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Hypothesis on why Our Gods aren't physically here


Dec 4, 2017
In a tree by the brook
I'm sure the HPs already elaborated on the argument but, if there's any use to any new SS that might want some possible very short answers on the topic I might as well..

When the Gods departed , They didn't let us defenseless or in a state of decay, we had the ancient cult of the Serpent in Egypt and many other advanced spiritual civilizations here on earth (some may argue it was a global civilization), pyramids and other monolithic structures being proof of such and the very advanced capabilities of man in the past (roughly 12.000 years ago). One might want to search "the younger dryas event hypothesis" for more details and in depth disclosure.

This departure was then followed by the incoming of the descending YUGAS (energetical cycles of human development) and a attack from behalf of lower extraterrestrial beings. By the time we entered the Kali Yuga many of the greater things have been lost among in depth spiritual understanding and technological infrastructure.

It was said on the forums, this wasn't the only planet harboring such civilizations in the solar system. Mars for one, according to HP Maxine , still has subterranean bunkers with survivors trapped inside after a gruesome nuclear attack . Around the same time Earth experienced a "universal flood" and a third planet - Phaeton - was destroyed completely ,causing the flood on our planet.

We are now only at the start of the Dwapara Yuga in the ascending half of the cycle, and we have already a global civilization built up again on this planet again (although not perfect, and in many cases, destructive because of enemy influences and halt of progress).

Now, the reason I had to undust the above is simple. It might be that The Gods didn't left because of reasons known only to Them or whatever us mortals can't grasp.

If those Yuga cycles affect people to the point they might be turned from near-superhuman to basically talking apes in around 10.000 years or so, imagine how much of an inconvenience would that represent for a Superior Divine Being that has who knows how many other planets and solar systems under His/Hers protection and responsibility. I dare say for the very least communicating would become an issue. And I'm basing this guess on the fact that we have Their genes , and we were created by Them.


The Yugas at this point might as well be seen as some kind of huge scale energetic depression and ascending regions "traveling" around continuously the known cosmos. This might also explain why filth from outside got the upper hand in their attack. They couldn't even dare attack Satan and the Gods, so they opted to prey on their children instead(when time's was just right).

This is what my intuition and deduction guided me to elaborate as a possible explanation. If there's anything wrong with this reasoning, please let me know! Thank you for reading !
In short I would have said because we are currently on a lower plane and their operations for now are better where they currently are. This could be interpreted similarly.
There's an interval time between Yugas that is to say, we are in the adjustment phase of the Kali Yuga and we aren't into the next Yuga yet.
They still watched over us from the Astral and guided us even if not physically on earth. This is evident from historical miracles happened to Pagans.
Still, it looks like during the Cold War the Gods were physically on earth. There have been alien spaceships that deactivated atomic bombs. This could have been the enemy though.
Ravenheart666 said:
I'm sure the HPs already elaborated on the argument but, if there's any use to any new SS that might want some possible very short answers on the topic I might as well..

When the Gods departed , They didn't let us defenseless or in a state of decay, we had the ancient cult of the Serpent in Egypt and many other advanced spiritual civilizations here on earth (some may argue it was a global civilization), pyramids and other monolithic structures being proof of such and the very advanced capabilities of man in the past (roughly 12.000 years ago). One might want to search "the younger dryas event hypothesis" for more details and in depth disclosure.

This departure was then followed by the incoming of the descending YUGAS (energetical cycles of human development) and a attack from behalf of lower extraterrestrial beings. By the time we entered the Kali Yuga many of the greater things have been lost among in depth spiritual understanding and technological infrastructure.

It was said on the forums, this wasn't the only planet harboring such civilizations in the solar system. Mars for one, according to HP Maxine , still has subterranean bunkers with survivors trapped inside after a gruesome nuclear attack . Around the same time Earth experienced a "universal flood" and a third planet - Phaeton - was destroyed completely ,causing the flood on our planet.

We are now only at the start of the Dwapara Yuga in the ascending half of the cycle, and we have already a global civilization built up again on this planet again (although not perfect, and in many cases, destructive because of enemy influences and halt of progress).

