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How To Treat Certain "Heavier" Facts In JoS, Like Aliens/Greys/Reptilians

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Darkpagan666 said:
I remember when I was new to Satanism, I had a mindset where I "challenged" the Greys, and dwelled on them due to fear and stupidity.

This mindset of always focusing on the negative and blaming the "enemy" for all silly things that takes place in your life, attracts them.

When we meditate and increase our life force. The saying "You are what you think" really applies. You need to obliterate the self hate and the negative ideas that all things you do are of nuance, which ruins a satisfactory life. This further sucks you into negative events. It is as you cannot see the forest for the trees.

Dwell on the Gods instead. Dwell on the positive and shut the enemy Greys, Reptilians or whatever out. Will them out instantly when they claw themselves back in. Just shove them out. It is easy.

If it is the self illusionary ego trying to justify own ignorance, then rectify that by acquiring necessary knowledge through the Gods. They will help and guide you. Stay strong in them and in your own self.


^This, all of this.

Interestingly, this is what I came to realize myself at the end of my recent battle with these entities, and then this post was very reaffirming, so glad to hear I am on the correct Path intuitively.

In short, I focused on continued Ascension into Exaltation and that was all that was needed for battle with this entity.

Cleanse > RAUM/EE-OO/AY-AH > Squares > Other Meditations > Runes > RTRs > Mer Ka Ba > AOP.....For the Win

The Star of Astaroth / Mer Ka Ba Meditation is by far my favorite for protection, I have literally encountered enemy humanoids who could literally not enter my 25 foot radius due to the Powerful Solar Energy shutting them out.

They stop dead in their tracks, so this is a great one to do to help keep enemy humanoids away from you.

The interesting thing I noticed is that when these entities impact you directly it is a different challenge than when they possess a humanoid to do their dirty work on you for them.

When they attack you directly, that means you have raised to a level above what any humanoid can compete with.

The humanoids are easy to defeat, because they are very low frequency (which is how they get possessed in the first place), whereas a direct external influence comes straight from the grey and if you are not Ascended enough, they can influence you, but you can stop them by Ascending.

Spiritual attacks, I noticed, are very obvious and very different than one having a psychic impact.

Spiritual attacks from the enemy always involves influencing you to tie in to or worship their entity, and to do things that an SS would not normally do in any scenario, in addition it will make you mad and continually doubt your reality.

The confusing part between an attack and negative psychic experiences, in my experience, comes from Ascension.

As you meditate and grow etc., especially if you are working with any Fire Elementals, results in a cleansing, death, and rebirth.

These workings are going to naturally kill off anything negative in you and rebuild you into something better, shinier, and refined.

However, this burn off doesn't just occur silently, these sorts of buried emotions, traumas, etc. must be expressed in order to exit the Soul, even emotions are electric, everything is Energy/Matter.

Matter cannot be destroyed, only changed.

And so, in my experience, it is important to be able to understand when you are merely growing and when you are being attacked, because they are definitely not one in the same, but they may occur at the same time, adding to the confusion.

Continuing to do the Meditations and Progressing forward relentlessly is all that is needed, eventually they cannot impact your Frequency level and one Shockwave emitted from your Soul EMP style is all that is needed to scramble their circuitry.

There is no better feeling to me as an SS than to recognize Humanoid enemies and send them a shockwave and watch the results, especially when they are trying to influence you.

In the end I realized that as an SS there really is no one that can stop you except Yourself.
OfTheTrueHealedOne said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Darkpagan666 said:
I remember when I was new to Satanism, I had a mindset where I "challenged" the Greys, and dwelled on them due to fear and stupidity.

This mindset of always focusing on the negative and blaming the "enemy" for all silly things that takes place in your life, attracts them.

When we meditate and increase our life force. The saying "You are what you think" really applies. You need to obliterate the self hate and the negative ideas that all things you do are of nuance, which ruins a satisfactory life. This further sucks you into negative events. It is as you cannot see the forest for the trees.

Dwell on the Gods instead. Dwell on the positive and shut the enemy Greys, Reptilians or whatever out. Will them out instantly when they claw themselves back in. Just shove them out. It is easy.

If it is the self illusionary ego trying to justify own ignorance, then rectify that by acquiring necessary knowledge through the Gods. They will help and guide you. Stay strong in them and in your own self.


^This, all of this.

Interestingly, this is what I came to realize myself at the end of my recent battle with these entities, and then this post was very reaffirming, so glad to hear I am on the correct Path intuitively.

