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I Got Severe Side Effect From Antibiotics

Nov 8, 2017
I had the flu in December, it was mild, everything was normal. I was starting to recover when I noticed that my left ear feels clogged and muffed... It was actually nothing to worry about, but I was worried, because this has never happened to me before. I called my doctor, and she prescribed me Tobradex eye drops that she told me to put in my ear. I asked her: "Are you sure, on the box it's said "eye drops" nowhere in the leaflet was there any mention that you can use it in your ears?" She replied - "yes, don't worry, it works for ears too". I felt that there is something wrong, and I knew that I should be careful with antibiotics, vaccines, and anything like that, but I just trusted the damn doctor, instead of trusting my intuition... I feel so angry and depressed, I can't believe I've made such a childish mistake.

Almost immediately after using these ear drops (active ingredients: Tobramycin and Dexamethasone) I got Tinnitus (high-pitched noise in my ear) that I hear 24/7 for one month now... It's annoying as fuck, it makes me nervous and depressed, it's hard to concentrate, and it just doesn't stop. At times it's louder, and sometimes not as much, but I hear it all the time. I've read that it's a very common side effect of this antibiotic. It's known to be very ototoxic, it damages the cochlear hair cells in the inner ear, but it doesn't come with any warning on the box or anything like that. The annoying thing is I didn't even really need an antibiotic, because I didn't even had an infection, my ear was just clogged/muffed. But doctors prescribe antibiotics for literally everything. I should have just self-healed at home, naturally, without antibiotics or anything like that, like I am usually doing...

And now, from what I've read, basically there is a good chance that it will eventually go away, maybe in a few months, but there are also a lot of cases where it just never goes away, which terrifies me.

I've read tons of stuff online, and basically, it seems like the only thing I can do is to wait and hope that my body will recover. All the supplements and medicines that supposedly help look like just a placebo, and sometimes they even make things worse. I am taking Vitamins B12, B1, B6, Magnesium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and doing some massages/exercises on my ear for relieving tinnitus that I saw on Youtube - surprisingly, these exercises were the only thing that seems to relieve the noise, at least for a while, but it comes back again at some point. I need to make this go away.

Any help, or advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Raise Sun energy, and also draw energy from the Sun, and direct it to the area of ailment. Do as long as needed, and don't forget to affirm the directed energy so that the energy you use will do exactly what you want to.
Almost forgot, you could do the Valefor's ritual and ask for His assistance on this matter.
Thank you, that's exactly what I need! I am starting right now.

I want to warn everyone, be extremely careful with doctors and their pills. Always do research before taking ANYTHING. Vaccines and their side effects are something that is talked about a lot, but honestly I feel like it's not just vaccines - their whole medicine is broken. Vaccines are just the most visible part. Simply because when people get vaccinated they are healthy. And when they get sick afterwards, get some side effect, it's obvious that it was caused by the vaccine. While in other things, like antibiotics, the person who takes them is sick. And when they get a side effect 99% of the time they just blame it on the illness. That's exactly what the doctor is trying to do in my case, she is trying to convince me that the tinnitus is caused by the virus/the flu. And I bet that many people would have believed her. But it's 100% caused by the antibiotic ear drops she gave me, I felt it, it started right after I took them, and this antibiotic is well known to be ototoxic. I've found tons of people who got the same side effect. Never trust someone just because of their white coat.
I had the flu in December, it was mild, everything was normal. I was starting to recover when I noticed that my left ear feels clogged and muffed... It was actually nothing to worry about, but I was worried, because this has never happened to me before. I called my doctor, and she prescribed me Tobradex eye drops that she told me to put in my ear. I asked her: "Are you sure, on the box it's said "eye drops" nowhere in the leaflet was there any mention that you can use it in your ears?" She replied - "yes, don't worry, it works for ears too". I felt that there is something wrong, and I knew that I should be careful with antibiotics, vaccines, and anything like that, but I just trusted the damn doctor, instead of trusting my intuition... I feel so angry and depressed, I can't believe I've made such a childish mistake.

