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Feb 3, 2020
I'm reviewing JOS ASTROLOGY DIGEST, thinking about posting HPS Maxine's replies here. A way for quick looking and for anyone who may find it useful. I will continue updating.

We now have some books in the file section, including Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, but unfortunately, the files cannot be uploded unless they are very small. One book that is easily available and can be downloaded from many sites is 'The Only Way to Learn Astrology' by Marion D. March and Joan McEvers. This book comes in three volumes and makes it easier for those of you who are new to astrology, to understand the basics. I read these books many years ago.
> Bear in mind, many of the interpretations are way off. Most authors write *about* astrology, but use theory in regards to limited understanding of the planets and such. Much of my own knowledge has come from years of study and also case studies and learning from knowing those whose charts I did and also the lives of noted people. Astro charts of noted people can be found all over the web. Reading biographies and comparing the chart in both personality and events helps.
> Astrology is the most difficult and detailed of all the occult disciplines. Each chart is as individual as one's own fingerprints. There are endless details in regards to astrology. One bit of advice...don't take anything you read in an astrology book as fact until you know for sure. I have read more crap over the years that was totally wrong in astrology books.
> For example, with a biography case of a noted person...I have seen many books out there where the author writes about certain patterns of planets, configurations and such, but the interpretations are nothing but nonsense and doubletalk. In other words...they don't know.
> Take for instance movie star Marilyn Monroe. She had a very tragic childhood. Her mother went insane when Marilyn was 5 years old. She never had a family and she never knew her father. From the age of five, she was shuffled back and forth from orphanages to foster families where they only took her in during the depression for the bit of extra money that came with her. No one wanted her and she lived her life with deep emotional scars from this.
> Her chart has Saturn in the fourth [very common with family issues, especially emotional, being unwanted, abused and neglected by the amily, if there is a family; also problems with the mother as the mother is ruled by the fourth]. Saturn in her chart is at the handle of a bucket configuration. The planet at the handle drives the entire chart, giving it extra power and emphasis in the life. Her Saturn is at 21 degrees of Scorpio, indicating loss, so here it is easy to see there was no family, and an absent mother. This Saturn also tightly squared her moon, amplifying problems regarding the mother. Scorpio on the cusp of the 4th, with ruling pluto tightly conjunct the cusp of the twelfth, adds further emphasis on the above, and co-ruling mars [mars co-rules scorpio with chart interpretation], in the eighth house, conjunct uranus of separation shows an absent mother. As the conjuntion is in the eighth house, the feelings about this run deep. When you get
> all of this, the life has been fated for some reason.
> Planets in the twelfth house are often unfortunate.
> Another case, one of a man whose chart I did years ago, he had the bucket configuration. The same goes with the sling and the fan, as there is a standout planet that is away from the rest. He had Jupiter in Aries as the singleton planet. This man was incredibly selfish and a total user to the point where his family disowned him. Jupiter in Aries is always selfish, but when it is at the 'handle' of a bucket, fan, or sling configuration, its effects are much more pronounced.
> I will try to give tips and lessons here as my time permits.

I am short on time so I will answer several questions asked here at once.

The inconjunct is an aspect of adjustment in some way. It is a major aspect, I have found. For example, when someone has a baby, especially the first child [major life change], often, along with other heavy transiting and progressed aspects, there is also a planet making an inconjunct. Say someone has a slow moving planet placed natally in his/her fifth house of children, such as uranus, not always, but many times, transiting uranus will make an inconjunct to that person's ruler, when a first child is born. This is just an example.

The yod configuration, as I mentioned in another post in the main JoS group, is found in the charts of those who are here for a purpose. This is not to say that everyone who has a yod is here for a purpose, but everyone who IS here for a purpose has the yod. The yod is a single planet making inconjunts to two planets in sextile aspect to each other. There can also be more planets tying in, but that is a classic yod. This can also involve the ascendant/decendant axis, which is this lines up exactly, is very prominent, as to the person being here for a purpose. Now, what the yod heans is at some point in the person's life, an adjustment will be needed in the area of a life change so that the person can carry out what they were meant to do here. After years of preparation and learning, when the person is ready, he/she will experience a life change where adaptation to the new changes will be needed. Once this has occurred, he/she will then be locked in and can only go forward with the fated life. The tighter the yod [more exact the aspects], the more important the role.