In short, I focused on continued Ascension into Exaltation and that was all that was needed for battle with this entity.

Cleanse > RAUM/EE-OO/AY-AH > Squares > Other Meditations > Runes > RTRs > Mer Ka Ba > AOP.....For the Win

The Star of Astaroth / Mer Ka Ba Meditation is by far my favorite for protection, I have literally encountered enemy humanoids who could literally not enter my 25 foot radius due to the Powerful Solar Energy shutting them out.

They stop dead in their tracks, so this is a great one to do to help keep enemy humanoids away from you.

The interesting thing I noticed is that when these entities impact you directly it is a different challenge than when they possess a humanoid to do their dirty work on you for them.

When they attack you directly, that means you have raised to a level above what any humanoid can compete with.

The humanoids are easy to defeat, because they are very low frequency (which is how they get possessed in the first place), whereas a direct external influence comes straight from the grey and if you are not Ascended enough, they can influence you, but you can stop them by Ascending.

Spiritual attacks, I noticed, are very obvious and very different than one having a psychic impact.

Spiritual attacks from the enemy always involves influencing you to tie in to or worship their entity, and to do things that an SS would not normally do in any scenario, in addition it will make you mad and continually doubt your reality.

The confusing part between an attack and negative psychic experiences, in my experience, comes from Ascension.

As you meditate and grow etc., especially if you are working with any Fire Elementals, results in a cleansing, death, and rebirth.

These workings are going to naturally kill off anything negative in you and rebuild you into something better, shinier, and refined.

However, this burn off doesn't just occur silently, these sorts of buried emotions, traumas, etc. must be expressed in order to exit the Soul, even emotions are electric, everything is Energy/Matter.

Matter cannot be destroyed, only changed.

And so, in my experience, it is important to be able to understand when you are merely growing and when you are being attacked, because they are definitely not one in the same, but they may occur at the same time, adding to the confusion.

Continuing to do the Meditations and Progressing forward relentlessly is all that is needed, eventually they cannot impact your Frequency level and one Shockwave emitted from your Soul EMP style is all that is needed to scramble their circuitry.

There is no better feeling to me as an SS than to recognize Humanoid enemies and send them a shockwave and watch the results, especially when they are trying to influence you.

In the end I realized that as an SS there really is no one that can stop you except Yourself.

Hey, whats the Star of Astaroth / Mer Ka Ba Meditation?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you as always for your insightful and empowering messages.

I've been a little concerned about 'them' lately. Recently I heard that they already have digital replications of all our memories. It's clear that their goal is to merge all our consciousnesses into one single consciousness (spirit) via gene editing and nanotech.

The later point is abhorrent to me and I can't imagine what sad and depraved entity would evolve from such an act.

Still, I keep seeing people everywhere wearing things that read "we all are one" and even occult style shirts laden with freemason and kabbalah symbols. I work retail and it is grotesque to see how popular it is.

The world is too full of meek and oblivious people. I can't understand why people don't consider the influence of religion and secret societies. Between the royal families, zionists and catholic church there are unbelievable levels of powerful hidden knowledge.

I heard somewhere that a priest made the claim that the information within the Vatican's secret vaults could destroy the world. This (I think) relates to the Davinci Code (I saw the movie and have yet to read the book).

Between that, the strange rumbling earthquake-like sounds and the reports surrounding Cern's hadron collider (colourful bioluminescent clouds, strange lightning) and seemingly conscious AI it's hard to make any rational assessment on what's really going on.

Many people speculate that they want to open portals into another dimension, which would make sense as 'they' could extend their secret trade (children/adrenochrome especially) to the enemy (i.e themselves).

Overall, everything is becoming more digital. I will never own a cellphone and I've found lately more things are asking for cellphone verification, even online banking. It also only gives the options of 1.) Yes, or 2.) Remind Me Later (just like the new updates in Windows 11).

(...now that I think about it it's interesting the call it "windows")

Humanity is throwing itself toward oblivion and we need to get back to our roots (the old way of living as explained by our remarkable HP(s?) and HPSs. Thanks again for helping solidify the our paths and sorry for the rant. :)
A colleague of mine in the 80’s claimed to have been abducted by these creatures. I don’t remember the whole story but I certainly believe it after reading this site.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
kalikat said:
Hey, whats the Star of Astaroth / Mer Ka Ba Meditation?