Almost immediately after using these ear drops (active ingredients: Tobramycin and Dexamethasone) I got Tinnitus (high-pitched noise in my ear) that I hear 24/7 for one month now... It's annoying as fuck, it makes me nervous and depressed, it's hard to concentrate, and it just doesn't stop. At times it's louder, and sometimes not as much, but I hear it all the time. I've read that it's a very common side effect of this antibiotic. It's known to be very ototoxic, it damages the cochlear hair cells in the inner ear, but it doesn't come with any warning on the box or anything like that. The annoying thing is I didn't even really need an antibiotic, because I didn't even had an infection, my ear was just clogged/muffed. But doctors prescribe antibiotics for literally everything. I should have just self-healed at home, naturally, without antibiotics or anything like that, like I am usually doing...

And now, from what I've read, basically there is a good chance that it will eventually go away, maybe in a few months, but there are also a lot of cases where it just never goes away, which terrifies me.

I've read tons of stuff online, and basically, it seems like the only thing I can do is to wait and hope that my body will recover. All the supplements and medicines that supposedly help look like just a placebo, and sometimes they even make things worse. I am taking Vitamins B12, B1, B6, Magnesium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and doing some massages/exercises on my ear for relieving tinnitus that I saw on Youtube - surprisingly, these exercises were the only thing that seems to relieve the noise, at least for a while, but it comes back again at some point. I need to make this go away.

Any help, or advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

I'm not familiar with your health issue, so I unfortunately cannot advice you much. For spiritual methods, around the area of your affected ear of course energy breathing with white golden light, cleaning with the returning curses method, and strengthening the throat chakra will help strengthen your ears and energy surrounding the ear, accelerating the healing of the condition.

Likely since this is caused by an inflammatory reaction to the "medicine", anti-inflammatory foods will help calm the body, potentially healing this faster.

Red meats (Grass fed beef, preferably cuts that are not too lean) are some of the best natural anti-inflammatory foods, thus you could try increasing consumption of those for a while, and lower consumption of carbs for some time, especially sugars, so the ratio of anti-inflammatory foods in your diet compared to other foods is higher than it is now. I'm not sure how much diet would affect this, since this is quite an external problem, but ultimately the external is ruled by the internal, even if the external issues are caused by invasive things, the healing stems from the internal, so you'd want to boost your internal vitality to help heal the external sooner.

For future information regarding ear infections, if an ear infection is inside the ear, thus, behind the eardrum, no ear drops would really help, as the drops wouldn't make it to the inner ear through the outer ear. You instead need to fix this by healing of the sinuses/nasalpharynx and clearing your Eustachian tubes. An actual infection in the middle ear would require ingested antibiotics, not topical ones like drops, or in worst case scenario's, an injection into the ear to directly apply anti-bacterial medicine, but this is almost never done (I've read on some conditions getting treated with injections into the inner ear, but that is not relevant to your situation).

As for the external ear being clogged with earwax, diluted hydrogen peroxide and warm water will help and is harmless for the ear, in case you are desperate, you can lightly flush the ear with a needle-less syringe filled with warm water, after softening the ear wax with diluted hydrogen peroxide, which will get almost everything out. If that doesn't resolve anything, go see an ear doctor who can take a look at your ear and see what is going on.
Here is a good list of foods that help with inflammatory issues. https://essentialstacks.com/blogs/gut-health/glutamine-foods Red meat is the top option VoiceofEnki alluded to, but there are other great options as well.

This is a good list. Cabbage especially is a great option for a vegetable, however it should be noted that nutrition wise, the top 3 options blow the rest out of the water on almost all parameters (Eggs are up there too in terms of overall nutritional value).
Thank you, but I don't think it's an inflammatory reaction. From what I've read it's just ototoxic, it damages the hair cells in the cochlea, which is in the inner ear, so I guess it's not true that it can't get into the inner ear. Maybe it gets absorbed in the bloodstream. I've read people who got the same side effect even using it topically in their eyes, which doctors claim is impossible.