Now, as for 0 and 1 degree being used in prediction, this is most often used in solar and other planetary returns. For example, 0-1 degrees of cardinal signs are exceptionally critical, then there are critical degrees. These are based upon the manions of the moon in Vedic astrology and are very accurate. As for Vedic astrology, I have found many of their interpretations to be inaccurate, as with the use of the sidearal zodiac, but as for the foundations of this- benefic and malefic planets, houses and such, by blending with Western astrology, much more can be interpreted and redicated with accuracy.

Now, for example, say someone has solar return mars in ther solar return at 0 degrees of aries, with SR aries on the cusp of the seventh house of marriage /partnerships. Because this is an exceptionally critical degree, one can be assured within the year for that solar return, a new love relationship or interest will manifest, or a major commitment in an already established one. This is only one. Years of a new major love relationship of sigificance have many more aspects involved and if the couple move in together, then there are aspects to the fourth house, planets in the fourth and so on. Many of these will be on critical degrees, signifying that the affairs ruled by the houses that these planets rule, will be emphasized during the year of the solar return.

SR pluto in the first house of the SR return indicates a 'first' in one's life, such as a firts child being born or something significant that one has never experienced before.

Planets near the angles and on critical degrees in a natal chart indicate certain areas of the life
Concerning the question on the 8th house- 'saturn' is not the natural ruler of the eighth house. It is scorpio. Each house has several different areas of rulership /emphasis in the life. The eighth is sex, death, joint finances, and debts. It is also the house of intensity and planets placed therein have a more emotional effect in the life as to the houses they rule. It is also the house of power. Eva Braun had a void of course moon ruling her seventh house of marriage, placed in her eighth house. Ruler of the 7th in the 8th often indicates one being married to someone in a position of power and the added void of course moon, indicated one in a million- Adolf Hitler. This was unique to her chart.

One with a stellium [grouping of three or more planets] as you describe is often present in the chart of a natual mage, as is a stellium in scorpio. This comes from a past life in developing the soul, but is difficult to handle because of the intense feelings and emotions it produces along with a very strong need for frequent sex or a sexual outlet and if it is not handled properly through direction and meditation in this life, it can destroy [pluto/scorpio]. What this means is in a past life, the owner of this reached a certain point in the development of the mind, then died. This is still on the soul and unfortunately, because most of our former lives are forgotten, the powers there are not put to use unless the one who has them is again drawn to the occult and takes up power meditation, where this was left off in the former life. Usually, at some point, a former mage will be drawn to the occult and often self-learning regarding meditation and spirituality and when directed, this is most positive to have.

I have noted two examples of this gift, both born on the very same day. Olympic gymnast Nadia Comaneci, who had the Scorpio stellium and its driving intensity to go to the top and make history with 7 perfect scores at the Olympic games 1976 Montréal at 14 years of age- no one before had ever done this, and to change gymnastics forever. She channeled this obsessive energy into athletics, which was very positive for her and took her to the top.

Another person who was a co-worker years ago, I did his chart, he was born the very same day, November 12, 1961; and did nothing to direct the potent energies of the Scorpio stellium, as he let his sexual obsessions destroy him, as this stellium can influence one to overdoing things. He stayed in the men's locker-room for 18 hours at a health club where he worked at, voyeurism and masturbating, which was blatant to others who complained, and was canned from his job there. He also had other destructive behavior, as he would lay in the tanning booths for over an hour until he had purple slabs on his skin and smelled like he was cooked. His stellium was out of control and never directed or channeled in his life. He was ruined by it.

In Vedic astrology, there are three houses which can be unfortunate and this proves true- the sixth, the eighth and the twelfth. Planets therein should be directed through awareness and meditation so that their positive qualities are manifested instead of the negative ones. Planets in these three houses are more difficult to handle, the twelfth being the worst, then the 6th and the 8th.

