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I’m sick of the Gym


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2019
Hey brothers and sisters.
I used to afore the gym and I still do. However the gym and weightlifting culture is so fucking shit.

I feel that it’s toxic, built on body dysmorphia, and depressive.

I’ve been feeling inadequate for a long time no matter how much I actually progress and improve.

Every time I enter the gym I feel everyone is judging everyone on the amount of meat they’re packing.

Everything seems to push you to take steroids or “tren” that’s been so fucking popularized.

All the physiques are so fucking huge, lean and enhanced.

I’ve been feeling I wanted to distance myself from all this BS I was looking up calisthenics and maybe doing some Yoga too for athleticism.

I’m not sure though on which path to take.

I want to look great, build up to a “Greek God” build but also I want to be strong and healthy and happy and flexible enough to have a strong Kundalini.

What do you guys think about all this? Any tips?
Yoga and calisthenics is a great combo and should be enough to keep you strong and flexible but if you also include an internal martial art like tai chi chuan (preferably chen style) or what's available where you live, it will give you an advantage over just exercising and when you take up kundalini yoga it will also make a difference as they have overlapping areas.

Best of luck and with persistence you will get there.
I’ve been feeling inadequate for a long time no matter how much I actually progress and improve.

Every time I enter the gym I feel everyone is judging everyone on the amount of meat they’re packing.
It may be you are picking up energies/thoughts that are in that gym, that influence your thoughts.
But gym is made of random people, so I believe those energies are more widespread in other environments because they come from mass mind - generally speaking. What I want to say is, it's mostly people not that gym specifically, so changing place would not probably help that much.
Why don't you buy or rent, if you can, a gym machine or just a couple of weights and build up muscles at your own home in peace ?
Same as we meditate alone an not in the middle of many others (when possible) that would be a solution.

Recently attention to others, envy, inadequacy etc. are much more rampant - at least I feel this around me. Mainly due to the social media misuse and constant judgement of others. I think this is building negative energies every day more, that manifest this way, for example in your gym.
Some gyms can be toxic, especially with poorly moderated gyms. The same gyms with pools that have massive amounts of crud accumulated at the bottom :sick:

Especially with those just starting out, some feel obligated to "encourage" others to do what they think are standard.

I like hotel gyms because you most often have the gym all to yourself and its always clean.

There are so many ways to train your muscles without the need of expensive equipment.

Some gyms can be toxic, especially with poorly moderated gyms. The same gyms with pools that have massive amounts of crud accumulated at the bottom :sick:

Especially with those just starting out, some feel obligated to "encourage" others to do what they think are standard.

I like hotel gyms because you most often have the gym all to yourself and its always clean.

There are so many ways to train your muscles without the need of expensive equipment.

I don’t have a problem with the Gym as a space I honestly love it too much, it’s my second temple. I haven’t had trouble with it being unclean before.

I’m only sick of feelings of inadequacy and the push to have a certain physique FAST or you feel weak compared to others.
ya i joined the gym a last week since i am completely weak as hell and really can't do much at all but been so tired and stress out with every thing every time i go don't feel like i am getting any were with result it seem?
ya i joined the gym a last week since i am completely weak as hell and really can't do much at all but been so tired and stress out with every thing every time i go don't feel like i am getting any were with result it seem?
If it’s your first time it’s normal to feel weak. You’ll have to be consistent and eat really well besides your training. Try to progressively overload.

I honestly returned to the gym again and I feel good about it. I think my problem is anxiety + wanting to have a great body asap.

I just really realized I need more consistency and patience and to shut out all comparisons and external toxic culture.
Many yoga exercises are calisthenics.
I’m only sick of feelings of inadequacy and the push to have a certain physique FAST or you feel weak compared to others.
It's not the others that are the problem. It's you who needs to shut the intrusive thoughts out and be relaxed. You are forcing those ideas in your mind, not others.
ya i joined the gym a last week since i am completely weak as hell and really can't do much at all but been so tired and stress out with every thing every time i go don't feel like i am getting any were with result it seem?
It's normal to be weak at first, building muscle and strength can be a difficult process that takes a lot of time, counting your calories and protein intake will help you a lot in building muscle, if you stay consistent and keep track of your diet. you will likely see results in no time
Hey brothers and sisters.
I used to afore the gym and I still do. However the gym and weightlifting culture is so fucking shit.

I feel that it’s toxic, built on body dysmorphia, and depressive.

I’ve been feeling inadequate for a long time no matter how much I actually progress and improve.

Every time I enter the gym I feel everyone is judging everyone on the amount of meat they’re packing.

Everything seems to push you to take steroids or “tren” that’s been so fucking popularized.

All the physiques are so fucking huge, lean and enhanced.

I’ve been feeling I wanted to distance myself from all this BS I was looking up calisthenics and maybe doing some Yoga too for athleticism.

I’m not sure though on which path to take.

I want to look great, build up to a “Greek God” build but also I want to be strong and healthy and happy and flexible enough to have a strong Kundalini.

What do you guys think about all this? Any tips?
You can get the "Greek God" look pal, it takes time doing it natural dont be put off by these show offs. Put the hard work in it will pay off.