So I believe what I need is to help my cochlea hair cells to recover from the damage. (or the thing that is damaged, I can't know for certain what is it, but on medical studies it's said that this is what it causes damage to). I feel that I need recovery. I am not sure how I can help it, but for now the only thing I discovered that actually works is vibration - massaging my ears hard enough so I can make my tympanic membrane vibrate, that's causing me a relief and it causes the volume of the noise to decrease. I will do this at least a dozen times a day. And I also need something that will help my body recover... I guess avoiding stress, loud noises and anything potentially harmful is a must, but I don't know how I can help the process of recovery, except the exercises maybe. And by recovery I mean the same way one recovers from a broken arm for an example, at least that's how I see it. I guess maybe I just need time, but I really, really hope that this thing will eventually go away completely.
I had the flu in December, it was mild, everything was normal. I was starting to recover when I noticed that my left ear feels clogged and muffed... It was actually nothing to worry about, but I was worried, because this has never happened to me before. I called my doctor, and she prescribed me Tobradex eye drops that she told me to put in my ear. I asked her: "Are you sure, on the box it's said "eye drops" nowhere in the leaflet was there any mention that you can use it in your ears?" She replied - "yes, don't worry, it works for ears too". I felt that there is something wrong, and I knew that I should be careful with antibiotics, vaccines, and anything like that, but I just trusted the damn doctor, instead of trusting my intuition... I feel so angry and depressed, I can't believe I've made such a childish mistake.

Almost immediately after using these ear drops (active ingredients: Tobramycin and Dexamethasone) I got Tinnitus (high-pitched noise in my ear) that I hear 24/7 for one month now... It's annoying as fuck, it makes me nervous and depressed, it's hard to concentrate, and it just doesn't stop. At times it's louder, and sometimes not as much, but I hear it all the time. I've read that it's a very common side effect of this antibiotic. It's known to be very ototoxic, it damages the cochlear hair cells in the inner ear, but it doesn't come with any warning on the box or anything like that. The annoying thing is I didn't even really need an antibiotic, because I didn't even had an infection, my ear was just clogged/muffed. But doctors prescribe antibiotics for literally everything. I should have just self-healed at home, naturally, without antibiotics or anything like that, like I am usually doing...

And now, from what I've read, basically there is a good chance that it will eventually go away, maybe in a few months, but there are also a lot of cases where it just never goes away, which terrifies me.

I've read tons of stuff online, and basically, it seems like the only thing I can do is to wait and hope that my body will recover. All the supplements and medicines that supposedly help look like just a placebo, and sometimes they even make things worse. I am taking Vitamins B12, B1, B6, Magnesium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and doing some massages/exercises on my ear for relieving tinnitus that I saw on Youtube - surprisingly, these exercises were the only thing that seems to relieve the noise, at least for a while, but it comes back again at some point. I need to make this go away.

Any help, or advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Wow, thank you for sharing this. I knew to trust my gut feeling never Fully trust doctors, Some doctors I've met are totally full of bs have no idea what they're talking about, And there were doctors years ago. If they were right, I would have been dead now I remember I think hps maxine stated there will be All types of plagues To come, that's why I'm almost to the point where i Don't trust any human fully because us humans are fallible. .The gods aren't... I only try to put my trust in the gods or somebody I believe they have sent me. But it's hard to be that way. We have to be able to trust people at some point. I've learned lessons similar to To what you've gone through,
Cling to the gods an I believe You'll be okay, might have to suffer a little bit. But we all suffer in this life To some extent. There's no way around it., Try to stay as optimistic as possible. I know I've been trying to. With all this crazy shit going on around the world. Here's a supplement. I have no clue if it's going to help you or not, but it might. Maybe it's worth giving a shot And that's sea moss It is said there's lots of vitamins,Minerals etc in it I know when I take it. I feel totally energized and I'm able to concentrate way better.
Thank you, but I don't think it's an inflammatory reaction. From what I've read it's just ototoxic, it damages the hair cells in the cochlea, which is in the inner ear, so I guess it's not true that it can't get into the inner ear. Maybe it gets absorbed in the bloodstream. I've read people who got the same side effect even using it topically in their eyes, which doctors claim is impossible.