Now, the reason I had to undust the above is simple. It might be that The Gods didn't left because of reasons known only to Them or whatever us mortals can't grasp.

If those Yuga cycles affect people to the point they might be turned from near-superhuman to basically talking apes in around 10.000 years or so, imagine how much of an inconvenience would that represent for a Superior Divine Being that has who knows how many other planets and solar systems under His/Hers protection and responsibility. I dare say for the very least communicating would become an issue. And I'm basing this guess on the fact that we have Their genes , and we were created by Them.


The Yugas at this point might as well be seen as some kind of huge scale energetic depression and ascending regions "traveling" around continuously the known cosmos. This might also explain why filth from outside got the upper hand in their attack. They couldn't even dare attack Satan and the Gods, so they opted to prey on their children instead(when time's was just right).

This is what my intuition and deduction guided me to elaborate as a possible explanation. If there's anything wrong with this reasoning, please let me know! Thank you for reading !

Part of being a God is not to be effected by this kind of stuff or so I thought. Also the Gods had taught us to build an energy grid around earth to protect us from these kinds of things so this shouldn't effect the Gods at all.
Jack said:
There's an interval time between Yugas that is to say, we are in the adjustment phase of the Kali Yuga and we aren't into the next Yuga yet.
Sundara said:
In short I would have said because we are currently on a lower plane and their operations for now are better where they currently are. This could be interpreted similarly.

Yes , that's much better compressed. and yes, I expressed myself hastily with the Dwapara Yuga. Than you for pointing it out.
I also think that whole chart is wrong. To me it seems like we are in an ascending yuga or age at least right now we were in descending for awhile since the end of ancient egypt.

But why does this whole thing matter at all. It is only cause of the Jewish curses we are in this mess we are in.

"Kali Yuga" I don't think was supposed to be bad as Kali is Lilith and somehow dealt with Hitler as well I remember a sermon on this I believe by Maxine you can try to search it out I couldn't find it.

But anyways even if we were or are in a dark age so far as energy and earth's position in space like some believe. If the enemy was not here it wouldn't be so bad and we would still keep the vibrations up. I don't think these kind of things are of fate or anything.

But I think maybe that planets have had to be abandon before cause of stuff like this. Not sure if it's true or not but from the kind of things Gear 88 wrote I think it may be I can imagine if you have something like algol but in a planets energy and it's going to rule the age the planet is in. That would be unfortunate and maybe the civilization would have to leave if they want to survive but thankfully I don't think earth has to deal with this.
Here you go I found the sermon
Taken from here

Quote from the book "Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy" by Georg Feuerstein:

Regarding the Kali Yuga--

"In fact according to the Hindu computations, we are only in the opening phase of this dark world age, which is believed to have a total span of 360,000 years. Thus, from a Hindu perspective, the current talk in certain Western circles of a promising new age--the Age of Aquarius--is misguided."

He goes on to write disparagingly regarding the Age of Kali.

Again, I reiterate that 96% of all media is controlled and authored by Jews.

So sadly, too many people are too quick to believe what they read and hear.

Lilith is Kali. She stated this Herself. Lilith is in charge of Nazism, so given how the Jews obviously hate Nazism, and how they have endlessly bashed Lilith (claiming she was created from "mud and excrement"), it's no wonder Jewish authors and related claims Her Age as "the dark age." Adolf Hitler's Party number was 555, a number the Jews refer to as "darkness."

Again, twisted lies. Always from a Jewish point of view and perspective.

The Jews are the damnation of humanity. It is appalling how spirituality, education, science, the media just about everything else has been under their control for centuries. They are prolific liars; the deceivers of humanity.

The Christian programs and related, tortured and murdered our finest minds, our scientists, and hindered them every inch of the way. This most foul and rotten murderous institution has always done everything in its power to hinder and destroy knowledge.

The program of Christianity is the tool of human hating ETs to enslave and destroy humanity.
The Jews with their alien souls are here to carry this out.