Find it in here. :)

You really should read all of these. And do whatever ones you feel like you should do.


oh my apologies. I feel silly, not sure why i didn't see that one. Thanks!
kalikat said:
Hey, whats the Star of Astaroth / Mer Ka Ba Meditation?

This: https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Star_of_Astaroth.html
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=383083 time=1661241914 user_id=57]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is VERY IMPORTANT that one must spend mental energy to be with the Gods and not with the enemy. In other words, if you spend too much time whining about the enemy, that is not correct. This time should be in how you connect with the Gods.

This part especially is so true. I've seen this on the forums so often, people who do not (for whatever reason they have) try to connect to the Gods at all. But they talk a lot about the enemy and enemy attacks.

We are children of the Gods! Don't ignore them, don't wait until you are "more psychic to ask for their guidance" (as I've heard here often). Simply ask to be guided to whatever is best for you, whatever you need to know or learn about, and so on. It really does work.

This is very poignant but how does it not contradict the RTR which focuses on the enemy? I spoke to a person who is well aware of magick and they stated it simply gives the enemy power. See here:

"The question you have is a strong and valid one and the answer is found by simultaneous often obscure (yet still recorded and scholars have compared the many schools of thought and the core magical practices (veiled especially with the pig-priesthood of the monotheistic former "minor" tribal storm/war god (the priesthood governing the leading authorities in which the Yahweh cult pushing the attempted elimination of the Ugaritic pantheon and stealing Baal/El/Leviathan's hymn myths while Yahweh steals the stories, ect) found in pseudepigrapha, Apocrypha, with the obscure Qumran cult practices (a pre-gnostic Hebrew mystical offshoot focused on veiled useless magical practices and nice presentations of the Hellenistic-Roman enemies as mytho-poetical incarnations guided by Mastema, Belial, Samael, etc. - thus Dead Sea Scrolls). The mystical works of the medieval Zohar was influenced by Gnostic, Neo-Platonic, Hermetic, Zoroastrian, Manichean (albeit with unacknowledged shame for such so-called heresies) Theurgy but at core monotheistic (steril and oppressive in the essence of Zoharic mystical texts but reveal the Sitra Ahra for Luciferians/Satanist Black Magickians as have strong traits of the Black Flame and opposing the filth of Yahweh) Judaism seeking a weak unity via theurgic and almost apotheosis towards their deity of filth and cosmic sadistic order.

In the Canaanite and Ugaritic ritual hymns such as the Baal Cycle, etc. the magical (yet as the primary kingdom's religious identity) methodology as is within all vile Judeo-Christian, Islamic, and other monotheistic garbage, has a core of theological practice centered in two phases: 1st through the victory of Roman catholicism (and Orthodox Christianity via the Lands of Russia, Greece, etc) over all heresies including the Cathars, Arian Christians (the germanic Vandals following a leading priest named Arius), etc had types of texts and the practice of singing, reciting and performing liturgy and hymns as actualized/activated their controlling power by IDENTIFYING with the Deities, idiot prophets, all exalting the totality of their tyrannical cruel Yahweh. The second phase was suppressing the magical apocrypha by keeping it from their generic sheep-controlling Old and New testaments, taking all magical individualistic and personal methods and making the Church having the only real ask and receive answers authority over the masses. Prayer sterilized the generations after along with illiteracy and the monotheistic retardation of myths and magical hymns of actualizing energies was hidden with garbage of myth becomes some fantastical truth and those not believing get burned!

What Orthodox Eastern Christianity (more respectable compared to Catholicism even though I detest both) and then the Priesthood / Pope maintained was the magical ritual practices of old and the use of Names and words of power (while made watered-down and leading to moral enslavement of an irrational fear of phantom deity) in liturgy and ceremonies of praise and submission. In the traditions which aped esoteric theologies and magical traditions of old, the use of a deities' name along with the traits and descriptive shape it takes or reveals,does consistently respect the metaphysical framework in which energy and investment of belief, symbol association and the unity of will, desire, belief, Names do invoke types of spiritual energy and reflective aspects of the deity and ritual acts of identifying with the power is consistently validated in the skillful practice of Magic. Judeo-Christian Catholic and then the gutter-rats of Baptist christians chose to bury the core magical identification to the steril god of cruelty and servile sheep (in its' presumed shitty human infected world) with adornation of the idiotic belief in a virgin being fucked by Yahweh or via his angel mediator and the Jesus worm was now the turn-key to Yahweh without any semblance of control in magical power with the pig-son via Paul's tall-tale of a super-son who wanted to die for us all (sorry ranting, I hate the very concept of Jesus in all angles). No more Yahweh hymns of identification, even with his shit-son and whorish mother.