For those of you who are young and in this group, just know that through Satan and meditation, bad things in the chart can be sublimated. No chart is perfect and everyone has his/her saturn among other things. Knowing the potential bad things in your chart gives you a powerful too in changing these, something those who are without do not have.
This one is not on the pdf

Subject: Message from Satan...
Satan told me this last night when he came to talk to me and this is a direct quote: "Strengthen the planet being attacked by Saturn."
He went on to explain that by strengthening the planet under attack and stating affirmations every day, the effects of Saturn can be drastically offset.
To do this, you should prepare at least a month before the Saturn hits. Vibrating the planet's mantra on a Satanic rosary, or doing the planetary square. Affirmations following the raising of the planet's energies are also essential.
Knowing what can potentially happen in the future by looking at one's astrology chart is a most helpful gift from Satan. Affirmations should be stated 18 times with focus, using the light (directing the energy), and visualization.
Visualization can be also placing an aura of white gold light on yourself, while feeling the energies raised with the mantra.
homeraee said:
This one is not on the pdf

Subject: Message from Satan...
Satan told me this last night when he came to talk to me and this is a direct quote: "Strengthen the planet being attacked by Saturn."
He went on to explain that by strengthening the planet under attack and stating affirmations every day, the effects of Saturn can be drastically offset.
To do this, you should prepare at least a month before the Saturn hits. Vibrating the planet's mantra on a Satanic rosary, or doing the planetary square. Affirmations following the raising of the planet's energies are also essential.
Knowing what can potentially happen in the future by looking at one's astrology chart is a most helpful gift from Satan. Affirmations should be stated 18 times with focus, using the light (directing the energy), and visualization.
Visualization can be also placing an aura of white gold light on yourself, while feeling the energies raised with the mantra.

by planet attacked by Saturn, it means the planet ruling the sign Saturn is in in my natal chart?
Woodlandman said:
homeraee said:
This one is not on the pdf

Subject: Message from Satan...
Satan told me this last night when he came to talk to me and this is a direct quote: "Strengthen the planet being attacked by Saturn."
He went on to explain that by strengthening the planet under attack and stating affirmations every day, the effects of Saturn can be drastically offset.
To do this, you should prepare at least a month before the Saturn hits. Vibrating the planet's mantra on a Satanic rosary, or doing the planetary square. Affirmations following the raising of the planet's energies are also essential.
Knowing what can potentially happen in the future by looking at one's astrology chart is a most helpful gift from Satan. Affirmations should be stated 18 times with focus, using the light (directing the energy), and visualization.
Visualization can be also placing an aura of white gold light on yourself, while feeling the energies raised with the mantra.

by planet attacked by Saturn, it means the planet ruling the sign Saturn is in in my natal chart?
Planet aspected by Saturn. Could be any planet other than Saturn.
Henu the Great said:
Planet aspected by Saturn. Could be any planet other than Saturn.

Hi. How much does Saturn’s loose conjunction with a natal planet matters? The Saturn retrograde will start before the exact conjunction happens so it won't happen until 2023. I’m doing affirmations in any case.
Pammy said:
Hi. How much does Saturn’s loose conjunction with a natal planet matters? The Saturn retrograde will start before the exact conjunction happens so it won't happen until 2023. I’m doing affirmations in any case.
Not my expertise to give a detailed description, but it does play a role, and you should look for overall picture instead of singling out one influence.
Henu the Great said:
Pammy said:
Hi. How much does Saturn’s loose conjunction with a natal planet matters? The Saturn retrograde will start before the exact conjunction happens so it won't happen until 2023. I’m doing affirmations in any case.
Not my expertise to give a detailed description, but it does play a role, and you should look for overall picture instead of singling out one influence.

Thanks. It looks dangerous when I look for overall picture and I was trying to decide if I have time to prepare for that Saturn transit -it will happen in 2023- or even the loose aspect before the retrograde is something to be beware of. Well I guess you can’t help me with this little amount of knowledge. :roll:
Pammy said:
Henu the Great said:
Pammy said:
Hi. How much does Saturn’s loose conjunction with a natal planet matters? The Saturn retrograde will start before the exact conjunction happens so it won't happen until 2023. I’m doing affirmations in any case.
Not my expertise to give a detailed description, but it does play a role, and you should look for overall picture instead of singling out one influence.

