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How the jews destroyed Africa part2

Kyrique B

Jan 7, 2011
As the cliché famously goes when one attempts to point out the mysterious or little-known intricacies of a certain historical event, “the devil is in the details.” An extension of this idiom, when it is applied to the shadowy world of the tribal supremacist persons who govern geopolitics through their kinship networks that extend throughout every sector of society, would most aptly be, “the more details, the more devils.” And nowhere is this addendum more appropriately put to use than the ravaged continent of Africa.

In Mask of Zion’s first report on Jewish-Zionist intrigues in Africa, “The Zionist Infestation Of Africa: Zimbabwe To Uganda, Congo To Somalia And Beyond (1),”numerous nations, events and figures were investigated and a plethora of previously suppressed or unknown truths were brought to light for the very first time. This second summary will expound upon many of these revelations, exposing new players, going behind the curtains of new nations and returning to critical plot points already discussed to present an even more damning account of the overall agenda of the Jewish exploitation machine vigorously gnawing at the core of the African continent. Thus, “the more details, the more devils,” and assuredly, the following will not contain a shortage of either.

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://3.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] The Zionist entity has stolen so much water from Palestine, it must now thieve from Sudan, Egypt and Libya to sustain its cr[/IMG]The Zionist Entity’s Water Wars: Sudan, Egypt and Libya

Abdullahi Al Azreg, Sudan’s Ambassador to Britain, recently gave a stunningly candid interview to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Press TV in regards to the ongoing conflict between his nation and the artificial country known as “South Sudan”. Ambassador Al Azreg stated unequivocally that the South Sudan regime was engaged in a “proxy war to execute the projects of the Zionist movement”; he further declared them “puppets,” not only carrying out “designs” against Khartoum itself but “other Muslim and Arab countries.”  He slammed Jewish Hollywood as a prime mover and shaker against Sudan and accurately noted that the “Save Darfur” campaign was the product of several powerful American Jewish organizations.  He also pegged the seemingly nonstop propaganda against Sudan as “mainly Zionist propaganda (2).”  These admissions are echoed and fully documented by an abyssal Mask of Zion investigative report on  Jewish Hollywood’s symbiotic relationship with the usurping Zionist entity and how it routinely targets the enemies of “Israel” through its films, television shows and actors (3).

What lies at the heart of the criminal Zionist regime’s subversion of Sudan, beyond the obvious prize of oil and the immediate objective of balkanization, is blue-gold; water, lots and lots of water, and not just any body of water either, but the ancient Nile River itself. This plot, developed in 1974 and known as the “Yeor Plan”, would see Nile water diverted from Egypt’s northern Sinai region through tunnels underneath the Suez Canal and ultimately, through the illegally besieged Gaza Strip into al-Naqab, referred to by occupying “Israeli” Jews as the “Negev”. The Zionist regime initially suggested that 1% of the Nile’s precious water would be sufficient for its needs. The problem with this seemingly tiny amount however,  was that the 1% desired by usurping Jewish entity belonged to Sudan. Despite the Zionists’ ambitions and the notorious Egyptian collaborationist Anwar el-Sadat’s treacherous willingness to oblige them, Egypt could not transfer any of its water resources unilaterally; it needed approval from its Nile partners: Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Zaire (4). The only nation here that was operating from a staunch anti-Zionist stance of course, was Sudan, and disapproval from just one of the nine nations, invalidated any such dispersal objectives. Sudan had to be ruined and put under control for the Jewish supremacist enclave’s “H2O hegemony” could be established.

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://3.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] The usurping Jewish regime is not subverting its North African enemies for oil and land alone as it is so often said; "Israel" wants their precious "blue-gold." [/TD]
The Yeor Plan was concocted because “Israel” is suffering, and has always suffered from a  water crisis and thus far, it has proved to be completely incapable of solving it, generating more and more political instability with each passing moment (5). This is due to the Zionist occupiers being nothing more than the equivalents of parasites. They consume, consume and consume, caring not in the slightest about the land they are literally bleeding dry (6).  Every one of the rivers that flourished with pristineness before the advent of Zionism is now polluted, some to devastatingly deadly levels, except the Upper Jordan. The Lower Jordan on the other hand is used by the usurping, occupying Jews as nothing more than a dumping ground.  88% of the wells in the occupation capital of Tel Aviv are polluted, and this is just the tip of the iceberg (7). 