So I believe what I need is to help my cochlea hair cells to recover from the damage. (or the thing that is damaged, I can't know for certain what is it, but on medical studies it's said that this is what it causes damage to). I feel that I need recovery. I am not sure how I can help it, but for now the only thing I discovered that actually works is vibration - massaging my ears hard enough so I can make my tympanic membrane vibrate, that's causing me a relief and it causes the volume of the noise to decrease. I will do this at least a dozen times a day. And I also need something that will help my body recover... I guess avoiding stress, loud noises and anything potentially harmful is a must, but I don't know how I can help the process of recovery, except the exercises maybe. And by recovery I mean the same way one recovers from a broken arm for an example, at least that's how I see it. I guess maybe I just need time, but I really, really hope that this thing will eventually go away completely.

You are correct yes, my apologies. I read more on this just now to understand it better.

Be sure to get enough nutrition, especially micro nutrients and other building blocks for your body, with time the body should be able to regenerate the damage caused by the crap you were prescribed.

It is suggested that one way to help clear up ototoxic particles causing this damage to your body are anti-oxidants, so maybe increase consumption of those for a while. Oregano is very high in it, and cloves especially, find some way to incorporate them with your cooking.

Tinnitus itself is caused by a neurological sensitivity in the brain as a response to the damage to your ear, the physical damage is not directly responsible, rather this is caused by the brain's reaction to the damage to the ear, therefore it is rather a separate issue to the injury caused by the ototoxicity itself. You need to thus calm down the nervous system, and inhibit the neurological hypersensitivity to cure this.

Taurine helps with this, which you can either take as a supplement, or you can eat more foods that have naturally high Taurine (Beef, Tuna, Scallops, Octopus, Turkey, Chicken are some of your best options).

This video explains it best that I found so far:
I am somebody that doesn't like taking pills. Let alone
Putting my trust in these dumb Doctors. Especially!!
In this world the way it is now.
And as a Satanist.. we need to learn to do our own home remedies! Look up our own research! I don't think it's going to hurt to have your own chemistry lab in your house? And make your own medicine
I am scared... They say the cochlea hair cells have limited ability to recover, and there are many stories about people who have tinnitus for years, even decades. Of course, there are some positive stories as well, about people recovering, but it has been 1 month now and I am starting to panic. I need this to go away, I can't live like that. I need the help of the Gods. :cry:
I am scared... They say the cochlea hair cells have limited ability to recover, and there are many stories about people who have tinnitus for years, even decades. Of course, there are some positive stories as well, about people recovering, but it has been 1 month now and I am starting to panic. I need this to go away, I can't live like that. I need the help of the Gods. :cry:
Step one is to throw fear into the trash bin. The following steps include a spiritual approach along with physical remedies that have been pointed out in this topic.
This sounds like a karmic event, check your birth chart and observe if your mercury is afflicted in any way, or if you have a bad transit.

Check your Pluto, for one thing, this planet is undergoing a sign change, and it will bring changes, permanent, in people's lives, for better or worse. Also check your Saturn.

As you have already been told, perform the Valefor ritual and begin to apply meditations for healing, to remedy where possible and not make the situation further aggravated, perform it morning and evening, control your emotions, and perform what will be indicated to you by the gods.
I am scared... They say the cochlea hair cells have limited ability to recover, and there are many stories about people who have tinnitus for years, even decades. Of course, there are some positive stories as well, about people recovering, but it has been 1 month now and I am starting to panic. I need this to go away, I can't live like that. I need the help of the Gods. :cry:
People who have no idea of the spiritual surely will have no possibility. But you are a child of the Gods, and all will be well at the end. Apply yourself to find a cure and the Gods will guide you, ask them :)
Antibiotic is a very "strong" medicine, but in a normal sense I would rather say deadly even if it's effective.

I was using antibiotic for follicular pharyngitis (if that's the right name) and it usually heals it within a week, 3-4 days.