Yet, for all their work to remove the Black Flame and historical traditions exalting aspects of the Adversary via many forms, the early AD practices of magic aligned and in syncretic transformation of ritual spells, theurgy and demonology, the secret of how NAMES AND WORDS OF POWER with structured hymns/invocations actually work and are tools of practice. I spent many, many years in simultaneous restorations of what is now modern Luciferianism via my grimoires, the methods restored and traditions adapted in honor of the Black Flame. Here we come to the final part!

NOW, with that out of the way I will answer the question as simply as I can for lack of time and hopefully ease of understanding.
The Sitra Ahra (Other Side) in Qliphothic mysticism is an equal mirror or Adversarial enemy existing in the Other Side, Anticosmic and Abyss of Chaos connected outside of the cosmos and in the subconscious mind. In Luranic and Spanish teachings of fearful Samael, Lilith and Sitra Ahra, the Names of Powers along with our actions (they call sins or perversions from the pure nothingness of the mighty Yahweh and his pig-son) actually are feed and affected by the drama of rejecting the Hebrew tyrannical Zohar and priesthoods controls of so-called "sins", ect.

The beautiful mytho-magical kingdom of the Sitra Ahra and Qliphothic tree mirrors the individual and the tree of life is what they seek. The names and powers invoked (they derive from adversarial deities and demonology outside originally of Hebrew traditions) are to varying extents commanded and directed by the utterance and gnosis totally identifying with the demonic power in question. No need for the Sefirot nothings of Yahweh.

Based on Qliphothic and Luranic methodology adapted in the ever-transforming traditions in Luciferian magick, Samael (as the liberator against cosmic slavery) and Lilith equal in the Abyss the Yahweh and Shekina. Invoking in my early initiation (with little research material), the invocation and energy-consumed/transformed via the Black Flame is done via the name of the Tetragrammaton (in short formulated as using Hebrew letters/numerical values in the form of YHVH in the counteracting opening and seeking to destroy small aspects of the cosmic linar stream by reaching/building the Sitra Ahra with HVHI, the destructive reflective power. THIS method was only slightly worth the work I did with it; my academics and knowledge afforded my path to become increasingly vital and expansive by moving to other methods of entering/influence/guiding with the Sitra Ahra and the Deific Masks dwelling partly in the Abyss.

No need to curse the cosmic nothingness of the monotheists who ignore the false elevation of a all-knowing powerful creative deity; the light they think they worship is absorbing most likely by the chosen and voluntary degeneration of mind and loss of consciousness and choice via entering the death of Yahweh in their cosmic order. NATURE itself reveals that Yahweh did not in any creative form establish or rule this chaos-activated cosmic and linear flow of the world. Cursing Yahweh has no purpose and will be a wasted effort in that devotion to the Adversary, Sitra Ahra and the Black Flame we have a void and gulf making us far and alien to this light of nothingness. Blasphemy in a traditional sense, burning away the moral imprints of Yahweh-cults guilt-tripping and conditioning via society and parents, is a liberating and inspiring concentration of the Satanic and primal darkness embracing in totality the balance hidden in the demonic.

Liber HVHI is the disorderly utterance of the foundation of Qlipthothic demonology and Luciferian initiation. It is a declaration and not cursing/helping Yahweh in any sense beyond what an insect could do to a brick wall. Does this make sense? Joy of Satan has no validative authenticity in practice or methodological theory in the anxiety-feeling bi-polar "you can do nothing right with speaking it back or forward". It is merely empty some decayed "satanic blended soup" with far-reaching idiocy in an internet-governed attempt to appear possessing mystical/hidden knowledge all the while practicing or identifying the tools/skills of real-world, balanced initiation and magick.

Yahweh was originally an epithet which translates and means with the four Hebrew letters, 'To Be', namely a magickal word assuming direct control and vibration of sound waves with fire influencing and autocratic deification. Later variations were 'he exists'. "I am" is an abstraction of the atom-binding spinning energy set in motion via the explosion and expansion of the cosmos and universe. No mere Yahweh is the architect of the universe they lay claim to, rather I suspect different anticosmic and types of chaos taking shape in mother-like dominating all conscious life voluntarily, thus destroying the Black Flame within the human psyche and using those atoms/energy in a cosmic blender to regurgitate the cycles of nothingness of physical birth. Does this make some abstract sense?