The Zionist land thieves can’t turn to the water in the occupied West Bank because of their policies of “water occupation” and “water apartheid”, in which they systematically destroy Palestinian water wells while hoarding hundreds of millions of cubic meters of water, insanely forcing Palestinians to buy their own water back at criminally inflated prices and taking over major aquifers throughout the territory, effectively denying the aboriginal Palestinian people of one of their most basic human rights.  These cruel Zionist efforts are being aided by Britain (8), the Talmudist Rothschild family’s “homebase” and great colonial pillager of Africa. And in illegally besieged Gaza, the situation is even more daunting. An astonishing 95% of the water in the Strip is undrinkable thanks to Jewish contamination, specifically the ungodly bombing campaign carried out by the “Israeli” terrorist army during Operation Cast Lead.  Additionally, due to this, hundreds of Palestinian babies in the world’s largest open air prison are suffering from “blue baby syndrome,” a horrific disease of immune system deficiency and disfigurement (9).  The hateful usurping entity doesn’t mind the children of non-Jews suffering because of poisoned water but it would never subject its own “tribe” to such horrors. Hence why it needs Africa’s blue-gold. 

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://4.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] Egyptian giant Gamal Abdul Nasser: assassinated by Zionist asset Anwar el-Sadat. [/TD]
Without the collusion of the aforementioned Anwar el-Sadat, arguably the Arab World’s filthiest collaborationist, the Yeor Plan wouldn’t even be a remote possibility. In fact, to take it a step further, if the great Arab nationalist leader Gamal Abdul Nasser was alive, not even the dream of such a plot would have made its way into reality. And this is why Nasser, the usurping Jewish entity’s arch-nemesis, “had to go”. A longtime target of Mossad and CIA operations, President Nasser died untimely at the age of 52 on September 28th, 1970.  Eyewitness testimony confirms that none other than Anwar el-Sadat himself is responsible for poisoning the legendary Nasser on behalf of his “Israeli” and American masters. Nasser didn’t “die of natural causes” as it is commonly repeated in mainstream historical discourse, he was assassinated (10).  El-Sadat, a self-hating Arab, immediately hijacked the Egyptian presidency in the wake of Nasser’s death, and  began implementing initiatives to spread sectarian hatred throughout society, cheapen Islam for imperial objectives and de-Arabize Egyptian culture (11) , all to the great pleasure of “Israel” and the Zionist-occupied governments of the West. Nasser of course, was  vehemently anti-sectarian and did everything in his power to preserve Muslim and Egyptian unity (12).

While Egypt was being subverted on a cultural, societal and political level by their proxy el-Sadat, the Zionists deepened their presence in the North African giant that had already been in effect for decades prior. Operation Susannah was the first, in which Egyptian-Jewish Aman operatives posed as Arabs and attempted to detonate explosives inside Egyptian, American and British targets; the goal was to foment a Western proxy war against Nasser so “Israel” could retake the Suez Canal. The event is known today as the Lavon Affair. Most infamous of all is easily the Mossad-CIA conspiracy known as “Operation Cyanide”, in which Egypt was to be blamed for an attack on an American Navy ship, thus triggering World War Three. The operation spun out of control and is now known as the USS Liberty Massacre. Since 1978, at least 15 “Israeli” spy networks have been dismantled within Egypt. Former Shin Bet head and Zionist war criminal Avi Dichter declared openly to a crowd at the “Israeli” National Security Research Center on May 26, 2010 that weakening Egypt was vital to the very foundation of the Zionist entity’s foreign policy (13). 
<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://3.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] Much of the Zionist regime's subversion in Egypt focuses on breaking up the unity between Muslims and Christians. [/TD]
On New Year’s Day 2011, Mossad detonated a car bomb right outside of al-Qiddissin Coptic Church in Alexandria, murdering at least 25 innocent people, just one week after yet another “Israeli” spy network was uncovered. The usurping Jewish regime’s international intelligence directorate was spying on Egyptian government officials, attempting to penetrate Islamic opposition groups and infiltrating Egyptian telecommunications firms to strengthen other Zionist espionage networks in Lebanon and Syria.  The objective of the bombing was to provoke Muslim-Christian tension. Thankfully, this failed miserably (14).  Only a few weeks after the murderous attack came the “Egyptian Revolution”, which the Zionist entity had its hands in with its proxy, the April 6 Youth Movement, a group of westernized House Arabs bankrolled by Jewish capitalist strongmen, Peter Ackerman and George Soros.  The aims of the April 6 Youth Movement were to subvert the real revolutionary fervor of the Egyptian people and secure the installation of a regime like that of el-Sadat’s equally treasonous successor, Hosni Mubarak (15).  Currently, as per the 1982 plan of Oded Yinon, “A Strategy For Israel In The 1980s”,  the usurping entity has used the chaos of the “Egyptian Revolution” to launch a full-scale intelligence assault on Egypt to reoccupy the Sinai (16) , a clear scheme to compliment and facilitate the Yeor Plan.  