When I had it for the last time I drank sage tea, it healed it in 3 days.
I am scared... They say the cochlea hair cells have limited ability to recover, and there are many stories about people who have tinnitus for years, even decades. Of course, there are some positive stories as well, about people recovering, but it has been 1 month now and I am starting to panic. I need this to go away, I can't live like that. I need the help of the Gods. :cry:
Remember fear is of the enemy, Fear has no place in the heart of a satanist, I have literally been on The Verge of death in a coma from 2 gsws to the head by a 40 cal. In 2016 and doctors telling my mother at the time I wasn't going to make it and if I did. I was gonna be retarded or A vegetable due to severity of the damage i am now almost fully healed like i was before the injury My point is never underestimate or put limits on the power of the gods and what they can do like some ive seen some fools do, And never ignore the signs of the gods.The gods sent me several warnings to stop what i was doing or i was going to end messed up And I ignored them like a fool, If I can survive what happened to me. And the gods saved me i 100% believe your going to be fine your just thinking and focusing on the negative I have learned that what you think is how you're going to feel. i I just felt the need to share my story even though I don't like to because I feel like some Childish people on here want to think I'm boasting about it. I like to share my story to Boost the faith of other satanist's in satan, your going to be ok no matter what man STAY *OPTIMISTIC* We're all human, we all feel fear. Fear And paranoia used to rule my life a couple years ago. I've learned on this path there is no time Or place for fear, just cling to father satan, dont ever let anyone tell you different, your going to be fine
The thing that terrifies me is the possibility of this thing not going away... If I knew that I will recover completely, and how long should I expect the recovery to take, my emotional reaction would be much different.

I have some brief moments of peace. For a few minutes it was nearly silent, maybe like 2 or 3 times so far, and for an hour or so yesterday the sound changed from the super annoying high-pitched electric sound to a quieter, and less annoying crickets-like sound. But at some point the high-pitched electric sound came again. Last night I couldn't sleep well again, and the noise in my ears woke me 2 times. When I meditate, I feel black energy at my left ear. I am trying to dissipate this black energy and invoke brilliant white-golden energy, but I am not sure if I have enough power to heal myself alone. Thank you all, any help is greatly appreciated. 🙏
Normally, I am not a coward, but I've read so many stories of people who got tinnitus from antibiotics and it just never went away, that I can't calm down. Honestly, it seems like the chances of it going away are 50:50. Please brothers, and sisters, send me healing energy, I am desperate. I can't live with this for the rest of my life. :cry:
Normally, I am not a coward, but I've read so many stories of people who got tinnitus from antibiotics and it just never went away, that I can't calm down. Honestly, it seems like the chances of it going away are 50:50. Please brothers, and sisters, send me healing energy, I am desperate. I can't live with this for the rest of my life. :cry:
Most everything can be healed in time. Do not panic. All of these stories are based upon medical misinformation and ignorance of how to heal the body.

You are able to heal this with healing workings, like with Sowilo or Uruz. In addition, push acupoints that direct energy to the ears: https://www.acupuncture.com/education/points/smallintestine/si19.htm
I had the flu in December, it was mild, everything was normal. I was starting to recover when I noticed that my left ear feels clogged and muffed... It was actually nothing to worry about, but I was worried, because this has never happened to me before. I called my doctor, and she prescribed me Tobradex eye drops that she told me to put in my ear. I asked her: "Are you sure, on the box it's said "eye drops" nowhere in the leaflet was there any mention that you can use it in your ears?" She replied - "yes, don't worry, it works for ears too". I felt that there is something wrong, and I knew that I should be careful with antibiotics, vaccines, and anything like that, but I just trusted the damn doctor, instead of trusting my intuition... I feel so angry and depressed, I can't believe I've made such a childish mistake.

Almost immediately after using these ear drops (active ingredients: Tobramycin and Dexamethasone) I got Tinnitus (high-pitched noise in my ear) that I hear 24/7 for one month now... It's annoying as fuck, it makes me nervous and depressed, it's hard to concentrate, and it just doesn't stop. At times it's louder, and sometimes not as much, but I hear it all the time. I've read that it's a very common side effect of this antibiotic. It's known to be very ototoxic, it damages the cochlear hair cells in the inner ear, but it doesn't come with any warning on the box or anything like that. The annoying thing is I didn't even really need an antibiotic, because I didn't even had an infection, my ear was just clogged/muffed. But doctors prescribe antibiotics for literally everything. I should have just self-healed at home, naturally, without antibiotics or anything like that, like I am usually doing...