Good luck.
This is why I have my own gym at home built by myself. I have learnt how to correctly perform exercises years ago, and this is absolutely enough not just to be fit, but also to achieve some results. And I absolutely agree that the toxic mentality mentioned by MercuryWisdom is very bad. It is not just bad, but also this feeling inadequate, weak might force you overdoing some exercises, getting into traumas. And when you get into traumas, you might end up not working out at all for a period of time, and your results are fucked up. With weightlifting and basically any type of exercises, it is very important to listen to your own body, and to do workouts at your own pace.

Also, I do not use public gyms, because it would waste at least 2 hours to go there, and then get back home. So if I workout five times a week, I would waste 10 hours per week, and more than 500 hours per year. Just imagine how much RTRs, rituals to the Gods, spiritual improvement and other necessary stuff can be done per year in those hundreds of hours.
Yeah I understand that now. Thanks.
I agree to what Aquarius said, but being surrounded by many other people - mostly NPCs I believe - has an influence anyway due to energies spread around the gym each day that may pollute your aura.
This may lead to being easily dragged into negative thoughts. If you can manage to shield and ignore this it means you are very strong in there.
I keep thinking that being alone instead of being surrounded by idiots commenting the last tv series as their daily climax, brings better results as you also do not need to clean you aura several times each time you leave the gym. But this is personal and just my way of viewing that.
I read a book about traumas, insecurity, etc. saying that personal relationships are important for self-healing, and I agree. This may be your case, working on relating with surrounding people.
Get a pull up bar or just find a way to do pull ups and start raising reps in your sets. It'll take a while to get past double digits effortlessly but with consistency it'll come. Calisthenics and gymnastics are the best way, in my opinion. Sports and recreational activities like rock climbing are dynamic and always fun.

Look up Magnus Midtbo and you'll still see how it's possible to have the body of a Greek God without the heavy weights.
I agree to what Aquarius said, but being surrounded by many other people - mostly NPCs I believe - has an influence anyway due to energies spread around the gym each day that may pollute your aura.
This may lead to being easily dragged into negative thoughts. If you can manage to shield and ignore this it means you are very strong in there.
I keep thinking that being alone instead of being surrounded by idiots commenting the last tv series as their daily climax, brings better results as you also do not need to clean you aura several times each time you leave the gym. But this is personal and just my way of viewing that.
I read a book about traumas, insecurity, etc. saying that personal relationships are important for self-healing, and I agree. This may be your case, working on relating with surrounding people.
I believe it’s not very healthy to overthink it like you do.

Unless you have a very close relationship with someone (connected at the throat or heart chakra level) you will never get highly affected by random people or negative energies unless you’re in a church, mosque, or morgue for example.

Also, remember when you think about something you give it power, you make it true and you amplify it if you don’t give it much thought it withers away.

If you believe that entering the gym will make you get into a cesspool of negative energies and NPCs, etc. that doesn’t seem ideal to me and will probably give you issues. Psychological and spiritual.

I think that I might have not clarified the reason that I wrote this thread very well.

The main reason I was actually triggered to write this, my friend was in GREAT shape after lifting heavy for years and taking care of his diet. Yet, he still wasn’t satisfied he recently started taking steroids, and he’s 19 or something.

I felt bad about this, honestly I think why he did this is psychological and it will end badly for him, it bothers me he feels like he had to take them just to feel good about himself, when he has a body of many peoples dreams and he is so young too.

I told my other friend about this he’s 18 and he didn’t seem bothered by it at all too, he actually asked let’s take em too. I kept trying to explain how extremely dangerous this is he told me it’s not that big of a deal if you ask someone in the gym who is taking steroids you will see that it’s not that big a deal if you do your cycles right, etc.

This really infuriated me and made me feel that I would have to be enhanced to just to be okay. I would never take this shit, but unfortunately in my generation there’s an epidemic and epification and glorification for blasting Tren and steroids, etc.

All this made me feel bad especially since I was skipping gym for like two weeks.

But after some point I just understood and remembered why I’m training in the first place. Gym culture is grossly about looks, sizes, weights. I’ve been turned off from this shit.

But I’m back in the gym, I adore it, I extremely love the gym there’s nothing like it. It really cures depression, transforms you, and makes you a better human being. It also helps with spirituality, albeit maybe not like yoga.

Hps Maxine Dietrich was a beast in lifting weight and has wrote about it before.
Comparing yourself to others will destroy your inner confidence. I've been working out for years and I've started to build a very good physique naturally. I don't go to a gym I workout at home and I've just kept up with a daily routine of lifting and its been paying off.

When people hear "bodybuilder" these days they think of some kind of super jacked anime character type of physique and that's the mindset and image that everyone has of themselves when they start lifting and in reality you'll never build that much muscle without use of drugs and people notice this half-way through their bodybuilding journey and they eventually give in to using steroids because the image that they had of themselves was always out of reach without it.

It can take a very long time, as in 5+ years of natural bodybuilding before you start to build a 'Greek God' physique. That's one of the reasons people give up natural lifting and start taking steroids. People are too impatient and they want to rush things to out compete other people.
I believe it’s not very healthy to overthink it like you do.