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://1.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] NATO, the attack dog of international Zionism, murdered more than 100,000 Libyans including al-Qadhdhafi himself, in another Jewish-designed genocide. [/TD]
Directly tied to the Jewish-Zionist designs for Sudan and Egypt is the once-glorious North African nation of Libya. Another target of Oded Yinon’s nefarious policy paper (17) , Libya has been ravaged by NATO and its proxy militias in another stratagem designed by the forces of international Zionism: UN Watch, a Zionist-headed affiliate of the American Jewish Committee, AIPAC’s foreign policy wing, and the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI), a Jewish-Zionist nest of the same neoconservative war criminals responsible for masterminding the annihilation of Iraq.  The demolition of Libya began on the Jewish revenge holiday of Purim, like Iraq before it, and as of this moment, at least 100,000 innocent lives have been claimed, including women, children and Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhdhafi himself (18).  Apart from thieving Libya’s oil and gold, a central objective of the Zionist war on Libya was to  disassemble al-Qadhdhafi’s Great Manmade River and have several Zionist firms rebuild it, establishing a neoliberal stranglehold over Libya’s entire water supply (19). 

At the peak of the Zionist-engineered aggression, NATO warplanes not only indiscriminately bombed the Great Manmade River, Earth’s largest irrigation project, leveling it and terribly contaminating it beyond measure, but the only factory that made replacement pipes for it. The Zionist-controlled mainstream media  buried this crime against humanity, this act of unadulterated malevolence, with deceptive coverage of the ungodly massacre of Norwegian teenagers on Utøya Island, reporting it as the work of a lone gunman instead of the real perpetrator: the usurping Jewish entity’s Mossad (20).  The Great Manmade River was providing water and irrigation to at least 70% of the Libyan people, in addition to serving as an asset for Libya to challenge “Israeli”-Egyptian hegemony over the vegetable-export market in Europe. A key element of the Great Manmade River’s functioning is the  Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System, largest fossil water aquifer system in the world, which lies beneath Libya, Egypt, Sudan and Chad (21).  It should be noted that  Chad has been used as a staging ground by the usurping Zionist entity and its American marionettes to destabilize Libya since the 1980s (22).  

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://2.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] The US and the EU, the Zionist Power Configuration's vultures, left Libya ravaged so "Israel" could control [/IMG]Imperium Judaica[/I]’s hegemony over North Africa’s water resources are Veolia (formerly Vivendi), Suez Ondeo (formerly Generale des Eaux) and Saur, Zionist-French multinational behemoths that control over 40% of the global water market (23). Veolia in particular is an ultra-Zionist firm, with deep ties to the usurping Jewish entity and its closest ally, the House of Saud. The Zionist-French mega-corporation is complicit in monstrous human rights abuses across occupied Palestine, from the West Bank to al-Quds, as it provides direct services to the “Israeli” institutions that uphold the tyranny, from the IOF to the illegal Jewish settlements (24). Veolia will no doubt be the chief executor of Zionism’s Yeor Plan. 

A man by the name of Jean-Luc Touly, who was employed as an accountant at Veolia/Vivendi for 30 years, blew the whistle on the origins of these multinational water giants. They were created more than 150 years ago. And they were created by bankers (25). At that point in history (and really, at this point in history too), the word “banker” was dead-on synonymous with the phrases“Rothschild family” and “Rothschild lieutenant”, and France, a mighty colonial power, was (and still is) under the jackboot of this predatory plutocratic Jewish dynasty, lock, stock and barrel (1). To this very moment,Veolia/Vivendi is being advised by the Rothschilds (26). It is fitting that a creation of the International Jewish Money Power, stays with the International Jewish Money Power. And it is equally fitting that Africa, raped and pillaged repeatedly and incessantly by Rothschild-financed colonialism for centuries, is being prepped for this creation, this three-headed Zionist “water monster”, to hurt it and torment it even more. 

