughtform after drained enough energy for it to start to live for its own,

And make people love everything unconditionally even their enemies.


Now loving everybody and enemy included, gives way for enemy to destroy us.

Like for instance, my friend said he had a dream which he was being sexual molested by an alien grey. And he said he was going to react and defend himself, but then he remember to send the alien love and light, and acceptance to dissolve the experience, this is what new agers teach.

This was a very long time again, and even at the time I thought it was very odd, and said I wouldn’t have let that happen to me.

What are your thoughts on that? And what would u have done in his situation? And in mine?

I appreacite your insight

Hail satan
Like for instance, my friend said he had a dream which he was being sexual molested by an alien grey. And he said he was going to react and defend himself, but then he remember to send the alien love and light, and acceptance to dissolve the experience, this is what new agers teach.

This was a very long time again, and even at the time I thought it was very odd, and said I wouldn’t have let that happen to me.

What are your thoughts on that? And what would u have done in his situation? And in mine?

I appreacite your insight

Hail satan
if it was only dream I guess I would wait until when I do my spiritual warfare and would do it while focusing on that dream so that source would get hit if dream was complete unconscious and I would hardly would do anything there.

But I have noticed when dream conscious it is very easy to stop all this, with generating black colour into attacker on dream, or putting blue Satanic flame, both works, but if there is serious attack by higher forces, those dreams may be realy crazy, in this case I would wait for my spiritual warfare time again.

On astral I noticed, black colour intensely sent ontu intruder makes him backoff instantly, but only temporary.

Blue Satanic fire makes you go through it and dissolves that thougtform, like you put everything around on fire with blue Satanic flame everywhere and yourself also, this makes it like dissolved and rise you to higher level on astral.

So I just now realise this was like training where I learn this thing:
But it is realy individual:

Because me personally black colour/energy to imagine and generate it is very easy and I can do it like spontaneously with just a drop of need “with a snap of fingers”

I even think now, it is most easy for me to do this exactly with this colour.

So I was transing before sleep in my bed and there was really some kind of advanced thoughtform of enemy who was walking around me while I was laying in my bed, it did that painful thing when they touch you and create very big and crazy pain on that body part and more.

Then I started to like “shooting” to it like black colour water which was looking like big bucket size bunches of complete black dark water from my spirit to it,

And it got scared and backed off emediately it was like complete damage to it as I felt it, but only temporary, few moments and it started again to walk completely near me and like trying to go through my boundaries into my being after I stopped attacking.

But emediatly after black colour I had time to focus more intensly and generate blue Satanic light around me which took for me more effort and time because I am not very good at this colour, (while this thoughtform was returning on me.)

And this blue flame actually made me pass trought it like almost nothing, but in beginning that thoughtform was solid like a rock and impossible to cross its boundaries, now blue flame made it so transparent and rare in its essence so it dissolved into nothingness and I rose into higher frequency.

Now I think maybe I rose and I rose above it, so I was not experiencing that thoughtform because I was on higher plane than it was.
Thanks I really appreciate your answer. It feels good to speak to someone who is also active during Dreamtime!

I love how you describe rising above it to, I experience this also, it’s like they can’t reach you anymore when you rise up or fly up.

Of course, I’m sure people will say I’m imagining it all, but I really don’t care. Even whilst I write this I get electric blue sparkle signs. Of course. I’m imagining that also! 😊

So this black colour and the blue satanic flame. I’m guessing you also practice this whilst awake?


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