I early on elevated/re constructed Goetic ritual invocations as I detested the Goetia Christian-Hebrew insulting invocations using the Christian cosmological falsity of Yahweh, restoring the respectful yet lawless command of uttering the Satanic/Qliphothic/Adversarial Names and Luciferian formula of incantations which does not bring a subconscious decay in confidence by unknowingly using the Hebraic tyrannical idiocy to encourage concepts of their morals of the lie of good vs evil, along with guilty identifications of Yahweh with "good" and "evil" as being of the Adversary. In time, no deep philosophical alignment with the Luciferian 11 Points of Power as the degenerating luminance of the Black Flame by self-defeating renaissance Christian infected ceremonial grimoires.

Also, in my published work, Grand Grimoire of Infernal Pacts, I formulated the epithet of Adonai, etc reflecting Canaanite/Ugaritic lordly traits in which disorderly/counter calling the destructive abyssic darkness of heretical blasphemy by wearing the mask to command the apotheosis of the Watchers against the deities' control of life and death.

I invested much time in this and must cease this message for my quality of tasks before me. Hope this helps."
DeusDemon said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=383083 time=1661241914 user_id=57]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is VERY IMPORTANT that one must spend mental energy to be with the Gods and not with the enemy. In other words, if you spend too much time whining about the enemy, that is not correct. This time should be in how you connect with the Gods.

This part especially is so true. I've seen this on the forums so often, people who do not (for whatever reason they have) try to connect to the Gods at all. But they talk a lot about the enemy and enemy attacks.

We are children of the Gods! Don't ignore them, don't wait until you are "more psychic to ask for their guidance" (as I've heard here often). Simply ask to be guided to whatever is best for you, whatever you need to know or learn about, and so on. It really does work.

This is very poignant but how does it not contradict the RTR which focuses on the enemy? I spoke to a person who is well aware of magick and they stated it simply gives the enemy power. See here:

"The question you have is a strong and valid one and the answer is found by simultaneous often obscure (yet still recorded and scholars have compared the many schools of thought and the core magical practices (veiled especially with the pig-priesthood of the monotheistic former "minor" tribal storm/war god (the priesthood governing the leading authorities in which the Yahweh cult pushing the attempted elimination of the Ugaritic pantheon and stealing Baal/El/Leviathan's hymn myths while Yahweh steals the stories, ect) found in pseudepigrapha, Apocrypha, with the obscure Qumran cult practices (a pre-gnostic Hebrew mystical offshoot focused on veiled useless magical practices and nice presentations of the Hellenistic-Roman enemies as mytho-poetical incarnations guided by Mastema, Belial, Samael, etc. - thus Dead Sea Scrolls). The mystical works of the medieval Zohar was influenced by Gnostic, Neo-Platonic, Hermetic, Zoroastrian, Manichean (albeit with unacknowledged shame for such so-called heresies) Theurgy but at core monotheistic (steril and oppressive in the essence of Zoharic mystical texts but reveal the Sitra Ahra for Luciferians/Satanist Black Magickians as have strong traits of the Black Flame and opposing the filth of Yahweh) Judaism seeking a weak unity via theurgic and almost apotheosis towards their deity of filth and cosmic sadistic order.

In the Canaanite and Ugaritic ritual hymns such as the Baal Cycle, etc. the magical (yet as the primary kingdom's religious identity) methodology as is within all vile Judeo-Christian, Islamic, and other monotheistic garbage, has a core of theological practice centered in two phases: 1st through the victory of Roman catholicism (and Orthodox Christianity via the Lands of Russia, Greece, etc) over all heresies including the Cathars, Arian Christians (the germanic Vandals following a leading priest named Arius), etc had types of texts and the practice of singing, reciting and performing liturgy and hymns as actualized/activated their controlling power by IDENTIFYING with the Deities, idiot prophets, all exalting the totality of their tyrannical cruel Yahweh. The second phase was suppressing the magical apocrypha by keeping it from their generic sheep-controlling Old and New testaments, taking all magical individualistic and personal methods and making the Church having the only real ask and receive answers authority over the masses. Prayer sterilized the generations after along with illiteracy and the monotheistic retardation of myths and magical hymns of actualizing energies was hidden with garbage of myth becomes some fantastical truth and those not believing get burned!