Unless you have a very close relationship with someone (connected at the throat or heart chakra level) you will never get highly affected by random people or negative energies unless you’re in a church, mosque, or morgue for example.

Also, remember when you think about something you give it power, you make it true and you amplify it if you don’t give it much thought it withers away.
I am kind of highly empathic, I mean I am always affected by environments at a certain degree. I am working on understanding why this happens, it is not that evident in my natal chart (as far as I can see) so you are probably right I tend to overthink about what is surrounding me.

Also, remember when you think about something you give it power, you make it true and you amplify it if you don’t give it much thought it withers away.

If you believe that entering the gym will make you get into a cesspool of negative energies and NPCs, etc. that doesn’t seem ideal to me and will probably give you issues. Psychological and spiritual.
You are right here. But unfortunately energies from the "commons" are very negative, so crowded places are not ideal for me. I also think it depends where you live; I don't want to go personal and disclose where I live but I found countries where interactions with NPCs are better and bearable, and countries where being in the middle of people is awful in terms of energies.

I think that I might have not clarified the reason that I wrote this thread very well.

The main reason I was actually triggered to write this, my friend was in GREAT shape after lifting heavy for years and taking care of his diet. Yet, he still wasn’t satisfied he recently started taking steroids, and he’s 19 or something.

I felt bad about this, honestly I think why he did this is psychological and it will end badly for him, it bothers me he feels like he had to take them just to feel good about himself, when he has a body of many peoples dreams and he is so young too.

I told my other friend about this he’s 18 and he didn’t seem bothered by it at all too, he actually asked let’s take em too. I kept trying to explain how extremely dangerous this is he told me it’s not that big of a deal if you ask someone in the gym who is taking steroids you will see that it’s not that big a deal if you do your cycles right, etc.

This really infuriated me and made me feel that I would have to be enhanced to just to be okay. I would never take this shit, but unfortunately in my generation there’s an epidemic and epification and glorification for blasting Tren and steroids, etc.
I think this is due to the modern trend "you need to be the best and get the maximum for you" so people do not want to be average or better than average or simply better themselves, they want to be the best in the world so probably they take steroids in this hope. I have been living years with that (hidden, at the time) idea in my unconscious and it's very unhealthy, even if, it can be an inner engine to move ahead in things.

Comparing yourself to others will destroy your inner confidence. I've been working out for years and I've started to build a very good physique naturally. I don't go to a gym I workout at home and I've just kept up with a daily routine of lifting and its been paying off.
I think this thread is slipping into confidence and self-esteem analysis, that at the end is also of Mars, like is of Mars weigh lifting so all is connected.
Comparing to others is mostly unhealthy in view of how social networks and general mindset brought people to behave. But is a bit unavoidable, somehow, or am I just in error here ??
I believe it’s not very healthy to overthink it like you do.

Unless you have a very close relationship with someone (connected at the throat or heart chakra level) you will never get highly affected by random people or negative energies unless you’re in a church, mosque, or morgue for example.

Also, remember when you think about something you give it power, you make it true and you amplify it if you don’t give it much thought it withers away.

If you believe that entering the gym will make you get into a cesspool of negative energies and NPCs, etc. that doesn’t seem ideal to me and will probably give you issues. Psychological and spiritual.

I think that I might have not clarified the reason that I wrote this thread very well.

The main reason I was actually triggered to write this, my friend was in GREAT shape after lifting heavy for years and taking care of his diet. Yet, he still wasn’t satisfied he recently started taking steroids, and he’s 19 or something.

I felt bad about this, honestly I think why he did this is psychological and it will end badly for him, it bothers me he feels like he had to take them just to feel good about himself, when he has a body of many peoples dreams and he is so young too.

I told my other friend about this he’s 18 and he didn’t seem bothered by it at all too, he actually asked let’s take em too. I kept trying to explain how extremely dangerous this is he told me it’s not that big of a deal if you ask someone in the gym who is taking steroids you will see that it’s not that big a deal if you do your cycles right, etc.

This really infuriated me and made me feel that I would have to be enhanced to just to be okay. I would never take this shit, but unfortunately in my generation there’s an epidemic and epification and glorification for blasting Tren and steroids, etc.

All this made me feel bad especially since I was skipping gym for like two weeks.

But after some point I just understood and remembered why I’m training in the first place. Gym culture is grossly about looks, sizes, weights. I’ve been turned off from this shit.

But I’m back in the gym, I adore it, I extremely love the gym there’s nothing like it. It really cures depression, transforms you, and makes you a better human being. It also helps with spirituality, albeit maybe not like yoga.

Hps Maxine Dietrich was a beast in lifting weight and has wrote about it before.
The main problem here is that non-spiritual people only work on a material level and that makes them impatient and look for quick results without caring about the long-term consequences.
Then after years when they are forced to stop taking steroids due to health problems they lose all the muscle mass they gained that way and end up with their physical condition and health ruined.

Training the body is exactly the same as meditation: a philosophy of life, not a car race.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