The Un[/IMG] “Israel” growing closer to the fabricated regime in South Sudan with each passing day, a dastardly military-intelligence relationship that dates back to at least 1967 (29)
, it is also clear that the water wars against Sudan, Libya and Egypt are, unfortunately, ongoing Zionist projects. 

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://4.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] MASHAV, a  "humanitarian aid" front for the Jewish occupation entity's Foreign Ministry, has penetrated deep [/IMG]The Union Of “Israel” And USAID: A Match Made In Hell

On April 23rd, 2012, the treacherous USAID signed an MOU with its “Israeli” counterpart, MASHAV, a subordinate of the Zionist occupation regime’s Foreign Ministry. As if to brag about the closeness between the two subversives, MASHAV director Daniel Carmon said, “This agreement is not the start of the relationship; it is the continuing and the strengthening of the relationship.”  The MOU was designed to increase USAID-MASHAV cooperation in the field of “food security” for four African nations: Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Rwanda, all proxies of the Jewish terror “state.” The MOU is the first of its kind (30) ; it has taken the lengthy cooperation between USAID and MASHAV, as confirmed by Carmon, from the covert realm to the public eye. 

“Food security” is merely a front however. The eerie name of the initiative is  “Feed The Future,” and one of the key areas that MASHAV will be focusing on is water and irrigation technologies (31).  The only “future” that this new overt USAID-MASHAV axis is going to be “feeding” is the usurping Zionist entity’s appetite for more water wars. Jordanian political science professor  Ghazi al-Rababah has correctly observed that  “Israel” plans to fight multiple water wars over the next 7 years, not only in North Africa where Egypt will be target number one, but also in Lebanon over the ancient Litani River, which the Zionist dragon stole hundreds of millions of cubic meters of water from during its savage 22-year occupation of the South (32).  The “Feed The Future” plot of USAID and MASHAV will undoubtedly assist in these expansionist war plans. 

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://3.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] USAID, run by Jewish-Zionist Donald K. Steinberg, is MASHAV's "American" partner in crime. [/TD]
Mask of Zion’s first study of Zionism in Africa rigorously documented the extensive relationships between the Talmudic occupation enclave and Uganda, Ethiopia and Tanzania. Rwanda though, was only mentioned in passing due to Mask of Zion's investigation of  Jewish-Zionist Donald K. Steinberg, current controller of USAID and longtime US State Department stalwart who advised the “philo-Semitic” war criminal Clinton administration to turn a blind eye to the Rwandan Genocide (1).  It is completely certain that the destructive USAID-MASHAV partnership was spearheaded by “Israel-firster” Steinberg and, it is also completely certain that he helped cover up the Rwanda Genocide because his beloved Zionist entity was in the thick of it, at the core of it, organizing, plotting and directing, unbeknownst to the majority of the world. 

The Rwandan Genocide wasn’t a product of years of ethnic tension between Hutu and Tutsi as it so familiarly repeated in parrot-like fashion, an assessment awash in colonialist and orientalist undertones and overtones. It was the result of Zionist-Western intrigue, neocolonialism and intelligence operations at the highest levels. A devilish assassination was the spark of the massacres and ethnic cleansing that eventually became genocide. Juvénal Habyarimana, the third president of Rwanda, was brutally murdered on April 6th, 1994 when his plane was s hot down by the forces of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), led by current Rwandan President Paul Kagame, who holds office despite being accused of a plethora of war crimes (33).  This was the culmination of seditious warfare that began in late 1990, when Kagame’s RPF invaded from Zionist proxy state Uganda, with backing, funds and arms from the CIA and the US State Department. Jewish-Zionist war criminal Madeline Albright, in collusion with Kofi Annan, covered up the origins of the RPF and its atrocities at the UN (34). 
<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://2.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] Rwandan war criminal Paul Kagame with Zionist mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu (real name: Benjamin Mileikowsky); Kagame was and is the frontman for "Israeli"  intrigue in Rwanda.  [/TD]
Kagame was fully backed by the  Zionist-occupied governments of America, Britain and, “Israel” itself provided direct support as well. Mossad agents were embedded with Kagame’s RPF from 1990 until the genocide concluded in 1994 (35).  The primary mover and shaker in the horrific travesty of humanity that unfolded in Rwanda during those years, the war criminal who can be considered the architect of the Rwanda Genocide,  was “Israeli” spymaster David Kimche (36) , a Zionist godfather who participated in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, designed Mossad’s doctrine and modus operandi, helped found Mossad’s research department,  established Mossad’s foothold in Africa in the 1960s as an agent of its Tevel Unit, laid the groundwork for the Sabra and Shatila massacre by building up the Jewish occupation regime’s ties with the Phalangists and a whole host of other services to international Zionism (37).  