What Orthodox Eastern Christianity (more respectable compared to Catholicism even though I detest both) and then the Priesthood / Pope maintained was the magical ritual practices of old and the use of Names and words of power (while made watered-down and leading to moral enslavement of an irrational fear of phantom deity) in liturgy and ceremonies of praise and submission. In the traditions which aped esoteric theologies and magical traditions of old, the use of a deities' name along with the traits and descriptive shape it takes or reveals,does consistently respect the metaphysical framework in which energy and investment of belief, symbol association and the unity of will, desire, belief, Names do invoke types of spiritual energy and reflective aspects of the deity and ritual acts of identifying with the power is consistently validated in the skillful practice of Magic. Judeo-Christian Catholic and then the gutter-rats of Baptist christians chose to bury the core magical identification to the steril god of cruelty and servile sheep (in its' presumed shitty human infected world) with adornation of the idiotic belief in a virgin being fucked by Yahweh or via his angel mediator and the Jesus worm was now the turn-key to Yahweh without any semblance of control in magical power with the pig-son via Paul's tall-tale of a super-son who wanted to die for us all (sorry ranting, I hate the very concept of Jesus in all angles). No more Yahweh hymns of identification, even with his shit-son and whorish mother.

Yet, for all their work to remove the Black Flame and historical traditions exalting aspects of the Adversary via many forms, the early AD practices of magic aligned and in syncretic transformation of ritual spells, theurgy and demonology, the secret of how NAMES AND WORDS OF POWER with structured hymns/invocations actually work and are tools of practice. I spent many, many years in simultaneous restorations of what is now modern Luciferianism via my grimoires, the methods restored and traditions adapted in honor of the Black Flame. Here we come to the final part!

NOW, with that out of the way I will answer the question as simply as I can for lack of time and hopefully ease of understanding.
The Sitra Ahra (Other Side) in Qliphothic mysticism is an equal mirror or Adversarial enemy existing in the Other Side, Anticosmic and Abyss of Chaos connected outside of the cosmos and in the subconscious mind. In Luranic and Spanish teachings of fearful Samael, Lilith and Sitra Ahra, the Names of Powers along with our actions (they call sins or perversions from the pure nothingness of the mighty Yahweh and his pig-son) actually are feed and affected by the drama of rejecting the Hebrew tyrannical Zohar and priesthoods controls of so-called "sins", ect.

The beautiful mytho-magical kingdom of the Sitra Ahra and Qliphothic tree mirrors the individual and the tree of life is what they seek. The names and powers invoked (they derive from adversarial deities and demonology outside originally of Hebrew traditions) are to varying extents commanded and directed by the utterance and gnosis totally identifying with the demonic power in question. No need for the Sefirot nothings of Yahweh.

Based on Qliphothic and Luranic methodology adapted in the ever-transforming traditions in Luciferian magick, Samael (as the liberator against cosmic slavery) and Lilith equal in the Abyss the Yahweh and Shekina. Invoking in my early initiation (with little research material), the invocation and energy-consumed/transformed via the Black Flame is done via the name of the Tetragrammaton (in short formulated as using Hebrew letters/numerical values in the form of YHVH in the counteracting opening and seeking to destroy small aspects of the cosmic linar stream by reaching/building the Sitra Ahra with HVHI, the destructive reflective power. THIS method was only slightly worth the work I did with it; my academics and knowledge afforded my path to become increasingly vital and expansive by moving to other methods of entering/influence/guiding with the Sitra Ahra and the Deific Masks dwelling partly in the Abyss.

No need to curse the cosmic nothingness of the monotheists who ignore the false elevation of a all-knowing powerful creative deity; the light they think they worship is absorbing most likely by the chosen and voluntary degeneration of mind and loss of consciousness and choice via entering the death of Yahweh in their cosmic order. NATURE itself reveals that Yahweh did not in any creative form establish or rule this chaos-activated cosmic and linear flow of the world. Cursing Yahweh has no purpose and will be a wasted effort in that devotion to the Adversary, Sitra Ahra and the Black Flame we have a void and gulf making us far and alien to this light of nothingness. Blasphemy in a traditional sense, burning away the moral imprints of Yahweh-cults guilt-tripping and conditioning via society and parents, is a liberating and inspiring concentration of the Satanic and primal darkness embracing in totality the balance hidden in the demonic.