And now, from what I've read, basically there is a good chance that it will eventually go away, maybe in a few months, but there are also a lot of cases where it just never goes away, which terrifies me.

I've read tons of stuff online, and basically, it seems like the only thing I can do is to wait and hope that my body will recover. All the supplements and medicines that supposedly help look like just a placebo, and sometimes they even make things worse. I am taking Vitamins B12, B1, B6, Magnesium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and doing some massages/exercises on my ear for relieving tinnitus that I saw on Youtube - surprisingly, these exercises were the only thing that seems to relieve the noise, at least for a while, but it comes back again at some point. I need to make this go away.

Any help, or advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Don’t expect this to work but I recommend that you take a supplement high in lactobacillus salivarius, smear the powder around your teeth and let sit for 5 minutes, this should not only prevent cavities but maybe also replenish important bacterium that you may have lost due to the antibiotics.
I have a few questions:

1. Is there a way I could know if I will be recover completely and how long approximately it will take? Or maybe it's better to not ask myself this question at all and just believe that I will recover completely, and not have any doubts that it will go away?

2. When doing Valefor's power ritual, and when begging him and Father Satan to help me, my intuition is telling me that it will eventually go away. But I still fear, and ask myself "is that really from the Gods, or just my wishful thinking?"

3. Does masking the sound, by listening to white noise, nature noises, or even music help or it might actually do more harm than good by making my ears "work". It definitely helps me relax and sleep better, but I am wondering if complete silence would be better because it will allow my ears to rest?
I have a few questions:

1. Is there a way I could know if I will be recover completely and how long approximately it will take? Or maybe it's better to not ask myself this question at all and just believe that I will recover completely, and not have any doubts that it will go away?

2. When doing Valefor's power ritual, and when begging him and Father Satan to help me, my intuition is telling me that it will eventually go away. But I still fear, and ask myself "is that really from the Gods, or just my wishful thinking?"

3. Does masking the sound, by listening to white noise, nature noises, or even music help or it might actually do more harm than good by making my ears "work". It definitely helps me relax and sleep better, but I am wondering if complete silence would be better because it will allow my ears to rest?
1. it can heal completely I was able to heal from a series of ligament tears in my knee from doing catch wrestling, supposedly requiring surgicial intervention and frankly I didn't even do anything for that Satanists heal at a much quicker rate than most people, my eye was almost gouged out it healed, there are some things which can't heal but assuming there is a blood supply to the area even a limited one it can heal for instance cauliflower ear dosen't heal at least not at my level of advancement but that shuts off the blood supply your injury has not cut off the blood supply so you should be fine.
I think people overestimate how much "doubting" impacts workings, I doubt all the time, fuck up my affirmations forget my reps honestly it barely seems to matter unless your doing a very specific working like squares or a ritual with numerical significance, sure its better not to doubt but I wouldn't worry too much either way.

2. if it worked it was from the Gods and gratitude is always appreciated by them but be warned sometimes the gods instead of just fixing the problem instead show you how to fix it, for instance I prayed to Valefor to heal a nasty side effect of my coeliacs and while it was temporarily cured completely it came back, he gave me a headstart I unfortunately wasted but also in doing so taught me how to replicate what he did for me so if you do get healed dont assume its permanent and don't stop healing yourself like I did.

3.I would assume silence is preferable but I can't imagine it would make a huge difference and a doctor is probably who you should ask for a specifically medical question like that.