Thanks. It looks dangerous when I look for overall picture and I was trying to decide if I have time to prepare for that Saturn transit -it will happen in 2023- or even the loose aspect before the retrograde is something to be beware of. Well I guess you can’t help me with this little amount of knowledge. :roll:
I do not think you should worry about it. That is not to say you should ignore the whole thing, but rather do your best with the 8 fold path. Do increase you cleaning by various methods and do lots of lots of Kundalini and Hatha Yoga, you will be fine.
Henu the Great said:
Woodlandman said:
homeraee said:
This one is not on the pdf

Subject: Message from Satan...
Satan told me this last night when he came to talk to me and this is a direct quote: "Strengthen the planet being attacked by Saturn."
He went on to explain that by strengthening the planet under attack and stating affirmations every day, the effects of Saturn can be drastically offset.
To do this, you should prepare at least a month before the Saturn hits. Vibrating the planet's mantra on a Satanic rosary, or doing the planetary square. Affirmations following the raising of the planet's energies are also essential.
Knowing what can potentially happen in the future by looking at one's astrology chart is a most helpful gift from Satan. Affirmations should be stated 18 times with focus, using the light (directing the energy), and visualization.
Visualization can be also placing an aura of white gold light on yourself, while feeling the energies raised with the mantra.

by planet attacked by Saturn, it means the planet ruling the sign Saturn is in in my natal chart?
Planet aspected by Saturn. Could be any planet other than Saturn.

You mean the square aspects with saturn? Or does the sextile with saturn is bad too?
Henu the Great said:
Woodlandman said:
homeraee said:
This one is not on the pdf

Subject: Message from Satan...
Satan told me this last night when he came to talk to me and this is a direct quote: "Strengthen the planet being attacked by Saturn."
He went on to explain that by strengthening the planet under attack and stating affirmations every day, the effects of Saturn can be drastically offset.
To do this, you should prepare at least a month before the Saturn hits. Vibrating the planet's mantra on a Satanic rosary, or doing the planetary square. Affirmations following the raising of the planet's energies are also essential.
Knowing what can potentially happen in the future by looking at one's astrology chart is a most helpful gift from Satan. Affirmations should be stated 18 times with focus, using the light (directing the energy), and visualization.
Visualization can be also placing an aura of white gold light on yourself, while feeling the energies raised with the mantra.

by planet attacked by Saturn, it means the planet ruling the sign Saturn is in in my natal chart?
Planet aspected by Saturn. Could be any planet other than Saturn.

What about Neptune square saturn, is it bad? I read it gives one a strong passion for spiritual stuff.
Also, What about a square with Uranus?
Henu the Great said:
I do not think you should worry about it. That is not to say you should ignore the whole thing, but rather do your best with the 8 fold path. Do increase you cleaning by various methods and do lots of lots of Kundalini and Hatha Yoga, you will be fine.

Updating status. I did my affirmations to reflect the negative energies of Saturn and only accept positive things. I was expecting to be more disciplined or have more authority. I have a new wisdom tooth lol. Well, better than fracturing bones I guess. I should study which planets rule which body parts. It didn't even cross my mind that transits may affect the body part related before this happened.
Pammy said:
Updating status. I did my affirmations to reflect the negative energies of Saturn and only accept positive things. I was expecting to be more disciplined or have more authority. I have a new wisdom tooth lol. Well, better than fracturing bones I guess. I should study which planets rule which body parts. It didn't even cross my mind that transits may affect the body part related before this happened.
You grew a new tooth? That is quite interesting.

Transits have a profound impact on our lives and on the macroscale in the bigger picture. Including bodyparts. Fortunately some of the ancient knowledge is retained and we have access to it so as to broaden our knowledge and wisdom.

Good luck.
Henu the Great said:
You grew a new tooth? That is quite interesting.

Transits have a profound impact on our lives and on the macroscale in the bigger picture. Including bodyparts. Fortunately some of the ancient knowledge is retained and we have access to it so as to broaden our knowledge and wisdom.

Good luck.

Not fully grew yet, in the process. The timing though, -is this amount of info safe?- main chart ruler and Saturn, co-ruler of the chart which rules teeth is in loose conjunct. It's growing and causing pain, how befitting for Saturn. Coincidence?

Thank you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