Kagame, Kimche’s puppet and protégé, surely as a repayment for its help in establishing his rule, has become one of the usurping Jewish entity’s most visible and vocal African allies. He visited occupied Palestine for the 60th anniversary of the Nakba and became initiated in the Jewish religion of “Holocaustianity.” During his visit,  he met with “Israeli” war criminals Shimon Peres (real name: Szymon Perski) and Tzipi Livni, as well as Burkina Faso’s President Blaise Compaore (38) , another  Mossad asset who, with strong “Israeli” support, overthrew and murdered Burkinabé revolutionary leader Thomas Sankara, one of the great freedom fighters of the modern era (1).  When it was all said and done, the Mossad-RPF-CIA nexus murdered about one million men, women and children and the  majority of the victims were Hutu, not Tutsi as “official history (read: Jewish history)” has it. World opinion on the Rwandan Genocide remains diluted, largely in part to the viral viewing of the critically acclaimed film, “Hotel Rwanda,” which depicts Kagame and his RPF band of slaughterous thugs as heroes (39). 
<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://2.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] Thanks to Zionist puppet Kagame, Rwanda and "Israel" now have exceedingly brotherly relations. [/TD]
This is the final phase of international Zionism’s gutting of Rwanda, spreading hasbara to cover its tracks and fool the world as it has with every other conflict, war and swindle that it has forged since its ascendance to global power. Hotel Rwanda was produced by Lions Gate Films and United Artists, both owned and operated by Zionist Jews, like every other film studio and production company in Jewish Hollywood (3).  United Artists is a subsidiary of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM),  a Jewish “founding father firm” of the entertainment capital of the world that has historical ties to Jewish Organized Crime (40) , including the real “boss of bosses”, the real “don of dons”, the powerful and shadowy figure who was known simply as  “The Fixer,” Sidney Korshak (41) , a Jewish supremacist at heart, a s evidenced by his anti-assimilation mentality and vast donations to the Zionist entity (42). 

While the interconnected networks of International Jewry indeed intended to keep the domineering role of “Israel” far away from the Rwanda tragedy, its machinations are exposed here for all to see. May the Rwandan people come to know this dark, shocking and potent truth so their martyrs can not only rest in peace once and for all, but so their tormentors, Steinberg, Albright, Kimche, Kagame, his RPF commanders, the Mossad superiors of Kimche and the rest, pay severely for their bloody and pernicious crimes. Rwanda needs its freedom; and the perfect way to start a struggle for it would be to scrap the treachery of USAID and MASHAV, therefore alleviating the East African nation from anymore unnecessary Zionist plunder.

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://4.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] Glencore: the corporate leviathan founded by  Jewish-Zionist "fugitive financier" Marc Rich;  currently headed by Zionist Jew Ivan [/IMG]Glencore: An Empire Of Zionist Criminality Built With African Blood

Marc Rich is a name that is perceived to no longer have relevance in the fields of geopolitics, international finance or global espionage. Marc Rich is a man that is considered to be part of a bygone era. Such perceptions and considerations are drastically inaccurate. Marc Rich is famous for being a “fugitive financier”, a Jewish-Zionist billionaire who spent years on the run from American and international authorities for tax evasion and illegal oil deals, only to be pardoned by war criminal and Zionist stooge Bill Clinton on his last day in office. What is buried about Rich is that he was a lifelong asset of the Zionist entity’s Mossad who conducted business in Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran as a means of spying on these nations for “Israel.”  Rich was pardoned by Clinton after sledgehammer pressure from “Israeli” leaders like the aforementioned Shimon Peres, Ehud Barak (real name: Ehud Brog), ex-Mossa

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Gonna have to read this later, but kudos on what looks like a thoroughly researched, expertly written report. This board could be one of the better things to happen to JoS in a long time.

Wisdom And Strength
I didn't write this there's a link to the real post I just copied and paste. I will be writing about the black entertainment industry from my own words.
Thank you for posting!! :)

Where is the link so I may share and inform other Africans about this ??


Blessings !

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