Liber HVHI is the disorderly utterance of the foundation of Qlipthothic demonology and Luciferian initiation. It is a declaration and not cursing/helping Yahweh in any sense beyond what an insect could do to a brick wall. Does this make sense? Joy of Satan has no validative authenticity in practice or methodological theory in the anxiety-feeling bi-polar "you can do nothing right with speaking it back or forward". It is merely empty some decayed "satanic blended soup" with far-reaching idiocy in an internet-governed attempt to appear possessing mystical/hidden knowledge all the while practicing or identifying the tools/skills of real-world, balanced initiation and magick.

Yahweh was originally an epithet which translates and means with the four Hebrew letters, 'To Be', namely a magickal word assuming direct control and vibration of sound waves with fire influencing and autocratic deification. Later variations were 'he exists'. "I am" is an abstraction of the atom-binding spinning energy set in motion via the explosion and expansion of the cosmos and universe. No mere Yahweh is the architect of the universe they lay claim to, rather I suspect different anticosmic and types of chaos taking shape in mother-like dominating all conscious life voluntarily, thus destroying the Black Flame within the human psyche and using those atoms/energy in a cosmic blender to regurgitate the cycles of nothingness of physical birth. Does this make some abstract sense?

I early on elevated/re constructed Goetic ritual invocations as I detested the Goetia Christian-Hebrew insulting invocations using the Christian cosmological falsity of Yahweh, restoring the respectful yet lawless command of uttering the Satanic/Qliphothic/Adversarial Names and Luciferian formula of incantations which does not bring a subconscious decay in confidence by unknowingly using the Hebraic tyrannical idiocy to encourage concepts of their morals of the lie of good vs evil, along with guilty identifications of Yahweh with "good" and "evil" as being of the Adversary. In time, no deep philosophical alignment with the Luciferian 11 Points of Power as the degenerating luminance of the Black Flame by self-defeating renaissance Christian infected ceremonial grimoires.

Also, in my published work, Grand Grimoire of Infernal Pacts, I formulated the epithet of Adonai, etc reflecting Canaanite/Ugaritic lordly traits in which disorderly/counter calling the destructive abyssic darkness of heretical blasphemy by wearing the mask to command the apotheosis of the Watchers against the deities' control of life and death.

I invested much time in this and must cease this message for my quality of tasks before me. Hope this helps."

I don't agree with this Luciferian ideology. Using the powers of the Gods for our own gains is not the way of Spiritual Satanism but rather Luciferianism and the other ilk spoke of in the quote by 'alleged' Michael W Ford, who's book (linked in comment above) has a binding circle around the Baphomet.

I don't understand this concept of the "black flame" though. Do you have any idea what it's supposed to represent? I don't believe this concept has a place or exists in Spiritual Satanism, though I hear it in music (e.g, Gorgoroth - Sign of an Open Eye, etc.)

Another thing I'm reading is these Luciferians view Satan (adversary) as darkness and Lucifer as light, thus to them Satan is both.

I'd like to gain a stronger delineation between what Luciferianism is in contrast to Satanism. That said, the only truth I will hold fast to is the one here and nothing will ever change that, this I am certain.

As far as Luciferianism goes, I'd suggest almost no two Luciferians have the same beliefs because I'm seeing all kinds of different groups with different occult influences, even hybridizations of (fake) Satanism and Luciferianism.

I'd implore you to thoroughly read through the JoS website and the Satanic Library. The JoS directory in my signature should take you there.
sublimestatanist said:
I don't understand this concept of the "black flame" though. Do you have any idea what it's supposed to represent? I don't believe this concept has a place or exists in Spiritual Satanism, though I hear it in music (e.g, Gorgoroth - Sign of an Open Eye, etc.)

It is similar to and related to the black sun. A bright and powerful flame of energy that can be taken into the soul. The reason it is called black is because it is not visible in the 3 dimensions like a regular flame. Black is often another word for invisible.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It is similar to and related to the black sun. A bright and powerful flame of energy that can be taken into the soul. The reason it is called black is because it is not visible in the 3 dimensions like a regular flame. Black is often another word for invisible.

Very informative, thank you Ol argedo luciftias!

I think it'd be cool to have a meditation for this on the Satanic Witchcraft page.

So essentially it's a source of spiritual power, like white energy?

I know there's also blue flame energy. This, from what I've read on the forums, has been used to attack/destroy enemy presences in our midst.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