The Jews have always dominated the sciences. You think they don't hold us back? Scholars, such as university professors, researchers and such are pressured to conform. Anyone who presents certain new ideas that don't conform to the Jewish agenda are first given a warning, if the warning fails, then ostracism follows. If the ostracism fails, then career ruin follows. The Jewish press also slanders many of these people.

So...all of our sciences and education are controlled by these enemies of humanity. Deceptive lying assholes whom many have received top awards such as The Nobel Prize (disproportionately I might add).
Most people would be shocked at how far we have been held back in the sciences. Other worlds are way beyond where we're at.

I also want to add here, how enemy ETs go crazy in trying to prevent me from exposing them in regards to how THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL OF EVILS IN THIS WORLD. Yet, their agenda is that we damn ourselves by blaming ourselves; by being sorry. THEY ARE THE ONES WHO REMOVED KNOWLEDGE. We can't really see what we are doing in most cases, the results of our actions or the outcomes. If we could really see, and KNOW, most people wouldn't do what they do.

This has really been brought to my attention given how many times those goddamned bug-eyed assholes have tried to interfere with my exposing them with this, even my private correspondence never got through. My former post "Get off your knees" disappeared 3 times before I could get it posted, of which I had to keep rewriting it.

One takes the blame for what these enemy ETs are actually responsible for and by being repentant, one damns oneself.

Adolf Hitler told me "Learn from your mistakes." Wallowing in being sorry will only result in being punished. Stupid Christian's aren't even sorry to the ones they've wronged, but to some goddamned spook.

In closing, I want to mention the science of quantum physics. Quantum physics is the science of subatomic particles. Your cellphone, computers, small devices, and much more. Extremely advanced technology.

To digress, Lilith told me that "time is not linear." We tend to regard time as linear because we are not immortal. We know of life having a beginning and an end.

Quantum physics ties in with astrology in the way of making predictions for one. Subatomic particles don't conform to the rules of classic physics and are unpredictable. Their behavior is seen after the fact, no different from how events in one's astrology chart can readily be seen after they occur, but oftentimes, predicting how the planetary energies will manifest can be extremely difficult.

I know both science and spirituality meet and complement each other. As I've written before, all of the occult can be scientifically explained. It's only that we've been dangerously held back in this area.

Satan told me, regarding subatomic particles, He said "they aren't going about it the correct way." Regarding the subatomic particle accelerators. Our scientists should be open for intuition and new ideas.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
slyscorpion said:
I also think that whole chart is wrong. To me it seems like we are in an ascending yuga or age at least right now we were in descending for awhile since the end of ancient egypt.

But why does this whole thing matter at all. It is only cause of the Jewish curses we are in this mess we are in.

"Kali Yuga" I don't think was supposed to be bad as Kali is Lilith and somehow dealt with Hitler as well I remember a sermon on this I believe by Maxine you can try to search it out I couldn't find it.

But anyways even if we were or are in a dark age so far as energy and earth's position in space like some believe. If the enemy was not here it wouldn't be so bad and we would still keep the vibrations up. I don't think these kind of things are of fate or anything.

But I think maybe that planets have had to be abandon before cause of stuff like this. Not sure if it's true or not but from the kind of things Gear 88 wrote I think it may be I can imagine if you have something like algol but in a planets energy and it's going to rule the age the planet is in. That would be unfortunate and maybe the civilization would have to leave if they want to survive but thankfully I don't think earth has to deal with this.

I do indeed agree with you on the part of "if it weren't for the enemy" although, one must also look at physical evidence and see there really was some big catastrophic event in the past.
We were created, civilized , instructed , and more than surely we had means of protection against any kind of bad energy, yet, with that in mind , we still have been attacked and there was a window through which the enemy could hit, otherwise it wouldn't have happened.
Something must have caused such vulnerability to surface. And also, without creating imaginary "plot twists" on this subjects what else could have been if not some kind of Natural predisposition for such to arise? The timing of the chart seems to fit the events, the sources are from Sanskrit origin. There is astronomical knowledge in the Surya Siddhanta , which allegedly couldn't have been known a couple of hundred of years ago.

It is not only star wars for sure. Humans have their flaws and vulnerabilities.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
