" post_id=350592 time=1651641952 user_id=21286]
Balvraz said:
Sorry for not telling you all of this way earlier when I very first joined these forums but throughout my entire life I have been able to somehow find out about all of these smaller historical events that have happened during the bigger historical events throughout human history without even having to read or listen to anything about that or this bigger historical event in which these smaller historical events happened (I happen to know very little about human history since I’ve never been much of a history buff as human history tends to bore the shit out of me) plus I’ve somehow always been able to predict the future and what’s even more strange about myself is that; say if it is raining and I don’t want it to rain. I’ll simply say, “please stop raining!” and the rain will stop. And I’m not one to believe in conquincedences as I believe that everything happens for a reason.
I'm not sure about your previous experience meditating or other powers. However, just a rule, it is better to stay on the humble side when it comes to evaluating yourself. There have been plenty of people who believe themselves invincible or whatever and then bring ruin. Your astrology chart would give you clues as to what sort of weaknesses you may have.
Predicting the future sounds reasonable if you have strong intuitive abilities, but stopping the rain with a single thought would require one to be very advanced. Perhaps you are intuiting when the rain is supposed to stop, not actually commanding it to stop.
If you had the power to stop the rain with just one thought, then you have also the power to create other major events with low effort as well. If that is the case, then this can also be dangerous in the instance where you become upset, for example.
That is why being cautious about our powers, taking large efforts to stabilize ourselves through our base chakra and cleaning, doing lots of void and mind control work, working closely with the Gods, and so on are done to prevent disasters.
I am not saying this to upset you, just trying to be realistic and keep you safe.