Also I suggest do a lot of energy breathing into your ears with an appropriate affirmation as well as Satanama into your ears (unless the vibrations cause discomfort)
and dont be afraid to pray the Gods hear us when we pray and its so important to do so, dont expect instant response sometimes my prayers are responded to an hour or so later sometimes a day but even if you dont hear a response they heard so dont worry and theres no reason to not pray again.
Normally, I am not a coward, but I've read so many stories of people who got tinnitus from antibiotics and it just never went away, that I can't calm down. Honestly, it seems like the chances of it going away are 50:50. Please brothers, and sisters, send me healing energy, I am desperate. I can't live with this for the rest of my life. :cry:
Being scared And worried does not make you a coward I think you're just beating yourself up over this whole thing. It's normal to be scared Especially Of things regarding health.
Can someone who is advanced enough, do a reading for me, and let me know if I will be able to recover and how long it will take. And also ask the Gods what I can do to resolve this. Please, I am desperate.
Can someone who is advanced enough, do a reading for me, and let me know if I will be able to recover and how long it will take. And also ask the Gods what I can do to resolve this. Please, I am desperate.
It is not necessary. What is, are the steps related to you earlier.

You can start with a ritual for Valefor.

And mind you, if you take this pleading too far you start sounding like a vampire. Not cool!
I think people overestimate how much "doubting" impacts workings, I doubt all the time, fuck up my affirmations forget my reps honestly it barely seems to matter unless your doing a very specific working like squares or a ritual with numerical significance, sure its better not to doubt but I wouldn't worry too much either way.
Regarding healing, I would say that the most important factor is your predisposition for Sun and Martian type of yang energy as vitalizing and healing effect on your body since body and soul are closely tied. It sounds like you are one of those who have a high base level of vitality. That being so, you would have even better attributes if you didn't doubt as much.

These natural attributes can be boosted with spiritual workings. Doubting is toxic for success.
Regarding healing, I would say that the most important factor is your predisposition for Sun and Martian type of yang energy as vitalizing and healing effect on your body since body and soul are closely tied. It sounds like you are one of those who have a high base level of vitality. That being so, you would have even better attributes if you didn't doubt as much.

These natural attributes can be boosted with spiritual workings. Doubting is toxic for success.
I agree, when talking about doubts im more referring to not ruminating on doubts e.g if you have a moment of doubt or even a few minutes just move on from it don't ruminate and dont worry about the fact you doubted as that is also harmful to a working as doubts can't always be stopped but hyperfixiating on them can be.
Does anyone have any success recovery stories, from issues that were considered to be permanent or incurable? Can you share them? This is the thing I need the most right now - I need to have confidence that my issue will be resolved. Thank you.
It would be nice to hear a recovery story and hear something positive for a change. As painful as a lot of this is! And it is important for people to be aware of these kind of things and to be mindful of what we can do to save ourselves just in case
How to properly do a Jupiter square for removing this issue?

Jupiter Square

Starting January 23th, the moon will be in Cancer, and Jupiter will be in Taurus. I know it's not the best possible date, but it shouldn't be bad either? Day 1 I am doing 13 repetitions of the mantra "AUM GRAAM GRIM GRAUM SAU GURUAVE NAMA", day 2 - 3 repetitions, and so on. And every day after doing the mantras, I am ending each mantra, each day with an affirmation such as: "The disease is leaving my body completely and permanently. My body is strong, healthy and normal in every way."

Am I missing something, anything I should know? Is the timing OK?

Should I use "AUM" before and after the mantras, I guess not, right, just the mantra and be careful to do the exact number of repetitions?
How to properly do a Jupiter square for removing this issue?

Jupiter Square

Starting January 23th, the moon will be in Cancer, and Jupiter will be in Taurus. I know it's not the best possible date, but it shouldn't be bad either? Day 1 I am doing 13 repetitions of the mantra "AUM GRAAM GRIM GRAUM SAU GURUAVE NAMA", day 2 - 3 repetitions, and so on. And every day after doing the mantras, I am ending each mantra, each day with an affirmation such as: "The disease is leaving my body completely and permanently. My body is strong, healthy and normal in every way."

Am I missing something, anything I should know? Is the timing OK?

Should I use "AUM" before and after the mantras, I guess not, right, just the mantra and be careful to do the exact number of repetitions?
Jupiter. Why Jupiter?

The Sun?!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
